Home Preparations for the winter Chicken breast vegetable soup recipe. Vegetable soup with chicken. How to make chicken soup with homemade noodles

Chicken breast vegetable soup recipe. Vegetable soup with chicken. How to make chicken soup with homemade noodles

During heat treatment meat products lose a lot of theirs useful vitamin and minerals. For proper preparation soup from chicken breast, to save most of it useful substances you need to know how to properly prepare this type of meat, how long the process of creating the dish should take.

How long to cook chicken breast

Chicken breast meat is rightfully considered one of the most affordable and popular meat products.

Most housewives believe that during the cooking process, white chicken meat becomes tough and bland, and this type of meat is best suited for cooking fried, stewed or for salad. This opinion is very erroneous - to cook breast, you just need to know how to choose it correctly, how much time you need to allocate for the cooking process.

In stores and supermarkets, chicken is sold chilled or frozen. Before cooking the breast, defrost the meat at room temperature, and then begin further heat treatment. The main secrets of boiling white meat for broth and soup are:

  1. Chicken fillet does not need to be separated from the bone or the skin removed for greater richness and flavor of the dish;
  2. The water should be cold and cover the meat;
  3. Add salt and spices only after boiling;
  4. The heat after boiling should be reduced so that the cooking process is slow and gradual, and the breast is then more juicy;
  5. When preparing soup, cook the fillet for no more than twenty minutes after boiling;
  6. Greenery, Bay leaf should be added at the end of cooking so that meat and other products do not become bitter;
  7. To reduce the entire cooking process, you can pre-cut the meat into pieces.

Another important fact that affects the entire process of cooking chicken breast is that the chicken can be raised at home and the cooking process will certainly increase in time. To check the readiness, you just need to pierce the meat with a fork and see the color of the juice that flows out - red and pink indicate that the white meat is not ready.

Quick recipe

The benefit of a liquid and hot dish with chicken fillet mainly lies in the fact that the meat consists of ¼ protein, it is low-calorie and perfectly supports the immune system, bringing vitamins B, C, PP, A into the body, minerals - iron, sodium, magnesium, potassium , chlorine and many others.

Cool the breast at normal room temperature, rinse, cut into three centimeter pieces and place in a saucepan, pour cold water. On the stove after it starts boiling, skimming off the foam, cook for ten minutes.

In parallel with the boiling process, peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into squares, carrots into strips, and onions finely as desired. After sending the vegetables to the meat, cook for ten minutes, and then check the potatoes for doneness and add salt, spices and finely chopped dill. If necessary, cook for about five minutes over low heat.

Chicken breast soup should be allowed to brew for about fifteen minutes and can be served with fresh vegetables, greenery, rye bread.

Diet chicken breast soup

When following a diet due to illness or simply to lose weight and maintain water balance in organism the best option there will be soup with chicken breast. This white meat contains a lot useful microelements and is considered easily digestible. To make white meat soup you will need only:

  • chicken breast – 400 g;
  • carrots – 150 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • sweet pepper – 200 g;
  • greens – 40 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • salt, spices – 5 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • water – 2.5 l.

Making Diet Chicken Soup only takes thirty minutes, and the nutritional value One hundred grams is quite low and amounts to 25 kcal.

At the beginning of cooking, the meat should be cooled and cut into pieces measuring three centimeters. Pour cold water into the pan and place the fillet. After boiling it until cooked - this will take about fifteen minutes - skim off the foam and remove the entire boiled chicken breast from the broth.

While the meat is cooking, all vegetables are prepared - peeled and cut into cubes different sizes: large potatoes, carrots and peppers into centimeter cubes, and it is better to cut the onion into thin half rings. Potatoes are first added to the meat broth and boiled until soft. Then the remaining vegetables are poured in, salt and spices are added.

After five minutes, the meat is thrown back, as well as a bay leaf and finely chopped selected greens. After this, the soup can be removed from the stove and left to steep for ten minutes.

Be sure to remove the bay leaf before serving - it can add unnecessary bitterness to the dietary soup. Increase beneficial features Soup can be added by adding buckwheat instead of potatoes.

Chicken fillet soup with vermicelli

Still the most main feature liquid dish with chicken should not be considered only the benefits and rich vitamin complex meat product, but also cooking time. The process of creating chicken breast soup is very easy, simple even with the addition of vermicelli, which not only goes well with all the ingredients, but also adds richness and satiety. For cooking hot and delicious dish will need:

  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • vermicelli (small) – 70 g;
  • chicken breast fillet – 400 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 20 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • pepper, spices, salt – 5 g each;
  • bay leaf to taste;
  • water – 2 l.

