Home Potato Sample regulations on personnel of an organization. Standard Form of Staff Regulations

Sample regulations on personnel of an organization. Standard Form of Staff Regulations

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By order of the director
OOO "___________________"
No. _____
from "__"__________ ____

about the staff
Limited Liability Companies
1.1. These Regulations were adopted on the basis of clause ___ of the Charter of the Limited Liability Company "_________________________", hereinafter referred to as the "Company", and in accordance with the procedure in force in the Company for the development and adoption of local regulations.
1.2. The Regulations determine the basic requirements for the formation of the Company’s personnel, the procedure for hiring and dismissal from the Company, the main duties and rights of the personnel and administration of the Company, labor organization, working hours, advanced training and job guarantees for personnel, incentives for success in work and liability for violations labor discipline, formation of social partnership between the personnel and the administration of the Company.
1.3. Personnel in the sense of these Regulations means the labor collective of the Company’s employees, consisting of labor relations with the Company on the basis of employment agreements (contracts) concluded with the latter and working for the Company on a permanent or temporary basis.
1.4. Persons performing work (services) for the Company on the basis of civil law contracts or other agreements that do not fall under the concept of an employment agreement (contract) are not considered to be members of the staff.
1.5. In accordance with the concluded employment agreement (contract) and the order of the director of the Company, employees occupy paid positions or jobs in the Company.
1.6. In accordance with the procedure established by the Company, they may be issued certificates or passes of the established form, certifying their work in the Company.
1.7. The Company has established the following categories of employees:
- managers of the Company (director, deputy directors, chief accountant, chief engineer);
- heads of departments (heads of workshops, departments and services);
- specialists;
- technical performers;
- junior service personnel;
- workers.
The Company may establish other categories of employees.
1.8. Job responsibilities of the employee and qualification requirements requirements for it are determined job description or an employment agreement (contract).
1.9. Structure of the Company and its staffing table approved by the director of the Company.
1.10. Managers and heads of departments form the administration of the Company.
2.1. Labor activities in the Company are organized and carried out based on the following basic principles:
- legality, understood as exact and strict compliance with the requirements of laws and other legal acts, as well as internal documents of the Company;
- discipline based on the obligatory nature of decisions of higher officials and collegial bodies of the Company for all employees within the limits of their competence;
- control and accountability of the activities of employees and administration, their responsibility for failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties;
- non-partisanship. The Society does not create structures of political parties and movements. Workers on duty job responsibilities are not guided by party decisions, political movements and other public associations in which they may belong;
- equal access to vacant positions and jobs in accordance with the abilities and professional training of everyone.
2.2. The labor activities of employees are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other current legislation containing labor law norms, the Company's Charter, employment contracts, job descriptions and local regulations.
3.1. The recruitment of personnel to the Company is carried out by the Company administration in accordance with the current labor legislation by concluding an employment agreement (contract) and is issued by order of the Director of the Company or a person authorized to do so in the prescribed manner.
3.2. When applying for a job at the Company, the administration is obliged to require the person applying for work to provide the documents specified in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Employment without the specified documents will not be accepted.
In order to more fully assess professional and business qualities An employee being hired may be asked to provide a brief written description (resume) about previously performed work, ability to use office equipment, work on a computer, etc. Everyone applying for a job undergoes a mandatory interview and, if necessary, testing.
Hiring to the Company is carried out, as a rule, with a probationary period lasting from _________ to _______ months (no more than 3 months, with the exception of persons for whom, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a 6-month probationary period may be established).
Hiring after concluding an employment contract is formalized by an order, which is announced to the employee against signature.
Actual admission to work is considered the conclusion of an employment contract, regardless of whether the hiring was properly formalized.
3.3. In order to more fully assess the professional and business qualities of an employee being hired, the latter may be asked to provide a brief written description (resume) of previously performed work.
Everyone applying for a job undergoes a mandatory interview and, if necessary, testing.
3.4. Admission to permanent employment at the Company is carried out, as a rule, with a probationary period lasting from 1 to 3 months. When hiring a temporary job, there is no probationary period.
3.5. Hiring after the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract) is formalized by an order, which is announced to the employee against signature.
Sign up for work book is entered in strict accordance with the text of the order.
3.6. Actual admission to work is considered the conclusion of an employment contract, regardless of whether the hiring was properly formalized.
3.7. When an employee starts work before concluding an employment agreement (contract) or transferring him to another job in the prescribed manner, the Company administration is obliged to:
- familiarize him with the assigned work, conditions and remuneration, explain to the employee his duties and rights;
- familiarize yourself with these Regulations;
- conduct training on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, fire protection and other labor protection rules;
- instruct on the procedure and measures that an employee must follow to preserve information constituting a commercial or official secret of the Company, and responsibility for its disclosure or transfer to other persons.
3.8. If necessary, the hired employee undergoes short course training or instruction on the work performed. At the same time, for the period of mastering job responsibilities, the employee may be assigned a mentor from among highly qualified specialists or employees of the Company.
3.9. The Company allows, with the consent of the administration, part-time and other additional work for employees, which is paid in accordance with the established procedure.
3.10. When released due to a reduction in staff or numbers, the employee may be given another job if there are vacant positions (jobs) or offered to undergo retraining, or the employment agreement (contract) with him is terminated.
3.11. Termination of an employment agreement (contract) can only take place on the grounds and in the manner provided for by labor legislation or the terms of the employment agreement (contract).
A contract concluded for the duration of a specific work is terminated when it becomes impossible to perform this work.
An employee has the right to terminate an employment agreement (contract) concluded for an indefinite period by notifying the Company administration two weeks in advance.
Upon expiration of the specified period of notice of dismissal, the employee has the right to stop working, and the administration is obliged to issue him a work book and make payments to him.
By agreement between the employee and the administration, the employment agreement (contract) can be terminated within the period requested by the employee.
A fixed-term employment agreement (contract) is subject to early termination at the request of the employee in the event of his illness or disability preventing the performance of work under the agreement (contract), violation by the administration of labor legislation, a collective or labor agreement (contract) and for other valid reasons provided for by the current labor agreement. legislation.
3.12. After the expiration of the employment contract, it can be extended by agreement of the parties, or a new employment contract can be concluded between them for temporary or permanent work.
3.13. If, after the expiration of the employment contract, the employment relationship actually continues and neither party has demanded its termination, then the employment contract is extended for an indefinite period. If the contract was concluded to perform temporary work, then in this case the temporary worker acquires the status of a permanent employee.
3.14. In addition to the grounds listed in clause 3.13 of these Regulations, a contract for temporary work that has not been extended for an indefinite period in accordance with clauses. 3.14 and 3.15, may be terminated:
3.14.1. At the initiative of the employee, subject to written notification by the latter to the Company three days before the date of proposed termination.
3.14.2. At the initiative of the Company in the event of:
a) suspension of work in the Company for a period of more than one week for production reasons, as well as reduction of work in the Company - with payment of severance pay provided for in clause 8.4 of these Regulations;
b) absence from work for more than two weeks in a row due to temporary disability - without payment of severance pay;
c) failure by the employee to perform without good reasons duties assigned to him hereby employment contract, - without payment of severance pay.
3.15. Termination of an employment agreement (contract) is formalized by order of the Company. On the day of dismissal, the administration is obliged to give the employee his work book with a note of dismissal included in it and make a final settlement with him. Entries about the reasons for dismissal in the work book must be made in strict accordance with the wording of the current legislation and with reference to the relevant article, paragraph of the law. The day of dismissal is considered the last day of work.
3.16. Termination of an employment contract does not relieve the parties from liability for its failure to fulfill it.
4.1. An employee of the Company is obliged to:
- carry out his work activities in accordance with his job responsibilities and within the limits of the rights granted to him;
- carry out orders, instructions and instructions from superiors in the order of subordination of managers;
- ensure a high culture of its production activities;
- constantly maintain and improve the level of one’s qualifications necessary to perform official and labor duties, strive for self-improvement, and be proactive;
- comply with the internal labor regulations established in the Company, production and labor discipline, maintain business and friendly relations with fellow workers, and not commit actions that disrupt the work of the Company and lead to undermining its authority;
- treat the Company’s property with care, take measures to prevent damage that may be caused to the Company;
- not to disclose commercial and other information of a confidential nature;
- do not use for speeches and publications in media mass media both in Russia and abroad, information received by virtue of official position, defined by special documents of the Company as a commercial (official) secret, the dissemination of which may cause harm to the Company or its employees;
- not to disseminate information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties, affecting privacy, honor and dignity of both work colleagues and other persons with whom one has to come into contact due to one’s duties. An employee has the right to provide information containing official and commercial secrets only in connection with the initiation of a criminal case and in other cases directly provided for by law;
- promote the formation of a cohesive team spirit, build relationships with work colleagues on a friendly basis, providing them with support and assistance if necessary;
- comply with labor protection, safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation requirements;
- maintain cleanliness and order in your workplace, office and other premises, comply with the established procedure for storing documents and material assets;
- effectively use various technical means and equipment used in the work of the Company, including personal computers and other office equipment, economically and rationally use materials and energy, and other material resources.
4.2. To perform job duties and work related to the use of various technical means(radio telephone, pager and others), the Company administration may provide such technical means at the disposal of the employee.
An employee who has received at his disposal from the Company administration the above technical means necessary for him to perform his job duties, bears financial responsibility for them in accordance with current legislation, accepts all necessary measures for their safety and careful handling and must, upon the first request of the Company’s administration, return them to the Company.
4.3. An employee of the Company has the right:
- require, when concluding an employment agreement (contract), that the content and scope of their job responsibilities (volume, content or type of work) be written in it (or in the job description) and provide organizational and technical conditions for their implementation;
- make decisions or participate in their preparation in accordance with job responsibilities, and, if necessary, directly contact the management of the Company;
- address suggestions and comments directly to the management of the unit or the Company;
- request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from immediate managers and support services the necessary information, materials, tools, etc., necessary for the performance of official duties (work);
- know the system, procedure and amount of material remuneration, as well as the provision of compensation and benefits established in the Company;
- participate in competitions (if they are held) to fill vacant positions, including higher ones;
- for promotion (work), increasing the amount of salary, taking into account the results of work and level of qualifications;
- to receive financial assistance on the terms and in the manner established by the Company;
- get acquainted with all materials of your personal file, certification results, reviews and other materials about your activities;
- demand an official investigation to refute information discrediting his honor and dignity;
- dismissal of one’s own free will, as well as other grounds provided for by labor legislation;
- for judicial protection of their interests;
- retirement upon reaching retirement age.
5.1. The Company's administration is obliged to:
- strictly comply with labor legislation;
- ensure state social insurance of all employees and payment of social benefits provided for by current legislation;
