Home Preparations for the winter Scorpio and Sagittarius Compatibility. Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility: Head-on Collision or Missing Link

Scorpio and Sagittarius Compatibility. Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility: Head-on Collision or Missing Link

People born under the sign of Scorpio are quite strange, in particular, incomprehensible and have some mystical abilities, although astrologers do not find anything of the kind in this, because they were born under the care of the planet Pluto.

This planet was named after the famous royal Roman ruler, moreover, very difficult, and even underground. This can explain the presence of multiple talents in people of this sign.

People who were born under the sign of Sagittarius are very friendly and too sincere. It is simply impossible not to love such people. It should also be said that Jupiter became the patron of this sign, which gives its offspring maximum charm.

The planet Jupiter was named after Rimsky supreme god pantheon, which is directly related to the excesses of Sagittarius, who are always short of something. This also explains the constant craving for pleasure.

Scorpio people are born under the water element, which is also considered the "soul of the world."

This element in Scorpio people is in an icy state, but all of humanity needs to understand that touching such an iceberg is very dangerous, because it can demolish everything in its path. He does not care about any obstacles and problems.

The element of fire is considered the "engine of the world." Therefore, Sagittarius people are so active and energetic. The fire of Sagittarius people is quite complex, it can easily be compared with a fickle lightning bolt that can flare up in completely different places.

Astrologers have great doubts about compatibility in love relationships Sagittarius and Scorpio, because people are fiery and water element often they don't get along very well.

But as we know, opposites attract, so the stars with a smirk rant about what will come out of a relationship born under the auspices of Pluto and Jupiter.

Scorpio girls are the most mysterious of all the existing signs. This baby of Pluto at birth caused all baby boys to lose their violent appetite and deep sleep.

Such a water girl is more or less a sorceress, she will single out her betrothed from hundreds of thousands of representatives of the stronger sex. In the list of conquered men, the Scorpio heartbreaker has a lot, the men themselves are ready to fight for their lady of the heart until their last breath.

Men experience happiness even from a simple smile of a lady of the water element. Such women are very passionate and tireless, next to such women men feel the happiest in the whole world.

But, if the chosen one of such a girl does not memorize one single rule, then happiness and a calm life simply will not happen. The rule sounds something like this: "No flirting - if the Scorpio lady finds out even about the most innocent communication or coquetry, then quarrels about this are simply inevitable."

In case of betrayal, a man should think about the services of a plastic surgeon and friendship with aliens - after all, such women love to take revenge and their revenge is something cruel.

The young man Sagittarius is always a young and tireless merry fellow. A man born under the fire element is quite difficult to see dull or upset. When such people are born, all babies begin to laugh, jump out of their beds and dance.

Girls simply idolize Sagittarius men, because next to such a fiery man, absolutely anyone can become happy. But the huge problem of Sagittarius men is their love of love and windiness.

Now he sees next to him a princess girl, tomorrow a milkmaid, and the day after tomorrow an avid feminist.

It is completely unrealistic to harbor a grudge against such people, because they are not to blame for always being ready to start a new relationship.

Men of the fiery element cannot stand swearing and arguments in principle, but if it comes to jealousy, then such a scene will follow in response that everyone simply cannot say hello.


Girls born under the sign of Scorpio are very active. You can meet such people either where, a prerequisite is danger. Adrenaline rush and constant risk is an integral part of the delight and happiness for aquatic women.

Such girls cannot stand all kinds of acquaintances, so if they see crowds of their fans, they will try to hide. The legs of such girls are long, so catching up with them is simply unrealistic.

Young Sagittarius men always create a holiday around themselves. When a guy appears under the care of Jupiter, fun always reigns, a lot of fireworks, everyone rejoices, dances.

Not far from such people, people from humorous shows are constantly spinning in order to overhear a few good jokes. The stars had to rack their brains to find perfect place and the time of meeting such different people.

It was decided that water scorpion and the fiery Sagittarius will meet each other on a new horror film, where the cheerful Sagittarius will go to have fun, and the active girl will go in search of new sensations.

Actually interesting moment, when everyone in the hall froze in anticipation and fear, loud laughter sounded (well, we understand that it was our merry fellow who decided to defuse the tense situation in this way).

As per the scenario, everyone in the hall began to resent such actions of the guy, and only the Scorpio girl bulged out on fiery man open mouth. Our Sagittarius could not fail to notice such attention of a mysterious person.

Therefore, after a couple of minutes I was sitting next to her, forgetting about the film and the fact that they interfere with other viewers - they began to laugh out loud and throw popcorn at people.


When the children of the planets Pluto and Jupiter were on the street, they finally had the opportunity to see each other better. Of course, ideally, romantic music should have been heard, which, of course, did not happen. It would be more likely that an earthquake would start there, but this is a mere trifle.

An attractive Sagittarius man showed a desire to take an equally charming girl home. And, of course, all the way he told the girl funny and epic stories from his life.

The Scorpio girl did not even get a chance to turn on the well-known intuition, because the guy simply chatted her. It was decided to go on a date the next day.

Amorous Sagittarius was already ready to throw the whole world at the feet of his beloved. The representative of the fire element decided to consult with extreme guys how to surprise such a mysterious beauty.

Well, a sleepless night and meditation awaited the water girl, hoping to make out what her heart feels.

