Home Grape Project activities in kindergarten. Project method in the activities of the preschool educational institution. Using project activities in kindergarten

Project activities in kindergarten. Project method in the activities of the preschool educational institution. Using project activities in kindergarten

Projects are divided by type of activity:

  • Creative research projects that allow children to experiment and visualize the result in the form of wall newspapers, stands, etc.
  • Role-playing projects that allow game form in the form of characters to solve the tasks.
  • Information projects that make it possible to collect information, analyze and arrange on stands, stained-glass windows, etc.

Finished projects

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Projects for the improvement of the territory of kindergartens
  • Traffic rules, traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports

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All sections | Projects. Project activities in kindergarten

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At present, the state has set a fairly clear and important task for educational institutions: to prepare the most active and inquisitive young generation. The main programs today have long spelled out the basic requirements that a graduate of even a kindergarten must meet.

In order for a child to become truly inquisitive and strive to acquire new knowledge on his own, and not under duress, it is extremely important that project activities be actively used in the process of his upbringing. In the preschool educational institution of our country, this direction is not yet very well developed, but the situation is gradually changing every year.

What is it for?

The fact is that it is projects that are able to link a not too fun educational process with real events that occur from time to time in a child’s life, which attracts and may interest even the most restless kid. In addition, it is the project activities in the preschool educational institution that make it possible to turn any team into a cohesive team, whose members will be able to work together to solve even the most complex and non-trivial tasks. In such conditions, each child can feel needed, interested in performing an important task.

What is a project? General information about the concept

You should know that the term “project” itself was borrowed from the classical Latin, in which it originally meant “thrown forward”, “protruding”, “conspicuous”. And how can all this be linked to work in a preschool educational institution? In this case, a “project” is a way for a child to assimilate information about the world around him when he independently searches for information and prepares to announce it to his peers. The main work in the direction of cognitive activity is performed by the teacher.

It is important to remember that project activities in a preschool educational institution must necessarily imply a socially significant result. Simply put, the work should be based on a certain problem, the solution of which requires a consistent search, clarification of the most crucial moments. The results of this activity are analyzed and combined into a single whole.

From a pedagogical point of view

From the point of view of a teacher, project activities in a preschool educational institution are good because they involve independent activities of children, as a result of which they learn to find and use the necessary information for their own purposes. In addition, this way the child gets the opportunity to transform "dry" and inexpressive data into practical experience which may well help him throughout his life.

The essence of the technology of project activities in the preschool educational institution lies in such an organization educational process in which students willingly receive theoretical and practical data, participate in activities creative plan, as well as solve ever-increasingly complex tasks of the most diverse nature.

Any project must necessarily have not only cognitive, but also pragmatic value. The child must know what specific data he receives, and where he can use it in practice. This is the main thesis of the technology of project activities in preschool educational institutions. Today, almost all modern educational institutions are trying to adhere to this point of view, which are trying to find a reasonable balance between obtaining practical and theoretical knowledge.

The basis of the method, its stages

The method is based on the idea that any educational activity should be aimed purely at the result, the achievement of which should be carried out by joint work. children's team and a teacher. At the same time, everything characters working on the same theme. At the moment, professional teachers distinguish three main stages in the development of project activities. They represent a special combination of research, creative and problem methods. Let's look at each stage in more detail.

First step . It implies “imitation and performance”, and the implementation of this method is possible only in the case of working with children aged 3.5-5 years. At this stage, the organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution involves the participation of children “on the sidelines”, when they do something either at the direct suggestion of an adult teacher, or simply imitate him. It is important that such an approach does not contradict the very nature of the child. The fact is that at this age, children have a desire to attract the attention of an adult, to establish good relations with him.

Second phase. This is the time of development, and the implementation this method starts at the age of 5-6 years. At this time, children are characterized by the fact that they are already capable of organized independent activity, can provide each other with the necessary this moment help. The child is much less likely to make requests to the teacher, tries to actively establish interaction with his own peers. Children already have self-control and self-esteem.

