Home Mushrooms The benefits and harms of mint tea. Curious facts about the use of mint tea, how to prepare it, the benefits and harms. Useful properties and contraindications of mint tea, recipes and features of use

The benefits and harms of mint tea. Curious facts about the use of mint tea, how to prepare it, the benefits and harms. Useful properties and contraindications of mint tea, recipes and features of use

Mint is an ancient aromatic plant that was discovered and used many centuries ago. The plant began to gain its popularity in Ancient Greece and that's when his fame reached Ancient Russia, then here he was given the name “mint” we now know. Generally, the herb is used in medicinal purposes, but also used in everyday life. She washed the floors, so that the air in the room became better. Similarly, it was considered an excellent hand rinse. Back in those days, people were convinced that this herb helps to refresh the mind. For this reason, noble people put wreaths on their heads, which were woven from mint.

Specialists highlight a large number of its varieties.

What are the types and varieties of mint

  • australian mint,
  • pineapple mint,
  • pennyroyal,
  • water mint,
  • dahurian mint,
  • longleaf mint,
  • fragrant mint,
  • ginger mint,
  • canadian mint,
  • spearmint,
  • small-flowered mint,
  • peppermint,
  • field mint,
  • apple mint,
  • japanese mint,
  • and etc.

We most often find peppermint, field and fragrant mint.

The chemical composition of mint

Vitamins: A, C, D, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, zinc, phosphorus.

Acids: valerian, linoleic, mellisin, oleanolic, acetic, ursolic.

Mint is especially valued for its essential oil content (2.5-4.5%), which consists of menthol and its esters. Interestingly, the leaves contain only 0.5% menthol, while the stem of the plant contains 40%.

mint calories - 50-70 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and health benefits of mint

  • has analgesic and diuretic properties,
  • helps with flu
  • prevention and treatment of colds,
  • relaxes the abdominal muscles,
  • improves digestion,
  • treats diseases of the stomach,
  • relieves flatulence,
  • helps with diarrhea
  • promotes weight loss
  • stops putrefactive processes in the intestines,
  • eliminates the feeling of nausea,
  • treats diseases of the respiratory system,
  • fights tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis,
  • slows down the heartbeat
  • helps with hypertension
  • eliminates headaches,
  • relaxes the nervous system
  • relieves irritation and fatigue,
  • helps to sleep
  • strengthens eyesight
  • refreshes the mouth
  • heals wounds and bruises,
  • reduces the growth of unwanted hairs
  • treats skin diseases
  • removes pruritus,
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Properties and uses of peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oil is one of the popular essential oils. It fell in love with its aroma, which captures pleasant notes of chill.

The mint smell is considered to be feminine, it symbolizes her charm, courage, desire for adventure. The energy of mint is able to completely renew and restore a person's strength. That is why oil is often used to improve the functioning of the nervous system. It gives self-confidence, relieves irritability, relieves feelings of anxiety, strengthens the heart. In addition, it is recommended to carry peppermint oil with you if you get motion sickness in transport.

In cosmetology, it is used for the treatment skin diseases, diseases of the oral cavity and improve the condition of the hair.

Mint tea is good for health

Mint tea drink for calm and for spiritual harmony. In addition, the fragrant drink eliminates indigestion, increases appetite, and perfectly tones up in the heat. It is used medicinally to reduce cough and reduce fever.

Peppermint tea recipe

It is very easy to prepare. You need fresh mint leaves or 1 tbsp. dry raw materials brew 1 cup boiling water. The broth will be ready in 10-15 minutes. Optionally, you can add a slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick.

Is it possible to drink mint during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an unpredictable period, so there are still many opinions about the use of mint while expecting a baby. In general, mint solutions are not contraindicated and will be very useful, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to drink them 1 time per day 3-4 times a week.

During pregnancy, the herb helps with nausea, relieves colic, itchy skin and relaxes the nervous system. In addition, tea with mint leaves is very good for constipation, which is common in this period in women.

Contraindication and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • infertility,
  • breast-feeding,
  • children under 3 years old,
  • low pressure,
  • varicose veins.

Excessive consumption of mint leads to heartburn and a decrease in male libido.

