Home Beneficial properties of fruits Scorpio weekly horoscope for June. Horoscope for the month of June – finances and work. Excessive energy of Mars

Scorpio weekly horoscope for June. Horoscope for the month of June – finances and work. Excessive energy of Mars

The tiger is a large and strong animal that inspires fear in many people. People born in his year have a persistent and strong character. They are fearless, ready to overcome any obstacles. A person born in the year of the tiger strives to be a leader and often achieve success. He loves to be the center of attention.

People born in the year of the snake have patience and endurance. They are born philosophers, often think about the meaning of life and the essence human existence. Snakes shed their skin. The same quality is characteristic of people who were born in the year of this reptile. They experience their troubles and failures, and then they seem to be renewed and continue to live.

Compatibility in love and marriage

People born in the year of the tiger and the year of the snake are not very similar to each other. They are contently different, they have little in common and their interests practically do not coincide. Chances of favorable and long union such people are small. However, let's look at these relationships in more detail.

Man born in the year of the tiger, Woman in the year of the snake

Passionate and dizzying romances are possible between a tiger and a snake. At the beginning of such love, both are happy and dream of starting a family. However, over time, the relationship of such a couple begins to cool. People realize that they have very little in common, they cease to understand each other.

But marriages for such a couple still take place. If a snake and a tiger unite themselves with the bonds of Hymen, then their life will certainly not be boring. Such a union is full of contradictions and disagreements on any occasion.

The Tiger man loves to be the life of the party; he has many friends, including those of the opposite sex. This will always infuriate a snake woman. She is too jealous and rivals are unacceptable to her. Because of this, a couple can often have disagreements. A man will be annoyed by constant reproaches addressed to him.

A man born in the year of the tiger has one goal: it is important for him to realize himself in life, to find his own path and his own business. A wise snake woman will give him such an opportunity. She will not tie her husband to herself. If a tiger man understands that his wife does not want to make him henpecked, he will begin to appreciate her. Such a union has very good chances for a strong family.

A snake wife is capable of creating a reliable rear for her man. The house where such a couple lives is always clean and comfortable. The atmosphere here is relaxed and calm. By at least until quarrels begin. A tiger husband will appreciate the care and attention from his wife.

A man is born in the year of the snake, a woman is born in the year of the tiger.

The chances of such a couple to build love and family relations greater than in the previous case. The fact is that the tiger woman is more flexible and soft. She is able to cede the reins of family rule to her husband. An understanding tiger spouse will create an atmosphere of comfort and harmony in the house.

A woman born in the year of the tiger is looking for a strong and loving partner. She often gets married strong feeling. Without sincere sympathy, such a woman will never enter into marriage. A snake man can attract her with his vital energy and the ability to earn money. Material wealth and stable relationships are important for a tiger woman.

Friendship between a tiger and a snake

It is quite rare to find friends among snakes and tigers. Often such people maintain cold, slightly friendly relations, no more. The reason for this is too different temperaments and completely different characters.

The tiger and the snake do not dislike each other, they are not at enmity, they simply go their own ways. They have very little in common, practically no hobbies that both would like. Tigers are more active, they lead an active lifestyle, love extreme sports and adventure.

Snakes are more domestic. They tend to do origami or plant flowers in the garden. But they are unlikely to dare to skydive with a tiger.

Compatibility of a tiger and a snake in bed

Sex is the place where such a couple is most comfortable. Oddly enough, but people with at different paces lives find unity in bed. Very often, the relationship of such a couple begins with a fleeting affair.

The tiger and the snake, having spent a wonderful night together, begin to mistakenly believe that things are possible between them. great relationship. However, this is not always the case. Often after a few weeks great sex The lovers' relationship is fading.

IN married life bed is a place for husband and wife to spend time often. Here they feel comfortable. Sex allows you to forget about the disagreements between spouses for a while. The place of reconciliation is often also the bed.

Compatibility at work

Collaborate and Lead general business The tiger-snake tandem is quite difficult. They rarely find mutual language. Each other's ideas seem absurd to such people. They are often unhappy with their partner's work. The snake and the tiger strive in every possible way to see each other as little as possible and, accordingly, work in the same projects.

Such a tandem will not bring the company the expected success. Two contradictory people can derail business plans. A tiger-snake pair still has a chance if the people are representatives of the same element or the opposite sex. Such an alliance is easier and the possibility of its success is much higher.

