Home Vegetables Libra astrology. Western astrology, Libra

Libra astrology. Western astrology, Libra

Libra personality, lifestyle, career, love


The nature of Libra If, according to the sign of the zodiac, your new acquaintance is Libra, and he impressed you with his liveliness, charm and courtesy, know that while you have only half met him.


If you like a Libra man, there is good news for you: no one else knows how to look after him. If you are lucky enough to be convinced of this, you will understand what this is about. Flowers, gifts, compliments - others are capable of all this. But only a Libra man knows how to furnish all this with such exquisite taste that you will find yourself at the height of bliss. Libra is not indifferent to beauty in all its manifestations, including the beauty of the fair sex. A charming woman for him is the same work of art as the paintings of Leonardo or the music of Brahms, and he is ready to admire and admire this beauty to a ripe old age.


The Libra woman does not belong to the category of those spoiled ladies who like to hang around her husband's neck. Thanks to her consistency, intelligence, erudition, she manages to make a career well, while all her "masculine" qualities are surprisingly combined with her emphasized femininity. Sometimes it even seems that Libra, knowing full well that men are afraid smart women, don a mask of a graceful flower. Indeed, she can chat for hours about anything - from politics to fashion last season - and only if you have the strength to listen, you will be surprised to understand that her reasoning is smart and accurate. The Libra woman has something to say about everything in the world, and therefore she gladly enters into disputes and disputes, forgetting about time and experiencing pleasure from the process itself.


Sociable, peaceful, affable child Libra from a tender age has a disarming charm! It is not difficult for him to win the sympathy and friendship of others, and his innate intelligence helps him successfully achieve his goals through diplomacy. Gentleness and tact in the Libra child is combined with excellent strategic thinking and striving for balance. Libra baby


How to talk to Libra? The main thing to remember is one thing: the result of communication directly depends on the mood in which Libra is now. Well, since Libra is characterized by changeable mood, then their behavior during a conversation will always be slightly different. This means, and a little unpredictable.


Thanks to their thoughtfulness, Libra rarely makes mistakes - including in the workplace. This often gives them a noticeable advantage over their more impetuous and assertive colleagues. In this sense, time works for Libra: the longer their work experience lasts, the more opportunities the management has to evaluate them. business qualities, which, perhaps, do not immediately catch the eye, but of which there are indeed many. Libras are quite active, they know how to concentrate and never act in a rash or random fashion. They can do good career in areas where their diplomacy and thoughtfulness will find application: from publishing and healthcare to justice and politics. Libra is often controversial about money. Depending on the whims of their changeable mood, they can either show excessive frugality, or make unnecessarily large spending. However, apart from the extremes, in general, Libra has a rather reasonable attitude towards money: they prefer to buy quality goods at an affordable price.


Libra love is an enigma, it is enigmatic and mysterious. Libra, for the most part, are true connoisseurs of everything beautiful, which is why they strive to remain in a state of love all their lives.


Libra has enviable mental health: unlike many other signs, they love and know how to rest, and their negative feelings- to balance with the positive. Such harmonious attitude to life makes them physically healthy people... If they suffer from something, then most often from ailments associated with their love for pleasant excesses: overeating, drinking alcohol, etc. This can manifest itself in headaches, obesity, problems with blood pressure, kidney disease. However, Libra knows how to feel and understand their body, giving it time to rest and thereby helping to cope with the disease.


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Scales ( Latin name Libra) - the only zodiac constellation which represents inanimate object rather than human or animal. Previously, the constellation Libra was considered part of Scorpio, or rather, its claw. Then astronomers decided that this group of stars deserves to be called an independent constellation, and "bit off" the claw of Scorpio. In the ancient Greek star catalog, the new constellation was listed under the name of Claws, but in the star tables of the ancient Romans it was already called Libra, that is, Libra ... In the end, the name Libra won, but so far the two most bright stars the constellations are called South and North Claws.


