Home Flowers What is lipoic acid compatible with? What foods contain lipoic acid (vitamin N). Vitamin complexes Complivit. Russia, OJSC Pharmstandard

What is lipoic acid compatible with? What foods contain lipoic acid (vitamin N). Vitamin complexes Complivit. Russia, OJSC Pharmstandard

Lipoic acid appears as a light yellow powder and tastes bitter. This sulfur compound with a fatty acid is produced in the human body, but more and more doctors recommend its additional intake.

The supplement gives energy, helps to lose weight, restores the health of internal organs, promotes rejuvenation and is practically harmless. It is worth it to take a closer look, to figure out in which cases it can be taken with maximum benefit for yourself. Why exactly lipoic acid, why women need such therapy, in what cases it should be avoided and how to choose the right drug, we will tell in this article.


Lipoic acid is involved in metabolism, by the way it influences the processes occurring in the body, it is easiest to compare it with vitamins from the B-group. It helps to regulate metabolic and fat processes in the body, relieves the load on the liver and improves its functioning, removes decay products, toxins and toxins from the body. For this property it is used in severe poisoning for rapid elimination hazardous substances. Participates in cholesterol metabolism, helps to lose weight due to lipotropic properties.

Lipoic acid (also called Alpha-lipoic or thioctic, vitamin N, lipamide) is an internal, binding unnecessary free radicals. Lipamide reduces the amount of glucose in the blood and increases glycogen stores.

Inside the cells of the body, it affects the enzymatic reactions, increases the energy received.

The substance controls decay, contributing to the effective absorption of all necessary substances and removes unnecessary residues from the body.

Lipamide preserves the health of DNA structures, preserves youth and functions of the body.

This acid is formed in the human body, actively takes part in metabolic processes. With age, its production decreases.

Release form, composition

However, there are quite a lot of dietary supplements based on lipoic acid, including imported ones. Their prices fluctuate depending on the quantitative content in mg from 500 to 3000 rubles.

In pharmacies, lipoic acid is sold in tablets (12.25 mg), in 300 mg capsules, or in injection solutions. For example, 50 tablets of 25 mg can be bought for 48 rubles, without overpaying for the necessary medicine in a beautiful package with expensive delivery.

Indications for use

  1. As one of the components in the complex therapy of atherosclerosis.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Severe poisoning associated with liver damage: wild mushroom poisoning, heavy metals, overdose medicines.
  4. With liver damage: chronic and viral hepatitis, cirrhosis.
  5. Chronic inflammation of the pancreas.
  6. Heart failure.

Adult women under the age of 35 consume 25-50 mg of acid per day, during pregnancy, breastfeeding consumption rises to 75 mg. For girls under 15, 12 to 25 mg is enough. A healthy body produces this amount on its own, and does not need additional supplements.

Method of reception: The tablet or capsule is taken on an empty stomach on an empty stomach and washed down with plenty of clean water. Tea, juice, dairy products neutralize its effect. You can eat one hour after taking.

Lipoic acid for women over 50

The need for acid increases significantly with age. From 40 to 50 years old, the antioxidant system is depleted and there is a need to fight free radicals that lead to aging and general wear and tear of the body. The daily dose for prevention is 60-100 mg per day.

With age, the number of diseases of internal organs accumulates, the kidneys, the cardiovascular system and other important systems wear out. Under these conditions, lipoic acid is consumed at a high rate, which leads to the need for additional intake.

Oxidative stress, living in big cities, unhealthy diet, addiction to fast food and unhealthy drinks also require an additional dose of lipoic acid. The daily norm can be 200-300 mg.

In a situation of heavy physical activity, the menu is administered from 100 to 600 mg per day.

Daily norms of 300-600 mg are used in the treatment of age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, neuropathy, liver disease.

Acid is introduced into the composition of complexes that facilitate the course of menopause. During this period, bone loss begins, the supplement increases bone mineral density. According to experts, all age patients who tolerate it well should add it to the diet to combat free radicals and as a preventive measure.

For infertility in women

With infertility in women, lipoic acid will help the couple conceive healthy baby. In men, it improves the quality of sperm, which is important for more confident conception and development of the embryo. Currently, more and more gynecologists include the drug in the regimen of taking vitamins at the time of planning and preparing the body for pregnancy. Lipoic acid improves the effect of other drugs, cleanses the body of toxins, and reduces chronic inflammation.

Important: during the onset of pregnancy, anemia is dangerous for the fetus, and doctors are trying to maintain and raise the level of iron in the body of the expectant mother. Taking alpha-lipoic acid lowers the level of iron, so it is advisable to refuse it during pregnancy. For a general improvement in the condition of the body, the course is drunk at the planning stage; during pregnancy, admission is possible only if necessary, as directed by a doctor.

Application for wrinkles

Antioxidant properties can manifest themselves to the fullest when it comes to combating visible signs age. The properties of the acid are far superior to such recognized antioxidants as cosmetic vitamins E, C.

Enrichment cosmetic formulations lipoic acid reduces pigmentation, removes circles under the eyes, eliminates small mimic wrinkles, smoothes the surface, makes the skin more dense, and the tone is even and natural.

Lipoic acid for weight loss

Despite the fact that the drug is not considered a means for weight loss, it is most often used during weight loss.

It is believed that due to the intake of the supplement, there is a decrease in appetite, the mood evens out, the fat reserve burns faster and the craving for sweets decreases.

Myths and truth about alpha lipoic acid:

  1. Decreased appetite. The substance normalizes blood sugar levels. Thanks to this action, the appetite is reduced and it becomes much more comfortable to endure the diet.
  2. Normalization of carbohydrate metabolism. Due to the intensive burning of reserves, the process of losing weight is accelerated, the tone increases, and a surge of energy is felt for further activity.
  3. Lipotropic effect. By eliminating toxins and improving liver function, well-being improves.

We can conclude: acid alone will not make the body lose weight. But if you turn on the process of losing weight by selecting suitable diet and by connecting sports loads, alpha-lipoic acid will become a comfortable and pleasant addition.

It is taken 25 mg before or immediately after sports activities, as well as after meals. The maximum per day is 100 mg, the time of admission is 3 weeks.

  • brewer's yeast;
  • rice, unpolished, brown, wild;
  • green vegetables: broccoli, spinach or Brussels sprouts;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • by-products: liver, kidneys.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. Individual sensitivity or intolerance.
  2. preschool age.
  3. Increased acidity, suspicion or identified ulcer, gastritis.
  4. iron deficiency.
  5. Allergic reaction.

Very important: in the process of taking alpha-lipoic acid, you will have to stop taking any alcohol, even dosage forms.

In cases of exceeding the intake rate (10,000 mg at a time or in combination with alcohol), the following symptoms may appear: convulsions, severe heartburn and abdominal pain, blood clotting is disturbed, hypoglycemic coma is possible.

There is no antidote for lipoic acid, in cases of overdose, relieve the condition and monitor the symptoms, do a gastric lavage, induce vomiting, give activated charcoal.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Cisplatin: decreased efficacy of cisplatin.
  • Insulin and hypoglycemic agents: the action of insulin, as well as drugs for hypoglycemia, is enhanced.
  • : the effect of carnitine is enhanced.
  • ethanol: the action of the acid is weakened or disappears.
  • Complete incompatibility: ethanol, Ringer's solutions, dextrose.

Important: acid removes magnesium and iron from the human body, it is advisable to supplement your diet with the necessary supplements for those who suffer from anemia or need magnesium supplements for stable cardiac activity.

Possible analogues

In pharmacies, you can find analogues of the usual drug called “Lipoic acid” in the form of tablets, capsules and injection solutions. They contain the same substance, only the design, the degree of purification and dosage, and the price differ.

It is impossible to find another drug with the same properties, since it is an endogenous substance that is produced by the body itself.