A fragrant, satisfying first course will be ready in just forty minutes, its calorie content per hundred grams is 45 kcal.

The cooking principle is quite simple, and it is better to start the process with meat. It needs to be defrosted, washed and cut into pieces. Place in a saucepan, add water and place over high heat, which after boiling, reduce. You will need to remove the foam several times with a slotted spoon.

Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Add to the chicken fillet when the broth has boiled for twenty minutes. Cook, adding spices, pepper and salt until the potatoes are soft. During this time, the remaining vegetables need to be peeled, cut as desired and lightly fried in oil.

A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add the fried onions and carrots, and at the very end, throw in the vermicelli, finely chopped greens and let it boil, immediately turn it off.

The soup can be served with fresh and canned vegetables, homemade not too fatty sour cream and bread.

Rich chicken breast soup with egg

The first hot dish can be prepared from almost any part of the chicken carcass. But it is breast soup that has:

  • excellent warming effect;
  • is easily digestible, low in calories;
  • contains proteins, carbohydrates and less cholesterol and fat compared to other meat products.

There are a lot of products that can add great satiety and richness to the soup. The chicken breast fillet in the broth goes wonderfully with the egg. To recreate a very simple, quick-to-prepare recipe you will need:

  • chicken breast – 400 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 70 g;
  • greens to taste – 40 g;
  • salt, spices – 7 g each;
  • water – 2 l.

Just thirty minutes of time will be needed to create the soup, and the calorie content of one hundred grams will be equal to 38 kcal.

At the beginning of cooking, pour water into the pan and place chicken fillet cut into small pieces into it.

Place on the stove, cook over high heat until it boils, and then over low heat for 10 minutes. Don’t forget to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, salt the broth and add spices.

While the meat is boiling, you need to quickly peel the vegetables and chop them randomly, but preferably carrots into thick cubes, potatoes into large cubes, and onions into small ones. First in the broth with boiled breast carrots are sent, then onions. When these vegetables are boiled, add potatoes.

The eggs need to be driven into a separate container and beaten until foam forms. When all the vegetables in the soup are ready, you need to stir it quickly, while simultaneously pouring in the eggs in a very thin stream - they should curl into thin strings on the surface of the dish. Then the greens are added, the hot soup is infused for ten minutes.

You can serve with a salad of fresh, pickled vegetables, mustard and sour cream.

There are very few recipes that even inexperienced cooks can use to prepare a dish. They are treated very healthy soup, which contains a range of vitamins and minerals in all ingredients, including chicken breast. There are a few simple tips, which should be used when creating a tasty, satisfying and quick liquid dish:

  1. Aroma, beautiful colour Vegetables will help infuse the broth with noodles - adding partially peeled onions, carrot roots, celery, parsley, which will then be easy to remove from the soup;
  2. You should correctly calculate the amount of pasta for a liquid dish - by adding a lot of it you can get porridge rather than soup;
  3. If you want to cook a dish with clear broth, you should cook it slowly, over low heat, without covering it with a lid;
  4. It is better to add salt at the end of cooking the chicken breast, after removing all the foam;
  5. To reduce calorie content, you need to remove the skin and bones from the meat part, and to increase the richness and richness of the broth, on the contrary, leave them and cook the whole breast.

Chicken breast soup will turn out delicious in any case - the main thing is not to over-salt it. All products, especially vegetables and chicken fillet, are perfectly combined, bringing only the most beneficial substances to the body.

One of the most popular first courses that can be constantly improved is chicken soup. A truly sunny broth and pieces of meat make this dish incredibly tasty and nutritious.

A very simple option for which you always have the necessary products at home.

What you will need:

  • water 2.5 l;
  • 2-3 pcs. chicken fillet;
  • 6 medium potatoes;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2-3 bay leaves;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings for soup.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Wash the meat, cut into medium slices, pour water into the bowl, and don’t forget to add seasonings. When it boils, skim off any foam that forms, then simmer over low heat for another 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the vegetables into cubes. When the broth is ready, add them to the bowl. Cook for about another half hour and make sure that the potatoes do not turn into porridge after boiling.
  3. Once the vegetables are cooked, turn off the heat and leave covered on the stove for another ten minutes, this enhances the flavor.

Then place on plates, you can put half a boiled egg.

