Home Useful properties of fruits Why dream of a fish, to see a fish in a dream. Explanation of the plot and details. I dreamed of a beautiful fish

Why dream of a fish, to see a fish in a dream. Explanation of the plot and details. I dreamed of a beautiful fish

Why is the fish dreaming? The dream interpretation is sure: the appearance of this symbol in a dream cannot be interpreted unambiguously. After all, he is simultaneously associated with luck and pretense, a seductive offer and slander, a miracle and a journey, knowledge and the ability to earn a living. The details of the dream will help to unravel the complex image.

Symbol with many meanings

Fish conveys the duality of the situation, indicates difficulties, inconstancy. At the same time, this is an omen of good changes, favorable circumstances, the fulfillment of desires, the realization of goals.

In a dream, were you treated to a fish dish? The streak of troubles is coming to an end, soon you will be able to breathe calmly, relax. Did you dream of a delicious pie? During the next period, wealth will be stable, but small.

Did you eat a sandwich? The dream interpretation claims: entrepreneurship will help to achieve a high status. If you look at popular interpreters, you can find out the following.

According to Miller's dream book

Why dream of a fish in a clean river? Mr. Miller promises a gift of fate. For the lonely, this is a messenger of happiness, love, profit. Catching a live bait is not very good. Tests are predetermined for you, and you will pass them only by maintaining firmness of spirit. Worst of all, Miller believes, if the fish was dead in a dream. After such a vision, get ready for troubles and losses.

According to Vanga's interpreter

Vanga's interpreter associates fish with the futility of actions or the need to literally "keep your mouth shut." Why dream about how the pond was teeming with silvery sides? Participate in a challenging event. If you personally fished out at least one, then Vanga is sure that the business you know will turn out well if you don’t talk about it prematurely.

What does it mean to give birth to a fish in a dream

They gave birth to a child, and a fish was born? In reality, you will acquire unusual skills, knowledge, change the direction of your professional activity.

Giving birth to a fish means taking control of the situation, your life. The negative meaning of the dream book: instead of the expected profit, you will make trouble, hear moralizing.

In a dream, the transformation of a character into a herring marks the loss of values, including material ones. The fish came from human face? The dream book is convinced that some kind of attack threatens you. Both scenarios predict the appearance of a sage nearby who will become a mentor, a teacher.

Why see fish in the bathroom

Why dream married man fish bath and dirty water? He is destined to betray his wife. A pregnant plot predicts a difficult birth. A bath with clean water is interpreted in reverse order, but the dream book calls not to lose vigilance. Did you happen to see a herring on a dirty floor? Lose money, power, status.

Fish suddenly fell from the blue sky? In reality, get ready for a surge of interesting ideas, financial profits. Sometimes such rain is an unkind sign, promising disasters, catastrophes. Did you happen to watch the spawning? The dream book prophesies: you will soon achieve what you have long dreamed of.

Dreamed of a pond? Get rich!

Why dream if you swam in a pond, full of fish? Show remarkable talents in the field of commerce and get rich. Walked in a dream among fry? Prosperity is to be earned by one's own work. Riding a huge fish is a bargain. But dreaming around dirt - to illness, gossip.

Dreamed of a river, and fish splashed in it? Positive changes are coming. But seeing the ocean is worse. You rely too much on luck and you may miss an important moment. Did the fish jump in the pond? It is necessary to follow the progress of the troublesome event with a large number present.

The man will provide a profit!

What is the dream of a man carrying prey? With hard work and patience, you will achieve a lot. The dream interpretation foresees: in the near future, increase income through a profitable deal. The appearance in a dream of a stranger with fishing rods and a full cage is connected in reality with a new acquaintance, unexpected prospects.

Found a huge fish by accident? In real life, you will invent a way that will help you get out of critical conditions. In a dream, it turned out that your catch was gone? Trying to win the condescension and respect of people, make a gross mistake. Decided to look for it? There will be an opportunity to show hidden abilities.

Fisherman husband: profit or bad luck?

A husband-fisherman in a dream reflects patience or its complete absence. The final interpretation depends on how you personally perceive the male hobby. If you respect, then prepare for the good times. If you do not accept it at all, then the opposite is true.

Husband brought a notable catch? You can count on the success of the planned business and decent money. Returned from folk fishing with an empty bucket? The interpretation is completely reversed.

Why dream about how the cat managed to steal a fat carp from the table? Excessive ambitions and excessive demands on others will lead to a dead end. This is an omen that you will try to appropriate someone else's property, an idea.

Sister and mother with fish - fortunately

If the fish was associated with a sister, a rich marriage awaits her. Did your mother hold a freshwater carp in a dream? Dream book advice: wait for happy times.

  • The plot guarantees the girl's pregnancy as a boy.
  • Pregnant - the birth of a girl.
  • For a man - benefits, prospects.
  • Child - knowledge, friends.

Did you share fish with someone? Dream Interpretation suspects: you want to reduce aggression from others. But wrong actions only exacerbate the alignment. Was there a jar of canned fish in the night? You are destined for an unsuccessful engagement.

Received as a gift? Expect news!

Why dream that they gave you fish? The lady should prepare for an “interesting” situation. If a man received a present, an event is approaching that will prompt a reassessment of familiar values. Get a fish from a stranger - to an important meeting. From a friend - to the desired news.

Giving fish to another character means that you want to enter into closer, possibly intimate contact with him. It is good to hold the fish in your hands. The dream interpretation assures: you are the master of fate, it depends only on your personal choice whether it will be happy or unhappy.

The plot promises trouble

Why dream of a fish market or a store? They are identified with prosperity, security. But choosing fish in a dream, according to the observations of the dream book, is bad. In the near future, you will deal with the disease. Did you buy fresh produce from the market? On your own initiative, you will remain alone for an indefinite time.

Trading the catch - to hopeless longing, melancholy. For no apparent reason, your thoughts will be pessimistic in the next few days. In addition, the sale of the named product suggests: you deliberately spoil someone's mood and even life.

Did you fish? Need rest!

To catch fish on your own with excessive excitement - to deception, disappointment. Quietly fishing with great pleasure? You need urgent rest. Did you manage to catch a particularly large individual with a bait? There will be family joy.

What does it mean when you catch a fish with bare hands? Luck will be so fantastic, you won't even believe it. Unlucky to shoot a carp off the hook in a dream? The dream interpretation advises to urgently change the direction of thoughts, lifestyle. Killing fish with dynamite is best. You will soon get rich without much effort.

