Home Flowers Anti-cellulite coffee body scrub at home. How is coffee scrub useful? How to make a coffee scrub at home

Anti-cellulite coffee body scrub at home. How is coffee scrub useful? How to make a coffee scrub at home

Dear readers, many of us prefer products to purchased cosmetic products. self made especially when it comes to delicate exfoliation and nourishment of the skin. Today I will tell you how to do anti-cellulite coffee scrub for the body at home, for the purpose of losing weight, using ground coffee or grounds, several useful recipes.

Those who have not tried this remedy yet will find out why it is good and will be able to try it in personal care. Well, those versed in home cosmetology will remember a pleasant procedure and, perhaps, learn something else new.

Environmental friendliness and safety

A contraindication to the use of a coffee scrub can only be personal intolerance and the occurrence of allergic reactions to the coffee itself or its aroma.

In other cases, it is absolutely natural. natural remedy can be used by all categories of persons, as well as women during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Toning effect

At correct technique using coffee peeling makes the skin more well-groomed, thanks to giving it a golden hue. In case of regular use, you can change the shade by 1 - 1.5 tones.


Unlike many industrial products, a DIY coffee scrub is available to everyone. Its effectiveness surpasses store-bought beauty products, and it is much easier to purchase ground coffee, because it is sold in every grocery store.

Strong arguments for using a scrub from coffee grounds, is not it?

What coffee should I use to make a scrub?

Let's figure out which coffee is good for making peeling:

Ground asleep

The thick ground left in the Turk after brewing coffee is perfect for making any homemade scrubs on its basis.

If there is no time, it can be used by itself, without adding additional ingredients, since the consistency allows you to apply the mass directly to the skin, without fear of injuring the epidermis.

You can also use the grounds from the coffee machine.

Ground dry black

The grains ground in the mill are added as a dry component directly in the form of a powder to various recipes body scrubs. I prefer this option!

Ground dry green

Green, that is, raw coffee beans are much healthier than roasted coffee beans. They contain more nutrients, vitamins and minerals. They have a greater antioxidant and tonic effect, visibly rejuvenate and smooth the skin surface.

Just like the powder from black coffee beans, ground green beans are added dry or steamed for later use in home scrubs.

When it is possible to grind the coffee ourselves, we are able to vary the degree of grinding to prepare a more gentle or coarser peel for the face, depending on the purpose of use.

What else you need to know when using a coffee scrub

But before we look at some of the most popular natural peeling options, let's remember the immutable rule: it is strongly discouraged to exfoliate with a scrub more than twice a week.

Owners of dry sensitive skin of the body can use coffee grounds no more than once every 8-10 days.

Otherwise, instead of positive results, we risk getting an injured, overdried epidermis with increased sensitivity to external stimuli.

How to make a coffee body scrub at home

This is one of the most frequently requested types of peeling, and it is not surprising, because according to statistics, every second woman after 20 is faced with the problem of lumpy skin on the thighs and buttocks.

Coffee body scrub for cellulite: recipe number 1

Apply it in a circular motion to dry (!) Skin of problem areas and gently massage for 5 minutes. Then wash off warm water and immediately apply a body moisturizer - cream or oil.

A plus this procedure is that it has a pronounced tightening and tonic effect.

Minus: when used on dry skin, the scrub can injure it, therefore, it is better not to use it before sunbathing in the hot season.

Anti-cellulite coffee body scrub: recipe number 2

  1. Combine 1 tbsp. ground green coffee (it does not need to be brewed to retain more nutrients) with 1 tbsp. warm olive oil.
  2. Add 10 drops of orange ether.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes to infuse the mixture.

We apply a scrub of coffee and oils on a wet body, rub it in with massage movements, giving Special attention thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Then we wash everything off with warm water, and best of all with a contrast shower, intensively rub the body with a towel to increase blood circulation, then apply an anti-cellulite cream.

Coffee, salt, oil - slimming scrub: recipe number 1

  1. In equal proportions, for example, 1 tbsp. mix pre-steamed black ground coffee with sea salt and olive oil.
  2. Mix with a wooden stick and apply to the body.

Massage gently for a few minutes, then leave it on for 1-2 minutes, or whatever you can tolerate (salt may tingle) to enhance the drainage effect.

We wash it off with warm water and immediately lubricate the wet body with cosmetic oil and only then gently blot the water with a towel.