Vermicelli recipe

One of the most common cooking options, which will take a little longer than the previous one.


  • 600 g chicken fillet;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 150-200 g vermicelli;
  • 2 tsp. vegetable oil;
  • bay leaf, spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the fillet into neat pieces, boil, remove the foam and leave to cook for another 20-30 minutes.
  2. Chop the vegetables. Sauté until light golden brown. Add roast, potatoes and seasonings to chicken. Cook for 20 minutes, checking the softness of the potatoes, then add the vermicelli and leave for another 5 minutes.
  3. Turn off the stove and leave the dish on it for another 10 minutes with the lid on.

When serving, you can decorate the chicken breast soup with vermicelli with parsley and grated egg.

How to make creamy broccoli soup

Cream soup is a great way to diversify a boring classic way of cooking according to a classic recipe.

Required Products:

  • 1.5-2 liters of water;
  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 50 g grated parmesan;
  • 100 g wheat croutons;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook step by step:

  1. Cook the fillet and onion for half an hour, constantly skimming off the foam.
  2. After half an hour, add the potato cubes. Broccoli should be cooked last to retain its color, season. Cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Slice the chicken. Pour everything into a blender, puree it, pour it back into the pan. Pour the cream into the soup and heat without letting it boil.
  4. Place into plates and place chicken pieces in each. Top with croutons.

Chicken breast puree soup looks appetizing and will be very tasty.

Diet soup with chicken breast

Simple step by step recipe will be useful for those who fight for every centimeter lost. This is truly a real weight loss soup.


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 50 g vermicelli or noodles;

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cook the washed and shredded chicken over low heat until it boils, removing the foam.
  2. Peel and chop the vegetables. Boil for 15 minutes, add potatoes and vermicelli, season the soup, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and keep the broth covered for another 10 minutes.
  4. Serve the dish with celery and herbs.

Advice! After the water with the meat boils, take out the fillet, drain the liquid and pour in a new batch!

Chicken soup with peas

A recipe in which all ingredients are combined just perfectly. We recommend you try it!


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onions;
  • 200 g green peas (can be frozen);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Cut a quarter from the onion. Add to chicken and season. Boil, remove the foam, reduce the heat and put on the stove for another 20 minutes.
  2. Cut the carrots into neat cubes, finely chop the garlic and onion. Sauté in a frying pan.
  3. Coarsely chop the potatoes into cubes. Add all vegetables to chicken. Add seasonings again, when the soup comes to a boil, put it on low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. At the end green pea add to the soup and leave on the stove for 5 minutes.
  5. The soup is ready. You can serve.

The broth will turn out beautiful and transparent, and green color It will only decorate the dish.

Soup with cabbage and dumplings

Fresh cooking idea. Chicken breast soup becomes more satisfying and tasty thanks to dumplings.

What do you need:

  • 1 chicken breast without skin;
  • 1/4 head of cabbage;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • spices.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet, boil for 10 minutes, remove the foam.
  2. Chop vegetables. Add everything to the chicken, season, cook until done.
  3. Mix the beaten egg with flour and a pinch of salt. Transfer the resulting dough into a plate with a teaspoon, forming dumplings. Cook the soup for another 15 minutes.

Serve the soup with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Cheese soup with chicken breast

Cheese lovers will not remain indifferent to this soup. A stunning combination of ingredients gives birth to new facets of the taste of a familiar dish.

What you will need:

  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 200 g champignons;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 500 ml cream 33%;
  • 300 g processed cheese;
  • 20 g butter;
  • spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the broth, remove the foam. Chop the potatoes coarsely, grate the carrots, place in a saucepan, sprinkle with spices.
  2. Champignons, cut the onion and fry.
  3. We take out the chicken. Bring the vegetable broth in a blender until smooth. Cut the chicken into slices, then add it along with the mushrooms to the vegetable mixture.
  4. Place the chopped cheese in a saucepan, boil the soup and keep on the stove for another 10 minutes, stirring.
  5. When the cheese melts, pour in the cream. Boil again for 3 minutes.
  6. Croutons and herbs make a great garnish if you add them before serving.

Beauty concept female body is closely related to impeccable health and lack of excess weight. Poultry and vegetables are ideal for body shaping. Light fat-burning soup with chicken breast “Your Diet” has a high nutritional value, helps get rid of hunger and overeating.