Released the fish? Forget about plans!

Why dream that the fish broke? Joy will be fleeting. Have you watched her float away? Do not accept an offer, even if it seems extremely profitable. For a woman to miss a fish means: the desired pregnancy will not occur. For a man, this is a harbinger of missed opportunities.

But if the krupnyak was released voluntarily, then dreams will not come true, and you will have to be content with little. If a cat asks for a sprat, then wealth and glory do not shine for you yet. Spend your life resources on more important things.

Freshly caught fish portends luck

If a freshly caught fish was strung on a kukan, long-awaited guests will appear in the house. Why else dream of a freshly caught livestock? The dream interpretation assures: fulfill your cherished dream. Did you manage to catch a bunch of little things? The interpretation of vision depends on the number of fish:

  1. Sadok is a small holiday.
  2. The package is an unusual surprise.
  3. Basin - pleasant worries.
  4. The grid is a major acquisition.
  5. The bag is a wealthy house.

In your dreams, did you decide to draw a real fish from “nature”? The image is associated with pipe dreams, as well as far-reaching ideas. A detailed drawing of the picture hints: make a non-trivial move, but you will not be able to explain to others the motives for your actions. Did another character teach you how to draw a drawing? You will be given the wrong advice, do not rush to follow it.

The fish died in the air - to losses

A fish thrown onto land and suffocating in the air portends loneliness, bitterness of loss, a period of failures. If a creature suffocating in the air dreams regularly, then plans and hopes will be destroyed due to a serious illness. For a woman to find a dead fish on the ground - to a miscarriage.

Dreamed of a frozen carcass in the refrigerator? Own egoism will serve as a pretext for disagreement with a good man. A freshly frozen product reflects the emotional coldness and closeness of the dreamer. Is the fish frozen in front of your eyes? Quarrel with relatives through your own fault.

Why dream of fish in the refrigerator? In a dream, he is associated with restraint, patience. The dream book tells you: you need to take the situation easier, do not worry in vain. Excessive excitement significantly pushes away an already close goal.

Interpretation of an object by variety

The interpretation of sleep is largely based on the variety of fish. The dream book offers the meanings of different marine, river species.

  • Pollock - average income.
  • Capelin is sad news.
  • Cod is a long-awaited date.
  • Mackerel - guests.
  • Flounder - pimple, barley on the eye.
  • Sprat - minor chores.
  • Trout is a temptation.
  • Salmon is a serious illness, a lie.
  • Sturgeon - a cold welcome.

Perch - to quarrels

Dreamed of an evil perch? Quarrel with household members, friends, plans will be violated. Got a poisonous mutant on the hook? The dream interpretation believes that you can solve the problem only with the support of others. A catfish was chasing you, a pike? Sleep warns of disasters. If piranhas were chasing, in reality you will encounter enemies, spiteful critics.

Crucian is a chance!

Dreamed of crucian carp? Expenses will increase, income will fall sharply. If in a dream he literally jumped out of the water, then you will be disappointed. But it’s good to fish crucians on your own. You will achieve serious results if you have time to use a fortunate combination of circumstances. What is the dream of an exotic fish, for example, a saw? Soon, you will enjoy the respect you deserve.

What does bream mean?

You can see a bream in the night before a project that will result in losses. Did you see a perch? The dream book prophesies: you will learn new gossip that will seriously affect future events. The bull is associated with a young rival, a stupid lover. Sazan predetermines late pregnancy, the eel represents a clever idea.

Stroking a whale - to dubious profit

Stroking a giant whale without fear? Obtaining income in a dubious way. Are you afraid to touch a live fish with your hands? According to the dream book, you will soon require the help of loved ones. To rub it means to tempt fate. Kissing a fish literally means: in a dream and in reality, higher powers protect you.

In a dream, you were swallowed by a giant creature? You will be privy to the secret. Tried to save someone from a toothy harpy? A breakup with a partner is coming. To beat her - to the disruption of plans, a number of miscalculations and a state of despair against this background.

Turtle - movement, cancer - stop

In one vision, a fish and a turtle appeared? Things will move slowly but surely. Found a cat eating trout? The cause of the difficulties will be their own frivolity. The same with the participation of a bear portends honor, respect.

If the cancer tore the fish with claws, then the past will suddenly invade your habitual existence, and you will not be able to move forward. If you were attacked by a shark, in the fight you will have to resort to extreme measures. Running away from her along the shore is a real danger lurking from an unexpected direction.

Killed a fish? Bad ends...

Why dream if you tried to kill a shark? In fact, an unimportant period will end. Kill with a stick - to the exit from the impasse.

What is the dream of a half-dead horse mackerel? Careless behavior offend a person who depends on you. A half-dead fish appeared to a woman? She is threatened with a gynecological disease, a miscarriage.

A half-living individual also hints: the danger is very close. The wounded warns of loss, sorrow. But dreaming of a dead fish - to prosperity after a long stage of deprivation.

Why dream that they threw out the rotten one?

Was the fish dead and smelly? The dream interpretation broadcasts: there will be a huge profit. To dream of a fly on rotting meat is a rich gift or journey. Maggot symbolizes dirty methods in the fight against competitors.

Decided to throw out the rotten stuff? You need to get rid of a known difficulty and life will noticeably improve. But throwing out a completely normal fish is bad. Voluntarily refuse to study, work, happiness. Before making a final choice, think carefully about the possible consequences.

Dead carcass alive? Difficulties behind!

If in a dream the dead meat began to come to life, then loneliness and difficulties will suddenly be replaced by joy, happiness. You will dramatically change your life course, and a number of positive changes will occur. The dream interpretation also considers this dream scene a messenger of the return of old relationships, activities, problems, feelings.

However, if before your eyes a dead fish suddenly swelled up to an incredible size and burst, dousing you with a wave of fetid mucus, then beware. In reality, an event will occur that will unsettle for a long time.

Seeing the insides in the stomach is good

Why dream of butchering a fish carcass? In reality, you will share something. Cleaning and eviscerating guarantees serious tests, especially if it smells bad.

Did you manage to not only gut the insides, but also eat the meat? Through struggle you will know the benefit. The dream interpretation insists: the insides themselves symbolize good changes, welcome surprises.

  1. Caviar belly is a truly luxurious life.
  2. Milk is a clever solution to a very complicated story.
  3. Another fish is a surprise, a benefit.
  4. Ring - a declaration of love, engagement.