The Sagittarius man decided not to come up with anything new, so he chose a meeting on the roof, adrenaline and romance, that's what you need. The guy of the fire element, brought beautiful tablecloths, a table for dinner, and even ordered the entire menu from best restaurant in the town.

Indeed, I had to fight with annoying birds who thought that this feast was for them. Therefore, our seducer ran after a cart of seeds in order to distract the birds.

The evening over the night city was great. The children of the water and fire elements were stunned by the beauty of the stars, they drank champagne from the most beautiful glasses, and also fed the birds, which nevertheless began to bother the couple. It is worth noting that these were the messengers of Cupid.


The intimate relationship of the couple began on the roof, because what else could be more beautiful than this? We are a Sagittarius man who is simply crazy about new sensations and the passion of a newly-made girl.

The fiery lady, in general, was speechless, because she had never experienced such sensations in bed in her life. In the morning, this fantastic night was destroyed by birds, who decided to spoil the expensive coverlet.

Our signs decided that it was a sign, and we need to legitimize our relationship as soon as possible. Therefore, the fiery man, without a second's hesitation, made an offer, to which our girl, of course, agreed every second.

Passion and magnetic attraction to each other completely filled the thoughts of the couple, so there was no talk of worries, work, and even food. Representatives of the signs remembered this only after a few days, when hungry stomachs began to sing loud serenades to their inattentive owners.

The guy decided to run to the store for something tasty, and the girl at that time began to clean up. After completing the cleaning, the girl for some reason decided to turn on her lover's computer and just went crazy, because on the desktop, she found an unprecedented number of photos of beautiful girls.

After that, for some reason, the girl decided to get into the social networks of her chosen one, and, of course, there she bothered to find SMS messages with various girls. But at the moment when the girl wanted to destroy the guy's computer and everything around, he appeared with a lot of flowers, soft toys and delicious food.

And only after a while I noticed that for some reason the lady of the heart was sitting upset and with a brick face.


The cry of the ward of the planet Pluto was heard by the whole area, after which the neighbors simply called the law enforcement agencies and, fearing for their lives, ran out into the street. The girl began to throw cut things, dishes and appliances out of the windows.

Fortunately, the police managed to catch that ill-fated laptop. Law enforcement officers also got a good deal from a jealous Scorpio girl, because in fits of jealousy such ladies do not control themselves.

The enraged girl beat the police representatives, and swear words called Sagittarius names, and accused of betrayal and betrayal.

The Sagittarius guy was silent in amazement and simply trembled because of how his beloved had changed. For him, it was a delightful sight, because there was fire in his eyes, disheveled hair, his body got stronger and just broke and crushed everything around him.

At that moment, a dove perched on the windowsill and gazed intently at the water girl. All those gathered already wanted to send the girl to a psychiatric hospital, because they were simply stunned because she began to speak with an imaginary girl, to threaten her, moreover, in a language known only to her, which no one had heard before.

But after a couple of minutes, the girl born under the auspices of Pluto asked for forgiveness from all those present and hugged her beloved. She seemed to have been replaced, because she became so calm and sweet.

The Sagittarius man simply melted away from such an action and immediately dragged his girlfriend to bed. The guy managed to convince the girl that he had no one else, that she was his one and only and it was forever. Strange, but Sagittarius, for some reason, is always sure that he is falling in love for the last time.


In a moment of jealousy, a furious girl, born under the sign of Scorpio, cut up all the cash and credit cards, so the guy was left without money. But the man turned out to be quick and surrounded all the flower beds in the yard, and rushed off to make his chosen one a marriage proposal.

Evil grandmothers rushed after him, who from year to year cherish and cherish these flower beds. But at that moment, when they saw their windy neighbor, standing on one knee, they had nothing to do, so everyone clapped their hands together and shouted "bitterly."

The couple was very lucky that only by a miracle, the documents remained intact (apparently, the jealous woman did not have time to get to them).

In the registry office and at the celebration in honor of the marriage, everything went quietly, peacefully, as festive festivities there were almost all men, but not without a couple of girls. And even those were in jeans and completely without makeup.

For several months in an official marriage, not a single whole plate or cup remained in the kitchen of the newlyweds. Therefore, the resourceful, cheerful Sagittarius found a way out and brought home a whole bag of plastic dishes. To make the scenes of jealousy less harsh.

When the couple had children, the Scorpio mommy abruptly turned all her attention to them, and it was then that Sagittarius managed to breathe easy. Mothers from Scorpios are very strict and fair.

After all, water signs like to always be aware of everything that happens, but they are also slightly despotic. Therefore, Scorpio mom was always aware of everything that was happening in the house and beyond.

Sometimes, of course, Sagittarius knocked the ground out from under his beloved. And all this because of his constant games. It is absolutely impossible to call the marriage union of such a couple happy.

But it is worth noting that both Scorpio and Sagittarius are always fun together, maybe this does not allow the couple to break up ?! However, fun and perfect compatibility in bed make this marriage almost perfect.

Friendly relations

Scorpio girls are active, domineering, reliable, honest and truthful. Building communication with water girls is difficult, as they love to subjugate everyone and everything. But if it happens that Scorpio builds with someone friendly relations, you can be completely sure that she will not betray and will not leave you in trouble.