Thus, the organization of project activities in a preschool educational institution at this stage should take into account that the child can adequately evaluate and be aware of both his own actions and the actions of his peers.

It is worth remembering that they already see and evaluate the problem, are able to clarify the goal being achieved, and also choose the means that optimally contribute to the achievement of the result required by the teacher. The most important circumstance is that they are already capable not only of a mechanical discussion of the topics proposed by the teacher, but also of their own projects.

Third stage. This is already the time of real creativity, which is typical for children aged 6-7 years. Any method of project activity in a preschool educational institution must necessarily create such learning conditions that will not scare him away from solving complex problems. It is necessary to create such conditions under which the child would be comfortable choosing topics for their projects, as well as methods and time for working on them.

The specifics of working with preschoolers

What should characterize any method of project activity in a preschool educational institution? You must clearly understand the fact that in most cases the child has to be “guided”, helped to discover the problem, and in some cases directly contribute to its occurrence. It is important to try to "pull" children into some kind of joint venture, but it is extremely important in this case not to overdo it with guardianship.

Where to start planning a project?

Planning any project activity in without fail should begin with discussion and reflection on the following questions: “Why is this work needed at all?”, “What is it worth doing for?”, “What will happen to the end result of the work after the work is completed?”, “In what form should the product be sold” ...

This is also indicated by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Project activities in preschool educational institutions are also important because they teach children to clearly allocate and plan their time. It is important to teach them how to distribute the project over a certain time period so that there is enough time left to solve each stage of the problem. At each stage, personality-oriented technologies should be used, since the abilities of each child can differ significantly from those of their peers.

Project work

As you might guess, at the first stage you have to correctly and reasonably choose the right topic. What should the use of project activities in a preschool educational institution from the point of view of a teacher imply? In this case, you need to understand that an in-depth choice of a topic should be carried out only together with the child (!). Experienced teachers they say that the choice should be preceded by three "golden" questions: "What do I know? What do I want to know in the near future? What is the best way to find out about this?

Of course, the topics of project activities in the preschool educational institution should be quite simple and interesting, able to interest every child.

If the teacher is able to organize the right dialogue with children, then he will contribute not only to the development of their self-esteem, but also their ability to evaluate the data received from the point of view of their usefulness in daily activities. It is important to remember that the implementation of project activities in preschool educational institutions also contributes to the normal formation of the speech apparatus and language abilities of the child. This is confirmed by speech therapists who last years record a rapid increase in the number of specific problems in this area.

It is necessary to properly organize the process of collecting information: this work should be exciting, it cannot tire the trainees. The educator or teacher should create such conditions in which it would be most comfortable and easy for children to work.

Project implementation

It is important to remember that design and research activities in preschool educational institutions should actively use not only the creative method of cognition. Experiments are very important, during which the child receives invaluable scientific experience, which will surely come in handy in later life. In general, the uniqueness of the project method lies in the fact that it contributes to the versatile development of the student's personality: the child becomes an integral, comprehensively developed personality with a well-developed self-esteem and the ability to be responsible for all his actions.

As for the incentive motives for research activities, discussions of a problematic topic should act in such a role. This not only helps the child discover new aspects and nuances of the topic of interest to him, but also allows the whole team to be involved in the discussion. This is very useful in any case, as the "joint mind" can help in solving really difficult problems.


The project activity of the preschool teacher ends with the organization of a presentation on the topic covered. During this event, it is perfectly revealed creative potential each preschooler, and also find practical use all the information that the children received during the work on their project. The task of the educator is to ensure that each child can talk about the work he has done, comprehend everything that has been done, and also feel pride in his successes.

It is extremely important that children acquire the skills of speaking in front of an audience, as well as master non-verbal communication techniques (specific facial expressions, gestures, etc.).