DIY coffee scrub: recipe number 2 for weight loss

The following combination works great:

Mix the mixture well and apply it to the body steamed in a hot bath or bath.

We massage for 5 minutes, paying special attention to problem areas, wash off the mixture with a contrast shower.

Moisturizing coffee scrub with honey

This is one of the most gentle coffee scrub recipes and if there is no allergy to any of the components, we recommend using it especially for owners of dry sensitive skin.

For cooking, it is better to take green coffee, so the peeling will be even more effective.

Apply on a wet body and gently massage the skin for about a minute, then leave the mask for as long as it is comfortable to endure, from 1.5 to 3 minutes and rinse off with warm (not hot!) Water.

You need to keep the scrub on the skin in order to nutrients from honey and green coffee managed to penetrate into the upper layers of the epidermis.

Nourishing coffee scrub

We offer a scrub, the aroma of which is worthy of a coffee shop, and the moisturizing properties of the best spa salons.

Nutritious srab: recipe number 1

  1. Melt 1 tablespoon in a water bath. cocoa butter, mix with 1 tbsp. ground coffee, add 5 drops of lavender or ylang ylang essential oil (optional).
  2. Mix and apply to the body.

Massage the skin gently and then rinse with warm water. Immediately after that, we finish water treatments so as not to wash off the oil.

Esters will enhance the moisturizing effect, but even without them, after using such a scrub, body cream can not be used - cocoa butter good moisturizer by itself.

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Coffee scrub at home: recipe # 2 to nourish the skin

  1. Combine 2 tbsp. coffee grounds with the same amount of heavy cream. It is better not to use 10%, since they are of no use to in this case will be a little.
  2. Stir until smooth and warm up a little, you need the mixture to be warmer than the skin.

Apply it on the steamed body with massage movements, leave it for 1-2 minutes, rinse it off and, if necessary, apply a moisturizing cosmetic product.

Such a creamy coffee scrub will become an indispensable tool in the fight against dry skin in cold weather.

Coffee scrub for suntan

In all fairness, this is more of a mask than an exfoliant, so we prepare in advance that it will take longer to hold the composition on the skin than a regular peeling.

Whichever of the options below we do not choose, the coffee must be selected very finely or be made as such by yourself in the mill.

It is best to apply a tanning mask to skin that has been pretreated with a coffee scrub. By exfoliating the keratinized particles of the epidermis, we will get a smoother and slightly richer tone after the procedure.

Of course, there will not be such a bright shade as from self-tanning, but a light golden color is guaranteed. This is especially true in spring, when many young ladies suffer from too “faded” complexion and body during the winter.

Well, as a bonus, a wonderful refreshing and tonic effect is guaranteed.

Homemade tanning scrub: recipe # 1

  1. Combine cocoa powder and coffee in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each), mix and fill with warm water to get the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Apply the mask evenly, last but not least on the knees and elbows.

Leave the beneficial tanning mask on the body for at least 5 minutes, then rinse it off and immediately apply a light lotion.

In contrast to classic scrubbing, such a procedure can be carried out every 3-4 days to achieve a more persistent coloring effect.

Coffee scrub for suntan: recipe # 2

Designed for owners of dry, dehydrated skin.

  1. 3-4 tablespoons We bring the coffee grounds with olive oil to the consistency of sour cream and apply with gentle massage movements to the whole body, previously treated with a peeling or washcloth.
  2. We keep it for 8 to 10 minutes.

Since the composition contains oil, this mask will not cause discomfort, on the contrary, the skin after it will become soft and tender. Before rinsing off the coffee suntan scrub, massage the body with it again.

We rinse ourselves with cool water and, without applying any moisturizers after a shower, dress calmly. The olive oil is already moisturizing well.

We will use a proven product to provide truly royal care for your feet and prepare a scrub based on grounds, honey and mint oil.

Coffee foot scrub

The combination of menthol coolness, the nutritional properties of honey and exfoliant coffee will give the legs a great look, and they will return to you well-being and ease after a day in heels.

We process both legs in this way, then hold the scrub for another minute and rinse with warm water. Finally, moisturize the skin with a cream.

In addition to toning in the form of a drink, coffee is used to tighten, strengthen, saturate the skin as a scrub. Sleeping coffee grounds are suitable for peeling, which will saturate the epidermis with oils, improve color and help in the fight against cellulite. A scrub based on it is an affordable home remedy.