- properly organize the work of workers at their assigned workplaces, providing them with the necessary technical means, equipment, supplies and office equipment;
- create healthy and safe working conditions that comply with labor protection, safety regulations, sanitary standards, and fire safety regulations;
- ensure strict adherence to labor discipline, apply measures of influence to its violators;
- comply with the terms of remuneration stipulated in the employment agreement (contract), issue wages on time;
- assist employees in improving their qualifications and improving professional skills.
5.2. The Company Administration has the right:
- require the Company’s employees to fulfill the obligations assumed in accordance with the employment agreement (contract) or provided for in the job description;
- demand from the Company’s employees compliance with labor discipline, working hours and rest, proper performance by employees of their labor duties and compliance with the standards established by these Regulations;
- to recover, in the manner established by current legislation, from the Company’s employees direct (actual) damage caused to the Company as a result of shortages, loss, misappropriation, damage, decrease in the value of the Company’s property, costs of acquiring or restoring property, or making excessive payments due to the fault of a Company employee to another entity ( an individual or legal entity);
- demand from the employee the immediate return of the technical equipment, specified in clause 4.2 of these Regulations, issued to him for the performance of work duties, in accordance with the concluded employment agreement (contract), which belongs to the Company and is its property.
5.3. The Company Administration as an employer:
- emphasizes respect for the rights, individuality and value of each employee by encouraging him to perform highly productive work in a friendly and stimulating atmosphere, the desire for open and trust relationships;
- provides all employees with equal opportunities to realize their individual abilities, providing an objective assessment of results for quality work performed;
- is interested in uncompromising honesty, high ethical standards in all aspects of production activities and personal responsibility of each employee for the quality of the work performed;
- expects constructive criticism and reasonable initiative from the Company’s employees;
- promotes the unification of employees into an integral work collective (team), the creation of a healthy creative and moral-psychological environment in it, ensuring a spirit of solidarity and a sense of interest of all personnel in the success of the Company as the basis of its well-being;
- is attentive to the needs and requests of employees.
5.4. Exercising its rights and obligations, the Company’s administration strives to create a highly professional, efficient team, the interest of employees in the development and strengthening of the Company’s activities and its stable position.
6.1. In accordance with current legislation and the terms of employment agreements (contracts), a _____ (five-day or six-day) working week is established for the Company’s personnel, lasting ________ hours (no more than 40 hours) with ________ day(s) off (____________).
Days off are: ________________________________________.
Option: days off are provided on different days of the week according to shift schedules approved by the Company administration.
6.2. Daily work begins at ______ o'clock, lunch break from ____ to _____ o'clock, end of the working day at ______ o'clock. (Option: working hours are established by the shift schedule approved by the Company administration). On the eve of holidays, work hours are reduced by one hour.
6.3. For individual workers Companies, the regime of working time and rest time, taking into account the specifics of their work activity (job duties), is determined when concluding an employment agreement (contract).
6.4. In accordance with labor legislation, work is not performed on the following holidays:
- January 1, 2 - New Year;
- January 7 - Christmas;
- March 8 - International Women's Day;
- May 1, 2 - Spring and Labor Day;
- May 9 - Victory Day;
- June 12 - Day of adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
- November 7 - anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution;
- December 12 - Day of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
If a weekend and a holiday coincide, the day off is transferred to the next working day after the holiday.
On the eve of the holidays listed above, employees' work hours are reduced by 1 (one) hour. If a holiday is preceded by a day off, the working day is not reduced.
6.5. Employees may be required to work at night (from 22:00 to 6:00 local time) according to the shift schedule approved by the Company's administration.
For night work, in addition to wages, compensation is paid in the amount of ___________ (not less than 40%) of the hourly rate for one hour of work. The hourly rate is calculated by dividing the amount wages by the average number of working hours per month.
6.6. In exceptional cases, employees may be required to work overtime, as well as to work on weekends and holidays in the manner and with compensation provided for by labor legislation (by providing another day of rest or by agreement of the parties in in cash).
6.7. The employee is granted annual leave with pay lasting ________ days (at least 24 working days based on a six-day working week). Leave for the first year of work is granted after eleven months of continuous work in the Company. In cases provided for by labor legislation, at the request of an employee, leave may be granted until the expiration of eleven months of continuous work in the Company.
Vacation for the second and subsequent years of work is provided in accordance with the priority of vacations, according to the vacation schedule approved by the head of the Company, drawn up taking into account production needs and the wishes of employees.
6.8. In cases provided for by law, employees are granted additional leave.
6.9. Replacement of vacation with monetary compensation is not allowed, except in cases of dismissal of an employee who did not use the granted vacation.
6.10. For family reasons and other valid reasons, an employee may, at his request, be granted short-term leave without pay.
6.11. When going on regular leave, the Company's employees may be given a one-time benefit in the amount and manner established by the Company.
6.12. Employees who have the necessary business and professional qualities, whose working conditions are determined by the specificity of their professional activity and official duties, if the production process allows, they have the right to organize their work in a free manner. The latter is stipulated in the employment contract or contract concluded with the employee.
7.1. Continuous improvement of professional excellence, business qualifications and professional skills is considered as a direct official responsibility of all managers and employees of the Company.
7.2. For professional training and advanced training of employees, the Company’s administration, based on the interests of production activities, taking into account the employee’s desire to improve their qualifications, can carry out various forms of vocational training at the expense of the Company.
7.3. The procedure for professional training of the Company's employees is regulated by internal regulatory documents and is implemented on their basis, taking into account the financial capabilities of the Company and the employee's contribution to its activities.
8.1. During the period of validity of the employment agreement (contract), the employee is subject to all guarantees and compensation provided for by the current labor legislation.
8.2. Provided stable financial situation The administration of the company may, by decision of its Founders, provide the following additional social guarantees to the working personnel:
- additional leave;
- payment of additional amounts to the statutory state benefit social insurance;
- medical, sanatorium-resort and consumer services in the form of _____________________________________________________________________.
8.3. Social guarantees provided for in clause 8.2 of these Regulations may also be applied by decision of the General Meeting of the Company to former employees Society, who left the Company due to retirement and made a great contribution to its work.
8.4. If the contract is terminated due to:
a) the employee’s conscription or entry into military service;
b) the employee’s refusal to continue working due to a change in significant working conditions;
c) illness that prevents the continuation of work, or loss of ability to work as a result of an industrial accident;
d) if the Company violates labor legislation or contractual obligations, the employee is paid severance pay in the amount of ___________ (at least two weeks of average earnings).
9.1. The Company's administration undertakes to provide each employee with guarantees of his employment (job retention) subject to the employees' fulfillment of their obligations, readiness to improve productivity and quality of work and compliance with the requirements set out in Section 4 of these Regulations.
9.2. In the interests of ensuring the stable development of the Company, the Company administration may:
- stop hiring new employees if its production activities can be supported by the available staff;
- attract temporary workers during periods of rising economic conditions and the need for the Company to increase the volume of work;
- maneuver labor resources within the Company, including through “horizontal movement” (transfer of employees);
- apply systems for personnel retraining and retraining of workers;
- allow a temporary reduction in the working week during periods of deteriorating economic conditions;
- allow the temporary use of a system of extraordinary or additional leaves with a reduction in the amount of payment for leave (or without it).
10.1. For highly professional performance of job duties, increased labor productivity, long-term and impeccable work and other successes in work are applied the following measures incentives for the Company's employees:
- declaration of gratitude;
- issuance of bonuses;
- rewarding a valuable gift.
10.2. Incentives are announced by order, brought to the attention of the team and entered into the employee’s work book.
11.1. For violation of labor discipline, the Company administration applies the following disciplinary sanctions:
- remark;
- reprimand;
- dismissal.
Dismissal may be applied for systematic failure by an employee, without good reason, to fulfill the duties assigned to him by the employment agreement (contract) and these Regulations, if disciplinary measures have previously been applied to the employee; for absenteeism (absence from work for more than three hours during a working day) without good reason, for showing up at work in drunk or in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as for committing theft (including minor) of the Company’s property at the place of work, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a resolution of an authority whose competence includes the imposition of an administrative penalty, as well as on other grounds and in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation.
11.2. Disciplinary sanctions are applied by the Company's administration. The administration has the right instead of imposing disciplinary action refer the issue of violation of labor discipline to the work collective for consideration.
11.3. Before imposing a penalty, an explanation must be required from the violator of labor discipline. An employee’s refusal to provide an explanation cannot serve as an obstacle to the application of a penalty.
Disciplinary sanctions are applied immediately after the discovery of the act, but no later than one month from the date of its discovery, not counting the time the employee was ill or on vacation. The penalty cannot be imposed later than six months from the date of the commission of the offense, and based on the results of an audit or financial check -economic activity- no later than two years from the date of its commission. The specified time limits do not include the time of criminal proceedings.
11.4. For each violation of labor discipline, only one disciplinary sanction can be imposed. When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the severity of the offense committed, the circumstances in which it was committed, the employee’s previous work and behavior must be taken into account.
11.5. An order to apply a disciplinary sanction, indicating the reasons for its application, is announced (notified) to the employee subjected to the penalty against signature within three days.
Information about the imposition of disciplinary sanctions is not entered in the work book.
11.6. If within a year from the date of application of the disciplinary sanction the employee is not subjected to a new disciplinary sanction, then he is considered not to have been subjected to disciplinary sanction.
A disciplinary sanction can be lifted by the administration ahead of schedule on its own initiative, at the request of the immediate supervisor or the workforce, if the person subjected to disciplinary action has not committed a new offense and has proven himself to be a conscientious employee. During the period of validity of the disciplinary sanction, the incentive measures specified in these Regulations are not applied to the employee.
11.7. All employees of the Company must be familiar with the rules of these Regulations, who are obliged in their daily work to comply with the procedure and rules established by these Regulations.
12.1. The Company bears financial and other liability, in accordance with current legislation, in the following cases:
a) dismissal without legal grounds or in violation of the established procedure;
b) damage to the employee as a result of injury or other damage to health associated with the performance of his job duties;
c) in other cases provided for by law.
In cases provided for by law, the Company is obliged to compensate the employee for moral damage caused by the unlawful actions of the Company.
13.1. The Company's administration, staff and trade union operate on the principles of cooperation and partnership.
13.2. The Company's administration recognizes the trade union's right to represent the interests of personnel in production, economic and social activities Society. The trade union is an active partner of the administration in the development of production, economic and social programs and personnel development programs, which are approved by a joint decision of the administration and the trade union.
14.1. The rules provided for by these Regulations are mandatory both for the administration of the Company and for its employees constituting the personnel of the Company.
14.2. The employment agreement (contract) includes a condition that in everything that is not directly provided for in the employment agreement (contract), the parties are guided by these Regulations, provided that the employee familiarizes himself with the Regulations against signature.
14.3. The presence of the rule provided for in clause 14.2 of these Regulations does not deprive the personnel and administration of the Company of the right to regulate the terms of their relationships in the employment agreement (contract) differently than provided for by these Regulations; at the same time, the inclusion in the employment agreement (contract) of conditions that worsen the employee’s position in comparison with the norms provided for by these Regulations and the current labor legislation is not allowed.