How mint affects men. Impact on potency

The negative impact of mint on male potency is a very common misconception. A negative result is achieved only under the condition of prolonged brewing of the leaves (at least 5 minutes) and drinking mint broth in large quantities (2-3 times a day). If a man drinks only 1 cup of weakly brewed herbal tea, and even very rarely, then there is no reason for concern.

True, there is information that this plant slows down the activity of spermatozoa, but this does not apply to potency itself.

When to collect

The entire summer period is considered the time of mint collection. If you want to pluck the leaves for making fresh tea, then this can be done in the spring when the first sprouts appear. But if you need grass to harvest raw materials for the winter, then you should wait until mid-June. July is the peak harvest season. At this time, the mint has already grown and gained the maximum of its aroma. Leaves should be cut 1-3 times a month.

How to dry mint at home

1 way. Cut the grass stems along with the leaves and flowers. lower part rinse clean water, wait until it drains. Then spread the mint on a clean cloth somewhere in the shade, out of direct sunlight.

2 way. Collect the grass in thin bunches and hang on a hook in a dark place. The room must be well ventilated. The sun has a negative effect on the aroma of grass - avoid it when harvesting raw materials.

3 way. For a quick harvesting process, an oven is also suitable. But this is not recommended, as many useful properties of the herb are lost.

How to store mint in the refrigerator

1. Freezing. Thanks to the manufacture modern refrigerators there is an amazing way to store herbs, berries, vegetables, etc. for a long time. So why not use this method and freeze mint? A particularly excellent option is freezing, which will easily find their application. They can be added to homemade smoothies, as well as consumed in soups and salads. IN winter time frozen mint can be brewed for years and enjoy an incomparable fragrant tea with medicinal properties.

2. "Wet" method. You can use good option, which will keep mint leaves fresh for 7 days. To do this, it is recommended to moisten a towel, wrap mint in it and send it to the refrigerator. You can resort to the help of another option: put the mint in a bucket or vase. Firstly, it will allow you to keep it for a long time, and secondly, it will saturate your home with an unsurpassed aroma. Only in this case it is necessary to change the water in which mint is standing daily.

3. Dry way. The "drying" of medicinal herbs has long been famous - this allows them to be stored for many years. The only drawback when choosing this method is that over time, mint loses its beneficial properties. That is why it is best to renew the supply of mint every year. Drying methods have been discussed above.

The use of mint for health and beauty

Mint treatment

For insomnia, headaches and irritability. Drink mint tea 1-2 times a day.

With increased acidity. 20 g mint + 10 g valerian + 15 g chamomile + 10 g dill seeds + 10 g caraway seeds + 5 g hops. Pour the herbal mixture with 5 cups of boiling water. Take a decoction in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 glass every 2 hours throughout the day.

For digestion. Take 1 glass of peppermint decoction in the morning and evening.

From wounds and bruises. Grind mint and apply it as a compress on sore spot. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

For the oral cavity. With inflammation of the gums and their bleeding, rinse your mouth with a decoction of mint. It is recommended to brush your teeth with tooth powder, which includes grass.

Applying mint to your face

Mask for oily skin. Grind fresh leaves or add water to dry raw materials. Apply the herb on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. You can add 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil to your favorite beauty product or carrier oil.

Moisturizing mask. 1 tbsp chopped leaves of the plant (or 1 drop of essential oil) + 1-2 tbsp. olive oil or honey. The mixture is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.

Ice cubes for the face. Prepare a decoction of mint and fill ice molds with it. Wipe the face with ready-made cubes in the morning and evening. This method perfectly tones the skin, gives it a healthy look, a blush appears. In addition, there is a narrowing of the pores. The method is not suitable for sensitive skin.

How to use for hair

Mint improves hair growth, gives them shine, and prevents them from tangling. Apply 2-3 drops of essential oil to the comb and distribute it along the entire length of the curls.

rinse aid. Prepare 0.5-1 l (depending on the length of the hair) mint decoction. Rinse your head with it after washing your hair, you do not need to rinse it off.

Application in cooking

The herb is used in the preparation of smoothies, cocktails, soups, fruit and vegetable salads. Mint gives an unusual taste and aroma to dishes and confectionery. For example, gingerbread with mint is very famous. It has become fashionable to use it as flavorings for soft drinks like lemonade.