The benefits of a coffee scrub

Ground remedies are very helpful. They provide:

  1. Elimination of toxins from the body - coffee has active contributing to this organic matter.
  2. Absolute harmlessness and safety - it can be used even during pregnancy to keep the skin of the face and body in good shape.
  3. Risk reduction skin diseases- caffeine in the form of a wrap prevents the development of malignant tumors.
  4. Cleansing, rejuvenating, exfoliating, smoothing - ground coffee beans have antibacterial properties and fight certain types of bacteria.
  5. Fight against fatty deposits, cellulite - means relieve puffiness, improve blood circulation.
  6. Immediate effect - after just one application of the peeling, the skin becomes taut, healthy, and acquires a slight tanning shade.
  7. Increasing the effectiveness of other products - if you apply anti-cellulite creams or lotions after the scrub, this will enhance their effect.

How to make a coffee scrub at home

To make a coffee scrub, take good coffee... Cooking conditions:

  1. As a basis, they take coffee of the Arabica or Robusta varieties - ready-made ground or for self-grinding.
  2. An alternative to ground coffee is the coffee grounds after brewing.
  3. To enhance the main ingredient, you can add honey, sour cream, yogurt, sea salt, essential oils.
  4. Mix the ingredients on the scrub exactly once. If they need to be stored, then the dry components are poured into a plastic bag, tightly closing to prevent moisture from entering. The scrub is stored in a dry place.


Homemade coffee grounds scrub with an anti-cellulite effect is easy to prepare. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Mix thoroughly 2 tbsp. l. coffee, 2 tbsp. fine sea salt (if the skin is sensitive - replace with sugar), 3-4 tbsp. kefir.
  2. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil and 1 tsp to the mixture. oils grape seed.
  3. Apply the mass evenly to problem areas (thighs, abdomen), rub in, do a gentle massage for 10 minutes (until redness). Try to use circular motions to avoid scratching your skin.
  4. Wash off the mass with warm water, pat dry with a towel.
  5. To enhance the effect, apply an anti-cellulite lotion.

Stretch marks

To get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen and thighs, take a coffee scrub with yogurt. How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix 3-4 tbsp. yogurt or heavy cream with 2-3 tbsp. coffee grounds.
  2. Apply the scrub to the body, rub with light massage movements, paying attention to problem areas.
  3. Wash off the mass with warm water, do not dry off with a towel, wait until it dries naturally.

With the effect of depilation

To get rid of uneven sunburn or make your skin smoother without extra hair, you need a coffee scrub with a depilatory effect. How to prepare it:

  1. Combine 2 tbsp. thick, 2 tbsp. cosmetic blue clay, 1 tbsp. grape seed oil, 3-4 tablespoons apple juice (cucumber, strawberry, cherry, lemon, tomato, cranberry are also suitable).
  2. If the peel is too thick, you can add warm water.
  3. Apply the mass to the body, massage, leave for 15–20 minutes, rinse under the shower.

For cleansing the skin of the face

A homemade coffee scrub can also be done for your face. Preparation of a cosmetic product:

  1. Combine 1 tsp each. freshly brewed grounds, honey, sour cream, add well beaten a raw egg.
  2. Apply to cleansed, steamed face, neck, décolleté, massage, leave for 20 minutes (it is better to lie down for this time).
  3. Wash off big amount water. Apply a nourishing cream.

In order for the effect of a scrub based on coffee grounds to last for a long time, you must follow the recommendations for its use. Helpful rules:

  1. The scrub is applied with wet fingers to damp skin. This will help prevent injury and hypersensitivity... The sensations during the massage should be enjoyable - no need to rub until it hurts.
  2. After a light massage, the product can act as a mask. To do this, you need to leave it on the skin for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  3. To enhance the lifting effect, wash under a contrast shower.
  4. Use the products 1-2 times a week. This speeds up the renewal of skin cells. For oily skin, scrubs are done at least every day.
  5. You can use the scrub without restrictions. The only contraindication is component intolerance.


Home coffee body scrub is inexpensive, but very effective method make the skin velvety, soft and supple. And if you carry out such a spa procedure regularly and with the addition of secret ingredients (which will be discussed later), you can help your body get rid of stretch marks, cellulite and create a graceful silhouette. Are you interested? Then read on!

