Home indoor flowers White magic spells for beginners: how to charge water and make a real amulet. Spells for beginners - simple rites for inexperienced magicians

White magic spells for beginners: how to charge water and make a real amulet. Spells for beginners - simple rites for inexperienced magicians

Where to begin?

Magic, like any other serious science, is almost impossible to learn from books. Master a couple of three techniques, master a non-tricky mantic instrument on entry level and learn to shoot simple damage and the evil eye is possible, but this is not enough to be called a Magician. Serious knowledge does not fit in books, but this does not negate the fact that you need to read, at least for inspiration.

Still, what is needed in order to start an independent magical practice? First, you should take a lot of time to study the information about the magical path and magic in general. Already at this stage, you will have an understanding of what you want to master. This understanding will not necessarily manifest as a thought, rather it comes as a feeling. However, I warn you to obey this desire in everything. Serious steps in Magic can be made, guided by the Heart in union with Reason. If at the beginning it’s good to study what you want, then literally after taking the first steps, you need to change this attitude, to the desire to study what you need. Secondly, while accumulating information about magic, try to systematize it. An important component of your training will be the development of a conceptual base. To the greatest regret, the entire magical community of modern times suffers from the lack of a unified conceptual and terminological base. And the whole point is that great amount authors seeking to profit from the publication of books, are not passionate about the search for perfect knowledge and certainly not the desire to share it, but the banal dilution of porridge with water.

In parallel with collecting and accumulating information about magic, you should engage in various kinds of practices that will allow you to master the power of the mind. Among these practices are energy ones, which are aimed at developing the skill of managing one's own energy, and mental ones, which allow one to change the state of one's consciousness.

An important step in learning magic is finding a School or Teacher. And you, too, should be puzzled by this. But, I will warn you right away, things are even worse with good teachers and mentors than with good books. good craftsmen already proven themselves without unnecessary gestures have a sufficient flow of customers and a good profit from this. And there are those who do not practice openly at all. And on the contrary, people who only impersonate Mages are distinguished by posturing. Who do they belong to different kind participants of well-known shows, presenting themselves as hereditary Witches or Magicians in the 35th generation, decide for yourself.

Learning with a teacher or mentor is not the same as learning from books. To be a disciple means to belong to a lineage. good teacher there will be one who himself was once a student. Knowing about the difficulties that lie in wait for the student on his way, the teacher will not get rid of them, but will help to overcome them without losing heart and without suffering any damage. When choosing your teacher, do it wisely!

And now let's talk about everything in more detail:


  • A textbook on witchcraft by Scott Kenningham. This book is interesting due to its unusual approach - it teaches to live magically, spiritually, in harmony with Nature. The book is devoted to the theory and practice of witchcraft. In it you will definitely find something for yourself.
  • The Art of Magic and Witchcraft by Paul Hasson. The book simply and consistently outlines the secrets of witchcraft and witchcraft techniques developed by the centuries-old practice of masters of magic.
  • Northern Magic by Edred Thorsson. The book is devoted to 2 topics at once. On the one hand, the book talks about the use of magic in modern world, and on the other reveals the age-old wisdom of the runes. Interesting language The author will help you find inspiration.
  • Voodoo in Jason Black's metropolis. A wonderful book about how the modern magician combines life in big city thousands of years of wisdom. Rituals, ceremonies, calls of the Spirits and all this in a city apartment.


  • Tarot Tutorial by Hayo Banzhlofa. Quite an interesting tutorial for those interested in Tarot. If you are just starting to learn tarot, then this book is for you. However, if you already know something, I still recommend reading it.
  • Tarot Mysteries of Alla Khrzanowska. The book is one of the most popular and respected authors in tarot reading circles. It definitely has a lot to offer. An interesting look and reasoning about cards, algorithms for reading layouts, this and much more is in this book.


  • Rune Magic by Kenneth Meadows. The book tells about the most mysterious and powerful means of influencing fate - the runes. They can be treated in different ways: as a means of achieving wealth and power, or predicting fate. However, this is not the true meaning of the runes - a blessed gift to humanity.
  • Runes and mysteries northern peoples Freya Aswin. The book presents treasures of esoteric, mythological and religious traditions Northern Europe - british isles, Scandinavia, Germany and Holland. After reading this book, you will discover the mysteries of the North, reflected in runic symbols.
  • Runes of Donald Tyson. A book about the use of runes in practices ceremonial magic, creating amulets and predicting the future. The author tells how to work with runes in accordance with ancient tradition to achieve the best result.