Compatibility percentage

The percentage compatibility of a couple is low for all the reasons stated above. Such a couple can form, but their relationship will not always come to a successful ending.

Compatibility in love for a tiger man and a snake lady is 75%, in marriage – 60%, in friendship – 70%.

The love union of a tiger woman and a snake man reaches 80%, marriage – 40%, and friendship – 50%.

Negative moments in the union

Tigers are adventurers by nature. They often take unnecessary risks and do not always win. This categorically does not suit the snake spouse. She will try in every possible way to protect her husband from rash actions. But if the wife goes beyond what is permitted, the tiger man will begin to rebel. Then scandals in the family are inevitable.

The snake man is the owner. He quite often wants to create golden cage for your other half. The tiger woman, like the man, will not tolerate attacks on her freedom. She can be an excellent mother and housewife, but if her husband does not give her the opportunity to get out of the house for get-togethers with girlfriends, a crisis in the marriage is inevitable.

Only compromises and well-thought-out decisions will help save a marriage from collapse. Tigers will have to spend more time with their families. And it wouldn’t hurt for snakes to reduce control over their other halves.

Necessary conditions for a good relationship

In the uneasy alliance between a tiger and a snake, mutual understanding is first of all necessary. Partners need to learn to listen to each other and talk openly about their problems. The snake will try to be the head of the family. The tiger doesn't really like this. He cannot live when his every move is controlled.

The tiger woman is still capable of making concessions and submitting to the domineering snake man. However, it must correspond to the status strong man, earn good money and pay more attention to family.

A snake woman can create all the conditions for a stable marriage if she provides the tiger man with comfortable conditions staying at home. Such a husband appreciates comfort and attention to his person. He will appreciate the warm dinner prepared for his arrival. Such a man does not mind having a housewife wife who does everything free time will devote to him, the house and the children.

Despite the low percentage of compatibility, such a couple still has a chance for a long-term relationship. This often happens with air signs - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. General element reduces tension and helps to find mutual understanding in the family.

Nata Karlin June 13, 2018, 00:52

The tiger is smart, dexterous, strong and scary. People born under this constellation are distinguished by endurance, determination, remarkable fortitude and resistance to adversity and trouble. They are always and everywhere strive to be leaders and achieve your goals. Accustomed to being the center of attention, they will never deviate from their plans and will achieve their goal in all known ways.

The snake is patient, mysterious, wise, hardy. People of this zodiac sign born philosophers who often think about the meaning of life. Finding yourself in a difficult situation life situation they need to withdraw into themselves for a while and carefully consider what has created the situation, weighing and weighing the upcoming moves. Only after this do they return to peace and continue on their intended path, avoiding possible obstacles.

The compatibility of people of this sign is not very successful, because the active, mobile Tiger often simply cannot understand the contemplative Snake

In turn, the latter simply will not agree with the pace of life and way of thinking of a big wild cat. The snake is lazy by nature and does not accept being pushed or advised, even when it is appropriate. If the Tiger’s life position is to always and everywhere follow shortcuts almost straight ahead, then the Snake will find the longest, most winding road, but in most cases leading to 100% success.

The snake is patient, mysterious, wise and enduring

The Snake thinks about the final result and outcome of the matter, and the Tiger’s thoughts are always occupied with how to find the means to implement this or that project. The Snake will never be tamed freedom-loving and impulsive Tiger. And the latter will never understand the Snake and will not force her to be more efficient. Only if partners work on themselves and, in order to preserve the relationship, learn to be tolerant of each other’s natural shortcomings, can the union turn out to be quite successful.

Compatibility horoscope for Tiger and Snake in love according to the eastern horoscope

The love relationship between Tiger and Snake is a union of two strong people, each of whom brings their aspirations and goals to life, albeit in slightly different ways. They definitely can become excellent partners and lovers, but only if they find common ground of interests. To create a friendly and loving couple, they will both have to make a lot of effort.

Each of the partners must understand that in this situation there will be no struggle for power and dominance in the couple the best solution for creation

We need to talk more often, communicate with each other on the most seemingly insignificant issues. Only then trust and mutual understanding can be found, so important in a couple.

In love, the attraction of partners is strong, both of them are inspired by the feeling. The inexhaustible flow of Tiger energy and The wisdom of the Snake in this case is enough for two. However, you need to monitor your own temperament, which nature has more than endowed them both with. Only by restraining emotions can mutual understanding and balance be achieved.