Bony fish is a sign of deceit and feast

A strongly bony ram is an unkind sign that predicts poverty, difficulties, deceit. At the same time, very bony meat promises an invitation to a noisy feast. Choking on a bone? There is an obstacle ahead.

Have you eaten fatty trout? There will be an amazing surprise. Why dream of eating raw fish? Action denotes spiritual growth, enrichment inner peace new information.

Did you put a small piece in your mouth? Thrift and accumulation of property will only bring you disappointment. Eaten to the point of vomiting? The dream interpretation recommends reconsidering intentions, consulting with a competent person.

Dream cooking from fish is an eloquent clue: you will soon gain independence. But the dream book informs: it will be possible to achieve a high position only through tireless work.

Were cooking? Life will change!

Cooking fish food marks a long break from the usual rhythm of life. But smoking it in a dream is perhaps the worst thing. In fact, you will know a sad defeat. In addition, the smoking process directly states: your request, the implementation of the project, will be denied.

Cut delicious salmon into even thin slices - to a fundamental conflict with business partners. Managed to cut the fish with clumsy slices? In reality, you will be forced to adapt to current conditions.

Interpretation of main courses

For a more accurate interpretation of dream food, special transcripts will come in handy.

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See big fish playing in clear water - to the gifts of fate and great luck.

Dead, belly up fish - your hopes will not come true.

To fish in clear water: for a girl - happy love, which will lead to a successful marriage, a woman - to pregnancy, a man - to profit.

If you fish with nets, this means that in reality your entrepreneurial spirit will bring you considerable income.

If you caught a fish, but it slipped out of your hands, the dream warns you that your carelessness can cause an unfortunate mistake.

Seeing fish during spawning - you will be offered a business that will provide not only you, but also your children.

A river teeming with fish - to long-term well-being, meetings with friends and entertainment with the family.

Gutting the fish and getting caviar out of it - the business that you are starting will bring you super profits.

Eat well-fried fish - to improve health and good spirits. If the fish was raw or half-baked, you can get sick.

If you dreamed of poorly fried or raw fish, imagine that you give it to the cook and he fries it properly.

Rotten fish dreams of trouble at work. If someone treated you to rotten fish in a dream, it means that in reality they are trying to harm you.

Imagine that you only pretended to eat rotten fish, but in fact threw it away.

Butchering fish - you have to do an unpleasant job, but the result will satisfy you.

If you have prepared a dish from this fish, it means that you will complete an important matter on which the fate of many people depends.

Eat salted fish - to health.

You can enhance the positive energy of such a dream by imagining that you are drinking salted fish white wine or beer (see Beverage, Beer).

Goldfish - your most secret desire will come true.

Small aquarium fish dream of the health and well-being of children.

If you dreamed that an aquarium fish was dead, your child could become seriously ill.

Imagine you are touching a fish magic wand- and she comes to life.

The meaning of sleep may also depend on what kind of fish you dreamed about.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

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Seeing a fish in a dream

See interpretation: by the names of fish, as well as nets, a trap.

Fish in a dream symbolize coldness, illness, indifference.

Seeing a gnawed fish skeleton in a dream is a harbinger of misfortune, the collapse of plans and disappointments.

Catching fish in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, useless work, a waste of time and effort.

To dream of a fish caught by others portends illness, and for women, pregnancy.

If in a dream you are watching the float of your fishing rod, which is quietly swaying on the water, then the fulfillment of your desire is delayed.

If in a dream the float twitches and you catch a fish, then you can count on the fulfillment of your plan.

Catching a big fish in a dream means that a profitable marriage awaits you. Sometimes such a dream predicts a big and profitable business.

Watching the fish you catch means that you will soon have serious plans for the future.

To catch a lot of fish with a nonsense in a dream is a sign of big profits. The bigger the fish, the more money you get.

Catching a lot of small fish in a dream is a sign of great trouble, from which there will be little benefit or little money.

But to fish with nets, bait or net means that you should be wary of risky activities. However, such a dream portends success to those people who have lost something (or someone) and are trying to find it.

Not catching anything in a dream means that your plans will not come true.

Fishing hooks in a dream portend danger. Such a dream may mean that your enemies have prepared a cunning trap for you.

A motley, brightly colored fish in a dream warns you of the danger of poisoning or deception. For patients, such a dream portends death. Such a dream can also portend an insult or quarrel.

A red fish in a dream predicts great experiences, inflammation, or the discovery of some secret.

If you dream that you are picking up a fish and it slips out of your hands, then you will have to deal with such a cunning person whom you will never be able to catch or expose.

It is also believed that a lake fish seen in a dream portends happiness and prosperity.

The dream in which you caught a bony fish predicts obstacles in business and failure in the implementation of plans.

Eating fish in a dream is considered a good omen, unless it is raw.

Eating raw fish in a dream means that losses, business obstacles and disappointments await you. But if it is also full of bones, then you will be disappointed or unsuccessful.

Dead fish floating on the water predicts that your desires will not come true.

Watching a fish splashing in the water portends a gift or very good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts the anxiety and troubles associated with your work.

Feeding fish in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies whom you will charm with your charm.

Seeing a fish in your bed in a dream is a sign of illness. For those who go on a journey by water, a dream portends the danger of a shipwreck or other misfortune.

Pregnant women to see in a dream that they gave birth to fish, the dream predicts that they future child will be in poor health and will not live long. Sometimes such a dream portends them a miscarriage.

It is believed that rotten fish in a dream portends failure in business or in personal life.

If in a dream you saw fishing tackle, then you should be wary of deception or some kind of cunning trap.

oily fish in a dream - a sign of diseases associated with tumors or inflammation.

Fishermen in a dream are a sign of unreliable friends who should not be relied upon.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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What does sleep fish mean

Seeing fish in clear water - fate will generously endow you;

Dead fish - sorrows, loss;

For a young lady live fish- happy love;

Catching and catching fish are serious trials that you will endure with steadfastness, keeping your presence of mind;

Walk on water with nonsense - you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise;

Looking at fishing is a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances;

To catch nothing, and to leave the river empty-handed is a warning to you about the vanity of your desires;

Going to the fish market is prosperity and joy;

Seeing a fishing net - acquisitions;

Torn network - annoying grief;

Pick up fishing hooks - you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Also see Water, Market, Nets, Eel, Trout, Worms.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about a fish

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy.