about the personnel of the joint stock company


1.1. These Regulations were adopted on the basis of an article of the Company’s Charter and in accordance with the Regulations in force in the Company on the procedure for the development and adoption of local regulations.

1.2. The Regulations determine the basic requirements for the formation of the Company's personnel, the development and implementation of personnel development programs, regulate the terms of payment, the procedure for hiring, promotion, certification, release of personnel, issues of forming a social partnership between personnel and administration.


2.1. Personnel in the sense of these Regulations is understood as a set of persons performing labor functions on the basis of an employment agreement (contract) concluded with the joint-stock Company.

2.2. Persons performing work (services) on the basis of a civil contract or other agreement that is not covered by an employment agreement (contract) are not considered to be members of the staff.


3.1. The administration of the joint-stock company and the personnel, as the principles of their relationships, proceed from the readiness of the personnel:

3.1.1. understand the problems facing the Company, both strategic and current;

3.1.2. feel that you belong to the Society;

3.1.3. connect personal interests with the interests of the Company;

3.1.4. fully share and support the values ​​and corporate interests put forward by the Company;

3.1.5. accept responsibility and risk for the affairs of the Company, the economic results of its activities, success and failures.

3.2. The principles provided for in clause 3.1 of these Regulations have moral significance for personnel, and only in cases expressly specified in these Regulations are they legally binding for personnel.

3.3. The administration has the right not to take measures favorable to the staff, the implementation of which depends, in accordance with these Regulations, on the counter-compliance by the staff with the principles specified in clause 3.1.


4.1. The main document defining, on the basis of these Regulations, the relationship between the administration and staff is the Personnel Development Program. The Administration ensures the development, approval and implementation of the Program in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The personnel development program includes:

4.2.1. planning to supply production with labor resources (taking into account the need to replenish and release workers);

4.2.2. personnel selection, formation electronic bank labor market;

4.2.3. hiring procedure work force;

4.2.4. career guidance and retraining of personnel;

4.2.5. personnel certification;

4.2.6. organizing employee promotions and staff rotation;

4.2.7. ensuring job security;

4.2.8. organization of labor and stimulation of its payment;

4.2.9. rules of conduct for personnel and rules for working with them;

4.2.10. social development personnel;

4.2.11. release of personnel.

4.3. An integral part Personnel development programs are a special section regulating production, economic and social partnership administration and trade unions.


5.1. Recruitment of personnel is carried out by the Company administration in accordance with current labor legislation based on the use of two legal forms– contracts and employment contracts.

5.2. The use of a contract form is mandatory when hiring managers, engineering and technical workers and employees whose official functions are related to the management of other employees, management of internal departments, relationships with personnel of other enterprises and organizations, if this is related to the solution of economic (commercial) issues or the disposal of property of the Company.

5.3. In all other cases not provided for in clause 5.2 of these Regulations, employment contracts are concluded.


6.1. Continuous professional development is the right and legal obligation of every employee. Each employee is obliged to constantly improve their skills. The responsibility of the administration is to provide each employee of the Company with the necessary conditions to maintain and improve the level of professional qualifications.

6.2. If it is necessary, in the interests of the Company, to switch to new products, technology, new methods of organizing production and management, the administration is obliged to provide all employees who, due to the above reasons, may lose their jobs, the opportunity for training and retraining.

6.3. Training and retraining of persons working under a contract is associated with the acquisition by the employee of special knowledge that requires expenses significantly exceeding those usually accepted; the administration and the employee have the right to agree on the terms for additional attraction of the employee’s funds.


7.1. If the production process allows it, employees with the necessary business and professional qualities, have the right to organize their work in a free manner.

7.2. Work teams of internal divisions have the right to organize work on the principles of intra-production (intra-company) entrepreneurship, to carry out their activities on the basis of commercial calculation or as part of autonomous partner groups.


8.1. The Company's administration undertakes to provide each employee with guarantees of his employment (job retention), subject to the employees fulfilling their obligations and willingness to increase productivity and quality of work and compliance with the rules, provided for in paragraphs 3.1.2– 3.1.5, 6.1 of these Regulations.

8.2. To ensure these responsibilities, a special program employment.

8.3. In order to ensure employment guarantees and minimize the risk of unemployment, the Company’s administration uses the following methods:

8.3.1. periodic cessation of hiring new workers if the production program can be supported by existing personnel;

8.3.2. attracting exclusively temporary workers during periods of rising economic conditions and the need for the Company to increase production volumes;

8.3.3. maintaining (at the expense of all personnel) temporary redundancy of labor at the Company's enterprises;

8.3.4. maneuvering labor resources within the Company, including through “horizontal movement” (transfer of employees);

8.3.5. application of a system of personnel retraining, retraining of workers;

8.3.6. temporary reduction of the working week during a period of deteriorating economic conditions;

8.3.7. temporary application of a system of early, extraordinary leaves or additional leaves with a reduction in the amount of pay for leave (or without it);

8.3.8. early retirement of an employee.

8.4. In case of early retirement due to age, the pension is paid from the funds of the Company's social pension fund in the manner and on the terms determined in the collective agreement and in the Regulations on the Company's funds and reserves.


9.1. The administration provides all personnel with the following additional social guarantees while working at the Company’s enterprise:

9.1.1. additional leave due to temporary disability;

9.1.2. payment of additional amounts to the statutory state social insurance benefit;

9.1.3. medical, sanatorium-resort and consumer services.

9.1.4. additional compensation in compensation for harm caused by damage to the employee’s health (to the employee’s family - in the event of the latter’s death);

9.1.5. to maintain (preserve) the health of employees (carrying out, at the expense of the Company, an examination and assessment of the initial quality of health and ability to work of the employee);

9.1.6. maintaining health and bringing it into optimal mode self-regulation in the event of a decrease in the quality of health of an employee during work or due to circumstances not related to the performance of labor (official) functions (provided that the cause of the decrease in the quality of health was not the use of alcohol, drugs or other bad habits), periodic control medical examination workers.

9.2. Provided in clause 9.1. responsibilities of the administration occur subject to the staff acting on the principles provided for in clauses 3.1.1–3.1.5 of these Regulations and compliance with clause 6.1 of these Regulations.

9.3. For the Company's employees who are pensioners (regardless of the type of pension assigned), the administration provides additional social measures in relation to the current legislation:

9.3.1. additional accruals to the pension received;

9.3.2. the measures specified in paragraphs. 9.1.3 – 9.1.5 of these Regulations.

9.4. The responsibilities of the administration provided for in clause 9.3 of these Regulations occur subject to the staff acting on the principles provided for in clause. 3.1.1 – 3.1.5 of these Regulations.

9.5. Social guarantees provided for in clause 9.3. of these Regulations are also accepted for former employees of the Company who left the Company due to retirement, provided that they comply with the requirements of clause 9.2 of these Regulations during the period of work.


10.1. The company establishes a profit participation fund for personnel in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement and the rules provided for by the Regulations on the funds and reserves of the Company.