What is your zodiac sign? And by Chinese horoscope? And according to both horoscopes at once? It is interesting that the answer to the last question can give the most accurate answer. The fact is that the Chinese (by year of birth) and Zodiacal (by the month of birth) horoscopes do not contradict each other at all.

Libras are often considered the most attractive people in terms of the opposite sex. Astrologers have their own explanation for this, as well as their other character traits.

Many people have a lot of respect for those who were born under the influence of the sign of Libra and even give some reasons for this. Traditionally, they are credited with such qualities as diplomacy and harmonious poise of character, as well as pure external appeal... What makes the representatives of the Libra zodiac sign exactly the way they are? Let's figure out what drives and controls them from an astrological point of view.

Astrology Zodiac Sign Libra

Everyone who was born from September 24 to November 23 can safely refer to themselves as representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Each person for his strong and weak sides answers the position of the planets in his horoscope, which is necessary to know, doing astrology. Therefore, the main features of each of us are endowed by our patron planet according to the Sign of the Zodiac. This is how Libra looks like this alignment:

Patron planet: Venus
Planet in exaltation: Saturn

Planet in exile: Mars
Falling planet: The sun
Element: Air

The planet Venus has the strongest influence on those born during this period, therefore all the qualities that astrologers have endowed it with are best developed in Libra. Venus is the only planet named for a Roman goddess, not a god, and traditionally carries a feminine origin. Venus was revered as the goddess of love and beauty. Actually, this is the answer to the question of why most representatives of the Libra Sign are very attractive to the opposite sex. You can always check this: just look into.

The planet Saturn, which is actively involved in those born under the sign of Libra, endows them with the talents of a teacher, since it influences people's diligence and a sense of responsibility. It is not for nothing that it is called the "teacher planet." But, on the other hand, the qualities for which Mars and the Sun are responsible are poorly developed, which can sometimes interfere with life. Mars allows you to be active and have a strong will, and the Sun allows you to show leadership skills and generally express oneself.

As representatives of the aerial triad of the Horoscope, Libra exhibits the following typical qualities for them:

However, like every sign of the Zodiac, the representatives of the Libra Sign have pronounced features that are unique to them.

Libra: 10 unusual facts

The patron saint of Libra, Venus, makes the representatives of this Zodiac sign very sensual natures. Perhaps this is precisely the main difficulty of their character: one of the bowls is filled with the necessary knowledge and logically reasoned judgments, but there is also the second, completely devoted to emotions. Depending on which of them outweighs, you will recognize this side of the Libra representative.

As it is already clear, the balance of Venus's wards turns out to be extremely unstable. If something is suddenly wrong and for some reason it is really hard for those born under the constellation Libra, believe me: no one will be sweet. They will infuriate everyone they consider guilty, and maybe they will take revenge. In fact, most problems appear from scratch. Sometimes Libra simply needs to be helped to speak out, calm down and they themselves will rule everything.

Libras are diplomats and connoisseurs of everything beautiful. It is this quality that makes them come to their senses. They like politeness, they try to be courteous themselves and naturally respond positively to the same behavior from others. Often they react very sharply to rudeness and negligence in relation to them. Therefore, they themselves try to smooth out conflicts and try to resolve issues so that everyone is happy with the end result.

Anyone who was born under the sign of Libra can be denounced that they are real aesthetes. They use their developed sense of beauty to select their own style, usually very appropriate and perfect for them. Sometimes they design the workplace with the same diligence.

Due to receptivity, Libra is often carried away by subtle matters. Art for them is both a source of emotions and a way to receive important life information. They can also relax with it.

Libra needs information like air. Often they are considered gossips, which is not always true. But it is unambiguous that it is vital for them to acquire new knowledge. This also applies to their sphere professional activity and what happens to the people with whom they interact closely.

Emotions are something very close to the representatives of this Zodiac Sign. But you need to understand that emotions and feelings are something very different. In the first case it comes about something superficial, about something that can pass quickly. Due to emotionality, Libra can be very amorous and windy. But this same quality can be used to regulate mood.

Laziness is characteristic of Libra to a large extent. We can say that they often wait until the last, as if "swinging", and only then start to work. They often show obvious apathy.

