Home Diseases and pests The human soul does not die. Scientists have found where we go after death - photo

The human soul does not die. Scientists have found where we go after death - photo

In the first nine chapters of this book, we have attempted to outline some of the main aspects of the Orthodox Christian view of life after death, contrasting them with the widespread modern view, as well as with the views that emerged in the West, which in some respects departed from the ancient Christian teaching. In the West, the true Christian teaching about Angels, the airy kingdom of fallen spirits, about the nature of communication between people and spirits, about heaven and hell, has been lost or distorted, as a result of which the “posthumous” experiments currently taking place are completely misinterpreted. The only satisfactory answer to this false interpretation is the Orthodox Christian teaching.
The volume of this book is too limited to present a fully Orthodox teaching on the afterlife and life after death; our task was much narrower - to present this teaching to the extent that it would be sufficient to answer the questions raised by modern "posthumous" experiments, and point the reader to those Orthodox texts that contain this teaching. In conclusion, we specifically give a brief summary of the Orthodox teaching on the fate of the soul after death. This presentation consists of an article written by one of the last outstanding theologians of our time, Archbishop John (Maksimovich), a year before his death. His words are printed in a narrower column, while explanations of his text, comments and comparisons are printed as usual.

Archbishop John (Maksimovich)
Life after death

Our grief for dying loved ones would be boundless and inconsolable if the Lord did not give us eternal life... Our life would be pointless if it ended in death. What use would then be of virtue and good deeds? Then it would be right to say: “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we will die” (1 Cor. 15, 32). But man was created for immortality, and Christ by His resurrection opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven, eternal bliss for those who believed in Him and lived righteously. Our earthly life Is preparation for future life, and this preparation ends with death. Men are supposed to die once, and then the judgment (Heb. 9, 27). Then man gives up all his earthly concerns; his body disintegrates in order to rise again at the General Resurrection.
But his soul continues to live, not stopping its existence for a single moment. Many manifestations of the dead have given us a partial knowledge of what happens to the soul when it leaves the body. When seeing with bodily eyes ceases, spiritual vision begins. Addressing his dying sister in a letter, Bishop Theophan the Recluse writes: “After all, you will not die. Your body will die, and you will move to another world, alive, remembering yourself and recognizing the whole world around you ”(“ Psychic Reading ”, August 1894).
After death, the soul is alive, and its feelings are heightened, not weakened. St. Ambrose of Mediolansky teaches: “Since the soul continues to live after death, there remains good, which is not lost with death, but grows. The soul is not held back by any obstacles posed by death, but is more active, because it acts in its own sphere without any connection with the body, which is rather a burden to it than a benefit ”(St. Ambrose“ Death as a blessing ”).
Rev. Abba Dorotheos, Father of Gaz in the 6th century, summarizes the teachings of the early Fathers on this issue: “For souls remember everything that was here, as the Fathers say, and words, and deeds, and thoughts, and they cannot forget any of this then. And it says in the psalm: On that day [all] his thoughts disappear(Psalm 145: 4); it is said about the thoughts of this age, that is, about the building, property, parents, children and every deed and teaching. All this about how the soul leaves the body, perishes ... And what she did about virtue or passion, she remembers everything, and none of this perishes for her ... And, as I said, the soul does not forget what it did in this world, but she remembers everything after leaving the body, and, moreover, better and more clearly, as one freed from this earthly body ”(Abba Dorotheos. Teaching 12).
Great ascetic of the 5th century, St. John Cassian clearly formulates the active state of the soul after death in his response to heretics who believed that the soul after death is unconscious: “Souls after separation from the body are not idle, do not remain without any feeling; this is proved by the gospel parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 22-28) ... The souls of the dead not only do not lose their feelings, but do not lose their dispositions, that is, hope and fear, joy and sorrow, and something from that what they expect for themselves at the general judgment, they are already beginning to anticipate ... they become even more alive and cling more zealously to the glorification of God. And indeed, if, after considering the evidence of the Holy Scriptures about the nature of the soul itself in the measure of our meaning, we reason a little, then would it not be, I don’t say, extreme stupidity, but madness - even slightly suspecting that the most precious part of a person (i.e., the soul) , in which, according to the blessed Apostle, is the image of God and the likeness (1 Cor. 11, 7; Col. 3, 10), after the deposition of this bodily deformity, in which it is in real life, as if it becomes insensitive - the one that contains all the power of reason, makes even the dumb and insensible substance of the flesh sensitive with its participation? From this it follows, and the property of reason itself requires that the spirit, upon the addition of this fleshly stupidity, which is now weakening, bring its rational forces into best condition, restored them purer and more subtle, and did not lose them ”.
Modern "posthumous" experiences have made people amazingly aware of the consciousness of the soul after death, about its greater acuteness and speed. mental abilities... But this awareness by itself is not enough to protect one in such a state from manifestations of the out-of-body realm; should own to all Christian teaching on this matter.

The beginning of spiritual vision
Often this spiritual vision begins in dying people even before they die, and while still seeing others and even talking to them, they see things that others do not see.
This experience of the dying has been observed for centuries, and today such experiences of the dying are not new. However, here it is necessary to repeat what was said above - in Ch. 1, part 2: only in the grace-filled visits of the righteous, when saints and angels appear, we can be sure that these were indeed beings from another world. In ordinary cases, when the dying person begins to see deceased friends and relatives, this can only be a natural acquaintance with the invisible world into which he must enter; the true nature of the images of the departed, appearing at this moment, is known, perhaps, only to God - and we do not need to delve into this.
It is clear that God provides this experience as the most obvious way to communicate to the dying person that other world it is not a completely unfamiliar place that life there is also characterized by the love that a person has for his loved ones. Bishop Theophan touchingly expounds this thought in words addressed to his dying sister: “Father and mother, brothers and sisters will meet you there. Bow to them and give our greetings, - and ask them to beg for us. Your children will surround you with their joyful greetings. It will be better for you there than here. "

Meeting with the spirits

But upon leaving the body, the soul finds itself among other spirits, good and evil. Usually she is drawn to those who are closer to her in spirit, and if, being in the body, she was under the influence of some of them, then she will remain dependent on them even after leaving the body, no matter how disgusting they may be when they meet.
Here we are again seriously reminded that the other world, although it will not be completely alien to us, will not just turn out to be a pleasant meeting with loved ones “at the resort” of happiness, but will be a spiritual encounter that experiences the disposition of our soul during life - was it inclined more to Angels and saints through a virtuous life and obedience to the commandments of God, or, through negligence and unbelief, made herself more fit for the society of fallen spirits. Bishop Theophan the Recluse said well (see above the end of Chapter VI) that even a trial in air ordeals can turn out to be rather a trial of temptations than an accusation.
Although the very fact of the judgment in the afterlife is beyond doubt - both a private judgment immediately after death and the Last Judgment at the end of the world - God's external judgment will only be a response to internal the disposition that the soul has created in itself in relation to God and spiritual beings.

