Home Grape The most delicious lamb skewers. Classic marinade recipes to keep the meat soft. Lamb skewers: how to marinate meat

The most delicious lamb skewers. Classic marinade recipes to keep the meat soft. Lamb skewers: how to marinate meat

Spring is coming, and soon sunny, fine days will call us to spend more time outdoors. fresh air, in cheerful company. And in this case, what could be better than a ruddy fragrant shish kebab? We will tell you a few great recipes lamb kebab marinade to make it juicy and tasty.

Vinegar Marinade Secrets

As you know, lamb is a special meat, quite difficult to process. It can be harsh, wiry, and many consider its smell to be specific. Therefore, it is customary to marinate lamb in a marinade based on acidic products in order to get rid of unpleasant features.

The main secret of pickling lamb is the high acidity of the marinade. Therefore, vinegar is considered the simplest, and at the same time common product. Acetic acid softens tough meat, making it tender. During the preparation of the marinade, it is very important to maintain the proportions indicated in the recipe, otherwise the meat may turn out sour.

Meat in vinegar marinade

For half a kilogram of lamb you will need the following products:

  • bulbs of medium size - 2 pcs;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • vinegar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil- 1 tablespoon;
  • to taste pepper, salt, Bay leaf.

This marinade is very easy to make. Take a deep bowl, put the chopped meat in it, add the onion, cut into rings. Pour in lemon juice, oil and vinegar. Mix thoroughly, sprinkle with salt, pepper, add bay leaf and leave to marinate.

Please note: it is very important to cut the meat for barbecue correctly. Pieces that are too small will take more of the marinade than they need and will be dry and tough after frying. large pieces won't be completely soaked and may not be fully baked: they'll be browned on the outside and raw on the inside.

If you leave the lamb in the vinegar marinade to infuse at room temperature, then the meat will be ready in just 2-3 hours. But it is better to prepare in advance, and keep the workpiece in the refrigerator for about 6 hours, so the meat will be soaked more evenly. Do not forget to mix the pieces of lamb with the marinade every hour.

Lamb shashlik in kefir

Kefir marinade will help make the meat tender and savory. It's great if vinegar doesn't seem right to you. the best option. For example, for children, barbecue in such a marinade is the most suitable recipe.

We offer you 3 options for kefir marinade recipes.

For the first recipe you will need:

  • lamb - 3 kg;
  • kefir - 3 cups;
  • medium-sized bulbs - 3 pieces;
  • basil, dill, parsley, mint - to taste.

Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Finely chop the dill and parsley, and tear the mint and basil with your hands. Put everything in a deep bowl, mix evenly and pour in the kefir. Pour the meat with this marinade and leave for about 3-4 hours.

Lamb marinated on kefir

In order to prepare the marinade according to the second recipe, take:

  • lamb - 3-4 kg;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • bulbs - 4 pcs;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Place the peeled and chopped onion in a bowl, add pepper and salt to the same place. Mix thoroughly so that the onion releases juice, and then pour in the oil and kefir. Stir again and pour the marinade over the meat.

The third type of marinade:

  • lamb 3 kg;
  • kefir - 1 liter;
  • onion - 500 grams;
  • hops-suneli seasoning - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste.

Pour onion, salt, pepper and seasoning, cut into half rings with kefir and mix thoroughly. In this marinade, you need to withstand the meat for about 3-4 hours.

Kefir and yogurt for a savory, spicy marinade

The peculiarity of the previous recipes with kefir is that salt can be added not to the marinade, but right before you string the meat on a skewer. And the following recipe will help you prepare a spicy spicy kebab. Take these products:

  • lamb - 1.5 kg (try to take soft, young meat);
  • kefir - 500 ml (fat content 3.2%);
  • onions - 5-7 pieces;
  • powdered sugar - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cool the lamb, cut, rinse and place in a bowl. Start preparing the marinade.

  1. Finely chop half of the onion. If possible, it is better to grate on a coarse grater. Add the onion to the meat, pepper and salt.
  2. Pour kefir into the bowl with lamb. The meat should be well saturated with them, but not drown. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, mix well again.
  3. Chop the remaining onions into rings and place on top of the meat. Cover the bowl with a lid and refrigerate for 10 hours.

The next marinade is prepared on the basis of yogurt. Spicy, so important for meat, seasonings will give it. You will need:

  • lamb - 1 kg;
  • yogurt - 0.5 l;
  • marjoram - 3 pcs;
  • paprika - 1 tablespoon;
  • bulbs - 2 pcs;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • rosemary - 3 pcs.

Meat in yoghurt marinade

Cut the meat into cubes with sides of at least 3 cm - the most optimal size. Finely chop the onion, garlic, rosemary, marjoram and chili pepper (you can use ground pepper). Mix thoroughly with meat, pouring everything with yogurt. It is enough for such a marinade to brew for about 3 hours at room temperature.

