Home Perennial flowers Shanghai Subject Ranking of Universities. Subsidies have been distributed to leading Russian universities. Successes of Russian universities

Shanghai Subject Ranking of Universities. Subsidies have been distributed to leading Russian universities. Successes of Russian universities

It is not surprising that those who want to receive higher education V Russian capital does not decrease every year. On the contrary, their numbers are growing exponentially. The most prestigious universities in Moscow open their doors to thousands of applicants living not only on the territory of our state, but also beyond its borders. In addition, the determining factor in the priority of capital institutions for future students is the almost unlimited possibilities for choosing a specialty.

Why do students want to study in Moscow?

But not only wide range conquered professions attracts people here who want to obtain a diploma of higher education. Moscow's world-famous and most prestigious universities also attract students with other factors:

Undoubtedly, the desire of the majority of applicants to master a specialty and obtain a diploma of higher education in the capital is justified. Meanwhile, among approximately 300 institutions, only a few can be said with confidence that these are the most prestigious universities in Moscow. The rating of such institutions presented below includes only the best universities, institutes and academies of the capital.

MGIMO is an elite university

Over the past decade, MGIMO has been considered the undisputed leader in the championship of the best. Although the majority of average applicants consider this university inaccessible to “ordinary people.” The majority of students here are children of large entrepreneurs or famous outstanding personalities. In addition to high scores on the Unified State Exam, you will also have to pass a stationary exam at MGIMO. Availability budget places limited at this facility. They are presented mainly for Olympiad winners and people who graduated from school with honors.

Competition at MGIMO

Like the most prestigious universities in Moscow, MGIMO sets itself the goal of joining such a European system of higher education as The Bologna Process. This will allow graduates of the institute to find employment in well-known foreign organizations and gain invaluable experience of European practice.

The competition among applicants to the university is on average 10-13 people per place. Every year MGIMO opens its doors to more than 1000 first-year students. Half of them are native Muscovites, the rest are visitors from various Russian regions and neighboring countries.

Moscow technical university

If we further consider the most prestigious universities in Moscow, the list of institutions should continue with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. This institution has no equal in the capital in terms of the quality of teaching in technical sciences. MIPT occupies high positions not only in the capital’s rankings, but also among technical universities in other regions. The institute has a rich history. Its graduates, teachers and founders are the pride of the Russian scientific world. Among the outstanding names are several laureates Nobel Prize who made an invaluable contribution to the development of global technical science: Kapitsa P. L., Landau L. D., Semenov N. N. and many others.

The advantage of this Moscow university for engineering students is the successful alignment educational process. Fundamental theoretical training is harmoniously combined with research activities, which allows future engineers to master specialties and realize their potential to a sufficient extent.

The popularity of MIPT paradoxically does not affect the demand for the institution among applicants. Despite the fact that the university is recognized as one of the best of its kind, applicants usually have no more than three competitors for one place. An exception to the rule is innovative specialties, where the competition sometimes reaches 17 applicants for one place.

All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade

The most prestigious universities in Moscow, where they teach economists, begin their list with the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade. In the field of international economics and finance, international law and management, the institution is considered exemplary. For more than 75 years, graduates of the academy have become highly qualified specialists in the field of foreign economic activity of the state and private entrepreneurs.

In addition, every year the admission committee of the institution tightens the rules for admitting applicants. Now, in order to enter a university, you must have a sufficient USE passing score, which is at least 90.5.

The best law school in the capital

One of several universities that train specialists for the judiciary is the Russian Academy of Justice. The institution has a legal profile. It is a federal university that operates only at the expense of budget funds. The Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are the founding organizations of the academy. The establishment has 10 branches in several Russian regions.

It is no coincidence that RAP tops the list of “The most prestigious universities in Moscow with a military department.” Students from other metropolitan institutions also undergo soldier training here. In addition, the opportunity to defer from compulsory military service is provided to everyone. An additional advantage of the university is the availability of an educational program in the specialty “Forensic Science”. Legal relations in the field of land and property branch of jurisprudence are studied extremely rarely in legal institutions of the country, but RAP is one of them.