Popular analogues:

  • berlition;
  • octolipene;
  • thiogamma;
  • thioctacid;
  • neurolipon;
  • thiolept;
  • espa-lipon;

The modern chemical industry produces two analogues of the additive with a mirror molecule, right and left. The name or description of the drugs contains the Latin letters L or R. The “right” option is more expensive, but completely identical to the substance that is produced by the human body itself. When choosing such a drug, you need to halve the recommended dosages, as it is easily absorbed.

The “left” version acts more weakly, is absorbed worse and has almost no effect on the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

In the case of alpha lipoic acid, the drug seems to be very friendly and natural to the human body, but self-administration should be avoided. Consultation with your doctor will help you make the right decision, choose the right dosage and the appropriate form of administration.

Vitamin N, or lipoic acid, is an insulin-like substance that plays important role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Her sodium salt soluble in water.

The role of lipoic acid in the human body

Lipoic acid promotes the oxidation of intermediate products of carbohydrate metabolism, positively affects the energy of cells. Has antioxidant properties.

It helps to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood and increase glycogen in the liver, as well as overcoming insulin resistance. By the nature of the biochemical action, it is close to the vitamins of group B.

Medical uses of lipoic acid

Vitamin N is included in many multivitamin preparations. As an auxiliary drug, it is used for the most various diseases: atherosclerosis and viral infections, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, syndrome chronic fatigue and decreased concentration, Alzheimer's disease and polyneuropathies, alcoholism, obesity and diabetes.

Deficiency and excess of vitamin N

Vitamin N deficiency in humans has not been described. Based on indirect data, it is believed that with a prolonged lack of lipoic acid, pyruvic acid will accumulate in the body, the excess of which leads to various neurological disorders.

Excess lipoic acid in the body can lead to heartburn and pain in the stomach, digestive disorders and blood clotting, seizures, and even hypoglycemic coma. However, such severe consequences occur only with an overdose of vitamin N-containing drugs. Cases of hypervitaminosis N when receiving this substance only with food have not been recorded.

Sources of lipoic acid for humans

Vitamin N is synthesized by intestinal microflora, but in a small amount, and most of it must come from food. Yeast, meat products, milk are rich in lipoic acid.

Drugs containing lipoic acid and its amide are used for liver damage, diabetes mellitus, heavy metal intoxication, and in a number of other cases.

In some sources, there are such names as "lipoic acid", "alpha-lipoic acid" and "thioctic acid". Is there a difference between these terms? No. All these names are synonymous with each other and mean the same substance that contains water- and fat-soluble antioxidant properties.

Common name for vitamin N:

  • Lipoic acid, alpha lipoic acid, thioctic acid.

Scientific names for vitamin N:

  • 1,2-dithiolan-3-pentanoic acid;
  • 1,2-dithiolan-3-valeric acid;
  • 6,8-thioctic acid;
  • 5-(1,2-dithiolan-3-yl) valeric acid.

The content of lipoic acid in food

Alpha lipoic acid is found in foods of plant and animal origin. The following types of foods are richest in vitamin N:

Product µg/g dry weight ng/mg protein
1. Spinach 3,15 92,51
2. Cattle kidneys 2,64 50,57
3. Cattle heart 1,51 41,42
4. Broccoli 0,94 41,01
5. Tomatoes 0,56 48,61
6. Green peas 0,39 17,13
7. Brussels sprouts 0,39 18,39
8. Bovine spleen 0,36 5,69
9. Bovine Brain 0,27 4,85
10. Rice bran 0,16 4,44

Other sources of lipoic acid include carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, kohlrabi, brewer's yeast, cheese, kefir, sour cream, chicken eggs and red meat.

The norm of vitamin N for consumption and content in the body

As mentioned earlier, vitamin N is found in many foods. And if you are extracting this nutrient exclusively from food, it is extremely difficult to calculate a certain amount of lipoic acid intake. Yes, and there is no need for it. Do not be afraid and overdose. Even if you have eaten big portion spinach and bovine offal lettuce, the dose of lipoic acid received will be negligible for it to somehow negatively affect your health.

Moreover, research shows that negative sides lipoic acid has not yet been found.

Another thing is when vitamin N is taken in the form of dietary supplements. In this case, the determination of the daily norm of vitamin N depends on the physical activity of the person, his body's sensitivity to insulin and low blood glucose levels.

For adult men and women, the daily requirement for lipoic acid is 50 to 100 mg. During the period sports competitions or treatment course daily rate can reach 800 mg or more.

In order to correctly calculate daily requirement lipoic acid, it is important to determine what goals are being pursued. For supporting general condition health, taking lipoic acid is recommended in minimal doses - 50-100 mg. But if you are trying to type muscle mass or lose weight, the daily requirement for lipoic acid naturally increases two to three times.

In children older than 6 years, the daily requirement of vitamin N ranges from 36 to 75 mg, and in adolescents - from 75 to 100 mg.

In older people, the ability of the body to produce lipoic acid decreases every year. This means that it needs to be replenished either with a diet rich in vitamin N or with nutritional supplements.

To maintain antioxidant properties in the body, taking lipoic acid for adolescents, as well as adult men and women, is enough from 50 to 100 mg per day. For the elderly, a daily intake of 100 to 300 mg is recommended.

In the treatment course and sports, the daily intake of vitamin N exceeds 600 mg or more

Excess and deficiency of vitamin N in the body

Is there a deficiency or excess of lipoic acid in the body? Both options are possible. In fact, a body that is able to produce lipoic acid on its own is protected from the problem of vitamin N deficiency. If you eat a balanced diet and regularly include foods containing vitamin N, the risk of lipoic acid deficiency will be negligible (despite what you get from daily nutrition minimum dose, only 30-50 mg of this substance).

Vitamin N deficiency is possible in case of malnutrition, exhausting physical activity and autoimmune diseases (HIV infection, AIDS, diabetes mellitus). In such situations, it is recommended to take lipoic acid in large doses (from 600 mg) under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Otherwise, a lack of lipoic acid can lead to such health complications:

  • Defeat blood vessels.
  • Violation of the functions of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Loss of muscle mass.
  • Overweight body set.

An excess of vitamin N in the body is possible only with an overdose, because it is impossible to extract from food exceeding the daily allowance of lipoic acid, which ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 mg. Vitamin N intake in high doses is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Properties and therapeutic effect

Alpha-lipoic acid is not without reason called the "ideal oxidizing agent", since it is the only antioxidant in nature with

water and fat soluble properties. This huge benefit allows lipoic acid to fight free radicals in fat and water cells.

Alpha lipoic acid consists of equal parts of two molecules known in biochemistry as the R and S isomers. Most of the functions and benefits are derived from the R form. In other words, R-lipoic acid is the most powerful antioxidant compared to the S form, which is more difficult to be absorbed by the body

In addition, lipoic acid also regenerates and processes other antioxidants in the body, such as glutathione, vitamins C and E. This process is called "antioxidant synergism."

Antioxidant synergy - active interaction various kinds antioxidants to neutralize free radicals in the body.

Why is alpha lipoic acid considered a unique antioxidant? Here are the TOP 10 reasons that explain this statement:

  • Neutralizes free radicals.
  • Protects human genetic material.
  • Helps in gaining muscle mass.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Fights the development of heart disease.
  • Helps improve skin condition.
  • Helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Improves liver function.
  • Prevents the formation of cancer.
  • Used in the treatment and prevention of stroke.

Thioctic acid, like insulin, reduces glycation and improves the movement of sugar in blood cells. All this contributes to the production of energy with the help of muscle mass and lowers the level of glucose, which is deposited in adipose tissue.