To see a fish falling from the sky or fish rain - bad sign. Ecological catastrophes, disasters.

Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament.

To see a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.

The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.

There is a fish in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news.

Seeing in a dream how one fish attacks another is a submarine attack.

If you dreamed of a rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

What do fish dreams mean

Feeling the dead is a disease;

There is - anxiety, worries;

Seeing living water in water - good luck in business, hope;

Catching a live one is a great success;

If you didn’t catch it yourself - the birth of a child;

To catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman);

Rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, an increase in income.

See herring

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream about fish

Being a positive image for a person means free instincts in all manifestations; is a symbol of liveliness and health, a phallic symbol, a symbol of healthy sexual relations.

Live fish means a favorable state of healthy human instincts, and a sick or dead fish means regression varying degrees and thus the loss vitality organism.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What does fish mean in a dream

Seeing in a dream in front of you a lot of deliciously cooked fish different varieties and yourself, eating it with pleasure, is an indication that you will have great success in all your affairs, contentment with yourself.

You will soon receive relative financial independence.

If the fish suddenly slips out of your hands, this means that you will lose your position, friends and, most likely, your loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

The meaning of dreams Fish

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What does fish mean in a dream

Fish - See - problems with children, possibly an unwanted pregnancy.

Catch - the heirs try on your property.

Yes - it is possible to receive an inheritance soon.

Clean, cook - your hopes for an inheritance are unlikely to be realized.

But if in a dream you then eat this fish, then you will be the heir.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

The meaning of sleep Fish

Fish - fish dreams of rain, bad weather. If a fish dreams: a man or a girl - there will be a change in the weather, young women - she will have a baby.

Big fish - good earnings. Lifeless fish - weakness. Dead fish - in bad weather.

To see a goldfish (fish) - the envisioned, expected will not come true. Fish - sabotage; someone "digs" under you.

A lot of fish - bad weather. Rybin in the hands - unsuccessful childbirth. There is fish: for men - to have mistresses, for women - easy childbirth.

Fishing is profit, victory over rivals; clean live fish - for fun.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of sleep Fish

Fish - the image of a fish in your dream, may arise in accordance with the expressions: "Be silent like a fish" and "Fight like a fish on ice."

To see how the fish splashes in the water, you have to be a participant in a big, troublesome business.

Fishing, your business will turn out well if you do not spread widely about them.

Watching fish in an aquarium means your position of non-intervention is good for the time being.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

What does Fish predict in a dream

Fish - If you dreamed about how you were catching fish, then in real life you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love.

And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure.

At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love.

Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a sexually flawed person in as soon as possible, because, not being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body.

To treat a man with fish in a dream - a dream indicates that in intimate life you act according to the principle "The Moor has done his job ...".

You are not in the least concerned about what your partner feels and how to deliver to her maximum pleasure.

The main thing for you is the satisfaction of your own instincts.

Catching fish in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Interpretation

Fish (or lots of fish different colors) - strengthening of the disease;

If the dreamer is healthy - quarrels, insults, suffering.

Sleepy or dead fish are deceived hopes.

Catch a big fish (or a lot of fish) - profit, joy.

Catching small fish is sadness and ruin, depending on how small the fish are.

To be resolved from the burden of fish - to the birth of a weak child.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

What does the fish predict?

If you dream of a fish swimming in clear water, expect a very happy romance with the man or woman of your dreams.

If the fish swims in troubled waters, you will not be able to meet the ideal sexual partner.

If you dream that you are fishing, the dream portends a profitable offer of "hands and hearts".

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate dream book

The meaning of the dream Fish

Profit, money, child, pregnancy, a girl to be born // rain, snow, loss, death, melancholy, illness, dig under you, chores;

Big - profit // rain, slander, bad speeches;

Little - the daughter will be (pregnant) // illness, grief;

Living - health, good luck in business, children will live;

Asleep, rotten, smelly - profit // children will die, illness, for worse, loss, long bad weather;

Catch - get pregnant, gift, profit, overcome the enemy // illness, bad weather (white fish - snow, black - rain);

Catch in troubled water - illness, bad weather, death;

To catch small fish - grief, ruin; to catch large fish - profit;

Multi-colored - worsening of the disease (sick), quarrel;

Catch - a successful marriage (to a woman); feed - defeat the enemy;

Fresh - news; to choose - to receive silver money, profit, profit in the house // illness;

Dark (perch, tench, minnow) - money, profit, albeit insignificant;

Fish meat, eat boiled, fried - worries, illness, loss;

There is raw food - a loss; violent - good;

Ironing - trouble;

Cleaning fish is fun.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Seeing Fish in a dream

The image of a fish could arise in your dream in accordance with the expressions: “Be silent like a fish” (to hide something, keep a secret) and “Fight like a fish on ice” (to no avail try to do several things).

To see how the fish splashes in the water - you have to be an outside observer of some painstaking and troublesome business, in which a fairly large number of people will be involved.

If you dreamed about how a big fish swallows a small one, then this dream promises you troubles associated with the authorities, due to the fact that you hid some fact.

Fishing - your affairs will turn out well if you do not become widely spread about your plans and intentions. If fishing is unsuccessful, then someone will interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. If fishing in a dream brought a good catch, then in reality the results of your activities will exceed expectations.

Watch for aquarium fish- the position of non-interference you have chosen is good only for the time being, if you let things take their course, then this can threaten you with trouble, you can be excluded from the game, which is worth the candle.

If you cook a fish dish or eat something fishy, ​​it means that the problems and urgent projects that have fallen on you will eventually be safely resolved and completed, just do not forget, celebrating the victory, to thank those who helped you in this period of turmoil and hard work.

If in a dream you caught a fish and release it because it is too small, then such a dream suggests that in real life you tend to make grandiose plans for the future, while you have to be content with the little that life gives today.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

What does sleep fish mean

A dreaming fish swimming in clear water promises peace and love.

If a girl dreams of a live fish, she is waiting for happy marriage. Dead fish, on the contrary, portends the bitterness of separation and loneliness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream about a fish

Buying fish in a dream is a sign of deceit and falsehood.

To clean fish - serious trials are ahead, to cook - you will achieve well-being, to eat it - hard work, low salary.

Live fish - to happy love.

Ice cream is a failed romance.

Salty - you will be torn apart by old spiritual wounds.