Disputes are rightfully considered the native element of the Libra Zodiac Sign. The fact is that they, like no one else, are able to see all the pros and cons. They can prove any point of view, even one that they do not adhere to themselves.

The ability to think, oddly enough, sometimes confuses them. Seeing both the advantages and disadvantages, Libra cannot always understand what turns out to be more significant and hesitate in making a final decision. Sometimes they find it difficult to make a decision because Libra knows how they sometimes lack luck. So you can protect yourself and give confidence in actions with the help of a talisman stone for good luck.

The combination of these qualities shows the typical representatives of the Libra Sign. Remember astrology is serious. and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Element- air.

Patron planet- Venus.

Colour- blue-violet, indigo.

Stone- opal, lapis lazuli.

Main character trait- to judge fairly, to improve.

Positive character: light, sociable, charming, elegant, with good taste, tactful, tolerant, non-conflict, able to find a “golden mean” in everything, with a stable value system.

Negative character: indecisive, incapable of acting in a situation of choice, intolerant of loneliness, noisy and fussy about trifles, giving a lot of advice, with unexpected mood swings.

Your Small child-Libra will present you a lot of surprises. Even at an age when he seemingly does not see or hear anything and must sleep almost all the time, you will notice that he can cry bitterly and pitifully alone. Children born under the sign of Libra are not love loneliness. The presence of other people, even if they do not enter into communication with him, calms the child.

As a rule, these children have a pleasant appearance, well-formed arms and legs, and they often have dimples in their cheeks. Your baby has already been born an esthete. Toys should not be brightly colored, it is better - pastel colors. He does not tolerate stormy and gloomy music, it is better to let it be quiet, melodic. Your child does not tolerate disharmony, conflicts between parents are especially bad for him. Never quarrel in front of a child, do not raise your voice in his presence, he can get sick from this. A small child does not like to swim. The bath should be small for its size. He loves bathing when he learns to sit. And he will enjoy bathing even more if he has the company of other children.

Violence, screaming, spanking - all this badly affects him, and he can become neurotic. The child may have unexpected mood swings: he just laughed merrily, and now suddenly sits upset, gloomy and upset. Make sure your child does not go to bed distressed. All problems must be resolved before the child goes to bed. Let him feel happy, then his nervous system will be all right and he will be able to sleep peacefully. If your child will stay in good mood, it will be easier for you to solve all the other problems. The TV is not very useful to him. He does not know how to choose and watches everything. It is better not to turn on the TV at all in his presence.

Your little child is receptive to knowledge but gets tired quickly. This will interfere with when he becomes a schoolboy. The inability to long-term efforts sometimes leads to the fact that he abandons the work he has begun, without completing it.

You will need to train your child to be able to finish work and to strive for it. Unfortunately, children of this type do not particularly like sports. In this case, sports can be replaced by dancing. As the child grows up, engage him in sports that contribute to the improvement of the body: bodybuilding, artistic or artistic gymnastics... The Libra child takes a great interest in art, especially drawing and music. Art has a beneficial effect on these children, it calms them down and makes them happy. Girls love to dress up, boys can take an interest in aeronautics. These children are also capable of mathematics. Despite the fact that the child is capable of almost anything, let him practice art, and you watch him carefully, especially during adolescence, then over time it will be easier for you decide with him what profession he will choose.

On the one hand, the child is capable, but on the other, it is difficult to force him to do his homework. The reason is simple, but somewhat unexpected, he does not like to do anything alone. Partnership is what is important to him. Show interest in his lessons (but do not solve problems for him!), It will stimulate him. Your child does not need punishment. It is enough to show him that he has upset you. The Libra child does not like to upset anyone, especially the parents. If you calmly explain to him that his actions are harming someone, he will never do it again.

It is difficult for him to make decisions. Train him to be able to do this, but do not offer him too difficult tasks, for example, a choice of three, four possibilities. Ask him to choose one of two things.

The child is naturally sociable. He loves to bring numerous friends into the house and goes to visit himself. Do not limit him, this is a necessity for him.