10.2. The profit sharing fund is formed from funds contributed by the Company and personnel. Fund funds are accounted for in personal accounts opened for each member of staff; in this case, the amount of the Company’s contribution is distributed among the staff in proportion to the salary of each employee.

10.3. The funds from the profit sharing fund due to the staff are blocked in the personal account of each of the Company’s employees and can be received (withdrawn) by the employee no earlier than three years from the date of their accrual. The funds of the fund are used by investing them: in shares and bonds of the Company itself; to various securities other Companies, government bonds, etc.

10.4. Income received from the use of the profit-sharing fund is subject to payment to staff as dividends in proportion to the amount of labor participation of employees; at the same time, the size of the minimum and maximum dividends for the Company as a whole should not exceed the ratio of 1:5.

10.5. Payment of dividends from the use of funds from the production profit sharing fund based on the results of financial year. For members of staff working under contracts, the terms of the contract may provide for a “deferred payment” method, that is, with a deferment.

10.6. Profit sharing is mandatory for all contract employees. Ordinary workers and employees participate in profits exclusively on a voluntary basis, concluding personally in each special case a profit sharing agreement with the Company administration.

10.7. The profit (income) sharing program (plan) is developed with the direct participation of personnel and is included as an integral part in collective agreement.

10.8. Employees participating in the profits, along with the Company, share (in accordance with clause 3.1.5 of these Regulations) the risk of losses from unfavorable results of the Company’s production, economic and commercial activities and do not have the right to refuse appropriate compensation payments to the Company.

10.9. In case of temporary financial difficulties and in order to prevent further significant losses for the Company, the administration and representatives (committee) of personnel agree on the amount of wages (but not lower than the minimum established by law), limiting the amount of wages below the base one, as well as the amount of capital dividends paid employees from the profit sharing fund (see clause 10.4 of these Regulations); Neither party has the right to refuse to agree to these restrictions. In the event of the actual occurrence of the above losses, part of them in the amount agreed upon by the parties is reimbursed from capital dividends due to the staff or the capitalized amount on the employee’s personal account.

10.10. All issues related to the formation of the staff profit participation fund, in particular, determining the size of contributions, the procedure and amount of dividend payments, are resolved by the Board of Directors of the Company in agreement with the staff.


11.1. The Company's administration, staff and trade union operate as a whole on the principle of partnership between the Company's administration and staff.

11.2. The Company Administration recognizes legal right trade unions to represent personnel in the management of the Company, to take into account their independent interests in the production, economic and social activities of the Company. The trade union is an active partner of the administration in the development and implementation of any production, economic and social programs and personnel development programs that are approved by a joint decision of the trade union administration.

11.3. The trade union representative is a full member of the Company's Board of Directors; he is vested with all the rights belonging to a member of the Board of Directors (applies if there is a corresponding entry in the Company’s Charter).

11.4. Mutual obligations of the administration of the Company and the trade union for economic partnership may include, in response to the union’s obligations, limiting (“freezing”) wage growth, temporarily stopping (limiting) the payment of dividends on income from capital contained in the profit-sharing fund, investing certain amounts in development production to maintain guaranteed employment of personnel, distribute shares free of charge (or with partial payment) among personnel when increasing the Authorized Fund of the Company, pay for temporarily surplus labor at the Company's enterprises, etc.


12.1. Failure by the administration to ensure the rights of personnel in the part provided for in clauses 6.1, 8.1, 9 of these Regulations gives the employee the right to early termination of the contract (employment contract) with payment to the employee of a penalty in the amount of 3 times the monthly salary.

12.2. Failure by personnel to fulfill the duties provided for in clause 6.1 of these Regulations gives the Company's administration the right, in the manner prescribed by law, to terminate the contract early (with the simultaneous application of sanctions specified in the contract) or the employment contract.


13.1. The rules provided for by these Regulations are legally binding both for the administration of the Company (employer) and for the Company’s employees - personnel.

13.2. When concluding an employment agreement (contract), a condition is included as a mandatory element that the employee accepts the rules of this Regulation as an integral part of the employment agreement (contract) and, therefore, in everything that is not directly provided for in the employment agreement (contract), the parties are guided by these Regulations.

13.3. The presence of the rules provided for in clause 13.1 of these Regulations does not deprive the personnel and administration of the Company of the right to regulate in the employment agreement (contract) the terms of their relationships differently than provided for by these Regulations; at the same time, the inclusion in the employment agreement (contract) of rules that worsen the employee’s position in comparison with the norms provided for by these Regulations is not allowed.

Please note that other documents were compiled and checked by lawyers and are approximate, it can be modified taking into account specific conditions transactions. The Site Administration is not responsible for the validity of this agreement, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Sample. Regulations on personnel of a joint stock company (standard form)


Board of Directors
joint stock company


"___"_______ 20___



1.1. These Regulations were adopted on the basis of Article... of the Charter
of the Company and in accordance with the Regulations on
the procedure for developing and adopting local regulations.
1.2. The Regulations define the basic requirements for the formation
personnel of the Company, development and implementation of development programs
personnel, regulates payment terms, hiring procedures, promotion
service, certification, release of personnel, issues of formation
social partnership between staff and administration.


2.1. In the sense of these Regulations, personnel means
a set of persons performing labor functions on the basis
an employment agreement (contract) concluded with the joint-stock company.
2.2. Persons who are not considered part of the personnel
performing work (services) on the basis
civil contract or other agreement, not
subject to an employment agreement (contract).


3.1. The administration of the joint-stock company and personnel as
the principles of its relationships are based on the readiness of the staff:
3.1.1. understand the problems facing society as
strategic and current;
3.1.2. feel that you belong to the Society;
3.1.3. connect personal interests with the interests of the Company;
3.1.4. fully share and support those put forward by the Society
values ​​and corporate interests;
3.1.5. accept responsibility and risk for the affairs of the Company,
economic results of its activities, success and failures.
3.2. The principles provided for in clause 3.1 of these Regulations are
for personnel moral significance, and only in cases directly
specified in these Regulations are legally binding for
3.3. The administration has the right not to accept favorable
personnel of measures, the implementation of which depends in accordance with this
Regulations against counter-execution by personnel specified in clause 3.1


4.1. The main document defining on the basis of this
The relationship between the administration and staff is
Personnel development program. The administration provides development,
approval and implementation of the Program in accordance with the labor
legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. The personnel development program includes:
4.2.1. planning to supply production with labor resources
(taking into account the need to replenish and release workers);
4.2.2. personnel selection, formation of an electronic market bank
4.2.3. labor recruitment procedures;
4.2.4. career guidance and retraining of personnel;
4.2.5. personnel certification;
4.2.6. organizing employee promotion and rotation
4.2.7. ensuring job security;
4.2.8. organization of labor and stimulation of its payment;
4.2.9. rules of conduct for personnel and rules for working with them;
4.2.10. social development of personnel;
4.2.11. release of personnel.
4.3. An integral part of the Personnel Development Program is
a special section regulating production, economic and
social partnership between administration and trade unions.


5.1. Recruitment of personnel is carried out by the administration of the Company in
in accordance with current labor legislation based on
the use of two legal forms - contract and employment contract.
5.2. The use of a contract form is mandatory when
hiring managers, engineers and technical workers and employees whose
official functions are related to the management of other employees,
management of internal departments, relationships with
personnel of other enterprises and organizations, if this is related to
solving economic (commercial) issues or disposing
property of the Company.
5.3. In all other cases not provided for in clause 5.2
of these Regulations, employment contracts are concluded.


6.1. Continuous professional development - law and legal
responsibility of every employee. Every employee is obliged at all times
improve your skills. The responsibility of the administration is to ensure
every employee of the Company has the necessary conditions to maintain and
increasing the level of professional qualifications.
6.2. If necessary, in the interests of the Company, transition to
new products, technology, new methods of organizing production and
management is obliged to provide all employees with
who, due to these reasons, may lose their jobs,
possibility of training and retraining.
6.3. Training and retraining of contract workers
is associated with the employee’s mastery of special knowledge that requires
expenses significantly exceeding those usually accepted, administration and
the employee has the right to agree on the terms of additional involvement
employee funds.


7.1. If the production process allows it, workers,
possessing the necessary business and professional qualities,
have the right to organize their work freely.
7.2. Work collectives of internal divisions have the right to
organization of work on the principles of in-production
(intra-company) entrepreneurship, to carry out its
activities on the basis of commercial calculation or as part of
autonomous partner groups.


8.1. The Administration of the Company undertakes to provide everyone with
the employee has a guarantee of his employment (job retention) subject to
fulfillment by employees of their obligations and willingness to increase
productivity and quality of work and compliance with rules,
provided for in paragraphs 3.1.2 - 3.1.5, 6.1 of these Regulations.
8.2. To ensure these responsibilities, a
special employment program.
8.3. To ensure job security and minimize risk
unemployment, the Company's administration uses the following methods:
8.3.1. periodically stop hiring new employees if
the production program can be supported by existing
8.3.2. engaging exclusively temporary workers during periods
rising economic conditions and the need for the Company
increasing production volume;
8.3.3. maintaining (at the expense of all personnel) temporary
redundancy of labor at the Company's enterprises;
8.3.4. maneuvering of labor resources within the Company, in
including through “horizontal movement” (transfer of workers);
8.3.5. application of a personnel retraining system,
retraining of workers;
8.3.6. temporary reduction of the working week during a period of deterioration
economic conditions;
8.3.7. temporary application of the system of early, extraordinary
vacations or additional vacations with a reduction in pay for
vacation (or without it);
8.3.8. early retirement of an employee.
8.4. In case of early retirement due to age, pension payment
is made at the expense of the social pension fund
Society in the manner and on the terms determined in the collective
agreement and in the Regulations on the funds and reserves of the Company.