As the activity of the child increases, the position of the educator or teacher in relation to him may change. In general, these are banal provisions of student-centered ways of learning. They tell that at first the teacher has the role of a teacher and organizer at first, and then a mentor and spotter who only directs children's aspirations in the right direction.

Average work plan for a project

It should be noted that most often creative project activities in preschool educational institutions are organized within the framework of specially designated classes. They have a strictly defined structure and include the following steps: creating a positive motivation for students, introducing the problem and telling about its importance, as well as developing a step-by-step plan for solving the problem, which is formed in the course of research activities. After that, the results are discussed and the data obtained are systematized. If possible, children can demonstrate the acquired skills in practice.

The following types of projects can be implemented (by duration): long-term (from one to three years), for several months, for a month, a week (weeks), and also for several days or even for a day.

So, let's describe the indirect sequence of work on some task:

  • Depending on the needs and abilities of a particular child, the teacher sets the task (after consulting with his own ward).
  • Next, the teacher involves students in the process of solving the problem.
  • Next, you need to captivate schoolchildren and even their parents with the task assigned to them as much as possible.
  • The parent committee and teachers' council should be involved in the decision. Project activity in the preschool educational institution is a public task!
  • If there is such a need, you can seek help from some narrow specialists in this field.
  • In addition, the project activity of a teacher in a preschool educational institution also involves further joint work with parents: together with them, you need to draw up detailed plan Events.
  • The child himself at this time (using help) collects all the necessary information.
  • At the same time, he conducts observations, participates in themed games and attends necessary excursions.
  • The teacher should not forget that at this time children should receive homework.
  • It is very important to encourage in every possible way the independent actions of both the children themselves and their parents, who can search for material through independent “investigation” in a given area.
  • After that, the teacher organizes a presentation of the project, in which the children tell all the information that they managed to obtain and systematize.
  • The teacher makes a final speech, if necessary, speaks at the pedagogical council.


Thus, during the implementation of the project, each child develops a certain position on a specific issue, children get the opportunity to reveal their creative streak, to show everyone their individuality. All this has an extremely favorable effect on the development of the child's personality, contributes to the formation of normal self-esteem. Simply put, projects ideally prepare preschoolers for their further education at school and even university.