The first two days after death

During the first two days, the soul enjoys relative freedom and can visit places on earth that are dear to it, but on the third day it moves to other spheres.
Here Archbishop John is simply repeating the teaching, known to the Church from the IV century. Tradition says that the Angel who accompanied St. Macarius of Alexandria, said, explaining church commemoration of those who died on the third day after death: “When on the third day there is an offering in the church, the soul of the deceased receives from the Angel guarding it relief in sorrow, which it feels from separation from the body, it receives because the praise and the offering in the church of God has been completed for it, why good hope is born in her. For during two days the soul is allowed, together with the Angels who are with it, to walk on the earth wherever it wants. Therefore, the soul that loves the body sometimes wanders near the house in which it was separated from the body, sometimes near the coffin in which the body is laid; and thus spends two days like a bird looking for a nest for itself. And the virtuous soul walks to those places in which it used to create the truth. On the third day, the One who rose from the dead commands, in imitation of His resurrection, to ascend every Christian soul to heaven to worship the God of all. "
V Orthodox rite burial of the deceased St. John Damascene vividly describes the state of the soul, parted from the body, but still on earth, powerless to communicate with loved ones, whom it can see: “Alas, it’s a feat for me to have a soul that is separated from the body! Alas, then koliko tears, and have mercy on you! they lift up their eyes to the Angels, idly prays: they extend their hands to people, do not have a helping hand. By the same, my beloved brothers, having thought about our short life We ask the reposed rest from Christ, and great mercy to our souls ”(The succession of the burial of worldly people, stichera is self-agreed, voice 2).
In a letter to the husband of her aforementioned dying sister, St. Theophan writes: “After all, the sister herself will not die; the body dies, but the face of the dying person remains. It passes only into other orders of life. She is not in the body lying under the saints and then carried out, and they do not hide her in the grave. She is elsewhere. As alive as now. In the first hours and days, she will be near you. - And only he won't say, - but you can't see her, and then here ... Have this in your mind. We, who remain, cry for those who have departed, but it is immediately easier for them: that state is gratifying. Those who died and were then introduced into the body found it a very uncomfortable habitation. The sister will feel the same. She is better there, and we are mortified, as if some kind of trouble happened to her. She looks and, probably, marvels at that ”(“ Soulful reading“, August 1894).
It should be borne in mind that this description of the first two days after death gives general rule , which by no means covers all situations. Indeed, most of the passages from Orthodox literature cited in this book do not fit this rule - and for a completely obvious reason: the saints who were not at all attached to worldly things, lived in constant expectation of a transition to another world, do not even be attracted to places, where they did good deeds, but immediately begin their ascent to heaven. Others, like K. Ikskul, begin their ascent earlier than two days by the special permission of Divine Providence. On the other hand, all modern "posthumous" experiences, no matter how fragmentary they are, do not fit this rule: the out-of-body state is only the beginning of the first period of the disembodied wandering of the soul to the places of its earthly attachments, but none of these people stayed in the state of death long enough to even meet two Angels to accompany them.
Some critics of the Orthodox teaching on the posthumous life find that such deviations from the general rule of “posthumous” experience are evidence of contradictions in Orthodox teaching, but such critics take everything too literally. The description of the first two days (as well as the subsequent ones) is by no means some kind of dogma; it is just a model that only formulates the most general order posthumous experience of the soul. Many cases, both in Orthodox literature and in stories about modern experiments, where the dead were instantly alive on the first day or two after death (sometimes in a dream), serve as examples of the truth that the soul really remains near the earth for some a short time... (Genuine apparitions of the dead after that short period freedoms of the soul are much rarer and always happen by God's Will with some special purpose, and not by someone's own will. But by the third day, and often earlier, this period comes to an end.)


At this time (on the third day), the soul passes through legions of evil spirits who block its path and accuse it of various sins, in which they themselves have involved it. According to various revelations, there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called "ordeals", on each of which one or another sin is tortured; after going through one ordeal, the soul comes to the next. And only after successfully passing all of them, the soul can continue on its way without being immediately plunged into hell. How terrible these demons and ordeals are, can be seen from the fact that the Mother of God Herself, when the Archangel Gabriel informed Her about the approach of death, prayed to Her Son to deliver Her soul from these demons, and in answer to Her prayers the Lord Jesus Christ Himself appeared from heaven accept the soul of His Most Pure Mother and take Her to heaven. (This is visually depicted in traditional Orthodox icon Dormition.) The third day is truly terrible for the soul of the deceased, and for this reason it especially needs prayers.
The sixth chapter contains a number of patristic and hagiographic texts about ordeals, and there is no need to add anything else here. However, here, too, we can note that the descriptions of ordeals correspond to the model of torture that the soul undergoes after death, and individual experience can differ significantly. Insignificant details such as the number of ordeals are, of course, secondary in comparison with the main fact that the soul is really subjected to judgment (private judgment) shortly after death, which summarizes the “invisible battle” that it waged (or did not wage) on earth against the fallen spirits ...
Continuing the letter to the husband of his dying sister, Bishop Theophan the Recluse writes: Have those who have departed soon begin the feat of passing through the ordeal. She needs help there! - Then stand in this thought, and you will hear her cry to you: "Help!" “This is what you must direct all your attention and all your love to her. I think - the most real testimony of love will be - if, from the moment the soul departs, you, leaving the worries about the body to others, step aside yourself and, retiring, where possible, immerse yourself in prayer for it in its new state, for its unexpected needs. Having begun this way, be in a constant cry to God - for her help, for six weeks - and so on. In the legend of Theodora - the meshes from which the Angels took to get rid of the tax collectors - these were the prayers of her elder. The same will be your prayers ... Do not forget to do so ... Behold and love! "
Critics of the Orthodox teaching often misunderstand the “bag of gold” from which the Angels “paid for the debts” of Blessed Theodora during ordeals; sometimes it is mistakenly compared to the Latin concept of the "supreme merit" of the saints. And here, too, such critics read Orthodox texts too literally. This refers to nothing more than the prayers for the departed of the Church, in particular, the prayers of the saint and spiritual father... The form in which it is described - there is hardly even a need to talk about it - is metaphorical.
The Orthodox Church considers the teaching about ordeals to be so important that it mentions them in many divine services (see some quotes in the chapter on ordeals). In particular, the Church sets forth this teaching in a special way to all her dying children. The Canon for the Exodus of the Soul, read by a priest at the bedside of a dying member of the Church, contains the following troparia:
“An airy prince, a rapist, a torturer, a terrible way of standing and a vain tester of these words, help me to pass unrestrainedly departing from the earth” (Canto 4).
“Offer the holy angel to the sacred and honest hands, O Lady, as if you covered yourself with krillas, I do not see the dishonorable and stinking and gloomy image of demons” (canto 6).
“Who gave birth to the Lord Almighty, take away the bitter ordeals of the chief of the world-ruler far from me; ).
So dying orthodox christian is being prepared by the words of the Church for the coming trials.