Astral travel:

  • Astral travel for beginners by Richard Webster. The book tells about how a person can leave the physical shell and rush into unknown distances, defying space and time. Using the practices from the book, you will be able to start exploring other worlds, meet prominent personalities past or visit your friends in the present. And all this without leaving home.
  • Astral Dynamics by Robert the Bruce. In this book, Robert Bruce brings together personal stories, guidance, and a forward-looking theory of the non-physical structure that underlies the strange and multi-dimensional lives we all lead...
  • Astral projection by Edward Peach. The book talks about how to get to the astral plane and return from there with knowledge and experience. The book contains good examples and descriptions of techniques.

Books are available for download in our group VK - "Wizard" .

What practices to do?

There are several fundamental practices, without mastering which the study of magic will be ineffective.

The practice of contemplation is a practice that allows you to clear your mind of the noise of thoughts, become whole and tune in to something specific. Regularly performing this practice allows you to keep yourself in good psychological shape.

Contemplation is an exercise in which all the senses and the mind are tuned to the perception of some action or object. It can be something material (a picture, a landscape, a person), it can be some idea (Love, Faith, Light, Reason), it can also be contemplated into nowhere (objectless contemplation). Only by being able to tune in to the goal of your magical work, being extremely collected and at the same time immersed in the process, you will achieve good results. Read more about how to perform this practice in the article "The ability to contemplate". In addition, this practice opens the way to another no less important practice- the ability to enter a trance.

Trance practice is a practice that allows you to change your consciousness, see the future and perceive Spirits. This is a rather difficult practice both to understand and to put into practice. ASC or altered states of consciousness - in this case these are various trances, and lucid dreams(OS), and astral travel, and out-of-body experience (OBE), and vivid or prophetic dreams, and visiting the subtle worlds from a vigorous state of consciousness, and clairvoyance. More about this practice in 3 articles: "How to achieve ASC?" , "In the depths of myself", "Concentration" .

The practice of energy interaction is a whole set of practices that will allow you to learn how to feel and manage energy. For this you need to do special exercise. The exercise consists of several stages. Sit, take a comfortable position, put your hands on your elbows, raise your forearms up, palms should be approximately at face level or slightly lower, put your palms together. Slowly start spreading your palms to short distance- 15-20 centimeters. Then, on each exhalation, gradually bring them together, advancing 2-3 cm. On inhalation, the hands do not move. On each new exhalation, they move forward. Focus all your attention on the sensations between the palms. If you are attentive, then at some distance between the palms you will feel a slight resistance, as if there is something elastic there. As the distance decreases, the "elasticity" will increase. Moreover, sensations will arise in both palms at the same time. From time to time, bring your palms together and hold them like that for a while, then spread them apart again and try again.

With the help of the described exercise, you can develop the basic skill of sensing energy, which in turn will allow you to develop further in the directions of both perception and energy management. When you are sure you can feel the elasticity between the palms, try to create an energy ball.

Remember, there are a lot of exercises, but you should not try to do everything that is written on the Internet or books. It is enough to master a few exercises well.

Where to study?

This is a very difficult question. And, as a rule, I leave the right to answer it to Life itself. If you have a strong intention and you feel that you are ready, then you will certainly find a teacher. Well, if you want to learn from me, then This address Email protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. . But I warn you right away, I do not take all!

Black magic, or as it is better and more correct to call it Aggressive magic was born at the very moment when people realized their place in the world and began to distinguish the concept of their own dignity. IN different times to magic showed different attitude including magic and witches. During the time of the Grand Inquisition, the use of black magic was considered an unforgivable sin. In those days, those who realized and felt the presence of the gift did not even have thoughts on how to learn black magic. This meant death for the magician. Later, the attitude towards magic changed and magicians began to be revered as healers and people endowed with a gift. White magic at home began to be reduced to rituals for happiness and luck. And Black magic at home was reduced to household curses and damage.