Philological University in Moscow

Among the higher philological institutions in Moscow, one should certainly highlight State Institute Russian language named after. A. S. Pushkin. Despite the high quality of the educational services provided, it has a significant drawback, which negatively affects its popularity among applicants: a high passing score with a meager volume of government orders (about 50 people).

Legendary Moscow State University: lack of budget places

The list of the most popular universities in the capital and throughout Russia rightfully includes Moscow State University. There are quite a lot of people who want to enroll in this educational institution: annual competition for one place in the specialty "Economics", for example, sometimes there are more than 10 people. Another popular specialty at Moscow State University is “Management.” Many applicants would like to learn the intricacies of administration and the management process. Their number is seven times higher than the number of educational places.

The relatively low number of government budget orders is one of the few reasons why future Moscow students prefer another university to this one. Perhaps this fact naturally influenced the distribution of ranking positions among higher educational institutions, where MSU failed to even enter the top three.

The most prestigious universities in Moscow are waiting for applicants this summer. Tighter rules admissions committees aimed at selecting only the best applicants who have sufficient level knowledge, dedication and hard work.

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Established (1636) by missionary D. Harvard in Massachusetts. Since 2003, it has firmly held a leading position in ARWU.

Harvard has 12 faculties and colleges. Particularly authoritative areas are: medicine, law and economics.

In addition, the university has a number of private museums. Harvard is home to the world's largest science Library. It contains a predominant number of unique books and manuscripts.

More than 30 of the Nobel Prize winners are Harvard graduates.

Erected (1891) by California Governor L. Stanford in California. It got its name in honor of the man who died in adolescence son of a politician.

Part of the land is under long-term lease from companies associated with high technology. This structure is called “Silicon Valley”.

The university is famous for its high level of education in business and MBA. Many famous companies have been created by Stanford graduates.

MIT was founded in the USA in 1861. This educational institution was a response to the development of science and technology in the 19th century. This was due to the fact that classical education at that time ceased to correspond to progress.

MIT houses: Research Center, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Lincoln Laboratory and School of Management.

MIT is the cradle of many fields of science and technology, for example: artificial intelligence, robotics, computer technology. In addition to technical sciences, they teach management, linguistics, economics, politics and philosophy.

In that educational institution the greatest preference is given to practice rather than theory. In the Second world war students and teachers of the institute actively participated in military research programs.

Among the Nobel laureates, about 72 people are its graduates.

Established in 1868. Physicists from this university took part in the development of hydrogen and atomic bombs. In addition, a laser was created here, photosynthesis was studied, and a cyclotron was invented. Also within its walls was born operating system BSD, which became historically significant.

Since 2007, video materials with lectures and events taking place at the university began to be posted on the YouTube Internet portal. This was done on Berkeley's initiative in accordance with its ideology as a public institution.

According to legend, some scientists said goodbye to Oxford due to contradictions with the local population. It was they who built Cambridge (1209) in Great Britain.

On this moment The university owns 31 diversified colleges and more than 100 departments. Three of the colleges admit women exclusively.

Since 1904, 87 graduates have won the Nobel Prize.

Organized (1746) by Rev. D. Dickinson. Moved to Princeton in 1756. It acquired its current status in 1896.

It is noteworthy that classes here are held according to individual plans, and are closely related to research work. The University Honor Code obliges students not to cheat and to report any violations of order. Failure to comply with the code will result in expulsion from the university.

Popular due to its sporting traditions: more than 38 teams.

It was founded (1891) in the USA by businessman and politician E. Throop. The name was changed several times, and the final version was adopted in 1920.

Has very interesting traditions, in particular: on Halloween, students traditionally throw a pumpkin frozen with liquid nitrogen and decorated with a garland from the library; the freshmen are given a “truancy day”, while the older students set up various traps, and the younger students’ task is to get into the institute.

However, it is quite difficult to study here; there is even an aphorism: “ Public life, activities, sleep: choose 2 out of 3.”

Established (1754) with the permission of King George II of England. In 1787 it became private. He gained fame thanks to the preparation of the political elite.