Health benefits of lipoic acid:

  • Prevents dieback nerve cells in the retina of the eye.
  • Protects against the development of cataracts.
  • Helps improve visual function in glaucoma.
  • Increases sensitivity to insulin.
  • Reduces insulin resistance.
  • Reduces pain syndrome with diabetic neuropathy.
  • Eliminates oxidative stress in the body through powerful antioxidant activity.
  • Helps improve the lipid profile.
  • Prevents bone loss due to anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Helps repair brain damage after a stroke.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure.
  • Reduces the frequency of migraine attacks.
  • Prevents obesity.
  • Promotes a set of muscle mass.
  • Neutralizes toxic metals from the body.
  • Improves skin texture

Due to the unique properties of lipoic acid, modern medicine uses this substance for therapeutic purposes.

Vitamin N is actively used in the treatment of the following diseases and disorders:

  • Stroke. In violation of cerebral circulation, the supply of oxygen stops, as a result, the cells die. However, lipoic acid helps to restore oxygen by multiplying new tissues and cells.
  • Cataracts are caused by damage to the lens of the eye by free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid produces another antioxidant - glutathione, which neutralizes free radicals and eliminates clouding of the eye lens.
  • Diabetes. Lipoic acid increases the body's ability to use its own insulin to lower blood sugar levels.
  • Infections of the immune system. Thioctic acid helps to strengthen the "T-helper" cells, which are the central "defense" of the immune system.

Lipoic Acid Safety

How safe is vitamin N to use? Numerous studies have shown that a daily intake of lipoic acid at a dose of 50 mg does not have any side effects. Unpleasant symptoms have been observed in people who took 100 to 600 mg of lipoic acid per day for three weeks. High doses exceeding the daily allowance of 500 mg can cause skin rashes and lower blood glucose levels.

In order for vitamin N intake to be truly safe for health, it is necessary to pass tests for liver tests before using it.

Lipoic acid in medicines and dietary supplements

Today, vitamin N is added to various drugs and dietary supplements (biologically active additives). The combination of lipoic acid with other substances increases the effectiveness in the treatment of certain disorders and diseases.

Here is a list of some drugs, active food supplements, solutions and concentrates for them that contain lipoic acid:

Additive type
Nutritional supplements
  • Alphabet (Diabetes, Effect).
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (DHC).
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (Solgar).
  • Alpha D3-Teva.
  • Alpha Normix.
  • Gastrofilin Plus.
  • Microhydrin.
  • Complivit (Radiance, Diabetes, Trimester 1, 2, 3).
  • Nutricoenzyme Q-10 with alpha lipoic acid.
  • Naches Bounty Alpha Lipoic Acid.
  • Turboslim Alpha-lipoic acid and L-carnitine.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (NOW).
  • Alpha Lipoid Acid and L-Carnitine (KWS).
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid (Doctor's Best).
  • Liverite Liver Aid.
  • Mega Protect 4 Life.
  • NSP Antioxidant


  • Alphabet (vitamins).
  • Berlition.
  • Lipamide.
  • Lipoic acid.
  • Complivit (vitamins).
  • Octolipen.
  • Thiogamma.
  • Thioctacid BV.
  • Thioctic acid.
  • Thiolept.
  • Espa Lipon


  • Berlition.
  • Lipoic acid.
  • Lipothioxone concentrate.
  • Neurolipon.
  • Octolipen.
  • Thiogamma.
  • Thiolept.
  • Thiolipon.
  • Espa Lipon
  • Lipoic acid.
  • Thiogamma.
  • Thioctacid 600T.
  • Thiolepta
  • Neurolipon.
  • Octolipen

Indications for the use of drugs and dietary supplements

Today, lipoic acid is available in the form of active nutritional supplements and medicinal preparations. This antioxidant can be purchased in the form of tablets, capsules or powder. In some cases, the drug is given intravenously.

Thioctic acid in powdered form is the least durable. After the powder package is opened, the acid will be exposed to light and atmosphere. With each such manipulation, beneficial features vitamin N will be lost. It is best to take lipoic acid in closed capsules.

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Lyme disease.
  • Botkin's disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Violation of cerebral circulation.
  • Cardio-vegetative neuropathy.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Glaucoma, cataract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • HIV infection/AIDS.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Overweight.
  • Muscular dystrophy.
  • Poisoning (food, alcohol).
  • Thiamine (vitamin B) deficiency.
  • Skin rashes (acne, blackheads, pimples).
  • Skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis).

The unique properties of alpha lipoic acid can be beneficial for every person, especially those suffering from diabetes. Cardiovascular and eye diseases also have indications for taking thioctic acid.

Alpha-lipoic acid improves glucose uptake by cells, helps relieve symptoms of diabetes, cataracts, and damage to blood vessels and nerves.

How to take lipoic acid correctly? To answer this question, it is necessary to determine for what purposes vitamin N will be used: preventive, sports or therapeutic?

For prevention, it is useful for an adult man and woman to take lipoic acid in a minimum dosage of 50-100 mg per day. This daily requirement must be divided into 2-4 doses, that is, 25 or 50 mg each. The duration of taking lipoic acid for prevention is a month. To repeat the course, if there is an urgent need for it, is allowed after one to two months. But it is best if the time interval before the start of a new preventive course is 6 months.

For professional athletes, for example, runners and bodybuilders, the use of dietary supplements based on alpha-lipoic acid will also be appropriate.

Studies show that active vitamin N supplements can improve endurance, gain and restore muscle mass after exhausting physical exertion.

Amateur-level fitness and aerobic exercise is not a good reason to take lipoic acid in the form of dietary supplements.

The daily intake of dietary supplements for athletes ranges from 100 to 200 mg. It is recommended to take nutritional supplements for 2 weeks. The dosage is allowed to increase to 600 mg per day at the time of sports.

For medicinal purposes, the dosage of vitamin N and the duration of the course are prescribed by the doctor. For example, the daily intake of lipoic acid in a patient with type 2 diabetes averages 600 mg. The therapy lasts 4 weeks.

The consumption of lipoic acid does not have a fixed dosage for each person. The daily norm is calculated individually, based on data such as gender, weight, level of physical activity, presence of serious illnesses in a person. However, a safe daily allowance for an adult has been determined - 50 mg and it is not recommended to exceed it.

Overdose can occur in case of consumption of thioctic acid from 3000 to 10000 mg in one day

Side effects and contraindications for use

An overdose of alpha lipoic acid leads to the following side effects:

  • Violation of the heart rhythm.
  • Insomnia.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Irritability.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Seizures.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Headache.
  • Skin rashes.

In case of an overdose, the victim needs urgent hospitalization. In order to relieve the symptoms, the patient is given a gastric lavage.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can alpha lipoic acid be taken while pregnant, breastfeeding, or given to infants? There is no definite answer to this question. To date, there is no evidence that taking lipoic acid is absolutely safe for a pregnant woman and the fetus that she bears. Can vitamin N adversely affect quality or products breast milk? Nothing is known about this either. Therefore, women during pregnancy and lactation should refrain from taking thioctic acid.

The issue of lipoic acid use in infancy and early childhood childhood, as well as the period of pregnancy and lactation is not fully understood. Therefore, taking vitamin N under the above conditions is undesirable, as there is no strong evidence that it will be safe.

If there is an urgent need to take lipoic acid, the daily requirement for breastfeeding mothers and babies is prescribed by a doctor.

Rules for the use of lipoic acid

The negative aspects of thioctic acid were not found, or, according to at least, have not been fully explored. Therefore, in order to avoid side effects, you should follow some rules for the use of lipoic acid:

  • Strictly follow the instructions on the package and do not use this product more than recommended on the label.
  • It is necessary to store medicines and dietary supplements at room temperature away from moisture and heat.
  • If you miss a dose, do not try to make up at the next dose.
  • It is best to consume alpha-lipoic acid in small doses (25-50 mg) on ​​an empty stomach, one to two hours before meals.
  • Intravenous injections are administered at a dosage of 300-600 mg per day.