9.1. The administration provides all staff with
The Company's enterprise has the following additional social guarantees:
9.1.1. additional leave due to temporary
9.1.2. payment of additional amounts to those established by law
state social insurance benefit;
9.1.3. medical, sanatorium-resort and consumer services in
9.1.4. additional compensation for damages,
caused by damage to the employee’s health (the employee’s family - in
in case of death of the latter);
9.1.5. to maintain (preserve) the health of workers
(conducting, at the expense of the Company, an examination and assessment of the initial quality
employee health and ability to work);
9.1.6. maintaining health and bringing it into optimal mode
self-regulation in the event of a decrease in the quality of employee health during
work or for circumstances not related to the performance of labor
(service) functions (provided that the reason for the decrease in quality
health were not the use of alcohol, drugs or other
bad habits), periodic control medical examination
9.2. Provided in clause 9.1. responsibilities of the administration begin
subject to the personnel acting on the principles provided for in clause 3.1.1
- 3.1.5 of this Regulation, and compliance with clause 6.1 of this
9.3. Employees of the Company who are pensioners (regardless of
type of assigned pension), the administration provides additional
in relation to the current legislation, measures of social
9.3.1. additional accruals to the pension received;
9.3.2. the measures specified in paragraphs. 9.1.3 - 9.1.5 of these Regulations.
9.4. Responsibilities provided for in clause 9.3 of this Regulation
administrations occur subject to the action of personnel on the principles
provided for in paragraphs. 3.1.1 - 3.1.5 of these Regulations.
9.5. Social guarantees provided for in clause 9.3. present
The provisions are also adopted for former employees of the Company,
who left the Company due to retirement, subject to
their compliance during the work period with the requirements of clause 9.2 of this


10.1. The company is forming a fund for personnel participation in profits in
in accordance with the terms of the collective agreement and rules,
provided for by the Regulations on the funds and reserves of the Company.
10.2. The profit sharing fund is formed from funds
contributed by the Company and personnel. The fund's assets are accounted for
personal accounts opened for each member of staff; while the amount
The Company's contribution is distributed among the staff in proportion
wages of each employee.
10.3. Profit sharing fund funds due
personnel are blocked on the personal account of each employee
Company and can be received (withdrawn) by an employee no earlier than three years
from the moment of their accrual.
The fund's assets are used by investing them: in shares and
bonds of the Company itself; into various securities of other Companies,
in government bonds, etc.
10.4. Income received from the use of funds from the participation fund
in profits, subject to payment to staff as dividends
proportional to the amount of labor participation of employees; wherein
the amount of the minimum and maximum dividend for the Company as a whole is not
must exceed the ratio of 1:5.
10.5. Payment of dividends from the use of funds from the participation fund
in production profits at the end of the financial year. For those working
contracts of staff members may be subject to the terms and conditions
contract method of "deferred payment", that is, with a deferment.
10.6. Staff participation in profits is mandatory for
all contract employees. Ordinary workers and employees
participate in profits exclusively on a voluntary basis, concluding
personally in each individual case with the administration of the Company
profit sharing contract.
10.7. Profit (income) sharing program (plan)
is developed with the direct participation of staff and is included in
as an integral part of the collective agreement.
10.8. Employees sharing in profits along with the Company
share (in accordance with clause 3.1.5 of these Regulations) the risk
losses from unfavorable results of production and economic
and commercial activities of the Company and has no right to refuse
corresponding compensation payments to the Company.
10.9. In case of temporary financial difficulties and for the purpose of
preventing further significant consequences for the Company
losses administration and staff representatives (committee)
agree on the size of the salary (but not lower than that established by law
minimum), limiting the amount of wages below the basic one, as well as
the amount of capital dividends paid to employees from the fund
participation in profits (see clause 10.4 of these Regulations); none of
The parties do not have the right to refuse to agree on these restrictions. IN
in the event of the actual occurrence of the above losses, part of them in
in the amount agreed upon by the parties, shall be reimbursed from the amounts due to
payment of capital dividends or capitalized amounts to staff
on the employee's personal account.
10.10. All questions related to the formation of a participation fund
personnel in profits, in particular, determining the amount of contributions,
the procedure and amount of dividend payment are decided by the Board of Directors
Companies in agreement with the staff.


11.1. The Company's administration, personnel and trade union operate in
generally on the principle of partnership between the administration of the Company and
11.2. The Company's administration recognizes the legal right of trade unions
to represent personnel in the management of the Company, to record them
independent interests in production, economic and
social activities of the Company. The union is active
partner of the administration in the development and implementation of any
production, economic and social programs and programs
personnel development, which are approved by a joint decision
union administration.
11.3. The union representative is a full member
Board of Directors of the Company; he is entitled to all the rights
owned by a member of the Board of Directors (applies if there is
corresponding entry in the Company's Charter).
11.4. Mutual obligations of the administration of the Company and the trade union
economic partnership may include in response to commitments
trade union to limit (“freeze”) wage growth, temporarily
stop (limit) the payment of dividends on capital income,
contained in the profit-sharing fund, invest certain
amounts for production development to maintain guaranteed
employment of personnel, distribute free of charge (or with partial payment)
shares among staff when increasing the Company's authorized capital,
pay for temporarily surplus labor at the Company's enterprises


12.1. Failure by the administration to ensure the rights of personnel in
part provided for in paragraphs. 6.1, 8.1, 9 of these Regulations, give
the employee’s right to early termination of the contract (labor
agreement) with payment to the employee of a penalty in the amount of 3 times the monthly
12.2. Failure of personnel to fulfill the duties provided for in paragraph.
6.1 of these Regulations, gives the Company’s administration the right to
in the manner prescribed by law, terminate early
contract (with the simultaneous application of sanctions defined
contract) or employment contract.


13.1. The rules provided for in these Regulations are
legally binding both for the administration of the Company
(employer) and for the Company's employees - personnel.
13.2. When concluding an employment agreement (contract) as
mandatory element includes the condition that the employee
accepts the rules of these Regulations as an integral
integral part of the employment agreement (contract) and, therefore, in
everything that is not directly provided for in the employment contract
(contract), the parties are guided by these Regulations.
13.3. Availability of the rules provided for in clause 13.1 of this
The Regulations do not deprive the personnel and administration of the Company of the right
regulate in the employment agreement (contract) the terms of their
relationships differently than provided for in these Regulations; at
this is the inclusion in the employment agreement (contract) of rules that worsen
the position of the employee in comparison with the standards provided for
This Regulation is not permitted.

A document establishing the principles of labor relations, methods of organizing work in the company, the basic rights and obligations of the company and its personnel.

The beginning of the active use of personnel regulations to regulate social and labor relations coincides with the moment of formation in modern Russia the institution of private property and the emergence of the first commercial organizations. In the field of private capital Special attention began to focus on prompt response to external and internal changes operating conditions. Therefore, business was forced to turn to foreign experience - to a ready-made operating model for regulating social and labor relations.

In 1994, with the publication of manuals on labor organization and execution of organizational and administrative documents in joint-stock companies*, personnel regulations began to be applied in large Russian organizations. This document is currently being developed in medium and small companies. And there is an explanation for this.

* Joint-Stock Company. Collection of standard organizational and administrative documents. - M.: Russian Legal Publishing House, 1994.

The personnel regulations are a document borrowed from foreign practice in regulating labor relations. Its content was filled taking into account the Russian specifics of the relationship between employer and employee.

Today, there are three basic approaches to introducing basic local documents regulating labor relations into organizations. Thus, the following documents can be entered into the company:

a) only internal regulations;

b) internal labor regulations and personnel regulations;

c) staff regulations only.

In the first case, the Standard Internal Labor Regulations, approved by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor dated July 20, 1984 No. 213, are adapted to modern conditions. It must be said that, despite certain shortcomings, this option does not come into clear conflict with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 189-190).

In the second, both documents are in effect in the organization in parallel. If management decides to introduce both regulations and rules, then the organization’s specialists must ensure that these documents do not contradict each other. As a rule, with this approach, the personnel regulations are a complex policy document about the relationship between the personnel and the organization represented by its management and owners. It defines the basic principles of corporate culture (organizational culture). In the theory of personnel management and the company as a whole, corporate culture is understood as a declaration of the most important internal values company, behavioral norms shared by the staff and management of the company and transmitted through various (usually symbolic) means of the spiritual and material environment of the company. At the same time, the personnel regulations not only list the principles of corporate culture, but also indicate the mechanisms for putting them into effect - the mutual rights and responsibilities of the staff, management and owners of the organization, the responsibility of the organization to the staff, and vice versa. Internal labor regulations in this case are considered as the legal (and only) basis for regulating labor relations.

When using the third approach, the assimilation of foreign and traditional Russian model building labor relations: the personnel regulations, while remaining focused on corporate culture, nevertheless contain all the basic provisions of the internal labor regulations.

A comparative analysis of these documents allows us to highlight the following points:

Comparative parameters

Internal labor regulations

Document focus

Local normative act an organization that regulates, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, the procedure for hiring and dismissing workers, the basic rights, duties and responsibilities of subjects of labor relations, working hours, rest periods, incentives and penalties applied to employees, as well as other issues regulating labor relations In the organisation

Local regulatory act establishing: the principles of relations between staff and the company at the level of corporate ethics; ways of organizing work in the company; basic rights and responsibilities of the company and personnel; mutual responsibility of staff and company. The purpose of the position is to ensure not so much labor discipline as business discipline, to force staff to imbue with the “spirit” of the company, and also to motivate staff to work with greater efficiency through development and training programs, social programs, and sometimes profit sharing, etc.

