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University of Nottingham UK. Location of educational buildings and branches

The University of Nottingham Ningbo is a branch of the University of Nottingham UK, which opened in Ningbo, China in 2005. This is the first foreign university in China, approved by the Ministry of Education of the PRC. Currently, 6,000 students are studying at the university, of which over 500 foreign students from over 55 countries; The teaching and administrative staff numbers over 400 people. Teachers are invited from 40 countries of the world. They are either seconded from the University of Nottingham in the UK or appointed to University standards. The rector of the Chinese branch of the University of Nottingham is an outstanding Chinese nuclear physicist, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician Yang Fujia.

The world famous University of Nottingham was created on the basis of the University College, founded in Great Britain in 1881, and received the status of a higher educational institution in 1948. A. Einstein, G. Wells and Mahatma Gandhi lectured there. It is one of the most dynamically developing universities; it is in the top ten in the UK and in the top 75 in the world. The University of Nottingham is one of the best British universities, where excellent teaching in all departments is based on serious scientific research. High ratings and generous sponsorship scientific research allow to invite the best scientists here as lecturers. The university is a member of the Universitas 21 association of the world's leading universities, carries out student exchange programs with universities in Europe, Asia, North America and Australia. The most popular courses among university students today are business, law and economics. The "brand" of the university is worthily represented by the School of Pharmacy, which carries out its research under the patronage of the well-known pharmaceutical company Boots. There is a unique direction related to health protection.

In Ningbo, first of all, those directions that are in demand in China are developing - Computer techologies, engineering, international entrepreneurship, international communications, environmentally friendly technologies in construction and energy, as well as the study of English language, literature and culture. There are bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. All training is conducted in English. Upon graduation, students receive a British diploma. The duration of study on the undergraduate program is 4 years, the first of which is a preparatory year for students from those countries in which the secondary education system differs from the British one (including Russia). Students who graduate from A-level program, IB or equivalent. Master's programs can last 1 or 2 years. The two-year program is aimed at students with an insufficient level of knowledge of the English language, during the first year they undergo language training.

General information:

  • City: Ningbo
  • Location: The university is located 30 minutes drive from the city center, next to the elite residential areas. The university campus covers an area of ​​590 thousand square meters. m.
  • Year of foundation: 1881 (branch - 2005)
  • Teaching Staff: over 400 people
  • Number of students: more than 6,000 people, including more than 500 foreign students from 55 countries.
  • Requirements for applicants: a certificate with a score of at least 4.0, IELTS 5.5 (at least 5.0 in the written component) or TOEFL (paper based) 525 (at least 4.0 in the written component) or TOEFL (IBT) 71 (minimum 17 in all components).

Studying programs

List of undergraduate specialties:

  • Finance, accounting and management
  • Business Economics
  • Management
  • international trade in French/German/Japanese/Spanish
  • International business and communication theory
  • Informatics*
  • Informatics and Management*
  • Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence*
  • Development software*
  • Applied math*
  • International Economics and Trade
  • Ecology
  • Architecture
  • Architectural environment design
  • Design and construction of civil facilities*
  • Chemical Engineering*
  • Engineering*
  • Mechatronic engineering
  • Design external environment*
  • Engineering sciences (continued)
  • Design and production*
  • Electrical and electronic industry*
  • English language
  • English language and literature
  • English and Applied Linguistics
  • English and International Business
  • International communications
  • International Communication Theory
  • International Communication Theory (with Chinese)
  • International relationships
  • European integration
  • International relationships
  • International Relations in Chinese/French/German/Spanish
* it is possible to spend two recent years studying at the British campus of the university

Master's degree

List of magistracy specialties:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance and investment
  • international Business
  • international Management
  • Modern Sinology
  • Contemporary higher education
  • Applied Linguistics
  • Applied Linguistics and Teaching English
  • Applied Linguistics and World Anglicization
  • Communications and International Entrepreneurship
  • Geodesy and topographic design
  • International Communication Theory
  • Interpretation and translations, Chinese (Mandarin) and English
  • International relations and world history