Forty days

Then, having successfully passed through ordeals and worshiping God, the soul for another thirty-seven days visits the heavenly abodes and hellish abysses, not yet knowing where it will remain, and only on the fortieth day a place is assigned to it until the resurrection of the dead.
Of course, there is nothing strange in the fact that, after going through ordeals and ending forever with the earthly, the soul must get acquainted with the present. otherworldly a world in one part of which she will abide forever. According to the revelation of the Angel, St. Macarius of Alexandria, a special church commemoration of the dead on the ninth day after death (in addition to the general symbolism of the nine ranks of angels) is due to the fact that until now the soul was shown the beauty of paradise and only after that, during the rest of the forty-day period, it is shown the torment and horrors of hell, before, on the fortieth day, she will be assigned a place where she will await the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment. And here, too, these numbers give a general rule or model of the post-death reality and, undoubtedly, not all the dead complete their path according to this rule. We know that Theodora really ended her visit to hell exactly on the fortieth day - by earthly standards of time - day.

State of mind before the Last Judgment

Some souls after forty days find themselves in a state of anticipation of eternal joy and bliss, while others - in fear of eternal torment, which will fully begin after the Last Judgment. Before that, changes in the state of souls are still possible, especially due to the offering of the Bloodless Sacrifice for them (commemoration at the Liturgy) and other prayers.
The Church's teaching on the state of souls in heaven and in hell before the Last Judgment is set forth in more detail in the words of St. Mark of Ephesus.
The benefits of prayer, both public and private, for souls in hell, are described in the lives of the holy ascetics and in the patristic writings. In the life of the Martyr Perpetua (III century), for example, the fate of her brother was revealed to her in the form of a reservoir filled with water, which was located so high that he could not reach him from that dirty, unbearably hot place where he was imprisoned. Thanks to her fervent prayer throughout the whole day and night, he was able to reach the reservoir, and she saw him in a bright place. From this she understood that he was spared punishment.
There is a similar story in the life of the ascetic, nun Athanasia (Anastasia Logacheva), who died in our 20th century: “At one time she undertook a prayer feat for her brother Pavel, who strangled in a drunken state. Initially, I went to Blessed Pelageya Ivanovna, who lived in the Diveyevo monastery, to consult what she could do to alleviate the fate of her brother, who unhappily and wickedly ended his earthly life. At the council, it was decided to shut up Anastasia in her cell, fast and pray for her brother, read the prayer 150 times every day: Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice ... After forty days she had a vision: a deep abyss, at the bottom of which lay like a bloody stone , and on it were two men with iron chains around their necks, and one of them was her brother. When she reported this vision to blessed Pelageya, the latter advised her to repeat the feat. After 40 days for the second time, she saw the same abyss, the same stone, on which there were the same two faces with chains around the neck, but her brother got up, walked around the stone, again fell on the stone, and the chain was on his neck. Upon the transmission of this vision to Pelageya Ivanovna, the latter advised to carry out the same feat for the third time. After 40 new days, Anastasia saw the same abyss and the same stone, on which there was only one person unknown to her, and her brother walked away from the stone and disappeared; the one who remained on the stone said: "it is good for you, you have strong intercessors on earth." After that, blessed Pelageya said: "Your brother was freed from torment, but did not receive bliss."
There are many such cases in the lives of Orthodox saints and ascetics. If someone is inclined to excessive literalism in relation to these visions, then it should probably be said that, of course, the forms that these visions take (usually in a dream) are not necessarily “photographs” of the position of the soul in a different the world, but, rather, images that convey the spiritual truth about the improvement of the state of the soul through the prayers of those who remained on earth.

Prayer for the departed

The importance of commemoration at the Liturgy can be seen from the following cases. Even before the glorification of Saint Theodosius of Chernigov (1896), the hieromonk (the famous elder Alexy from the Holosiyevsky skete of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, who died in 1916), who was wearing over his relics, tired, sitting by the relics, dozed off and saw the Saint in front of him, who said to him: “Thank you for working for me. I also ask you, when you serve the Liturgy, to mention my parents ”; and he gave their names (priest Nikita and Mary). (Before the vision, these names were unknown. Several years after the canonization in the monastery where St. Theodosius was hegumen, his own memorial was found, who confirmed these names, confirmed the truth of the vision.) “How can you, Saint, ask my prayers, when you yourself stand before the Heavenly Throne and give people God's grace? ” - asked the Hieromonk. “Yes, that's right,” St. Theodosius, - but the offering at the Liturgy is stronger than my prayers. "
Therefore, the requiem and home prayer for the departed are useful, as are good deeds done in their remembrance of alms or donations to the Church. But the commemoration at the Divine Liturgy is especially useful for them. There have been many appearances of the dead and other events that confirm how useful the remembrance of the dead is. Many who died in repentance, but failed to manifest it during their lifetime, were freed from torment and received rest. In the Church, prayers are constantly offered up for the repose of the dead, and in the kneeling prayer at Vespers on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit there is a special petition “for those who are held in hell”.
St. Gregory the Great, answering in his “ Interviews”To the question:“ Is there something that could be useful to souls after death ”, teaches:“ The holy sacrifice of Christ, our saving Sacrifice, gives great benefit to souls even after death, provided that their sins can be forgiven in the future life ... Therefore, the souls of the departed sometimes ask that the Liturgy be served about them ... Naturally, it is safer to do what we hope others will do about us after death. Better to make an exodus free than to seek freedom in chains. Therefore, we must with all our hearts despise this world, as if its glory has already passed, and daily sacrifice our tears to God when we sacrifice His sacred Flesh and Blood. Only this sacrifice has the power to save the soul from eternal death, for it mysteriously represents to us the death of the Only Begotten Son ”(IV; 57,60).
St. Gregory gives several examples of the appearance of the dead alive with a request to serve the Liturgy for their repose or giving thanks for it; once also one prisoner whom his wife considered dead and for whom she was certain days ordered the Liturgy, returned from captivity and told her how on some days he was freed from chains - precisely on the days when the Liturgy was celebrated for him (IV; 57, 59).
Protestants usually believe that church prayers for the departed are incompatible with the need to find salvation in this life in the first place; “If you can be saved by the Church after death, then why bother yourself with a struggle or seek faith in this life? Let us eat, drink and be merry. ”Of course, none of those holding such views have ever achieved salvation through church prayers, and it is obvious that such an argument is very superficial and even hypocritical. The prayer of the Church cannot save someone who does not want salvation or who has never made any effort for this during his lifetime. V in a certain sense we can say that the prayer of the Church or individual Christians for the deceased is another result of this person's life: they would not have prayed for him if he had not done anything in his life that could inspire such a prayer after his death.
St. Mark of Ephesus also discusses the issue of church prayer for the dead and the relief that she gives them, citing as an example the prayer of St. Gregory Dvoeslov about the Roman Emperor Trajan, - a prayer inspired good deed this pagan Emperor.