Traditional chicken soup for weight loss

Dietary properties of the first course

The undeniable benefit of chicken fillet lies in its low fat content and low calorie content. It is reliably known that the calorie content of a 100-gram serving of this product- about 110 kcal. Please note that this meat does not contain cholesterol. At the same time, the chicken-based first dish is filled with an extensive range of beneficial health benefits. human body substances - vitamins, amino acids, minerals.

The healing properties of chicken soup

A delicious chicken breast dish is called “Your Diet”, but can be used both for weight loss and for restoring health and preventing gastrointestinal diseases. It is believed that eating such food contributes to the successful treatment of ulcers and gastritis. A food system that includes light first courses with chicken meat, strengthens the immune system.

How to properly cook and eat chicken?

We recommend consuming chicken breast along with vegetables and always stick to small portions in your diet. Remember that poultry is consumed exclusively in skinless diets. The fact is that the skin of chickens contains fats, and possibly substances injected into the bird to increase carcass weight. It should be noted that dietary dishes They should not contain salt; in extreme cases, they are added with just a little salt. To improve the taste of dishes, use soy sauce. IN dietary recipes There should be no fried foods, only steamed food. For your diet to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to the correct drinking regime, namely drink about 2 liters pure water daily.

A proper diet involves consuming 4 medium servings of chicken soup per day, other foods should be kept to a minimum or eliminated.

Duration of the chicken broth diet

It is advisable to eat chicken soup for 5 days. For everyone who wants to prevent gastrointestinal diseases and create protection from excess weight in the future, it is permissible to extend the nutrition system for 2 weeks.

Fat burning soup with chicken breast: tasty, nutritious, dietary, everyday first course for the whole family

Chicken Fat Burning Soup Recipe

Description and proportions of dietary soup ingredients

Present to your attention short review products that together form a delicious fat-burning soup with chicken breast “Your Diet”:

Chicken bouillon

Chicken broth is indispensable for combating overweight and suppresses hyper-appetite, improves digestion, has a low calorie content, has a good effect on the gastric mucosa (an arbitrary volume of purified water is taken as a liquid base).

Chicken fillet

Chicken fillet is a high-quality and affordable source of valuable protein that helps preserve muscle mass and quick normalization of the figure (one whole chicken breast, freed from the skin, will go into the soup).


Carrots - rich in coarse dietary fiber, gives a feeling of satiety, supplies the body with a lot of vitamins and microelements, and is well suited for diets (for soup you will need 2 carrots).


Potatoes are a safe source of starch, an optimal product for the diet, have many vitamins, and are perfectly filling (you only need 1 potato).


Onions are a low-calorie cleansing food that helps get rid of excess fat, remove harmful substances (half an onion is placed in the soup).


Cabbage - the kohlrabi variety contains a range of useful minerals, contains vitamins important for health, is welcomed by nutritionists, is safe for weight loss, and is used in reputable nutrition systems (kohlrabi cabbage is taken in a volume of 300 grams).


Parsley - normalizes fat metabolism, helps suppress hunger, removes harmful substances, speeds up metabolism (you will need a bunch of fresh herbs).


Dill also has a hunger-quenching effect, helps cleanse the intestines, and prevents the creation of excess fat (prepare a medium bunch of dill).


Garlic - helps break down fats, known as a fat burner plant (put the desired amount of garlic in the soup).


Tomato is a powerful source of valuable vitamin A, low calorie product, maintains carbohydrate balance (3 tomatoes are enough).


Black pepper is a useful ground seasoning for diet soup, has a positive effect on metabolism.

Basil greens

Fresh or dried basil - predisposes to excretion excess liquid, goes harmoniously with garlic, supports fat burning (you can add any amount of basil to the dish).

The process of preparing dietary chicken soup

First, boil the breast in water. Allowed to add minimum quantity salt. Lay out the meat. Chop the food, namely potatoes, carrots, kohlrabi, tomatoes, onions, put it all in the broth, continue cooking for about 25 minutes. Season the dish with garlic, parsley, dill, pepper, and basil. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes, then stop heating, and at the end add the chopped fillet.

Fully safe diet with chicken breast helps you quickly feel full and improve your well-being. Judging by the reviews real people, manages to lose 5-7 kilograms. Authoritative nutritionists, known throughout the world, recommend chicken soup to people with excess weight and obesity.

How often do we not have enough time to prepare delicious homemade food, and therefore many housewives, heading home from work, buy semi-finished products to quickly feed their family.

We suggest you move away from your usual purchases of food that is not always healthy and feed everyone who is hungry with a quick, light and at the same time quite filling soup. We will cook very tasty soup from chicken breast with noodles.