The Sagittarius boy has a “battery” inside. The boy is restless and constantly runs about some business, returning, he brings a couple more new friends.

The child of Jupiter is ready to be friends with the whole world, so the whole district is standing in line to be friends with him.

A girl born under the care of Pluto is secretly feared by everyone. Caregivers in kindergarten, security guard and even the parents themselves. The water girl decided that she should be surrounded by the best of the best.

Therefore, it does not surprise anyone that the girl immediately chose the Sagittarius boy as her friend. A strange, secret girl and an always open boy have every chance of becoming best friends.

The girl of the water element will help her fiery friend solve problems, and in return he will simply make her laugh.

Parents and relatives of children are not particularly happy with this kind of friendship, because children constantly come up with some sophisticated jokes and their tricks are getting worse and worse every day.

After this couple reaches retirement age, absolutely nothing will change. Everyone is filming even the usual walk of a fiery-water couple, and suddenly something is thrown out. The Internet is just teeming with jokes from this couple.


Scorpio girls want to always be in the first place everywhere and always. And thanks to their perseverance and willpower, they succeed well. For such women there is no problem, if it was decided to take over the world, then the world will be taken over.

Sagittarius guys are romantics who like to roam the world more than to declare war on everyone for supremacy. Offices are alien to such guys, they dream of traveling the world, making new acquaintances.

The water girl will always fight for the victory she wins in any case. Such girls love comfort, so they go out of their way to become rich and independent.

A man of the fiery element, like all of us, would not mind living beautiful life, but he's a terrible spender, which makes you wonder. But when such people are united in a team, the Scorpio girl will never let her partner spend an extra penny.

Such partners do not and cannot have competitors, because we all know that it is simply unrealistic to be at enmity with the merry Sagittarius. Well, even the president himself would not mess with the Scorpio girl. After all, they say that they know how to conjure, and suddenly luck will disappear.

The stars are sure that the best future awaits such a couple. After all, for a Scorpio girl to realize the awkward ideas of Sagittarius is easier than "two fingers on the asphalt." And after a couple of years, their fleet will have a dozen cars and a couple of summer cottages by the sea.

Scorpios are very passionate and lovable by nature. When expectant mother this boy did ultrasound procedure, the doctor almost lost consciousness, the boy folded his arms on his chest and seemed to demand omnipotence from the womb.

When such a boy was born, he began to demand a throne and a crown. While the baby was in the hospital, there was complete order, everyone seemed to be afraid of the boy. And the newborn girls roared with requests to at least see this boy on the street.

It is unrealistic to resist the magical charms of the child of Pluto, the girls do breast plastic surgery, increase their hair and nails, and at least henna for the guy. In bed, these guys are just beautiful, but it’s impossible to fall in love with this one.

The future wife of such a man will be very lucky, because he will do everything to make her happy. But there will be one minus - few people want to be locked up, because the jealous Scorpio will do everything so that no one sees his beloved.

The Sagittarius girl is always cheerful, active, but windy beauty. Girls born under the element of fire had fun even before birth - future parents seemed to always hear giggles and giggles.

When such a girl was born, doctors, relatives and just acquaintances decided that this was not a maternity hospital, but a gum club - everyone rolled on the floor with laughter, and the baby neighbors threw rattles with laughter and delight, which they suddenly had, and the girl quietly and calmly, with her head held high, sat in her mother's arms.

Men simply dream of getting a child of Jupiter, because she is active, cheerful and radiant and beautiful. It is simply impossible not to love such people, so men are downright chasing the girl.

Sagittarius girls are freedom-loving and do not want to get married early. Well, besides, the girl of the fiery element is too amorous and loving, that she herself does not yet know who she would marry.


The Scorpio man suffers because there is not enough travel in his life. He's trying to find adrenaline anywhere. Whether it's a waterfall over which he hangs, holding on to a branch, or if he climbed into a lion's cage.

The girl of the fiery element does not live a day without fun and celebration, because boredom and despondency are not hers.

There is only one place where a fateful meeting could take place. But such planets as Pluto and Jupiter, the guys are smart, so they still managed to give their offspring the opportunity to get to know each other.

All over the world, millions of people roam the streets, everyone is constantly in a hurry and does not pay attention to the world around them. But the girl of the fiery element always carefully looks around (well, maybe she will meet an old friend, or first love).

The Scorpio guy at that moment was just sitting on the bench, talking on the phone, buying a ticket to trip around the world. The Scorpio girl became interested in this, and she decided to eavesdrop on the conversation of a nice guy.

During the time while the guy was talking on the phone, the girl managed to study him inside and out.

At that moment, when the guy of the water element realized that someone was considering him, he was simply furious with such behavior and had already decided to leave, when he turned around and saw an indescribable beauty who was sitting next to him.

The guy was stunned by such a frantic beauty, who immediately began to tell jokes about sailors, and the fierce guy had no choice but to laugh.


The guy, born under the care of Pluto, abruptly canceled all his plans and decided that such a girl should not be let go anywhere.

The couple chatted for more than two hours, and only then they noticed that there was no one next to them, as if there was an invisible dome above them, which removed strangers from them.

As you know, Scorpio understands everything supernatural, so he recognized the sign from above and immediately realized that it would be an amazing relationship.