Shevyakina Lyubov Vitalievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MKDOU "Big Soldier's Garden"
Locality: Bolshesoldatsky district, Kursk region
Material name: report
Topic:"Project activity in kindergarten"
Publication date: 05.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Report "Project activities in kindergarten"
Shevyakina Lyubov Vitalievna Report "Project activities in kindergarten" Lately in practice preschool institutions the innovative method of problem-based and integrated learning is actively used. This is the project method. The basis of this method is the independent activity of children - research, cognitive, productive, during which the child learns the world around him and brings new knowledge to life. Translated from Greek, the project is the path of research. The famous scientist A. Einstein once said: “Children themselves love to search, to find themselves. This is their strength. They always feel like Columbuses, they never get tired of being surprised by the numerous miracles of living life. Perhaps the most difficult thing is to teach them to understand other people who are not always like you, to know the depth of each. We overload children with books, impressions, we do not help them select the main thing that leads to the depth of knowledge, to the depth of their own thoughts and creativity. Children, like plants, need much more freedom, the opportunity to know themselves.” Preschool children are characterized by the desire to penetrate into the innermost secrets of being, they want to know everything. To satisfy the curiosity of one child, an interesting story of the teacher in the group is enough. There is little explanation for another category of pupils, they are limited organized classes. These children need to get to everything on their own (check in practice, feel with their hands, conduct an experiment, put an experiment, look into a reference book, an encyclopedia). The task of the teacher is to identify all interested children and involve them in participation in research activities without any coercion. Freedom and the opportunity to know oneself, in my opinion, are provided by project activities that allow the child not to feel the “pressure” of adults. From birth, a child is a discoverer, a researcher of the world that surrounds him. Everything is a first for him: sun and rain, fear and joy. At all times, mothers taught and teach their children what, in their opinion, will be useful to the child in life, so the attitude to the problem of introducing children to social reality has changed over time: to its goals, content, methods. A person needs to get a positive social experience of realizing his own plans as soon as possible. The ever-increasing dynamism of economic and social relations people requires the search for new, non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances. This skill must be taught from childhood. According to the instructions of the teacher, preschoolers perform various tasks and create specific products.
These products can be presented to others, but they are not an expression of the child's creative ideas, but are the result of mastering the program content. At present, project activity is organically included in the new standards of primary education. However, preschool educational institutions are also introducing the method of projects in kindergarten. IN modern pedagogy and psychology lined up a certain approach to the organization of project activities, for example, in this direction work: N.E. Veraksa, A.N. Veraksa, E.S. Evdokimova, N.A. Ryzhova, N.A. Korotkova and others. The project is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by the child in the process of a phased and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the intended goals. Projects in kindergarten are, as a rule, educational in nature. Preschoolers in their psychophysiological development are not yet able to independently create their own project from beginning to end. Therefore, teaching the necessary skills and abilities is the main task of educators. Projects in kindergarten can be creative (formulation of the result in the form children's holiday), Informational (children collect information and implement it), Role-playing (with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of characters in a fairy tale, solve problems in their own way), Research (children experiment, and then draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, dramatization). Projects require a clear structure, defined goals, relevance of the subject of research for all participants, social significance, well-thought-out methods for processing the result. Three stages in the development of project activities in preschool children are identified, which represent one of the pedagogical technologies of project activities, which includes a combination of research, search, problem methods, and creative ones.
First step
- imitative-performing, the implementation of which is possible with children 3.5–5 years old. At this stage, children participate in the project “on the sidelines”, performing actions at the direct suggestion of an adult or by imitating him, which does not contradict the nature of a small child; at this age there is still a need to establish and maintain a positive attitude towards an adult and imitate him.
Second phase
- developing, it is typical for children 5-6 years old who already have experience
a variety of joint activities, can coordinate actions, provide assistance to each other. The child is less likely to turn to an adult with requests, more actively organizes joint activities with peers. Children develop self-control and self-esteem, they are able to fairly objectively assess how own actions and the actions of peers. At this age, children accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the result of the activity. They not only show willingness to participate in projects proposed by adults, but also find problems on their own.
Third stage
- creative, it is typical for children 6-7 years old. It is very important for an adult at this stage to develop and support the creative activity of children, to create conditions for children to independently determine the purpose and content of the upcoming activity, to choose ways to work on a project and to organize it.
Project activity takes place in a problem situation that cannot be solved by direct action. For example, if a child wanted to draw an object and drew it, then we cannot say that he has implemented the project activity, because this is not a problematic situation. If the child wants to express his attitude to the subject in the drawing, then in this case a special project task arises, connected with the study of the possibilities and the search for forms of transfer of his attitude to the subject. Project participants must be motivated. Mere interest is not enough. It is necessary that both the teacher and the child formulate the reason why they are included in the study. For example, preparing for a holiday. The child may be interested in preparing for the holiday, but project activities will begin only at the moment when the teacher, together with the child, tries to understand what this event means for each of them. Once the meaning is defined, one can look for ways to present it. The project activity is targeted. Since in the course of the project activity the child expresses his attitude, he is always looking for the addressee - the person to whom his statement is addressed, designed in the form of a product. That is why the project activity has a pronounced social coloring and, ultimately, is one of the few socially significant activities available to a preschooler. Since the leading activity of preschoolers is the game, preference is given to creative and role-playing types. Group projects in kindergarten can be the first step.
The sequence of the teacher's work on the project:

The teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the child; -involves preschoolers in problem solving; - outlines a plan for moving towards the goal (supports the interest of children and parents); - discusses the plan with families at the parent meeting; -apply for recommendations to the specialists of the preschool educational institution; -together with children and parents draws up a project plan; - collects information, material; - conducts classes, games, observations, trips (events of the main part of the project); -gives homework to parents and children; -encourages independent creative work of children and parents (search for materials, information, making crafts, drawings, albums, etc.); -organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, occupation, leisure), composes a book, an album together with children; - sums up the results (speaks at the teachers' council, summarizes the work experience).
Stages of project activity
Stage 1
"Theme Choice"
The task of the teacher is to carry out, together with the children, the choice of a topic for deeper study, to draw up a plan for cognitive activity. One way to introduce the topic is through the use of models " three questions": What do I know? What do I want to know? How to find out? Dialogue with children, organized by the teacher, contributes not only to the development of the child's self-reflection in the field of knowing their own interests, assessing existing and acquiring new thematic knowledge in a free relaxed atmosphere, but also to the development of speech and the speech apparatus itself. Collection of information and planning of educational work within the framework of the project. The task of the educator is to create conditions for the implementation of the cognitive activity of children. Stage 2
"Project implementation"
The task of the educator is to create conditions in the group for the implementation of children's ideas. Projects are implemented through different kinds activities (creative, experimental, productive). The uniqueness of the application of the project method in this case lies in the fact that the third stage contributes to the multilateral development of both mental functions and the personality of the child. Research activity at this stage is stimulated by problematic discussion,
which helps to discover more and more new problems, using the operations of comparison and comparison, the problem statement of the teacher, the organization of experiments and experiments. Stage 3
It is important that the presentation is based on a material product that has value for children. During the creation of the product, the creative potential of preschoolers is revealed, the information obtained during the implementation of the project is used. The task of the educator is to create conditions for children to have the opportunity to talk about their work, to experience a sense of pride in their achievements, to comprehend the results of their activities. In the process of his performance in front of peers, the child acquires the skills of mastering his emotional sphere and non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.). Stage 4
The interaction of a teacher and a child in project activities may change as children's activity increases. The teacher's position is built in stages as research skills develop and independent activity from teaching and organizing at the first stages to guiding and correcting by the end of the project. Project activity is an intellectual work. The suppression of children's initiative always blocks search behavior, which can lead to the development of a passive position in the future (at school and in life, when a person capitulates at every encounter with difficulties. The design technology requires patience, love for the child, faith in his abilities from the teacher.
Why are projects needed?
Projects: - help to activate independent cognitive activity children; - help children to master the surrounding reality, to study it comprehensively; - contribute to the development creativity children; - contribute to the ability to observe; - contribute to the ability to listen The method of projects is one of the few methods that bring the pedagogical process out of the walls of a children's institution into the outside world, natural and social environment facilitates the process of mastering the world around the child. The involvement of parents in this process is very valuable: becoming active participants in the process of teaching their children, moms and dads feel like “good parents”, because they contribute to learning and acquire new skills;
- parents form a higher assessment of the achievements of their children and pride in them; - develops a deeper understanding of the process of teaching preschool children; - the possibility of consolidating the knowledge gained in kindergarten through homework; Educators have the opportunity to understand how parents motivate their children, to see how moms and dads help their kids solve problems; the possibility of using the knowledge and interests of parents in the process of teaching children. In the process of joint education of children, trust in educators and other employees of the kindergarten arises; Parents are taught activities that they can enjoy doing with their children at home. What does a child learn from communication with parents, joint participation in business, observing the actions of family