Soy sauce and wine are a great option for meat

Due to the optimal acid content, soy sauce is excellent for marinating meat, especially lamb. This one is absolutely natural product obtained by fermenting soybeans, and the monosodium glutamate contained in it will save lamb from its specific smell. Salt in such a marinade does not need to be added, it is enough in the sauce itself.

For 1 kilogram of meat you will need the following products:

  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • spices to taste: basil, pepper, tarragon (tarragon) and others.

Finely chop or grate the garlic, mix it with the sauce, lemon juice and spices until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Pour the chopped meat with the resulting marinade so that it is covered evenly. Leave for 3-4 hours.

Wine contains a large number of various natural acids - malic, succinic, acetic, lactic and citric, in the proportions necessary for the body. Therefore, wine has been used for centuries to marinate meat, especially lamb. Dry red wine is considered the most suitable, as it gives the meat tart taste.

Wine is very popular as a meat marinade.

For one and a half kilograms of lamb you will need:

  • 1 glass of red wine;
  • 4-6 medium bulbs;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

Cut the meat, put it in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and spices and leave to infuse for half an hour.

Cut the onion into rings and add to the meat. Pour in the wine so that it does not cover the top of the meat. Otherwise, it is better to drain a small part. Do not mix the onion with the meat, let it remain on top.

Cover the bowl with a lid and place in the refrigerator. By morning, the kebab will be completely marinated. If you leave it at room temperature, the marinating time will be reduced to 4 hours.

Fruit at your service: lamb in kiwi and orange

Kiwi, due to the content of natural acids, is also perfect for marinating meat. Moreover, this fruit will come in handy if your lamb is old and tough: kiwi will make the meat very soft, as if from a young lamb.

Please note: kiwi contains substances that break down animal protein. Do not use too much kiwi so that the marinated meat does not turn into a pate. Optimal quantity- 1 medium-sized fruit per 1 kg of meat.

Cut the lamb, mix it with salt and spices to taste. Grind 2-3 onions in a blender or meat grinder along with peeled and chopped lemon. Mix this mass with meat and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Try marinating meat for barbecue in kiwi

The main ingredient - kiwi - must be added to the marinade no later than 2 hours before frying the barbecue. Therefore, when the meat is infused, grind the kiwi pulp with a blender, meat grinder or grater, and mix this puree with pickled lamb. The kebab will be ready for frying just in time for the moment when the coals of the fire reach the desired condition.

Orange marinade will not only make the meat juicy and soft, but also give it an unusual flavor. Such a barbecue is a little different from the usual one, but it will surely win your love.

Take these products:

  • 1 kg lamb;
  • 1 liter of orange juice;
  • 2/3 cup orange liqueur;
  • 1 pod green pepper Chile;
  • 100 g of coriander seeds;
  • 6 oranges;
  • Fresh cilantro for garnish.

For this barbecue, take young lean lamb. Cooking takes time and patience.

Shish kebab in orange marinade

  1. Put the chopped meat in a deep bowl. Rub it with chopped coriander. Pour in liqueur and orange juice.
  2. Grind chili pepper, add to meat. Send peeled and sliced ​​​​oranges there. Cover the dish with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Stir every 3 hours.
  3. After the time has passed, remove the lamb from the marinade. Thread the meat on skewers in turn with orange slices. Place them on the grill or coals for frying.
  4. While the skewers are cooking, prepare the sauce from the marinade. Put the pan on the fire and boil until the liquid becomes sticky, but not thick. Pour the prepared kebab with this sauce and garnish with fresh cilantro.

Kebab on mineral water and mayonnaise - the most common options

Mineral water is a very popular base for marinade. It is not only inexpensive, but also quite simple to prepare. All you need for this barbecue is:

  • 3 kg of lamb (it is desirable to take meat from a ham);
  • 500 ml carbonated mineral water;
  • 2 medium sized lemons;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 300 g of rye bread;
  • pepper, salt, spices - to choose from to taste.

Rinse the lamb thoroughly and cut the meat into small pieces. Be sure to cut across the fibers. Transfer to a deep bowl, sprinkle with chopped onion half rings, slightly crush. Place the sliced ​​tomatoes in there as well. Leave for a while.

Take another bowl, put in it cut into small pieces Rye bread. Cut the lemons into 2 parts and squeeze their juice onto slices of bread. Fill with carbonated mineral water. Stir and add to bowl with meat. Salt, season with pepper and spices. Stir and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 6 hours. Such a marinade will soften the meat to the desired consistency without disturbing its structure.

Mayonnaise, like mineral water, is very popular as a base for marinade. You will need:

  • 2 kg lamb;
  • 6 bulbs;
  • 200 g of mayonnaise;
  • 200 g mustard;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

One of the most fragrant and delicious species kebab, lamb kebab, probably not by hearsay familiar to many. When properly cooked, this kebab is incredibly juicy, and the appetizing aroma of fresh, well-charred lamb cannot be compared or confused with any other type of meat kebab. Today we will try to figure out how to cook lamb skewers.