The campus is located at 199 Taikang East Road. All students are guaranteed accommodation from the moment of enrollment. The purpose-built secure campus has three buildings for international students. All of them are within a five-minute walk to the main educational building. Whichever option you choose, single rooms in all buildings are fully furnished, with a telephone. There is access to the Internet China Telecom, the Internet is paid additionally. Each building has a self-service laundry (coin-operated washing machines and dryers).
Room type Price Notes
Single occupancy 12000 yuan/year/person Dormitory for foreign students Building 11. Single room (desk, wardrobe, desk lamp, bed and mattress, clothes hangers, bathroom rugs, bedding, TV, air conditioning, kettle and cups) with its own kitchen, separate toilet and shower. Each room has a small balcony. Room cleaning 2 times a month for free. General facilities in the building: on each floor there is a shared kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave oven, oven.
Single occupancy 48000 yuan/year/person Dormitory for international students Building 12. Single room (only furniture and air conditioning) with its own kitchen, separate toilet and shower. An additional set of accessories is sold separately. Each room has a small balcony. General facilities in the building: self-service laundry (coin-operated washing machines and dryers). There is no shared kitchen. Room cleaning 15 yuan.
Single occupancy 9600 yuan/year/person Dormitory for foreign students Building 18. Quadruple room with a balcony. One shower room per apartment. Living room / common room (shared with 3 students). AT common room there are some kitchen facilities including fridge, oven, induction hob, rice cooker and kettle.
* You can calculate the cost in rubles using our currency converter ** When studying for 1 semester or more, prepayment is required for the entire period of stay in the room

The University of Nottingham is a world-famous university that began with the founding of Nottingham University College in 1881 as part of the University of London. In 1875, an anonymous sponsor donated £10,000 to ensure that the school and its university courses continued to develop and move to a new building, the first stone of which was laid in 1877 by former Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone.

In 1948, the university was awarded a Royal Charter, giving it the right to call itself a university and to award its own degrees. In 2000, the University campus was opened in Malaysia, and 5 years later - in China. In 12 libraries, students have access to more than a million books and journals, more than three million manuscripts, more than 12,000 electronic journals and 650000 e-books. Students can use desktop computers on campus, as well as use their own laptops with wireless connection Internet access on all campuses.

Type of university.



The University of Nottingham is located in the city of the same name on the River Trent in central England. The name of the city is primarily associated with the legend of Robin Hood and the production of lace. The university campuses are 10 minutes away from the city center by bus or bicycle. The city has a well-developed bus and railway communication. Trains to London leave every 30 minutes.

The university is on the 19th line according to the Guardian league table in the UK ranking, on the 140th place - according to the Times Higher Education "s World university rankings in the world rankings for 2012.

Number of students.

34076 students, among which 9129 are foreigners.


The campuses of the university have received numerous awards. The university offers students about 8,000 fully self-catering apartments and rooms (including cleaning and self-cooking food) and paid service. A place in the dormitory is guaranteed to all first-year students who are enrolled in the university and who submitted applications for accommodation in a timely manner before August 1.

Estimated cost £497 - £657 per month. The price depends on the number of beds in the room or apartment.

List of awards and achievements.

The University was awarded the "University of the Year" award in 2006, and in 2008 - "University Entrepreneurial Programs of the Year".

Researchers of the University were awarded twice Nobel Prize since 2003.

One of the most low interest exclusion of university students in the country - 3.5%, about 83.5% of graduates find a job after graduation. Among famous alumni widely known name of the actor Ruth Wilson, actress, Campbell Walsh, Olympic champion in canoeing, Mina Alexander, writer and poet, and many others.


Art, law and social Sciences, engineering, medical, scientific, education.

One example modern university, recognized worldwide, is the University of Nottingham in the city of the same name in England. Remarkably, this university has campuses not only in Nottingham, but also in other countries (Malaysia, China).

History of University

Beginning in 1798, the University of Nottingham existed as a school for adult education. In this school, in 1873, teachers from the university began to read university courses. This has never happened before in the UK.

The foundation of the university itself can be attributed to 1881 when Nottingham College came into existence under University of London. At first there were only 4 professors, but gradually their number grew, as did the number of faculties and departments.

In the 1920s, the university moved from a building in the center of Nottingham to a large building on the outskirts of the city called University Park, where it is now.