What is the half-life potential of thioctic acid? In one study, it was shown that this substance lingers in the blood for about 30 minutes, then it dissolves and enters the cells. In any case, taking alpha-lipoic acid in small doses every 3-6 hours will be much more effective, as opposed to one dose per day.

  • Do not combine lipoic acid with herbal supplements containing plants such as psyllium, fenugreek, devil's claw, guar gum, horse chestnut, ginseng, eleutherococcus, and garlic.

The decision to use vitamin N for therapeutic, preventive and sports purposes should not be arbitrary. Before taking medications and dietary supplements based on lipoic acid, consult a doctor

The effect of thioctic acid on the central nervous system

Can taking vitamin N adversely affect performance? central nervous system(CNS)? No. At a moderate dosage, on the contrary, the functions of the brain and nervous system improve. The consumption of lipoic acid does not impair the quality of physical activity, as well as any activity associated with a high concentration of attention and quick reaction.

What kind special instructions should be considered before starting the use of vitamin N, described below.

  • When taking thioctic acid for diabetes, it is important that this supplement does not destabilize blood sugar levels.
  • During the treatment course, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol, since its effect on the body reduces the effectiveness of therapy.
  • After intravenous administration of lipoic acid, unpleasant symptoms may appear, such as general weakness and itching. If an allergic reaction occurs to the injection, it is not recommended to repeat it again. The injection should be replaced with capsules or tablets.

Refrain from dairy products while consuming lipoic acid. Vitamin N reduces the ability to absorb calcium ions in the body. Dairy products can be eaten 5-6 hours after taking thioctic acid

Interactions of lipoic acid with other drugs

Even though alpha lipoic acid is harmless, this does not mean that it can be taken along with other medications.

If you are taking any medications or active nutritional supplements, check with your doctor to see if these drugs and dietary supplements may interact with lipoic acid.

A safe combination of thioctic acid with other drugs will be if it does not destabilize the patient's blood sugar and hormone levels.

Patients suffering from alcohol dependence, diabetes mellitus or oncological diseases should take lipoic acid with other drugs only under the strict supervision of a physician.

In what cases the combination of vitamin N with other medicines can cause Negative influence per patient therapy, described below.

  • Drugs for the treatment of diabetes. Alpha-lipoic acid, when combined with diabetes medications, may increase the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
  • Drugs used for chemotherapy. Vitamin N can interfere with medications given to a patient during chemotherapy. The use of any supplements and preparations containing lipoic acid should be coordinated with an oncologist.
  • Thyroid hormones are not recommended to be taken with lipoic acid without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to a decrease in the level of hormones in the blood.

If you are undergoing chemotherapy, thyroid medications, or insulin stimulating drugs, refrain from taking lipoic acid until you have discussed this with your doctor

List of medicinal plants and dietary supplements that may interact with alpha lipoic acid:

  • Aspirin (low dose - 81 mg).
  • Biotin.
  • Chromium picolinate.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone).
  • Fish oil (Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids).
  • Folic acid.
  • Gabapentin.
  • Lisinopril.
  • Losartan.
  • magnesium oxide.
  • Metformin.
  • Omeprazole.
  • Milk thistle.
  • Turmeric.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
  • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
  • Vitamin E.

Lipoic acid for weight loss

Is it true that thioctic acid promotes weight loss? Vitamin N can actually be helpful in weight loss when taken in combination with individual diet and physical activity. Taking lipoic acid capsules and tablets will not bring the desired results in losing weight if you do not make adjustments in your daily diet.

What important role does lipoic acid play in total body weight loss?

Vitamin N helps convert carbohydrates into energy. This means that alpha-lipoic acid does not allow carbohydrates to accumulate in the form of fat cells.

The use of thioctic acid for weight loss has been reviewed in several studies that have shown positive results. For example, one such study was in 2015. The experiment was conducted by the American magazine Obesity, in which 77 overweight women took part. The study participants were divided into 4 groups. In the first, women took placebo; in the second, alpha-lipoic acid (300 mg); in the third, eicosapentaenoic acid; and in the fourth, a combination of lipoic acid with fatty acids Omega 3.

The second group showed the best results in reducing body weight - 7 kg over the entire 10-week study.

All women who participated in such experiments used lipoic acid from 1200 to 1800 mg per day. At the same time, daily calorie intake was reduced by 600

Thioctic acid helps store carbohydrates as glycogen in muscle cells. Thus, carbohydrates do not turn into fat. That is why so many athletes today use this antioxidant to burn fat cells and gain muscle mass.

How much vitamin N should I take per day to lose weight? High doses (from 1200 mg), which are often taken by runners and bodybuilders, are prohibited for anyone who wants to lose weight.

A safe rate for weight loss is 100 mg per day. Daily intake should be divided into 2-4 doses of 25-50 mg. If this dose is too low for you, check with your dietitian to increase it. Take lipoic acid one hour after a meal or half an hour after a workout for 2-4 weeks.

It is important to note one rule. Taking lipoic acid stimulates weight loss only if the basic principles are followed healthy lifestyle life: balanced diet, sports, normalized sleep and regular outdoor activities.

Combination of lipoic acid and carnitine

Lipoic acid in combination with carnitine will help improve the quality of training and enhance the fat burning process. The combination of both nutritional supplements contributes to the recruitment of muscle mass and the recovery of muscles damaged after physical exertion.

Carnitine is an amino acid that is produced naturally in the body and promotes fat burning and muscle gain. Carnitine, like lipoic acid, eliminates fat stores, turning them into energy.

If you are trying not only to lose weight, but also to achieve good results in a set of muscle mass, you need to take dietary supplements, which necessarily include alpha-lipoic acid and carnitine.

In order to reset overweight and achieve an athletic physique, the use of thioctic acid and carnitine will be effective only when active classes sports. It is necessary to train every other day so that the muscles can recover faster.

What are the positive effects of taking these dietary supplements:

  • Energy is produced to gain muscle mass.
  • The heart is trained, endurance improves.
  • Maintains protein in the body.
  • Protects muscle glycogen stores.
  • The concentration of lactic acid in the muscles decreases (no pain and cramps the next day after training).
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • The body is supplied with optimal oxygen consumption during cardio training.

The course of taking dietary supplements lasts 2-4 weeks. The dosage of daily intake is agreed with the doctor or trainer.

Lipoic acid (thioctacid, vitamin N) is a vitamin-like compound that performs many vital functions. biological functions. This substance was first isolated in 1948 from tissues beef liver. A few years later, scientists found a way to synthesize lipoic acid artificially.

In the course of numerous studies aimed at determining the biological role of vitamin N, it was found that the human body has the ability to produce it on its own, but in small volumes. The main source of lipoic acid in organs and tissues human body are foodstuffs.

The biological role of lipoic acid

Vitamin N plays a truly important role in the life of the body. Specifically, this connection:

  • is a powerful antioxidant, helps prevent the development of cancer, slows down the growth of tumor neoplasms;
  • prevents the occurrence of malfunctions in the liver, protects its tissues from damage, prevents the occurrence of fatty hepatosis;
  • activates the processes of providing brain tissues with oxygen;
  • regulates protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • takes part in the processes of glucose breakdown;
  • lowers the concentration of sugars in the blood;
  • accelerates the separation of bile, thereby contributing to its effective excretion;
  • prevents the development of disorders in the work of the central nervous system;
  • protects vascular walls from damage, avoids the development of cardiological diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the development of disorders in the work of the visual apparatus;
  • is an excellent antispasmodic;
  • increases the antioxidant properties of other substances (vitamin E, ascorbic acid, etc.);
  • reduces the risk of strokes;
  • effectively lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • contributes to the fight against manifestations of Alzheimer's disease;
  • recognized as one of the substitutes for insulin;
  • present in the composition of individual enzymes;
  • prevents the development of gallstone disease;
  • slows down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the lumen of blood vessels;
  • effectively removes toxins and heavy metals from the body;
  • reduces bad influence chemotherapy on organs and tissues;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • slows down the processes associated with tissue aging;
  • reduces the negative effects of stress.