Approximate structure

1. General Provisions

1. General Provisions

2. The procedure for hiring and dismissing employees

2. Basic principles of relations between staff and the company

3. Main responsibilities of employees

3. Procedure for registering labor relations

4. Main responsibilities of the employer

4. Rights and responsibilities of personnel

5. Work time and its use

5. Rights and obligations of the company (represented by its management and owners)

6. Rewards for success at work

7. Responsibility for violation of labor discipline

6. Working time and rest time

7. Secondment, transfer to a new place of work

8. Social guarantees for personnel

9. Personnel development and training programs

10. Staff profit sharing

11. Disciplinary and material measures (incentives and penalties)

12. Mutual responsibility of the staff and the company (represented by its management and owners)

Who approves

The employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of the organization’s employees

The head of the company in agreement with the managers structural divisions(when the company has just been created). However, it is also possible to approve it at a general meeting of the labor collective, as well as approve and introduce the regulations through the founders of the company

Basis for development

Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of July 20, 1984 No. 213 “On approval of standard internal labor regulations for workers and employees of enterprises, institutions, organizations” and the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that have come into force

A standard form of regulations on personnel of a joint-stock company, recommended for use by the State Property Committee of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federal Property Fund in 1994. It was she who was the first, and it is she who is preferred to be used as a basis. Besides standard form The personnel regulations of large foreign companies are used as an example.

Subjects of application

State, municipal organizations

Commercial organizations

Russian organizations

Joint organizations, foreign representative offices

From the table you can do important conclusion: the personnel regulations, despite the fact that they are borrowed from Western models of personnel management, have always had domestic analogue. And this analogue is a collective agreement, and not internal labor regulations. It is with this in mind that it is necessary to resolve the issue of introducing personnel regulations and (or) internal labor regulations into the organization. These are two completely different documents. If the regulations are a document about the ideology of the organization in relation to its personnel, then the rules are a rigid document about the routine in the organization.

The advantage of introducing personnel regulations into an organization rather than a collective agreement is obvious.

Firstly: the collective agreement must be developed in strict accordance with labor legislation, namely, with the Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 No. 2490-I “On collective contracts and agreements” (as amended on December 30, 2001) and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The norms of these documents provide for a clear procedure for the development and conclusion of a collective agreement (negotiations, resolution of disagreements, provision of guarantees and compensation during negotiations and development, etc.). Unlike a collective agreement, personnel regulations are usually developed by the management or owners of the organization, and hired personnel are only asked to accept and comply with its terms. At the same time, of course, the possibility of revising the terms of the situation at the initiative of the staff is not excluded.

Secondly: a collective agreement presupposes the presence of representatives of workers - bodies of trade unions and their associations, as well as public initiative bodies formed at a general meeting (conference) of workers. In a small company, the creation of such a body will not be encouraged, although the organization’s management has no right to prohibit it. The advantage of the personnel regulations is that, as a rule, personnel service or the personnel service is vested with the authority to represent both parties to the labor relationship (staff and employer).

Thirdly: failure to comply with a collective agreement or violation of certain of its terms by the employer entails very serious consequences for him. Employees and their representatives, in accordance with the law, have the right to put forward demands, and the employer is entrusted with the responsibility not only to consider these demands, but also to make a decision. If he did not inform about his decision within the prescribed period or rejected the workers’ demands, the situation is qualified by labor legislation as the moment of the beginning of a collective labor dispute. Consequently, all procedures established by Federal Law dated November 23, 1995 No. 175-FZ “On the procedure for resolving collective collective actions” apply to it. labor disputes"(as amended on December 30, 2001) and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with labor legislation, compliance with the terms of the collective agreement by the employer can be achieved different ways- starting from a strike and the employer’s obligation to fulfill the terms of the collective agreement in judicial procedure and ending with bringing the employer and its representatives to administrative liability.

The personnel regulations in the form in which they are used in Russia are more beneficial for the employer. Very rarely can you find a section or article devoted to the responsibility of the employer (management and owners).

Fourth: a collective agreement is a clear legal document and the employer is obliged to fulfill its obligations accurately, timely and in in full. The personnel regulations, as already noted, are more of a program document. In the Western model of personnel management, personnel regulations are just a proposal from the company. It formulates the social and labor ideology of the company in relation to its personnel and lays the foundations of the corporate culture. The mechanisms for implementing the personnel regulations themselves are indicated either in additional local acts(for example, in the “Regulations on Social Guarantees and Benefits”), or in specific plans that describe a set of activities and the timing of their implementation. Thus, the personnel regulations most often include a personnel development program, which involves the following activities: planning to supply production with labor resources; personnel selection; formation of a regional labor resource bank; hiring labor; career guidance, training and retraining of personnel; personnel certification; organizing employee promotion and staff rotation; providing job security; Labour Organization; salary; rules of staff conduct; social development of personnel; release of personnel; etc.

In addition to these reasons for employers' preference for personnel regulations over collective agreements, new technologies for personnel management should also be mentioned. They, being built on Western experience, do not consider the collective agreement as a document regulating social and labor relations in the organization.

The development of personnel regulations must be carried out systematically: it is necessary to provide for everything - from the company’s ideology (both in relation to the goals of creation and in relation to its personnel) to the funds for its implementation. That's why to work at preparatory stage Various specialized specialists are involved - the department of organization and remuneration, the personnel department, the legal department and other divisions of the organization. The group is headed, as a rule, by the development director or deputy head of the organization for personnel management.

Development begins with identifying the subjects to which the personnel regulations apply. Yes, according to general rule, personnel is recognized as a set of persons performing labor functions on the basis of employment contracts concluded with the organization. That is, the personnel regulations do not apply to persons performing work (providing services) on the basis of civil contracts. The other entity is the employer. Most often, in obedience to our accepted traditions, it is designated by the concept of “administration”. In the personnel regulations, it is desirable to clearly define what is meant by the administration of the organization. Administration (from the Latin administratio - management), from the point of view of labor law, is a set of officials who carry out the functions of labor organization and personnel management and have administrative powers. In turn, organizational and administrative powers are understood as functions of managing the work collective, work area, and production activities of individual workers (selection and placement of personnel, work planning, organizing the work of subordinates, maintaining labor discipline, etc.). The concept of administration includes both the head of the organization and other officials (deputy head, chief specialists, heads of structural divisions) to whom managerial powers are delegated. Instead of "administration" you can use the term "management".

Among the entities covered by the personnel regulations may be the founders of the organization, as well as family members of employees.

The personnel regulations should also define the external and internal philosophy of the organization. External philosophy is always aimed at maximum gain profits, but it is rare in any position to find such a formulation. Most often, the goal is designated as “maximum satisfaction of needs for consumer goods”, “carrying out economic and other activities aimed at meeting public needs for services”, etc. Internal philosophy is a set of principles and rules for the relationship between personnel and the organization, a system of values ​​and beliefs developed by the management and owners of the organization and voluntarily accepted by the staff. The main goal of the employer in this regard is to ensure such a level of material well-being of employees that allows one to expect from them high quality labor and interest in increasing the organization's profits. But at the same time, the rights and freedoms of the employee as a person and citizen must be respected. In this regard, here, first of all, it is necessary to turn to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees a person:

Personal rights (the right to life, to personal integrity, respect for human dignity, free development of personality, protection from arbitrary attacks and interference in personal and family life etc.);

Cultural rights (the right to participate in cultural life, to freedom of creative activity and teaching, to intellectual property and its protection, etc.);

Social rights (right to social protection, social security, etc.);

Right to education;

The right to protect one's rights and freedoms in accordance with the law.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation also provides directly labor rights citizens:

Right to work;

The right to freely dispose of one’s ability to work;

The right to choose the type of activity and profession;

The right to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements;

The right to remuneration for work without any discrimination and not lower than the minimum wage established by federal law;

Right to protection from unemployment;

The right to individual and collective labor disputes using the methods for resolving them established by federal law (including the right to strike);

The right to rest.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation further specifies the rights of workers.

The personnel regulations also define the principles of relations between the personnel and the company. In the regulation of social and labor relations, the main principles are:

Compliance with legal regulations;

Authority of representatives of the parties;

Equality of the parties;

Voluntary acceptance of obligations;

Prevention of forced or compulsory labor and discrimination in labor;

The reality of ensuring accepted obligations, etc.

In addition, the following principles form the basis for the relationship between staff and the company:

Stability of labor relations;

Unity of command and subordination of subordinate personnel to superior ones;

The decisions of the company’s owners are binding on all personnel within their competence;

Control and accountability of the activities of employees and company management, their responsibility for failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties;


Personnel prospects;

In the most common layout of the personnel regulations, the principles of relations between the personnel and the company are also based on the readiness of the personnel:

Constantly develop your professional skills and abilities;

Understand the problems facing the company, both strategic and current;

Feel like you belong to the company;

Link personal interests with the interests of the company;

Fully share and support the interests of the company;

Accept responsibility and risks for the company's economic performance, success and failure.

It should be remembered that these principles have moral (ethical) significance for personnel. Therefore, when developing personnel regulations, it should be taken into account that for failure to comply with these principles, social, but not legal, liability is possible.

Very often, company owners demand that the provision include an obligation for staff not to criticize the company’s policies when communicating with customers and competitors, as well as a ban on reporting temporary difficulties of the company to anyone outside the company, or on committing actions that undermine the company’s reputation. In some provisions, you can even find a ban on employees going to court. The latter is illegal and has no legal force.

There are no uniform forms and layouts of personnel regulations. Each organization develops them independently. The layout given below is one of the most common and is refined and supplemented during direct development.