To do this, we need to purchase chicken breast or chicken breast fillet. Fillet, of course, will cost more, so practical housewives usually opt for a whole chicken breast. You can use part of it to prepare a delicious homemade soup, and from the rest of the fillet you can immediately make chicken chops or twist it into minced meat and fry light diet cutlets.

This soup is incredibly healthy. Firstly, it is nutritious, satisfies hunger well and quickly. Secondly, it has a low calorie content, is considered almost dietary, and its use does not pose any risk extra pounds for the figure. Thirdly, the chicken broth itself, on the basis of which the soup is prepared, is generally considered a panacea for all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and is even prescribed in the postoperative periods.

What’s especially good is that you don’t need any special skills to prepare this soup; even a novice housewife can make it easily and simply. The undoubted advantage of this dish is that it saves family budget, since the soup is prepared from available and inexpensive products.

Since our soup requires the presence of noodles, you also need to buy it, or you can cook it yourself. As always, the choice is yours!

Taste Info Hot soups / Noodle soup


  • Chicken breast or part of chicken – 400 g;
  • Purified water – 2 l;
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Onions or sterling – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • Mixture of peppers - optional;
  • Parsley
  • For the noodles:
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Flour (highest or 1st grade) – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Regular kitchen salt – 1 tsp.

How to make chicken soup with homemade noodles

We will start preparing the soup by setting the broth to boil. And to do this, wash the breast well, separate required quantity meat (along with the bone) and, loading it into cold water, put it on the fire.

Do not forget to monitor and promptly remove scale from the broth as soon as it begins to appear. Our next step will be to prepare the carrots and onions. They will give the soup more bright taste and aroma.

Peel the carrots with a housekeeper knife and cut into rings. Peel the onion and divide into halves.

Add them to the chicken broth 20 minutes after it starts to boil. 10 minutes will be enough for them to give all their flavor to the broth.

And now, if you decide to use our recipe in in full, it's time to start making homemade noodles.

Don't worry, it won't take long! While the broth is cooking, you will be able to cook it quite well.

Pour about a glass of sifted flour into a bowl, make a hole and pour a chicken egg, lightly beaten with salt, into it.

Knead the stiff dough. Roll it out into a thin layer (dust with flour).

For ease of cutting noodles, divide the layer in half or into four parts and then fold each into a triangle. We cut the noodles at our own discretion, thinly or not very thinly.

Shake with your hands, lightly sprinkle with flour, and leave to dry. In general, from this amount of ingredients you will get about 200 grams of excellent homemade noodles.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.

Remove meat and onions from the broth. And then add the potatoes.

You can throw away the onion; it has fulfilled its role, and cut the chicken breast meat into portions and then put it back into the soup.

About five minutes after we loaded the potatoes, we throw in homemade noodles, about 50 grams. Add salt, bay leaf and pepper.

Let it simmer for another 5-7 minutes and our aromatic chicken breast soup with noodles is ready.

Chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles

Chicken noodle soup is one of the most popular first course options. It is prepared all over the world, each country has its own recipe and its own additives, but the base is always the same - rich chicken broth and noodles.

To diversify your everyday lunch menu, prepare not just chicken soup with noodles, but also one with mushrooms. It is cooked without potatoes, easily and simply, due to the mushrooms it turns out very aromatic. We suggest not frying the vegetables to keep the soup light. And be sure to cook with delicious egg homemade noodles, do not replace it with any pasta.


  • chicken meat - half a carcass (750-800 g);
  • dried basil, dill and coriander seeds - 0.5 tsp each;
  • small chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns – 4-5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms – 120-150 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • homemade noodles – 150-160 g;
  • fresh herbs - for serving.


  1. Wash the chicken, put it in a saucepan, pour water, set it on the fire and bring to a boil. When the broth begins to boil, be sure to remove all the foam using a small sieve so that it turns out nice and transparent. Add salt, add herbs and spices to the broth, rub dill and coriander seeds with your fingers to make it more fragrant. Cover with a lid and cook for 40 minutes.
  2. When the chicken is ready, remove it from the broth and cool.
  3. Peel the onion, wash and cut into cubes, add to the broth.
  4. Add carrots cut into cubes or shapes there (it will look very beautiful in the soup).
  5. Wash, cut the mushrooms into thin slices and add to the soup. An extraordinary aroma will immediately follow.
  6. Add ground black pepper to your taste. If necessary, add salt and cook for 10 minutes.
  7. Remove the cooled chicken from the bones and cut into slices.
  8. Add homemade noodles to the soup, do not stir immediately, you want them to set slightly in boiling water. Cook for another 3 minutes.
  9. Add chicken pieces and stir. Bring to a boil again and you can serve homemade chicken soup with noodles and mushrooms to the table.
  10. When serving, sprinkle the first dish with chopped fresh dill and green onions.