For happy relationship the Snake-Tiger couple should communicate with each other more often

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the years of the Tiger and Snake

IN family life husband and wife in the Tiger-Snake tandem should pay attention specifically to building a family nest. If their interests are concentrated outside the home, the marriage is doomed to collapse. This is especially true for the freedom-loving and independent Tiger. Constantly passionate about his career and communicating with friends, the representative of this zodiac sign will strive to blame all everyday problems on the Snake.

If the Snake partner manages to return the “cat who likes to walk by itself” to the bosom of the family and teach him responsibility, this marriage has a great and happy future. In this case, the partners will have a rich relationship, a lot of new and interesting things that they can discover together.

In sex, the Tiger is impulsive and passionate, while the Snake is inventive and gentle. Therefore, in this area human relations partners will be an absolute complement to each other.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that both do not intend to cede the right to leadership in anything; it is worth looking for compromises

The marriage of the Snake and the Tiger has a great and happy future ahead

Friendship between Tiger and Snake according to the Chinese calendar

Tiger and Snake can undoubtedly be friends, but such relationships are very rare. In most cases, these are just friends who maintain a little relationship, but try not to communicate closely. This is explained by the temperaments of these people are radically opposite, and there is not always a point of contact that will become force majeure that keeps people close.

The Tiger and the Snake will never quarrel, because they have too limited a circle of common interests. Active and sociable Tigers are unlikely to turn their attention to a calm and thoughtful snake. The Snake will never share the interests of the Tiger and vice versa. If a “wild cat” takes it into his head to jump with a parachute, the Snake will consider it crazy and will never follow his comrade.

The compatibility in the work of the Tiger and the Snake is also not entirely successful. Each of the colleagues appears to the other as an eccentric with strange interests and surprisingly illogical behavior. Such employees avoid each other and will never take on a joint project. If representatives of these signs are people of the opposite sex, you can expect positive results from the assigned task.

Not really good compatibility Tiger and Snake at work

Compatibility of Tiger man and Snake woman

So, he is the Tiger, she is the Snake! What awaits such a union? IN in this case the Tiger guy is interested in the poise and calmness of the Snake woman.

She really has every chance of becoming his support, support and competent adviser in all matters.

The Snake woman involuntarily strives to receive protection and support in the person of such a reliable partner as the Tiger. That's why these people have something to strive for in relationships.

The Snake Girl, in turn, must be very interested in the partner of this zodiac sign in order to agree to such a dynamic and hectic life. She may well take on the burden of responsibilities around the house and arranging the family nest, but she should know that for any everyday problem you will need to pay attention to your spouse. Otherwise, she risks being left alone with all the troubles and adversities at the moment when her husband conquers the heights of his career and celebrates victories with friends.

The Snake woman has every chance of becoming support and support for the Tiger man

Compatibility of Tiger woman and Snake man

In a pair where she is a Tiger and he is a Snake, the situation is somewhat more complicated. The Snake guy has his own opinion on everything in life important aspects so he will strive to keep his partner within the limits of what is permitted, that is, the limitation of interests and freedom established by himself. An independent Tiger girl will never come to terms with this state of affairs, so violent conflicts simply cannot be avoided.

If both partners value this relationship and strive to prolong it, they will have to seriously work on their own character, changing it to please their loved one. Having assessed the merits of the other, it will be easier for them to understand and accept his arguments. The strength and power of this tandem capable of turning fortunes in your favor even in the most difficult situation.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Tiger is regarded as quite low. Partners do not understand each other. on their life path There are many difficulties in store. To maintain the union, the spouses will have to try. It will be more difficult for a man born in the year of the Snake, because he is too jealous. He does not trust his chosen one and seeks to limit the freedom of the independent Tiger woman. She cannot imagine her life without society and needs universal adoration and glory. Her companion, on the contrary, prefers peace and quiet.

A woman highly values ​​her freedom, but her husband is not ready to provide it. He tries with all his might to tie his partner to himself as tightly as possible. He hopes for a measured and stable life together. The Snake man loves when there is a certain routine. He likes a comfortable home and peace. No matter how much he wants, he will never be able to understand his beloved, but the desire to control her will always be in him. His companion will take such restrictions with hostility, because she does not accept disrespect for her personal space. She will regard such behavior as the destruction of her creative inclinations. And he will certainly try to end such a difficult relationship.