As with any other type of kebab, there are an endless number of options and ways to prepare lamb kebab. Starting with the simplest fresh piece of lamb neck, only lightly sprinkled coarse salt, yes fried over coals, and ending with kebabs with the most unusual marinades, complex sauces and exquisite spices. Classic Recipes suggest us to marinate meat in onion and lemon juice, others insist on the indispensable use of dry wine and mint in the marinade, exotic recipes advise not to forget about tandoori and tiriyaki. And spices that are perfectly suitable and perfectly shading the taste of lamb can not be counted at all. One way or another, but do not forget that the preparation of the marinade is one of the most important preparatory processes in the preparation of lamb skewers. It is on how and from what your marinade is prepared that the final taste of the finished barbecue, the softness of the meat, its juiciness, and aroma largely depend.

Of course, like any other truly folk dish, lamb kebab loves and appreciates the manifestation of your culinary imagination. And yet, cooking barbecue has its own characteristics, its secrets and mysteries, the knowledge of which will not only help you cook delicious barbecue from lamb, but also prompt the right direction for the application of your imagination, experience and abilities.

Today "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded for you the most important tips and secrets that are sure to help even those who take up cooking this dish for the first time. Recipes and little tricks that will easily explain even novice cooks how to cook lamb skewers.

1. Cooking lamb skewers begins, of course, with the choice of meat. by the most the best choice Not without reason, tender meat of dairy lamb is considered to be up to 2 months old. However, it will be possible to enjoy such meat only in early spring. The rest of the time, you should pay attention to the meat of young lambs up to one year old. Such meat is distinguished by a red tint and white, elastic fat. The meat of older animals, which differs more dark color, yellow fat, stiffness and sinewiness, not very well suited for barbecue. Don't forget to smell the lamb meat when choosing. Good fresh meat has a sweetish, pleasant smell. Any unpleasant shades of smell, and even more so the smell of stale meat and fat, will tell you that it is better to refuse such a purchase. Do not forget about the specific smell of lamb fat. If you are not a big fan of this flavor, try to choose a leaner part of the carcass or cut off the excess fat with a knife.

2. Charcoal from cherry, linden or birch firewood is best suited for lamb skewers. You can buy ready-made coals in the store or burn them yourself in a separate fire. Whatever coals you use, make sure they are fully heated before you start to brown the meat. Properly hot coals burn evenly over their entire surface with an even reddish heat and are only slightly covered with a thin layer of white ash. In no case do not start frying the kebab until all the tongues of the open flame go out! If an open flame breaks out already during frying, extinguish it by sprinkling not big amount water or wine.

3. During frying, do not forget to regularly turn the skewers with your kebab over the coals. This will allow the meat to fry evenly, create an appetizing crust over the entire surface of the kebab pieces and prevent your kebab from burning. If, contrary to expectations, in some places the meat began to burn or dried out too much, just grease the damaged places with a small amount of marinade or sauce. Regular sprinkling of roasting kebabs with marinade or dry wine will surely protect your dish from drying out, keep the meat tender and juicy inside, and also prevent it from appearing. open languages flames on your coals.

4. Let's try to cook the simplest lamb skewers. One kilogram of meat of the dorsal part of the lamb carcass chop into pieces 4 by 4 cm. Cut four large onions into thin rings, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of coarse salt and lightly remember with your fingers until juice appears. Put the pieces of meat in a marinating bowl, add the prepared onion, 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds or 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green cilantro. Mix everything thoroughly, sprinkle with the juice of ½ lemon, mix again and carefully remember with your hands, trying to make the lemon and onion juice as evenly distributed over the meat as possible. Press down your kebab on top with a small weight, such as a plate with a jar of water placed on it, and leave to marinate in a cool place for six hours. Put a well-marinated kebab on skewers, alternating pieces of meat with onion slices, and fry over coals for 20 minutes until cooked.

5. It's no more difficult to cook a delicious karski shish kebab. Cut one kilogram of lamb into portions. 150 gr. fat tail fat cut into thin slices. Put the meat and fat in a marinating bowl, add 3 finely chopped onions, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of green cilantro, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint greens, salt and red pepper to taste. Then add the juice of ½ lemon and 50 ml. cognac. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate in a cool place for 6-8 hours. String the finished pieces of meat on skewers, alternating with slices of tail fat, and fry over coals until tender. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

6. Shish kebab marinated with yogurt turns out to be very tender and juicy. Cut two kilograms of lamb into portions and put in a marinating bowl. Add 4 sliced ​​onions, 1 teaspoon of coarse salt and knead thoroughly with your hands until the onions give juice. Add 50 gr. to meat with onions. finely chopped mint and basil and 1 teaspoon black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly, then add 200 ml. natural yogurt and 100 ml. dry white wine. Stir again and leave to marinate in a cool place for 6 to 8 hours. Thread the pieces of meat on skewers, alternating with slices of onion, and fry over coals until tender.