White magic for beginners does not require self-sacrifice, unlike Black

Magic training

Learning magic and sorcery is no easy task, especially if your choice is to engage in aggressive rituals. White magic for beginners does not require self-sacrifice, unlike Black. Engaging in aggressive rituals as well as studying the real world with corruption and curses is much more difficult than learning the magic of water, earth and other elements.

What is the meaning of black magic

Many novice practitioners think that learning magic on their own at home is very simple. But here it is important not only to know to understand the rituals, but also to be aware of your power. Despite the fact that Black Magic is aggressive, the rule “Do no harm!” also applies among dark practitioners, only this rule has its exceptions. If the rituals are aimed at punishing the offender, or taking revenge on the enemy, it is the rituals of Black Magic that will come to the rescue. The only problem is that not everyone can use aggressive magic, but only those who know the measure and are aware of their responsibility. And learning magic at home is not so easy. Rarely does anyone think about how to learn White magic, how to use White magic. Most practitioners wish to learn how to use Black magic.

An independent study of Black Magic does not begin with rituals, but with the teaching to control the flows of energy to distinguish them and give them the right charge.

It is not for nothing that Black Magic is called aggressive, the thing is that it is based on complex rituals and some of them can not only harm, but also destroy. At the same time, only such witchcraft can guarantee the maximum effect.

Rituals of Black Magic

Among the rituals of Black Magic, it is especially worth highlighting:

  • love spells;
  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • curses.

As you can see, even love magic is associated with dark rituals.

Black Magic spells

The peculiarities of black magic love spells are that such rituals are aimed not just at attracting a particular loved one, but at enslaving him, depriving him of his will and suggesting the necessary thoughts. A person who is affected by a love spell does not really love, he is simply affected by a special force that binds him to the one who performs the love ritual. Speaking of the significance of such an impact, this is the same law that refutes the rule “You won’t be forced to be nice!”. I, as a black magician, will not hide from you and reverse side love spell. Such a cruel binding does not evoke tender feelings in the bewitched, to the one who bewitches. It takes a lot of effort to inspire love. Here you will not get off with one ritual or one love spell.

Features of black magic love spells are that it is aimed at enslaving a person

Most love spells are based on the sexual attachment of one person to another. That is, the impact is aimed at creating in the bewitched an irresistible craving for the one who bewitched him, but the craving is based on sexual attraction. If the love spell is not done professionally, its effect practically disappears in the first minutes of orgasm after sexual intercourse, that is, the victim of the love spell for a while realizes the whole absurdity of what is happening. But then the action resumes.

But don't be afraid. Not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Any person is very sensitive to the manifestation of kindness, love and care. And if the one who does the love spell is truly experiencing strong feelings to his victim, he will be able, with his love and care, to give rise to real feelings in the soul of a bewitched person, that is, love, real human love. If a love spell is done by a professional magician, he acts so carefully and gently on the subconscious of his victim that he will not cause much harm to her.


The training of White Magic says that damage cannot be used as a weapon of revenge. But at the same time, I always say that the choice of weapons in the world of magic dictates the situation. There are certain situations in which there is no other solution than to apply damage.

A feature of damage is an aggressive effect on a person in order to harm him. Damage is very different, the blow can be aimed at:

  • family;
  • business;
  • appearance;
  • family;
  • personal relationships;
  • a life.

The most terrible and most severe damage will rightfully be cemetery damage to death. With such rituals, the goal is precisely the punishment of destruction, the physical destruction of the enemy, that is, his death. If damage is caused by a professional magician, then the victim may not even guess that magic affects her. Also, a non-professional magician will not immediately see the work with the energy of the victim, and if he does, he will not be able to remove the damage quickly enough to save the spoiled one from death.

But at the same time, influencing any sphere of life, you can bring a person to suicide. Which is also not enough. If you are afraid that you will have to answer for such work, you may not even start, fear and doubts can only harm the magician himself in the worst case, at best - the work simply will not give the expected effect.

Evil eye

In principle, speaking about the power of influence, then a purposefully made evil eye is no easier than a purposefully made damage. In principle, the evil eye can be divided into two categories:

  • the evil eye is involuntary;
  • the evil eye is intentional.

The involuntary evil eye is a rather mild effect, as there is no deliberate work of the magician invested in it. Such an evil eye is induced quickly and imperceptibly, and often passes quickly and without special consequences.

The involuntary evil eye is a rather mild effect.