Here is the Bakhmetyevsky Archive, which stores materials about Russian emigration. Popular for the school of journalism opened in 1912.

54 graduates became Nobel Prize laureates. In addition, many US presidents and ministers graduated from this university.

A private university established by D. Rockefeller in 1980. According to some sources, the university began its activities in 1857. However, the direct financial support of the tycoon made it possible for the university to begin functioning at full capacity.

The university library began its activities in 1892 and today has more than 3.5 million books and unique manuscripts. Particularly strong areas: law, economics, physics and sociology.

There are 79 Nobel laureates.

An ancient university located in Great Britain, built in 1117. There is some information that education began here back in 1096. Oxford began to admit women into its ranks only in the 1920s, and in the 1970s. Separate education was also abolished.

MESI is a state university of economics, computer science and statistics, which is located in the capital of Russia, Moscow, and has been training professionals in various fields for 80 years. Besides economic education, applicants can receive legal and psychological degrees at the university, which makes MESI one of the most prestigious institutions in Moscow. As of 2013, there are 21 areas of training at MESI.

Studying at MESI means receiving an excellent education, professional skills and tremendous experience. After all, the educational institution has a wonderful teaching staff, whose representatives have repeatedly been able to demonstrate their achievements and scientific developments at conferences at both Russian and international levels.

MESI provides 344 budget places for applicants entering the university through a general competition, as well as 22 places for targeted admission. There are 770 commercial places with tuition reimbursement, which allows everyone to be enrolled in one of the most popular and prestigious universities in Moscow. The passing score for budget places is more than 200 points for three subjects based on the Unified State Examination results. Competition at MESI averages 41 people per place.

MESI provides students with the opportunity to conquer not only Russia, but also European countries, since education at this university follows an international standard.

In 1906, women's courses opened in Moscow, then they were transformed into an institute, and from 1930, an independent 2nd Moscow State University was separated from them. medical school, and from this date he counts his history. It was then that the world’s first pediatric faculty was opened within its walls; before this, children’s doctors had never been specially trained anywhere. It was named after Pirogov in 1956.

It’s quite difficult to enter this university; just having good or excellent grades in your certificate or USE results is not enough, you need to pass entrance tests, which are akin to tasks at thematic Olympiads. The competition is great. The result on the Unified State Exam must be no lower than 85. Training is carried out on a budgetary basis, but there is paid branch. You can switch from it to a budget one, showing high academic performance.

The university has 7 faculties, where they train doctors of various specialties, clinical psychologists, pharmacists and specialists in theoretical medicine. There are preparatory courses that provide high-quality preparation for admission, as well as a faculty of postgraduate studies and advanced training. Among the graduates of the university is the world famous Leonid Roshal.

Among the many prestigious universities Russian Chemical-Technological University named after V.I. Mendeleev, or as it is also called - Mendeleevka.

The institute with a rich history has always been famous for the level of training of its students. Among the graduates of RKhTU there are many famous politicians, businessmen, scientists, including one Nobel laureate.
The university graduates: engineers, technologists, specialists in industrial ecology, sociologists and other specialists in various fields of activity from the oil and gas industry to pharmaceuticals. The leading enterprises of the country are happy to see graduates of this university as employees.

The university has a good basis for fruitful study and scientific activity students, and in free time students will not be bored: the university has its own KVN team, brass band, choir, student club, as well as many different sports sections from athletics before mountaineering. The university provides dormitories for students from other regions.
In total, the university has 10 faculties, where students are trained in 17 specialties.

Most popular destinations:
1. chemistry;
2. biotechnology;
3. fundamental and applied chemistry.
The competition for these specialties this year is 46, 35 and 24 people per place, respectively, and the average passing score last year was 196, 222 and 227.

Of course, studying in such an educational institution is prestigious and difficult. However, for true chemistry lovers, this is not a university, but a dream

This year, two research institutes were affiliated with MSTU MIREA - information technologies and systems computer-aided design, as well as the All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics. Thus, the university becomes a large scientific cluster designed to train specialists for high-tech production in the peaceful and military industries.