The benefits of a coffee body scrub

Homemade coffee grounds scrub was a godsend for me. Now, not a single trip to the shower is complete without such a salon procedure as scrubbing. Small particles of ground coffee gently massage the body, leaving a pleasant invigorating scent in the bathroom. One can argue for a long time about the benefits and dangers of coffee taken internally, but the fact that my skin after a wonderful home remedy becomes tender and elastic - this is a fact.

Among the manufacturers of scrubs, Mulsan cosmetic can be distinguished. This is a Krasnodar company that produces exclusively natural cosmetics without sulfates, silicones and parabens. Their Coffee - Break Scrab body scrub contains coffee beans, grape seed oil, cosmetic clay and rosemary extract. It is suitable for any skin, removes toxins, tightens pores, deeply cleanses, removes flaking and redness.

The price in terms of the dollar equivalent is about $ 9 for a 250 ml jar (by the way, many natural analogues cost $ 17-20). You will have to spend the same amount if you buy all the ingredients. good quality and do a scrub at home. You can order a scrub only in the official online store. Nice bonus - free shipping across Russia.

What is the use of a coffee body scrub at home?

1. First, thanks to fatty acids and vitamin E, coffee is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from negative impact environment, prevents photoaging.

An interesting study has been done in Japan. 400 women have long used a cream with oil extract from coffee beans. As a result, they not only improved their skin condition, but even reduced wrinkles.

2. Secondly, the oil, which is contained in Arabica coffee beans, more than one and a half times increases the production of elastin and almost two times - collagen in human skin.

3. Thirdly, stearins help products based on coffee oil to retain moisture inside the skin and ensure its elasticity, and caffeine helps to repair various damage.

4. Fourthly, rubbing the steamed skin after taking a bath or shower, you thereby increase blood circulation and start the processes of breaking down hated cellulite. And any moisturizer, anti-cellulite or nourishing cream will work much more effectively.

5. Fifth, by using a coffee body scrub at home, you will notice a burst of energy and improved mood every time. The aroma of coffee itself makes you wake up and invigorate. And the massage movements, which are accompanied by the application of the scrub, will give an additional anti-cellulite effect.

How to make your own coffee scrub

Homemade coffee grounds scrub is very simple to prepare. The better the coffee you take, the better the effect will be.

Some, of course, use ground coffee left over from their morning cup. invigorating drink... But I prefer freshly ground Arabica beans.

The undoubted advantages of a coffee grounds scrub at home are ease of use and low price. Without visiting expensive salon procedures You will help the skin to renew itself, become velvety and smooth in an instant.

Scrubs are widely used in cosmetology as face and body care products. What is a face scrub for? It is so arranged by nature that periodically the cells of the upper layer of the skin die off and they must be removed so that the face looks fresh, smooth and well-groomed. The active ingredients in the scrub are small solid particles that work like a brush, cleansing the face of dead skin cells. Ground coffee beans are ideal as such particles, and a scrub from them is very easy to prepare at home.

Features and benefits of coffee peeling cream:

  1. Coffee contains antioxidants that remove toxic substances from the body.
  2. Caffeine stimulates blood microcirculation, giving the skin a healthy complexion;
  3. Deeply cleanses the skin.
  4. Stimulates cellular metabolism.
  5. Helps get rid of acne, blackheads and blackheads.
  6. Smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates.
  7. Gives the skin a light golden tint, thereby protecting it from ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Has a tonic effect.
  9. Leaves the skin supple and firm.
  10. Refreshes and relieves fatigue.

Attention! Coffee scrubs are contraindicated for serious skin conditions.

Facial Cleansing Coffee Cream Recipes

There are many a variety of recipes scrub based on pure coffee, with and without adding additional ingredients. Coffee for a scrub must be natural, without chemical additives... In no case should you use instant coffee, it will only hurt the skin. Let's consider a wide range of coffee scrubs in more detail.

Important! Coffee must be ground into very small particles so as not to damage the skin.

Morning coffee ritual

One of the simplest and interesting recipes coffee scrub, allows you to turn the whole procedure into a fascinating invigorating ritual that energizes and cheers up in the morning. For preparation, brew a coffee drink from ground coffee and enjoy it slowly. Apply the remaining thickening to the face and rub in with gentle circular movements, rinse with warm water.