The intentionally made evil eye is classified as light damage. The work of the magician is also present here, but more often such an impact does not carry enough power in itself to cause significant harm. When it comes to beauty, the evil eye will temporarily bring problems with appearance. This may be the appearance of inflammation on the skin, hair loss, sometimes conjunctivitis, and so on. People who are so affected rarely turn to a magician, more often looking for solutions in the application medical preparations. The evil eye gradually loses its power on its own, and the person thinks that specialized preparations helped him. If we compare the evil eye and damage with physical impact, then we say that damage is a blow, and the evil eye is a push.

A curse

The category of curse should be given a special place in the hierarchy of the negative magical influence. A curse is a conscious impact, under the influence of anger or weakness, it is damage, but special. Such an impact is not based on the ritual of inducing damage through magical tools, but precisely the impact through words. With words and the anger that is present in these words, a person charges a certain flow of energy and directs it towards his enemy. Sometimes this flow is formed consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Removing an unconscious curse is much easier and faster than a conscious one. But even an unconscious blow can become an impetus for a person’s self-destruction. The most terrible is the curse of a mother directed at a child (this happens) or the curse of a woman directed at a man who bore him a child. In my practice, I have often met people who fell victim to just such an unconscious, but very strong curse.

Pronounce conspiracies and spells, read people's minds, cause damage, manage events and fulfill your desires, as if by a wave magic wand… And what else is a real magician capable of? People who seek to learn how to learn magic usually want to gain omnipotence or master some technique that allows them to decide life problems. And what exactly do you want?

This is far from an idle question. The fact is that sometimes people understand completely different things by “magic”. Someone needs witchcraft to take revenge on enemies. Others want to acquire superpowers (to learn telepathy, telekinesis, astral travel, etc.).

Some have cherished desire, which I would like to bring to life in a magical way. Therefore, before you learn how to master magic, decide on the direction of development of your abilities. The table below will help you with this.

The main directions in magic

Reading incantations and spells.

This is the so-called "verbal" magic - conspiracies, love spells, secret whispers that protect words. Here are a few examples for you - conspiracy, ritual, conspiracy, spells. So many simple rituals verbal magic you will find.

Infliction of damage and evil eye.

Our regular readers know that the site "site" tries not to focus on black witchcraft techniques. But some people ask "how to get magic" just to get revenge on their enemies. If this is what you need, then go or . But don't forget that there are capable of returning the harm done to the one who did it.

astral travel.

Strictly speaking, astral travel is not a magical technique. Rather, it is a technique that allows you to visit subtle worlds and act on them. If you want to know more about the astral, then you can read about it or.

Security magic, amulet.

In the arsenal of each magician there are ways of magical and energy protection. For example, you might want to protect , from , from . The ability to divert the “return” and energy attack from oneself is very useful for those who want to learn magic and master witchcraft techniques.

Development of clairvoyant abilities.

This direction can hardly be called magical, but it still arouses considerable interest. The clairvoyant is able to predict future events. For some, this happens spontaneously, but for most, they help to reveal their abilities. special techniques, for example, or .

voodoo rituals.

For most people, the word "voodoo" is associated with the famous one), with which you can harm the enemy, or even completely destroy him. But this view is not entirely true. There are voodoo rituals for wealth and for love. You can read about them. We also recommend that you get acquainted with revered supporters of the voodoo cult.

love magic, love spell.

Ways to awaken love in a particular person can be "white" or "black". You can read about it here, and to get acquainted with the "black" technique and learn how to perform it, go to.

The magic of success.

Wealth, fame, development, career and financial growth - but who does not dream about this? Of course, many people want to learn how to master magic, precisely in order to improve their financial situation. If this is what you need, and you want to learn success conspiracies, then welcome - or.

Hypnosis and self hypnosis.

It is believed that many Eastern magical techniques are based on hypnosis. If you want to get to know this interesting direction better, then it is recommended to start with the article "". Then try "" - after all, a real master of magic must experience everything for himself!

Meditation, relaxation.

Any person dealing with magic rituals and witchcraft, subject to energy depletion. If you do not learn how to replenish your strength in a timely manner, then you can get sick and fail for a long time. Best of all, energy cleansing and relaxation contributes to and.

Summoning Spirits, Spiritualism.