The following technical specialties are especially popular among 2013 applicants:
- computer security;
- infocommunication technologies and communication systems;
- electronics and nanoelectronics.

At the Faculty of Economics and Management, which offers only full-time education, invariably the largest competition at the university. For the specialty "Business Informatics" there are 21 budget places, for the specialty "Economics" - only 6. As a result, the passing score, as a rule, ranges from 200 and above.

Since there is no dormitory at MIREA, nonresident applicants will undoubtedly be interested in distance learning (full-time and part-time) in the field of Computer Science computer technology" Master the specialization “Computer technology software and automated systems"and get a bachelor's degree state standard possible in 4, 5 years.

The Eurasian Open Institute is non-profit organization higher professional education.

This higher education institution produces specialists for the most in-demand fields today labor activity: information technology, law, finance, economics.

Students can choose the level of education that matches their capabilities:
bachelor's, master's, postgraduate, and also study at a higher business school. The number of university students is about 3 thousand people. You can study at the EAOI both full-time and part-time by correspondence.

A distinctive feature of the institute is developed system distance learning using the Internet. The Electronic Learning Environment (ELMS) allows you to obtain higher education without leaving your home, communicating with teachers and colleagues through various services.

Admission, passing tests and thesis at distance learning also carried out through remote connection to ELMS. The cost of studying at EAOI is very moderate in comparison with other Moscow universities.

The diploma of higher education issued upon completion of studies is state, which is guaranteed by the document of state accreditation of the institute.

If you want to become a sought-after lawyer, gain extensive high-quality knowledge in the field of Russian and international law, and the opportunity to undergo an internship with the Moscow Government, we invite you to the Russian Academy of Justice.

The Russian Academy of Justice is a state university. It was established by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. The Academy prepares specialists for further work in the judicial system. This year the Academy celebrated its fifteenth anniversary. Future applicants are offered a preparatory program for 2013-2014, designed for 9 months. Preparation is carried out in 4 subjects. The courses start on September 2, 2013.

Future students besides judicial system and economic specialization, have the opportunity to obtain a rare and especially relevant specialization today: land and property relations, forensic examination.

The Faculty of Continuing Education actively operates at the Academy of Justice. He supervises the student starting from preparatory courses, the first stage is college education, the second stage is higher education (3 years). At the first stage, an in-depth language training(including in college London). Starting from the second stage, it is possible to simultaneously obtain knowledge and a second diploma in University of London without leaving the UK. A specialist with a degree from the University of London is highly regarded throughout the world.

The advantage of the Academy is the presence of a military department and a deferment from military service. Thanks to the fundamental knowledge gained in Russian Academy justice, every 9 out of 10 graduates work in their specialty.

Founded in March 1995, Moscow City Pedagogical University, today can safely be called a major cultural, scientific and educational center cities with a strong educational and methodological base and modern technological capabilities. Its structure includes 10 institutes, 2 colleges, 7 faculties, a University School and a branch in the city of Samara. About 18 thousand students are trained in 108 specialties. University graduates will be able to work not only in educational institutions, but also in industries related to law, economics, psychology, management, social sphere etc.

In 2008, the university began to operate a level system of personnel training (master’s, bachelor’s). IN currently the process of strengthening is actively underway structural divisions by combining closely related faculties into institutes. Thus, the historical and philological faculties were united into the Institute humanities. Institute natural sciences included the Faculty of Life Safety, as well as the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology and Geography. In these conditions, the training of specialists will take place in the specialties and areas transferred to the departments.

MSPU is a budgetary educational institution, but there are also extra-budgetary forms of education. Competition for free specialties averages from 2 to 7 people per place, depending on the direction.

In Europe, it is the largest university that trains actors for stage and film, directors and sound engineers, as well as circus, pop, ballet and musical theater artists. It begins its history back in 1878, from the opening of “ music school for those who come." Drama classes were once headed by Nemirovich-Danchenko. Among the graduates are such celebrities as Knipper and Meyerhold. In 1902, RATI, which was then still a music and drama school, moved to a mansion on Maly Kislovsky Lane, owned by the Soldatenkovs, where it is located to this day.