What can we do for the dead?

Anyone who wants to show his love for the dead and give them real help, can best do this by prayer for them, and especially by the commemoration at the Liturgy, when the particles taken for the living and the dead are immersed in the Blood of the Lord with the words: "Washed, Lord, the sins of those who were remembered here by His honest Blood, by the prayers of Thy saints."
We can do nothing better or more for the departed than to pray for them, remembering them at the Liturgy. They always need this, especially in those forty days when the soul of the deceased follows the path to the eternal villages. The body then does not feel anything: it does not see the gathered loved ones, does not smell the smell of flowers, does not hear the funeral speeches. But the soul feels the prayers offered for it, is grateful to those who offer them, and is spiritually close to them.
Oh, relatives and friends of the deceased! Do for them what is necessary and in your power, use your money not for the external decoration of the coffin and the grave, but to help those in need, in memory of your deceased loved ones, in the Church, where prayers are offered up for them. Be merciful to the departed, take care of their soul. The same path lies before you, and how then would we want to be remembered in prayer! Let us ourselves be merciful to the departed.
As soon as someone died, immediately call the priest or inform him so that he can read the “Prayers for the Exodus of the Soul,” which are supposed to be read over all Orthodox Christians after their death. Try, as far as possible, that the funeral service is in the church and that the Psalter is read over the deceased before the funeral service. The funeral service does not have to be meticulously arranged, but it is absolutely necessary that it be complete, without shortening; think, then, not of your convenience, but of the deceased, with whom you part forever. If there are several dead people in the church at the same time, do not refuse if you are offered that the funeral service should be common for everyone. It is better that the funeral service be served simultaneously for two or more of the deceased, when the prayer of the assembled loved ones will be hotter, than that several funeral services are consecutively served and services, due to lack of time and energy, are shortened, because each word of the prayer for the dead is like a drop of water for the thirsty. Immediately take care of the forty days, that is, the daily commemoration at the Liturgy for forty days. Usually in churches where the service is performed daily, the departed, who were buried in this way, are commemorated for forty days or more. But if the funeral service was in a church where there are no daily services, the relatives themselves must take care of and order the magpie where there is a daily service. It is also good to send a donation in memory of the deceased to monasteries, as well as to Jerusalem, where unceasing prayer is offered up in holy places. But a forty-day remembrance should begin immediately after death, when the soul especially needs prayer help, and therefore the commemoration should begin in the nearest place where there is a daily service.
Let us take care of those who have gone to the other world before us, so that we can do for them everything we can, remembering that the blessedness of mercy, as forgiveness, will be (Matthew 5: 7).

Prayer for the Exodus of the Soul

God of Spirits and all flesh! You create Your angels, Your spirits, and Your servants, Your fiery flame. Cherubim and Seraphim tremble before Thee, and the darkness of those and thousands of thousands with fear and trembling stand before Thy Throne. For those who want to gain salvation, send Thy holy Angels to the ministry; You also give us sinful people, Thy holy Angel, like a pestun, he kept us in all our paths from all evil and mysteriously instruct and enlighten us even to our last gasp. God! Thou art commandment to withdraw the soul from the ever-remembered (-my) us of Thy servant (Thy servant) ( name), Your will is a holy will; We pray to Thee, Lord of Life, do not take away this now from his soul (her) this pestun and her guardian, do not leave alone, as if walking on a path; instructed him, as a keeper, not to retire with help in this terrible passage of her into the invisible heavenly world; We pray to Thee, so that she will be her intercessor and protector from evil of the resistance in the passage of ordeals, until she will lead you to You, as to the Judge of heaven and earth. Oh, the passage of this is terrible for the soul, coming to your judgment, impartial, and having in the passage of this will be tormented by the spirits of evil in high places! In the same way, we pray to Thee, All-good Lord, be pleased and also sent Thy holy Angels to the soul of Thy servant (Thy servant) retiring to Thee (Thy servant) ( name), may they protect, protect and preserve them from attack and torture of these terrible and evil spirits, like torturers and publicans of the air, servants of the prince of darkness; We pray to Thee, the freedom of this evil of the situation, so that the horde of evil demons does not shake; Grant me fearlessly, graciously and unrestrainedly take this terrible path from the earth with Thy Angels, may they ascend to worship Thy Throne and may lead them to the light of Thy mercy.

Resurrection of the body

One day this whole perishable world will come to an end and the eternal Kingdom of Heaven will come, where the souls of the redeemed, reunited with their resurrected bodies, immortal and incorruptible, will abide with Christ forever. Then the partial joy and glory, which even now the souls in heaven know, will be replaced by the fullness of the joy of the new creation, for which man was created; but those who did not accept the salvation brought to earth by Christ will be tormented forever - along with their resurrected bodies - in hell. In the final chapter “ Accurate presentation Orthodox faith ”Rev. John Damascene describes well this final state of mind after death:
“We also believe in the resurrection of the dead. For it will truly be, there will be a resurrection of the dead. But speaking of the resurrection, we imagine the resurrection of bodies. For the resurrection is the secondary raising up of the one who has fallen; souls, being immortal, how will they be resurrected? For if death is defined as the separation of the soul from the body, then the resurrection is, of course, the secondary union of the soul and body, and the secondary erection of the resolved and deceased living being. So, the body itself, decaying and dissolving, it itself will rise up incorruptible. For the One Who in the beginning brought it out of the dust of the earth, can resurrect it again, after it again, according to the saying of the Creator, was resolved and returned back to the earth from which it was taken ...
Of course, if only one soul has been exercised in the exploits of virtue, then it alone will be crowned. And if she alone was constantly in pleasure, then in justice she alone would be punished. But since the soul did not strive separately from the body either for virtue or for vice, then, in justice, both will receive reward together ...
So, we will be resurrected, since souls will again unite with bodies that become immortal and take away corruption from themselves, and we will appear before the terrible judgment seat of Christ; and the devil, and his demons, and his man, that is, the Antichrist, and wicked people, and sinners will be delivered into eternal fire, not material, such as the fire that we have, but such that God can know about. And the one who created good, like the sun, will shine together with the Angels in eternal life, together with our Lord Jesus Christ, always looking at Him and being visible by Him, and enjoying the continuous joy that flows from Him, glorifying Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit for endless ages. ... Amen ”(pp. 267-272).

Not so long ago, on my blog, you read my story about my school friend Galina, who, after the death of her beloved human began to panic fear of death ... She and I spent a lot of time together, battling this terrible phobia, until she finally felt better. She continues to think about of death , but in a different way.

After our conversations regarding the death of a person from life, Galya began to literally collect articles, books and films on this topic. And she infected me with all like that. My own son also added fuel to the fire. He, after listening to our exchange of views on these topics, became interested in the concepts of human consciousness and topics how modern scientists are trying to digitize it and place it in virtual world... The son, you see, dreams of an appearance computer games, into which such digitized souls of players could be introduced, which will live and develop in an alternative reality under the supervision of their own living prototypes.