The personnel regulations can be developed as one document that sets out the main theses and the concept of the relationship between the personnel and the company. Detailed mechanisms for implementing the provision are described in separate annexes to the basic document. The number and composition of these applications depend on the company’s policy - these could be: “Code of Ethics” or “Code of Business Ethics”, “Personnel Development Program”, “Regulations on material and moral incentives”, “Regulations on social guarantees”, provisions on structural divisions, etc.

If Western models of personnel regulations are consistently and accurately introduced into organizations, then its developers should know that the regulations mean a whole package of separate documents. For example, it may include documents such as “Rules for hiring personnel”, “Basic principles of work in the company”, “Address to new employees”, “Address to the personnel of the general manager and owners of the company”, “Code of Ethics”, “Labor organization ", "Regulations on labor protection", "Rules of personal hygiene (appearance, uniform, shoes, hairstyle)", "Regulations on personnel conduct", "Description of job responsibilities", "Staff discipline", "Regulations on personnel incentives", “The company’s relationship with dismissed employees,” etc. In addition, the regulations may include documents describing the scope of the company’s activities, its history, principles of working with clients, etc.

In any case, if the organization has a personnel regulation, accepted employees are introduced to it on signature even before signing the employment contract.



Moscow ....................................................................................... "____"__________ 2003


(name of company)


1.1. Full name of the organization: _____________________________________ established "____" in _______.
1.2. The Organization's activities are aimed at implementing programs to maintain Russian science and culture, including in the field of book publishing, education and new information technologies.
The main task is to create a system for acquiring the collections of Russian libraries with the latest domestic publications and increasing the status of libraries, transforming them into information, cultural and educational centers local community.
To this end, the Organization publishes book catalogs for further distribution to libraries, collects book orders from libraries and ensures their delivery to regions.
1.3. The structure of the Organization includes the following divisions:

1.4. The current management of the Organization is carried out by the General Director, who is accountable to…….
1.5. These Regulations were adopted on the basis of paragraph ____ of Article ____ of the Charter of the Organization.
1.6. This Regulation defines the basic principles of organizing labor activity in the Organization, the relationship between the administration and staff, the procedure for hiring and dismissing employees, the main responsibilities and rights of the personnel and administration of the Organization, working hours, basic guarantees and compensation, guarantees of employment of personnel, the procedure for sending on business trips, rewards for success at work and responsibility for violations of labor discipline.
1.7. Personnel in the sense of these Regulations means the workforce of employees of the Organization who are in labor relations with the Organization on the basis of employment contracts concluded with the latter and who work in the Organization for permanent basis or on external part-time basis.
1.8. Persons performing work (services) for the Organization on the basis of civil law contracts or other agreements that do not fall under the concept of an employment contract are not considered to be members of the staff.
1.9. According to the concluded employment contract and the order of the General Director of the Organization, employees occupy paid positions in its structural divisions.
1.10. The Organization has established the following categories of positions:
heads of the Organization;
heads of structural divisions;
1.11. The job responsibilities of employees and the qualification requirements for them are determined by the job description.
1.12. The structure of the Organization and its staffing are approved by the General Director of the Organization.


2.1. Labor activities in the Organization are organized and carried out based on the following basic principles:
obligatory for all employees of decisions of higher bodies of the Organization within their competence;
control and accountability of the activities of employees and administration, their responsibility for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties;
non-partisanship. The Organization does not create structures of political parties and movements. Employees, when performing their official duties, are not guided by the decisions of parties, political movements and other public associations in which they may belong;
equal access to vacant positions in accordance with the abilities and professional training of everyone;
social protection of the Organization's employees;
personnel stability.
2.2. The labor activities of the Organization’s employees are regulated Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Organization, as well as internal regulatory documents.
2.3. The administration and staff of the Organization, as the principles of their relationships, proceed from the readiness of the staff:
understand the challenges facing the Organization, both strategic and current;
feel that you belong to the affairs of the Organization;
link personal interests with the interests of the Organization;
fully share and support the values ​​and corporate interests put forward by the Organization;
2.4. The principles provided for in paragraph 2.3 of these Regulations have moral significance for personnel and only in cases expressly specified in these Regulations are legally binding for personnel.
2.5. The Administration of the Organization has the right not to take measures and decisions unfavorable for the staff, the implementation of which depends, in accordance with these Regulations, on the reciprocal implementation by the staff of the principles specified in clause 2.3.


3.1. Employment in the Organization is carried out on the basis of a concluded employment contract.
3.2. When applying for a job at the Organization, the person responsible for maintaining personnel documentation must require the applicant to:

Presentation of a passport proving identity.
provision of a work book, drawn up in the prescribed manner, with the exception of cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or an employee starts working on a part-time basis.
insurance certificate state pension insurance.
military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service.
a diploma or other document confirming the education received or a document confirming a specialty or qualification.

Employment without the specified documents will not be accepted.

3.3. In order to more fully assess the professional and business qualities of a hired employee, the Administration of the Organization may invite him to submit a brief written description (resume) of previously performed work, ability to use office equipment, work on a computer, etc.
3.4. Recruitment to the Organization can be carried out either without a probationary period or with a probationary period lasting from 1 to 2 months.
3.5. Hiring is formalized by order of the General Director, which is announced to the employee against signature.
3.6. After reading the order, the employee is obliged to provide his work book to the HR department, which is stored in the HR department until the employee is dismissed or transferred.
3.7. The actual admission to work is the conclusion of an employment contract, regardless of whether the hiring was properly formalized.
3.8. When an employee is hired or transferred in the prescribed manner to another job, the Administration is obliged to:
familiarize the employee with the assigned work, conditions and remuneration, explain to the employee his rights and obligations;
familiarize yourself with the Staff Regulations;
conduct instructions on safety precautions, fire protection and other labor protection rules, explain the obligation to preserve information constituting a commercial or official secret, and the responsibility for its disclosure.

3.9. The Organization allows, with the consent of the heads of departments and by decision of the General Director of the Organization, part-time work for employees, which is paid in the prescribed manner.
3.10. Termination of an employment contract is carried out only on the grounds provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.11. An employee has the right to terminate an employment contract by notifying the administration in writing two weeks in advance. Upon expiration of the specified period of notice of dismissal, the employee has the right to stop working, and the administration is obliged to issue him a work book with a notice of dismissal entered in it, other documents related to the work, upon the written application of the employee, and make a final settlement with him. Termination of an employment contract is formalized by order of the Organization.
3.12. By agreement between the employee and the administration, the employment contract can be terminated before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal.
3.13. Entries in the work book about the reasons for termination of the employment contract must be made in strict accordance with the wording of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law and with reference to the relevant article, paragraph of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
3.14. The day of dismissal is considered the last day of work.
3.15. If released due to a reduction in staff or numbers, the employee may be given another job if there are vacant positions, offered to undergo retraining, or the employment contract with him or her may be terminated.


4.1. Employees of the Organization have the right:

Conclude, amend and terminate an employment contract in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws;
to provide him with work stipulated by the employment contract;
for timely and full payment of wages;
for rest and provision of weekly days off, non-working holidays, paid annual leave;
for professional training, retraining and advanced training in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
make decisions or participate in their preparation in accordance with job responsibilities, and, if necessary, directly appeal to the leadership of the Organization;
make suggestions and comments directly to the heads of departments or the Organization;
request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from the immediate managers and divisions of the Organization information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties;
for promotion, increase in salary taking into account work results and level of qualifications;
for judicial protection of their interests;
to retire upon reaching retirement age;
to comply with other rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

4.2. Employees of the Organization are obliged to:

Carry out your job duties conscientiously, observe labor discipline, promptly and accurately execute the orders of the General Director and immediate supervisor, refrain from actions that prevent other employees from fulfilling their job duties;
comply with labor protection, safety and fire protection requirements;
work to improve your professional level;
maintain cleanliness and order in your workplace, office and other premises, comply with the established procedure for storing documents and material assets;
use effectively personal computers, office equipment and other equipment, economically and rationally use materials and energy, other material resources;
not to use information containing official or commercial secrets for speeches and publications in the media, both in Russia and abroad.
treat the property of the Organization and other employees with care;
not to disseminate information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of his official duties that affects the private life, honor and dignity of both work colleagues and other persons with whom he has to come into contact due to his duties.
to feel that he belongs to the Organization, to connect personal interests with his interests;
fully share and support the corporate values ​​put forward by the Organization;
promote the formation of a cohesive team spirit, build relationships with colleagues on a friendly basis, providing them with support and assistance if necessary;
be ethical business communication with colleagues and partners of the Organization.

4.3. To perform work duties related to the use of various technical means (photographic equipment and accessories for it, voice recorder, laptop, mobile phone and others), the Administration of the Organization may make such technical means available to the employee by transferring them to the latter.
An employee who has received at his disposal from the administration of the Organization the above-mentioned technical means necessary for his professional activities bears financial responsibility for them in accordance with current legislation, takes all necessary measures for their safety and careful handling and must return them upon the first request of the administration of the Organization.


5.1. The administration has the right:

Conclude, amend and terminate employment contracts with employees in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
encourage employees for conscientious and effective work;
demand from employees of the Organization compliance with labor discipline, working hours and rest, proper performance by employees of their work duties and compliance with the standards established by these Regulations;
require the Organization's employees to fulfill their obligations under the employment agreement (contract) or as provided for in the job description;
bring employees to disciplinary and material liability in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
demand from the employee the immediate return of the technical means specified in clause 4.3 of these Regulations that belong to the Organization and are his property, issued to him for the performance of professional duties, in accordance with the employment agreement (contract).