The Sagittarius girl was just crazy about her new friend, so she immediately agreed to the next meeting. While the girl ran around the salons and boutiques in preparation for a date, the guy also did not waste time, called the cooks and cleaners in order to put his home in perfect order.

When the moment of the meeting came, the girl was stunned because there was a saxophonist and an orchestra at the entrance to the apartment. After such a show, the guys were met by the butler, and the couple were served by real waiters. Yes, the guy did his best.

The Scorpio guy looked at his girlfriend and could not take his eyes off this violent beauty. After all the staff left, the couple decided to eat.


The children of Jupiter and Pluto did not bother to eat, because the passion between them flared up instantly, as soon as they looked into each other's eyes.

Within seconds, they were in bed. Sex was the best in the life of both guys, even birds flying past lost consciousness from such a sight.

The euphoria passed a week later at the moment when the girl decided to still turn on her mobile phone, which immediately rained down calls from the girl's secret admirers.

Jealous Scorpio could not stand it and broke the mobile of his beloved, after which he swept the pieces and threw them out the window.

The fiery lady would already like to explain everything to her beloved, but for some reason she was offended and proudly left. But she couldn't get far. Alarmed, Scorpio climbed onto the balcony and began to shout that if she did not return, he would simply rush down.

A lot of onlookers gathered under the entrance, and the guy's neighbors began to call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the girl immediately rushed to her beloved. The man of the water element realized what he had done and lay at the girl's feet, immediately bought the girl new smartphone and a hundred more outfits.

A passionate night completely reconciled the couple, only the girl began to be embarrassed by the fact that they were constantly lying in bed. After all, one cannot build relationships only on this, but she could no longer stop communicating with an enthusiastic boyfriend.


No one has ever been so jealous of a Sagittarius woman, so she naively decided that vows of love would be enough for Scorpio to stop being jealous.

For a couple of months, the man of the water element managed to control himself, but when one fine day he saw his beloved walking from the store and next to the guy who was carrying her bags, he could not control himself.

New girl fan set new record speed, as he ran away so fast that even the jealous Scorpio was unable to catch up with him. One fine day, the girl decided to talk to her man.

The Scorpio guy began to convince the girl that he would never be jealous again in his life, and also blamed her for everything that had happened.

The stars also felt sad at the moment when the couple decided to leave. All in tears, the girl wandered around the evening city, and thought how she should live now, because she truly loved the jealous Scorpio.

As if a mad Scorpio rushed around the apartment, crushed furniture and screamed wildly, which pretty much frightened the neighbors. After the guy calmed down, he realized that he was losing and ran to look for his beloved.

Their meeting was very exciting, the guy without thinking twice took out a box with a ring and proposed to the girl. An alley in the light of a lamppost, a beloved, standing on one knee, any girl cannot resist here. The obstinate girl immediately agreed.


All gadgets of the city wrote about this wedding celebration. A serious groom and a flirtatious bride became a wonderful couple. The guests of the festival were delighted with what was happening.

A few years later, family life for such a couple will be fabulous. The wife will stay at home, and the husband will bring her flowers and gifts.

With children, Scorpio tried to be strict, but over time he realized that his rules do not work with children.

Over time, both partners realized where to shout, and where it would not hurt to kiss.

Friendly relations

The Scorpio boy is the lord of the garden, possesses hypnotic influence on those around you. The Sagittarius girl is a sweet and cheerful person.

At first, the boy will be offended by everyone and everything, due to the fact that the fiery girl is loved more. But over time, he will fall in love with this girl. Such friendship will be very strong, and there will be no question of any incompatibility.

A jealous person by nature will try to forbid the girl from communicating with anyone other than him, but, as luck would have it, the girl will find new comrades every day.

The children of the planets Pluto and Jupiter are two strong leaders, so they will become a thunderstorm in the area. Even the evil grandmothers at the entrance will be afraid of these guys. And even in old age they will be friends, any queue will be uneasy, these old people.


The Scorpio man loves difficulties and risks. Such men are not afraid of competitors and enemies, as they choose work to their liking. And Sagittarius succeeds in those areas where he is interested.

In the case of creating a partnership, the girl of the fire element will gladly obey her partner in everything. When Scorpio manages something, all employees rejoice at it.

A girl born under the sign of Sagittarius always has a couple of ideas. In addition, she also likes to squander money, which will cause Scorpio some discomfort. But over time, the child of Pluto will learn to control the fiery lady and convince her.

If such a partnership does not fall apart because of such totality, then in a couple of years, such an alliance will become the richest.

Such a pair, despite the opposite of their elements, completely complements each other. The stars did a good job of it. So don't let them down and be happy together!