Scientistsfound outwhere people fall after of death?

As a result of our collective efforts, a lot of information has accumulated in my laptop concerning all these issues, which, by the way, have always worried humanity - not only religious people, but also atheists. Perhaps atheists and agnostics in our time are even more interested in such things than sincere believers in God, because they are more afraid to die. They are afraid to disappear into the abyss of nothingness completely and without a trace, while religions speak of the obligatory continuation of life in its other form. Perhaps that is why it was the unbelievers who became the first rational researchers of the phenomenon of the continuation of life after the death of the body. They wanted to scientifically test ancient revelations. I read a lot on this topic and with good reason I can say that almost every scholars, who at first was a typical unbelieving Thomas, eventually came to the conviction: after physical death body, the person continues to exist.

About where people go after they die, spoken in all ancient beliefs and world religions. They were born in different parts of the planet, often completely independently of each other, but at the same time about the life of the soul human after his death they said almost the same thing.

All without excl.
the ancestors of modern mankind were absolutely sure that what gods death at the appointed moment by fate force the soul to leave the body, afterwhat begins for a disembodied entity new life in the world of the dead. Each religion describes in detail both the path into nothingness and the very place where souls reside after a person's death. Be sure to tell about the difficulties and trials that the soul must endure during the journey to the kingdom of the dead. The other world itself is depicted as full of miracles and secrets, divine and demonic entities that judge the soul and determine its place in their kingdom. Some of them (primarily Hinduism and Buddhism) argue that the soul incarnates into new bodies before the final merger with the divine Absolute an incalculable number of times.

Many skeptics, who do not believe in any mysticism, say that all such stories about the soul and its responsibility for lifetime deeds human invented by the priests, who were profitable to intimidate and subjugate of people ... And all sorts of mystical meetings and visions, supposedly confirming religious stories about the other world, are also inventions or tricks of the same clergymen.

Okay, but what about the cases when such visions are visited by completely unbelieving people?? Take, for example, my aunt, who was a communist, a hero of labor and did not even come close to any church all her life. Once, in the early 70s of the last century, she was in Moscow on a business trip. Just before leaving home, I decided to walk along Kalininsky Prospekt (now Novy Arbat). She walked for herself, looked at the shop windows, hurried to the Book World for new items. And suddenly, near the Vesna store, I saw my subordinate, who did not understand what he was doing there instead of being at his workplace in Perm. He greeted her and turned into the store. Auntie was at first taken aback, then followed him, but inside the store she could not find him. And when she returned home and came to work, she found out that this comrade had just been buried. On the day when she saw him in Moscow, he was already in the morgue. After this incident, my aunt did not start going to churches, but began to read the Bible and take an interest in all sorts of mystical cases.

What does science say?

Many scientists from worldwide famous names were also initially believers or through their personal life experience concluded that life person afterthe death of his bodily shell, as such, does not stop. NS the best minds of all time have claimed, starting with the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Pythagoras. Materialists Galileo, Newton, Pascal, Pasteur, Einstein, Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky and many others were also people convinced of the existence of a higher reality, divine principle and life after death. They cannot be called blind believers, since they came to their conclusions through a purely Scientific research and the reflections that led them to evidence of the intelligent, multidimensional and animate structure of the universe. All researchers of the otherworldly, with the help of experiments and observations, tried to answer very specific questions.

  1. How true are people's stories of encounters or other interactions with the dead?
  2. How gradually (or, conversely, simultaneously) does the separation of soul and body take place?
  3. Can it be fixed posthumous life personality using any scientific methods?
  4. Is it possible to catch with the help of modern devices the processes of separation of the physical body and the subtle essence (soul) from each other?
  5. Are the physical and spiritual essences of a person equally separated from each other in the case of a calm and tragic deaths?
  6. Where does the soul of a person go after the death of the body?

I found many different scientific hypotheses and the described discoveries, which indicate that the life of a person, or rather his soul, continues in the so-called subtle dimension. Here are just a few examples.

Emmanuel Swedenborg was perhaps the first scientists , which the systematically approached the study of the otherworldly existence of the soul. In the 18th century, he made technical inventions, lectured at the largest Uppsala Swedish University and wrote more than 150 scientific works, including on the life of the soul in other worlds. Swedenborg said that after death the person's personality in its essence does not change, but continues to develop. He, long before the emergence quantum theories, suggested that the world consists of particles, which represent flows and swirls of energy. Souls are also energy clots invisible to the eye. Swedenborg has been experimenting with the other world for more than 20 years and has published the results. Many contemporaries (including the Queen of Sweden) were forced to believe him, since scientist told them secrets that could only be known to their deceased relatives.

R Russian biologist V. Lepeshkin in the 30s. The twentieth century managed to register special energy surges that dying bodies spread around them. He concluded that at the moment of the death of a living creature, a certain special biofield is separated from it. During such experiments, the biofields leaving the earth's shell even illuminated photographic film of special sensitivity.

K.G. Korotkov - Doctor of Technical Sciences of the St. Petersburg Technical University - directs research on the subtle bodies that leave the physical flesh after it of death ... The generator of high-voltage electromagnetic radiation in the course of laboratory experiments fixes the exit from the dead human its astral form and transmits its waves energy field on the display. The exodus of the soul is recorded as a special pulsating glow, which then fades out, then intensifies again. Scientist convinced that after bodily death human his fate continues in another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott from Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California prove the existence of multiple parallel universes... They can be similar to our own reality or differ significantly from it. Scientists conclude: everyone who has ever lived not only does not die, but exists in these parallel spaces forever. Thus, death like there is none at all, but the spiritual essences of people and animals are presented in a plurality of incarnations.

Robert Lanz , a professor from North Carolina, compares the continuous life of an individual to that how there are plants that die off in winter and grow back in spring. In fact, Lanz agrees with Eastern theories of reincarnation and that the same soul is physically reborn many times in parallel worlds and comes to Earth again and again. The professor suggests that death and rebirth take place at the same time, so how particles of subtle matter that make up the spirit (photons, neutrinos, etc.) are capable of being present at the same moment in different dimensions.

Stuart Hammeroff , an anesthesiologist at the University of Arizona, became convinced of the quantum nature of the soul as a result of long work. He claims that it does not consist of neurons, but of the special tissue of the universe. That's why after death information about the personality goes into space and exists in it in the form of free consciousness.

In general, these and others scientists came to the same conclusions
to which, long before them, a variety of religions led mankind. These conclusions were voiced in his speech at one of the international symposia Researcher St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University A.V. Mikheev.