members? - the participation of parents in joint affairs with the child gives children special pleasure, favors their success; - expands the child's social experience and provides positive role models; D-children begin to regard their parents as a source of knowledge and experience. Thanks to the participation of parents in the pedagogical process, children develop a sense of pride, self-esteem increases, and those children whose parents more often played the role of assistants, there is a significant progress in development. Children become more liberated and independent, purposeful and self-confident, sociable, more attentive and caring towards peers and adults; capable of mutual understanding and cooperation. A project was implemented in our group: “Our feathered friends” Purpose: the formation of a desire in children to take care of wintering birds, recognize birds, name their body parts. During the implementation of the project, classes were held with children “Birds in Winter”, “Merry Sparrows”, a conversation on the picture “Titmouse at the Feeder”, outdoor games “Owl”, “Crow and Dog”, “Dog and Sparrow”, etc. We also made bird feeders with the children. Parents gladly took part in the actions: "Bird's house", "Feed the birds in winter". At the same time we spent parent-teacher meeting, where we told parents about the work that we are doing and invited them to joint active participation. We offered parents to have conversations with their children, make bird feeders and simply feed the birds near their homes and kindergartens. In terms of solution educational tasks this project creates an objective prerequisite for educating children to respect wildlife. A folder was made out - a shift, a card file of riddles, poems about birds, literature was selected, a conversation was held about what you know about birds. Poems about birds were memorized with children, riddles were made,
didactic outdoor games. Together with the children, a stand was made about wintering birds, they were also engaged in productive activities - drawing, modeling, listening to the voices of recording birds. In the course of the project, the children together with their parents made feeders. The final stage is the entertainment "Bird Festival". Solving various cognitive practical tasks Together with adults and peers, children acquire the ability to doubt, think critically. The positive emotions experienced at the same time, surprise, joy from success, pride from the approval of adults - give rise to the child's self-confidence, encourages a new search for knowledge. Accumulating creative experience, children, with the support of adults, can become authors of research, creative, game, practice-oriented projects. The project method is interesting and useful not only for children, but for teachers themselves, because it makes it possible to concentrate the material on a specific topic, increase the level of one’s own competence on the problem, bring to new level relationships with parents, to feel like a partner of children in solving research problems, to make the learning process not boring, but very interesting. Collective experiences bring children together and with adults, help to improve the microclimate in the group. Project activities allow you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate into inner world child. It is the project activity that will help to connect the process of education and upbringing with real events in the life of the child, as well as to interest him, to carry him into this activity. It allows you to unite teachers, children, parents, teach how to work in a team, cooperate, plan your work. Each child will be able to prove himself, feel needed, which means that self-confidence will appear. Project results: I believe that as a result of the work done, there are positive results: developing mental capacity children who manifest themselves in the ability to experiment, analyze, draw conclusions: children have a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities. Parents have expanded opportunities for cooperation with their children by listening to their opinion; are involved not only in the educational process of their group, but also in the process of development of a preschool institution. Work on research projects is interesting because the range of children's knowledge is extremely wide, and it is constantly increasing, as kids begin to acquire knowledge on their own, attracting all available means. The method of designing the activities of preschoolers on present stage development of preschool education is one of the priority methods. Thanks to projects, children develop the skills of research, cognitive activity, creativity, independence; the ability to plan their activities, work in a team develops, which will further contribute to the successful education of children at school. For teachers, the advantage of the project method is: - improving the quality of the educational process;
- one of the methods of developmental education, since it is based on the development of children's cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate in the information space; - development of critical and creative thinking; - contributes to improving the competence of teachers. Thus, the development of design technology by teachers will increase the level of their professional skills and create conditions in the preschool educational institution for effective educational work.