Recipes with mint

Chocolate mint cocktail

Mint is a very popular and beloved folk remedy. Its healing properties help to overcome many ailments, and the tonic aroma relaxes and calms the nervous system.

For many, mint grows on suburban area, including ours. How good it is to pick a few leaves mint and throw in brewed black tea. But there are several recipes for making an infusion, the main ingredient of which is peppermint. Beneficial features mint known for a long time, and it is successfully used as an additional remedy for the treatment of many diseases. How to brew mint- will be discussed in this article.

Useful properties of mint drinks:

  • Mint is a natural sedative. Aromatic tea helps to relax, and regular use of mint infusion helps to strengthen the nervous system.
  • Mint contains menthol, and it is useful for angina pectoris, as it dilates the coronary vessels of the heart.
  • Peppermint tea cools in the heat, relieves pain and inflammation.
  • Helps digest food when overeating, reduces gas formation, improves digestion.

Mint Tea: Recipes

When overeating, colic, spasms is useful:

  • Brew tea from leaflets mint: just pour boiling water over them and let it brew.

You can also drink this tea in the evening. for migraines and frequent headaches. Mint normalizes sleep, and the morning will be good.

Mint with tea:

  • Throw 2 teaspoons of black and green tea into the teapot, add mint, pour boiling water.

This tea relieves thirst, improves mood and digestion.

Helpful in the heat

  • Throw in a glass 1 tbsp. l. pine nuts, pour mint tea.

This mint tea is great for quenching thirst.

For fun:

  • Ingredients: mint, lemon, black tea, sugar. First you need to brew black tea in a teapot separately. Remove the zest from one small lemon, cut it into strips, throw it into a clean glass glass, add a few mint leaves there and pour it with brewed black tea. Add sugar to taste, stir.

Mint infusion for calming: recipes

Recipe #1


  • 1 st. a spoonful of peppermint leaves,
  • 1 glass of hot water.


Mint is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. Then the drink is filtered. It is recommended to consume warm 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipe #2

  • The ingredients are the same

Mint is poured with boiling water and put on water bath. There, the drink is heated for 15 minutes. The infusion needs to be cooled and filtered. It is recommended to use 1/3 or 1/2 cup 2-3 times during the day and at bedtime.

How to brew mint: video recipe

Brew mint simply, how two by two. This is clearly shown in the video. You just need to throw mint leaves into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for a few minutes.

Since ancient times, people have been using herbs in their diet, treating diseases with them, and fields, meadows, edges and roadsides delight them with their violent aromas. One of the most popular and significant herbs is peppermint. Its properties and contraindications have been known for many centuries. However, not all varieties have medicinal properties and are suitable for human consumption. Of all the species, peppermint stands out. It is she who is famous for her bright enchanting aroma.

What is she, mint?

There is probably no person who would not know the aroma of this plant. We buy mint gums and toothpastes, elixirs, sweets, and often their scent is our favorite mint. Medicinal properties and its contraindications have been studied for a long time. Our distant ancestors used mint to overcome various ailments. Even the ancient Romans used it. The Arabs cultivated mint in their gardens, the Chinese devoted treatises to it, and the Greeks washed their hands and refreshed their faces with it. In the Middle Ages, mint with milk and wine was used to treat various diseases, including headaches.

And today this plant is used as remedy and in cosmetic purposes. Aromatic herb is grown on farms and supplied to pharmacology. What is the secret that mint contains? Medicinal properties and contraindications, features of the preparation and use of the plant are disclosed in this article.


The plant is a perennial, twenty-five to sixty-five centimeters high, has a branched rhizome and thin roots. Flowers are whitish-pink, light purple or reddish-pink. They are located on the tops of the shoots in the form of oblique inflorescences. The plant blooms throughout summer period. The stem, like the whole plant, is smooth. Mint leaves have an ovoid shape with a heart-shaped base and sharp serrated edges. Useful properties are mainly found in them and flowers, although other parts of it are sometimes used. Mint is bred specially in gardens and orchards or grows in a wild way on the fields. It exudes a strong and very pleasant refreshing scent.