Scrub + nutrition for dry skin

Sour cream or kefir will act as a nutritional component in this recipe. For preparation, coffee grounds are mixed with fermented milk product... The drier the skin, the more nourishing component in the mixture.

Coffee-salt mixture

This recipe is great for dry, constantly flaky skin. For the mixture you will need:

  • coffee grounds;
  • salt 5-10 g;
  • sugar 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon 8 g;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon.

Mix the moist coffee grounds with the rest of the ingredients until smooth.

Almond peeling

A recipe based on almond oil perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities and eliminates unhealthy yellowness. Suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

Mix 40 grams of coffee with 100 grams of almond oil and a pinch of brown sugar.

Cleansing cream for oily skin

You will need:

  • sour milk 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wet coffee grounds.

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Important! Use only cooled coffee grounds, otherwise you may burn your skin.

Double effect

Mix for double effect is prepared on the basis of oatmeal. The fiber it contains, like coffee, cleanses the skin of dead particles and also helps heal acne and get rid of blackheads. To prepare coffee grounds, combine with a tablespoon of sour cream and ground oatmeal.

The mask is great for sensitive and oily skin.

Honey recipe

You will need:

  • olive oil 5 g;
  • honey 15 g;
  • clay 20 g;
  • ground coffee 20 g.

Pour coffee into the clay, mix and pour boiling water until a homogeneous thick mixture is formed. Add honey and olive oil to the mixture.

Coffee ice

Brew a cup of coffee and pour it into an ice cube tray with the grounds. Freeze. Wipe your face with ready-made cubes every morning. The toning and scrubbing effect is guaranteed.

Flour scrub with a smoothing effect

You will need:

  • rye flour 25 g;
  • strong brewed coffee 1 glass.

Cool coffee to a comfortable temperature and sift flour to it. If the mixture is too runny, add a little more than the recipe says.

Apple and coffee peeling

The recipe is great for oily skin, for cooking take applesauce and mix with damp coffee grounds.

Egg scrub

You will need:

  • thick from under the drunk coffee;
  • honey 35 g;
  • sour cream 25 g;
  • egg yolk 1 pc.

Stir the egg with a fork and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Perfectly smoothes wrinkles, tones the skin and normalizes the complexion.

Carefully! A coffee scrub can act as a light self-tanner.

Coffee + shower gel

The name of the recipe speaks for itself, we combine the components and the mixture is ready.

Orange mix

You will need:

  • ground coffee 7 g;
  • orange peel;
  • yogurt 2 tsp;
  • sugar 10 g

Chop the orange peel and mix with coffee and sugar, add yogurt.

Great for problem skin, it helps to get rid of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

Curd coffee peeling

Combine a tablespoon of coffee brew with the same amount of fatty cottage cheese. Rub with a fork or turn in a blender until smooth.

Rice mixture

You will need:

  • rice flour 60 g;
  • ground coffee 60g;
  • some curdled milk or milk.

Combine dry ingredients and, if you have dry skin, add milk, if oily, add curdled milk. The mixture prepared according to this recipe perfectly normalizes water-salt balance skin.

Scrub rules

In order not to inadvertently harm your skin, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Do not carry out the procedure on wounded skin.
  2. Do not use a very hot mixture.
  3. Do not use a scrub with large particles.
  4. Test the prepared wrist scrub before use. This will ensure that the mixture does not irritate you.

How to cleanse properly:

The following tips will help you achieve high efficiency:

  1. Only apply the mixture to clean skin.
  2. Before the procedure, it is recommended to pre-expand the face so that the pores expand and it is easier to remove toxins and toxins.
  3. Apply the scrub with light massaging movements. Do this for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Avoid the under-eye area during the procedure.
  5. Keep the scrubbing mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wash yourself with warm water.

Important! Before using a coffee scrub, make sure you are not allergic to coffee.

For a permanent effect, cleansing manipulations must be carried out regularly, but not more often 2-3 times a week.

I would like to note that coffee scrubs can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body: décolleté, neck, back, legs. In addition, coffee blends perfectly help to get rid of cellulite and prevent baldness, restore hair structure. So feel free to use all the recipes for a comprehensive body care. The main thing is to pick up the right amount ingredients.