7. Unusually tasty and refined is lamb loin shish kebab. Chop one kilogram of loin into portions so that each piece has a rib. In a mortar or blender, grind 2 cloves of garlic, 2 sprigs of rosemary and salt to taste. Put the meat in a marinating bowl, add the garlic-rosemary paste and 5 tbsp. tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly, set a small weight and leave in a cool place for 12 hours to marinate. Do not add any acids to your marinade! Good unrefined olive oil contains enough enzymes to tenderize meat. Put the prepared pieces of meat on skewers and fry over coals until tender. But before serving, you can sprinkle your barbecue with a small amount of fresh lemon juice and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. And do not forget about a glass of good dry wine, oddly enough, but white wine is perfect for this barbecue.

8. Avar barbecue should be prepared only from the meat of young lambs up to two months old. The beauty of this kebab is in the amazing combination of tender hot meat with fragrant garlic sauce. Prepare the sauce ahead of time. Combine five cloves of garlic with 10 almond kernels and grind in a mortar until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fresh crumbs wheat bread and one raw yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add ½ cup of olive oil, constantly rubbing and stirring. In the finished sauce, add the juice of ½ lemon, salt and pepper to taste, mix again gently. Keep the sauce in the refrigerator for up to a day! Chop one kilogram of fresh lamb into small pieces and string on skewers, alternating with circles of fresh onions. Grill over charcoal until tender, remove from skewer to a plate, drizzle with pre-prepared sauce and serve immediately.

9. Original Georgian recipe lamb kebab involves the use of not only meat, but also offal (liver, kidney, lung). This allows you to convey to your barbecue the fullness of the taste and aroma of lamb. For 800 gr. meat take 200 - 300 gr. any offal. Chop the meat and offal into portions and place in a marinating bowl. Add five diced onions, one finely chopped spicy pepper without seeds, 50 gr. finely chopped parsley and cilantro, juice of ½ lemon, salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate for 6 hours in a cool place. Then thread the pieces of meat on skewers, alternating them with pieces of offal, slices of onion and tomatoes. Grill over coals until cooked through. Serve with tkemali sauce and lots of fresh herbs.

10. If you failed to get the meat of a young lamb, this is not a reason to deny yourself lamb barbecue. Try the minced lamb skewers with eggplant. Pass one kilogram of lamb through a meat grinder, adding 150 gr. fat tail. Add salt and pepper to taste and knead your minced meat thoroughly. Cut five medium eggplants into slices 3-4 cm thick, sprinkle with salt, wait until the eggplant releases bitter juice, and then rinse cold water and dry. String eggplant slices on skewers, alternating them with pieces of minced meat of equal thickness and diameter. Sprinkle the strung shish kebab with finely chopped onions and green cilantro. Grill over coals until cooked through. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

More tried and tested original recipes you can always find lamb shish kebab on the pages of Culinary Eden. We will be happy to teach you how to cook lamb skewers.

Zhalnin Dmitry

Lamb is a specific meat, which is not always tasty, and sometimes has bad smell. However, if you choose the right carcass and a good marinade, you can get an amazing barbecue.
Recipe content:

Fans of this meat will surely say that a real barbecue is only one that is made exclusively from lamb. And not surprisingly, they will be right, since initially barbecue was prepared only from this type of meat. That is why lamb kebab is called authentic, i.e. original and authentic version of the dish. But, as for the preparation of many dishes, lamb also requires certain knowledge and subtleties.

How to choose meat for barbecue

Whatever you make a wonderful marinade, but the kebab will be delicious only when the meat is chosen correctly.
  • Never buy frozen lamb, as there is a big risk that the meat will not taste good. It is easy to check this - press on a piece. If the resulting recess fills with blood, then the meat is frozen. In fresh meat, the hole will not appear and will not be filled with blood.
  • If you still purchased frozen meat, then defrost it at room temperature and immediately start cooking.
  • For barbecue, it is desirable to give preference to loin, leg or shoulder blade.
  • When buying meat, inspect it well so that there is no puddle of water under it, and above it - bloody smudges and traces of snow.
  • For barbecue, the best meat is young lamb. It has a soft structure and is absent in it. bad smell. This meat is light in color with white fat. The meat of an old animal is bright red in color with yellow fatty layers, and after a long heat treatment it remains tough.
  • The layer of fat should be uniform. This says that the animal was well fed, and accordingly the meat will be tasty.
  • Smell a piece. The smell should not be sharp, neutral with a slight sweetish aftertaste. If you are experiencing discomfort, then refuse to buy, this product is not fresh.

How to cook lamb skewers

Lamb is perhaps the only meat that does not require rinsing under water. She's just rubbed paper napkin. Meat processing consists only in the removal of non-edible parts - tendons and films. After, it is cut into medium pieces so that they fit in the palm of your hand. Usually their size is 5x5 cm. Too big chunks poorly baked, and small ones will be dry.