Advice! If you grow lemon at home, add a couple of finely chopped green leaves to the soup. It will turn out very tasty and aromatic.

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Chicken soup with egg and homemade noodles

Chicken noodle soup and boiled egg Rich in protein, it turns out very filling, and it is prepared in different ways. You can cut boiled and peeled eggs into halves and place them on a plate when serving. Some people add beaten raw eggs to the soup a couple of minutes before the end of cooking. Or you can make the first course more sophisticated - with poached eggs.


  • chicken meat - half a carcass;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • homemade egg noodles – 200-250 g;
  • eggs – 3-4 pcs.;
  • seasonings for poached eggs (dried dill, thyme, parsley) - to taste;
  • fresh herbs - for serving.


  1. Pour water into the pan, transfer the chicken and set on fire. Throw the peeled onion and carrots into the broth. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, do small fire and cook until the chicken is done.
  2. Remove the finished meat, cool and cut. Strain the broth.
  3. Now prepare the poached eggs. Cut the cooking film into 15x15 squares and place it over the mug, forming a recess. It is advisable to lubricate the film olive oil so that the testicle can be easily removed. Add spices, salt and pepper into the cavity, beat in the egg, pull the edges of the film and tie the bag with thread. Do this with all the eggs, then transfer them to boiling water and cook for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Bring the finished broth to a boil, place homemade noodles in it and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Take out the poached eggs, cool and remove the bags. Place the resulting boiled egg roses into portioned plates, also arrange the chicken meat and pour in the noodle soup. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle over the soup. It turns out very beautiful. This is how easy it is to prepare a small culinary masterpiece at home.
Asian style chicken noodle soup

Asian style chicken noodles are cooked on a good, rich vegetable broth, for which half of the onion and garlic must be cooked in chopped form. All products are simple and affordable, rice noodles Now you can buy it in any supermarket. Please note that no salt is used when cooking the soup; the desired taste is achieved thanks to soy sauce when serving.


  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • young cabbage – 300 g;
  • green chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • rice vinegar– 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • rice noodles – 1 pack (250 g);
  • cilantro – 1 medium bunch;
  • green onions – 5-6 feathers;
  • red chili pepper - half a pod;
  • soy sauce - for serving.


  1. Peel the carrots, wash them and chop them large.
  2. Peel the onions and garlic. Cut one onion in half, chop the second into thin half rings. Cut one head of garlic into slices.
  3. Cut half the cabbage as desired, even coarsely.
  4. Cut the green chilies in half and remove the seeds.
  5. Place all the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, pour in water and rice vinegar, throw in the cloves and place on the stove. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium until the broth is simmering. Cook for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Wash the chicken meat and cut into thin strips.
  7. Finely chop the remaining cabbage.
  8. Strain the finished broth into another pan. Bring it to a boil again, add chicken meat to the broth, after 1-2 minutes add cabbage, after another minute add rice noodles. Cook the soup until the noodles are ready (the time should be indicated in the instructions on the package).
  9. Rinse, finely chop the cilantro and green onions. Cut the red pepper into rings.
  10. Pour the delicious Asian chicken soup into bowls, sprinkle some herbs on top, add 2-3 chili peppers and pour over soy sauce(1 tablespoon per serving will be enough). Ideally, to make it truly like in Asia, when serving the soup, soybean or wheat sprouts are also placed on top.
Chicken soup with vegetables and noodles in a slow cooker

Chicken noodle soup can be prepared in a slow cooker in several ways. Separately, cook the chicken in a saucepan, fry the vegetables in a multi-cooker bowl, then pour the broth over them and prepare the soup. Or prepare the broth immediately in a slow cooker, and fry the vegetables separately in a frying pan and then add to the soup. The third option is dietary, when frying is not done, and chopped vegetables are placed directly into the boiling broth.


  • chicken carcass – 1.2-1.3 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • celery root – 200-250 g;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice and black peppercorns - 4-5 pcs.;
  • celery stalk – 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper- 1 PC.;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • butter– 30-40 g;
  • homemade noodles – 200-250 g;
  • green onions and dill - for serving.