In 1948 the college became a university with a royal charter. After that, students began to receive degrees right here, and not at the University of London.

Location of educational buildings and branches

University of Nottingham great attention pays attention to the conditions of student learning. Its campuses are constantly awarded the highest awards for technical equipment and student comfort. The university regularly invests in the construction of new buildings, the acquisition of land and the purchase of the latest equipment.

The largest campus is University Park. It is located near (3 km) from the city center, successfully combining modern buildings and natural natural environment, which impresses students, teachers and guests of the university.

The modern Jubilee Campus, built specifically for the university in 1999, is located next to University Park, which is very convenient for students who travel by bike.

The other campus is located further away from the main campus, on the border between Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire. Its location in countryside determined by its purpose - it was built specifically for the biological faculty (and for its relatively new department of veterinary medicine).

For students on the territory of student cities there is everything that is required for learning and entertainment: numerous equipped conference rooms, an art center, a wellness center, sports fields and much more. For out-of-town and foreign students, about 8 thousand rooms are provided in the housing stock of the university.

The University of Nottingham is represented by buildings not only in England. The first campus was opened in 2000 British university in the territory of Malaysia.

Thanks to close ties with Chinese scientists and researchers, it was decided to open his independent campus also in China. A branch was opened in Ningbo, a city in eastern China, in 2004.

Features of admission and training

Due to its popularity and high places in national and world rankings, getting into the University of Nottingham is not so easy. Admission requirements depend on the chosen program of study and the country of residence of the applicant.

In total, training is conducted in 5 large departments or faculties: social, humanitarian, natural, medical sciences and engineering. They offer over 360 undergraduate and even more graduate courses.

To enter the International Foundation preparatory course, an applicant needs a certificate of secondary education with grades above 4 and high IELTS test results - a minimum of 5.0 in each section or 5.5 for admission to engineering courses.

At successful completion The International Foundation program simplifies admission directly to the first year of the institute. To obtain the first higher education, it is required to provide a certificate of secondary education and documents on passing preparatory course, as well as submit IELTS test or its equivalent with a score of 6 to 7.5, and the passing score depends on the chosen program.

Also an option for admission foreign citizens is the completion of the first and second year of the university in their home country. Applications for admission are submitted through online service http://www.ucas.com/.

In order to obtain a second higher education, a master's degree or an MBA degree, it is required, in addition to the listed documents and successfully passed tests, to provide a diploma of the first higher education with average grade above 4.

Tuition fees and some requirements for individual programs are best specified on the necessary pages of the official website http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/fees/index.aspx. Applications for studies are submitted directly on the university website.

Also, the University of Nottingham provides special research programs for various professionals.

For admission, the following requirements have been developed: a specialist diploma, a master's degree from prestigious university, as well as research experience, and it is better to discuss the topic of research with a potential supervisor in advance.

The university offers assistance to its graduates in finding a job, and it doesn't matter what country they come from to study. According to the ratings The University of Nottingham is in the 30 top universities whose graduates are preferred by employers. The university offers internships in large companies and the opportunity to earn extra money during training.

In addition to studying at the university, you can have a great time relaxing and communicating with other students. More than 200 student communities are organized in Nottingham: volunteer groups, theater and film studios, sports clubs and sections.

The chronicle of this place began in 1881. It began to function as a college of the University of London. In 1948, he received a Royal Charter and acquired the status in which we now know him. Today it is one of the largest educational institutions in the UK.

In 2011 achieved high level in ratings published in specialized publications and leading British media mass media. The RAF, examining the relevance and validity of university science research, awards it seventh in the UK. Approximately 90% of the work that researchers have done here has received the status of a world degree.

Today, approximately 9,000 pupils receive higher education here, who come from over 150 countries.


The university firmly occupies its position in the list, where the best 75 universities around the world are represented - this is confirmed by the QS world ranking.

educational institution was able to ensure that the issue of employment for students was resolved as profitably and prestigiously as possible. He established cooperation with corporations, the work in which will seem extremely attractive to most. industrial monsters, famous brands, as well as largest enterprises in all areas provide the opportunity for internships during training, as well as invite the best students. Educational institution ranks second among its peers in the selection of employees by leading employers in England. And confidently holds a place in the top thirty the best establishments preferred by employers.