If we consider one side of the tandem - Scorpio and Sagittarius, then compatibility is impossible if the Sagittarius does not know what he wants from Scorpio. Representatives of the zodiac sign Scorpio do not tolerate hesitation. They accept the courtship of a person who is firmly confident in his actions. People born under the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, especially the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, are emotional and gentle, but at the same time demanding. They will not be interested in a partner if it involves a one-night stand. Therefore, if a Sagittarius has no reason to associate himself with a representative of the zodiac sign Scorpio, then it is better to bypass him. Because Scorpio is an owner who will immediately bind you with an agreement and obligations. What and When You Shouldn't Do. A scorpio woman is a seductress, she is charming, irresistible, sweet, delightful. She is able to entertain in the living room and excite in the bedroom. She deftly controls the feelings of men, in one word driving them to despair and returning hope to them.
A scorpio man is endowed with irrepressible passion, and it will not be difficult to seduce him, but it will be difficult to achieve a relationship. This is the person who, to the last decimal place, knows what he needs, and if he does not see this in a future partner, then he simply leaves. If he suddenly wants to take revenge for this, he will be extremely surprised, since he believes that only he has the right to revenge. Scorpio and Sagittarius, the compatibility of a man and a woman, respectively, is very complex. But not without perspective. If a Sagittarius woman listens to her partner, then their love cooperation will be very successful. Do not forget about the excessive curiosity of Scorpio. It is not necessary to start the story in general terms if you cannot clarify the details, as this can annoy the Scorpio, which will lead to another scandal. It is better if Scorpio does not strive to keep the freedom-loving Sagittarius and try to be the only legal link in their family otherwise, Sagittarius will soon get bored and this novel will have no future.

Scorpio and Sagittarius Marriage Compatibility!
Marriage Scorpio and Sagittarius, the compatibility that most often fails. Relationships remain more acceptable if they do not cross the line of partnership at work or friendly relations are possible. Although if in a relationship between Scorpio and Sagittarius a woman is Scorpio, and a man is Sagittarius, then we can talk about a more successful marriage. This couple feels the attraction of each other and acts in unison. The energy that comes from them sweeps away everything in its path and it is better not to stand in their way and not interfere with their relationship, because they will crush anyone. Who will try to resist their relationship. But reverse side such relations can become a danger that threatens the bridge, if you walk along it with a marching step, it will fall apart. The same will happen with the relationship of Scorpio and Sagittarius, whose compatibility is on the verge of love and hate, in such a relationship we are talking about the passion that both signs experience.
Communication Scorpio and Sagittarius compatibility, which will meet obstacles from the behavior of Scorpio. This sign of the zodiac does not think of his life without observation. Scorpios are watching others and even if this is not obvious surveillance, they need to be aware of all events, which Sagittarius cannot understand and accept. But unlike Scorpio, who fights back only in response to an insult, Sagittarius does not need a reason. He can easily arrange a "debriefing" without choosing phrases for explanations, although Sagittarius does not aim to offend the interlocutor, this happens quite often.
The desire of Scorpio to limit Sagittarius in personal space, depriving free flight, will be a constant source of conflict. Scorpio will require Sagittarius to provide material wealth and this will be an incentive for Sagittarius to achieve success in social status. Scorpio will support his Sagittarius partner in all endeavors to success, but Scorpio's love will still have to be won with hard work and perseverance.
Scorpio and Sagittarius compatibility, which, like a dance on hot coals, is constantly in motion, does not fade away and everything flares up with new force. So the relationship between the representatives of Scorpio and Sagittarius is constantly evolving and acquiring new facets of coexistence together.

These relationships are very rich in terms of partner interaction. Everyone here gets what he needs, but at the same time runs for certain sacrifices. Fire Sagittarius gives Scorpio that emotionality that he lacks so much, and in return he receives an inner sense of freedom. In this way, Scorpio and Sagittarius Sign Compatibility represents an equal exchange, allowing partners to complement each other.

The difference in the characters of Scorpio and Sagittarius is explained by the fact that here in question about two opposite elements. Water and Fire are known to be poorly compatible, so the coldness of Scorpio will constantly extinguish the open friendliness and ability to rejoice in everything and everyone that are inherent in Sagittarius. Even differences in outward behavior visible to the naked eye. If Sagittarius is sociable and open, then Scorpio is closed and secretive. However, there is also common features in the nature of these two characters. Both experience an irresistible desire to reveal all the secrets of the world. The only difference is that Sagittarius will do it out of curiosity, and Scorpio because of his suspiciousness.

The compatibility of Scorpio and Sagittarius is also characterized by the fact that Sagittarius does not lose heart: in case of a loss, he hopes to take revenge, of course, in a fair fight. Scorpio doesn't know how to lose. If this happened to this representative of the water element, he will begin to develop a revenge plan and sting at the most unexpected moment.

The introvertedness of a Scorpio constantly comes into conflict with the emotional and open disposition of his partner, and vice versa. In addition, the mental organization of Scorpio is very subtle and sensitive. Not wanting to show his weaknesses, he disguises them under the guise of cold indifference, although in fact he is very vulnerable. Sagittarius says what he thinks, and Scorpio is easy to offend. That's why fire sign it is better to learn to carefully think over phrases before making an enemy. Sagittarius, on the other hand, lacks enthusiasm and energy in relationships, in addition, he is very fickle and expressive, and such traits will not find understanding in the eyes of Scorpio.

In order for the compatibility of Scorpio and Sagittarius to move into a harmonious direction, these partners need to respect each other, be more tolerant and attentive. This will help them get to know each other better and learn to be calm about the partner’s shortcomings.

Scorpio will have to get used to Sagittarius' love of freedom and his unequivocal penchant for adventure, as well as sweep away all suspicions and doubts about his reliability, which, like a swarm of bees, make noise in his mind and do not allow him to focus on real feelings. Sagittarius is one of those people who are not able to bind a sense of duty or affection. He will be kept next to Scorpio only real love, and Scorpio, like no one else, is able to evoke this feeling in a fiery partner.
The compatibility of the signs Scorpio and Sagittarius in relation to finance cannot be called positive. The first of the partners loves reasonable savings, the second is rather wasteful. Therefore, it is better to divide the budget or make Scorpio responsible.

