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How is alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning - symptoms and treatment at home

Alcohol poisoning is a set of signs that characterize the intoxication of the body, in which the main toxic factor is ethyl alcohol and its decay products. Apart from ethyl alcohol, poisoning can be triggered by methylene, butylene and isopropyl, but their entry into the human body is less likely.

The cause of alcohol poisoning is most often an overdose, provoked by excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages or their low-quality analogues. If symptoms of poisoning are observed when drinking low-alcohol drinks or alcohol surrogates, they cannot always be attributed to alcohol intoxication. Since the composition of such products includes foreign substances toxic to the body (acetone, methylene, etc.). It is worth noting that it is under the influence of this kind of drinks that it happens the largest number poisoning.

The intensity with which the symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear depends on the level of ethyl alcohol in the patient's blood. As a rule, signs are detected gradually, intensifying over time. The general group of symptoms of alcohol poisoning can be divided into primary and secondary signs, according to which the severity of intoxication, first aid measures and further treatment.

Primary signs of the effects of alcohol

The primary signs include a change in the behavior and appearance of the patient. In fact, it is due to the manifestation of this group of symptoms that alcohol has become so popular among the masses. When drinking alcohol, a person undergoes such changes:

  • signs of emotional arousal appear;
  • there is briskness in movements;
  • visits a feeling of euphoria (distance from pressing problems, relaxation);
  • talkativeness appears, and in speech - categoricalness;
  • skin(in places or completely) redden from a rush of blood;
  • pupils dilate;
  • increased sweating.

A list of primary signs can be observed in a person who has consumed even a small amount of alcohol. This is not a cause for serious concern until, in addition to the already existing symptoms, secondary signs of poisoning are not connected.

Secondary signs of alcohol intoxication

When used significant amount alcohol, alcohol and its metabolic products are absorbed into the blood through the walls of the stomach. This has a serious effect on the central nervous system, which, first of all, provokes brain poisoning with alcohol and affects the control and regulatory functions of the brain.

This is reflected in behavior as a transition to an instinctive level. Under the influence of a large amount of alcoholic beverages, a person begins to behave with undisguised aggression or sexuality, the level of intelligence is noticeably reduced. Drunk people have difficulty coordinating movements own body, which is manifested in the corresponding gait and other signs.

Symptoms of severe alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning in a severe form takes place with violations in the work of the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system (respiratory center). So, when a severe stage of intoxication occurs, communication and coordination are lost in speech and movements, hearing deteriorates, a person stops responding to most external stimuli. A further increase in the concentration of alcohol in the blood is fraught with the onset of more severe conditions, such as an alcoholic coma.

Varieties of alcoholic surrogates

Since poisoning with alcohol substitutes is the most common type of household intoxication, it is worth understanding what types of such drinks exist. Alcohol substitutes are drinks and other liquids, which, in addition to ethyl alcohol, include non-food additives and alcohols from the highly toxic category. The most common surrogates consumed as drinks are:

  • glue BF;
  • denatured alcohol;
  • hygiene products (lotion, cologne, etc.);
  • wood alcohol;
  • ethanol;
  • antifreeze;
  • brake fluid.

This list refers to products manufactured industrially. However, in addition to those listed, there are also artisanal drinks, the so-called "singed vodka". This is alcohol produced in conditions that do not comply with technological requirements for getting quality product. It can be implemented even under the guise of well-known trademarks. The level of fusel oils, which provoke intoxication, in such products significantly exceeds the norm, which leads to alcohol poisoning.

Also, the cause of many alcohol poisoning is often moonshine - a product home cooking. In its manufacture, the main goal is to obtain the highest concentration of alcohol, and not an acceptable quality.

Medicines deserve special attention. AT this case refers to tinctures for alcohol, produced both independently and industrially. The abuse of such drugs is often also fraught with the onset of poisoning.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is an extremely dangerous condition, especially in severe form. For this reason, it is important to understand what to do at home (what to take, what pills to drink, what medicine is effective), if intoxication occurs.

Assistance in the observation of alcohol poisoning includes two equally important stages: first aid and calling an ambulance medical care. We will talk about the first stage and the prerequisites for the second stage below.

Help with alcohol poisoning at home

When helping a patient who is in a state of alcohol poisoning, it is important to bring him back to consciousness and cleanse the body. This also applies to situations where the patient is conscious, but there is a general weakness of the body, a state of lethargy and drowsiness.