Mastering spiritualistic techniques is recommended if you already have some experience in magical practices. In addition, it is desirable that this be done by a person with a strong will. Otherwise, there is a chance that the summoned entity will “link” with you at the end of the session and will not wish to go back to its world. If this does not scare you, then you can try.

Now that you have chosen for yourself the desired direction (or even several of them), it should become clearer to you how to learn witchcraft and master the basic techniques. But first you will need to develop in yourself the qualities necessary for magical work.

5 qualities of a real magician

1. Will. Probably no further explanation is needed here. In his rituals and ceremonies, the magician interacts with very powerful forces that will not obey a weak-willed person. Sometimes, before conducting a complex ritual, the magician has to keep a strict fast, limit himself in food or in something else. Therefore, if you consider yourself an indecisive, inert person (and do not even want to develop your will), then you better not think about how to learn magic, but look for a more suitable occupation for yourself.

2. composure. What a magician does not have to face in his practice! Starting from the intrigues of unfriendly-minded "brothers in the craft" and ending with a clash with spirits and otherworldly entities. The sorcerer should never panic, it is very dangerous. Coolness helps protect yourself and preserve your strength.

3. Ability to save energy. Have you met fussy people who grab onto several things at the same time, but do not really bring anything to the end? They are always in a hurry, running somewhere, wasting energy. A practicing magician should by no means be like this, otherwise he will not be able to achieve any significant results.

4. Modesty. Unexpected, right? As he masters magic, the sorcerer gains at his disposal a very powerful force, terrible if used incorrectly. He should not flaunt it, like the offspring of an influential official who rushes around with “thieves” numbers and his “connections” with representatives local administration. Bearers of magical knowledge have always sought to keep a low profile, you should not break this tradition either.

5. The desire to acquire new knowledge. As soon as the magician ceased to experience an irrepressible desire for new knowledge, we can say that he stopped developing, and that it was time for him to rest. Therefore, the question "how to learn magic" will remain relevant for you even after you master most of the techniques described in this article and on the website "Valtasar ru".

Something unclear, have questions? Feel free to ask them in the comments, let's discuss!

Conscious modern man such phenomena as magic and sorcery seem to be something fantastic. Most people believe that learning witchcraft and magic is something beyond. However, in reality, things are somewhat different. And today it is very easy to learn magic, to become a fortune teller or a clairvoyant, to master the basics of witchcraft. The only thing that is desirable for this is to have the right mentor. Anyone and anything can act as a mentor: from a competent literary aid or an inborn great talent for magic to a wise experienced teacher.

The mysterious realm of sorcery is essentially the same mundane practice, profession, or specialty as the rest, traditional views human activity, but the aura of mystery around her is much higher. This is due to the fact that traditional society does not recognize such activities. Many consider it a banal fraud and impose such a view on all modern people.

For individuals who are dedicated or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out at a subtle level. That is why not everyone is able to undergo training in witchcraft and magic, but only those who have at least a minimal set of inclinations to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can be carried out purely mechanically, without having talents for working with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is very limited, and the quality of the deed is sharply reduced if the individual who conducts it is not involved in the process with his whole essence. What does the future magician need to take place as a professional in the witchcraft field?

Ancestral Gift

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune-tellers and magicians are obtained from those to whom a gift of this kind was inherited from their parents. With each generation, the power of the gift becomes greater, especially if the child is correctly and carefully taught all the necessary basics, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such a sphere as black witchcraft. Innate strength, multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent training in magic and witchcraft, gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the beginnings of magical energy into a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, one cannot say that the magician should be only hereditary, because since there is no continuity, then there is simply nothing for him to do in magic. There are self-taught wizards who independently go to the development of complex witchcraft technologies. They search the web rare video with rituals, they collect and learn slander and whispers used by various healers in all corners of the country. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transforming reality, and so on.

If an individual has a keen desire, which becomes a meaning and purpose for him, then he is able to change even an unshakable fate and, without having special talents for magic, become a good wizard.

If it was never clear to you how to conjure, and magic itself seemed just an invention of science fiction writers, not to mention the fact that magic was treated with contempt in the family, this is not a reason to argue that a minimal magical spark or the beginnings of witchcraft you have no talent.