Nottingham is the most dynamic and cosmopolitan city, which is located in the very center of the country, in its eastern part. The journey to London from here will not take more than two hours. The city has a large and diverse community - it is an integral part of it. It is also worth knowing the impressive history of the settlement and famous legends. Here you can find diversity in culture and dynamism, which is ideal for student life.

In addition to getting to know the area and its legends, you can relax in parks, play sports, relax with shopping and dining at restaurants, attend events and nightclubs.

Thanks to the wonderful transport system here - perfect place, where you should start your journey, for example, to local, national and even international attractions. well and large number routes for public transport and bicycles makes it possible to recognize the city as independent of road traffic.

fastest growing English airport- East Midlands - releases daily a large number of domestic and international flights, including budget options. You can get to it using the 24-hour Skylink bus in just forty minutes.


The teaching style inherent in local teachers is a mixture of traditional methods learning and the latest ways of learning, through progressive technologies. Each of the courses takes into account the latest research information and, as a rule, the subjects are taught by scientists who are deeply involved in them. Thanks to the library and Internet resources, you can achieve the highest level of accessibility of all necessary materials.


There is a wide choice of hostels and a host of services to help students feel at home. All international students are guaranteed placement for three years (postgraduate students for a year) if they confirm the offer and complete the preferred residence form before the deadline. Places for housing are distributed through a live queue.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

University of Nottingham
original name

University of Nottingham

Former names

Nottingham University College

Year of foundation

Magamadi Milena

K: Educational institutions founded in 1881

University of Nottingham(English) The University of Nottingham) - public research university in Nottingham, England. It also has campuses in Ningbo (PRC) and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia; for the latter, see University of Nottingham in Malaysia).

The university was founded in 1881 and received a Royal Charter in 1948. He is a member of the Russell Group, Universitas 21, the Association of Commonwealth Universities and the Association of European Universities. In terms of its popularity, the University of Nottingham is in the top five in the UK, and according to one of the publications in the Times, it is " the main alternative to Oxbridge".


The history of the University of Nottingham dates back to a school for adult education founded in 1798. In 1873, the University of Cambridge began to read university courses (University Extension Lectures) at this school - a practice that had no precedent in the UK before.

The history of the university itself begins with the founding of Nottingham University College in 1881 as part of the University of London. In 1875, an anonymous sponsor donated £10,000 to ensure that the school and its university courses functioned permanently and could move into a new building, the first stone of which was laid in 1877 by former Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone, and in 1881 the neo-Gothic building style on Shakespeare Street was opened by Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany. In 1881, there were only 4 professors in it - literature, physics, chemistry and natural sciences. Then new faculties and departments were established: engineering sciences in 1884, classical studies and philosophy in 1893, French in 1897 and Pedagogy in 1905; then, in 1905, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was divided into two independent ones. In 1911, the faculties of English and Mining were established, in 1912, economics and geological and geographical, in 1914, history, in 1923, adult education, and in 1925, the School of Pharmacy.

In the 1920s, the university moved from the center of Nottingham to a large campus on the outskirts of the city (University Park).

Between 1881 and 1947, students at Nottingham University College received degrees from the University of London, but in 1948, with a royal charter, the college became a university and itself began to award degrees.

Famous graduates

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  • Fawcett, Peter and Neil Jackson(1998). Campus critique: the architecture of the University of Nottingham. Nottingham: University of Nottingham.
  • Tolley, B.H.(2001). The history of the University of Nottingham. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press.


