Home Useful tips The secret of the name of light and its meaning. Name meaning: Svetlana. Svetlana: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive

The secret of the name of light and its meaning. Name meaning: Svetlana. Svetlana: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Svetlaya" (Slavic)

Energy of the name and character: The entire energy of the name Svetlana is literally imbued with lightness and mobility, from its sound to its specific meaning - light. Usually all these qualities are reflected in Sveta’s emotionality and her penchant for fun, so it’s probably not for nothing that this name has become so widespread in Russia. Of course, if her parents keep a tight rein on her as a child and demand restraint and complete obedience, then over time Sveta’s emotions can reach the level of passions, but in most cases her emotionality is somewhat superficial and easily finds a way out in Sveta’s behavior.

Usually Svetlana grows up as a sociable, cheerful child, for those who love games and have a rather cool attitude towards schoolwork. Another thing is that her agile mind allows her to assimilate information quite quickly, although not very deeply, and therefore special problems As a rule, it does not arise with her academic performance. In addition, in some cases, Sveta may become interested in some school subjects, and then her knowledge becomes deeper. The only pity is that this interest is rarely sustainable, and often Svetlana grows up in accordance with Pushkin’s phrase - “we all learned a little something and somehow.” The usual set of education for Svetlana consists of a high school, a music class, sometimes a drawing or dancing club, then some kind of institute is desirable not so much for knowledge, but for social status. Naturally, all this is true only if her upbringing or some out-of-the-ordinary cases did not deepen her interest in one of the areas of knowledge or art. In this case, Svetlana’s agile mind and lightness can help her achieve significant success in an area of ​​interest to her.

In life, Svetlana is quite friendly and sociable, she loves cheerful companies, she can lose her temper, but this is unlikely to last long. She almost always has a huge number of girlfriends and boyfriends, and she rarely has problems with boyfriends. True, she may experience a lot of doubts when choosing a candidate for a spouse, which is associated with the slight variability of her emotions and feelings. Alas, deep love uncharacteristic for her. In family life, she is unlikely to claim the role of leader, but, following her fickle emotions, Svetlana can often, as they say, nag her husband, not really trying to hide even slight discontent. However, usually all this is smoothed out by her sufficient lightness and cheerfulness, so that no special problems arise here. With age, her feelings often become deeper, and this is reflected in increased care for children. If Sveta wants to succeed in her career, she should learn to concentrate and become more assiduous.

Secrets of communication: Usually arguing with Sveta is the same as arguing with the wind, since most often her emotions prevail over logic. Therefore, it is much easier to interest her by appealing to her heart. Rest assured, her mind will go where Svetino’s heart wants.

The name's trace in history:

Svetlana Kryuchkova

“I am a driven person,” actress Svetlana Kryuchkova says to herself, referring to her creativity and style of working with directors. These words, of course, do not apply to her career, since she had to achieve absolutely everything herself. The daughter of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Chisinau, she did not have many chances to enter the capital's theatrical elite, and she understood this perfectly. Therefore, for three years in a row, she stubbornly tried to enter one of the theater institutes, writing in the application form: “From a family of employees.” So, as a result, Svetlana Kryuchkova, before entering the Moscow Art Theater School, managed to work as both an assembler and a preparator.

Unlike successful creative career(she is known and loved for her roles as Nellie Ledneva in “The Big Break”, Catherine II in “The Tsar’s Hunt” and many others) the actress’s personal life was far from cloudless. Perhaps the reason for this is her emotionality, sensuality, passion - after all, not every man can withstand such a strong pressure of feelings. Having been married several times and left with two sons, at some point in her life Svetlana Kryuchkova seemed to be forever disappointed in men, believing that “all they can do is play games: politics, money, but real life is not about able to bear it." However, her last marriage turned out to be more successful, forcing her to reconsider such pessimistic views on life. And therefore now, when Svetlana Kryuchkova is asked if she is happy, she sincerely answers:

– There are only three misfortunes: death, illness and remorse. Happiness is everything else.

According to Mendelev

A unique name, upon the perception of which all psycho-emotional signs do not manifest themselves. Having uttered or heard it, we cannot say anything definite about this person. On the one hand, this is bad - the name does not carry any certainty, much less predetermination, on the other - what scope for the formation of a personality! None external forces, no assignment! Svetlana is sculpted by the life around her, by her family, friends and, finally, by herself - whatever she wants, that’s how she will be. She, in the full sense of the word, creates herself.

Svetlana helps with this lexical meaning name: "light" By the way, in diminutive name This sign of light is one of the few that are expressed, if not brightly, then at least noticeably (another sign is “light”). Perhaps, however, the name is Svetlana

manifests itself in other signs that are not considered here: for example, “open” - “mysterious”, “clear” - “foggy”, “hard” - “soft”, etc. But we do not have enough data for such an analysis.

Svetlana (and her parents) will have to think about what they would like her to be like, and take responsibility for her fate, because she is equally open to good and evil.

Here is one of the ways - an easy, bright, active and sociable personality. He fits in well in any society, finds his way in life, settles down his family, and enjoys universal respect. Here is another - a powerful, authoritarian, indisputable personality, inclined to lead people and use them to achieve his goals. Worse things can happen: a person devoid of will and character, floating with the flow, indifferent to others and to himself. These opportunities can be realized with approximately the same probability, almost everything depends on Svetlana herself: in childhood and adolescence she is at a crossroads and needs help to choose her path.

Svetlana's colors are green and red.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

She is attractive to the male eye. Even if she doesn’t stand out among other women, a man sees “something special” in her. Svetlana herself often does not know about her attractiveness, because she is mortally afraid of love failures. She is afraid of serious attachments, afraid to show her feelings, most of all fearing that the man may not reciprocate her feelings. She never imposes herself on anyone, but, convinced that she is of interest to a man, she is able to surrender to him without setting any conditions. If a partner shows enough tenderness and warmth towards Svetlana, she can become clay in his hands.

Svetlana is full of energy and love of life, and sex for her is a source of joy, pleasure, bringing a sense of peace of mind, a feeling of fullness of life. Svetlana is not one of those women who look at handsome, tall and slender men; her partner’s appearance does not matter to her; she values ​​other qualities in him, not least of which are his passion, sexual experience, and ability to give a woman pleasure .

In her personal life, Svetlana pays little attention to public opinion, does not take into account the gossip of gossips. She even seems to like it when people talk about her, it tickles her vanity. Svetlana treats all men with distrust, believing that she cannot completely rely on any of them, but she loves men, life without them is colorless for her. Her dissatisfaction never lasts long - tender word, a gentle hug, and Svetlana is ready to melt and forgive her lover everything.

“Summer” Svetlana is immersed in her intimate problems and is no longer able to see anything around her; she is extremely sensitive to random breakdowns in the sexual sphere.

According to Higir

Slavic origin, from the word “light”. Female version of the name Svetlana.

Svetochka has had a contradictory, complex character since childhood. So, she always seems to be trying to insist on her own, but at the same time, without noticing it, she often goes with the flow. She has high self-esteem, but she is an average student, devoting more time to social work than studying. She is active, loves to command, gets her way, but at the same time thoughtlessly and easily takes what people say on faith. At the same time, Sveta is very a kind person, devoid of impudence, can completely disinterestedly help a person, even to the detriment of himself. She is neat and takes care of her appearance. In her younger years, she often lacks a sense of proportion, and, following fashion, she can wear clothes in which she looks ridiculous. She is flirtatious and loves male company, because she often simply doesn’t find it with women. common language.

If Svetlana begins to be haunted by failures, she is able to critically rethink her life and attitude towards people. She decides to change jobs and becomes more sociable and compliant. In general, despite many character flaws, Svetlana adapts well to life, is independent and hardworking, and about them we can say with complete confidence that everything that happens to them in life is their business own hands. Svetlanas with patronymics Andreevna, Ivanovna, Alekseevna are soft and feminine.

Svetlana's happiness almost always depends on herself. She will never get married if she is not sure that the chosen one is worthy of her and his feelings are true. Svetlana is given the ability to be flexible and diplomatic. Therefore, both the husband and mother-in-law are happy with her: the first does not have to change her habits, and the second still feels like a mistress, although in fact she is not one.