This aroma is a consequence of the content of a whole set of essential oils and menthol that mint has. Medicinal properties and contraindications can be understood by studying the composition of the plant, which includes a large number of beneficial vitamins, substances and trace elements, namely:

  • vitamins - C, B1, PP, A, B5, B9, B2, B6;
  • trace elements - phosphorus, manganese, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, sodium, potassium;
  • amino acids such as betaine and arginine;
  • fatty acid;
  • organic acids, including chlorogenic, ursulic, oleonolic, ascorbic, acetic, coffee and valeric acids;
  • piperitonine pinene;
  • essential oils;
  • mentofuran;
  • from flavodinodes - hesperidin;
  • from tannins - rutin;
  • phytosterols and phytosterols;
  • saponins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • resins;
  • alcohols;
  • of terpenes - citral, geraniol, limonene, terpinene, carvacrol.

It consists of seventy-eight percent water and two and a half percent essential oils.

Dietary fiber per hundred grams of leaves contains:

  • fat - 1 g;
  • carbohydrates - about 7 g;
  • proteins - about 4 g.

The energy value for the indicated weight is seventy-one kilocalories. This plant is a storehouse of useful qualities.

Collection and preparation

It can be purchased at a pharmacy in ready-made, in bags or as a dry raw material that is brewed. But it’s even better if you collect mint with your own hands and make a blank for the winter. For those who decide to do this, the following tips will help:

  1. Grass should be collected in the morning, in dry weather, preferably when the plant is just beginning to bloom. Then mint contains the highest concentration of its useful substances. In this case, mainly its leaves and flowers are used.
  2. Although the plant blooms all summer, in different regions this period varies, and may be somewhat shorter.
  3. Mint can be harvested by cutting the stems for more speed, and at home, pick off its leaves and flowers, which are suitable for use.
  4. Mint is dried outdoors in the shade. To do this, the plant is laid out on paper or cloth in a thin layer. It is advisable to stir it from time to time.
  5. After the raw material is ready, it is wrapped in paper bags or glass containers that are tightly covered.
  6. It is stored in a dry and dark place for up to two years.
  7. In order for the herb to retain more of its properties, it is better to grind it just before use, and not in advance.


Mint is best known for its essential oil content called menthol. It saturates the plant with a characteristic refreshing aroma that everyone loves so much.

There is an opinion that it is better to gather in the spring, even before the peppermint blooms.

Its properties are used in herbal medicine, mint is added to culinary dishes. It is also used to get rid of nausea, with flatulence, nervous breakdown, poor digestion, asthma, bronchial or pulmonary inflammation, cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, colds, migraines, spasms, gallstones and many other problems. The plant complements diaphoretic herbal preparations.


Mint has a beneficial effect on the entire body. First of all, the nervous system is restored. Helps to relax after a hard day or improve mood in the morning with mint tea. Useful properties contribute to better concentration, improve brain function.

It also plays a positive role in the digestive system. Improves appetite, the process of digestion of food, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and saliva. In addition, mint is a choleretic agent and remarkably freshens breath. The intestines are cleansed, the work of the liver and gallbladder is stimulated.

There is an expansion of blood vessels, stabilization of the heart rate and improvement of blood circulation. In some cases, it is quite possible to replace drugs or at least supplement treatment for cardiovascular diseases.

The beneficial properties of mint for women are perfectly revealed. In cosmetology, it is used for masks, baths, baths. It is able to suppress bacteria on the skin and mucous membranes. Procedures for oily type of integument with acne are especially suitable. The skin then acquires elasticity and velvety.

What heals?

Mint has plenty of useful properties and contraindications. It is useful to take in the following diseases:

  • nervous disorders, restlessness, anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • gastritis, diarrhea, other disorders of the digestive tract;
  • nausea;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • migraine;
  • respiratory disease (in this case, use essential oil mint);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • caries, gum disease;
  • bacterial and fungal infections skin.


Some men fear that their potency may worsen if they use mint. Medicinal properties and contraindications with moderate use of the plant will not appear so noticeably. Another thing is if you abuse mint. Then problems with potency can really be observed, because the production of female hormones is produced, which peppermint contains in a considerable amount.

Properties and contraindications can be expressed in sleep disturbance and headache, especially with excessive consumption.