Snake man and Tiger woman: general compatibility

The Snake man has enviable patience and self-control

Calmness, moderation, and self-control characterize a man born in the year of the Snake. He is confident in himself and is able to control himself in the most critical situations. He has a mysterious aura that others like. And the Tiger woman is not able to resist his charms. He never wants to attract everyone's attention to himself, but those who are nearby will certainly notice him and become interested in him. It tastes great. Clothes match the latest fashion trends. He's intelligent. He behaves confidently in society.

A man appreciates the intelligence and beauty of a Tiger woman. She is his opposite. She is in an endless search for adventure and new experiences. He follows her everywhere. A woman necessarily takes part in all events that occur, often associated with conflicts and clarification of relationships. If her life becomes measured and calm, she will certainly initiate quarrels, achieving a dramatic effect. Her energy is in full swing. She's definitely a person of extremes.

The soul of a woman born in the year of the Tiger is filled with passions. She rarely shows humanity. The Tiger woman is charged with energy from the attention of those around her. She does not lack it. A woman is always popular. People admire her and praise her talents. She doesn't think about her actions.

Partners begin to experience tender feelings towards each other immediately after meeting. However, as they get to know their companion better, disputes and misunderstandings make themselves felt more and more often. Their life is characterized by instability. It has many sharp and unexpected turns. They are sometimes wonderful together, sometimes disgusting. Mutual understanding can instantly give way to complete rejection. It is safe to say that lovers will not get bored in this relationship. Since the compatibility of the Snake man and the Tiger woman tends to zero, they rarely marry. However, there is still a chance for a successful union if partners learn to respect and appreciate their other half.

There is practically nothing that unites a man and a woman in this pair. They are absolutely not alike. The Snake man is distinguished by balance, tranquility and slowness. And his chosen one needs a strong partner who can suppress her difficult character and become a leader in the union.

The Tiger woman is characterized by impetuosity, increased emotionality, instability and variability. She is capable of changing countless times decisions made. Her chosen one, on the contrary, under any circumstances, weighs his actions for a long time. The pair has very few points of intersection.

The Snake man is critical of any major changes in his life

A man values ​​stability in everyone life sphere. If he makes a decision, he follows it to the end. He is rational and objectively assesses what is happening. Often makes critical remarks towards his beloved.

His chosen one is a real hurricane of feelings and mood changes. She loves to command, give orders and is not going to listen to criticism. She doesn't quite understand what family is. Her independence is important to her. She looks after her own interests exclusively. A man, on the contrary, strives for a quiet family life. Of course, he will devote some time to having fun and traveling in the company of his companion, but this will quickly end. He needs a family in the classical sense of the word. If a woman needs her partner, then she needs to come to terms with the need to work on herself. She will have to adapt to the interests of her lover and learn to be a good housewife.

A refined, sophisticated, moderately conservative Snake man will certainly be shocked by his active and idealistic attitude towards his companion’s life. He regards her endless desire to be in time everywhere and take part as a meaningless, illogical and unnecessary waste of time. The Tiger woman does not understand the lack of initiative, indifference, composure, calmness and closedness of her partner. She doesn’t understand why her chosen one surrounds himself with people who are useful, but so boring and uninteresting people. In other words, the spouses, in principle, do not understand each other and think in different categories. They cannot turn a blind eye to their partner’s shortcomings.

Snake man and Tiger woman: compatibility in marriage

The Snake man will support his partner in everything

However, it should be noted that the possibilities of real feelings are limitless. Since the lovers met each other, it means there is some meaning in this. Of course, the Tiger woman will have to be patient. She needs to work on herself to strengthen her relationship with her partner. The compatibility of Snake and Tiger in marriage and love will increase somewhat if everyone in this couple treats their partner with respect and stops trying to change him.

The Tiger woman has a good understanding of people. When she decides to marry a man born in the year of the Snake, she understands perfectly well that she will find support in him. Her husband solves everyday issues without difficulty. He will easily discover a way to force his chosen one to be softer and more balanced. She will appreciate his efforts and fill their life together with bright emotions and unforgettable impressions. For this reason, a woman should not make rash decisions quickly. It is worth acting more often, relying on your intuition, which never fails.

Snake man and Tiger woman: compatibility in love

Sex often becomes excellent option for reconciliation of spouses. Partners feel good around each other. A woman is characterized by playfulness. Her lover is passionate and enthusiastic about his companion’s ideas. Each of them loves sex and wants to please their other half. The more complex the relationship in this couple develops, the more time they devote to intimate life.