Svetlana is very attached to children, she tries to give them a good education. With age, Svetlana turns into an exemplary housewife, a kind, loving grandmother.

It will work out happily family life Svetlana with Vladimir, Vadim, Oleg, Felix, Yuri, Eduard, Bogdan, Alexey, Boris. It will be difficult to find a common language with Alexander, Stanislav, Gleb.

Svetlana is quite popular Russian name, which is of Slavic origin and has a very obvious meaning, since it is consonant with the word “light”. There are many mysteries associated with this name that still cannot be solved.

Meaning and origin of the name

There are several versions of where the name Svetlana came from. One camp of scholars holds the view of an ancient origin: they believe that Svetlana is a name consisting of two parts, “light” and “lan”, translated as “light” and “field”. Svetlana is " bright land"or "light of the earth." Based on this, it follows that Sveta is an abbreviated name that has its own meaning. Sveta - “light”.

The second version says that the name “Svetlana” was invented by the Russian poet Vostokov. Nobody knows whether he invented it himself or took it from ancient chronicles and sources.

There is a third version, which explains the appearance of the name by borrowing from other languages. Most likely transferred from Greek culture, where the name Photinia means “light.”

Each version has its place, so the truth will remain a mystery for now.

The fate and character of Svetlana

Girls with this name are indeed always bright and radiant. They are easy to communicate with. After talking with Svetlana, you can decide that these are the most open to the world People. Sveta is kind to everyone, she is quite responsive and courteous. But nevertheless, Svetlana contains two different people, and absolutely opposite in nature. Sometimes Svetlana will deliberately flare up, although later she will regret what she did or said.

She is very neat, clean and always keeps her house or room in order. If someone dares to encroach on the cleanliness of her home, he will regret it at that very second. Svetlanas hate cleaning, but they love it when everything around them is perfectly clean.

Sometimes the bearer of the name Svetlana can command, become a leader and leader, and also make her way to a high position. This is a consequence of high self-esteem, which often prevents Svetlana from impartially assessing her capabilities, but this same feature helps Sveta not to be afraid where another stops.

Svetlana loves to be the center of attention and become the subject of conversation. Sveta knows how to put herself in the shoes of the people around her, but very often she simply cannot wait to try herself in the role of commander-in-chief. Because of this, she may well have problems with work colleagues, friends, or even loved ones. By the way, as for friends - among them Sveta more men than women.

The character of these women is such that sometimes they cannot trust completely, although they openly look at the world. Of course, this does not help them in life, but rather hinders them. Svetlana dreams of finding a man who will become everything to her, but in love, as in other areas of life, you need to move forward, but Svetlana begins to move back. The fate of a girl greatly depends on how and by whom she was raised, what the situation was in the house and how ready she is to build relationships with the world around her.

In terms of choosing a profession, Svetlana is universal, but she loves leadership positions, because she likes to manage people. Salary takes a back seat for her, because the main thing is self-realization: Svetlana doesn’t mind being above the rest. She can change jobs very often, because her salary or promises of the future will not keep her in search of herself.

Sveta dreams of finding a man close to her heart, so when she finds him, she holds on to him with both hands, not letting go for a second. Svetlana changes completely in marriage and sometimes even loses her unpredictability and desire to control everything and everyone.

The meaning of the name Svetlana for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, Svetlana already plays with people's emotions, but does not allow herself to do this with her parents. Sveta needs good example, not only on the mother’s side, but also on the father’s side. She needs a teacher who will show and tell everything about life. If parents do not do this, the child may grow up completely uncontrollable, irresponsible and lazy.

A girl with this name does not understand the difference between good and bad, so she often tries to achieve her goal by deception. As a child, Sveta looks like a kind of bandit, a hooligan and a violator of all written and unwritten laws, although adults always speak only well of her.

She shows miracles of manipulation and psychological control already in elementary school. This is how she develops managerial talent and prepares for adult life, without even knowing it. Sveta does not immediately begin to make and appreciate friends, but by this time she understands people well.

Characteristics of the name Svetlana

Name energy: Svetlana has a very fickle energy, which is reflected in her mood. She is either sad, sitting by the window, or dancing with joy, and both impulses look and are absolutely sincere. Sveta is a very unpredictable girl and woman from whom you can expect anything. She begins to calm down and equalize her energy balance around the age of forty.

To which patronymic The name Svetlana is suitable: Vladimirovna, Gennadievna, Sergeevna, Andreevna, Dmitrievna, Maksimovna, Evgenievna, Vadimovna.

Patron animal: rabbit.

Name element: Svetlana is a typical fire: she is unbridled and rebellious.

Zodiac sign: The name Svetlana best suits the Gemini or Leo sign.

Stone-amulet: crystal and jasper. Crystal has protective property, which is very suitable for Svetlana if she becomes the object of gossip. Jasper strengthens energy and minimizes mood swings.

Metal: iron, which helps to overcome any difficulties.

Color: Of the flowers, blue and black colors can bring good luck to Svetlana. Black is the color of wisdom, helping to accept important decisions, and blue calms the nervous system.

Planet: changeable, hot and fast Mercury.

Favorable day of the week: Saturday.

Plant: birch, symbolizing the duality of Svetlana, her light and dark beginnings.

Lucky number: 6.

Famous representatives: Svetlana Svetlichnaya (USSR actress), Svetlana Khorkina (athlete), Svetlana Zakharova (Soviet ballerina).

Of course, Svetlana encounters many difficulties on her way, but they are excellent signposts on the road to happiness—true and pure. Svetlana always comes to him because she believes in this with all her soul.

Numerology of the female name Svetlana

Six is ​​an ambiguous number for the name Svetlana. And it so happened that it is precisely this that determines the life of this person, guides, gives strength and sets new goals. Svetlana can achieve anything she wants. There is one “but” – if you are not lazy. Laziness for her is like a stop for a shark - no movement, which means no life. And not only self-development is important to her, but also the desire to win... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

All names in alphabetical order:

The weekly horoscope will help you find out what the energy of the stars and planets will be, as well as how...

    Yes, we are the Light in your life! And there is no need to argue, it is not appropriate to add something after reading. In general, it’s very pleasant to read and understand that other people are carefully studying “your-my” person. "Life is Beautiful and amazing!!!"

    My wife’s name is Svetlana, and all my life I have been amazed and fallen in love again with her resilient character. This is simply incredible, but no matter what happens, she is always on a positive wave, nothing will break her, she will always find a way out. The truth loves to go for walks and won’t let me sit at home either. We are always somewhere with friends, and it is my wife who drags me out there.

    My mommy's name is Svetlana, this is amazing person! I have never seen anything like this anywhere else! She will always find a way out of the situation; her friends constantly turn to her for help. Of course, she spoils me a lot, but I don’t mind, especially since I try not to take advantage of it and only appreciate her urges. Svetlana is one of my favorite names.

    My beloved wife, my most best girl like the most gentle light in my life. Svetlana, Svetik. And not just a warming light, but also a wise diplomat. And what an excellent and caring housewife any man would envy. I am truly happy that such a Svetik is next to me.

    My beloved sister’s name is Svetlana)) She is like a ray of sunshine; fragile, gentle, with a soft but persistent character... And on top of all this, she also has sunny hair color (blonde))) Sveta is an open, kind and incredibly cheerful person)) The description of her name and she in reality exactly match) It’s even surprising was to read)

    Yes, almost everything here is about me, but I don’t like clubs and sections because I don’t go to them. Logic! And this is true, especially at the age of a teenager.

Svetlana: the meaning of the name, character and fate.

Svetlana (Sveta)– a friendly, kind and bright person who is trying to build his life as correctly as possible. And although she does not always manage to do everything perfectly, she tries not to notice her mistakes and goes through life with her head held high. You can find more detailed information about the energy of the name in our article.

What does the name Svetlana mean according to the church calendar?

The meaning of the name according to the church calendar

If you look into church calendar, then you will find in it several decodings of the name Svetlana. It was originally thought to mean Light or Crystal. In ancient times, girls were given this name if they wanted them to devote themselves to serving God when they grew up.