The competition for a place is very high, since many people want to become famous, but only a few people are accepted for the course, so how to prepare a large number of It is impossible for actors to learn, and in the words of one of the graduates of this university, an actor is a piece of “goods”, and classes are often conducted individually with each person.

Admission is based on the results of the Unified State Examination and a creative competition, Russian language and literature must be 36 and 32 points, respectively, for creativity - 35 points. The institute has a dormitory for non-residents. There is also a scene with auditorium with 200 seats, where student actors give performances and student directors stage them.

The Moscow Road Transport Institute was established by a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in December 1930. The university is training specialists in road transport, on road-bridge and airfield construction, automated control systems in the motor transport complex, on road-building machines. MADI created scientific schools academicians Stechkin and Chudakov, other scientific figures of the country.

In 2013, the minimum Unified State Exam score to be able to submit an application was 40; applicants were admitted to the budget department based on the results of this score. Outsiders in the Unified State Examination can, if desired, be enrolled in a paid department or wait for additional enrollment when places become available among those who arrived but did not provide original documents.

The university has an excellent scientific and technical base and has dormitories. Since the number of people in need exceeds the number of beds, they are provided according to the Unified State Examination rating after enrollment. The university has a targeted admission for a number of specialties, for example, customs, there is no budget department at all, and in the faculties of logistics and economics there are only 10 and 20 budget places, respectively, but there are several times more paid places. The data is given for the full-time department.

The university trains specialists in the field of nuclear research and for the nuclear industry. From the day of its opening, the current MEPhI was called MMIB, or Moscow Mechanical Institute of Munitions, since it was organized on the initiative of Beria in November 1942. The university has had its current name MEPhI since 1953.

Among the famous teachers are Nobel Prize laureates Sakharov, Cherenkov, Tamm and others. Kurchatov, Zeldovich, Kikoin and a number of other academicians and famous scientists also taught students. From its founding to this day, the university has been working for the defense industry.

The Institute has branches in a number of cities of the Russian Federation; it is an elite university with world fame. His diplomas are quoted in the world without further confirmation. The competition for one place is always big, in particular, in the current year, 2013, it was easier to enter nuclear specialties, the competition is from 1 to 2, 58 people per place, depending on the faculty. Despite the apparent simplicity of entering here, studying is much more difficult and many leave MEPhI after the 1st semester. It was more difficult to get into economics; there were over 28 people per place.

Not only Russians come to study, but also citizens of other countries, Turkey, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and not only these. The university has dormitories and a large campus, but the university is not able to provide everyone with a bed.

For over ninety years, actors have been graduating from the famous Shchukin Higher Theater School, or Shchuk. The university operates at the theater. Vakhtangov, after all, it was Vakhtangov who was the first head of an amateur actors’ studio and a great director in the future.

Today the institute is headed by Evgeny Knyazev, who replaced Vladimir Etush in this position. It came out of the walls of Shchuka great amount famous actors, among them Vera Maretskaya, Yuri Lyubimov, Vladimir Etush, Andrei Mironov. Modern ones include Sergei Makovetsky, Maxim Averin, Konstantin Raikin, and this is not a complete list.

Today, future actors and directors are trained at the university; puppet theater or facial expression artists are targeted, as well as for specific theaters or regions of the country. The competition for one place is very high, since they accept approximately 30 people per acting and 20 people per theater director.

Applicants must undergo a creative competition in addition to passing exams in school subjects, if they do not have Unified State Examination results, that is, those who graduated from school in 2009, graduates of subsequent years provide Unified State Exam results. Applicants with higher education will be exempt from entrance exams, except creative competition, based on the application.

VGIK is a prestigious educational institution that produces specialists in the field of screen arts, namely cinema, television, video, etc.

Students study in both higher and secondary education programs. There are also programs for additional education.

VGIK has 7 faculties: directing, acting, screenwriting and cinematography, animation and multimedia, art, production and economics.
In this educational institution, training is provided both full-time and part-time. There are also both budgetary and commercial forms of training.