Dried - you will treat failure stoically and philosophically wisely.

Smoked - a fun trip, fried - to the loss of money.

Boiled is a slight injury, stewed is a waste of time.

Bony - will be invited to the celebration.

Fat - expect a pleasant surprise.

Dry - no luck in the game.

Fish giblets - to wealth and contentment.

Fish oil - lose weight, drink it - get fat.

Red caviar - fall into anger, black - to debt.

Canned fish- unsuccessful matchmaking. Fishing for a bait - you will experience severe disappointment.

Catch a huge fish - to be important meeting, a lot of little things - to a long wait; if there is no bite and you didn’t catch anything, it means that failure awaits in reality.

Catching a predatory fish on spinning means that fate will generously give you joy in family life.

A broken fish portends fleeting joy. Snula fish that you catch right with your hands - do not believe your luck.

Dead fish, dissected by a motor screw - to sorrows and losses. A fish strung on a kukan is a sign of hospitality and hospitality that you show to your guests, a fish in a cage - to a severe hangover.

Hook the fish and take it into the landing net - you will deftly turn the case. Catching fish in the winter in the hole - to cool love feelings, catch with a net - get lost in difficult situation, to beat with a spear - you will find a way out of a difficult situation.

A dream in which a roach with beer appears - to doubts about the reliability of your chosen one.

Ruff is an unexpected pleasant surprise.

Flounder portends barley on the eye, acne on the face or a boil in an uncomfortable place. Crucian is a sign of illness and loss, carp - your efforts will pay off with profit.

Bream - funny friends and wild life, salmon - achieve success by realizing your idea.

Perch is a sign of trouble and failure, sturgeon - love will flare up and go out.

Sardines are an unexpected nuisance, salmon is a health disorder, pike perch is a material gain. Pike - you will be deceived in the most brazen way.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do fish dreams mean

"Catching fish in troubled waters" impure thoughts, aspirations, doing unseemly things.

"Cold as a fish" emotional coldness, alienation.

"Like a fish in water" skill, habitual activity, good orientation in the situation.

"Big Fish" is an important person.

"Goldfish" (fulfillment of desires), "beat like a fish on ice" the futility of efforts.

"Mute or silent like a fish."

"Take by the gills" to call to account, to force something.

"On lack of fish and cancer fish" be content with little.

"Like a herring in a barrel" - a special constraint.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Idioms

What does fish mean in a dream

In general, a complex image of the collective unconscious, expressing many aspects human personality: see extras. Sl. " common characters».

dark fish negative influences; rotten to money.

Catch a silvery, live luck; marriage.

Dried luck will be reduced to "no"; stagnation.

Color for patients to recover, improve well-being (for healthy people, the opposite).

Flying extraordinary luck.

School of fish profit.

Small, small disappointments.

Live unusual luck beats in the hand; care.

Fishbone is a hoax; let; poverty.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The meaning of dreams Fish

Whale in Russian folklore is a mother fish of enormous size, sometimes perceived as a fish island of deep self-knowledge. To be swallowed by complete success in everything, initiation into unusual activities, familiarization with secret knowledge. See from afar a long journey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Mythological dream book

What does fish mean in a dream

If their number is known, then these are women, and if their number is not known, then this is wealth and profit.

If the fish is alive and fresh, then it is a young virgin.

Whoever sees or catches a fish in a dream, he will gain good and profit through hard work.

Small fish - to care and sadness.

Salted fish-to care and grief caused by a brother or an official.

Other sources say that if you eat salted fish in a dream, then it is during this dream that something very useful for you will happen.

Seeing fried fish means going on a journey in search of knowledge.

Whoever sees that he is frying fish will invest a large fortune in a useless business or squander it on trifles.

Eating fried fish in a dream is a sign of misunderstanding and disagreement in your own family.

Others believe that to see such a dream means asking for something that can never be received.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

The meaning of sleep Fish

A fish splashing in clear water portends that fate will generously endow you.

Dead fish in a dream promises grief and loss.

A girl who sees a living fish in a dream is waiting for happy love.

If you caught a fish in a dream, serious trials await you, which you will steadfastly overcome if you keep your presence of mind.

Watched fishing - feel a surge of energy and skillfully use favorable circumstances.

Left fishing empty-handed - your desires are too ambitious.

The fishing net dreams of acquisitions. True, if it is torn, then annoying disappointments are possible.

Fishing hooks seen in a dream remind you that you must create your own destiny.

As for intimate life, if you dreamed about how you were catching fish, it means that you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love. You cannot relax completely, which means you can neither receive nor give pleasure. You need to learn to forget about problems at least for a while and completely surrender to love.

If a man dreams that he is eating fish, then in intimate life he acts according to the principle: “The Moor has done his job ...” He does not care at all what a woman feels, and he does not seek to please her. The main thing for him is the satisfaction of his own desire.

If you caught fish in a dream and didn’t catch anything, then in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. Perhaps the reason is the first unsuccessful sexual experience. But that was a long time ago! Treat what happened philosophically, and everything will work out for you.

A fish or many multi-colored fish dream of an increase in illness or quarrels, insults, suffering.

Sleepy or dead fish - to deceived hopes.

Caught a big fish (or a lot of fish) - for profit, joy.

Caught a small fish - to sadness and ruin.

Nostradamus considered the fish a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy. He interpreted dreams about fish as follows.

Seeing fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign that portends disaster.

Caught fish - try to find a way out of a predicament.

We saw a large accumulation of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance.

The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen.

Ate fish in a dream - you will receive unexpected, but pleasant news.

A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war.

If you dreamed of a rotten fish, then unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person.

The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

In general, dreams about fish can be the result of a search for a means of satisfying life's needs, a desire to find something that is securely hidden from view.

Fish can also dream of travel or travel. In addition, the fish symbolizes the ability (or inability) to earn one's daily bread.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Interpretation of sleep Fish

Symbolizes good luck.

Not in vain in Russian fairy tales secret desires performed by goldfish.

If the fish in your dream is dead or suffocating in the air, this is a sign that luck can change you. Often such dreams speak of the onset of an illness, but can also portend the collapse of some plans.

Seeing live fish swimming in the water means that in reality you can get some tempting offers.

However, if the fish in this dream swims away from you or you could not catch it: be careful, the offer may be empty.

If in such a dream you see reliable fishing tackle, in reality your chances of success in some business are quite high, although not one hundred percent.