They must be honest with each other, since insincerity and the desire to hush up problems will negatively affect their relationship. If they understand themselves, then they will achieve complete physical and emotional intimacy.

By accepting each other's individuality, the Snake and Tiger will be able to build a happy marriage

Regardless of the compatibility of the Snake man and the Tiger woman, the relationship in their couple can develop according to two scenarios: the first is a wonderful marriage, the second is complete discord. From partners different tempers and little in common. Moreover, each of them is wise and able to come to a compromise. There are many problems and difficulties in this tandem, however, if there is strong love spouses will be able to overcome all obstacles.

For a Snake man and a woman born in the year of the Tiger, a lot will become clearer when they understand and can come to terms with the fact that each person is individual. Everyone has their pros and cons. Family well-being can be achieved only when lovers do not seek to change each other, respect the opinion of their partner and value him.

It is difficult for the woman in this couple to realize that the leader in the family is a man. She should learn to perceive his dominant position and accept his point of view. Over time, she will be able to limit her excessive activity. The Snake man is a strong and resilient man. He's doing financial support your family. In addition, he acts as a worthy defender of his beloved. As soon as a woman shows tenderness, affection, complaisance and humility, she realizes how right choice did. After all, next to such a man nothing is scary. When the spouse understands that he is the leader in the family, he will be able to use all his extraordinary abilities.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money

The union is not entirely favorable, because the Tiger is a lively animal, and the Snake is prone to contemplation and will consider the Tiger simply nervous. The Snake will not want to follow the Tiger and keep up with his pace, because he is too lazy and does not like to be urged on. She is used to figuring things out on her own and hates other people's advice, even if it is appropriate. Often she is simply dogmatic, and the Tiger absolutely cannot stand this. The Snake is an owner who always follows winding paths, while the Tiger always follows only the straight road and ahead.

According to the Tiger's compatibility horoscope, the Snake constantly thinks about the result, and the Tiger prefers to think about the means, so they do not understand each other. The Tiger will not want to follow the winding lines of the Snake, and the Snake will not be able to tame the wild Tiger. In business they always have a wonderful union because they complement each other. One takes the risk and the other takes the execution. Life together is completely impossible, since the Snake will betray the Tiger, and he will destroy it.

Tiger Man and Snake Woman

Here the Tiger man may become interested in the Snake woman’s stability, her ability to get what she wants, and her worldly wisdom. She can really become a reliable support and, in a sense, a defender of the rear for the Tiger man, who is always looking for something and, in general, fickle.

The Snake woman, if she understands why she needs this man, will be able to arrange a family home and take on a lot of worries and responsibilities. She is responsive, kind and very efficient, but also demanding. You won’t waste your time on trifles and connect your life with an obviously worthless man. The tiger will definitely attract her because he has inner strength, rod. The Snake woman simply cannot pass by - this man will be able to teach her a lot and she strives for him.

In love life, in sexual life, everything is fine. The woman is attractive and playful, and the man is passionate enough to be carried away by such a peculiar lady. They like to please each other.

Tiger Woman and Snake Man

In this combination of signs, the overall situation is more complicated. The Snake man will try to keep the Tiger woman within the framework that he himself came up with. He will be persistent and achieving a compromise may not be easy, at least at first. A woman will need a lot of mental strength and work on herself in order to create with a man harmonious union and marriage. But when they understand that all people are different and appreciate each other’s merits, then it will begin real life it's like a fairytale. This couple is able to pass the critical point and turn onto the smooth road of a happy marriage.

The Tiger woman will want to lean against the strong, reliable shoulder of the Snake man, and she is a very picky lady and knows how to see deeply. The Snake man is well adapted to normal life and will find an opportunity to soften and balance the Tiger’s character. It is best for a woman in such a couple to simply not rush into action, but to listen more to her inner voice.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Tiger is a strong union, although in all respects these people are different. The horoscope of their love and marriage develops in two directions: either true love, or passion, but in the latter case the couple will not last even 2 months together. These relationships, sealed with sincerity, can be a wonderful start to family life.

General characteristics of compatibility between Snake and Tiger in love and marriage

These signs are contradictory: mismatch of temperaments, life position and goals. Their relationship begins complicatedly, most often with the love of the Snake. Only later the second partner will appreciate and love her, but initially the Snake seeks the Tiger.