To clarify consciousness, at home and in stationary conditions, it is used ammonia. To achieve the goal, a cotton swab is moistened with ammonia and brought to the patient's nose in such a way that he feels the pungent smell of the liquid. Also for this purpose, you can use strong tea or sobering drinks available in pharmacies.

The cleansing of the body involves the removal of alcohol that has not yet been absorbed from the digestive tract and the subsequent disposal of toxins. For this purpose, apply:

  • solution baking soda;
  • potassium permanganate solution (potassium permanganate).

baking soda solution

To prepare the solution, you need one liter of cold boiled water dissolve a teaspoon (without a slide) of baking soda. The patient needs to drink the entire volume of liquid in small sips. Then, having provoked a gag reflex by pressing a spoon on the base of the tongue, you need to achieve the exit of the consumed liquid along with the remnants of alcohol.

Activated carbon

A well-known and widespread budgetary means of combating different kind poisoning, including alcohol. The usual dose of coal for intoxication of the body is one tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient's weight, however, in the case of alcohol, regardless of weight, up to two plates (20 pieces) can be taken. Tablets are swallowed alternately and washed down large quantity water.

Potassium permanganate solution

A liter of cold boiled water requires a few grams of potassium permanganate (on the tip of a knife). The water should take on a pale pink hue. As in the case with soda solution, you need to drink all the liquid and provoke vomiting.

The listed means are relevant in the case when the patient is at least conscious and able to control his body. If a person who has been poisoned by alcohol is unable to swallow or has completely lost consciousness, it is necessary to monitor his condition before the arrival of an ambulance. This implies, first of all, breath control, including preventing the tongue from sinking and getting vomit into Airways. Also, taking into account the fact that in case of poisoning with ethyl alcohol, human body quickly consumes heat, it is necessary to prevent hypothermia by wrapping the patient in a warm blanket before the doctors arrive.

In what cases you need to call an ambulance

It is not always possible to understand in what cases qualified medical assistance is needed in case of alcohol poisoning. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the patient's condition, and if it worsens, immediately go to the hospital. The dynamics of the manifestation of deterioration may be different, however, if at least a few signs appear, it is urgent to call ambulance. These signs include:

  • loss of consciousness by the patient;
  • a noticeable decrease in temperature indicators;
  • the presence of sticky cold sweat;
  • a sharp manifestation of an unhealthy skin color (extreme pallor or redness);
  • poorly defined frequent pulse;
  • uncontrolled emission of urine and feces;
  • violation of respiratory functions;
  • manifestation of muscle cramps;
  • intense headache;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • the presence of blood in vomit and feces.

Alcohol poisoning can cause the death of a patient as a result of a malfunction of the heart, respiratory system, hypothermia, or other signs. This indicates the importance of timely first aid and calling doctors. Any delay can lead to complications. To avoid this, it is important to take the patient's condition with all responsibility.

Complications of alcohol poisoning

Complications from alcohol poisoning include impaired consciousness and vital body functions. So, loss of consciousness can turn into a coma if the patient is not provided with appropriate assistance in time.

Other complications from alcohol poisoning include respiratory disorders, manifested in the retraction of the tongue, bronchorrhea, trismus of chewing muscles, the consequences of getting vomit into the respiratory tract (hypersalivation). Also, prolonged intoxication contributes to the development of acute kidney failure.

Coma after drinking alcohol

As mentioned above, loss of consciousness during alcohol poisoning can lead to a coma. There are three main stages given state depending on their severity and manifestation: superficial coma, moderate coma, deep coma.

superficial coma

With a superficial coma, the patient shows a reaction to light (the pupils narrow) and the smell of ammonia (wrinkles and pushes away with his hands). At the same time, despite the actions performed, he does not regain consciousness and does not react to other external stimuli.

To remove this condition, a gastric lavage procedure is performed, in which a gastric tube is used. Most often, this is enough to return the patient's consciousness.

Moderate coma

The onset of moderate coma is characterized by relaxation muscle tissue. In this case, the patient practically does not show a reaction to the smell of ammonia and does not regain consciousness after washing the stomach.

