Home indoor flowers Salad with tuna calories. Salad with tuna: recipe and cooking tips, composition and calorie content. How to make a healthy tuna salad

Salad with tuna calories. Salad with tuna: recipe and cooking tips, composition and calorie content. How to make a healthy tuna salad

Pork loin- the back of a pork carcass with a bone, or a dish prepared from the back of a pork. This product is quite popular not only in the territory post-Soviet space but also in Europe. Appreciated by gourmets and lovers tasty food. You can cook different ways- it all depends on the imagination and preferences of the person.

There are over 300 various recipes pork loin. Moreover, this ingredient is used to prepare salads, soups and other dishes. Loin baked in the oven or fried in a pan is very relevant. Pork loin has a soft delicate taste. You can buy it in a butcher shop, in the market or in a store. The cost of pork loin is more than affordable.

A professional chef or an amateur culinary specialist will definitely find a use for this unique dish in the kitchen. Interestingly, pork loin has been known in cooking for over 3,000 years. Also in Ancient Greece wealthy townspeople regularly ate it. It is worth noting that pork goes well with dry wine.

The benefits of pork loin

1. Perfectly absorbed by the body. Contains mass nutrients and vitamins.
2. Strengthens the immune system. Recommended for use by athletes and people who experience great physical exertion.
3. Relieves depression. A real natural antidepressant.
4. Accelerates the process of renewal of body cells.
5. Strengthens muscle and bone tissue.

Harm and contraindications

1. Strongly not recommended for obesity. This is due to the fact that the product contains a large number of calories.
2. Frequent use of more than 200-300 grams per day is contraindicated.
3. Increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Pork loin - neck and back of the carcass domestic pig. Includes neck, rib cage and fillet. This part of the pork carcass is characterized by moderately elastic juicy homogeneous meat, painted in dark red and surrounded by a thin layer of fat.


100 grams of pork loin contains about 172 kcal.


The chemical composition of pork loin is different high content fats, proteins, vitamins (B1, B3, B4, B5, B6, B9) and minerals (fluorine, chromium, copper, iodine, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium).

How to cook and serve

Like any other meat, pork loin is eaten only when cooked. In the vast majority of cases, culinary processing involves thermal effect at a temperature not lower than 75 degrees Celsius. Due to the rather dense structure of the pulp pork loin fried or baked, after removing fatty tissue. Best of all, this part of the pork carcass is suitable for cooking cutlets, schnitzels, chops, barbecue and azu. Served with a side dish of potatoes, cabbage or legumes. At the same time, pork loin goes well not only with vegetables, but also with mushrooms.

How to choose

When choosing a pork loin, there are a number of factors to consider. The main one is the color of the meat, which should not be too dark or light. A too dark color indicates that the meat was taken from an older animal; when cooked, it will be tough and almost neutral in taste.


Fresh pork loin should be stored in the refrigerator, eating meat for 5-7 days. It is not recommended to use airtight containers for storage. To preserve meat for a longer period (up to a year), it can be frozen, providing a certain temperature regime(not higher than minus 18 degrees Celsius).

Beneficial features

The loin, compared with other parts of the pork carcass, contains an increased amount of biologically active substances, the concentration of which remains at a sufficient high level even after prolonged heat treatment. This causes this food product row useful properties. In particular, its regular use reduces nervous excitability, stimulates the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism, the formation of bone and muscle tissue, and also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves heart function, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract.

Use restrictions

Individual intolerance, tendency to an allergic reaction, the need for mandatory heat treatment at a temperature of at least 75 degrees Celsius, diseases of the cardiovascular system (use in limited quantities).

Diversify your diet with delicious salads!

1. Salad with tuna and beans: dinner for a perfect figure.


* canned tuna own juice 50 g.
* white beans 50 g (dry).
* tomato 1 pc.
* onion 30-50 g.
* natural yogurt 2-3 tsp
* zucchini/zucchini 100 g
* 2-3 tsp. tuna juice.
* black pepper to taste.


Boil the beans first.
Cut the onion, marinate in a weak solution of vinegar for 20-30 minutes.
Zucchini / zucchini cut into slices, fry a little in a pan without oil, cool, cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes.
Mix all the ingredients, season with yogurt, pepper and tuna juice.