Cosmetologists refer to the use of coffee for home peels as light, dry exfoliation. The process of cleansing the skin with the removal of the surface layer of keratinized cells is necessary for the epidermis for renewal, full regeneration. Despite the fact that it is impossible to achieve an effect similar to a salon chemical peeling at home, thanks to the coffee scrub, a completely decent result is provided. Indeed, unlike most home mechanical peels that exclusively polish the epidermis, coffee works in a fundamentally different way.

Features of the effect on the skin

In the composition of coffee, there are more than a thousand active components, the lion's share of which are essential oils. Practical value they do not have for home cosmetology, in contrast to the two most important elements, which are important to tell in more detail. The fruits of plants of the genera Arabica and Robusta contain polyphenols and antioxidants.

  • Polyphenols. Or flavanoids - substances vegetable origin, received by a person exclusively from external sources. Their effects on the body are varied. The coffee drink is especially rich in chlorogenic acid, which has a tonic effect on the skin, improves vascular permeability, and reduces their pronounced fragility. The most important aspect the effects of chlorogenic acid - to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which prevents early aging.
  • Antioxidants Modern science considers these compounds to be the main enemies of aging in the body. Antioxidants are free radical antagonists. The latter are the result of oxidative processes in cells. Free radicals cause pathological changes in tissues, leading to a decrease in their tone, quality and intensity of regeneration processes, the formation of irreversible, pathological processes. Antioxidants block the work of free radicals, preventing these negative phenomena. When exposed to the skin, the substances contained in coffee maintain its youth and health.

Also coffee contains enzymes, tannins, high concentrations fatty acids... Such a composition improves metabolic processes in tissues, reduces the production of sebum, deeply nourishes skin... Natural coloring agents provide lung effect self-tanning after using a face scrub with coffee grounds.

Subtleties of use

Your favorite drink will benefit your skin if you use it correctly. Cosmetologists give several recommendations on the choice of a product and its application.

  • Use quality coffee ... The difference between an expensive and a cheap drink is the quality of the raw material. It also matters for cosmetic procedures... In cheap second-class coffee, the content of active elements is one and a half to two times lower than in first-class raw materials. The varieties of Indian production are of low quality.
  • Do not use fresh powder... It is believed that the more effective the products are, the fresher the coffee. Accordingly, it is better to use freshly chopped raw materials for masks, scrubs. Cosmetologists warn of the dangers of this judgment. Freshly ground coffee particles have irregular shape, sharp edge. They will scratch the epidermis as you scrub, rather than gently exfoliate it. To make a safe coffee facial scrub at home, use only the thick of the drink, brewed without sugar.
  • Don't exfoliate often. Natural ingredients act less actively than chemical agents, but you should not overdo it with them. Cosmetologists advise to carry out the mechanical peeling procedure no more than once a week. In this case, the removal of the upper skin will be carried out in a fuming way, and the epidermis will respond with healthy regeneration. With more frequent peeling, the skin begins to actively reproduce cells, which leads to the development of epidermal seals, especially in areas of excessive resurfacing.
  • Apply the composition to steamed skin... Its action will be more effective. During the steaming period, the upper layer of the epidermis softens, which allows the peeling particles to more efficiently remove dead cells. From open pores greasy plugs, dirt are removed. When applied to steamed skin, a ground coffee face scrub qualitatively helps from blackheads, relieves the severity of inflammation, removes traces of acne and other defects from the surface of the epidermis.

The attractiveness of using coffee in home mechanical peeling procedures lies in its two-level effect. The first level is mechanical resurfacing, gentle exfoliation of cells by means of swollen, smooth granules. The second level is the biologically active effect of caffeine.

The natural component provides vasodilation of the treated area, improves blood circulation. Due to the acceleration of metabolism, slags and excess moisture are efficiently removed. Peeling with coffee relieves swelling, tones the skin, ensures its rejuvenation and smoothing of wrinkles.

Coffee face scrub recipes

Making a simple scrubbing compound at home is very simple. How to make a face scrub with coffee is advised by Tiina Orasmäe-Meder, a doctor-expert of the European Parliament for cosmetic safety, president of the Meder center for aesthetic cosmetology.

“After drinking ground coffee, do not throw away the grounds,” recommends Tiina Orasmäe-Meder. - A product from both a Turkish and a coffee machine will do. Place the remaining grounds in a special container and close it well with a lid. Once a week, this mass will become the basis for a wonderful scrub. Its swollen particles will perfectly cleanse, exfoliate the skin without injuring it. "

The technique of applying the product to the face includes several stages.