But already in the 18th century, the name Svetlana began to be deciphered a little differently. It was divided into two individual words Svet and Lan began to translate it as Transparent And Earthly. But still, no matter how it is translated, we can definitely say that it carries a lot of positive energy, which helps the owners of this name leave a good mark behind them.

Patron saint named Svetlana

Svetlana of Palestine is considered the patron saint of all those living on earth. The fate of this woman was very difficult. Together with her family, she decided to travel to new lands, and having almost reached her destination, she was caught in a very strong storm, as a result of which all her loved ones died.

She was thrown ashore on the island where Blessed Martinian lived as a hermit. He told her that he lives on this piece of land completely alone and only three times a year a person comes to him and brings him provisions. Svetlana decided that this was a sign from God and persuaded Martinian to let her stay.

After thinking a little, he gave his consent and blessed the woman to serve God. Svetlana lived as a hermit on the island for approximately six years, all the time praying to the Almighty. After her death, the man who brought her food transported her remains to Caesarea where she was buried and then elevated to the rank of Holy People.

The secret of the name Svetlana

The secret of the name Svetlana

Since childhood, Svetlana has been independent. The owners of this name try to get rid of adult guardianship very early and sometimes resort to little tricks to achieve this. At school, Light has little interest in science. They go there more for the sake of socializing and having fun. The most interesting thing is that this attitude towards learning does not prevent them from studying quite well. Also in school age they make friends with whom they remain friends until old age.

Growing up, Svetlana does not lose her kind disposition and openness, which allows her to easily integrate into her new environment. As practice shows, no matter where she is, she will always find someone to communicate with and be friends with. The disadvantage of the character of the owners of this name is that they cannot bring what they start to its logical conclusion.

And they do this not out of laziness, but because they simply run out of enthusiasm and patience. But still, if at such a moment there is a person near her who will push her to further actions, then she will do everything to ensure that the result of her actions is as ideal as possible.

What nationality is the name Svetlana?

Nationality named after Svetlana

Svetlana is considered an ancient Slavic name, which in those days was translated as Clean. Initially, it was exclusively masculine and sounded like Svetlana. It was usually worn by monks (living in monasteries), who dedicated their entire lives to serving the Almighty.

Some sources claim that this beautiful and kind name also has Iranian roots. In this country they were called people with a kind soul who devoted all their time to helping poor and sick people. Translated from Iranian, the name Svetlana sounds like Bright face.

Name Svetlana: meaning, popularity

It is impossible to say that the name Svetlana is popular now. Yes, children are sometimes called it, but most often parents give preference to more modern variations such as Veta. But if you look at the spelling of this name, you can understand that it is not easy to name girls by it, but it is necessary.


  • WITH- desire for a strong financial position
  • IN- tries to ensure that all plans are implemented
  • E- makes a person diplomatic
  • T- enhances a person’s leadership qualities
  • A- helps develop intuition and enhances intellectual abilities

Svetlana - decoding of the name from Greek

Although the name Sveta is considered truly Slavic, in Greek there is a word form for it that sounds like Photinia. This word translated into Russian as Light.

The name Svetlana (Sveta) in French, in different languages

Name Svetlana (Sveta) na na different languages

A person's name is unique and may sound completely different on foreign languages. So that you can understand how differently people on our planet pronounce the same word, we offer you information on the pronunciation of the name Svetlana in different languages.


  • American- Lana
  • French- Lucia
  • Belorussian- Svyatlana, Svyatlanka, Sveta
  • Czech- Svetla, Svetlushka
  • Bulgarian- Svetlinushka, Svetlina
  • Serbian- Svetlanka, Tsetsa

How is the name Svetlana written in a foreign passport?

It’s probably not even worth mentioning that a foreign passport is an important document in which every letter must be written correctly. If a mistake is made in even one word, you may have problems right upon arrival in a foreign country.

That is why you must double-check whether your name was entered correctly (it must be written in Latin). The name Svetlana in the international passport should be written as Svetlana.

Svetlana: what is an abbreviated short name, a diminutive pet name?

Svetlana: shortened short name

Although the name Svetlana sounds quite cute and beautiful, it is still more suitable adult woman. If you call it a young girl or a little girl, it will be better if you try to use abbreviated and endearments this word.


  • Svetik
  • Svetulya
  • Svetulushka
  • Svetunchik
  • Svetusya

Svetlana: the meaning of the name character and fate

People who see Svetlana for the first time may think that she is very carefree and easy man. Yes, these traits are also present in her character, but behind them lie commanding and leadership qualities that simply lie dormant until a certain time. Moreover, if Sveta is offended by something, she can be tough, insidious and vindictive.

Moreover, she will take revenge on her offender only after she has carefully thought through how to do this so that the people around her do not think badly of her. But still, the owners of this name exhibit more positive qualities. As a rule, Svetlanas are very responsive, kind and open. They know how to find a common language with all people and do it with great joy. But fate is not very kind to Svetlana.

She always comes up with some obstacles for them that prevent them from simply enjoying life. But fortunately, this state of affairs only encourages girls with that name, and they try to rise to the level from which they fell as quickly as possible. Due to the fact that these women have to constantly fight for a place in the sun, as they approach forty, they become overly ambitious and try to independently control everything that happens around them.

Name Svetlana: sexuality, marriage

Svetlana: sexuality, marriage

As a rule, Svetlanas prefer the company of men to that of women. That is why they easily start new relationships and fall in love very often. The rest of the fair sex really dislike this behavior, so they try to do everything to make Sveta feel uncomfortable in their company.

To sex ladies wearing given name, they treat it as something ordinary, so they quite calmly agree to have sex right away at the first meeting. But don’t think that such girls are too easily accessible. They take this step only if they understand for sure that their sympathy is mutual. But as practice shows, these ladies connect their lives with men with whom they have a very strong spiritual connection.

They believe that mutual understanding and respect are extremely important for marriage, and only last in this matter do they pay attention to sexual relations. Most often, Svetlanas marry guys who perceive them as they are and do not try to change them to suit themselves. If she comes across a patient and faithful man, then she will live with him all her life.

Name Svetlana: health and psyche

The main problem of all Svetlanas is their moral and psychological health. Due to the fact that they are nervous a lot and are in constant tension, they often have headaches. If a woman bearing this name finds strength and immediately consults a doctor, then this problem disappears very quickly.

If she delays going to a specialist, then her condition worsens and depression is also added to the headaches. For this reason, Lights need to strictly monitor their daily routine and, if possible, give their body rest and, at least sometimes, be distracted by something pleasant.

It could be a quiet evening with family, a trip to the cinema or a concert, or just a walk in the park. In addition, these girls must be very attentive to their women's health. Problems in this area begin to arise for them even in at a young age, and if left untreated, they can cause infertility.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Svetlana:

Middle names suitable for Svetlana

The father's name has a strong influence on Sveta's fate. The middle name Nikolaevna suits her least of all. His energy is so negative that sometimes the owners of this name on a subconscious level want to distance themselves from their father. Most often, such representatives of the fair sex have a very difficult fate.

As a rule, they live their lives in poverty and die alone. The middle name Vsevolodovna has a more positive influence on Svetlana. It gives the girl strength to fight problems and pushes her to the right choice in difficult life situations.

Middle names suitable for Svetlana:

  • Alexandrovna
  • Gavrilovna
  • Davidovna
  • Stepanovna
  • Igorevna
  • Leonidovna

Svetlana: compatibility with male names

If you carefully read our article, you probably remembered that Svetlana very easily gets along with representatives of the stronger sex. Unfortunately, most men perceive their openness as accessibility and consider it impossible to build relationships with them. serious relationship. That is why the owners of this name are only suitable for men who are calm and understand their subtle nature.

An ideal match for Sveta would be:

  • Anton. He has a gentle character, so he will support his chosen one in all her endeavors.
  • Vadim. Guys bearing this name are very well-read and intelligent, so an alliance with him will help Svetlana slightly improve her intellectual abilities.
  • Gleb. It will help a woman love herself and encourage her to try to get rid of her negative traits.
  • a lion. Svetlana is more suitable than others because he can protect her from the attacks of strangers. As practice shows, an alliance with this man always turns out to be very strong.
  • Sergey. Although men with this name are very hot-tempered, they know how to support their chosen one. In such a union, Sveta will feel happy, loved and desired.