2. light dinner: salad with tuna and rice.

A low-calorie salad that does not require exotic products and a lot of time to create.


* canned tuna in its own juice 1 can.
* 2-3 medium sized cucumbers.
* 1-2 boiled chicken eggs.
* 100 g boiled brown rice.
*half of an onion.
* a few lettuce leaves.


Finely chop cucumbers, onions and eggs and mix with canned tuna and rice. Salad with tuna can be put on a dish, pre-garnished with lettuce. Sauce can be used as a dressing. own cooking tablespoonful olive oil, soy sauce and a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice.

3. light salad with canned tuna.

Recipe for 4 servings (great dinner).


2 fresh cucumbers.
4 tomatoes.
1 can of canned or boiled beans (250 g).
1 can of tuna in its own juice (200 g).
1 small sweet blue onion
Juice of half a lemon.
Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
Salt, pepper, Italian herbs to taste.
Optionally, you can add sweet peppers and pitted olives.


1. Rinse cucumbers, cut in half and cut into slices. Rinse the tomatoes and cut in half if they are small, or in 4 pieces if they are large.
2. with canned beans Drain the liquid and put it in a salad bowl. Place the sliced ​​cucumbers and tomatoes on top of the beans.
3. Break the tuna meat into large pieces with a fork and place on top of the vegetables. Garnish the salad with sliced ​​sweet onion half rings.
4. add to salad lemon juice and olive oil.
5. add some herbs to taste.

4. vegetable salad with tuna: health benefits with taste!

What is the main thing in a salad? Balance and proportions. This recipe has every detail in mind. The salad is amazingly delicious. As they say, neither subtract nor add?
Only 67 kcal?


* canned tuna in s / s 1 can.
* tomatoes 2-3 pcs.
* cucumber 1 pc.
* bell pepper 1 PC.
* garlic 1 clove.
* 2-3 sheets of any head lettuce.
* basil greens.
* pine nuts, peeled 2 tbsp. l.
* lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
* salt, black pepper, stevia to taste.
* olive oil.


Drain the juice from the can of tuna and shred the fish with a fork.
Wash vegetables, basil greens and lettuce and dry well.
Cucumber cut into cubes (skin can be cut off.
Cut tomatoes into large cubes.
Bulgarian pepper in small cubes.
Skip the garlic through a garlic press.
Set aside a few basil leaves for decoration, chop the remaining greens.
In a bowl, combine cucumbers, bell peppers, tuna, tomatoes and garlic.
Salt, pepper, to taste, sprinkle with stevia and mix.
Tear lettuce leaves with your hands.
Add lettuce leaves, chopped basil, drizzle with lemon juice, season with a drop of olive oil and mix gently.
When serving, sprinkle with pine nuts and garnish with basil leaves.

Ready! Bon Appetit!

5. Mediterranean salad with tuna.


1 can of tuna on the water (cut into large pieces).
1 head of iceberg lettuce.
1 bunch of celery stalks, chopped
1 chopped green pepper.
1 small onion, cut into half rings 40 grams feta cheese dried red oregano vinegar salt and pepper Preparation: Add lettuce, celery and onion to a large bowl. Stir. Add tuna and feta cheese. Salt and pepper to taste, drizzle with vinegar and sprinkle with oregano.

Dietary salad with canned tuna and calories. canned tuna salad recipe

In France, due to the atypical taste of fish, tuna, whose calorie content is incomparably less than that of meat, is called "sea veal". Even a novice cook who has canned tuna on hand, recipes (salad or appetizer will be prepared - it doesn’t matter) dishes from this fish will not seem complicated.

Tuna, whose calorie content is less than 90 kcal, goes well with different sauces. But if you're looking for the lowest-calorie canned tuna recipes, a salad with vegetables without mayonnaise is ideal.

Salad with canned tuna, the recipe of which we will consider, is just as healthy as a dish with cooked fresh fish. It is only advisable to use fish in its own juice, and not in oil - such tuna is more acceptable in terms of calories.

To prepare a salad with canned tuna according to the recipe, we need the following products:

  • Canned tuna - 200 g
  • Olives - 100 g
  • Lettuce leaves - 4 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 200 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste.