In general, the relationship is very complex. This is an incompatible combination. Such partners will constantly experience the whole gamut of emotions, from tender passion to anger that makes the blood boil in their veins. Here, deep trust and deceit, material aspirations and spiritual development. Only one thing is clear: there will be no peace of mind and peace in the union of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Sexual Compatibility Scorpio and Sagittarius

Scorpio is too thin, Sagittarius is assertive and rude. Sexual Compatibility The signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius are far from perfect. The first does not like the arrogance of the fiery partner and his desire to conquer space. Sagittarius is too simple by nature to understand the cunning desires of Scorpio. When the representative of the water element in again will be offended by the inconstancy and irrationality of the partner's actions, he will try to humiliate Sagittarius. However, Sagittarius is not one of those people who fall into despair, he will not lose his cheerfulness and cheerful disposition, although he may well run away from such a partner.

Compatibility: Scorpio man - Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius woman is able to give others warmth and light, her cheerfulness knows no bounds. Her aura may well make a happy Scorpio man. He is touched by her childish openness and such touching honesty. By letting this fiery girl into his life, Scorpio will be able to reveal those feelings that he has been hiding in the depths of the subconscious for so long. Next to Sagittarius, you want to dream, smile and enjoy everything that is around. However, Scorpio himself can affect the chosen one in a negative way. He is cold and rather dull, and with such behavior can extinguish Lady Sagittarius' desire for eternal light. Likewise, water acts on fire. Constantly being in interaction with a representative of the water element, fire Girl can forget what made her so happy just recently. In order to be in harmony with herself, she needs to travel a lot, communicate with different people and know the world. A man born under the sign of Scorpio will try to limit her in this. As a result, the Sagittarius girl will wither like a bird in a cage.

There is such a trait in the character of Sagittarius that can kill any Scorpio on the spot. Sagittarius speaks clearly and openly, while Scorpio is too touchy to take criticism calmly. In response, he also tries to sting his partner. On this basis, there is a lot of controversy. In addition, Scorpio sometimes wants to be alone with himself, while his sociable chosen one cannot stand these difficult moments.

The relationship of Scorpio and Sagittarius is able to destroy the suspiciousness of Scorpio. He needs to learn once and for all: a girl born under the sign of Sagittarius will never start secret relationships. She is too open to engage in conspiracy. If the feelings fade away, she will simply leave.

Compatibility: Scorpio woman - Sagittarius man

With her suspicions, the Scorpio woman is able to kill the cheerfulness of Sagittarius. She should know that she will see all his shortcomings and possible mistakes on his face on the very first day of meeting, because he is too direct and open man to play some games. In addition, he needs a little freedom of movement. He loves meeting with friends, can easily organize a joint picnic or party. Do not deprive the fiery man of this joy. If the Scorpio lady tries to break her lover and make him as dull as herself, he will most likely not stand it. Even if feelings do not allow him to leave the chosen one, it is quite possible that Sagittarius will become seriously ill without receiving the necessary emotions.

In these relationships, Sagittarius should also be more attentive to his beloved. Inside it lies a huge inner strength and emotions rage like a volcano. However, the Scorpio lady will never show her weakness. A man who sincerely fell in love with such a girl should guess by the slightest change on her face what could upset her so much. After all, such a woman is a symbol of loyalty and devotion in a relationship, and this is worth a lot.

Both partners will have to go a long and difficult road before they learn to understand each other's moods and desires. Not many succeed, but the reward exceeds all expectations.

Not very high. Representatives of these zodiac signs have markedly different characters, temperaments, as well as attitudes towards family and marriage. Scorpio needs emotionally vivid relationships, and Sagittarius completely avoids any attachments, preferring freedom, or at least a sense of it.

Scorpio and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Scorpio man - Sagittarius woman

Despite the low compatibility, such a zodiac combination still has prospects. The Scorpio man and the Sagittarius woman are distinguished by their energy, efficiency, love of travel and, in general, life in all its multifaceted manifestations. Such partners are able to become a mutual complement to each other.

Sagittarius does not look for support in her Scorpio husband, like many other women, being a completely self-sufficient person. She is able to take care of herself, and her husband becomes her friend, a person with whom it is interesting to spend time, so the main factor for her is the ability to feel easy and comfortable in the company of her chosen one, as in a circle of friends. The communication of such a couple is filled with intellectual conversations, in which both will shine with erudition and both will enjoy it.

One of the secrets of the possible well-being of this union, the horoscope calls the willingness of the Scorpio man to step back from his invariable habit of dominating. It is his behavior and attempts to suppress the will of the Sagittarius wife that can cause frequent conflicts. Sagittarius also contributes to them, not providing the chosen one with the number of signs of attention, love and care that he needs. This circumstance can provoke Scorpio to infidelity.

A pair of a Sagittarius woman with a Scorpio man has a somewhat unconventional division of roles. A woman is responsible for stability, for making fundamental decisions, and often provides for the family financially. The Scorpio man makes the "weather in the house", is responsible for the emotionality, sensuality of relationships. The wife will have to adapt to the changing mood of her husband, calling for help with all her patience. Time in this case works for them, gradually smoothing out sharp corners this union.