Perhaps the force is present in a person, but sleeps, since there are no prerequisites for its awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, its absence? This can also be done at home, since elementary tests are usually used (although they cannot be done on your own, you will need the help of a third party).

Usually, the future magician is invited to find a magnet and feel its attraction, with his eyes closed. You can try to guess the images on special Zener cards (designed specifically for the purpose of establishing magical abilities). There is still an option to distinguish in photographs people who are now living and have already departed to a better world, to consider the information shell of a thing or place.

Of course, ideally, it is necessary that such testing be carried out by a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the complexity of tasks. Only a true Master can easily tell whether the test results were a mere coincidence or a manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Magic and witchcraft teacher

The importance of a teacher on the path of becoming a sorcerer is almost impossible to overestimate. It is from person to person that the transfer of secret information and special energy takes place. In the student, his mentor puts a part of himself, part of his own knowledge and experience.

Every magician can attest to the fact that when we are trained in witchcraft and magic, we usually rely not only on the knowledge we get from books, but also on the experience that other people have received. In fact, any novice sorcerer needs a good mentor who could dilute book information with his own observations from practice. Only in this way can dry words and figures come to life and turn into the background for the future. magical practice today's student.

Of course, in the context of the theme of teachers of magicians, horror stories are immediately recalled about how a young man becomes an apprentice to an evil warlock and finds himself locked in a trap, forced to give strength and energy to his master. In turn, such a warlock uses witchcraft for all sorts of dirty deeds - committing crimes, enriching himself and other unpleasant things.

At present, such stories are not completely excluded, but given the rarity of the profession of a magician, they, in their total mass, have moved into the section of fairy tales and legends. Therefore, in real world there is no reason for concern.

Books on magic and witchcraft

You can start learning witchcraft and magic on your own by going to a book market or an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of ​​literature on how to learn to conjure, how to master a magical craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freethinking, there were a lot of such books, but with them the number of absolutely useless manuals, which seem to be written purely as a distraction, has also increased.

Agree, there is a difference between a book about witchcraft spells written in the 19th century by a hereditary sorceress, published in the form of an old tome, and a manual for beginner magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist who is interested in this field of activity. The difference between the levels of knowledge gained is simply colossal.

Magician's Book

The saddest thing in such a situation is that it will be difficult for a magician without experience and experience to choose the right artifact and source of information for himself. Either teachers and mentors (if any) or their own gift can come to the rescue here. To use the latter, you should concentrate on the problem, set yourself the task of finding "your book" and hit the road. If the stars favor, and the desire is strong enough, finding the right thing will be very simple.

A true book of magic is a thing, most often handwritten with a pen on vintage paper, and its pages are sewn together with black thread, it is both a strong information source(providing true knowledge), and a powerful artifact.

But why is there so much talk around the "correct book of the magician"? The secret here is that she is capable of miracles. If you have a real book of witchcraft, this is already a claim to success, since such a thing is not only literary and historical value, but is also a strong artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with such things, they leave their energetic imprint on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weight and color to the words and rituals that are given in it. As a result, a collection of handwritten pages ceases to be just an information carrier, but also becomes strong helper in the process of mastering and implementing any magical actions.

witchcraft practice

One of the prerequisites for acquiring witchcraft skills is witchcraft practice. Proper training in witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, in memorizing incantations, magical texts and features of certain rituals) is only exceptional small part the most difficult and time-consuming process of mastering the basics of witchcraft, since teaching is one side of the coin, and practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, honing the methodology for the implementation of magical processes to the point of filigree, without constant exercises in magic, it is impossible to achieve even the slightest degree of worthy result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work hard so that something starts to turn out the way it should. And taking into account the specifics of the craft, one cannot be mistaken here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client whose problem is being solved, but also the unfortunate magician himself, who has not coped with his work, may suffer.

First sorcery

In order to complete the primary magical skills, usually for young magicians, older and more experienced ones are offered special witchcraft for beginners, which has no risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult matter. There can be many varieties of such a ritual, it all depends on individual characteristics the individual to whom it is applied.

For example, you can train using a universal plot. It must be done in dark time days, with the maximum concentration on the object. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow), bring home.
  • Light two candles, turn off the light.