Canned Tuna Salad: Step by Step Recipe

  • First of all, knead the canned tuna with a fork - according to the recipe for the salad, only fish is used (without oil from the jar).

Mash the fish with a fork

  • We spread the fish chopped in this way in a salad bowl.
  • Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

Cut tomatoes into small cubes

  • We put the vegetables in a salad bowl with the fish and salt to taste.
  • Add a salad to canned tuna according to the recipe - its leaves should be coarsely chopped beforehand.

Cutting lettuce leaves

  • On the last step put the olives in a salad with canned tuna - according to the recipe, they need to be cut into rings.

Cut olives into rings

  • Add olive oil to the salad prepared with canned tuna according to the recipe and mix the ingredients.

Here is ready useful and, of course, delicious salad with canned tuna according to a recipe that suits both athletes and people who want to lose weight!

Salad with canned tuna diet recipe. How to make a healthy tuna salad.

Any salad can be made dietary if you apply a little imagination and the look of a nutritionist. Look at fish salad recipes in your cookbook or online.
In salads with canned fish, fatty mayonnaise sauce is most often used. Some puff salads includes boiled rice or potatoes, which also increases the calorie content. By changing only these two points, you can get a diet salad with the same name.

Change oily dressing to light.

An excellent filling is made from olive oil with the addition of lemon juice, dry or fresh aromatic herbs. Optionally, you can add sesame or flax-seed, Pine nuts.
The dressing is well refreshed by the addition of such exotic products for us as capers and anchovies. To make the dressing taste close to the usual mayonnaise, you can add a teaspoon of ready-made mustard. Mix everything or beat with a blender.

Improve the composition of the salad.

If the usual salad recipe uses White rice, it is better to replace it with a more useful brown (brown) or black. After the rice has been boiled, you can rinse it from excess starch.

When potatoes are used in a salad, try replacing them with lighter carbohydrate ingredients such as green pea, corn, beans.

A versatile substitute for rice and potatoes for fish salad would be to add fresh herbs of any kind.

List of ingredients that pair well with and between tuna

I suggest you consider a set of ingredients that go great with tuna and other canned fish.

Using fresh tuna, fried or lightly salted, as well as other fish in a dish, will give you new tastes and new salads.

  • About half the volume of the salad bowl should be lettuce leaves. It could be Chinese (Beijing) cabbage. arugula, chard (beetroot leaves), lettuce, iceberg lettuce, spinach.
  • A third of the salad bowl (about 1/2 the weight of the dish) is tuna and vegetables (fruits), plus some carbohydrates. Such ingredients can be apple, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes, carrots, green peas, corn, green beans, egg (chicken or quail), avocado.
  • The remaining volume of the salad bowl is bright flavor components. Anchovies, capers, olives, black olives, lemon, grapefruit, celery, cilantro, parsley, basil, blue or white onion, leek, green onion.

Try to make dressings from olive or other vegetable oil. Add some salt or soy sauce, lemon juice.

You can use juice from canned tuna. If you prepared the tuna fish yourself, then after frying, you can use the juice that stood out when the fish cooled.

  • Choose what you like.
  • Cut the way you want.
  • Make a dressing and “Voila!”.
  • A mind-blowing low-calorie salad is ready.

In the meantime, you have prepared your newest diet salad, I will tell you about the traditional ones.

Diet salad with tuna canned in its own juice. How to make tuna salad

Working with canned food, according to professionals, is much easier than with fresh fish - the tuna mass is already ready for use, it does not need heat treatment or even pickling. The only thing that needs to be done is to dump it on a slatted surface to get rid of excess fluid. After that, you can start cooking a salad with canned tuna according to the selected recipe. A few recommendations:

  • Make sure you choose the right canned product: nothing but fish and salt in the composition, the presence of the letter "P" on the lid. About 90 days have passed since the production.
  • The most delicious salad will come with canned white tuna, which can be recognized by the mark "albacore".
  • If you are wondering how to make a diet salad, purchase canned tuna in its own juice. This fish has high degree own fat content, which under oil increases several times more.
  • Choose canned food from Italy or Spain. Japanese will be good. The Russians always use a frozen product, Thailand and the Seychelles sin with dark meat.
  • Check the condition of the canned fish piece: it should not delaminate or be several small pieces - this is a sign of fake or poor quality meat.