His overall vitality is moderate. There may be kidney infections and Bladder... May also be nervous disorders, like all air signs (Aquarius, Gemini). Diseases often do not occur on a nervous basis: digestive disorders, headaches, back pain may occur. For his health, a beautiful external environment is also desirable: soft pastel colors, quiet music; the food should also look beautiful.

What is contraindicated for your child?

Conflicts between parents. Disharmony of external design: flashy colors, harsh sounds. Violence, both physical and mental. Better to have a quiet conversation with him.

What does your child need?

In communication and attention. In a calm, peaceful home environment. In a beautiful exterior design. Art classes. Teach him to bring the work started to the end. Teach him to make choices and make decisions.

Libra is the most unusual and mysterious sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is two equivalent scales. From time to time they lean in one direction, then in the other. Ideally, such people strive for harmony, internal and external balance. In this case, the position of the scales directly depends not only on specific situation, but also on the position of the planet - the ruler of Libra. It is she who is able to influence the behavior and even the character of a person. What planet is this? And what effect does it have on Libra?

Brief astronomical information about the planet

According to astrological data, the planet of Libra is Venus. It is considered the second farthest planet from the Sun with the longest period of rotation. This celestial body makes one full revolution in 243 earth days. Unlike other neighboring planets, Venus rotates in the opposite direction.

The planet has no satellites of its own and magnetic field... But on the other hand, it is the closest of all the others to the Earth. V certain days it can even be seen with the naked eye. And this is one of the first planets - the patrons of Libra, which was explored by man.

Research and first observations of the planet

One of the first researchers interested in Venus was the famous Italian physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei. During one of the studies in 1610, the philosopher was able to notice an interesting thing.It turned out that the ruler planet is capable of changing phases.

This meant that this celestial body is able to shine reflected sunlight... Speaking simple language like the moon, it is capable of waning and becoming full. And this wonderful phenomenon, called "fullness", the scientist saw with the help of an optical telescope.

"Venusian" cultural heritage

Venus, the planet - ruler of Libra, takes an honorable second place among other celestial bodies, once described in literature, history, culture and other genres. So, the cycles of Venus were used by the ancient Maya. They took them into account in their legendary ritual calendar.

In the history of the Hawaiian Islands, there is information about the use of this planet for accurate navigation. It is also described in the science fiction novel Leap into Nothing, written in 1933 by the Soviet author Alexander Belyaev. The book describes the fate of a small group of capitalists who fled into open space and settled on Venus.

All the advantages of the planet are described in the novel entitled "The Argonauts of the Universe" by Vladimir Vladko. You can also read about it in the second volume of the trilogy "Starflovers" by G. Martynov, the story "Heavenly Kulu" by V. Saparin, the story "Planet of the Boer" by A. Kazantsev and other works.

At a time when almost nothing was known about Venus, one could only guess about its animal world, atmosphere and other phenomena. To some extent, this endowed the planet, which was difficult to see due to thick clouds through a telescope, with a special mystery. This also led to the emergence different versions awakened by human fantasy... For example, some people assumed that the atmosphere of Venus is identical to Earth.

Due to the planet's close proximity to the Sun, it was assumed that it was much hotter than on the Earth itself. Some have compared the world of the planet to the Mesozoic era. According to their version, Venus had a humid tropical climate, it was inhabited by giant carnivorous dinosaurs.

Venus in mythology: the goddess and her cult

Venus - this is how the goddess of beauty, desires, carnal love, attraction, prosperity and fertility was called in Roman mythology. V Greek mythology her name was Aphrodite. She was portrayed as a nude or semi-nude young woman with appetizing forms body and long lush hair. She was characterized by snow-white pale skin and a rounded face. Most often she was depicted together with a dove and a hare - symbols of peace and spring.

The most vivid and memorable image of the goddess can be seen on the canvas of the Italian painter Botticelli, which is called "The Birth of Venus." In honor of the goddess, the well-known celestial body was named. Now you know which planet Libra has. But what is the impact on given sign it has a zodiac, we will analyze further.