  • Not a single skeptic was able to prove through experiments that after the death of a personeverything stops for him, that life does not have its continuation in some other form and in another place.
  • After the physical (in our understanding) death of peopletheir so-called subtle bodies remain. They are carriers of a variety of information about individuals: this is their self-awareness, memory, emotions, the whole inner world.
  • The continuation of the existence of an individual after death is one of the natural laws of nature and human life.
  • Subsequent realities numerous and differ from each other by different energy frequencies on which are located.
  • Where exactly goesthe soul of the deceased is most likely determined by his earthly actions, feelings and thoughts... This works according to the principle electromagnetic radiation, the spectrum of which depends on its composition. What is the inner component of the soul, so is its new place after death.
  • With the words Heaven and Hell you can define two poles of the posthumous state I am. There are many intermediate states between these poles. The soul gets into in them according to the emotional and mental burden that she has formed on Earth. Therefore, negative emotional states, bad deeds, the desire to destroy, any fanaticism have a very bad effect on the future fate of the individual. Thus, the responsibility of the soul for everything that its bearer did during his earthly life is inevitable.

I don't know about you, but I have all these hypotheses and conclusions scientists with world names amazed and made me appreciate my own life in a new way. It turns out that science fully confirms the ethical side of religion. Secret Eastern teachings, Christianity, Islam have long told people that earthly experience and knowledge play huge role in the posthumous fate of the soul. They pointed to the personal and inevitable responsibility of a person for what he did on this earth. Now and people from science they say that absolutely everything lived by a person is recorded, weighed and entailed after death her physical shell. This leaves one main conclusion: it is not worth living in this world so that later it would be ashamed of it in other places where the spirit dwells. I don't want to get into a bad dimension through my own fault either.

According to Christian beliefs, after death a person continues to live, but in a different capacity. His spirit, leaving the physical shell, begins its path to God. What is the ordeal, where does the soul go after death, should it fly away and what happens to it after separation from the body? After death, the spirit of the deceased is tested by tests. In Christian culture, they are called "ordeals". There are twenty of them in total, each more complicated than the previous one, depending on the sins committed by a person during his lifetime. After that, the spirit of the deceased goes to Heaven or is cast down into Hell.

Is there life after death

Two topics that will always be discussed are life and death. Since the creation of the world, philosophers, literary figures, doctors, prophets have been arguing about what happens to the soul when it leaves the human body. What will happen after death and is there life in general after the spirit leaves the physical shell? It so happened that a person will always reflect on these burning topics in order to know the truth - to turn to Christian religion or other teachings.

What happens to a person when he dies

Having passed your life path, the person dies. From the physiological side, it is the process of stopping all systems and processes of the body: brain activity, respiration, digestion. Decomposition of proteins and other substrates of life takes place. The approach to death also affects emotional condition person. There is a change emotional background: loss of interest in everything, isolation, separation from contacts with outside world, talk about an imminent death, hallucinations (the past and the present are mixed).

What happens to the soul after death

The question of where the soul goes after death is always interpreted in different ways. However, the clergy are united in one thing: after a complete cardiac arrest, a person continues to live in a new status. Christians believe that angels transfer the spirit of the departed who lived a righteous life to Paradise, the sinner is destined to go to Hell. The deceased needs prayers that will save him from eternal torment, help the spirit pass the test and get to Paradise. The prayers of loved ones, and not tears, can work miracles.

Christian creed says that a person will live forever. Where does the soul go after the death of a person? His spirit goes to the kingdom of heaven to meet with the Father. This path is very difficult and depends on how the person lived his worldly life. Many clergymen perceive the departure not as a tragedy, but as a long-awaited meeting with God.

The third day after death

For the first two days, the spirits of the dead fly over the earth. This is the period when they are close to their body, with their home, wandering around the places dear to them, saying goodbye to their relatives, ending with their earthly existence. Nearby are at this time not only angels, but also demons. They are trying to lure her over to their side. On the third day, the ordeal of the soul begins after death. This is the time to worship the Lord. Family and friends should pray. Prayers are performed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Day 9

Where does a person go after death on the 9th day? After the 3rd day, the Angel accompanies the spirit to the gates of Paradise so that he can see all the beauty of the Paradise abode. Immortal souls are there for six days. They temporarily forget the sadness of leaving their body. Enjoying the sight of beauty, the soul, if it has sins, must repent. If this does not happen, then she will be in hell. On the 9th day, the Angels again present the soul to the Lord.

At this time, the church and loved ones perform a prayer service for the deceased with a request for clemency. Commemorations are held in honor of 9 angel ranks who are protectors during the Last Judgment and servants of the Almighty. For the deceased, the "burden" is no longer so heavy, but very important, because the Lord, according to it, determines the further path of the spirit. Relatives remember only good things about the deceased, they behave very calmly and quietly.

There are certain traditions that help the spirit of the departed. They symbolize eternal life. At this time, relatives:

  1. They perform a prayer service in the church for the repose of the spirit.
  2. At home, kutya is cooked from wheat seeds. It is mixed with sweet: honey or sugar. Seeds are reincarnation. Honey or sugar is sweet life in another world, helping to avoid a difficult afterlife.

On the 40th day

The number "40" is very often found on the pages of the scriptures. Jesus Christ ascended to the Father on the fortieth day. For the Orthodox Church, this became the basis for organizing the commemoration of the deceased on the fortieth day after his death. Catholic Church does it on the thirtieth day. However, the meaning of all measures is the same: the soul of the deceased ascended the holy Mount Sinai, reached bliss.

After the Angels re-presented the spirit before the Lord on the 9th day, he goes to Hell, where he sees the souls of sinners. The spirit dwells in Hell until the 40th day, and for the third time appears before God. This is the period when the fate of a person is determined by his earthly affairs. In the posthumous fate, it is important that the soul repent of everything it has done and prepare itself for the right future life. Memories atone for the sins of the deceased. For the subsequent resurrection of the dead, it is important how the spirit will pass through purgatory.

Half a year

Where does the soul go after death six months later? The Almighty made a decision on the further fate of the spirit of the deceased person, it is no longer possible to change anything. You can't cry and cry. It will only harm the soul, it will bring severe torment. However, relatives can help and alleviate the fate by prayer, commemoration. It is necessary to pray, calming the soul, showing it the right path. Six months later, the spirit before last time comes to relatives.


It is important to remember the anniversary of death. The prayers performed before this time helped to determine where the soul will go after death. A year after his death, relatives and friends perform a prayer service in the church. You can just heartily remember the deceased if there is no opportunity to visit the church. On this day, souls come to their relatives for the last time to say goodbye, then a new body awaits them. For a believer, a righteous person, the anniversary gives a start for a new, eternal life. The annual circle is a liturgical cycle after which all feasts are permitted.

Where does the soul go after death?

There are several versions of where people live after death. Astrologers believe that an immortal soul enters space, where it settles on other planets. According to another version, it hovers in the upper atmosphere. The emotions that the spirit experiences affect the way it gets to highest level(Heaven) or lower (Hell). The Buddhist religion says that after gaining eternal peace, the spirit of a person is transferred to another body.

Mediums and psychics claim that the soul is connected with the other world. It often happens that after her death she remains close to loved ones. Spirits that have not finished their business appear as ghosts, astral bodies, phantoms. Some guard their relatives, others want to punish their offenders. They contact the living with the help of knocks, sounds, movement of things, a short-term appearance of themselves in visible guise.