This recipe is my absolute favourite.

How appetizing he looks!

And how delicious it is in a restaurant - well, just magical!

This pp salad with tuna, tomatoes, green beans and egg is a great example of how tasty and varied a pp menu can be.


  • tuna in own juice - 1 can (200 g)
  • tomatoes - 1 large or 4 cherry tomatoes
  • boiled eggs - 2 chicken or 6 quail
  • green string beans - 100 g
  • leaf lettuce - a small bunch
  • olives - 5-6 pcs.
  • anchovies - 4-5 pcs.
for refueling:
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • garlic - 1 small clove
  • salt - to taste
  • mustard powder - 1 tsp
  • dried herbs - to taste and optional

Cooking process:

  1. Let's prepare the ingredients first. Drain the liquid from the canned food, mash slightly. Hard boil eggs, peel. asparagus beans boil in salted water with a drop of lemon juice - 7 minutes after boiling. If you have a frozen product, then there are 3 options: boil raw frozen like fresh, blanched - 3 minutes after boiling, already cooked - 1 minute.
  2. Now we will make the dressing by whipping all the ingredients in a blender until the color changes (it should become opaque and yellowish). Attention! The presence of mustard (namely in powder) is important for consistency. In the original, you can take the usual ready-made, but sometimes there is a lot of sugar, vinegar and other non-essential additives.
  3. Everything is ready, you can assemble the Nicoise. Put coarsely torn lettuce leaves on a flat large plate, sprinkle with a little sauce.
  4. Next - boiled and chilled beans. More sauce.
  5. In the center - all the tuna. Around him are randomly chopped large tomatoes and slices of eggs.
  6. Top with olive rings and anchovies. The final chord is the remaining sauce.

Recipes for diet salads with tuna (for example, as in the photo) are simple and nutritious. There is nothing harmful or superfluous in them. Diet food nothing to do with hunger. It is varied, does not exclude any types of dishes. The main requirement for healthy food- naturalness, maintaining the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the absence of harmful chemical components.

In principle, you can choose a dietary supplement for any product. useful analogue or cook a meal home recipe: instead of a burger - a sandwich with vegetables and a piece of grilled meat, instead of mayonnaise - homemade sauce, and instead of a purchased salad of incomprehensible content - a high-quality healthy dish.

There was an opinion about salads that they do not fit into the diet. Of course, if you season the salad with mayonnaise, generously salt, add semi-finished products, and even eat it with bread, there is no need to look for health benefits.

But there are many recipes for delicious dietary tuna salads that are beneficial and promote weight loss. After all, salad is an important meal, you should not exclude it. This is the beginning of lunch, and a quality snack, and a light dinner.

Salad with tuna and avocado PP. "Spring" with cucumber and sweet pepper

Cucumber and sweet bell pepper. That's all it takes for an avocado and tuna salad to turn into a spring dish full of optimism. Khrum, Khrum, Khrum - under this energetic sound nature comes to life, buds swell and the day becomes longer!

  • Cooking time: 10 minutes
  • Calorie serving - up to 230 kcal

What you need for 4 servings:

  • Tuna (in own juice) - +/- 300 g
  • Avocado - 2 pcs. major
  • Cucumber - 1 pc. big
  • Onion - ½ medium onion
  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 small multi-colored
  • Or half of the large ones - yellow, orange or red
  • Greens - 1 small bunch
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Use extra virgin again - it's pure health!

  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Salt, pepper to taste

How we cook.

Cut the avocado in half, remove the seeds, remove the skins and cut the fruit into small pieces. Grind the cucumber into small slices, and the bell pepper into thin strips. By the way, it is interesting to play with pepper every time in size - short or long strips. Yes, yes, a different cut changes the impression of the salad, check it out for yourself!

Finely chop the onion. We take the fish out of the jar and press it down with a fork to get a thick puree. Finely chop the greens.

Combine all ingredients in a deep bowl. Stir the salad with smooth movements, keeping the avocado pieces. Add lemon juice and olive oil, salt, pepper, and mix again a couple of times. Invite friends and family members! Spring came!