After that, you need to slander the following words on the water:

“Water-voditsa, help me learn. What I tell you - you will weave into the fabric of the day. Let me tomorrow (say the event that should happen). You are the link between heaven and earth. May it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to cast your hands, you can help yourself in the process of casting the spell by making circular passes over the water. This will enhance the effect of what has been said.

A rigorous approach to learning

Important! Carefully approach the choice of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace for all future magical activity!

For example, you can work out various conspiracies for food and water. It is especially good if they carry a positive energy message, for example, wishing for recovery or well-being. This is not only good from the point of view of developing one's own practical skills, but also from the point of view of starting a witchcraft career.

If you figure it out how to conjure water, then it will be possible in one fell swoop to master many witchcraft techniques at once. After all, water is a powerful energy concentrator. Through this concentrator, any information and energy can be recorded and transmitted to the noosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positive your first witchcraft, the better. The more spiritual its focus, the stronger and more significant the effect. It is advisable not to do witchcraft with money, jewelry or material objects (unless, of course, there are special abilities for this).

Also, experts advise starting magical exercises with the most authentic rituals for a person: for example,

  • Russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic slander - a Russian (or Slav) must do,
  • Germanic magical rites will be an ideal start for a German,
  • the Irish must practice local magic, the Hindus must perform rituals according to their traditions, and so on.

This state of affairs is necessary in order for the effect of fundamental, primordial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and enhance the effect of magical influence.

These actions significantly worsen karma. They can break all the magical developments that the sorcerer has developed by a specific point in time, putting an end to his career.

Fascinating, mysterious and frightening - all this can be said about magic. For a new person, the world of magic is a dense forest. And now we will talk about the magical foundations.

In order to start using the tools of magic, you must first understand them. There are many types of witchcraft. such as palmistry, clairvoyance, various divination, conspiracies, rituals, spells and a lot more.

What is palmistry?

Let's start with palmistry. This is very interesting science, which studies the fate of a person along the lines in the palm of your hand. As in the case of rings on stumps in the forest, not only age can be determined by the hand, but also how long a person will live, the hand can tell about intellectual indicators and heart affairs.

To practice palmistry, you need to learn the names of the lines and their meaning. In the modern world, fortunately, there is a sufficient amount of literature on this topic. After all, palmistry, among other things, is also a very fashionable science.

Different types of divination

1. Fortune telling according to the "Book of Changes". This is an ancient Chinese divination that came to us along with the science of Feng Shui. You will need 3 coins of the same rank and the book itself. You can also easily find it on the Internet, there are also online fortune-telling.

The meaning of fortune-telling is that you ask a question and toss 3 coins 6 times, write down the values ​​​​described in the book. You should get a pictogram of 6 characters. You look for this icon in a book and read what it means.

2. Divination with the call of souls. This is another divination with a book, but this time this item will be more of an inventory. We take a book, scissors and a rope. You need to insert the scissors with the tip between the pages in the middle of the book, and the rings should stick out. All this splendor is fixed with a rope.

To conduct fortune-telling, you will need at least one more person besides you. Sit opposite each other. both pull index fingers towards each other. Place the rings of scissors on them so that each of you gets a ring.

After that, call any deceased character and ask yes and no questions. If the answer is yes, then the rings will begin to move along with the book in your hands.

3. Well, the easiest way to figure something out is to flip a coin. But in our case, you don't need to watch heads or tails. The answer will come by itself while the coin is in the air. The first thing that comes to mind is the answer to your question.

White magic spells for beginners

Practical white magic- a serious step. For successful witchcraft, some people train for years. Therefore, we do not recommend immediately actively conjuring. Especially if you do not have a gift from birth or do not have a sorcerer in your inner circle who will help you figure it all out.

Let's take the basics. White magic spells for beginners that will allow you to develop the necessary skills:

  • We prepare the charmed water. To do this, we use a simple spell that energizes. We take a jug with clean drinking water, we lean towards the water and quietly whisper: “Voditsa will be positively charged, will allow me to get drunk and then sparkle myself.”
  • We make ourselves a guardian. Choose your favorite small item. It can be a pendant or a bracelet, or a stone. In general, anything that you could put in your pocket or put on yourself. The following spell will help charge this thing with powerful protective energy: "I'm going under the dome, I'll push everything away from me."

It is difficult to fit a huge mountain of information in a small article, so if you are seriously interested in this topic, stay with us and we will tell you more!

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