In a relationship financial well-being they can become very successful couple. Everything that is connected with obtaining material benefits, they will do better than many others, and banal luck can play a significant role in this. And if they purposefully go hand in hand towards the intended goal, then success in this regard will be ensured to them.

Compatibility Sagittarius man - Scorpio woman

it Zodiac combination refers to quite common, despite the fact that the relationship between the Sagittarius man and the Scorpio woman cannot be called simple and unambiguous. Mutual respect in their pair is combined with the desire to lead the second half, and sometimes outright manipulation. Nevertheless, the union may well become bright, deep and lasting, not losing its emotional appeal for both over the years.

The external similarity of the characters of the partners actually has a different nature: behind the openness and ease of the Sagittarius man there is real cheerfulness and ease of communication, as for the Scorpio woman, she often only plays this role, as if putting on a mask behind which it will not be so her desire to keep everything under control is clearly visible. When entering into marriage, Sagittarius men and Scorpio women usually do not even suspect how much they will have to change themselves and in relation to each other. Regardless of the premarital experience, the joint life of this couple will definitely open new features in each of them. Being by nature good manipulators, both can turn life together into a game, while Sagittarius will be all in sight, and many secrets will remain in the life of a Scorpio woman.

In conflicts, these people also behave differently. Unlike male Scorpios, a woman of this zodiac sign usually endures in silence for a long time, accumulating, but not forgetting resentment, but the moment comes when she strikes back and very painful blow. Sagittarians do not like quarrels at all, therefore, in life together such a couple has little open confrontation - for some time they will be dissatisfied with each other, trying not to reveal it, and then the relationship reaches a critical point and a grandiose scandal breaks out from the side of the Scorpio woman, which completely demoralizes her Sagittarius companion. The salvation for a couple is often the fact that they do not have so many reasons for quarrels, and besides, they tend to direct their latent aggressiveness to solving problems that come from outside.

Not every union of Sagittarius with a Scorpio woman can boast of spiritual intimacy and perfect mutual understanding. However, such partners usually value their relationship and adhere to the unspoken rules developed over time, acceptable to both.

Sagittarius and Scorpio Sexual Compatibility

The difference in approaches to love and sex makes the relationship between Scorpio and Sagittarius bright, but short. For Sagittarius, romance, ease, freedom in relationships are important, while Scorpio does not tend to cover up the satisfaction of his physiological needs with beautiful romantic tinsel, he frankly strives for leadership in this area, often obsessively dictating his wishes. Their relationship can range from quivering tenderness to raging passion, but the difference in emotional perception and accumulating discontent personal qualities doom each other this love affair for a short existence.

Sagittarius and Scorpio compatibility horoscope in work and business

Sagittarius and Scorpio rarely intersect in the service on a voluntary basis, since they seem to be completely attractive. different areas work. For this reason, they are less likely than others to turn into both a friendly mini-team and competitors. If such colleagues unite due to circumstances beyond their control, then the effectiveness of their joint efforts depends on the ability to get along with each other. The success of the company is based on the fact that

Sagittarius and Scorpio ... Compatibility in this case it will be just perfect if both parties learn to agree with each other. In the reverse situation, neither one nor the other will give up their leadership in the relationship. However, more about everything in our article.

Before understanding the compatibility of these "neighbors", let's briefly consider the signs of the Zodiac: Scorpio, Sagittarius.

Scorpio: a vulnerable soul or a passionate lover?

Scorpio is a sign that strongly influences others. He has quite bad reputation among all other signs of the zodiac. The main qualities of Scorpio are aggressiveness and sexuality, irascibility and stubbornness, despotism and warlike character.

This sign is always pleased with itself, despite a large number of negative reviews and failures that have occurred in his life. A person born under this sign never listens to the opinions of others. His decisions are irrevocable and non-negotiable. Always armed and ready to attack, the Scorpio will defend himself and his position to the last.

Those born under this sign do not simply chat. They are very hardworking and goal oriented.

Scorpio men seem to be made for women. They never allow defeat and know the value of their charm and sexuality. Scorpio men never show their feelings in public. In such circumstances, they are quite rude, cruel and inconsiderate. Only in private Scorpio is able to openly declare his love for the chosen one.

Those born under this sign are jealous and always suspicious.

Sagittarius: fire and flame or a true romantic?

Sagittarius is a sign of determination and intelligence. Those born under this sign are true bachelors who do not accept everyday life and everyday life. They are quite good-natured, positive and open, but as soon as it comes to a serious relationship, Sagittarians immediately "jump into the bushes." Just approaching mature age, born under this sign begin to think about serious relationship. Having met a soul mate, they will remain faithful and sincere to her until the end of their lives.

An unsuccessful marriage for Sagittarius is a rarity.

Women born under this sign are most often unfaithful and windy. Sagittarius - Good friends, comrades, hospitable hostesses and excellent cooks. They are truly happy when they are given complete freedom. Sagittarius women are quite proud, majestic and warlike. They prefer a partner who stands out from the crowd. They can opt for a person of a different race, skin color and religion.

Sagittarians never forgive betrayal and betrayal.