When is Svetlana’s name day, Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?

If you open the church calendar, you will find that the usual name Svetlana is not there. But still, the owners of this name can celebrate Angel Day 3 times a year. In Christmastide, Svetlana is written as Photinia or Photina. In view of this, the Day of the Angel of All Light is celebrated on the days of veneration of St. Photinia.

In 2017 these will be the following days:

  • February 26
  • April 2
  • November 16

Congratulations on Angel Day for Svetlana: short, in verse and prose

Congratulations No. 1

Congratulations No. 2
  • Svetlana, congratulations on Angel Day! We wish that your heavenly protector will help you rise quickly after your fate trips you up. Be happy dear!
  • May the sun shine brightly on you on this beautiful day! We wish your Guardian Angel to show you an easy and bright path to your happy future.

Songs with the name Svetlana

Tattoo with the name Svetlana: photo

Tattoo with the name Svetlana

Gold pendant for Svetlana: photo

Pendant No. 1

Pendant No. 2

Name Svetlana: intuition, intelligence, morality

Most Svetlanas' intuition is very poorly developed. Since they often live by feelings, they sometimes commit actions that greatly harm them. As for intelligence, the owners of this name have no problems with this. Despite their easy nature, they love exact sciences and know how to think logically.

Moreover, if they feel the support of their relatives, they are even capable of scientific discoveries. These women’s morals are also in perfect order. Although, at first glance, they seem a little eccentric, they know how to behave in society and try to be perceived correctly by others.

Name Svetlana: hobbies, activities, business

Svetlanas are the type of women who are capable of doing monotonous work for hours. That is why most often they are fond of sewing, embroidery or knitting. If you go into the house of the owner of this name, you will probably find in it a lot of hand-made things.

Some Svetas turn their passion into a business and sell products to friends or simply acquaintances. As for choosing a profession, in this case they cannot be called picky. These women can quite easily work at any job, as long as it brings them stable income and gave moral pleasure.

Which zodiac sign does the name Svetlana go to?

Zodiac signs for Svetlana

The most suitable sign The zodiac sign for Light is Virgo. In this case, the stars will have the most favorable influence on the girl’s fate and, as a result, in adult life she will have practically no negative traits that are inherent in other owners of this name.

Svetlana-Virgo is a comprehensively developed personality, capable of self-realization, and always very quickly achieving good results in all his endeavors. The same positive influence ladies bearing this name will be influenced by the constellation Aquarius. In this case, the woman will be smart, beautiful and charming. All these character traits will help her make good acquaintances and move up the career ladder very quickly.

Talisman stone for the name Svetlana

The owners of this name have two talisman stones at once. This is the purest rhinestone and bright black opal. As practice shows, it is best for Svetlanas to carry both stones with them at the same time. Rhinestone will attract your soulmate to her and give her peace of mind. Black opal will play the role of a protector who will make sure that the negativity surrounding the girl does not have any impact on her.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Svetlana

Oriental lily

Svetlana's totem flower is lily. It is believed that it can give a person strength to fight for his future, and also helps to acquire faith in all that is best and beautiful.

The totem tree of these women is considered birch. In view of this, if Svetlana has problems in life, then it is best for her to periodically come to this tree and give her negativity to it.

Totem animal named Svetlana

The totem animal of these girls is hare. And although it is believed that he achieves his goal through cunning and deception, in the case of Sveta, this helps them quickly cope with frequently arising problems.

Numerology of the name Svetlana

Numerology of the name Svetlana

Svetlana’s life is controlled by the number 6. It helps them not to get confused in serious situations and guides them to in the right direction when it seems that there is no way out. If the owner of this name is not lazy, she will quickly find herself at the top and will be able to forget about her problems for a long period.

DOB: 1937-04-18

Version 1. What does the name Svetlana mean?

The name Svetlana is of Slavic origin, from the word “bright”. Female version of the name Svetlana. Svetochka has had a contradictory, complex character since childhood. So, she always seems to be trying to insist on her own, but at the same time, without noticing it, she often goes with the flow.

Sveta has high self-esteem, but she is an average student, devoting more time to social work than studying. She is active, loves to command, gets her way, but at the same time thoughtlessly and easily takes what people say on faith. At the same time, Sveta is a very kind person, devoid of impudence, and can completely disinterestedly help a person, even to the detriment of herself. She is neat and takes care of her appearance. In her younger years, she often lacks a sense of proportion and, following fashion, she can wear clothes in which she looks ridiculous. She is flirtatious and loves male company, because she often simply does not find a common language with women.

If Svetlana begins to be haunted by failures, she is able to critically rethink her life and attitude towards people. She decides to change jobs and becomes more sociable and compliant. In general, despite many character flaws, Svetlana adapts well to life, is independent and hardworking, and we can say with complete confidence that everything that happens to them in life is the work of their own hands. Svetlanas with patronymics Andreevna, Ivanovna, Alekseevna are soft and feminine.

Svetlana's happiness almost always depends on herself. She will never get married if she is not sure that the chosen one is worthy of her and his feelings are true. Svetlana is given the ability to be flexible and diplomatic. Therefore, both the husband and mother-in-law are happy with her: the first does not have to change her habits, and the second still feels like a mistress, although in fact she is not one.

Svetlana is very attached to children and tries to give them a good education. With age, Svetlana turns into an exemplary housewife, a kind, loving grandmother.

Svetlana’s family life will be happy with Vladimir, Vadim, Oleg, Felix, Yuri, Eduard, Bogdan, Alexey, Boris. It will be difficult to find a common language with Alexander, Stanislav, Gleb.

DOB: 1940-05-15

Version 2. What does the name Svetlana mean?

Svetlana - from the Old Russian word light.

Derivatives: Svetlanka, Sveta, Svetik, Svstulya, Svetunya, Svetusya, Svetukha, Svetusha, Beta, Lana.


Svetlana seems to be woven from contradictions, assertive, stubborn, energetic - and capable of unexpectedly giving in to circumstances at the most crucial moments. She is very kind and at the same time can easily, as if without even noticing it, hurt a loved one. She is hardworking, independent, knows how to establish relationships with people, but she herself will ruin them due to excessive confidence in her own infallibility. Either she suddenly wants to subjugate everyone in her circle of loved ones, or Svetlana turns into a furious boss.

Svetlana is attractive, loves male company, easily wins fans, but at the same time, the main thing for her is family, she touchingly cares for her husband and children.

DOB: 1947-05-24

3 version of the meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlana - bright, pure (ancient Slavic).

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Planet Neptune.

Blue color.

Auspicious tree - birch.

The treasured plant is the lily.

The patron of the name is the white hare.

Talisman stone - rock crystal.


Svetlana is ice and fire, full of contradictions. Kindness to people - and a rare ability to cause them pain, inflated self-esteem - and selfless altruism, perseverance, determination - and inability to do the most important points life to take fate into your own hands. She is independent and hardworking, diplomatic, kind and does not like to command.

Flirty, prefers male company, because it is more difficult to find a common language with women. Svetlana cares very much about her family, she is an ideal mother and wife.

DOB: 1935-12-16

5th version of the meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlana - “bright” (Slavic names).

Svetochka has had a contradictory character since childhood. She is very similar in internal content to her mother, external genotype data is transmitted from her father.

Difficult period in raising a child, it begins when he begins to move around the apartment - crawling, walking, holding onto the wall. The girl is very inquisitive, explores every corner of the apartment, and must fully know her possessions. She is attracted to everything new. Parents have to hide everything from her and closely monitor their daughter. You can't leave her alone even for a second.

“December” Svetlana is a very restless, but kind and gentle girl. She cannot live without her mother’s affection, and she will definitely declare her love to her parents like a child. Growing up, she becomes stubborn and strives to achieve her goal by any means.