In addition, lipoic acid significantly improves concentration, the ability to remember information, increases efficiency and helps to get rid of the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Vitamin N requirement

The daily intake of lipoic acid is:

  • for adults - 27-50 mg;
  • for children - 13-25 mg.

Factors contributing to the increased demand for this compound are:

  • active sports;
  • prolonged stay in the cold;
  • the need to engage in hard physical labor for a long time;
  • active mental activity;
  • general weakness, constant feeling fatigue, decreased concentration;
  • professional activities involving frequent interaction with pesticides or radioactive substances;
  • mental or emotional overstrain, severe stress;
  • increased protein intake;
  • any viral infections;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • pathological addiction to alcohol.

What foods contain lipoic acid?

Vitamin N is found in most foods that are present on the table of a modern person.. The concentration of this substance in food is high enough to fully meet the daily need of the body for lipoic acid.

The richest food sources of vitamin N are:

  • yeast;
  • organ meats (liver, heart);
  • vegetables (spinach, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage);
  • cereals (rice);
  • legumes ( green pea, beans);
  • chicken eggs;
  • beef;
  • dairy.

Lipoic acid is present in smaller amounts in potatoes, broccoli, carrots, and beets.

Interaction of lipoic acid with other substances

There are a number of factors that affect the degree of absorption of vitamin N. Thus, the absorption efficiency of this substance decreases markedly with the simultaneous consumption of alcoholic beverages, fatty foods and confectionery. At the same time, the absorption of lipoic acid increases when it enters the body along with B vitamins.

Vitamin N deficiency and excess

The main causes of vitamin N deficiency are:

  • exclusion from the diet of foods rich in thioctacid;
  • adherence to harmful, unbalanced diets;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • frequent hypothermia;
  • liver cirrhosis, atherosclerosis, viral infections, immunodeficiency states, diabetes and other diseases that sharply increase the body's need for the specified compound;
  • insufficient intake of substances that increase the absorption of the vitamin;
  • pathological addiction to alcohol;
  • pronounced physical, psychological and mental stress.

A deficiency of lipoic acid can cause the development of a number of pathological processes in the body. In particular, the symptoms of a lack of this compound are:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • development of disorders in the liver;
  • frequent muscle cramps in the legs;
  • multiple lesions of nerve fibers (the occurrence of polyneuritis);
  • rapid weight gain;
  • the appearance of symptoms of atherosclerosis;
  • frequent colds, increased susceptibility to infections.

An overdose of vitamin N can also lead to a number of negative consequences, among which the most common are:

  • the appearance of dyspeptic symptoms (signs of a digestive system disorder - nausea, stool disorders, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc.);
  • frequent heartburn;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • development of the inflammatory process in the epigastric region;
  • increased risk of allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of unusual rashes on the skin.

It is worth noting that excess lipoic acid, which came with food, does not accumulate in the body and is quickly excreted from it simultaneously with urine. Usually the cause of an excess of vitamin N in organs and tissues is an illiterate approach to use. medications containing thioctacid.

Most often, in order to cope with the manifestations of a deficiency or overdose of lipoic acid, it is enough to make a competent adjustment of the diet (to review the content of foods and dishes rich in thioctacid in it). However, in cases where the change eating habits does not give effective results, it is necessary to abandon the independent struggle with the pathological process and seek professional advice from a doctor.

Lipoic acid (alpha-lipoic acid, thioctic acid, vitamin N) - properties, content in products, instructions for using drugs, how to take them for weight loss, analogues, reviews and price. Lipoic acid and carnitine


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Lipoic acid is a biologically active substance, which was previously considered vitamin-like, and now belongs to vitamins with medicinal properties. Lipoic acid is also called lipamide, thioctic acid, para-aminobenzoic acid, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin N or berlition. Moreover, the internationally accepted name of the substance is thioctic acid, but this name is not used in the vast majority of cases, so you need to know all its names in order to freely navigate what in question. On the basis of this substance, drugs have already been created and successfully used, such as Berlition, Thioctacid, Lipoic acid, etc.

Consider the properties, indications and rules for the use of lipoic acid both from the standpoint of the active substance and from the point of view of drugs containing this compound as an active ingredient. At the same time, to designate lipoic acid as a drug, we will write its name with a capital (capital) letter, and to describe it as an active substance, we will indicate the name with a lowercase (small) letter.

Brief characteristics of lipoic acid

Lipoic acid by physical properties It is a yellowish crystalline powder with a bitter taste and a specific odor. The powder is highly soluble in alcohols and poorly in water. However sodium salt of lipoic acid it dissolves well in water, and therefore it is it, and not pure thioctic acid, that is used as an active substance for the manufacture of medicines and dietary supplements.

Lipoic acid was first obtained and discovered in the middle of the 20th century, but it got into the category of vitamin-like substances much later. So, in the course of research, it was found that lipoic acid is present in every cell of any organ or tissue, providing a powerful antioxidant effect that supports vitality person on high level. The antioxidant effect of this substance is universal, since it destroys any kind and types of free radicals. Moreover, lipoic acid binds and removes toxic substances and heavy metals from the body, and also normalizes the state of the liver, preventing its pronounced damage in chronic diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. Therefore, lipoic acid preparations are considered hepatoprotectors.

In addition, thioctic acid has insulin-like action, replacing insulin with its deficiency, due to which the cells receive a sufficient amount of glucose for their vital activity. If there is a sufficient amount of lipoic acid in the cells, they do not experience glucose starvation, since vitamin N promotes the penetration of glucose from the blood into the cells, thereby enhancing the effect of insulin action. Due to the presence of glucose, all processes in cells proceed quickly and completely, since this simple substance provides the necessary amount of energy. It is precisely because of the ability to enhance the effect of insulin and, moreover, to replace this hormone in case of its deficiency, lipoic acid is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

By normalizing the work of various organs and systems and providing all cells with energy, lipoic acid effective in the treatment of neurological diseases, because it helps to restore the structure of tissues. So, when using lipoic acid, recovery after a stroke is much faster and more complete, as a result of which the degree of paresis and deterioration of mental functions is reduced.

Thanks to antioxidant effect lipoic acid helps to restore the structure of the nervous tissue, due to which the use of this substance improves memory, attention, concentration and vision.

Thus, it is clear that lipoic acid is a natural metabolite formed during biochemical reactions and performing very important functions. These functions are monotonous, but provide a fairly wide range of effects due to the fact that the action is in different organs and systems and is aimed at normalizing their work. In general, we can say that lipoic acid increases activity and prolongs the performance of the human body for a long period of time.

Normally, thioctic acid enters the body from foods that are rich in this substance. In this respect, it is no different from other vitamins and minerals, necessary for a person for normal life. However, this substance is also synthesized in the human body, therefore it is not indispensable, like vitamins. But with age and with various diseases, the ability of cells to synthesize lipoic acid decreases, as a result of which it is necessary to increase its intake from the outside with food.

Lipoic acid can be obtained not only from food, but also additionally in the form of dietary supplements and complex vitamins, which is perfect for the prophylactic use of this substance. For the treatment of various diseases, lipoic acid should be used in the form of drugs in which it is contained in high dosages.

In the body, lipoic acid accumulates in the greatest amount in the cells of the liver, kidneys and heart, since these structures are at the highest risk of damage and need a lot of energy to function normally and properly.