In the Vedas, the scriptures of the Earth, it is said that after leaving the body, souls pass through the tunnels. Many people who have been able to clinical death describe them as channels on own body... There are 9 of them: ears, eyes, mouth, nostrils (separately left and right), anus, genitals, crown, navel. It was believed that if the spirit came out of the left nostril, it falls on the moon, from the right - to the sun, through the navel - to other planets, through the mouth - to the earth, through the genitals - to the lower layers of being.

Souls of dead people

As soon as the souls of deceased people leave the physical shells, they do not immediately understand that they are in thin body... At first, the spirit of the deceased hovers in the air, and only when he sees his body, he realizes that he has separated from it. The qualities of a deceased person during life are determined by his emotions after death. Thoughts and feelings, character traits do not change, but become open to the Almighty.

Baby shower

It is believed that a child who died before the age of 14 immediately goes to the First Heaven. The child has not yet reached the age of desires, is not responsible for actions. The child remembers his past incarnations. The First Heaven is a place where the soul is awaiting rebirth. A deceased child is awaited by a departed relative or a person who loved children very much during his lifetime. He meets the child immediately after the hour of death and escorts him to the waiting place.

In the First Heaven, a child has everything he wants, his life resembles a wonderful game, he learns goodness, receives visual lessons on how evil acts affect a person. All emotions and knowledge remain in the baby's memory even after rebirth. It is believed that people living nobly in ordinary life owe these lessons and experiences in the First Heaven.

Soul of a suicide

Any doctrine and belief asserts that a person has no right to take his own life. The actions of any suicide are dictated by Satan. The soul of a suicide after death strives for Paradise, the gates of which are closed to it. The spirit is forced to return, but it cannot find its body. The ordeal lasts until the time of natural death. Then the Lord makes a decision according to his soul. Used to be people those who committed suicide were not buried in the cemetery, suicide items were destroyed.

Animal souls

The Bible says that everything has a soul, but "taken from dust, into dust and will be converted." Confessors sometimes agree that some pets are able to transform, but it is impossible to say for sure where the soul of an animal goes after death. It is given and taken away by the Lord Himself, the soul of an animal is not eternal. However, the Jews believe that it is equated with human, therefore there are different prohibitions on eating meat.


When the body dies, the soul finds itself in completely unfamiliar, new conditions. Here she can no longer change anything and must come to terms with what happened. It is essential spiritual development a person during his lifetime, his deep faith in God. This is what helps the soul to calm down, understand its true purpose and find a place in another dimension.

People who have experienced clinical death often describe their condition as moving rapidly through a dark tunnel, at the end of which a bright light shines.

Indian philosophy explains this process by the existence of channels in our body through which the spirit leaves the body, these are:

  • Navel
  • Genitals

If the spirit leaves through the mouth, it returns to Earth again; if through the navel, it finds refuge in space, and if through the genitals, it enters the dark worlds. When the spirit leaves the nostrils, it rushes towards the moon or sun. In this manner Vital energy passes through these tunnels and leaves the body.

Where is the soul after death

After physical death, the immaterial shell of a person enters the subtle world and finds its place there. The basic feelings, thoughts and emotions of a person during the transition to another dimension do not change, but become open to all its inhabitants.

At first, the soul does not understand that it is in the subtle world, since its thoughts and feelings remain the same. The ability to see her body from a height allows her to understand that she has separated from him and now just hovers in the air, easily hovering above the ground. All emotions that come in this space completely depend on the inner wealth of a person, his positive or negative qualities. It is here that the soul after death finds its hell or paradise.

The subtle dimension consists of many layers and levels. And if during life a person can hide his real thoughts and essence, then here they will be completely naked. His ephemeral shell must take the level it deserves. The position in the subtle world is determined by the essence of a person, his life deeds and spiritual development.

All layers of the illusory world are divided into lower and higher:

  • V lower levels those souls who have received insufficient spiritual development during their lifetime fall. They should be only below and cannot rise up until they reach a clear inner consciousness.
  • The inhabitants of the upper spheres are endowed with bright spiritual feelings and move without problems in any direction of this dimension.

Getting into the subtle world, the soul cannot lie or hide black, vicious desires. Her secret essence is now clearly reflected in her ghostly appearance. If a person was honest and noble during his lifetime, his shell shines with a bright glow and beauty. Dark soul looks ugly, repulses with its appearance and dirty thoughts.

What happens 9, 40 days and six months after death

In the first days after death, the spirit of a person is in the place where he lived. By church canons, the soul after death prepares for God's judgment 40 days.

  • The first three days she travels to the places of her earthly life, and from the third to the ninth she goes to the gates of Paradise, where a special atmosphere and a happy existence of this place are revealed to her.
  • From the ninth to the fortieth days, the soul visits the terrible abode of Darkness, where it will see the torment of sinners.
  • After 40 days, she must obey the decision of the Almighty about her further fate. The soul is not given to influence the course of events, but the prayers of close relatives can improve its lot.
Death This is the transformation of the human shell into another state, the transition to another dimension.

Relatives should try not to make loud sobs or tantrums and take everything for granted. The soul hears everything, and such a reaction can give it strong torment. Relatives need to say sacred prayers to calm her down, to show the right path.

Six months and a year after his death, the spirit of the deceased comes to his relatives for the last time to say goodbye.

Orthodoxy and death

For the Christian believer, death is nothing more than a transition into eternity. An Orthodox person believes in an afterlife, although it is presented differently in different religions. The unbeliever denies the existence of the subtle world and is absolutely sure that a person's life consists in the period between birth and death, and then emptiness sets in. He tries to take the maximum from life and is very afraid of death.

To an Orthodox person, earthly life is not presented as an absolute value. He is firmly convinced of eternal being and accepts his existence as a preparation for the transition to another, perfect dimension. Christians worry not about the number of years they have lived, but about the quality of their own life, the depth of its thoughts and deeds. They prioritize spiritual wealth rather than the jingle of coins or mighty power.

A believer prepares for his final path, sincerely believing that his soul after death will gain eternal life. He is not afraid of his demise and knows that this process does not bring evil or catastrophe. This is just a temporary separation of the ephemeral shell from the body in anticipation of their final reunification in the subtle world.

Soul of a suicide after death

It is believed that a person has no right to take his life, since it was given to him by the Almighty, and only he can take it. In moments of terrible despair, pain, suffering, a person does not decide to commit suicide on his own - in this he is assisted by Satan.

After death, the spirit of the suicide rushes to the Gates of Paradise, but the entrance there is closed for him. Upon his return to earth, he begins a long and painful search for his body, but also cannot find it. The terrible ordeals of the soul last for a very long time, until the time of natural death comes. Only then does the Lord decide where the tortured soul of the suicide goes.