For barbecue, it is advisable to use coals from cherry, birch or linden firewood. You can buy ready-made coals or burn them yourself in a fire. But whatever the coals are, do not forget to heat them completely so that they burn evenly over the entire surface with a reddish heat and only a little flash of a thin layer of white ash. Never start cooking a barbecue unless the flames are out. And if a flame breaks out, then put it out by sprinkling a little water, wine or marinade.

Turn the skewers regularly while roasting. This will allow the lamb to fry evenly, give an appetizing crust and not burn. If the meat in some places began to burn or dried out, then grease them with marinade or sauce. Lamb is not cooked for a very long time, because. may become dry and have a rubbery taste. On the grill, no more than 5-10 minutes is enough, for medium roasting - 15-20 minutes. Lamb freezes when it reaches t40 ° C, so it is advisable to use it immediately.

Delicious lamb skewers marinade

To make the meat juicy and soft, it must be marinated: a fresh young piece - for 1-3 hours, an old one - 10-12. Most simple products for pickling: olive oil, lemon and lime juice, yogurt, vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, garlic, rosemary, mint, cumin, cardamom, oregano, chili, thyme. Meat turns out delicious after daily pickling in vegetables: celery root, onions, garlic, carrots and allspice peas.

In general, the marinade should be such that the lamb turns out tender with an unusual taste and harmonizes with seasonings and spices. We offer the perfect recipe. marinade for real Caucasian lamb shish kebab.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 134 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes to prepare the marinade, 3-4 hours to marinate the meat


  • Tomatoes - 0.5 kg (per 1 kg of meat)
  • Bulb - 0.5 kg
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Seasonings - 1-2 tsp
  • Salt - to taste

Step by step preparation:

  1. Peel the onion and garlic. Wash the tomato.

  • Wipe the meat with a napkin and cut into pieces.
  • In a deep bowl, combine vegetables and mix. Add meat with spices.
  • Leave the lamb to marinate for 3-4 hours. If you want the kebab to marinate faster, then stir it every 10 minutes.

  • The marinade can be made in a variety of ways, but you should not experiment with it for lamb meat on your own. Not all seasonings and spices are in harmony with this variety, and it is difficult to find the ideal proportion. And overdoing it with spices, you can emphasize the unfavorable sides of the barbecue. Therefore, we offer another proven option marinade for lamb with Abkhaz flavor.


    • Lamb - 1 kg
    • Red dry wine- 250 ml
    • Adjika - 4 tablespoons
    • Bulb - 4 pcs.
    • Garlic - 3 cloves
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Spices - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Mix wine with adjika.
    2. Peel the onion and garlic, finely chop and combine with salt and selected spices.
    3. Combine the wine-and-azhy mixture and the garlic-onion mass.
    4. Cut the meat into slices, pour over the marinade and leave for 5 hours.
    5. Thread lamb pieces tightly on a skewer and cook on hot coals for about half an hour.

    How to marinate lamb skewers

    One way or another, let's not forget that the preparation of the marinade is the most important preparatory process. It is from how it is cooked that the final taste, softness, juiciness and aroma of the kebab will largely depend. Therefore, we will not take risks, but, as with the previous recipes, we offer a variant of the national lamb marinade with Turkish roots.


    • Lamb - 1 kg
    • Red dry wine - 250 ml
    • Tomatoes - 300 g
    • Garlic - 2 cloves
    • Bulb - 1 pc.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Spices - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Wash the tomatoes. Peel the onion and garlic. Twist the products in a meat grinder.
    2. Pour wine into the vegetable mass, add spices and mix.
    3. Cut the meat into pieces and season with the prepared sauce. Leave it to marinate for 6-7 hours.
    4. Salt the kebab, mix, put on a skewer and fry on hot coals, periodically turning over for about 30-40 minutes.

    Lamb kebab marinade is the most delicious

    cannot be bypassed and real Georgian lamb kebab. Marinade this national cuisine quite easy to prepare. We will give the main ingredients for it below, and with spices, as always, you can show culinary imagination. For example, Georgian culinary specialists prefer: suneli hops, cilantro, savory, marjoram, coriander, basil, saffron.


    • Lamb - 2 kg
    • Onion - 500 g
    • Grape vinegar - 2 tbsp.
    • Lemon - 1 pc.
    • Salt - to taste
    • Black ground pepper - to taste
    • Spices - to taste
    Step by step preparation:
    1. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Cut lamb into equal pieces. Combine the products in a deep bowl.
    2. Wash the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Combine it with grape vinegar, mix and pour over the meat.

    In the Caucasus, they know a lot about meat, so they like to cook barbecue from lamb. It has many times less fat and cholesterol than pork. And in terms of iron content, not a single type of meat can be compared with it, it is more than a third. So, lamb is a dietary product, especially young.

    It is tender, without a characteristic odor, with white, wax-like fat. If its layer is uniform, then the animal was well fed and kept. An excellent barbecue will turn out from a ham, neck, loin, shoulder blade and kidney part of the carcass, chilled, but not steamed and not frozen. Such meat is easy to "calculate", just press on a piece with your finger. The hole filled with blood - the meat was stored in the freezer for a long time. In fresh, even a dent after pressing will not remain.