Erase the photo step by step so that there is not a single question left. This beautiful salad with avocado and tuna does not get boring for a long time. Especially if you alternate it with a recipe with cucumber and tomatoes. Also spring, colorful and magically juicy.

diet salad with tuna is a real find for those who are losing weight, adhering to proper nutrition, and who want to indulge in tasty and satisfying dishes. Such salads always turn out tasty, healthy, low-calorie, light and nutritious. There are many a variety of recipes salads with tuna, such dishes are suitable for many diets, they will fit perfectly both on festive table as well as everyday. In this article, we will look at salad recipes that can be prepared quickly and without the use of exotic ingredients.

Any super light a salad can become harmful in an instant if it is seasoned with a fatty sauce or mayonnaise. When making salads, choose only low-calorie dressings.

Tuna is rich vegetable protein and contains minimal amount fat. For 100 gr. weight it contains an average of 22 gr. protein, in this it is not inferior to beef, and the calorie content is only 139 kcal. Tuna is rich in vitamins and beneficial trace elements, such as fatty acid complex Omega-3, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, calcium, which makes this product a popular ingredient in diet meals and at proper nutrition.

If you do not like the taste of canned tuna in its own juice, then you can cook it yourself, for example, steam, boil or bake. In this case, you will kill two birds with one stone if you eat part of the fish hot for lunch with a healthy side dish, and prepare a salad for dinner from the second part of the seafood. With such a diet, weight loss will not be long in coming!
But in no case do not fry the fish, during frying it will absorb oil and become a harmful dish for weight loss. Not a single product fried in oil can be contained in a recipe for proper nutrition.

When choosing canned fish, be sure to pay attention to the composition, it must be cooked in its own juice, without adding oil and tomato sauce- it is these additives that make the fish oily and oppose our weight loss. If the composition contains fish, salt and spices - feel free to take it, just do not forget to look at the expiration date.

Canned fish in its own juice contains a sufficient amount of salt, so we advise you not to salt the salad at the stage of preparation. We recommend adding spices to taste in a portioned dish.
Bon Appetit!

Recipe 1: With eggs and cucumber

Salad calories: 86 cal/100 gr.

Tuna (canned in its own juice (boiled, baked, steamed) - 200 gr.
boiled chicken eggs(you can use quail, but in more) - 3 pcs. (170 gr.)
Fresh cucumber - 1 pc. (200)
Onion - 1 pc. (50)
Yogurt natural 0% - 50 ml.
Greens (dill, onion) - 50 gr.

Step by step recipe:
1. Cut the fish into small slices
2. Cucumber and eggs cut into cubes
3. Onion in half rings.
Add dressing, mix gently, put on a dish and decorate with herbs.

Recipe 2: With tomatoes

Calorie content: with quail eggs: 58.1 kcal / 100 gr.
With chicken eggs: 60.6 kcal / 100 gr.
Leaf lettuce or Beijing cabbage - 1 bunch of lettuce, or half a medium-sized head Chinese cabbage- (300 gr.)
Green onions - 1 bunch (50 gr.)
Canned tuna without oil, 1 can
Tomatoes - 3 pcs. Medium size (200 gr.)
Quail egg - 8 pcs (100 gr.), Or chicken egg 2 pcs. (120 gr.)
Lemon - ¼ pcs. (40 gr.)
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. Spoon (15 ml.)
Soy sauce (optional) - 1 tbsp Spoon (15 ml.)

Step by step recipe:
1. Rinse the lettuce leaves well, tear them into arbitrary pieces with your hands and put them on a dish
2. Cut the tomatoes into large slices. Quail eggs cut into halves, if using chicken eggs - into quarters. Arrange eggs and tomatoes on lettuce leaves.
4. Cut the fish into large pieces and spread on top
5. Mix olive oil with lemon juice, if desired, you can add soy sauce, and dress the salad without stirring.
6. Finely chop the green onion and decorate the finished dish

Recipe 3: Mimosa without mayonnaise

Tuna in its own juice - 1 can (200-250 gr.)
chicken eggs - 4 pcs. (250 gr.)
Carrots - 2 pcs. (250 gr.)
Onion - 1 pc. (100 gr.)
Natural fat-free yogurt - 4 tbsp. (60 ml)
Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. (30 ml)
Calorie content: 87 Kcal / 100 gr.
Step by step recipe:
1. Eggs and carrots pre-boil
2. Separate the proteins from the yolks.
3. Three carrots, squirrels and yolks on a coarse grater. Separate the tuna from the bones and chop with a fork. Mix fat-free natural yogurt with soy sauce.
4. Lay out in layers: squirrels, tuna, onions, carrots, yolks
5. We coat each layer, except for the top one, with sauce.