You should also refrain from using this plant in the following conditions and diseases:

  • allergies;
  • hypotension;
  • varicose veins;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • problems with conception;
  • children under five years of age.

In addition, doctors tend to believe that the active use of mint leads to a loss of body sensitivity to its components.

Individual intolerance to the plant may also be observed, in which it is immediately necessary to stop using it.

Mint has a different effect during lactation. Useful properties and contraindications for women in this case will directly depend on its variety. Indeed, according to some, it stimulates the appearance of milk, while others say, on the contrary, about its decrease. In this case, curly mint is suitable, which contains the least menthol, but contains carvone, which stimulates lactation.


Since mint normalizes metabolism, removes toxins from the body and regulates gastric juice, it is often used in diets. It also helps with constipation, in eliminating putrefactive processes in the intestines and reducing acidity.

Mint leaves are added to:

  • first and second courses;
  • baking cakes, pies, cakes and cookies;
  • fruit and berry desserts;
  • sauces and marinades;
  • milkshakes.

Peppermint is a spice, flavor enhancer of dishes, natural flavoring, an element that improves appetite.

Tonic properties are used in various drinks, most widespread of which he received a non-alcoholic Mojito. Teas and infusions will perfectly quench your thirst and at the same time drown out the feeling of hunger.

Peppermint pairs well with foods such as:

  • meat;
  • bird;
  • a fish;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • greenery;
  • cottage cheese;
  • spices;
  • spices.

Mint teas

Green tea with mint, chamomile, thyme and lemon leaves is very popular. If you drink such a drink several cups a day, then it will not take even a few months for a person to feel light and comfortable.

If tea is prepared from fresh leaves, then they must first be poured over with boiling water, and only after that pour water and brew.

Not all dishes are suitable for infusion. For example, plastic and metal are not recommended. It is best to brew mint tea in porcelain or glassware. Useful properties are most preserved in a freshly brewed drink. Therefore, do not immediately cook it a lot. Often honey or lemon is added to tea. It is better to refrain from sugar, as it will neutralize the beneficial properties of mint.

As an anti-cold remedy, a tablespoon of inflorescences or leaves is taken and poured with a glass of boiling water. After ten minutes, the drink can be taken orally.

In case of intoxication, two tablespoons are taken in a glass of water and infused for two hours. Drink one tablespoon with meals.

If nausea is felt, brewed tea from one tablespoon to a glass of water is drunk in half a glass twice a day.

For pain in the head or muscles, a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons are added to a glass with a pinch of dried leaves. lemon peel. The resulting drink should be drunk three times a day for half a glass.

Infusions and mint

Useful properties and contraindications of the plant should be carefully studied before starting its regular use and treatment. If no side effects are identified and mint is recommended, in addition to tea, infusions can also be prepared.

To do this, washed fresh leaves are placed in a half-liter jar and filled to the top with vodka or alcohol. You can add some cinnamon to it. The lid should be tightly closed and infused in a dark place with room temperature in two weeks.

You can prepare such a simple version of the tincture: two teaspoons of grass are poured with a quarter liter of boiling water into a thermos. After an hour, you can start drinking the strained tincture, one tablespoon six to seven times a day.

Essential oil

Many of the fair sex prefer to use essential oils. Mint, whose beneficial properties and contraindications for women have been fully studied, is one of the favorite products. It is added to various face masks, massaged and simply applied to the skin for certain problems.

It has a tonic, expectorant, absorbable and antiseptic effect, dilates blood vessels.

Mint in cosmetology

The properties of mint for women are widely used in skin care.

For example, to improve the complexion, you can prepare a lotion. To do this, mint infusion, cucumber juice and parsley decoction are mixed in equal amounts. In the morning and in the evening they need to wipe their face.

To relieve fatigue and give tone to the eyelids, cotton pads soaked in a chilled infusion are applied to them.

The beneficial properties of mint for women will also be expressed in a beneficial effect, especially on oily skin, even when simple use infusion. She will acquire matte shade enlarged pores shrink.

The ancient Russians called "dragolyub", which means "dear, beloved, kind", such a healing herb as mint, the properties and use of which they were very well aware of. Today, after many centuries, we no longer call it so affectionately. But until now, mint remains a universal medicine and a favorite drink for many people.