    To make lamb kebabs successful, the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, they “invent”. However, its basis is always a product containing an acid. It destroys a specific flavor that many do not like, makes harsh lamb soft. However, if there is too much vinegar, lemon juice or dry wine, the meat fried on the coals will come out sour, the abundance of spices will clog its taste. Therefore, it is recommended to strictly follow the recipe and maintain proportions. By the way, spicy herbs with a mint tint are ideal for lamb: origano, coriander, cumin, cumin.

    Lamb Shashlik: Vinegar Marinade Recipe

    For one and a half kilograms of meat (for about three adult eaters) take 4 large onions, 2 lemons, 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and three - refined sunflower oil, 3-4 bay leaves, salt and pepper to taste.

    Put the meat on the bottom of the enameled pan, square pieces with a side of about 5 cm. this case has the meaning. No need to rack your brains on how to soak the kebab. If the meat is properly cut, it will be well saturated with marinade and bake perfectly. Lay onion half rings on top of lamb. Pour lemon juice, oil, vinegar. Put salt, be sure to large, it does not dry the meat, does not draw juices from it, black pepper and bay leaf.

    Mix well, close the lid and refrigerate for 7-8 hours. At room temperature, it will marinate in 3 hours. Don't forget to shake the pan from time to time.

    Marinades on kefir (natural yogurt)

    Acetic acid will be successfully replaced by lactic acid, there is a lot of it in kefir. In addition, it contains a little alcohol. Sometimes the recipe recommends adding vodka, cognac, and beer to lamb skewers. The meat acquires a pleasant spicy taste. They say lamb kebab, marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, like this: water (regular or mineral) + 70 ml of high-quality vodka + a couple of onions + 50 ml of odorless sunflower oil. However, children will not be able to try such a kebab. Agree, kefir is a good alternative to marinade with alcohol.

    Option #1: loin - 3.5 kg, kefir (low-fat yogurt) - 4 cups, onion - 3 pieces. And a bunch fragrant herbs(basil, cilantro, mint).

    Option #2: meat - 4 kg, unsweetened yogurt (kefir) - 1.5 l, vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons, pepper.

    Option #3: lamb - 3 kg, kefir - 500 ml, onion - 400 g, suneli hops (dry seasoning) - a teaspoon without a slide.

    Please note that these formulations do not contain salt at all. It is sprinkled with blanks immediately before being put on skewers. This is done intentionally to keep moisture inside the pieces. The meat is remarkably juicy.

    How to marinate spicy lamb skewers? Try this fill. For a kilogram of lamb, take half a liter of yogurt, kefir is also suitable, a couple of onions, a tablespoon of dry paprika. Add chopped garlic (one head), chili pepper (half a pod or whole, if desired), 4 sprigs of marjoram and rosemary. Greens are finely chopped. Do not put away in the cold. After 2 hours, you can kindle the barbecue.

    Lamb in soy sauce

    If you set a task for a Japanese cook: lamb skewers, marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, come up with. He will choose soy sauce and will not lose. The natural monosodium glutamate that it contains easily beats the mutton odor.

    Cut 2 kg fillet. Make a filling: 200 ml of soy sauce, juice of one lemon. And also 3-4 cloves of grated garlic, a teaspoon of sugar and spices (parsley, tarragon, basil). Salt is not needed, it is enough in the sauce.

    How to marinate lamb skewers in wine and pomegranate juice?

    Barely perceptible tart taste, pleasant sourness gives lamb red wine. Meat (1.5 kg), salt, pepper, cover with onion rings, you will have to cut 5 medium onions, pour Cahors (250 ml). Don't stir! Keep overnight in the refrigerator.

    Fresh pomegranate juice Also a great marinade. Its 150 ml will be required. Add 30 g of garlic, a teaspoon of adjika, mustard powder, black and red pepper, ground coriander, turmeric, curry, cinnamon, suneli hops and 15 spoons of zira. This is the layout for 1 kg of meat. Its juice should cover somewhere on the finger. Do not pour out the filling, bring to a boil and sweat over low heat for about 5 minutes. Fragrant spicy sauce ready.

    Marinade for barbecue with kiwi and orange

    If the lamb is old and tough, kiwi will help out.

    The gruel from this fruit breaks down animal protein, destroys hard fibers. The main thing is not to overdo it: one fruit is enough per kilogram of meat. Otherwise, not a barbecue, the pate will come out.

    Remove the peel from the lemon and chop finely. Pass two onions through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. Place in bowl with meat. Add salt and pepper there. Let it infuse for 6 hours. An hour and a half before frying, not earlier, mix marinade for barbecue with kiwi (mashed potatoes).