Recipe 4: With corn

Tuna canned in its own juice - 1 can (200 gr.)
Corn - 1 can
Pitted olives - half a jar
Tomatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size
Salad - bunch
You can add fresh carrots
Lemon juice
Olive oil
Step by step recipe:
1. Wash the lettuce, tear it with your hands and put it on a flat dish.
2. Wash the tomatoes, cut into large slices, put on a plate
3. Put corn, olives,
4. Chop the tuna and put it to the rest of the products
5. Mix lemon juice with olive oil and dress the salad without stirring.

Video recipe for cooking a diet salad with tuna Nicoise

Ease of preparation and nutritional value make this salad an ideal lunch option for those who care about proper nutrition and prepare their own office lunch. In addition, lettuce contains more protein than a small steak.

This delicious tuna salad takes just a few minutes and seven ingredients that you can find in any supermarket. These are tuna, lettuce, tomatoes, sweet peppers, pine nuts, rye bread and olive oil.

1. Canned tuna

Use tuna in its own juice, dressing it with a tablespoon of olive oil yourself. It will turn out both tastier and healthier - you never know what oil could be used for canning.

How: half a can - 100 g.
Composition: proteins - 25 g, carbohydrates - 0 g, fats - 10 g, calorie content - 180 kcal.
2. Sweet pepper

Despite the fact that sweet peppers contain quite a lot of vitamin C and help the body fight free radicals, they are called sweet for a reason. It contains quite a lot of carbohydrates and sugar.

How: one small pepper - 100 g.
Composition: proteins - 1 g, carbohydrates - 7 g, fats - 0 g, calorie content - 28 kcal.
3. Lettuce

The most delicious tuna salad comes from ready mix"Vita Mix", which consists of frisse lettuce leaves, spinach, small pieces of carrots and beets. But, in principle, you can use any other salad.

How: a third of the package, about two handfuls - 150 g.
Composition: proteins - 2g, carbohydrates - 3g, fats - 0g, calorie content - 25 kcal.
4. Cherry tomatoes

Tomatoes will make the salad more juicy, in addition, they contain vitamins A, C and. You can use either a few cherry tomatoes or half a regular tomato, after chopping it.

How: 5 small tomatoes - 85 g.
Composition: proteins - 1 g, carbohydrates - 4 g, fats - 0 g, calorie content -20 kcal.
5. Pine nuts

Even a small serving of pine nuts contains daily allowance zinc, which is very important for the production of testosterone. In addition, nuts are rich in fat-soluble vitamins E.

How: a small handful - 15 g.
Composition: proteins - 2 g, carbohydrates - 3 g, fats - 10 g, calorie content - 120 kcal.
6. Rye bread

Firstly, some nutritionists believe that a person really likes crunchy food, and you will be pleased to crunch, and secondly, a couple of rye crisps contains quite a lot.

How: two crackers - 10 g.
Composition: proteins - 2 g, carbohydrates - 8 g, fats - 0 g, calorie content - 40 kcal.

tuna salad calories

Remember that if you add mayonnaise sauces and dressings, as well as cheese, to a salad with tuna, you will make the salad much more high-calorie, and it will not be entirely appropriate to talk about its benefits. In addition, nutritionists believe that mayonnaise is frankly harmful.

If you stick to the ingredients listed above, then the calorie content of the salad will be 413 kcal. In addition, you get as much as 33 grams of protein - an essential element for building muscles.


In order to prepare a delicious salad with tuna, you do not need to have a culinary talent at all - you just need to open a jar and chop the tomatoes. But remember that mayonnaise dressings and cheese significantly increase the calorie content of any salad.

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