  1. Rinse the chicken carcass, divide it into 7-8 pieces and place in a pan. Pour in some water to make a rich broth (2-2.5 l). Add thoroughly washed vegetables to this (celery root, one carrot and one onion in the peel, cut in half) and send to the fire. When the broth begins to boil, remove the foam, add salt and add a bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook for half an hour, the chicken has young and tender meat, so this time will be enough.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the vegetables. Cut the celery stalk at an angle, chop the carrots and bell peppers into thin strips, potatoes into medium cubes, and onions into very small cubes. In the multicooker bowl, set the “Fry” mode, melt the butter and add all the prepared vegetables, except potatoes. Fry for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Remove the chicken from the pan, strain the broth and pour it into the multicooker bowl with the fried vegetables. Add potatoes here, set the “Cooking” or “Soup” mode for 20 minutes.
  4. During this time, cut the chicken into large pieces, wash and finely chop the greens.
  5. 5 minutes before the end of the program, transfer the noodles to the multicooker bowl.
  6. When serving, place pieces of meat into portioned plates, pour in the soup and sprinkle with herbs.

Cooking tips

  • In order to obtain a clear broth, the chicken must be rinsed very thoroughly under running water and the fat and skin removed. Be sure to constantly skim off the foam during cooking and avoid boiling over too much.
  • Home egg noodles cook it yourself. Sift the flour onto a work surface, make a well in the center, crack an egg into it, add a little salt (some people also add a little butter) and knead into a stiff dough. Kneading is quite difficult, but still try to do it without adding water - just flour and eggs. Due to this, the finished noodles will not have a boiled appearance.
  • To make the broth rich and tasty, buy homemade chicken soup.

Step-by-step cooking recipes aromatic soups chicken breast with vegetables, cheese, mushrooms and lentils

2017-12-19 Rida Khasanova





In 100 grams ready-made dish

14 gr.

5 gr.


9 gr.

151 kcal.

Option 1: Classic chicken breast soup recipe

Chicken meat contains a lot of protein, which is easily digestible and useful for both adults and children. The chicken broth is light, rich and nutritious. To prepare the soup, you can use any part of the chicken, but with the breast you will get a more dietary dish.

Recipes for such soups a large number of, but the most popular is soup with noodles added. Many people prepare homemade noodles, but regular store-bought noodles can also be successfully replaced.


  • one chicken breast;
  • three pieces of potatoes;
  • vermicelli to taste;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • salt to taste;
  • 5-6 g ground black pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for chicken breast soup

Rinse the breast in running water, remove the films, and cut the fillet into small cubes. Place the prepared chicken meat into a saucepan, add cold water and place on the stove. After boiling, remove any foam that appears so that the broth does not turn cloudy.

Peel the potatoes, cut into small slices, add to the chicken after the water boils. Continue cooking for about 20 minutes.

Add a handful of vermicelli or some homemade noodles to the rest of the ingredients in the pan and mix thoroughly. Boil for about another 12-15 minutes.

While the ingredients are cooking in the pan, prepare the vegetable frying. Peel the onion and chop it very finely with a knife, and grate the peeled carrots on a medium-sized grater. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, first fry the onion until transparent, then add the carrots, stir and fry until soft.

Salt the soup, add a little ground pepper and add fried vegetables to it. Mix all the ingredients, reduce the heat slightly and keep the soup on the stove for another six minutes.

Chicken breast soup is ready. You can serve it with a pre-boiled egg, cut into halves, this will only make the taste better.

Option 2: Quick Chicken Breast Soup Recipe

Chicken breast soup is quick and easy to make with just a few ingredients. In any case, it will turn out nutritious and satisfying - just what you need for lunch.


  • 400-450 gr. chicken breast;
  • one carrot and onion;
  • 230 g pumpkin;
  • 150 g zucchini;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to quickly make chicken breast soup

Thaw the breast at room temperature, rinse thoroughly and cut into small pieces. Place in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on fire. After boiling, remove the foam in time so that the broth remains clear.

While the chicken is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Peel the pumpkin and zucchini and cut them into not-so-small cubes, chop the onion randomly, and chop the carrots into strips.

Combine vegetables with chicken and cook for about 10 minutes. If you have time, you can first lightly fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil.

When the zucchini becomes soft, the soup needs to be salted, pepper or other spices added. Wash the dill, chop finely and also place in the pan. Cook for about seven more minutes over low heat.