In 2013, at the acting department at VGIK there were 17 places - budgetary, 8 - paid. At the cinematography department there were 15 budgetary and 10 non-budgetary places. Approximately the same number and ratio of paid and budget places in other faculties.

Teaching is organized in the form of creative workshops. This year we recruited for our groups famous figures film and television actor V.A. Grammatikov, playwright R.I. Ibragimbekov, playwright and director Yu.N. Arabov, cameraman I.S. Klebanov, director V.Yu. Abdrashitov, cartoon artist S.A. Alimov and others.

A rare university with specialties in short supply is a State University. Land management, management. It's easy and fair to enroll in State University in land management at the Faculty of Land Management (by the way, this year marks 235 years). Average score for 1 Unified State Exam (Russian, mathematics, physics) - 50-60. In total, from 150. Although the most patient ones entered with 120 points at the end, who waited with the original documents until the last minute, while everyone was rushing around to other universities. Therefore, the range of points at the faculty is from 280 to 120. By the way, the zemfak gives quite a decent education in the field rational use and management of the country's main resource - land resource. There are dormitories military department- set of 500 people. University website - www.guz.ru

The official date of creation of the Moscow humanitarian institute named after E.R. Dashkova is considered to be on May 26, 1992, but the university received its full name only a year later. The name of Princess Ekaterina Dashkova was not given to the educational institution by chance, because it was with her that significant development was associated Russian science and culture in the 18th century. Grand Duchess distinguished by quick wit, a lively mind and a thirst for new knowledge, an unconventional view of everyday things, and a desire for perfection.

At MGI im. E.R. Dashkova loves and respects her students. Course participants are a variety of young men and women who came to receive a quality education from all over the vast country. The team of students and teachers is distinguished by a friendly and well-coordinated approach to what they love, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s teaching or studying. The educational process is based on qualities such as mutual respect and attentiveness.

The creation and development of the institute took place in a difficult time of change, changing ideologies and the emergence of new opportunities, but this did not prevent teachers from preserving classical fundamental teaching and introducing the most advanced, innovative methods into it.

The founders of the institute set ambitious goals for themselves. The main task was to create a new type of higher education institution. Such a university:

Focused on the most popular specializations;
Interesting for students;
Independent of government agencies;
Combines European and Soviet traditions of education;
Uses new teaching methods.
The main goal that the teaching team has set for itself is to create a unique, cohesive university that provides training for highly qualified, comprehensively educated specialists.

A modern educational and research center recognized in Russia and in the world, combining in its work classical university traditions and modern educational technologies. Since its formation, the university has always kept up with the times and constantly expanded its range educational programs in accordance with the country's needs for engineering personnel, while simultaneously improving the quality of specialist training and achieving recognition both in Russia and abroad. MIREA today is one of the leaders in the field of training highly qualified specialists for rapidly developing knowledge-intensive branches of science and technology: telecommunications, information and computer technologies, automation, cybernetics, radio engineering and electronics, chemistry and biotechnology.

Evgeny Marushevsky

freelancer, constantly traveling around the world

Harvard, Oxford, Yale... all these names are constantly on our lips, it is difficult to find a person who does not know about such universities. We decided to highlight the most famous universities in the world from different countries and make your own top 10 most prestigious educational institutions.

Leading countries

In each developed country there are several best universities, but not all of them are on the list of world leaders in terms of quality of education, prestige, scientific achievements and other important indicators.

Most top ones educational institutions is located in the USA. There is a decent establishment in every state, some of them are neighbors. UK universities are second in the world in terms of quality of education. It is also worth noting the presence prestigious universities in Germany and France, the Netherlands and Switzerland, China and Japan, Canada and Australia.

Top 10 popular universities in the world

Of all the names, it is worth noting ten that are known to almost every person. We constantly hear about them in the news and films, and see them in magazines and on the Internet.


Harvard University is located in Massachusetts, namely in Cambridge. This is one of the most famous universities. It is one of the top three educational institutions not only in the United States, but also in the world. The university was formed in the 19th century on the basis of a college and was named after the missionary John Harvard, who was considered its main sponsor.