The influence of the planet on Libra

Venus is the goddess of beauty. The planet endowed the Libra zodiac sign with love for everything beautiful, refined, refined. These are big aesthetes with notes of aristocracy. They have a good taste for things, events and people. They even carefully think over and select their wardrobe.

They usually say about such people that they are neat and dressed with a needle. They have an irresistible attraction to wealth and luxury. But this does not mean that they are immensely rich. Mentally, it is possible, although there are exceptions among them.

The planet of the zodiac sign of Libra, Venus, has endowed its wards with an unusually attractive appearance. The eyes play a special role. Libra's gaze is somewhat cold, but clear and deep.

When meeting such a person, it may seem that he is piercing you with a look right through. But this is only the first and very deceptive impression. Libras just love to pay attention to detail. Therefore, at the first meeting, they will carefully consider all your facial features, hairstyle features, a combination of style and image, details of clothing.

Towards a change

What planet Libra has according to the horoscope, such is their attitude towards themselves. The planet Venus is a symbol of balance. Therefore, weights tend to look for it. To achieve this goal, they often agree to changes, although they do it extremely hesitantly and constantly hesitate with conclusions. For example, they have a certain set of things and decorations to which they are sensitive. All these things they like and delight them. But at one point they can get bored with everything. They will consider all this unfashionable, worthless and unnecessary junk to get rid of.

The enchanting gift of seduction

As we noted, Venus is the goddess of love in charge of emotional sphere of people. Thanks to their patroness, Libra received a wonderful gift in the form of the divine ability to seduce the opposite sex. And they do it very skillfully. Recall that, based on ancient myths, Venus easily conquered men's hearts... At the same time, because of the love for her, many men even lost their minds.

For this reason, Libra carefully monitors their appearance. They are characterized by narcissism and selfishness. They devote a lot of time to their appearance. Thanks to its innate feeling style, such individuals easily emphasize their merits and hide flaws.

Scales dress elegantly, use accessories, jewelry competently, play with smells toilet water or perfume. Such individuals will never wear things that could compromise their great taste and tarnish or cause condemnation in the eyes of others. And if you see a stylishly dressed man with a proud, almost royal posture and an easy gait, rest assured: Libra is in front of you. Which planet they patronize is also known. How you react to them is another matter. But that's a completely different story.

The appearance of Venus in the horoscope: meaning

Appearing in a person's horoscope, Venus gives him the ability to feel and demonstrate his love, as well as enjoy beauty. At strong impact of this planet, a person acquires incredible physical attractiveness. They are warm-hearted and sensual individuals who are able to build harmonious and lasting relationships, find mutual language with various interlocutors. But the most valuable gift of the planet is the ability of Libra to feel happy and transmit these feelings to people.

Special qualities as a gift from the goddess

The goddess generously endowed her wards with wonderful human qualities. Libra is an unusually harmonious combination of intelligence, tact, elegance and restraint. You can always perfectly communicate with such people on absolutely any topic.

And since Libra was created for universal love, then their task is to make happy with their attention as much as possible more people of the opposite sex. However, very often these signs of the zodiac become victims of circumstances, spending their love energy on inappropriate people. They end up sacrificing their emotions and needs. All for the sake of others. And so that they feel good.

Lack of "golden mean"

Due to the fact that Libra often has to be scattered over trifles, giving attention and warmth to the wrong personalities, they can be very disappointed. But the paradox is that these outwardly strong personalities can not adhere to the "golden mean" in any way. If they love someone, then with all their soul, and if they hate, then fiercely. For the sake of love, these minions of fate are ready for a lot, for example, they may even sacrifice their vacation or career. If their loved one could not appreciate such a sacrificial gesture, they are not just disappointed. Often such individuals become irritable, angry, and violent.

The truthfulness of astrological predictions

Libra, like many zodiac signs, love to read horoscopes. It cheers you up, gives you confidence and sets you in the right mood. In most cases, horoscopes carry general information for all zodiac signs. Whether they come true or not, it already depends on your mood and faith. To obtain accurate data, astrologers recommend compiling personal horoscope corresponding to your date and time of birth, planet in a suitable home and other information.