For removal from a coma of moderate severity, the patient must be sent to the toxicology department. Only when, under the influence of medicines, the body is cleansed of poisons, there are chances for the return of consciousness.

deep coma

Deep coma is manifested by the absence (complete) of tendon reflexes, zero pupillary response to light, convulsive contractions of muscle tissue are observed. The reaction to ammonia, pain and other external stimuli is completely absent. As in the case of moderate coma, it is necessary to hospitalize the patient in the toxicology department for treatment in a hospital setting.

What to do after alcohol poisoning

Treatment for alcohol poisoning includes extensive rehabilitation to help the patient recover as physical health both memory and moral well-being. Such a recovery course includes three main stages:

  • stabilization of indicators acid-base balance organism;
  • restoration of the liver and its further protection;
  • the resumption of normal operation of the central nervous system;
  • restoration of the peripheral nervous system.

Depending on how severe the alcohol poisoning was, recovery can be carried out on an outpatient basis or in a toxicology department in a hospital setting. If there was a slight intoxication in the body of a non-drinking person, to restore it, it is enough to cleanse the body of the metabolic products of ethyl alcohol and stop drinking alcohol for the next few weeks, at least.

Alcohol, even in small doses, has a toxic effect on the central nervous system. In medicine, there are three stages of alcohol intoxication - mild, moderate and severe.

What are the signs of alcohol poisoning and how to remove alcohol intoxication at home? What medicines can be used to relieve a hangover syndrome? What can not be done in case of poisoning, and in what cases should you consult a doctor without wasting time on self-treatment? Let's look at these questions, but first, let's define what alcohol poisoning is.

What is alcohol intoxication

The term alcohol intoxication itself means the poisoning of the body with ethyl alcohol. Normally, a small amount of ethanol is neutralized in the liver without consequences for the body. But when you use an amount of alcohol that exceeds the detoxification capacity of the liver, the poison enters the brain and causes violations of the higher nervous activity. Outwardly, this is manifested by a feeling of euphoria, clouding of consciousness, impaired coordination.

With a severe degree of poisoning, a person loses sensitivity, reflexes weaken, and stunning occurs. In the extreme stage, cardiac arrest, cessation of breathing, deep coma are possible. Such consequences occur when the concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood is 3% or more. Lethal dose alcohol is about 300 grams in terms of pure alcohol. If we consider the average lethal dose in terms of body weight, then it is 8 grams of ethanol per kg.

In everyday life, alcohol poisoning refers to any changes accompanied by a deterioration in well-being due to drinking alcohol. They may appear immediately after taking a large dose (vomiting, loss of consciousness) or visit you the next morning - hangover syndrome. In general, these conditions are treated in the same way, but there are some nuances. In the phase of acute poisoning great importance plays the effect of ethanol on the gastrointestinal tract and the brain, and a hangover is largely provoked by the products of the partial decomposition of ethyl alcohol, in particular, acetaldehyde.

Alcohol poisoning

Separately, it must be said about poisoning with alcohol surrogates. According to statistics, this type of poisoning occupies a leading position in the list of all intoxications. At the same time, more than 90% of the victims die even before the moment of hospitalization.

Substitutes for alcohol are:

In case of poisoning with such products, intoxication is mild or does not occur at all, visual disturbances, convulsions, salivation, sweating, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and joints are often observed.

Intoxication with surrogates cannot be removed at home - it is imperative to immediately seek qualified medical help. Delay can cost lives. As first aid measures, they induce vomiting, take an enterosorbent and any enveloping agent. Further, hospitalization is required.

First aid for alcohol poisoning

What to do with alcohol poisoning at home? To do this, a number of measures are taken to rid the body of ethyl alcohol and neutralize the products of its decay.

First aid for alcohol poisoning includes the following steps.

  1. Remove the remnants of alcoholic beverages from the stomach. To do this, they induce vomiting, then they wash the stomach - they drink 2-3 glasses of salted water, again provoke vomiting, and so on until almost pure water comes out of the stomach.
  2. In case of loss of consciousness, it is impossible to provoke vomiting. Call an ambulance. In anticipation of her arrival, lay the victim on his side, loosen clothing, check the pulse and breathing. Turn your head, make sure that the tongue does not sink, and the vomit does not enter the respiratory tract. To bring the victim to his senses, let him smell ammonia, rub his ears.

If alcohol poisoning does not pose a threat to life, then intoxication is removed independently at home.

Treatment of alcohol intoxication at home

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home consists of the following actions:

Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by bouts of vomiting. If you vomited once or twice - this is a natural reaction of the body to poison and there will be no harm from it, but only benefit, given Current state. But if the urge to vomit does not go away after emptying the stomach, then you need to take action.