This is one of the oldest universities in America. Over the years of its work, dozens of Nobel laureates and winners have been produced Pulitzer Prize, as well as 8 US presidents.

The property of Harvard University includes not only schools of various fields and campuses for students, but also libraries, museums, a botanical garden and even a forest.


The difference between Princeton University is the combination of highly specialized sciences, art and general knowledge. Each student is required to master a program that goes beyond the scope of his specialty, which allows him to expand his knowledge and gives him the opportunity to work in the future not only in the direction chosen in advance.

At Princeton University, Albert Einstein taught in room 302 at the Frist Center.

Here the priority is to develop your own abilities and knowledge, Scientific research, conscientiousness. Upon admission, students undertake to comply with the “Code of Honor”, ​​which they subsequently confirm when writing each test paper, signing a kind of oath. Only worthy people are able to go all the way from admission to receiving a diploma, since there are high demands on knowledge and compliance with the rules.


Yale University closes the top three universities in the United States, along with Harvard and Princeton. It is located in New Haven, Connecticut. It was named in honor of Eli Yale, a merchant who sponsored the school, from which the university was later formed.

Yale has students from more than one hundred countries. The university owns the third largest library. When compared with other university book depositories, it ranks second in the world. Since the university appeared during the era of colonization of America by the British, the most big meeting works of British art outside Great Britain.


Stanford University was founded by government officials in the state of California and the Stanford couple. Educational institution located in Silicon Valley and named after their deceased son. The university includes graduate School business and research center.

Stanford University graduates are the founders of such corporations as:

  • Hewlett-Packard;
  • Nike;
  • Yahoo!;
  • Google.

In order for students to master knowledge as much as possible, they use various studies And science programs, and for each teacher there are only 6 students.


Oxford University is considered one of the oldest in the UK. The training system allows us to produce truly specialists in our field. Each student receives a mentor who guides him throughout the entire period of study.

Particular attention is paid here not only educational process, but also leisure activities. In addition to libraries and museums, the university has hundreds of interest groups.

For training in Oxford University Ideally, you must be fluent in English.


The second oldest university in Britain is Cambridge University. Approximately a third of students are foreigners, although it is not so easy to enter here. In some cases, expensive tuition is compensated by issuing scholarships and grants to especially talented applicants. In total, the university offers 28 areas of study.

Together with Oxford, it is the university most popular among the elite, including members of the royal family. Also a graduate Cambridge University is Stephen Hawking.

University of Bristol

The University of Bristol is one of the largest in England. Not far from Bristol is Stonehenge.

Winston Churchill was Chancellor of the University of Bristol. The quality of teaching at this university is worthy of the highest ratings.

Bristol graduates are included in the list Nobel laureates, Fellows of the Royal Scientific Society and the British Academy of Sciences.


Sorbonne University is the oldest university in France and one of the architectural landmarks of Paris. Here you can get higher education free of charge.

The teachers of the University of Paris were:

  • the Curies;
  • Louis Pasteur;
  • Antoine Lavoisier.

Today, the Sorbonne University of Paris is divided into 4 parts, closely interacting with each other and united social institutions. Each individual university adheres to a basic specialization.

University of Bonn

The most famous university in Germany one can safely call the University of Bonn. He is associated with many famous personalities. Emperors Frederick III and Wilhelm II are alumni of the University of Bonn. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche also studied here. Among the teaching staff, it is worth highlighting the Fields Medal winner Otto Wallach and Pope Benedict XVI.

The university teaches humanities and economics, exact sciences, agronomy, theology, medicine, etc.

Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

The university was founded in 1755. The decree on its opening was signed by Elizabeth I, and therefore it was originally called the Imperial Moscow University. The proposal to open it was made by academicians Shuvalov and Lomonosov, in honor of the latter the university was renamed in 1940.

MSU owns more than 600 buildings, including museums, libraries and archives. Training is provided at 41 faculties. In terms of popularity and quality of education, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov takes first place in Russia.

Each university from the presented ten is known to most people thanks to high quality education, famous graduates and teachers. In addition, the architecture of the buildings deserves special attention.

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