In ancient times, people who committed suicide were forbidden to be buried in the cemetery. Their graves were located at the edge of the road, in a dense forest or swampy area. All objects with the help of which a person committed suicide were carefully destroyed, and the tree where the hanging was made was cut down and burned.

Relocation of souls after death

Supporters of the theory of transmigration of souls confidently assert that the soul after death acquires a new shell, a different body. Eastern practitioners assure that transformation can occur up to 50 times. About the facts from his past life a person recognizes only in a state of deep trance or when certain diseases of the nervous system are found in him.

The most famous person in the study of reincarnation is the US psychiatrist Ian Stevenson. According to his theory, irrefutable proofs of the transmigration of the soul are:

  • Unique ability to speak strange languages.
  • Scars or birthmarks in a living and a deceased person in identical places.
  • Accurate historical narratives.

Almost all people who have experienced reincarnation have some kind of birth defects. For example, a person with an incomprehensible growth on the back of his head, during a trance, remembered that in a past life he was hacked to death. Stevenson launched an investigation and found a family where the death of one of its members happened in this way. The shape of the deceased's wound is like mirror reflection, was an exact copy of this build-up.

Details about past life facts will help you remember hypnosis. Scientists conducting research in this area interviewed several hundred people in a state of deep hypnosis. Almost 35% of them talked about events that never happened to them in real life. Some people began to speak in unknown languages, with a pronounced accent or in an ancient dialect.

However, not all studies are scientifically proven and cause a lot of speculation and controversy. Some skeptics are sure that a person during hypnosis can simply fantasize or follow the lead of the hypnotist. It is also known that incredible moments from the past can be voiced by people after clinical death or patients with severe mental illnesses.

Mediums about life after death

The adherents of spiritualism unanimously declare that existence after death continues. Proof of this is the communication of mediums with the spirits of deceased people, receiving information from them or instructions to those close to them. According to them, the other world does not look terrible - on the contrary, it is illuminated bright colors and radiant light, warmth and happiness emanate from him.

The Bible condemns the invasion of the world by the dead. However, there are admirers of "Christian spiritualism" who defend their actions, citing as an example the teachings of the Zodiac, a follower of Jesus Christ. According to his legends, the otherworldly world of spirits consists of different spheres and layers, and spiritual development continues even after death.

Absolutely all statements of mediums arouse curiosity among researchers. paranormal activity and some of them conclude that they are telling the truth. However, most realists are convinced that spiritualists only have a good capacity for persuasion and excellent discernment by nature.

"Time to collect stones"

Every person is afraid of death, so he tries to get to the bottom of the truth, to learn as much as possible about the unknown subtle world. Throughout his life, he tries with all his might to prolong the years of existence, sometimes resorting to even unusual methods.

However, the time will come, and we will have to part with our familiar world and go into another dimension. And so that the soul after death does not wander in search of finding peace, it is necessary to live the allotted years with dignity, accumulate spiritual wealth and change something, understand, forgive. After all, the opportunity to correct your mistakes is only on Earth when you are alive, and there will be no other chance to do this.

Where does a person's soul go after death?

  1. I may be wrong, but logic tells me that if the soul moved into a new body, as many believe, then the population of the Earth probably would not increase?
  2. nowhere. There is no soul.
  3. The soul is the body of a person. And God formed man from the dust of the earth. And when a man dies he
    returns back to earth.
  4. Into the Subtle World
  5. Showers don't walk 🙂
  6. People, you don't know the Bible. God has no dead, He has everyone alive. The human spirit is eternal. There is physical death, this is when the flesh dies, and spiritual death is when the human spirit is dead for communion with the Living God, and the human spirit is reborn by the Holy Spirit, after repentance. It's all simple. A person becomes spiritually reborn anew, that is, a Christian.
  7. There is no God, no soul! Judas fucking
  8. Moves into a new body.
  9. God our Creator knows the truth about what happens to a person after death. In his Word, the Bible, he explains the condition of the dead. The Bible teaches that when a person dies, he ceases to exist. Death is the opposite of life. The dead cannot see, hear or think. There is no immortal principle in man, which continues to live after the death of the body. We do not have immortal soul or spirit.
    Solomon said: The living know they will die, but the dead know nothing. He explained that the dead cannot love and hate, because in the grave ... there is no work, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom (Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 6, 10). Also, Psalm 145: 4 says that with death all thoughts of a person disappear. People are mortal and cannot live after the body dies. Our life can be compared to a candle flame. If the candle is extinguished, the flame will simply disappear. It will not burn anywhere else.
  10. Whoever has no soul, he himself testifies to this, then there is nothing to talk about. But who has a soul, I know for sure that it is eternal, like the world, like God. And after leaving the earthly plane of existence, the soul goes home to heavenly parents, throwing off its earthly shell.
  11. Goes to Nav, to our ancestors!
  12. The Bible states that the soul dies. "For behold, all souls are Mine: as the soul of the father, so the soul of the son is Mine: the soul that sinns, that one will die." (Ezekiel 18: 4)
  13. Into the subtle world. The Rosicrucians, for example, argue that at first the soul rests in nothingness, then, if it was very attached to its past existence on earth (that is, to a sinful one), it begins to build its new bodies, physical, mental, etc. If a person renounces everything during his life on earth physical, that is, it kind of dies, then the soul is directed straight to God.
  14. Yes, nowhere, the soul is a church invention and nothing else.
  15. You can check this for yourself. Your memory is missing while you sleep. You remember when you fall asleep, but do not remember it in your dream. The memory of the physical consciousness is blocked, because the SOUL (moving the soul into sleep) has its own Consciousness. You live "in a dream" a fulfilling life and realize this only after you wake up. In fact, sleep is part of the transition of your soul into the next dimension ( The subtle world). But do you FEEL incorporeal in a dream? - No. You feel exactly the same in a material dense body, as after awakening. That is, I want to say that your body always corresponds to the material in the dimension where your soul moves. So, according to the design of the Creator (God), when his time comes, a person had to leave his soul through a dream, the soul breaks away from the physical protein skin and a person, living in a dream, does not even know that loved ones cry for him, seeing his dead physical body. And one should not think that a dream is a fiction of an illusory life, and that it is a reflection of the brain. Reflection itself has no feelings. If you look in the mirror and see your reflection, then it (reflection) FEELS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. In a dream, on the contrary, you Feel absolutely everything. But since the eyes of a person believe that the detached tail of a lizard that has lost it is itself dead (this is, as an example), but in fact the lizard continues to live, then the transition of a person's soul to another dimension is painful and painful, with the split consciousness of a disgruntled person (earthling) that he must die without the right of his conscious self-revival.

    MIND is the Feelings of Creativity. What do you BELIEVE (Faith is Feelings) you will move your soul to such a dimension. If you BELIEVE inside yourself in hell and think that you deserve it, recognizing FEAR instead of the Creator-GOD, then you will go to hell. If you BELIEVE within yourself in the Life of GOD, move your soul to the place where they will only talk about GOD. It all depends on your SENSES. Each according to his FAITH ...

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