The destruction of lipoic acid occurs at a temperature of 100 o C, so moderate heat treatment of products during cooking does not reduce its content. However, frying food in oil high temperature can lead to the destruction of lipoic acid and, thereby, reduce its content and intake in the body. It should also be taken into account that thioctic acid is more easily and rapidly destroyed in a neutral and alkaline environment, but, on the contrary, is very stable in an acidic one. Accordingly, the addition of vinegar, citric acid or other acids in food during its preparation increases the stability of lipoic acid.

The absorption of lipoic acid depends on the composition nutrients entering the body. So than large quantity carbohydrates present in the diet, the less vitamin N is absorbed. Therefore, to ensure the absorption of lipoic acid, it is necessary to plan the diet in such a way that it contains significant amount fats and proteins. Lipoic acid is found in the greatest amount in following products supply:

  • Bananas;
  • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.);
  • Beef;
  • Beef liver;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Yeast;
  • cabbage of any kind;
  • Leafy greens (spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, basil, arugula, leushtyan (lovage), etc.);
  • Milk and dairy products (sour cream, cream, butter, kefir, cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.);
  • Pepper;
  • kidneys;
  • Wheat groats ("arnautka");
  • Heart;
  • Eggs.
In fruits and vegetables not listed in this list, lipoic acid contains much less.

Vitamin N intake

Adult men and women need to consume 25 - 50 mg of lipoic acid per day, pregnant and lactating mothers - 75 mg, and children under 15 years old - 12.5 - 25 mg. In diseases of the liver, kidneys or heart, the consumption rate of lipoic acid increases to 75 mg per day, regardless of the age of the person, since it is consumed more intensively and faster.

Excess and deficiency of lipoic acid in the body

No pronounced, clearly identifiable and specific symptoms of lipoic acid deficiency in the body have been identified, since this substance is synthesized by the own cells of all tissues and organs, and therefore is constantly present at least in a minimal amount.

However, it was found that with insufficient use of lipoic acid, the following disorders develop:

  • Neurological symptoms (dizziness, headaches, polyneuritis, neuropathy, etc.);
  • Liver dysfunction with the formation of fatty hepatosis (fatty degeneration of the liver) and a disorder of bile formation;
  • Atherosclerosis of vessels;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • Muscle spasms;
  • Myocardial dystrophy.
There is no excess of lipoic acid, since any excess that enters the body with food or dietary supplements is quickly excreted without any negative effect on organs and tissues.

In rare cases, the development of hypervitaminosis of lipoic acid is possible with prolonged use of drugs containing this substance. In this case, hypervitaminosis is manifested by the development of heartburn, increased acidity of gastric juice, pain in the epigastric region and allergic reactions.

Lipoic acid and alpha lipoic acid

Lipoic acid and alpha lipoic acid are different names of the same biologically active substance used for the manufacture of medicines and dietary supplements. In addition, Lipoic acid and Alpha lipoic acid are also the names of two drugs that contain vitamin N. Thus, it is obvious that there is simply no difference between lipoic and alpha lipoic acid.

Properties and therapeutic effect of thioctic acid

Lipoic acid has the following effect on the human body:
  • Participates in the course of metabolic reactions (carbohydrate and fat metabolism);
  • Participates in redox biochemical reactions in all cells;
  • Supports the work of the thyroid gland and prevents the development of iodine deficiency goiter;
  • Provides protection from the negative effects of solar radiation;
  • Participates in the production of energy in cells, being a necessary component for the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid);
  • Improves eyesight;
  • It has neuroprotective and hepatoprotective effects, increasing the resistance of cells of the nervous system and liver to the adverse effects of various environmental factors;
  • Normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood in atherosclerosis;
  • Ensures the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • Has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • It has an insulin-like effect, ensuring the utilization of blood glucose by cells;
  • Strengthens immunity.
By severity antioxidant properties lipoic acid is compared to vitamin C and tocopherol (vitamin E). In addition to its own antioxidant properties, thioctic acid enhances the action of other antioxidants and restores their activity when it decreases. Due to the antioxidant effect, the cells of various organs and tissues are not damaged longer and perform their functions better, which, accordingly, has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.

In addition, the antioxidant effect allows lipoic acid to protect the walls of blood vessels from damage, as a result of which cholesterol plaques do not form on them and blood clots do not attach. That is why vitamin N effectively prevents and is used as part of complex therapy. vascular diseases(thrombophlebitis, phlebothrombosis, varicose veins, etc.).

Insulin-like action lipoic acid lies in its ability to “bring” glucose from the blood into cells, where it is used for energy production. The only hormone in the human body that is able to “bring” glucose into cells from the blood is insulin, and therefore, with its deficiency, a unique phenomenon occurs when there is a lot of sugar in the bloodstream, and the cells starve, because glucose does not enter them. Lipoic acid enhances the action of insulin and can even "replace" it with a lack of the latter. That is why in Europe and the USA lipoic acid is often used in the complex therapy of diabetes. In this case, lipoic acid reduces the risk of developing complications of diabetes (damage to the vessels of the kidneys, retina, neuropathy, trophic ulcers, etc.), and also reduces the dosage of insulin or other hypoglycemic agents used.

In addition, lipoic acid accelerates and maintains the production of ATP in cells, which is a universal energy substrate necessary for the flow of biochemical reactions with energy expenditure (for example, protein synthesis, etc.). The point is that on cellular level biochemical reactions use energy strictly in the form of ATP, and not in the form of dietary fats or carbohydrates, and therefore the synthesis of a sufficient amount of this molecule is critical for normal functioning cell structures all organs and tissues.

The role of ATP in cells can be compared to gasoline, which is a necessary and common fuel for all cars. That is, for any energy-consuming reaction to take place in the body, it is ATP that is needed to ensure this process (like gasoline for a car), and not any other molecule or substance. Therefore, in cells, various molecules of fats and carbohydrates are processed into ATP in order to provide energy for the necessary biochemical reactions.

Since lipoic acid supports the synthesis of ATP on sufficient level, it ensures the rapid and correct flow of metabolic processes and cascades of biochemical reactions, during which the cells of various organs and systems perform their specific functions.

If an insufficient amount of ATP is produced in the cells, then they cannot function normally, as a result of which various disorders of the work of one or another organ (which suffers most from a lack of ATP) develop. Very often, various disorders of the nervous system, liver, kidneys and heart due to a lack of ATP develop against the background of diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis, when the vessels become clogged, as a result of which the flow of nutrients to them is limited. But it is formed from nutrients required by cells ATP. In such situations, neuropathies develop, in which a person feels numbness, tingling and other unpleasant symptoms along the course of a nerve that is in an area of ​​insufficient blood supply.

Lipoic acid in such situations compensates for nutritional deficiencies, ensuring the production of a sufficient amount of ATP, which allows you to eliminate these unpleasant symptoms. That is why vitamin N is used to treat Alzheimer's disease, as well as polyneuropathies of various origins, including alcoholic, diabetic, etc.

In addition, lipoic acid increases the oxygen consumption of brain cells and thus improves the productivity and efficiency of mental work, as well as concentration.

Hepatoprotective action thioctic acid is to protect liver cells from damage by poisons and toxic substances circulating in the blood, as well as to prevent fatty degeneration of the liver. That is why lipoic acid is introduced into the complex therapy of almost any liver disease. In addition, vitamin N stimulates the constant excretion of excess cholesterol in the bile, thereby preventing the formation of gallstones.

Lipoic acid is able to bind salts of heavy metals and remove them from the body, providing detoxifying effect.

Thanks to its ability to strengthen the immune system, lipoic acid effectively prevents colds and infectious diseases.

In addition, lipoic acid is able to maintain the so-called aerobic threshold, or even increase it, which is very important for both athletes and people involved in amateur sports or fitness to lose weight or maintain good physical shape. The fact is that there is a certain threshold at which, during intense aerobic exercise, glucose ceases to be broken down in the presence of oxygen, but begins to be processed in an oxygen-free environment (glycolysis begins), which leads to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, causing pain. With a low aerobic threshold, a person cannot train as much as he needs, and therefore lipoic acid, which raises this threshold, is necessary for athletes and fitness club visitors.