Catching a fish in a dream is a harbinger of good luck.

Small fish: large and fleshy means trouble: good income predatory fish: a quarrel with competitors, and so on.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does Fish predict in a dream

A lot of fish - for profit.

Big fish - to slander.

Eating boiled fish is at a loss.

To see dead fish - to failure, disappointment.

To see fried fish - to unexpected news.

To see a dark, small or medium-sized fish - tears, misfortunes, worries.

Carp, tench or perch - for a woman, she will become pregnant with a boy.

Choosing fish is a disease.

Catching tadpoles - dubious deals are coming that can cause serious trouble in your business.

The girl dreamed of tadpoles floating in clear water - a connection with a rich but immoral person awaits her.

Fry were seen in an aquarium or in a river - to meet children and have fun with them.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

What does it mean to see a fish in a dream

Fish expresses deep unconscious processes, spiritual food.

Symbol of health, wisdom, strength.

It’s good to eat fish in a dream, that is

Acquire knowledge, energy.

In plots where a man and a woman interact, fish play the role of a sexual symbol.

Fish Denotes the dreamer's desire for intimate relationships.

A dead fish portends trouble for you: illness, rejection of a sexual partner.

Joint processing of fish for men and women in the plot of a dream is a symbol of sexual interaction.

The absorption of fish is the enrichment of one's inner world, the growth of spirituality.

For girls, fish portends an intimate acquaintance, marriage.

Family people dream of fish - a happy family life and the addition of a family.

Seeing bones, dead fish - to show insensitivity to someone.

Eat fish - to gain new knowledge.

A huge fish peeking out of the water is a sign of good change.

Fishermen are a symbol of awareness of the invisible "underwater" processes of life.

Small fish - small momentary desires, usually in the field of feelings.

Large fish - wisdom ready to manifest itself in our lives.

A threatening fish is a threat that unconscious impulses will overcome the thinking, rational side of life.

A net with fish is an approximation to the disclosure of secrets.

To catch (fish) - to feel unconscious impulses.

Head big fish- to see only part of the fish means an incomplete change in your life.

To beat with an oar (fish) - to make efforts not in the direction that the unconscious suggests.

Interpretation of dreams from

People say that if you dreamed of a fish in a transparent pond, this means that you will soon be able to carry out your plans: improve your well-being or gain power. A dead fish portends financial losses, but a fish for a young girl means that changes will soon take place in her life: she will meet a talented and caring groom.

What is the dream of fish according to Miller's dream book

A fish in clear water in a dream portends a long-awaited gift of fate. Dead fish promises grief and loss. Catch a fish or catch it, according to Miller, predicts serious trials that you can overcome while maintaining common sense. If you see others fishing, this indicates a surge of energy to solve important matters and the use of favorable circumstances for personal purposes. If a person sees a fishing net, this means that soon there will be good acquisitions in his life, but you need to look if the net is torn, then annoying disappointments can occur on the way to buying. Taking fishing hooks in a dream is a sign that your destiny is in your hands.

Fishing, and you walk on the water with a nonsense - means that you will soon be able to achieve a lot with your enterprise. Fish market - expect prosperity and joy.

Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a fish, it promises tension and the inability to completely get rid of experiences and current affairs during lovemaking. This means that you will not be able to completely relax and enjoy, but your (a) partner (s) will feel it. If you treat a man with fish, love affairs you always adhere to the principle - the Moor has done his job. You never care about the feelings of your partner, and the main thing is to satisfy your own instincts.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book

Why is the fish dreaming? If dead - then to illness, eating fish - upcoming worries and troubles. Living fish in a dream is good luck in business, but if you catch it, it promises great victories. If the fish was not caught by you, then wait for replenishment in the family, and to catch the fish yourself - to a rich marriage. Rotten fish promises unexpected financial replenishment, an increase in income and wealth.

According to Loff's dream book, if you dream of a fish - to the birth of a baby, and a future man. Dreams with fish may appear due to the search for means in life to overcome fears, meet needs. In addition, fish can be a harbinger of travel or travel. If a fish swims fast in the water, then you know how to earn a living. If the fish is barely moving, then you have not found a way to provide yourself with financial plan And now is the time to find a way to make a stable income.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus made up own dream book. In it, the fish is a symbol of duality and difficulty in business. It is considered a bad sign to see a falling fish in a dream. This promises environmental disasters or disasters. If you are fishing, then in real life you are now on the path to finding a way out of a predicament. A large accumulation of fish in a dream portends the appearance a large number ways to resolve the issue, but you should not rely only on your own intuition, otherwise you can miss a real chance. On the other hand, three fish promise a happy ending to all problems. Rotten fish dream of spoiled relationships with influential people as a result of unfounded rumors. And a live carp only indicates your character traits: endurance and determination.

According to Veles dream book

According to the Veles dream book, big fish will shoot to important events on the outcome of which your future depends. Perhaps you will start doing something or create own business and things will go well for you. Fish on a river with ice floes promises a large and important conversation. A stream with a lot of fish portends a good cash profit and a profitable enterprise.

Muslim dream book

According to the Muslim dream book, one or two fish will appear in a new wife. A lot of fish - getting property, and small fish promise sadness and care.

According to the Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book says what the fish is dreaming of. Fish - unfortunately. If she dreams of a young girl, her family will be replenished, and for a man, fish means a change. weather conditions. If a big fish swims in clear water, this is a profit or unexpected income, but a dead fish is considered a symbol of misfortune. Dreaming of a goldfish means failure to fulfill the desired. In addition, it may mean that someone wants to find a compromise on you. If a man eats fish in a dream, he will receive good profit or take a mistress. For a woman, eating fish promises pregnancy. If you fish with your hands, it means that in the near future the number of your enemies will increase significantly.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing fish in a dream according to this dream book - in the near future, problems with children or an unwanted pregnancy await. If you fish, your heirs are already dividing your property. Eating fish - to possible financial well-being or inheritance. Cooking from fish or cleaning it promises not to justify hopes for an inheritance. Well, if you cook it first, and then eat it, then only you will be the heir.

Culinary dream book

According to the culinary dream book, fish promises illness. If the dreamer does not have any predispositions to illness, then mass quarrels, suffering and trouble await him. Dead fish mean deceived hopes, but catching a big big fish is a profit and joy.

Modern dream book

By modern dream book fish dream of a mild illness, and fish in any form. But the dream book of Simon Canonite says that seeing a fish promises good benefits, and for a woman it means pregnancy. If you catch fish with your hands, you will make enemies for yourself.