    Marinade on mineral water

    How to soak barbecue in mineral water? Ham (3 kg) cut across the fibers. Fold in a wide enamel bowl, like onions (2 pieces) in rings and circles of tomatoes (3 pieces). In a separate deep cup, make a sack of brown bread (350 g), carbonated mineral water (600 ml) and juice from two lemons. Combine it with lamb, salt and pepper. Marinate for 7 hours, tender barbecue is guaranteed.

    mayonnaise filling

    Mayonnaise, like mineral water, is a very popular marinade. For 2 kg of lamb it takes 250 g (jar) and almost the same amount of ready-made mustard. Add Russian if you want spicy meat. French mustard will fit for a spicy fragrant kebab. With its quantity, you can experiment empirically. Of course, onion (7 heads) and spices will come in handy.

    In the summer, not only barbecue, it goes with a bang. Meat can be served. Happy summer parties!

    Few people know how to cook lamb skewers. After all, most people prefer to make such a dish from pork or chicken meat. And it's in vain. After all, lamb skewers, the marinade of which can include completely different ingredients, it turns out very tender, juicy, fragrant and tasty. Try it and you will see for yourself.

    general information

    Before telling you about how to cook lamb skewers, I would like to say a few words about the presented dish. The meat of such a domestic animal, fried on coals, turns out to be the most fragrant and tasty. Moreover, his proper cooking will allow you to enjoy the most juicy and tender barbecue.

    Meat selection

    To make Caucasian lamb skewers, you should know a few secrets of how exactly you need to choose such meat. According to experienced chefs, the thigh part of the carcass or ribs with pulp is best suited for the presented dish. As for the shoulder blade, it is not suitable for shish kebab, because after heat treatment it becomes tough and tasteless.

    Marinade Options

    How to cook lamb skewers? To create such a dish, there is great amount all kinds of recipes. Yes, some lovers fried meat they prefer only lightly sprinkle a fresh piece of lamb neck with coarse salt, and then immediately fry it over the coals. However, most people before heat treatment recommend not just seasoning the meat, but marinating it using complex sauces and exquisite seasonings. So, popular recipes This dish is advised to pre-soak the product in lemon or onion juice, keep it in a marinade of dry wine and mint, or use seasonings such as tiriyaki and tandoori.

    Thus, in order to get the most delicious lamb kebab, you need to choose the most suitable part of the chilled or frozen carcass and prepare a special dressing.

    We cut the meat

    Before marinating lamb skewers, the main ingredient should be carefully processed. To do this, the meat product needs to be washed well, removed from it all unnecessary films and veins, and then chopped. If you purchased lamb pulp, then it can be cut into medium cubes or pieces triangular shape. If you want to fry the ribs, then you should definitely leave a significant part of the meat on the bones. Also, each piece should contain a small amount of fat. After all, it is fat that will contribute to the fact that during heat treatment the kebab will not burn and will not dry out, but will become juicy, soft and very tasty.

    How to cook lamb skewers? Classic recipe

    This method of cooking grilled meat is very popular. After all, to create this dish does not require special culinary knowledge and strict proportions.

    So, before you make lamb skewers, you should prepare products such as:

    • lamb as fresh as possible (chilled or frozen) with a small amount of fat - 3-5 kg;
    • white onion - 1 kg (a little more, depending on the juiciness of vegetables);
    • allspice, dried herbs, salt, any aromatic spices - add to taste.

    Pretreatment of Ingredients

    We will tell you a little further about how to marinate lamb skewers. After all the products have been purchased, you should wash the meat well, and then cut it into medium pieces across the fibers. Also needs to be cleaned onion, grind it strongly with a blender, and then squeeze out all the juice from the resulting slurry.

    The meat marinating process

    How to soak lamb skewers in onion juice? To do this, chopped pieces of meat need to be put in an enameled, glass or plastic container, and then add salt, dried herbs, spices, pepper, etc. Next, add freshly squeezed onion juice to the lamb. In conclusion, all the ingredients must be mixed with your hands, closed with a lid and kept at room temperature for no more than 3 hours.

    Putting lamb on skewers

    After the meat is well marinated, you should prepare hot coals. To do this, you need to take a brazier, kindle a fire in it, and after the fire subsides, add birch or oak coals. After they begin to glow and crackle, you can safely proceed to planting fragrant lamb on skewers. This should be done very carefully. Pieces should not fit snugly together. Ideally, one standard skewer should contain about 6 pieces of meat.

    Roasting on birch charcoal

    After the entire marinated kebab is on skewers, it should be placed over the coals. In this case, it is recommended to ensure that the heat is not too strong, but not too weak. In the process of frying meat, it must be turned over regularly so that it does not burn. It may take you about 35-45 minutes to fully cook lamb skewers.

    The readiness of a dish should be determined not by its appearance or smell, but by the softness of the meat product. For such a check, it is necessary to remove one skewer from the grill, and then make a small cut with a knife on one of the largest pieces. If blood does not seep out of it, but only a clear broth flows out, then the kebab is completely ready. By the way, the cut of such a piece should have a uniform color. If the meat near the skewer differs from outer layers(for example, it is pink or dirty grayish), then it is recommended to keep the lamb on the coals a little more.