“February” drives adults into a state of insanity with its childish questions; many are confused and don’t know what to answer. Svetochka needs to be brought up in kindergarten, she is too inquisitive, sociable, her grandmother or mother alone does not suit her, she is eager to join the team. It is very important already during this period to establish with her trusting relationship, otherwise in school and adolescence she becomes secretive, and you will not be able to penetrate her inner world. Svetlana loves adventure films, literature, and enjoys attending concerts of popular pop singers.

She is a leader in the class, a good organizer, and the initiator of all endeavors. She has increased self-esteem, but she is an average student and devotes more time to social work. She is active, likes to command, gets her way. But at the same time, she is very gullible, does not give herself the trouble to think about the actions of her friends and her own. However, Sveta is devoid of impudence and cunning, and willingly helps others, despite the fact that it takes her a lot of time and prevents her from solving her problems. She is neat and takes care of her appearance. At a young age, she has no sense of proportion; she can wear clothes in which she looks simply ridiculous. Flirty. Does not find a common language with girls, loves the company of boys.

In the event of a streak of failures, Svetlana is able to reconsider her views, change her intentions, decisively change her job or even profession, and becomes more sociable and compliant. She adapts well to life, is independent and hardworking.

Her happiness almost always depends on herself. She will never marry if she is not sure that the chosen one is worthy of her and his feelings are sincere. But, having tied the knot with her chosen one, she becomes a loving mother and wife, flexible and diplomatic, an exemplary housewife. The husband and mother-in-law are happy with her: the husband may not change his habits, and the mother-in-law still feels like the head of the house, although she has not been one for a long time. Svetlana is very attached to children and tries to give them a thorough education. Her husband's word is law for her. She herself visits his mother, but she doesn’t always find the opportunity to find time for her own.

“Winter” Svetlana strives to be the center of attention, a leader among her peers.

“Autumn” is reasonable, distrustful. This is a programmer, civil engineer, hairdresser, dentist-prosthetist, studio director, bartender, cook, art critic, notary, salesman, accountant, pharmacist.

“Spring” - not self-confident, always doubting.

“Summer” Svetlana is good-natured, but somewhat reserved. This is a photojournalist, teacher, educator, biologist, fashion designer, enamel painter, archivist, registry office inspector, administrator, musician, conductor.

The following middle names are suitable for “winter” and “autumn”: Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Danilovna, Yuryevna.

For “summer” and “spring” Svetlana, patronymic names are Stanislavovna, Grigorievna, Georgievna, Igorevna, Vyacheslavovna.

DOB: 1972-01-07

6 version of the meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlanas are very contradictory: very neat, stupid, not adapted to life, psychopathic.

DOB: 1979-01-19

7 version of the meaning of the name Svetlana

Svetlana usually has a very high opinion of herself, which is not always true. In her youth, conceit gives Svetlana a lot of grief. After all, she believes that she deserves all the best, and the harsh truth of life does not justify her claims.

But a high self-evaluation still helps Svetlana achieve certain success, and the constant search for new and interesting things makes her life interesting.

Svetlana gets married late and at first considers her marriage quite successful. She does not immediately find her true calling, but adapts and is generally satisfied with her chosen profession.

However, in middle age, many Svetlanas undergo metamorphoses, which, as a rule, begins with divorce. Svetlana soberly and critically reevaluate themselves, their contribution to the profession, and their attitude towards people. It's as if their eyes are opening. Some decide to change jobs and begin to pay much more attention to home, children, and grandchildren than they did before, finding happiness primarily in family peace.

Svetlana is independent, hardworking, and we can say with complete confidence that everything that happens to them in life is the work of their own hands. This name - Svetlana - is of Slavic origin and means “bright”.

10 version of the meaning of the name Svetlana

This name came from ancient times, it is from the heritage of the Aryan people. It consists of two words: light and lan (earth) - which means * light of the earth *. The above data from numerology and the letter decoding only confirm the meaning of the name * SVETLANA *.

Name day named after Svetlana

February 26, April 2,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Svetlana

DOB: 1937-04-18

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR

DOB: 1940-05-15

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

DOB: 1947-05-24

Moldovan and Soviet actress, Honored Artist of Russia and Moldova

Svetlana Kryuchkova

DOB: 1950-06-22

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR

DOB: 1935-12-16

Soviet and Russian actress, director, screenwriter, People's Artist of Russia

DOB: 1972-01-07

Russian speed skater, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of Russia

DOB: 1979-01-19

Russian gymnast, two-time Olympic champion, public figure

Svetlana Bezrodnaya

DOB: 1934-02-12

Soviet and Russian violinist, conductor, teacher, People's Artist of Russia

Svetlana Savitskaya

DOB: 1948-08-08

Soviet cosmonaut, second female cosmonaut in the world, public figure

Svetlana Romashina

DOB: 1989-09-21

Russian athlete (synchronized swimming), five-time Olympic champion

Svetlana Zhiltsova

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Soviet and Russian TV presenter, television announcer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR

Numerology of the name Svetlana

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, and maintain family and friendly ties. They always make loving parents and children, and they also feel confident working in education, healthcare, and social work. Caring, traditional views, and denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Svetlana

WITH- characterized by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on the partner.

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative people. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition and adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Capable of showing generosity.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. In rare cases, they are narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are too capricious and demand increased attention to your person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring work. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • WITH- Word
  • IN- Lead
  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • T- Firmly
  • L- People
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Svetlana in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Svetlana in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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Comments (223)

    It's daring, though. Apparently, our namesake actually crossed the author’s path at some point. I am the “spring” Sveta, who was described as sad shit , sorry. But here I will argue. I’m not at all prone to long-term grievances and depression; I’m a positive person. About self-esteem. I'm terribly self-critical, for the life of me, but I would never call myself beautiful/talented and blah-blah, although I have nothing against compliments;) What kind of word is that - stupid? Kinda dumb, huh? This is where the author of the article went wild. She turns out to be a stupid drunken psychopath. Alcohol makes me sick, my genetics are not ideal, so I won’t take a drop in my mouth. Psychopath? You know, I’ve seen such hysterics, and they were far from Sveta. Dumb? I study well, in languages, literature and history I am the best in the class, I won Olympiads. Do you think stupid people are accepted into such competitions? I am not a sports person, I prefer to read, write different stories, whatever you want, just not cross-country. There were also words about tasteless clothes. At this point, excuse me, Sveta knows a lot about clothes, my mother brought up my taste. I'm really neat. If I do something, I do it perfectly. Although I rarely help with housework, I’m lazy. But my godmother’s name is Sveta, she is an ideal housewife, she loves my brother and sister, her children very much, and she has a good husband. She got married at 25, which to me is just perfect. My mother got married at 18, her whole life passed her by, she saw nothing but diapers and baby vests, and her godmother has been to a lot of places. I don't know how to cook, I confess. But I still have plenty of time for this, I’ll have time. Name incompatibilities. I am very amorous, I even fall in love partly because I am bored and I am looking for adventure. I met Sasha. Well, we dated... For two weeks, and then we separated. We didn't even act like a couple. I sighed for it for six months, dreamed about it, and when I received it, I suddenly realized that I didn’t fucking need it. I stupidly stole it from my ex, but now we get along with her, but we hardly communicate with him. So yes, some Sashas are assholes and bores. Now a guy named Denis is interesting, but I didn’t see his name on any list. Well, I still don’t believe much in this nonsense. Besides, not much came together. The author of the article in some parts was simply thinking where to hit it harder. Eh, he got a good bitch Sveta. I myself am a kind and sympathetic person, I like to sit in the company of boys, but I have many girlfriends, I get along with everyone. So no need to la-la. Sveta, you and I are simply perfect, and let these envious individuals continue to drool. I am fair-haired, have brown eyes. I'm sorry I wasted my time reading this useless article, but it was nice to read the comments of other Lights. I'm glad we are so similar :)

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    I had 4 and 5 in Russian.

    “I tell her about Foma, she tells me about Yerema.” I knew all this before. But we have 2 patrons of the name, not one.


    At sea during a storm, the ship was driven onto rocks and smashed into pieces. None of the passengers escaped, except for one girl, who managed to grab a board and swam to the rock where blessed Martinian labored. He helped Svetlana (that was the girl’s name) climb the rock. He told her about his life on the rock, about the shipman’s visits to it three times a year, blessed the maiden, left her bread and water and threw himself into the sea. Dolphins helped him reach land.