Hooray, spring has come! I greet you Dear friends and congratulations on the beginning of a new stage in our lives - warm, sunny and full of hope. As usual, Tatyana Sukhikh, his mistress, is on duty on the blog. With the advent of spring came the inspiration to do something! Let it be something useful, for example, a project in a preschool educational institution on some non-standard topic. Yes, yes, we also write projects with children, can you imagine?

The project sounds kind of official and scientific, doesn't it? But in fact, this word hides the name of one of the methods for implementing the tasks of developing and educating preschoolers. The project activity is joint work educator, parents and children over the study of some issue.

The goal and objective of the projects is to promote the development of independent thinking in children, the ability to make decisions, look for answers, plan, anticipate the result and learn to cooperate with other people. The teacher gives some task to the children, feasible for their age, and teaches how to solve it and how to present the result of the solution.

Preschoolers cannot develop a project on their own, in kindergarten we do everything together. Usually this type of activity is purely educational in nature, we use the project as a tool for learning, gaining knowledge and enrichment life experience. This method has only recently been applied to preschool education, it is considered progressive and effective for modern children.

Active parents may well do this simple thing at home, I will describe in detail the types, topics, structure. Development and education in the preschool format is carried out mainly through gaming activities, so the projects have a creative, playful focus. The most effective is the group research activity of children.

Project topics are varied.

Well, for example, the theme "Family Tree" or "My Family" is the running theme for children's projects. This project can be implemented in different ways - in the form of a collective panel with photographs of the family of each child in the group, or a painted large tree, or an exhibition of children's works on the theme of the family of children.

The point is not to give the children a finished project, but to give a topic and help determine the way the project is to be implemented: what materials to use, whom to ask for help, how to design the product of the project, how to present it. And this applies not only to older children and preparatory groups. Toddlers also do projects that they can handle.

For those who want to make a project according to all the rules

Features of pedagogical and educational system in Russia are such that our every step must be strictly in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Therefore, even such a creative matter as writing a project requires compliance with guidelines Ministries.

In order not to look for information for a long time, I propose to “register” in my favorite UchMag online store, since there is absolutely any methodological literature there, including excellent manuals on our topic:

  • "Projects in the preschool educational institution: the practice of teaching children 3-7 years old";
  • "Innovative pedagogical technologies. Method of projects in preschool educational institution ";
  • "Projects in preschool education: theory and practice of child development";
  • “Projects in preschool. The practice of teaching children 3-7 years old. Program for installation via the Internet»;
  • “Development Program of the Preschool Educational Establishment. CD for computer: innovative educational project»;
  • “Environmental projects in pre-school educational institutions. Research activities on walks ";
  • Offline webinar "Technology for organizing project activities in accordance with GEF DO".

For preschool teachers, that is, preschool educational institution, given the modern requirements for a preschool teacher, such manuals are just a treasure. It has everything you need for competent planning and implementation. pedagogical activity: how to draw up a project, what to take into account, how to arrange the results, etc.

Types of projects in kindergarten

In the current practice of modern kindergartens, we use the following types of projects:

  • Research with a creative bias: the guys find out some information, for example, why the snow melts in spring, and the results are drawn up in the form of drawings, wall newspapers, stage scenes, etc .;
  • Creative tasks are also cognitive in nature, but the results of the study are presented in the form of a theatrical performance, performance, children's holiday;
  • Socio-informational: the guys explore the subject of the project and draw up the result in the form of a newspaper, folder, poster, installation;
  • Role-playing or playing: the guys solve the task of the project by means of a familiar fairy tale, getting used to the roles of characters, presenting the result of the study in the form of a role-playing plot.

According to the method of project implementation, group, individual, intergroup, and complex projects are distinguished.

By the time of implementation, projects are short-term (one lesson), medium-term (1-2 lessons) and long-term (all academic year or half a year).

It may seem, especially to parents, that these projects are something too difficult for preschoolers. But, I repeat, that preschoolers are just getting acquainted with this type of activity, preparing for independent research which they will spend at school.

Have you probably seen foreign films where children prepare some projects, often make volcanoes, various devices, bring a pet to school and talk about it? Such activities are extremely useful for children, as they broaden their horizons, activate cognitive activity, and reveal their creative and scientific abilities.

The name - projects - sounds very serious and pompous to our post-Soviet ear. In fact, for children, this is just one type of work that requires research and presentation of the result. Both short-term and long-term projects are designed to increase the child's self-esteem, since initially an adult is set to recognize the value of any result of a child's research.