    Serving meat dishes to the table

    The right lamb skewers will never leave your guests indifferent. After all, this dish has an unsurpassed aroma and taste. After you make sure that the meat is completely fried, it should be removed from the skewers and put on a large plate. It is recommended to sprinkle such a dish on top with chopped fresh parsley, dill or green onion. In addition to the lamb kebab, it is necessary to serve vegetables (tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumbers), ketchup or tomato sauce. Bon Appetit!

    Other marinade options for delicious barbecue

    Now you know how to choose the right meat and cook lamb skewers. Marinade for such a dish may be different. However, its principle of preparation remains the same.

    So, let's look at a few recipes for how you can otherwise marinate meat for barbecue.

    Tender meat on mayonnaise

    Mayonnaise is the most common product used to marinate barbecue. And this is not surprising, because everything is connected in it. necessary ingredients which make the meat tender, juicy and tasty.

    The main components for the marinade:

    • fresh lemon - 1 (small);
    • sweet paprika, salt, dried herbs, ground pepper - add to taste;
    • fat mayonnaise - 4 large spoons per 3 kg of meat.

    pickling process

    Sliced ​​lamb should be put in an enamel pan, and then squeeze the lemon, add spices and fat mayonnaise. After mixing the ingredients, they need to be closed and left aside for 3-4 hours. After this time, the meat must be put on skewers and fried on coals.

    Barbecue on kefir

    This dish is very tasty and tender. For the marinade we need:

    • dried basil - 3 dessert spoons;
    • dried thyme - 3 large spoons;
    • salt, dried herbs (dill, parsley) ground pepper - add to taste;
    • fat kefir - 2 faceted glasses per 3 kg of meat.

    marinating meat

    To marinate lamb, you need to put it in an enameled container, sprinkle with dried spices, pepper and salt, and then pour in fatty kefir. After mixing the ingredients with your hands, they should be closed with a lid and left at room temperature for no more than 3 hours. Further, the pickled product can be safely subjected to heat treatment.

    How delicious to make lamb shish kebab (Stalik Khankishiev)?

    Recipes from a culinary lover Stalik Khankishiev are very popular. So we decided to present to your takeout his vision of how to properly make Caucasian lamb skewers.

    So, to prepare such a dish, you need to cook:

    • ground coriander - to taste;
    • lamb on the bone (the younger the carcass is, the softer and more tender the barbecue will turn out) - 3-5 kg;
    • ground cumin - to taste;
    • fine salt - to taste;
    • black pepper allspice - to taste.

    Correctly marinate barbecue

    According to Stalik Khankishiyev, meat for barbecue should not be marinated using various sauces, vinegar or citric acid, but with the use of natural aromatic spices. Ground black pepper, coriander, cumin and fine salt are ideal as such spices. They should be generously sprinkled with not very coarsely chopped lamb, and then mixed and left under a closed lid aside.

    How long to marinate meat?

    This question interests almost all lovers of meat on coals. Stalik Khankishiev claims that the duration of marinating lamb depends on the size of the pieces and their temperature. So, large and cold pieces of meat will take a very long time to absorb fragrant seasonings(about 6-8 hours). If the lamb is not cut very large and wait until it becomes room temperature, then it can be marinated for only 30-60 minutes. During this short time, the pieces will completely absorb all the spices.

    Coal preparation

    Before you make a real Caucasian barbecue, using lamb for this, you should kindle the coals. You can do this both in the grill and in special device resembling a large bowl with holes. After the coals begin to blaze, they should be evenly distributed over the bottom of the brazier. Moreover, it is desirable to divide large pieces into smaller ones. Ideally, all coals should be the same size (about the size of a walnut).

    Putting meat on the grill immediately is not recommended. After all, bright red embers can reach temperatures of 750 degrees. Such heat will spoil the taste and appearance your meat. To do this, you should wait until they cool down a little (up to 600-650 degrees). How to determine the right temperature for frying? To do this, you need to pay attention to the coals. They should be covered with a light coating of ash.

    meat laying out

    To cook lamb shish kebab, Stalik Khankishiyev recommends using a special mesh. Pieces of meat must be laid out on short distance from each other. Next, the mesh should be well closed so that the product does not fall out during its turning.

    Heat treatment

    Before laying out the meat, it is necessary to push the slightly cooled coals to the walls of the brazier, and then shake the resulting ash from them using a fan. Next, you should place a grid with lamb and wait until a light smoke comes from the coals, and you hear a characteristic hiss from the melted fat. At this point, the meat must be turned over. With each subsequent time, the grid should be turned over more and more often. At the same time, it is recommended to fan it with a fan all the time. So you will maintain the proper temperature of the coals, and the kebab will be completely fried.

    How should a Caucasian dish be served at the table?

    After the kebab is fully cooked, it should be removed from the grid, and then beautifully laid out on a large flat plate, pre-decorated with green lettuce leaves. Above ready meal it is recommended to sprinkle with red onion, chopped in half rings. Also, lamb skewers should be flavored with a fragrant spice, which is called sumac.

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