If people of these zodiac years obey the same elements, then it is much easier for them to find common ground. For example, air-ruled Gemini Libra and Aquarius, or fiery Sagittarius, Aries, Leo water signs - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, and earth-ruled Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. The combination different elements will give less chance to build a strong marriage.

Partners can behave unpredictably, and the rebellious nature of the Tiger pushes him away from the Snake, which envelops him in a tight ring of care and control.

Snakes are very wise and calm, but they natural qualities used to suppress a partner. When the Snake understands that the Tiger has become dependent, it can live peacefully in marriage.

Let's say it a little rudely, but it is true: the Snake builds a family nest, goes about its work, and its partner must sit nearby and wait for instructions. These qualities of her character do not appear immediately, and after several years life together The tiger makes an unpleasant discovery for himself.

Tigers must understand emotional condition your partner. Support and even pity play an important role for the Snake in a relationship. But behind the fragility and dependence of the Snake lies a strong character. Finding herself alone, she quickly finds her bearings and knows how to protect herself.

How can the relationship between the zodiac Snake and Tiger develop?

What could be the outcome? There are three scenarios for the development of events:

  1. The Tiger gets used to his soul mate, loves her and tries, through dialogue, to slightly cool the Snake’s ardor.
  2. The Tiger, it depends on the zodiac sign, can become dependent, it is difficult for him to think and make decisions without prompting from the husband or wife of the Snake.
  3. Mutual resentment, misunderstanding, scandals with tears and breaking dishes, shouts of “You are my punishment!” (representatives of these signs can resolve conflicts this way). There is always a dispute between the Tiger and the Snake regarding the issue of supremacy. Is it worth saving the relationship?

But problems in relationships in this union can only be solved by conversation. The couple needs to calm down and then discuss their character flaws. Perhaps this will help bring back each other's love and respect.

Compatibility of Snake man and Tiger woman

In this combination the opportunity to build fundamental relations very high. The fact is that a woman is softer, and like every woman, she submits more easily to a man. The snake in this union can become a leader and show its potential: caring, ability to earn money. The Snake man and the Tiger woman build relationships not on profit, but on love.

He really admires his wife, who is becoming a wonderful housewife. She easily picks up her responsibilities and takes care of her husband. Their apartment is always cleaned, dinner is ready, and a smiling and understanding woman greets her husband from work. He likes her responsiveness, worldly wisdom and ability to give advice quietly.

She will be interested in her partner for his strength, because the Tiger woman does not waste time on trifles, and she will connect her life with mama's boy never can. If she submits, then only to a worthy contender.

IN sex life the couple is doing well. The lady is playful and a great inventor, and he is passionate and quickly becomes interested in her. They value sex and try to please each other.

What difficulties will a couple of a Tiger woman and a Snake man face?

A man constantly criticizes a woman. He tries to drive his other half into a framework invented by himself, which, of course, she doesn’t like. If a couple survives the first few years of marriage, then they will not have problems in the future.

The Tiger in alliance with the Snake will have to muster all his restraint and natural tact in order to painlessly pass the critical point in the relationship.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Tiger man and Snake woman are a critical match that is often doomed to failure due to mutual claims partners. In the first days of acquaintance, a woman begins to put pressure on him, and this quality manifests itself even in small things.

Tiger becomes captivated by her smooth speech and attractiveness, at first oblivious to the restrictions on his freedom. He sees in a woman a good housewife and a wonderful lover who is not averse to fulfilling these duties.

In the first phase they Serious relationships a woman may be offended by the Tiger for his insincerity and unwillingness to tell her everything. During their life together, in order to designate their personal space, Tigers prefer to prepare an office for themselves, where they calmly go about their business.

A woman can influence a man through tears and resentment; this is not an optimistic Monkey or a cold Ox. This behavior makes him feel shame and pity, and Tiger is ready to forgive her everything.

The ideal marriage of a Tiger man and a Snake woman

Of course, in this union there is also positive sides. Being next to a representative of the most stable zodiac year The snake will get a chance to realize its talents. The man supports all her endeavors; if the family is financially stable, then the woman can even open her own business.

Working in tandem, the Tiger and the Snake achieve success, because she is lucky and a good organizer, he is decisive and shows his courage. And work allows them to take their mind off family problems– the couple finds a common language faster.

Another connecting link is sexual relations that bring pleasure to each partner. The thin, even slightly tearful Snake becomes an excellent partner for the strong-willed, sharp Tiger.

As friends, Snake and Tiger men and women get along well, as well as in work matters.

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