    Svetlana was left alone to perform her feat in the name of the Lord. After some time, the shipman arrived, brought bread and water to Martinian, and found a woman on the rock. Svetlana told everything to the shipbuilder; she refused the shipbuilder’s offer to transport her to the city, but asked him to arrive with his wife and bring her men’s clothing and wool for needlework.

    The shipbuilder fulfilled her request, and Svetlana continued her ascetic life. She lived under open air day and night, in heat and cold, and praised the Lord for her life.

    Every day she offered twelve prayers to God, and every night she stood in prayer twenty-four times. A pound of bread provided her with food for two days.

    After six years of ascetic life on the island, Svetlana died. Just two months after her death, when the shipman and his wife arrived in due time, they found Svetlana dead forever. Saint Svetlana was buried in the city of Caesarea in Palestine.

    Svetlana Samaritan, Roman, martyr, April 2 (March 20). The Gospel of John (John 4:5-42) describes the meeting of the martyr Photina with Jesus Christ at Jacob's well. He asked her for water; the woman was surprised that a Jew would ask a Samaritan woman. The Jews did not recognize the Samaritans as a worthy people; despite their kinship, these nationalities had differences in the correct definition of places of worship and religious rituals, and tried to keep a distance from each other. In response to Photina’s surprise, Jesus Christ told her that the time of true unified faith was coming, and that He was the Messiah, whose coming humanity was awaiting. The holy martyr Photina (Svetlana) believed in the Savior and went to tell other people about Him. She suffered for her faith in Rome around 66 along with her sons and sisters. All the martyrs refused to renounce Christ. An angel sent by the Lord helped them endure all the torture and supported them at the moment of death.

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    Women named Svetlana are beautiful. Read Volodya and those who do not know famous Svetlanas: Svetlana Iosifovna Alliluyeva (1926)

    Daughter of Joseph Stalin.

    Svetlana Pavlovna Varguzova (1944)

    Russian operetta artist, People's Artist of Russia.

    Svetlana Vladimirovna Vasilenko (1956)

    Russian writer, screenwriter.

    Svetlana Sergeevna Druzhinina (1936)

    Russian actress (“It happened in Penkov”, “Girls”), screenwriter, film director (“Wishes Fulfilled”, “Matchmaking of a Hussar”, “Circus Princess”).


    Svetlana Ivanovna Korkoshko (1943)

    Russian theater (MKhAT) and film actress (“Taming of Fire”, “Strange Woman”).

    Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova (1950)

    Russian actress (“ Big change", "Relatives", "Burnt by the Sun").

    The life of Svetlana Kryuchkova against the backdrop of continuous...


    Svetlana Vladimirovna Nemolyaeva (1937)

    Russian actress (“Office Romance”, “Garage”).

    Lady in a hat - surrounded by two Sashas

    Biography of Nemolyaeva

    Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya (1948)

    USSR pilot-cosmonaut, second woman in space, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, world champion and record holder in parachuting and airplane sports, singer Sveta, Svetlana Loboda

    Svetlana Andreevna Svetikova (1983)

    Russian singer, actress.

    From Esmeralda to Teresa

    Svetlana Afanasyevna Svetlichnaya (1940)

    Russian actress (“The Diamond Arm”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “The meeting place cannot be changed”).

    An “innocent” woman in a robe with...

    Biography of Svetlichnaya

    Light in a square

    Svetlana Innokentievna Sorokina (1957)

    Russian TV presenter.

    Biography of Sorokina

    Svetlana Nikolaevna Kharitonova (1932)

    Russian actress (“The Cranes Are Flying,” “Almost funny story", "White Bim Black Ear"), director of sports films.

    Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova (1983)

    Russian theater and film actress.

    A real Russian beauty

    Svetlana Vasilievna Khorkina (1979)

    Russian gymnast, 2-time Olympic champion - it’s a shame not to know.

    Famous saint - Svetlana Polestinskaya.

    I hope you understand that this is only a small part.

    And there’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked - it’s a kitty for you, Masha, Volodya, Fedor

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    There are many similarities in the description, but also a lot that absolutely contradicts my character.

    Of course, I never tried very hard when it came to studying, although I know very well that I can do better, I’m just lazy.

    I agree that my character is complex and contradictory, and that I can cause both pain and joy, but I have never had and do not have a passion for alcohol, I have never been flighty and superficial, I have never suffered from high self-esteem, on the contrary. I am very critical of myself! My sense of proportion has never failed me either!

    I’ve never been stupid either, although I’ve never been a child prodigy either. There is some truth about cooking, I don’t like to cook, but if I do, it turns out very tasty. I was never sure of my infallibility and I never proved it to anyone! And I never really believe words, only actions. It’s generally difficult to convince me of anything!

    In general, the information here is 50/50

    All Svetki are different)))

    But there is still something unifying here!

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    • You're right, it's 50/50 here. Both about studying and about laziness, self-esteem was low, I constantly worked with it throughout my life. So that it’s at least average. Alcoholism, well, they killed it (I’m talking about those who wrote up the characteristics for Svetlana), and there’s nothing even close to that. Sometimes I’ll give you a bottle of wine, and it stays there until I give it to someone else. And in general I think such gifts are empty. Everyone who has ever talked to me has never said that I am stupid. Vice versa. And I consider myself smart person. I think that those who composed the description themselves were narrow-minded. We took as a basis a couple of people from dysfunctional families, or the compiler was aggressive towards the very name Svetlana (maybe a woman named Svetlana offended him in some way), so he started talking all sorts of nonsense.

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      I read that we write - oh, we’re not smart, oh, our self-esteem is inflated, oh, we like to insist on our own, there’s no talk of laziness. But they are kind and beautiful - you can’t take them away.

      And I still want to send respect to Masha! Be that as it may, she is right, our name is not in the Saints, this is true. And yet, thanks to her, the irritability, psychopathicity and intolerance of some of its (name) bearers came out, which once again proves the plausibility of the description of the name.

      After all, if you think about it, Svetlana is not only Light, but also Lana. Lana also means wool (soft, warm, cute, but sometimes itchy) and, according to some sources, pride, and is similar to “Moon”. But the moon does not glow, but only reflects sunlight.

      Not everything is so simple with us, Svetlanas, but interesting, without a doubt!

      By the way, I really don’t refuse to drink, especially with good people and to great music!)

      True light to everyone!

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      • light is light, and Lana is a woman, that is, a light woman. If I admire a galloping horse, if I see a burning house, I’ll call the firefighters, the main thing is stability in the family. And we, Svetochka, love horoscopes. It’s interesting, in the end...

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        Wow, how many Lights have been generated... a flood of comments. There are a lot of things that come together, I especially liked that “Summer” Svetlana is good-natured, but somewhat reserved. (STILL SO closed, damn you will lead me to clean water) Professions are truly class: photojournalist (I dream about it), teacher, educator, biologist, fashion designer, enamel artist, archivist, registry office inspector, administrator, musician, guide. BUT 1. self-esteem suffers, 2. I don’t drink alcohol, 3. I’m absolutely not active, but very lazy, I always leave everything for later, I procrastinate until the last minute, a terrible rubber worker... Psychopathic - yes, especially in Lately, just a natural loner psycho, ready to smash all the dishes against the wall, it’s burning. Appearance: height 173, weight 61, blonde, hair up to the shoulder blades, gray-blue eyes, freckles and a mole on the left cheek.) Hello to the Svetkas!

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        Masha, stupid, why are you arguing? No matter what name a person bears, there are fools, average and smart people. They're not talking about here specific person, and about the main character traits... Svetlana... The fact that they are happy and charming for sure, they are good housewives, that’s how it is. They adore their children and grandchildren!!! Husbands are respected because they chose the kind that suits them. Many Svetlanas allow you to love YOURSELF, well, isn’t that smart? And indeed, Svetochka girls, WE build our own lives. By the way, unlike MARIES... Life is always difficult for them and they often have to fight for the sun over their heads, but Svetlanas easily go through life, because they are BRIGHT and GOOD from them rushing, sorry. But it’s true. She lived for 48 years and is still called a girl. This suggests that many Svetas really love themselves very much and take care of their appearance... Much is true!!!