According to ancient Greek legend, mint was once the nymph Minpho, who fell victim to love squabbles and was turned into a menthol plant by the goddess of fertility. Mint tea has been considered for centuries healthy drink, which is able to calm the soul, dispel anxieties and clear thoughts. Thanks to menthol, citral, carvone, geraniol and other components, it is so fragrant and healthy. However, when brewing mint tea, the benefits and harms must be taken into account in order to get not only pleasure, but also the sense of the drink.

There are many types of mint: wild, room, menthol, field, lemon, pepper. wild mint is an a rare representative family of yasnotkovye. Tea from such mint helps to activate the brain and gives vigor. Tea is not made from room mint, but it perfectly flavors rooms. Young shoots of field mint brewed with tea perfectly relieve headaches. The use of peppermint helps in solving many problems of the digestive tract. Tea made from menthol mint is similar in properties to peppermint, however, it has more saturation, as it contains great amount menthol in the cell structure.

Peppermint Tea Brewing Methods

To fully unleash the full potential of the beneficial properties of the plant, you need to learn how to brew mint tea correctly. Of course, the process itself depends on whether mint will be the only basis of the drink, or whether it is planned to combine it with black or green tea.

1. Preparation of green tea with mint involves the following sequence of actions:

- bring 1 liter of water to a boil and wait until it cools down to 80 ° C;

- pour 1 teaspoon of leafy green tea and 1 teaspoon of dried mint or a fresh sprig with mint leaves into a porcelain teapot;

- let the drink brew for three minutes.

2. Preparation of black tea with mint involves the following steps:

- boil 1 liter of water;

- pour one teaspoon of black tea and mint into a glass or porcelain teapot and fill it with water at a temperature of 90 ° C;

- after 2 minutes, you can pour the drink into cups;

- For sweetness, you can add a little honey.

3.Preparing pure mint tea based on the same steps as the previous recipes: for 1 liter of boiling water, you need 1 teaspoon of dry mint or a few small sprigs of fresh. Honey is a nice addition to this recipe. It can be added directly to a drink or consumed as a snack.

Type of tea teapot material Proportions Water temperature Brewing time
1 Green tea with mint Porcelain 80°C 3 minutes
2 Black tea with mint Porcelain or glass 1 teaspoon tea, 1 teaspoon dried mint, 1 liter water 90°С 2 minutes
3 Pure mint tea Porcelain or glass 1 teaspoon dry mint, 1 liter of water 90°С 2 minutes

Useful qualities

The use of this drink has a wide range of healing properties. The most important advantages include the following:

1. Tea brewed with menthol, field, lemon or peppermint eliminates anxiety and saves from insomnia;

2. Wild mint tea improves brain activity and invigorates the body;

3. Such a drink is a good natural antiseptic and analgesic. Headaches, migraines, aching joints can be eliminated from the periodic use of this remedy. In addition, the drink perfectly helps with various respiratory diseases, improves expectoration, copes with a stuffy nose and lowers body temperature;

4. This one hot drink helps reduce hypertension arterial pressure;

5. A decoction of peppermint and menthol helps to eliminate nausea, relieve stomach cramps and colic, and also improves the general condition of the digestive system and helps with the production of bile. For people suffering from flatulence, this drink allows you to reduce the amount of gases in the intestines, as it reduces the activity of fermentation processes;

6. This drink also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Such tea not only helps in recovery general condition organism, but also contributes to the formation strong immunity.

Harm of mint tea

With all its benefits, there is a certain harm to mint tea:

1. Menthol as the main organic matter plants can cause an allergic reaction;

2. Due to its ability to lower blood pressure, tea is not recommended for people with low blood pressure, as this will lead to lethargy and dizziness;

3. In the presence of varicose veins, drinking this drink can aggravate the situation;

4. Peppermint tea can worsen the effects of heartburn;

5. Since mint contains tannins, it is not recommended for people suffering from constipation;

6. Drinking mint tea with any homeopathic preparations may cause unwanted side effects.

Is mint dangerous for men

The answer to the question of whether men can drink mint tea depends on the type of plant being brewed. Of course, drinking tea with peppermint or lemon mint, which contain a large amount of menthol, will negatively affect male libido, as it will suppress the testosterone production process.