What planets does Venus interact with?

V natal chart Libras often appear like this celestial bodies like Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and others. For example, Venus in tandem with the Moon endows Libra with peacefulness, good taste, amorousness. Such individuals appreciate poetry, music and are not indifferent to painting. Mercury and Venus give their wards a refined intellect and a wonderful sense of humor.

Do planets influence character and destiny?

Of course, the influence of the planets on a person's character is obvious. This or that planet endows you with certain character traits. But does it affect fate? According to astrologers - no doubt. However, many skeptics believe that everyone is the creator of their own happiness!

Libra is air sign... Such people need a constant balance between the intellect and the heart. Born in autumn, the winter months are too cold for them, and the summer months are too hot, so Libra constantly needs a harmonious "golden mean", which can only be achieved with the help of intelligence and patience.

Libra characteristics

Sacral stone Libra is a diamond, it is in perfect harmony with the inner world of a person, reflecting his essence.

Libra release is an unconscious eternal striving for balance and harmony. Compromise and agreement - these are the elements in which they feel natural, they want to achieve them with all their might.

Good compatibility can be traced with such signs:

  • Scales;
  • Aquarius;
  • Twins.

By creating alliances with them, Libra gets what they themselves lack:

  • willingness to take risks;
  • carry out the plans to the end;
  • do not give up in the face of difficulties.

The tandem of two Libra is an eternal hovering in dreams and projects, which is acceptable in youth, but not in mature age... The most successful combinations of Libra men are traced to Aquarius. Libra women are with Gemini.

The fundamental difference between the people of Libra is that for them the ideal is:

  • harmony;
  • order;
  • the beauty.

These people are always peaceful, because a quarrel never creates a constructive beginning, it only aggravates the relationship. Nothing can be built on a conflict; in such circumstances, only the ability to find a compromise really works. This can explain why Libra most often shies away from clarifying the relationship, whether in the industrial sphere or in personal life.

Almost always these creative people, they are contemplative and adore not only the beauty of women or men, but any other. The ability to grasp the whole world with a glance, to feel it, appreciating its charm, is inherent only in Libra. They also have diplomacy, the ability to appreciate beauty.

Falling in love is the "fuel" that feeds their souls. Libra is distinguished by intelligence, as well as the ability to be the soul of the company. Such people are noble and independent.

If we talk about the character of Libra, then one cannot but mention such a quality as gratitude. They know how to appreciate the good and the help they received, they never forget about it. They also always remember the injustice, when the opportunity arises, they remember it. Often they tend to stick to the first impression of a person, they believe that they cannot be wrong. They are friends and love selflessly, absolutely sincerely, this is their strength and weakness. Surrendering to the feeling without a trace, you can easily be deceived and disappointed.

They are distinguished by self-criticism, often do not trust themselves, always doubt their abilities and consider themselves mediocre. Moreover, such people may have phenomenal talents that are extremely rare.

They love and know how to generate ideas, this is their strength. They can make ingenious discoveries, they come to their heads non-standard solutions multitudes difficult problems, but routine, and even more so physical work- this is not their path.

Hard work unsettles Libra, they get bored, in the routine they find only absurdity and boring. The embodiment of their own ideas into reality is given to Libra with great difficulty. Libra doesn't like exact sciences and everything related to technology.

They love humanitarian and creative subjects:

  • music;
  • literature;
  • cinema;
  • poetry;
  • journalism;
  • philosophy.

Libra is strong in working in tandem with other signs, when there is a "division of labor": they give birth to ideas, while others work on their implementation. They have strategic thinking, the ability to foresee the development of the situation many steps forward.

To many people, this seems like a miracle, but this is just the innate art of making logical chains, finding harmony in them. Libra is inclined to such talents from birth.