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        About contradictions in character - that’s it! This has always been the case with me. True, if for me this is a drawback, then Darling appreciates such ups and downs.))) Otherwise, the girl is boring.

        It's hard to call me a psychopath. There have been hysterics and breakdowns in life, but at such moments that a person with any name would be blown away...

        Alcoholism is definitely not. Enough intelligence not to become addicted to this infection. (here is another discrepancy about a lack of intelligence) But in general, no matter how much I read the meanings of my name, they are all somehow disappointing. I wouldn't want my first marriage to be unsuccessful. I believe in the best! And I really love my name!!! Svetlana - sounds feminine, caresses the male ear! Happy for everyone who bears this name! And my hair color is ash-blond.

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        Actually, I’m 40 and I can already compare something. As a child, she was nimble, in her youth she was the leader of the class, she was always a good athlete in her studies, captain of the team, the soul of the activist. She got married early and unsuccessfully; they say she has an excellent character and a lot of friends. I always worked 2-3 jobs at the same time, higher education as an accountant. I love to work and lie on the sofa. I cook great and love doing it. I became an exemplary housewife, now I have a loving husband and three children (clever). I am a creative person who draws, sings, dances, and enjoys crafting and sewing. Was a simple accountant, now a manager large enterprise and I command mostly men, they respect me. Here is a portrait of spring Svetlana in full mature bloom.

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        Hello sisters!

        What is this nonsense about “hard work”? You do exactly as much as is necessary and as much as brings joy and pleasure. “Loving to plow” is generally unfeminine.

        I am an artist. Married for the fourth time. Brunette! I am considered “wise” and often asked for advice. Trusting and in some ways, even naive. I am a non-drinking artist. I “get drunk” from flowers, trees, the sky, dogs, cats, children.

        I'm learning to value myself. He who does not value himself cannot value others!

        Svetlana is a wonderful name, “bringer of Light.” The name itself turns each of us into a ray of Light.

        Svetiki, happiness to all of you and a lot of love (to give it to others).

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        In general, first you need to understand what it is clever woman, before writing that Svetlana is not smart, hysterical and even prone to alcoholism. A woman should be wise, and her man will complement her with intelligence and hard work;) Well, in general, you know, this can apply not only to the name Svetlana, read horoscopes for every day, and in every zodiac it will seem to you that they are writing specifically about you. :) Sveta love yourself and value yourself highly, and those who think that this is bad are simply jealous and do not know how to behave like a true 100% woman. Some of my friends and sisters told me that you are acting out, but it’s just out of envy.

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        I agree that we help people, even to our own detriment

        We are smart, but sometimes we do stupid things, and then we can’t explain to ourselves why we did that.

        We almost always contradict ourselves

        Of course they are all beautiful)

        My self-esteem is high, I love myself very much and I think that there is no one better than me) (I apologize for the indiscretion)

        I absolutely love being in charge, I need everything to be the way I want it

        I also almost never talk about my problems, I don’t like to burden people, I’d rather handle it myself somehow)

        Hair color is light)

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        It’s so nice to “see” so many people like you here, so to speak. But we really can be so different. But what smart, beautiful Svetunki we all are! I have never met Sveta who was uninteresting or ugly. Regarding the inconsistency of character - to the point! And about the fact that we are unselfish even to our own detriment... yeah... That’s who I am! But who can effortlessly deliver to a loved one such a pain - we can actually do it perfectly! As was said, things didn’t work out with Dmitry. Now with Vadim, I’m happy! And my HAPPINESS AND HEALTH to all of you, Svetulki, and to your children! Kiss you! Where else can you find so many lights?

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        Yes, a lot coincides, of course, but 20-30 percent is not about me) Hardworking, beautiful, kind, tactful, but smart, I love to lead, I studied more than well at school - this is all about me... I cook deliciously, but only when I’m in the mood. I didn’t get married late, but on the contrary, early at the age of 19 and lived with Alexey for 10 years, but it didn’t work out (.And I come across my favorite men in life, all Aquarius, and it turns out my name is under the sign of Aquarius. I really like my name and I'm glad they called me that)

        To all Teskas greetings and happiness in life)))

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        But I can say with confidence, I’m hardworking, I can’t live without work, but at the same time, I’m lazy in many ways)))) About marriage with Alexander - it’s a total mess, I lived with my husband for 10 years (Alexander) - I got divorced, the initiator ME: And before marriage, it was all Alexandras, and even after the divorce, this name always follows me, which is not an acquaintance, but necessarily Sashka, I really think it’s evil rock, well, or I can’t live without difficulties)))) Otherwise, everything is also about me: character and self-esteem and I love children more life!!!

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        Everything is very wonderfully written, but almost everywhere there are disagreements and exaggerations, I’m not hardworking, I work as a Lawyer and I simply adore my profession, I wouldn’t trade it for anything or when, my self-esteem is generally low, and about alcoholism this is definitely too much, that’s me I just hate it, and I know many Svetochka so they don’t use it at all, it’s true that coquette, and I don’t know how to communicate with girls at all, only with guys, and I don’t even have girlfriends, but in general I like everything that’s written

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        We are 3 friends - Svetlana: autumn, winter and summer. We are all different and at the same time similar, and we are all excellent cooks! Name descriptions are generally about us. And when we meet, we won’t refuse good wine, but this is far from alcoholism))) About work 6th about me, I gave myself completely, I strived higher and higher, but now I’ve left and will not return to this area again - I reconsidered all my priorities and life positions... And in general, the truth is that our whole life is in our hands)))

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        And it’s true about me, especially about a group of young people; well, the attitude with girls is also great! And I don’t boast high self-esteem! Character yeah... it’s complicated, it’s very difficult with me, I’m jealous and I love my opinion... I’m too kind and gentle, I like to lisp... Since childhood, I’ve had a simply disgusting attitude towards alcohol and tobacco products too... There aren’t many fans, but there are, I don’t know how beautiful she is , but it’s not for me to judge what I am) Hello to the Svetkas of this country))

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        Hello little lights!

        I am a summer Svetlana, married for the second time, men's companies for me it’s true that women are closer, God didn’t hurt me with their appearance)), good wife and soon mom)) I cook very well and love it, hysterical... I have a question about work - I have always strived for design and art, but I work in the technical field, how are you doing with this? Svetlana - where do you work and are you happy?

        80% of the description is correct

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        • About work. I also strove for art, but over time I realized that I was interested in it in doses, not as a job. I was friendly with technical disciplines, but again not in the form of a permanent occupation. My main requirements for work turned out to be: first, relative freedom in time, second, helping people.

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          All Svetlankas are different. I’m a hard worker, I got straight A’s at school - I liked it, I won all sorts of Olympiads. I really love being in charge. I got married late. I cook well. I love cleaning. I love alcohol, BUT good, in moderation and on holidays. And before I got married I was hanging out - Creepy!!! And there are others... But Svetlana is the most best name, and thanks to my parents for giving it to me. Happy happiness to all Svetlanaks!!!

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          about me: flirtatious, prefer male company to female company, attractive, easily accept what people say on faith, mediocre student, diplomatic, adapt well to life, kind, selfless, hope to become an ideal wife and mother

          Not about me: hardworking, psychopathic, likes to command, exemplary housewife (it’s generally funny about the housewife)

          So 80% agrees!

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          Hmmm... based on the article, or rather, from this hodgepodge, all Svetas are stubborn, arrogant, love to be in the center of attention and command, and also, real narcissists... And also, lousy housewives and alcoholics. Girls, I don’t know who this description fits here, but it 100% does NOT suit me!!! So don’t believe the nonsense that all sorts of Klavas and Vasilisses write, but live your life and be yourself.

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          It’s a pity that even my beloved husband doesn’t spoil me - he doesn’t call me Svetlana. I really want it. The 4th option is simply offensive, because... For example, I’m one of ten who can cook deliciously, I’m not psychopathic, but on the contrary, I’m extremely tactful and gentle, and as for alcohol, I feel sorry for people who depend on alcohol. And yet, on the contrary, I have low self-esteem in many areas.