Stories from our readers

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about how you were catching fish, then in real life you can hardly disconnect from thoughts about current affairs while making love. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that you cannot relax to the end and get (as well as deliver) pleasure. At least for a while, forget about all the problems and inconsistencies that are present in your life, and surrender to love. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming a sexually flawed person in the shortest possible time, because, not being able to fully surrender and relax, you thereby greatly undermine the capabilities of your own body. To treat a man to a fish in a dream - a dream indicates that in intimate life you act according to the principle "The Moor has done his job ...". You are not in the least concerned about how your partner feels and how to give her maximum pleasure. The main thing for you is the satisfaction of your own instincts. Catching fish in a dream and not catching anything - this indicates that in real life you are subconsciously afraid of embarrassing yourself in bed. It is possible that the failure of the first attempt should be considered the fault of these fears. sexual experience. Treat what happened once philosophically - it was and has passed.

Dreamed of a fish

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a fish in clear water, the dream portends that fate will generously endow you. Dead fish in a dream - promises sorrows and portends loss. If a live fish dreams of a young lady, happy love awaits her. Catching and catching fish portends serious trials that you will endure steadfastly, keeping your presence of mind. If you walk on water with nonsense, then in reality you will soon be able to achieve prosperity thanks to your enterprise. Looking at fishing promises you a surge of energy and skillful use of favorable circumstances. If you see that you didn’t catch anything, and leave the river empty-handed, the dream warns you about the vanity of your desires. If you go to the fish market, then in reality prosperity and joy await you. Seeing a fishing net is a dream promising acquisitions, but if the net is torn, then annoying chagrins are possible. If in a dream you pick up fishing hooks, then this dream reminds you that you have every reason to make your own destiny.

Fish in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Fish is a symbol of duality, difficulties, inconstancy. Seeing fish falling from the sky or fish rain is a bad sign. Ecological catastrophes, disasters. Fishing - trying to find a way out of a predicament. To see a large concentration of fish - do not rely too much on fate, otherwise you will miss your chance. The dream in which you saw three fish is a happy omen. There is a fish in a dream - to receive unexpected, but pleasant news. A dream in which you dream of a fish with a human face means the threat of nuclear war. Seeing in a dream how one fish attacks another is a submarine attack. If you dreamed of a rotten fish, unexpected rumors will ruin your relationship with an influential person. The dream in which you saw a live carp indicates your stamina and endurance.

To see a fish in a dream, to catch a fish

according to Loff's dream book

According to Freud, a small fish symbolizes the male seed, a medium-sized fish, which is quite logical for him, personified children, but the fishing rods, according to his theory, embodied the image of the phallus. In general, dreams about fish can be the result of a search for a means of satisfying life's needs, a desire to find something that is securely hidden from view, or the result of primitive fears - if, of course, you are an ardent supporter of the theory of Darwinism. It should also be noted that fish can dream of travel or travel. And, in the end, the fish symbolizes the ability or inability to earn one's daily bread.

What is the dream of the fish

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Feeling the dead is a disease; there is - anxiety, worries; to see living water in water - good luck in business, hope; to catch a live one is a great success; if he didn’t catch it himself - the birth of a child; to catch a fish is a rich marriage (for a woman); rotten, decaying - unexpected wealth, an unexpected increase in income; to catch the dead - unrealizable hopes; multi-colored - recovery to the patient; healthy - a quarrel; to see a fish (for a woman) - to pregnancy; to give birth to a fish is a wonderful child; in flowing clear water - good luck; flying - permission, good luck in all matters; sitting on a pile of fish is healing.

The meaning of sleep about food

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, a dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. And you just need to look at beautiful woman, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be dealt with. A small amount of food that you saw in a dream promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

Dreamed of food

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing food in a dream means that you allow a careless attitude to documents, harming the most important business operations. If you dream of your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses. A favorable dream in which you eat in a pleasant society - it means profit, success in business. But if you see your daughter or the waiter taking away your half-eaten meat dish- you have to survive the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why dream of food

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food - an unusual offer; too much - joy; cook food - personal troubles; is - to tears, sadness.

Why dream of eating

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

minor annoyances; watch others eat - exaltation; seeing food is good; eat bread - wealth.

To see in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

As part of the interpretation of a dream, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, by ordinary necessity. Did you get your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances? Is this a familiar dish or something hitherto unknown to you? If you watch how others eat, then this indicates your unsatisfied material or emotional needs. This applies to cases when you think that others are too indefatigable in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited. How those present eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of excess in your life or the nature of the relationship with other people sitting at the table. If the process of eating food takes place in compliance with all proper rules propriety and is similar to a sacred ritual, it means that in one of the aspects of your life you are guided by Providence or feel enlightenment.

Why dream of having dinner

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

at home - loss; a quarrel if there are still people; together with a loved one - an early or quick marriage.

Why dream about a pike

according to Vanga's dream book

In your catch, you found a large toothy pike - this means that in reality your ill-wishers themselves will fall into the trap that they have prepared for you. In a dream you are treated delicious dish prepared from a river predator - in reality you should be more careful. They will try to mislead you in order to benefit from this. You dreamed that you caught a giant pike, but without scales - this predicts severe trials and illnesses. But you need to remember that everything that happens to you is sent down by God to purify the soul and thoughts of a person. Therefore, be patient and accept everything that happens to you as inevitable.

The meaning of sleep about pike

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, to catch a pike while fishing - you will meet with an old acquaintance whom you used to know as a loser in your personal life. Now you will be surprised by his high personal status. There is a pike in a dream - you will witness how a person who has a reputation for being strong-willed and powerful behaves in sex. You will see that in bed he likes to play the role of a subordinate and fulfill all the desires of his "master". Thus, you will have in your hands information that will be worth a lot, and it will be up to you to decide how to use this information.