Libra's patron saint is Venus, the planet of shepherds and lovers. It is well visible in the evening or morning twilight. Those who were born under this star have a high, clear mind, the ability to reason reasonably. Libra has a livable character, seeking to find a compromise in everything. Venus helps people get closer, understand each other, appreciate beauty, which is why she was so revered in Ancient Greece and Rome.

Venus makes it possible to be harmonious both internally and externally. Children of Venus love art and music. Thanks to the planet, Libra has a sense of beauty, as well as the ability to be a charming social interlocutor. Libras are loved in society and are found almost everywhere with open arms.

Influence on the zodiac sign

The characteristics of a Libra man are ambiguous. The person is outwardly gentle and courteous, he knows how to support and develop any conversation. Internally, Libra is always free and has its own opinion. Most of all, they do not like to impose their ideas about life on those around them, they never impose their judgments.

Feelings of style and harmony are inherent in Libra even in small things (for example, washing dishes or slicing bread). This happens thanks to Venus, children born under this planet suffer from perfectionism from infancy. Libra tries to find beauty in everything, even if they are overwhelmed by fears, for example, insectophobia, they will look for something beautiful in an ordinary beetle or night moth.

The inner essence of Libra is very strong, behind the apparent compliance is the basalt basis of their own I, it is not possible to destroy these substances. That is why Libra can afford some weakness when they compromise, willingly agree with someone else's opinion. Libra's weakness is the best proof of their fantastic inner strength.

Another one characteristic feature- this is the late maturation of individuality. The personality core in Libra can appear only by the age of 30, therefore, so often they can get carried away by the opinions of dubious authorities, follow in the mainstream of erroneous concepts. This again happens thanks to Venus - after all, beautiful and sophisticated personalities remain children for a long time. They are loved, provided, fulfilled by whims. That is why Libra grows up late, only when they are left alone or when you need to take responsibility for your family and life.

Sometimes this state of affairs leads to the emergence of dependence on this or that authority, but this phenomenon is often temporary. Libra is characterized by an internal strong core that will someday make itself felt.

Since Libras are non-conflicting, they have no obvious rivals or ill-wishers. They need partners, including in their personal life. Without the second half, they withdraw into themselves. Often, in acquaintance with the opposite sex, more attention is paid to external beauty than to the wealth of the inner world. Such a fact can be regarded as a disadvantage, because external beauty does not always coincide with internal beauty.

They have phenomenal sensuality, so erotic fantasies never leave either men or women. Representatives of this sign love to fall in love, seduce and be seduced, this is their second nature, which is incredibly strong. It can be a weakness and a disadvantage at the same time. If you are carried away by a person who is not even worthy of attention, you can lose a lot. At the same time, you do not notice your real second half, which will simply pass by.

Libra women are the embodiment of charm and eroticism. They have no equal in charm. They can adapt to a man with the most terrible and quarrelsome character. As life companions, such women are reliable and altruistic. Ladies cannot live without love - when parting with one loved one, they a short time find a new life partner.

What planets does it interact with?

Any person is born in a certain decade of the sign. Knowing the decade itself, you can quite accurately realize your inner world... To form psychological portrait personality is greatly influenced by the action of other planets.

Libra, born in the first decade, depends on the influence of Venus.

  • they are fond of different projects;
  • fickle in marriage;
  • quickly change their minds.

In such people, seemingly opposite traits can be combined:

  • courtesy, politeness and rudeness;
  • fantastic efficiency and hopeless laziness.

Those who were born in the second decade depend on the planet Saturn, such people are characterized by prudence and prudence. They know how to make plans and execute them consistently. These individuals are able to cope with large physical activity and carry out complex projects. They are characterized by ambition and a desire to stand out from their colleagues.

Libras of the second decade are afraid to stay in the "middle peasants" and be worthless. They do not need luxury and are content with minimal amenities. They can also combine the opposite qualities: generosity, reaching waste in material matters, and petty stinginess.

Libra of the third decade lives under the sign of Jupiter. Such people are romantic and contemplative. They adore art and literature. Perfectly versed in good wines, fashion and painting. The art of diplomacy, the ability to find a golden mean in relationships in such people are innate qualities.

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