If you brew tea with wild mint, the result will be just the opposite. That is why the use of drinks with wild mint was forbidden in the ancient Greek troops.

The harm and benefits of mint tea for women

It has long been known that drinking peppermint tea has many benefits for women. Firstly, the menthol component of the drink helps in stabilizing hormonal background women. Secondly, mint tea will ensure a painless flow of menstruation.

However, even if a woman is healthy in all aspects that relate to the use of mint tea, there are two categories that are still not recommended to enjoy this refreshing drink: pregnant and breastfeeding.

When drinking mint tea during pregnancy, there is a risk of an allergic reaction that has not been observed before. In particular, peppermint is dangerous for this situation, as it provokes bleeding, which is dangerous for the period of gestation. And during the third trimester, it is this drink that can cause a burning sensation in the stomach. However, in some cases, mint tea is prescribed for expectant mothers. For example, with severe toxicosis in the first trimester, with excessive flatulence, with food poisoning, colds. There are many different opinions about whether it is possible for pregnant women to have mint tea, but in order to avoid problems with the development of the fetus, it is better to consult a personal doctor.

Unfortunately, after giving birth, the situation does not change radically if you plan to feed your baby. breast milk. When drinking mint tea breastfeeding, there are certain risks for the baby and his mother.

The effect of mint on the body of a nursing or pregnant woman

Regarding the question of whether children can have mint tea, there is also no consensus. The best solution will keep this drink until the age of 5. Especially dangerous is the intake of mint tea by children who have problems with the kidneys and nervous system.

Based on the foregoing, we can distinguish categories that can drink tea with mint and who are not recommended.

Can you drink mint tea?

Children under 3 years old

Children under 5

Children over 5 years old



People with varicose veins


breastfeeding mothers


Thus, mint tea, the benefits and harms of which are listed above, should be consumed rationally in order to avoid a wide range ailments. Mint, despite its beautiful taste qualities, is an medicinal plant, and any drugs do not tolerate an overdose.

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Herbal teas (also known as infusions) have been used for centuries as natural remedies for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, as well as a means of maintaining good condition health and well-being. Of all the varieties of these drinks known in the world, mint tea is one of the most widely used and popular.

In addition to the pleasant taste and aroma, this drink offers many health benefits. It is especially useful for those who suffer from headaches or stomach problems.

Peppermint tea has been used as medicine for many centuries. Today it is recommended by alternative healers, herbalists and many others as a treatment various diseases, and also as a tonic for the body as a whole. What are the benefits of mint tea?

From headaches

For some headache sufferers, a milder remedy than strong analgesics can be offered. Instead, you can try the proven folk remedy. If suddenly you are overtaken by a strong headache try using fresh or dried mint leaf tea instead of aspirin or other pain relievers. By drinking it right after a few minutes of soaking and steeping, you may just find that your condition is relieved without any side effects or unnecessary medications.

Peppermint tea is often effective in stopping headaches caused by stress or a poor diet. Such negative factors usually cause spasm blood vessels in the brain, causing severe discomfort.

Effective pain relievers stop such pain by dilating blood vessels. Peppermint tea works in the same way, bringing relief to the sick. Interestingly, even the aroma of mint (or essential oil) can help with headaches, as well as colds.

Tea successfully fights colds

Menthol is a natural chemical that gives mint its refreshing, icy taste and similar flavor sensation. In addition to being one of the most pleasant herbal flavors, peppermint tea also plays another role. important role- relieves the symptoms of a cold.

This substance is known to soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the sinuses and throat, relieve swelling (ensuring comfortable breathing) and act as a decongestant (disintegrates phlegm and mucous accumulations). In addition, inhaling peppermint vapor can also relieve many of the symptoms associated with fever. This means that if you suffer from respiratory problems or seasonal allergies, a cup of mint tea can help you feel a lot better (especially if you're breathing steam!).

Mint stops indigestion

Peppermint tea is sometimes called the "stomach healer" because it is known to relieve many gastrointestinal ailments, including stomach pain, colic, heartburn, flatulence, indigestion, and diarrhea, and to promote healthy digestion in general.