It's not about trying to get a perfect research result out of a child, say, on a favorite toy. The point is to instill in him an interest in research and analysis of the processes that are happening around us. Arousing curiosity and healthy curiosity in kids is the task of children's projects.

What exactly is the work on the project?

The stages of work on a children's project in a kindergarten come down to preparation by the educator and implementation by the joint efforts of adults and children:

  • Determining the goals and objectives of the project is the work of the educator, who must choose the topic of the project in such a way as to solve some problem with its help. For example, to give kids a deeper knowledge of natural phenomenon(rain, wind) or fix the names of the days of the week, seasons, flowers, etc.

Having determined the goal, the teacher voices it in front of the children. Together we choose the final product of the project - a poster, an album, a holiday, a performance. The type of product depends on the type of project and goals, of course. At this stage, the children face the following tasks: to understand and enter into the problem, to enter the game situation (since the main type of learning in the kindergarten is the game).

The main thing that the educator should achieve is to awaken activity in children and aim them at finding ways to solve the problem. For example, we want to study more titles flowers. At the first stage of work on the project, children should, with the help of the educator, get involved in the implementation of the project and present the final product, it can be a panel, a bouquet of paper flowers, an appliqué, a drawing.

  • Work on the implementation of the project: it is necessary to jointly draw up a work plan, that is, to motivate children to independently determine how to implement their plans. Who to turn to for help (parents, of course), what materials to use, where to look for answers to questions?

The children are divided into groups and distribute tasks among themselves, with the help of a teacher, of course.

The tasks to be implemented at this stage are to create a favorable environment for creative searches, to involve children in joint activities, and to encourage independent thinking. During the planning process, children train logical thinking develop ingenuity.

  • Actually, work on practical implementation project tasks: depending on the goal, according to the plan, we carry out project tasks step by step and draw up the final product, for example, an exhibition. We make a presentation in front of parents or conditional experts.
  • Summing up: what worked, what didn't work. This is for the teacher. He notes for himself the effectiveness of the project, outlines topics for further projects.

What does the project look like on paper?

It is clear that the educator must know how to write a project, since everything that we do in a group must be documented, so to speak.

As I have said more than once, in order to simplify your life, it is logical to make a blank, a template and simply enter the necessary information.

What must be written in the content of the project:

  • Title, topic, tasks, project type. It's easy here: the name is consonant with the topic, and the tasks go beyond the topic. But there can be universal goals for all projects: social, cognitive, physical, aesthetic development of children according to age. Project types you already know;
  • Statement of the problem: also depends on the theme of the project. If this concerns the theme of the Motherland, then the problem can be formulated as follows: to find out from children what the Motherland is, what it means for each person. It can be noted that there is a lack of awareness of children in this matter and a low interest of parents in the formation of patriotism in children;
  • Activities within the framework of the project: if the project is short-term, then we write down what we plan to do in one lesson. Long-term projects involve many different activities: classes, conversations, consultations with parents, excursions, reading literature, applied activities;
  • Resources for project implementation: list methodical literature, materials method cabinet;
  • Form of the final product: exhibition, presentation, celebration, open class. You may find innovative product forms that no one else has done before you;
  • Analytical note: write an analysis of the problem, briefly saying why implementation is important this project for each participant, for children, parents, educator. For example, that there is now a decrease in patriotism, a loss of interest in the history of the motherland, the history of one's family, etc. And now the project will give children and adults awareness of their involvement in their homeland;
  • Stages of the project implementation: I already wrote about this above, it’s not worth repeating, I think;
  • The result of the project is based on goals and objectives.

What's left behind the scenes?

More than one Talmud can be written on this topic, about projects. But another time. I will only add that I would like parents to understand that today there is serious problem at our children. This is low sociability, lack of curiosity, lack of independence, passivity. Ours with you main task- to teach children to communicate, interact with other people, independently look for a way out of any situation, be able to act adequately to the situation.

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