Lipoic acid preparations

Currently, drugs with lipoic acid and dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) are being produced. Medicines are intended for the treatment of various diseases (primarily neuropathies, as well as diseases of the liver and blood vessels), and dietary supplements are recommended for preventive use by practically healthy people. The complex therapy of various diseases can include both drugs and dietary supplements containing lipoic acid.

Medicines containing lipoic acid are available in the form of capsules and tablets for oral administration, as well as in the form of injection solutions. Dietary supplements are available in tablets and capsules.


Currently, the domestic pharmaceutical market has the following drugs containing lipoic acid as an active ingredient:
  • Berlition - tablets and concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration;
  • Lipamide - tablets;
  • Lipoic acid - tablets and solution for intramuscular injections;
  • Lipothioxon - a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration;
  • Neurolipon - capsules and concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration;
  • Octolipen - capsules, tablets and concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration;
  • Thiogamma - tablets, solution and concentrate for infusion;
  • Thioctacid 600 T - solution for intravenous administration;
  • Thioctacid BV - tablets;
  • Thioctic acid - tablets;
  • Thiolept - tablets and solution for infusion;
  • Espa-Lipon - tablets and concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration.

Dietary supplements with lipoic acid

Currently, the following dietary supplements with lipoic acid are available on the pharmaceutical market:
  • Antioxidant from NSP;
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid from DHC;
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid from Solgar;
  • Alpha Normix;
  • Alpha D3-Teva;
  • Gastrofilin Plus;
  • Microhydrin;
  • Solgar Nutricoenzyme Q10 with Alpha Lipoic Acid;
  • Naches Bounty Alpha Lipoic Acid;
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid by Now;
  • Alpha Lipoid Acid and L-Carnitine by KWS;
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid from Doctor's Best;
  • Slim lady;
  • Turbo Slim alpha lipoic acid and L-carnitine;
  • Liver Aid;
  • Mega Protect 4 Life etc.
In addition, lipoic acid is contained in the following varieties of multivitamins Complivit and Alphabet, which are also classified as dietary supplements (like other vitamins):
  • Alphabet Diabetes;
  • Alphabet Effect;
  • Complivit Diabetes;
  • Complivit Radiance;
  • Complivit Trimestrum 1,2 and 3.

Lipoic acid tablets

In tablet form, vitamins Complivit and Alphabet are produced, as well as the following medicines:
  • Berlition;
  • Lipamide;
  • Lipoic acid;
  • Octolipen;
  • Thiogamma;
  • Thioctacid BV;
  • Thioctic acid;
  • Thiolept;
  • Espa Lipon.
Almost all dietary supplements containing lipoic acid are available in the form of capsules.

Indications for the use of drugs and dietary supplements with lipoic acid

Lipoic acid can be used for prophylactic purposes or as part of complex therapy for various diseases. For prevention, it is recommended to take drugs and dietary supplements at the rate of 25-50 mg of lipoic acid per day, which corresponds to the daily need of the human body for this substance. As part of complex therapy, the dosage of lipoic acid is significantly higher and reaches 600 mg per day.

For medicinal purposes Lipoic acid preparations are used in the following conditions or diseases:

  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Fatty infiltration of the liver (steatosis, fatty hepatosis);
  • Polyneuritis and neuropathy against the background of diabetes, alcoholism, etc.;
  • Intoxication of any origin, including alcohol;
  • Increased muscle mass and aerobic threshold in athletes;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Decreased memory, attention and concentration;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Myocardial dystrophy;
  • muscle degeneration;
  • Diabetes;
  • To improve vision, including with macular degeneration of the retina and open-angle glaucoma;
  • Skin diseases (allergic dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema);
  • Large pores and acne marks;
  • yellowish or dull skin tone;
  • Blue circles under the eyes;
With a preventive purpose lipoic acid preparations can be taken by both completely healthy people and those suffering from any of the above diseases (but in combination with other drugs).

Instructions for use of lipoic acid

Rules for the use of vitamin N for therapeutic purposes

As part of complex therapy or as the main drug for neuropathies, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, muscular and myocardial dystrophy, chronic fatigue syndrome and intoxication, lipoic acid preparations are used in high therapeutic dosages, that is, 300 - 600 mg per day.

In severe disease first, lipoic acid preparations are administered intravenously for 2 to 4 weeks, after which they are taken in the form of tablets or capsules at a maintenance dosage (300 mg per day). With a relatively mild and controlled course of the disease you can immediately take vitamin N preparations in the form of tablets or capsules. Intravenous administration of thioctic acid is used for atherosclerosis and liver diseases only if a person cannot take pills.

Intravenously 300 - 600 mg of lipoic acid is administered per day, which corresponds to 1 - 2 ampoules of the solution. For intravenous injection, the contents of the ampoules are diluted in saline and administered by infusion (in the form of a "dropper"). Moreover, the entire daily dose of lipoic acid is administered during one infusion.

Since lipoic acid solutions are sensitive to light, they are prepared immediately before infusion. While the solution is "dripping", it is necessary to wrap the bottle with foil or other opaque material. Lipoic acid solutions in foil-wrapped containers can be stored for up to 6 hours.

Lipoic acid tablets or capsules should be taken half an hour before meals with a small amount of non-carbonated water (half a glass is enough). The tablet or capsule must be swallowed whole, without biting, chewing or crushing in any other way. The daily dosage is 300 - 600 mg for various diseases and conditions, and is completely taken at a time.

The duration of therapy with lipoic acid preparations is usually 2 to 4 weeks, after which it can be taken for 1 to 2 months. medicine in a maintenance dosage - 300 mg once a day. However, if the disease is severe or severe symptoms neuropathy, it is recommended to take lipoic acid preparations at 600 mg per day for 2 to 4 weeks, after which for several months to drink 300 mg per day.

With atherosclerosis and liver diseases lipoic acid preparations are optimally taken at 200-600 mg per day for several weeks. The duration of therapy is determined by the rate of normalization of tests that reflect the state of the liver, such as the activity of AST, ALT, the concentration of bilirubin, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides (TG).

Courses of therapy with lipoic acid preparations are recommended to be repeated periodically, maintaining an interval between them of at least 3 to 5 weeks.

To eliminate intoxication and steatosis (fatty liver hepatosis), adults are advised to take lipoic acid preparations in a prophylactic dosage, that is, 50 mg 3 to 4 times a day. Children over 6 years of age with steatosis or intoxication are recommended to take 12-25 mg of lipoic acid preparations 2-3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the rate of normalization of the condition, but not more than one month.

How to take lipoic acid for prevention

For prevention, it is recommended to take drugs or dietary supplements with lipoic acid at a dosage of 12-25 mg 2-3 times a day. It is allowed to increase the prophylactic dosage up to 100 mg per day. Tablets or capsules should be taken after meals with a small amount of non-carbonated water.

The duration of prophylactic administration of drugs and dietary supplements of lipoic acid is 20-30 days. Such prophylactic courses can be repeated, but between two subsequent doses of lipoic acid, an interval of at least one month should be maintained.

In addition to the indicated prophylactic use of thioctic acid preparations by practically healthy people, we will consider the option of using it by athletes who want to build muscle mass or increase their aerobic threshold. With the speed-strength nature of the load, 100-200 mg of lipoic acid per day should be taken for 2-3 weeks. If exercises are performed to develop endurance (to increase the aerobic threshold), then lipoic acid should be taken at 400-500 mg per day for 2-3 weeks. During periods of competition or training, you can increase the dosage to 500 - 600 mg per day.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the lack of clear and reliable data on the safety of the use of lipoic acid during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to abandon the use of drugs and dietary supplements containing this substance during these periods of a woman's life. Although, theoretically, lipoic acid is a harmless substance both for a pregnant and nursing mother and for a child, therefore, if necessary, you can take preparations containing this substance, but do this strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

special instructions

At the beginning of the use of lipoic acid at neurological diseases possible reinforcement unpleasant symptoms, since there is an intensive process of restoration of the nerve fiber.

Alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment and prevention with lipoic acid preparations. In addition, a large amount of alcohol can provoke a sharp deterioration in a person's condition.

When using lipoic acid with diabetes it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of glucose in the blood and, in accordance with it, adjust the dosage of sugar-lowering drugs.

After intravenous injections lipoic acid, a specific smell of urine may appear, which does not have any important significance, or an allergic reaction may develop, proceeding in the form of itching and malaise. If an allergy develops in response to the introduction of a solution of lipoic acid, then such use of the drug should be stopped and switched to taking tablets or capsules.

Too fast intravenous administration lipoic acid solutions can cause heaviness in the head, convulsions and double vision, which pass on their own and do not require discontinuation of the drug.

Any dairy products should be consumed 4 to 5 hours after ingestion or injection of lipoic acid, as it impairs the absorption of calcium and other ions.


An overdose of lipoic acid is possible when taking more than 10,000 mg in one day. The risk of developing an overdose of vitamin N increases significantly with the simultaneous use of alcohol and, accordingly, this may occur when taking a dosage of less than 10,000 mg per day.

An overdose of lipoic acid is manifested by convulsions, lactic acidosis, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), bleeding, nausea, vomiting, headaches, anxiety, confusion, and bleeding disorders. With a milder overdose, only nausea, vomiting and headaches may occur. However, with any overdose of lipoic acid, a person should be hospitalized, gastric lavage should be performed, a sorbent given (for example, activated charcoal, Polyphepan, Polysorb, etc.) and the normal functioning of vital organs should be maintained.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Lipoic acid does not affect the functions of the central nervous system, and in some cases even improves them, therefore, while taking medications and dietary supplements containing this substance, you can engage in any activity that requires a high speed of reactions and concentration.

Interaction with other drugs

The effects of lipoic acid are enhanced when combined with B vitamins and L-carnitine. And lipoic acid itself enhances the action of insulin and hypoglycemic drugs (for example, Glibenclamide, Gliclazide, Metformin, etc.).

Alcohol reduces the therapeutic effect of lipoic acid and increases the risk of developing side effects or overdose.

Solutions for injection of lipoic acid are incompatible with solutions of glucose, fructose, Ringer's and other sugars.

Lipoic acid reduces the severity of the action of Cisplastin and preparations containing metal compounds (for example, iron, magnesium, calcium, etc.). The intake of lipoic acid and these drugs should be separated in time by 4 to 5 hours.

Lipoic acid for weight loss

Lipoic acid itself does not contribute to weight loss, and the common belief that this substance helps to get rid of excess weight, is based on its property to lower blood sugar levels and stop the feeling of hunger. That is, due to the intake of lipoic acid, a person does not feel hunger, as a result of which he can control the amount of food absorbed and, thereby, lose weight. In addition, stopping hunger makes it relatively easy to tolerate diets, which, of course, lead to weight loss.

Normalization of blood sugar levels leads to an improvement in fat metabolism, which, of course, has a positive effect on overall well-being and condition, and can also contribute to weight loss.

In addition, the intake of thioctic acid leads to the complete processing of carbohydrates eaten into energy, thereby preventing the appearance of new fat deposits. A similar effect can also only indirectly help a person lose weight. Also, lipoic acid binds and removes toxic substances from the body, making the process of losing weight easier and faster.

Thus, it is clear that lipoic acid itself does not cause weight loss. But if you take lipoic acid as a supplement to a sensible diet and exercise exercise this will lead to faster weight loss. For this purpose, it is rational to use thioctic acid in the form of dietary supplements, which also often additionally contain L-carnitine or B vitamins, which enhance the effect of lipamide.

In order to reduce weight, lipoic acid should be taken 12-25 mg 2-3 times a day after meals, as well as before or after training. The maximum allowable dosage of lipoic acid that can be taken for weight loss is 100 mg per day. The duration of the course of using lipoic acid for weight loss is 2 to 3 weeks.

Lipoic acid and carnitine

Carnitine enhances the effect of lipoic acid, and therefore, in many dietary supplements, both of these substances are present simultaneously. Most often, lipoic acid in combination with carnitine is used in dietary supplements that promote weight loss, and are also designed to increase endurance for people involved in sports.

Side effects and contraindications for use

  • Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to the components of drugs or dietary supplements;
  • Age under 6 years old;
  • Pregnancy;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • Gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in the acute stage.

Lipoic (alpha-lipoic) acid - reviews

Most reviews of alpha-lipoic acid (from 85 to 95%) are positive, due to the noticeable effects of the drug. Often, lipoic acid is taken for the purpose of losing weight, and reviews regarding this aspect of use are also positive in most cases. So, in these reviews it is noted that lipoic acid helps women or men well to budge the weight that long time is at the same level, despite the diet or regular exercise. In addition, the reviews indicate that lipoic acid accelerates weight loss, but subject to diet or exercise.

Lipoic acid is also often taken to improve vision and, according to reviews, it works great, because the veil and nebula disappear before the eyes, all surrounding objects are seen clearly and clearly, the colors are juicy, bright and saturated. In addition, lipoic acid reduces eye fatigue with constant eye strain, for example, working at a computer, monitors, with papers, etc.

The third most common reason people take lipoic acid is liver problems, such as chronic diseases, opisthorchiasis, etc. In this case, lipoic acid normalizes general well-being, relieves pain in the right side, and also eliminates nausea and discomfort after eating fatty and rich foods. In addition to eliminating the symptoms of liver disease, thioctic acid improves the condition of the skin, which becomes smoother, firmer and lighter, the yellowish tint and fatigue disappear.

Finally, many people take lipoic acid simply to make them feel better as a vitamin-like substance and a powerful antioxidant. In this case, the reviews indicate a variety of positive effects that appeared after taking vitamin N, such as:

  • Energy appears, the feeling of fatigue decreases and working capacity increases;
  • Improves mood;
  • Bags under the eyes disappear;
  • Fluid excretion improves and edema is eliminated;
  • The concentration of attention and the speed of thinking increase (in this the effect of lipoic acid is similar to Nootropil).
However, in addition to positive feedback about lipoic acid, there are also negative ones, caused, as a rule, by the development of poorly tolerated side effects or the absence of the expected effect. So, among the side effects, hypoglycemia most often develops in people, provoking drowsiness, dizziness, headaches and a feeling of trembling limbs.

Price in pharmacies

The cost of different lipoic acid preparations varies. Currently, in pharmacies in Russian cities, prices for drugs containing lipoic acid are as follows:
  • Alpha lipoic acid from Solgar -capsules 707 - 808 rubles;
  • Berlition - tablets - 720 - 850 rubles, ampoules - 510 - 956 rubles;
  • Lipoic acid - tablets - 35 - 50 rubles;
  • Neurolipon - ampoules - 171 - 312 rubles, capsules - 230 - 309 rubles;
  • Octolipen - capsules - 284 - 372 rubles, tablets - 543 - 747 rubles, ampoules - 355 - 467 rubles;
  • Thiogamma - tablets - 880 - 2000 rubles, ampoules - 217 - 2140 rubles;
  • Thioctacid 600 T - ampoules - 1399 - 1642 rubles;
  • Thioctacid BV - tablets - 1591 - 3179 rubles;
  • Thiolept - tablets - 299 - 930 rubles;
  • Thiolipon - a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration;
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin B3, vitamin PP, niacin) - description and instructions for use (tablets, injections), what products contain, how to use for weight loss, for hair growth and strengthening, reviews and price of drugs

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