The final stage of care will be daily nutrition and skin moisturizing procedures. Apply the toning compound on it, beat it in with light patting movements. Apply a night cream without waiting for complete absorption.

Other natural ingredients will help you diversify and enrich your recipe for a coffee grounds face scrub.

Moisturizing with natural oil

The composition is suitable for oily, combination and normal epidermis. And can be used as an essential part of weekly care in winter time... Coffee grounds activate the renewal processes in the skin, and natural oil will moisturize it, nourish it, make it soft and radiant.


  1. Place the coffee grounds in the container. Use three tablespoons.
  2. Mix the product with natural oil... An olive, from grape seeds, almonds or wheat germ in the amount of one tablespoon will suit you.
  3. Add brown sugar. A tablespoon is enough.

The brown sugar dictates the texture of the product, so the amount can be controlled by adding a little more or less. It is necessary to rub in the composition with gentle, circular movements. Leave it on your face for ten minutes after the massage.

Nutritious with sour cream

Dry skin care requires the use of delicate scrubbers. This will become complex remedy from coffee and sour cream, which will not create a feeling of discomfort in girls with sensitive epidermis, prone to irritation. The product provides gentle exfoliation and nourishment of the skin.


  1. Place the coffee grounds in the container. A teaspoon is required.
  2. Combine the sour cream and olive oil. Use a teaspoon of nutritional ingredients.
  3. Place the composition on water bath, warm up to a comfortable temperature.

Apply to face, gently massage over the massage lines and leave on for fifteen minutes. The scrub will clean up dry and damaged skin.

Clay Cleansing

The scrubbing coffee composition qualitatively cleanses the pores. Natural clay will help make cleaning more productive. It removes toxins from the pores, tones the skin. We recommend performing the procedure for oily and normal skin types, using blue, green, black clay.


  1. Prepare the clay mixture: Mix dry powder with the same volume of water. For the product, you will need a teaspoon of the finished gruel.
  2. Add a teaspoon of coffee grounds, mix.

Apply to skin, massage lightly along the main lines. You can remove the composition immediately or after fifteen minutes. In the latter case, it will provide a noticeable anti-seborrheic, matting effect. Add a tablespoon of full-fat milk to the formula as a nourishing agent for depleted skin.

Antiacne with honey

With oily, skin problem, cosmetologists recommend including a natural antiseptic - honey in the formulations. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps relieve redness, and prevents the development of acne and acne. According to reviews, the coffee and honey face scrub is a full-fledged peeling and protective complex that normalizes the work of the problematic epidermis.


  1. Heat a tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix in the same amount of coffee grounds.
  3. Add finely ground cinnamon. Half a teaspoon is enough.
  4. Enrich the mixture with half a spoonful of brown sugar.

If the composition is too thick, melt it in a water bath or add a tablespoon of alkaline mineral water... Apply to face, massage and leave as a mask for fifteen minutes. Removing it, you will notice an improvement in complexion, within a few hours the severity of inflammation will decrease.

Toning with orange

Fruit acid formulations are suitable for all skin types. Acids of citrus fruits - oranges, tangerines - have a sparing effect. They are used in peels for dry and normal epidermis. For fatty ones, you can substitute lemon for these ingredients. Citrus fruits are squeezed out of juice, which effectively works on the surface of the skin, removing impurities and dead cells, or use dried zest, rich in essential oils... The product ideally tones the skin, saturates them with vitamins.


  1. Place the coffee grounds in the container. Use a tablespoon.
  2. Grind dried orange zest into powder, mix with coffee.
  3. Add a tablespoon of low-fat yogurt.

Apply the scrubber to the face, massage it lightly, and leave it on the skin for fifteen minutes. This composition is suitable for tired epidermis, which needs high-quality hydration, saturation with vitamins and gentle cleansing.

Enjoy making a coffee facial scrub at home! This product will help you solve the problem of neat and gentle cleansing of the skin with the available ingredients. And it will allow you to provide proper care for oily, dry and sensitive epidermis thanks to its combination with additional home ingredients: honey, sour cream, yogurt, clay. Follow the advice of beauticians on how to prepare safe cosmetics, and keep a supply of valuable coffee grounds close at hand.

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