This is especially effective if you drink this drink after meals and before bed (especially if you have had late dinner and heartburn often occurs). This tea also helps at any time in case of stomach problems.

It is also interesting to note that peppermint essential oil effectively treats one syndrome that has little known methods treatment - IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Many practitioners also believe that drinking peppermint tea regularly will provide significant relief for these patients.

Calming and toning properties

Peppermint tea is not just good for your taste buds - it also benefits your mind! This drink has been shown to improve brain function, making the consumer more attentive and improving memory.

Is it possible to drink peppermint tea for a calming purpose, given its tonic properties? Research shows that it is quite possible. Along with the above qualities, mint is also a natural stress reliever.

For menstrual pain

As you can guess from the above, tea from this plant is used to relieve spasms. It might make him a good remedy for everyone - from professional athletes to people suffering from regular stress. However, it is especially effective in treating a certain type of spasm - the muscles in the walls of the uterus. That is why it is successfully used to relieve menstrual pain.

Other Health Benefits

In addition to the above benefits, peppermint tea also has the following benefits:

  • antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties (which makes it effective tool for skin cleansing and great helper to fight bacterial infections when applied topically);
  • may act as an analgesic (helping relieve pain of many types);
  • be effective as a treatment for certain skin conditions (such as psoriasis and some other skin rashes) and arthritis (when applied topically);
  • helps relieve colic in babies;
  • helps burn fat in digestion;
  • improves bile production and breaks down kidney stones and gallbladder(but this should be done under the supervision of a doctor!);
  • reduces bad smell from mouth;
  • strengthens immune system;
  • relieves the symptoms of seasickness.

How to brew mint tea correctly?

This tea can be easily prepared at home. To make it, use fresh or dried leaves. You can either grow them yourself or buy them at many grocery stores and markets. In dried form, mint is sold both in bulk and in bags.

The mint tea recipe is as follows. You will need about one tablespoon of crushed fresh leaves or about one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of fresh water.

To prepare the drink correctly, bring the water to a boil. Add mint to boiling water. Stir for five minutes or a little longer (you can do this up to 12 minutes). If you want the drink to be really strong, you can also boil the leaves. Then strain the tea or remove the tea bag.

How to drink mint drink?

If you are using it medicinally, it is best to drink peppermint tea while it is hot (but not scalding). You can add some sugar or honey if you feel it is necessary. However, it is better to drink it without additives. But if you have a sore throat, just mix it with honey.

If you are using tea as an external remedy, you can dampen a sponge with it and rub it on selected areas of the body. Alternatively, you can add some freshly brewed tea to your bath water.

If desired, you can mix mint with other herbs when you make herbal tea. This herb is well suited to be mixed with lavender (to relieve stress), ginger (to improve digestion) and fennel seeds (for detoxification).

Is mint tea harmful?

Even though peppermint infusion is a great drink for improving health, it is worth noting that it has several potential side effects for certain people. For this reason, you should carefully study the benefits and harms of mint tea before drinking it. The benefits of this drink are mentioned above, and its possible negative effects on the body are as follows. Avoid drinking peppermint tea in the following cases:

  • If you have persistently low blood pressure (the relaxing properties of peppermint can cause it to drop even more).
  • Avoid excessive use of peppermint tea during pregnancy as it can, in extreme cases, cause uterine relaxation and lead to miscarriage. If you have had such a history, medical practitioners usually recommend that you refrain from drinking this drink.

Also, although very rare, peppermint overdose can cause diarrhea, heart palpitations, or a slow heart rate. For young children, mint should be used in very limited amounts to avoid irritation or allergies.

However, it is clear that all of the above side effects are rare and most people have nothing to worry about. Peppermint tea is considered a safe, effective and natural remedy for many health problems and overall well-being.

If you have any questions about side effects or the health benefits of mint, talk to your doctor or consult an herbalist. It is absolutely officially established that the menthol contained in this plant has anti-spasmodic effects. In addition, peppermint tea helps treat indigestion, the effects of stress, and menstrual cramps. Drinking one cup of tea two to three times a day for several days before and during your period can significantly reduce pain and discomfort.

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