Sagittarius and Scorpio. Compatibility in love

Do representatives of these signs have hope for a joint future? Despite the fact that Scorpio and Sagittarius are practically incompatible in love, they still have a small chance of being together, because in this tandem great amount common interests. They are both efficient, purposeful and energetic. The horoscope "Scorpio-Sagittarius" claims that these signs like to travel, discover something new and unknown. And everything would be fine, but there is one “but” - neither one nor the other allows domination over themselves.

It is for this reason that there are many conflicts and misunderstandings between these signs. First of all, the Scorpio man is to blame for this, who will try with all his might to break the will of the unshakable Sagittarius woman.

Against this background, the girl loses interest in her man and her former passion. Not feeling tenderness and affection from their companion, Scorpions, as a rule, decide on treason.

A pair of Sagittarius woman + Scorpio man can only exist for a long time if there is respect and mutual understanding between them. Only then will there be complete harmony and love in their tandem. Here, no one and nothing can interfere with their relationship. Scorpio will always support his chosen one in all endeavors, and Sagittarius, in turn, will be both a friend and a wonderful lover for his lover, and caring wife. In such a pair, the Sagittarius woman always strives for perfection, and the man supports her in this and admires her determination.

In a pair of Scorpio guy + Sagittarius girl, there is a somewhat unconventional distribution of roles. The latter is most often responsible for family well-being, adoption important decisions and stability. The man, in turn, seeks to create all the warmth in their relationship.

And what about marriage?

The relationship between Scorpio and Sagittarius will cross that cherished line only if the man provides his chosen one with complete freedom, and the woman, in turn, begins to give her beloved affection, tenderness and love. In a different situation, it is unlikely that their marriage will last long. Highly important points in this marriage tandem there is complete equality in relations, that is, there should not be leaders here. Everyone is simply obliged to learn to yield and agree with each other, and only then can one hope that the marriage of Scorpio and Sagittarius will last for quite a long time.

Sagittarius woman, Scorpio man will be wonderful parents. She will do everything so that her children have the most wonderful childhood, and he, in turn, will be an excellent father who will become for his child not only a role model, but also a true friend.

Is there passion in this relationship?

What are Sagittarius and Scorpio in bed? Compatibility in this case is also far from ideal. After playing a little, they quickly get bored with each other. After all, the Sagittarius woman expects foreplay, romance and affection from her partner, when the Scorpio man craves endless passion and leadership. Often such an alliance is short-lived, because the emotional difference and complete incompatibility in wishes is quite high.

What is the compatibility of Sagittarius and Scorpio in business?

Scorpios are not afraid of work, in fact, like Sagittarius. The first is a fairly responsible, purposeful and strict leader. Sagittarius is in this tandem an innovator, developer and analyst. At such a beginning, you can work together.

Everything will turn out differently if Sagittarius will manage projects in business. They are quite picky and strict. Scorpios will never be able to come to terms with the fact that they are dominated by Sagittarius (especially if a woman is the boss). Therefore, in this case, compatibility is simply zero.

Are Scorpios and Sagittarius Friendly?

Can Sagittarius and Scorpio exist in a friendly tandem? Compatibility in this case is absolutely impossible. Scorpios are quite rigid in their preferences. They do not perceive the judgments of Sagittarius and are constantly arguing about different things. Scorpio is used to achieving their goals, by all means, unlike Sagittarius, who always take into account moral aspects.

Many Scorpios are quite cruel, but this is only if someone has hurt them. In other situations, they are quite loyal and vulnerable. If Scorpios feel warm and good relationship, then they can instantly leave their militant image and turn into a real comrade who will not leave his friend even when everyone turns away from him.

Scorpio Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

A great attraction exists between Aries and Scorpio, but due to the fiery nature of both, this union is not destined to last long. Scorpios and Taurus are very similar characters, so there are often quarrels between them and conflict situations. If these signs are destined to be together, then their children will be very smart and beautiful. With Gemini, it will be quite difficult for Scorpions because of their inconstancy and windiness. A rather successful alliance with Cancers, because only they can give Scorpio that tenderness and affection that he needs so much. Compatibility with Leo and Libra is possible only in a financial sense. Scorpio and Virgo - this is perhaps the most successful union that can only be between the signs of the zodiac. Aquarians are also suitable for Scorpios for successful relationships. Fish are ideal partner in family relationships. They are waiting for mutual understanding and stability. The main thing in this situation for Scorpio is not to overdo it and not offend Pisces' sense of justice.

Sagittarius Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs

Sagittarians have an immense passion for Aries, but the difficult characters of both do not allow them to build a strong and lasting union. Relationships with Cancers can be perfect. There will be incompatibility only if both want to break each other. Favorable alliance with the Lions. Sagittarius and Virgo - this is the most unfavorable marriage. Perfect match here only in sexual relations. Sagittarius and Libra will be happy in marriage. In tandem, Sagittarius and Capricorn will be ideal sexual relations, and marriage in this case may not be far off. A pair of Sagittarius and Aquarius will look very harmonious. Sagittarius and Pisces is the most unfavorable union, and in all respects.

Remember: only you can find yourself perfect couple in all respects, because you yourself are the builders of your destinies. Adapt to your chosen ones, make all kinds of compromises, give in to each other. And only in this case, no one and nothing will be an obstacle for you to a happy and lasting relationship.

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