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          very many coincidences. especially - about family and husband and loyalty to her husband) and about beauty, of course)) but girls... I had a lot of acquaintances in life, but not one of them could be my friend, because they were all girls with very severe character. Maybe this is how we all see each other from the outside? By the way, about alcohol. I really respect good red wine and cognac, but not to the point of fanaticism)

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          Conflicting descriptions. In terms of hard work, it seems, they have gone too far)))) And I’m an excellent cook; in general, I have an extremely negative attitude towards alcohol))) there are a lot of similarities with professions; on the contrary, I’ve never had any problems with studies. And in general, what is written well is all about us, Svetlanok, and what is bad is so, they came up with it so that we would not become arrogant)))))) Hello to the motherfuckers!!!

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          Almost nothing coincided, except that she is indeed always tactful and diplomatic. Moderately hardworking. Drink only good alcohol, on holidays and in good company. I really spend a lot of time on education. I teach English. Successfully. So the phrase that it is better for Svetlanas not to be teachers is not true. Hair color - light brown))))

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          I will say about myself that I am stubborn, sometimes aggressive, I can send an offender away, sarcastic, vengeful, indifferent to children and family, my husband adores me, although I have such a character that not everyone can stand it. By the way, he really loves the name Sveta, he says that beautiful women Like me, this name suits me perfectly. By the way, I'm not blonde.

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          The name is very beautiful, bewitching, it’s a pity that women with this name are not exactly what you expect from them. By the way, in my opinion, there are no saints with this name. I don’t know any famous Svetlana at all... neither the queen, nor the singer, I can’t remember ANYONE at all. I won’t say anything about my Aunt Sveta at all - this horrible man and there is no forgiveness for her.

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          • There are no saints named Svetlana, this is correct, but Svetlana ancient Rus' name was Photinia, i.e. Photinia is Svetlana.

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            Regarding the inconsistency... yes, that's true. But all these characteristics cannot be considered accurate, because one cannot judge a person by name alone. Although there is some truth here... There is a lot of truth from the above, but as for the mind (“stupid”) and mental stability (“psychopathic”)... it’s even offensive: (((... I’m rather indifferent:)))

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            I am a summer girl, an artist-designer, I like to command and work) a lot and at night) contradictory, naive, but faithful and love children very much) in fact, a lot fits) light brown hair, blue eyes and a favorite light green color) and a person with the right name nearby))) Svetki, I wish everyone to shine and be happy and beautiful! ;)

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            • Well, come on, I’m also a “summer” and also a designer))) contradictory and somewhat childishly naive. I would say that I give people a chance, but when I'm disappointed, it's hard to convince me to come back. Blonde hair, light gray-green eyes)))

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              There is one person in my circle, Sveta, who thinks a lot about herself. She frayed all my nerves, I don’t know who she thinks she is, but in my opinion, she’s just a smug, thick-headed bitch, who apparently doesn’t have everything at home, since she doesn’t realize that she’s not the navel of the Earth and that she’s not the whole world revolves around her

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              Hello to all Svetlanas! Most agreed that we are not hardworking, although we know how to properly organize the work of others. Svetlana is not predisposed to alcoholism. And if they drink alcohol, then good quality, on holidays and in good company. Otherwise, almost everything is correct. Hello everyone. Svetlana is brown-haired.

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              The svetulishki are the most beautiful! Matches 90%. I hate alcohol, I love cooking and I do it well, sometimes I’m too lazy to give orders to my beloved) And what about the unlucky and stupid people - nonsense. As much as I know the Light in my life, this cannot happen, not for this name! Happiness to you, sisters, how wonderful it is that we have such a name!!!

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              Very little coincided. I’m not a leader at school, and I’ve always been an excellent student. and my husband is Alexander. and everything is fine. In general, I believe that a name does not determine a person’s character. education also plays a big role. And among the world there are such sluts and idiots. as in other names. in general I like the name, it’s beautiful

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              Judging by the comments, Svetlana’s first quality is pride, arrogance and capriciousness. I would say Svetlana is the epitome of a spoiled princess. Such a quality as hard work is considered unworthy for them; they are always the most beautiful, but they don’t know and don’t want to know what sociability or contradiction is.

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              I was simply outraged by the 4th option, it’s all complete bullshit, everyone is different, and we take our character traits and habits only from our parents. I have this friend Sveta, who is terribly stupid, scary - I’m definitely not like her, only name, so that you don’t have to put everyone under the same standard.

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              I don’t agree with everything. I don’t like it when things don’t go my way, but I don’t know how to give orders, I love my husband Yura, I don’t like children, I don’t use drugs, and I did well at school (at university, so-so). I'M NOT HYSTERICAL AND I'M NOT A STUPID!!! Self-esteem is low. Actually the name doesn't suit me, I think. The hair is brown. Respect to the lights!!!

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              I read with great curiosity: surface characteristic, there are 50/50 matches. So, dear readers, do not blindly trust horoscopes, take a close look at your friends and then, perhaps, Svetlana will be the most suitable for Alexander, and not, for example, Valentina.

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              (I’m adding to my previous comment) I’m also damn pretty and far from stupid!!! By the way, I also work in the technical field and by the will of fate I graduated from technical institute. But I really like creativity: design, art, I can easily organize any holiday.


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              And I’m also a Gemini, which aggravates my inconsistency and duality. But kind, sweet, friendly, easy-going, not vindictive... Many times I started everything from scratch... I’m feminine. I love my name. This is my mother's name and it seems that I am repeating her fate, although I try to behave differently

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              I can’t say that everything is exactly like this, but a lot of things coincide with reality. I’m very glad that they called me that, after all, whatever you say, the name itself speaks for itself. And we simply have to live up to it. Happy Svetunya to all! GIVE YOUR LIGHT TO EVERYONE, MAKE THE WORLD LIGHTER!

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              A crazy article, the author contradicts himself, a description of several people, not one person. Either my name doesn’t suit me, or the interpretation is simply absurd, I especially liked the one about alcoholism))) After reading this nonsense, I only had one question: what were the creators smoking??

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              There is a lot of truth: she is beautiful, I like to command, to flirt, I have a lot of admirers, but I know a sense of proportion in everything, I adore my son, and children in general... But I don’t agree about the “close-minded” mind and about alcohol too!!! We are Svetlankas like ICE AND FLAME!!! That's why men love us)))))

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              Option 4 is directly about my mother-in-law. she loves to boss around especially her husband, but she is also kind and beautiful, although she is not young, and she loves her children. Sometimes she can be very good only if it weren’t for her stubbornness. She cooks deliciously but doesn’t like it, she’s just terrible. A very nervous former teacher.

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              Yes, we are cool girls!

              Don't say that not everything is about us. This is wrong. It’s just that with age we change, our views, relationships, worldview change.

              We know how to present ourselves better light, and this is important. I wish you all happiness, goodness, health and love.

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              I don’t know, I don’t know, and it’s true and not true that I feel somehow different from how they are trying to describe me. Of all that has been written about me, I want to tell you my Svetochki, the only truth is what we think about ourselves! and this is what is better than us in this world except us!!!

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              Fyodor, you are really provincial suckers. Our name is not Svetlana, but Sveta. Read the description of the name Svetlana first before you write some kind of heresy. After all, you are grumpy, often grumble for no reason. So with a name like Fyodor, you are only welcome psychologist

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              Well, I wouldn’t say that it’s all about me. Yes separate descriptions characters similar to mine, well, somewhere around 20%. It is necessary to take into account in the characteristics of a person not only the name, but also the zodiac sign in the year in which he was born. In general, I am happy that they called me Sveta.

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              Well... They exaggerated about hard work. I was an average student at school, but in society I get along with everyone (if I want) light light brown eyes blue, pretty, almost everything suits me towards alcohol, I have a very negative attitude in the class, I was always the most “Russian”.

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              Only half matched, I study averagely because of laziness, I’m not hardworking, like many, I rarely drink alcohol, but I don’t quite agree that Svetlana is stupid, I have a lot of friends and acquaintances and they are very smart, and we are also witty and very THE BEST!!!

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