Mermaid dream meaning

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a mermaid sitting on a stone, this suggests that in real life you are tirelessly chasing the opposite sex, turning it into a kind of game. This game is an attempt to find a person who would meet the perfect image. But you do not notice the one who is currently next to you and devotedly loves you. If you dreamed about how you caught a mermaid, this means that your relationship with the opposite sex has grown into a hunt. The more sexual victories on your account, the more you want to win new hearts. This kind of consumerism will eventually lead to satiety. You hurt yourself by exchanging for little things. Don't you think it's time to think about your behavior and settle down? If you are a woman and you dreamed that you were a mermaid, this indicates that in reality your behavior is extremely frivolous and imprudent. This is expressed in the fact that you flirt with everyone recklessly, for you this has become the norm. Do not forget that an excessive number of fans causes jealousy attacks in your loved one, which often becomes the cause of quarrels.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

If you dream that you are having dinner, then this indicates that you will experience great difficulties associated with food. You will feel out of your element. Enemies will try to injure your character. You should be careful who you trust with your secrets.

Seeing food in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Food, like the process of eating it, is a powerful symbol in dreams. It can be either a simple addition to the main plot of the dream, or its central element. Moreover, for the interpretation of sleep, it is important to determine who prepared it. For example, you dream of a plate of potato salad that Aunt Sally loved to cook, and she has been dead for two years now. Then it may well be that the key to understanding the essence of the dream is hidden in the personality of your aunt or her influence on you. The abundance of food symbolizes fertility, abundance or wealth. How did so much food appear in a dream, and how did people react to such an abundance? Perhaps your concept of excess and excess is at odds with the opinions of other people on the same issue. Security and prosperity always go hand in hand: probably in a dream you demand more food - this means that you have additional responsibilities. You acquired products simply because funds allowed it, then it promises wealth or someone's location, depending on how you disposed of the acquisition. Fresh food - a sign of renewal - can be dreamed of in the following contexts: you would like to dine with someone; compare with the traditional Sunday dinner in the family circle; we are talking directly about the process of eating food that brings a feeling of renewal or about harvesting symbolizes unity with nature or pride in the work done. Spoiled food symbolizes waste, excess, greed or inability to manage funds. These dreams usually cause a feeling of dissatisfaction associated with the loss, ordering or appearance of spoiled food. Have you ever struggled with overweight, overeating or some kind of eating disorder such as bulimia or loss of appetite? Have you ever been embarrassed by being forced to eat foods you didn't like and in large quantities? Does the appearance of any food associate you with specific people?

Dreamed of a trout

according to Miller's dream book

Trout in a dream means growing prosperity. If in a dream you eat trout, it means that soon you will find yourself in very favorable circumstances. If in a dream you caught a trout on a bait, it means that you are guaranteed prosperity. If the caught trout breaks off the hook and falls into the water, your happiness will be short-lived. A trout caught in a net promises unparalleled prosperity. If in a dream you see a trout in troubled waters, then in reality love will bring you trouble and disappointment.

So, who wants to interpret their dream in more detail, let's start!
First things first, describe the fish you saw in your dream. What was she like? Below there will be pictures showing various options for fish, select the picture that most fully characterizes the fish from your dream and click on it:

Specific fish that you could identify and characterize (i.e. clearly see eyes, fins, gills, etc.)

Why does a woman or girl dream about fish

Why does a man dream of a fish

I dreamed of a fish in an aquarium

Dreaming fish in an aquarium represents desire. How more fish in an aquarium - the more your desires and goals that you want to achieve. It is possible that not all of them have been formed yet; attention should be paid to them and they should be specified. The more colorful the fish in the aquarium, the more bold, bright and charismatic these desires are.

If you dreamed of a fish without a head

If the fish dreams without a head, then this means absolute ignorance of the things that you are doing. You are not sure of their outcome and you are trying to solve problems too sluggishly, or you are waiting for them to pass by themselves. You also dream of a headless fish if you are constantly trying to delegate work issues to colleagues, while not bearing any responsibility for it.

In family terms, the situation is absolutely identical. A fish without a head dreams of resigning from family responsibilities or a desire to do so. Perhaps due to fatigue or health complications.

What does fish mean in a dream. Express interpretation

It is considered a good dream in which the fish was healthy, beautiful, shiny and swam in clear water - in this case, well-being awaits you.

If there were a lot of fish, then there comes a period of luck and you should not miss it. Did you see that there were only three fish? This is also a good sign, good luck awaits you.

If they played in the water, then a fun pastime awaits you, however, a dream in which the fish fought or one attacked another is a harbinger of major troubles that affect not only you.

See only silhouettes of fish at the bottom a pond - such a dream suggests that your hopes are destined to come true.

A woman who sees a fish can count on changes in family relationships, joyful events.

Dreamed that the fish swam in the well? So, you are expected to change at work.

spawning, predicts the successful completion of affairs, a possible pregnancy and childbirth.

Dreaming of minor troubles fish in a barrel or jar.

The dream in which she fell from the sky, brings grief.

Your professionalism will be appreciated by your superiors if in a dream you saw bucket full of fish.

The fish skeleton characterizes you as an indifferent person.

Being eaten by fish- it's time for good luck and victories.

Pisces are a warning - you should not be too frivolous.

See in a dream fish fat , drink it, which means you can do body healing procedures - now is the right moment.

Fish entrails, offal speak of material well-being.

See carp It means to believe in your own strength. Pike may indicate deceit. cant herring dream of profit. Acne- for a promotion. perch or gudgeon- for little money. Flounder predicts skin problems. Salmon and trout are harbingers of success. Sturgeon predicts an unfinished relationship. Ruff dream of a pleasant surprise. Bream- a symbol of carelessness and riotousness.

What did you do with the fish

Catching fish in a dream, which means that cardinal changes in fate await you. To catch fish in the winter, from under the ice, to do something other than your own business in reality. Catch fish with a harpoon - wait for the guests. If someone else was fishing, then in the near future you will need your ability to get out of difficult situations, which will help you to rise to the occasion.

See a fish on a hook- to be able to achieve your goals yourself, but if it fell through, then you will be slightly disappointed. Catching fish with your hands predicts the appearance of an opponent, a competitor. To feel her scales with your fingers, as she slipped out of your hands, such a dream predicts parting with loved ones.

Release caught fish- such a dream warns you that your abilities are being used to the maximum, you need to realistically calculate your strengths.

Buy fish - a dream portending a joyful event.

Clean in a dream, buy a fish in reality material problems due to carelessness.

the dream in which you ate fish portends good news. Was the fish you ate raw? Such a dream predicts loss.

To sickness beat fish, turn it off in a dream.

If in a dream you fed the fish, then in reality it turns out that the opponent is stronger than you.

Present fish means to feel the need for close relationships.

Receive as a gift fish - suffer from loneliness.

Sell fish means to quarrel with a close friend.

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