If you have time, it is advisable to let the soup steep for about 10-15 minutes. Serve with rye bread and fresh vegetable salad.

Option 3: Chicken breast soup

To diversify daily diet, you can make puree soup from chicken breast. Its delicate texture and appetizing aroma of chicken broth will appeal to both adults and children. The warming soup will charm your household with its pleasant aftertaste.


  • chicken breast;
  • liter of water;
  • 300 gr. broccoli;
  • a large handful of spinach (or a bunch);
  • 4 tablespoons of canned peas;
  • 200 gr. cream;
  • 5 sprigs of thyme;
  • nutmeg.

How to cook

Defrost the breast, rinse with running water. Cut off the skin and films, and fat if desired. Cut into small pieces, add cold water and cook along with thyme sprigs. When the broth boils, skim off the foam and remove the twigs. When the meat is completely cooked, remove it from the pan, cool slightly and divide into smaller pieces.

Divide the broccoli into small florets, add to chicken broth and cook until tender. Then add spinach, peas and your favorite spices to the pan. Keep on fire for about five minutes.

Place the chicken breast pieces back into the pan along with nutmeg, mix everything. Use a blender to puree the soup. If the soup is too thick, add a little boiled hot water and puree again.

Pour cream into the soup - it’s better to use it high fat content- and heat the soup, but do not bring it to a boil.

Serve the finished chicken breast puree soup with crackers or croutons, as well as sour cream. For spicy lovers, you can add finely chopped garlic to the soup.

Option 4: Chicken breast soup with cream cheese

Cheese soup attracts with its delicate creamy taste. The aroma can be changed if you take cheese with the taste of mushrooms or smoked meats. The soup turns out very thick, and if desired, you can beat it with a blender, then you get a creamy soup.


  • two chicken breasts;
  • three potatoes;
  • one carrot;
  • onion;
  • two processed cheeses;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • half a tomato;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • turmeric;
  • greenery.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the chicken breasts, cover with cold water and cook until fully cooked. After the water boils, be sure to remove the resulting foam so that the broth is clear. Remove the finished breasts from the pan, remove the skin (optional) and cut the meat into small pieces.

Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes, peel the carrots and finely grate. Heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a frying pan. First fry the onion. When it becomes transparent, add carrots and finely chopped tomato, stir and fry until the vegetables are soft.

Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes and add to chicken broth. Cook until soft, then add salt, turmeric and pepper. Immediately add the roasted vegetables and chopped meat.

After 5 minutes add to soup processed cheese, divided into small parts. Cook, stirring, until the cheese is completely dissolved. Or you can grate it on a coarse grater directly over the pan, so it will dissolve faster.

Rich chicken soup is ready! Garnish it with finely chopped herbs and serve with rye croutons or crackers.

Option 5: Chicken breast soup with lentils and mushrooms

The recipe for soup with chicken, lentils and mushrooms came to our kitchen from Italy. The unusual combination of ingredients, piquant taste, richness and thickness of the soup will appeal to everyone and will add variety to the family’s usual diet. It will take a little longer to prepare, but it's worth it.


  • one small chicken breast;
  • a glass of canned or boiled lentils;
  • four carrots;
  • small zucchini;
  • bulb;
  • salt and ground pepper;
  • 800 gr. canned tomatoes;
  • 70-100 gr. champignons;
  • half a bunch of fresh basil or a tablespoon of dried;
  • a piece of parmesan;
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook

Remove peels and husks from vegetables. Cut the zucchini into small cubes, carrots into circles. Finely chop the onion and basil with a knife, without mixing them. Thinly slice the champignons into plastic pieces.

Boil the lentils until fully cooked and drain the water.

Remove skin, fat and films from chicken breast. Cut it into several pieces, add cold water and boil until the meat is cooked. After the water begins to boil, remove the foam that appears in time so that the broth remains clear.

Take a thick-bottomed pan and grease vegetable oil. Place vegetables and lentils on the bottom, pour chicken broth, sprinkle with salt and ground pepper.

Place chicken meat on top of all the products, after cutting it into small pieces. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat until the vegetables are soft.

Add the tomatoes and mushrooms cut into slices into the pan, cover again and continue cooking for about another quarter of an hour. At the end of cooking, sprinkle with basil.

Delicious, hearty chicken breast soup with lentils is ready! Before serving, sprinkle each serving with grated cheese. Bon appetit!

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