5.2. The Administration of the Organization is obliged:
comply with labor laws;
provide the employee with work stipulated by the employment contract;
properly organize the work of employees at their assigned workplaces, providing them with the necessary supplies and office equipment, creating healthy and safe working conditions that comply with labor protection rules (safety regulations, sanitary standards, fire regulations);
pay the full amount of wages due to the employee within the time limits established by labor legislation, internal labor regulations, and employment contracts;
assist employees in improving their qualifications and improving professional skills;
ensure strict adherence to labor discipline, apply enforcement measures to violators of labor discipline.

5.3. Administration of the Organization as an employer:

Emphasizes respect for the rights, individuality and value of each employee by encouraging him to perform highly productive work in a friendly and stimulating atmosphere, striving for open and trusting relationships;
provides all employees with equal opportunities to realize their individual abilities, ensuring objective assessment of results for quality work performed;
expects constructive criticism and reasonable initiative from the Organization's employees;
promotes the unification of employees into an integral work collective (team), the creation of a healthy creative and moral-psychological environment in it, ensuring a spirit of solidarity and a sense of interest of all personnel in the success of the Organization, as the basis for their well-being;
is attentive to the needs and requests of employees.

5.4. The administration, exercising its rights and obligations, strives to create a highly professional, efficient team, develop corporate relations in the Organization, interest among employees in the development and strengthening of the Organization’s activities, and its stable position and sustainable financial activities.


6.1. In accordance with current legislation, the Organization establishes a five-day work week from Monday to Friday with two days off - Saturday and Sunday.
6.2. Working hours are 40 hours per week. The working hours for part-time employees are 16 hours per week.
6.3. The working hours of employees are set from 9.30 to 18.00 from Monday to Friday inclusive, with a half-hour break for lunch from 13.00 to 15.00.
6.4. Work in the Organization is not carried out on holidays established by labor legislation. If a weekend and a holiday coincide, the transfer of the day off is carried out in accordance with labor legislation.
In accordance with the Labor Code, non-working holidays in the Russian Federation are:
January 1 and 2 – New Year;
January 7 – Christmas;
February 23 – Defender of the Fatherland Day;
March 8 – International Women's Day;
May 1 and 2 – Spring and Labor Day;
May 9 – Victory Day;
June 12 – Russia Day;
November 7th – anniversary October revolution. Day of consent and reconciliation;
December 12 is Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

6.5. The length of the working day immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by one hour.
6.6. In case of production necessity, employees may go to work on weekends and holidays in agreement with the Administration. In this case, the employee is obliged to submit to security in advance an application for staying in the office during non-working hours with the signature of the responsible employee (Deputy General Director or Assistant General Director).
6.7. The priority for granting vacations is established by the administration, taking into account the vacation schedule, as well as production needs and the wishes of employees.
6.8. The duration of annual paid leave for all employees in accordance with current labor legislation is set at least 28 calendar days. By agreement with the administration, annual paid leave can be divided into parts. Also, by agreement with the administration, the employee may be granted additional leave without pay.
6.9. In exceptional cases, by agreement with the Administration, it is allowed to postpone the vacation to the next working year. In this case, the leave must be used no later than 12 months after the end of the working year for which it is granted.
6.10. Employees working part-time are granted annual paid leave simultaneously with leave from their main job (upon provision of a certificate from their main place of work). If the vacation period for the main job does not coincide with the vacation period for a part-time job, the employee, at his request, is granted leave without pay.


7.1. To perform their official duties, employees may travel on business trips within Russia and beyond its borders on instructions from the Organization. The Organization undertakes to pay travel expenses, including travel, accommodation, meals, and other expenses with the permission of the Organization’s administration. Employees undertake to spend travel funds issued by the Organization only to perform work duties and provide all documents confirming expenses in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
7.2. The business trip is formalized by the employee responsible for maintaining personnel documentation with the appropriate order (instruction), an application for a business trip and a travel certificate signed by the General Director.
7.3. The business trip application indicates the dates of the business trip, the route, cost estimates for travel, accommodation, meals, and other expenses. The application for a business trip and the order (instruction) are issued no later than a week before the departure date.
7.4. The procedure for reimbursement of expenses related to business trips is as follows:
7.4.1. The employee is given an advance in accordance with the business trip application. After arrival, the employee is obliged to submit to the accounting department all reporting documents related to the business trip within 3 business days and make full settlements.
7.4.2. Air and railway tickets are purchased by bank transfer under an agreement with a partner organization. In exceptional cases, air and railway tickets can be purchased in cash with appropriate reimbursement for this expense.
7.4.3. The daily allowance for the territory of the Russian Federation is 100 rubles per day (including the day of arrival and departure).
7.4.4. The amount of daily allowance outside the Russian Federation is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.4.5. Accommodation can be paid either by bank transfer (in accordance with issued invoices) or in cash.


7.1. Salaries are paid at the end of the month, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. THE ORGANIZATION retains from total amount accrued wages income tax, and also makes payments and deductions related to wages assigned to him Russian legislation, including in Pension Fund RF.
7.2. Upon termination of an employment contract due to the liquidation of the Organization or a reduction in the number or staff of employees, the dismissed employee is paid a severance pay in the amount of the average monthly salary, and also retains the average monthly salary for the period of employment, but not more than two months from the date of dismissal (with offset severance pay). Employees are notified of the upcoming dismissal due to the liquidation of the Organization or a reduction in the number or staff of employees by the Administration of the Organization personally and against signature no less than a month before the dismissal.
7.3. In the event of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of an employee, by agreement of the parties, or in connection with a transfer to another organization, the administration is obliged to pay the employee compensation for unused vacation in accordance with labor legislation.
7.4. In case of temporary disability, the Organization pays the employee temporary disability benefits in accordance with federal legislation when providing sick leave.
Also, in case of illness or feeling unwell, an employee may be absent from the workplace without providing sick leave for no more than 3 days with mandatory notification to his immediate supervisor.
7.5. Employees are provided with other guarantees and compensation in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. The Administration of the Organization undertakes to provide each employee with guarantees of his employment (job retention), subject to the employees fulfilling their obligations, willingness to improve productivity and quality of work and compliance with the requirements set out in Section 4 of these Regulations.
8.2. In order to ensure job security, the Administration of the Organization may stop hiring new employees if its production activities can be supported by the available staff.
Also, for the purpose of effective work and ensuring job security, the Administration can:
attract temporary workers during periods of increased work volume in the Organization;
maneuver labor resources within the Organization, including through “horizontal movement” (transfer of workers);
temporarily apply a system of extraordinary or additional leaves with a reduction in the amount of payment for leave (or without it) during a period of deteriorating economic conditions.


9.1. For exemplary performance of work duties, making proposals that help improve the work of the Organization as a whole, proposals that help increase profits, as well as the development and implementation of new projects and directions in the Organization’s activities, the following employee incentive measures are applied:

Declaration of gratitude;
issuing a bonus;
rewarding with a valuable gift;

9.2. Subject to the stable financial position of the Organization, the administration can provide the following additional types of incentives to working staff:
additional leave;
lunches in the office paid for by the Organization;
employee health insurance;
provision of official vehicles to resolve operational issues related to the activities of the Organization;
provision of a corporate mobile phone.


10.1. Violation of labor discipline, i.e. Failure to perform or improper performance due to the fault of an employee of the labor duties assigned to him entails the application of disciplinary or social measures, as well as the application of other measures provided for by current legislation.

10.2. For violation of labor discipline, the administration applies the following disciplinary sanctions:

dismissal for appropriate reasons.

10.3. Dismissal can be applied for the systematic failure by an employee, without good reason, to fulfill the duties assigned to him by the employment contract and internal labor regulations, if disciplinary measures were previously applied to the employee, for absenteeism (including for absence from work for more than 3 hours during a working day). day) without good reason, for appearing at work while drunk or in a state of narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as for committing theft (including petty) of state or public property at the place of work.
10.4. Disciplinary sanctions are applied by the General Director. The administration has the right, instead of imposing a disciplinary sanction, to refer the issue of violation of labor discipline to the consideration of the work collective.
10.5. Before imposing a penalty, an explanation in writing must be requested from the violator of labor discipline. If the employee refuses to give the specified explanation, a corresponding act is drawn up. An employee’s refusal to provide an explanation cannot serve as an obstacle to the application of a penalty.
10.6. Disciplinary action is applied no later than one month from the date of discovery of the misconduct, not counting the time the employee was ill and on vacation.
10.7. A disciplinary sanction cannot be applied later than six months from the date of commission of the offense, and based on the results of an audit, inspection of financial and economic activities or an audit - later than two years from the date of its commission. The specified time limits do not include the time of criminal proceedings.
10.8. For every disciplinary offense Only one disciplinary sanction may be applied.
10.9. An order (instruction) of the Administration on the application of a disciplinary sanction is announced to the employee against signature within three working days from the date of its publication. If an employee refuses to sign the specified order (instruction), a corresponding act is drawn up.
10.10. If within a year from the date of application of the disciplinary sanction the employee is not subject to a new disciplinary sanction, then he is considered to have no disciplinary sanction. During the period of validity of the disciplinary sanction, the incentive measures specified in these Regulations are not applied to the employee.
10.11. The administration, before the expiration of a year from the date of application of a disciplinary sanction, has the right to remove it from an employee on its own initiative, at the request of the employee himself or at the request of his immediate supervisor.


11.1. The rules provided for by these Regulations are mandatory both for the administration of the Organization and for its employees constituting the personnel of the Organization.
11.2. All employees of the Organization must be familiar with these Regulations.
11.3. Employees are obliged to comply with the procedure established by these Regulations in their daily work.
11.4. The personnel regulations are located in a visible and accessible place for employees.

I have read the Staff Regulations:

F.I. O. Position Signature Date

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