  • (English)
  • (English)

An excerpt characterizing the University of Nottingham

- Her niece, Princess Bolkonskaya. She is here in Voronezh with her aunt. Wow! how blushed! What, or...
- And I didn’t think, completeness, ma tante.
- Well, well, well. O! what are you!
The governor's wife led him to a tall and very fat old woman in a blue leotard, who had just finished her game of cards with the most important persons in the city. It was Malvintseva, Princess Mary's maternal aunt, a wealthy childless widow who always lived in Voronezh. She was standing, paying off the cards, when Rostov approached her. She narrowed her eyes severely and importantly, glanced at him, and continued to scold the general who had won against her.
“Very glad, my dear,” she said, holding out her hand to him. - I beg your mercy.
After talking about Princess Mary and her dead father, whom Malvintseva apparently did not love, and asking what Nikolai knew about Prince Andrei, who, apparently, also did not enjoy her favors, the important old woman let him go, repeating the invitation to be with her.
Nikolai promised and blushed again when he bowed to Malvintseva. At the mention of Princess Marya, Rostov experienced a feeling of shyness, incomprehensible to himself, even fear.
Departing from Malvintseva, Rostov wanted to return to dancing, but the little governor's wife put her plump hand on Nikolai's sleeve and, saying that she needed to talk to him, led him to the sofa room, from which those who were in it immediately left so as not to interfere with the governor's wife.
“You know, mon cher,” said the governor’s wife with a serious expression on her small kind face, “this is definitely a party for you; do you want me to marry you?
- Whom, ma tante? Nikolai asked.
- I'm marrying the princess. Katerina Petrovna says that Lily, but in my opinion, no, is a princess. Want? I'm sure your maman will thank you. Really, what a girl, lovely! And she's not that stupid at all.
“Not at all,” Nikolai said, as if offended. “I, ma tante, as a soldier should, do not ask for anything and do not refuse anything,” said Rostov before he had time to think about what he was saying.
So remember, this is not a joke.
- What a joke!
“Yes, yes,” said the governor’s wife, as if speaking to herself. - And here's something else, mon cher, entre autres. Vous etes trop assidu aupres de l "autre, la blonde. [My friend. You are too courting for that blond one.] The husband is really pathetic, right ...
“Ah, no, we are friends,” Nikolai said in simplicity of heart: it never occurred to him that such a fun pastime for him might not be fun for anyone.
“What nonsense I said, however, to the governor's wife! - Suddenly, over dinner, Nikolai remembered. “She will definitely start wooing, but Sonya? ..” And, saying goodbye to the governor’s wife, when she, smiling, once again told him: “Well, remember,” he took her aside:
“But here’s what, to tell you the truth, ma tante…
- What, what, my friend; let's go sit here.
Nikolai suddenly felt a desire and a need to tell all his sincere thoughts (those that he would not have told his mother, sister, friend) to this almost strange woman. Nicholas later, when he recalled this impulse of unprovoked, inexplicable frankness, which, however, had a very important consequences, it seemed (as it always seems to people) that so, I found a stupid verse; and yet this impulse of frankness, together with other minor events, had enormous consequences for him and for the whole family.
“That's it, ma tante. Maman has been wanting to marry me to a rich woman for a long time, but this thought alone is disgusting to me, marrying for money.
“Oh yes, I understand,” said the Governor.
- But Princess Bolkonskaya, that's another matter; Firstly, I'll tell you the truth, I like her very much, I like her, and then, after I met her in such a position, it was so strange, it often occurred to me that this was fate. Think especially: maman has been thinking about this for a long time, but I had never met her before, how it all happened like this: we didn’t meet. And at a time when Natasha was the bride of her brother, because then I would not have been able to think of marrying her. It is necessary that I met her exactly when Natasha's wedding was upset, and then that's all ... Yes, that's what. I haven't told anyone this and I won't. And you only.
The Governor shook his elbow gratefully.
“Do you know Sophie, cousin?” I love her, I promised to marry and marry her ... Therefore, you see that this is out of the question, ”Nikolai said awkwardly and blushing.
- Mon cher, mon cher, how do you judge? Why, Sophie has nothing, and you yourself said that your father's business was very bad. What about your maman? This will kill her. Then Sophie, if she is a girl with a heart, what kind of life will she have? The mother is in despair, things are upset... No, mon cher, you and Sophie must understand this.
Nicholas was silent. He was pleased to hear these conclusions.
“All the same, ma tante, this cannot be,” he said with a sigh, after a pause. - Will the princess still go for me? and again, she is now in mourning. Is it possible to think about it?
“Do you really think that I will marry you now?” Il y a maniere et maniere, [There is a manner for everything.] - said the governor's wife.

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