How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning?

  1. Rinse your head cold water or briefly apply ice to the back of the head.
  2. Drink some water or restorative solutions like "".
  3. Do not eat or drink anything else until the stomach calms down.

If a Taken measures do not give results, then antiemetic drugs will help. Indomitable vomiting, the presence of bile in the vomit or blood impurities are grounds for immediate hospitalization.

Let us dwell in more detail on the medicines that are used to treat alcohol poisoning at home.


After emptying the stomach from the contents, you need to take enterosorbents. These drugs act in the intestines, capturing toxins and decay products on their surface and removing them from stool. The following drugs have proven themselves well.

It must be remembered that all enterosorbents must be taken separately from drugs, otherwise the latter will lose their effectiveness. Between their receptions it is necessary to observe a gap of at least one hour, and preferably two hours.

Restoration of water balance

Vomiting dehydrates the body and leaches mineral salts from it. In addition, alcohol is a strong diuretic. In case of poisoning, you need to drink plenty of water, preferably mineral or acidified lemon juice. Help to deal with imbalances medications belonging to the group of rehydrating agents. They contain a balanced set of sodium, potassium, chlorides, sometimes carbohydrates and help the body cope with intoxication.

"Regidron" with alcohol intoxication can be taken orally in the amount of 10-17 ml of the finished solution per kg of weight. One packet of the drug is dissolved in one liter of water and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

The analogues of Regidron are the preparations Hydrovit and Citraglucosolan. Also, a similar solution can be prepared independently: take 1/2 tsp for one liter of water. salt, 1/2 tsp. soda, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

With severe alcohol intoxication, a dropper is needed. Its composition is something like this:

  • saline, or "Disol", or "Hemodez";
  • 5 or 10% glucose solution;
  • 5% solution of ascorbic acid.

If necessary, include vitamins (nicotinic acid, pyridoxine), magnesia, potassium chloride, panangin, heart remedies. The volume of the dropper is usually 400-500 ml. Should put it medical worker, as well as determine the composition of the solution for infusion - inept handling can be harmful to health.

Complete cleansing of the body from alcohol, possibly in the case of its excretion by the kidneys. For this, diuretics (diuretics) are used, the best and safest of which is ordinary water. You can also use recipes traditional medicine- drink decoctions of herbs. They not only restore vitamin losses, but also supply the body with the antioxidants it needs.

Restoration of intestinal microflora

Alcohol and its decay products kill beneficial intestinal microflora. After alcohol intoxication, activity is often disrupted gastrointestinal tract developing constipation or diarrhea. Beneficial bacteria need to be restored. You can do this by eating sour-milk and fermented foods or by taking probiotics:

Facilitates the course of a hangover emptying the intestines. If constipation is noted after drinking alcohol, then it is possible - this will allow you to remove toxic products from the large intestine.

What not to do with alcohol poisoning

  1. In no case should you combine the intake of alcohol and the diuretic "Furosemide", as this negatively affects the state of the liver and kidneys.
  2. Aspirin is also taken with caution. It can be drunk only in a state of hangover, but if intoxication has not yet passed, then this medicine can cause various complications.
  3. Do not use any sleeping pills, as they exacerbate the depression of the central nervous system caused by alcohol.
  4. The recommendation to go to the bathhouse and thereby get rid of a hangover is only suitable for people with Siberian health.

What to do with a hangover

How to treat a hangover the next morning after heavy drinking? The following measures are effective:

You should not experiment with drugs, it is better to resort to the help of special tablets for alcohol poisoning:

  • "Biotredin";
  • "Limonar";
  • "Metadoxil";
  • Alka-Seltzer.

Folk remedies for a hangover

If there are no tablets at hand, then you can use folk remedies used in alcohol poisoning. In addition to the hangover pickles already mentioned, the following remedies help:

A contrast shower helps with a hangover. Start with hot water, then switch to pleasantly cold, alternate 30-60 seconds several times, gradually increasing the temperature difference. Such a contrast will allow the skin to get rid of toxins and toxins, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In conclusion, we note that it is much easier and more pleasant to prevent a hangover than to treat it. To do this, do not abuse the amount of alcohol, have a good snack on foods containing starch and pectins (potatoes, bananas), and before the feast, take preventive purposes one of the recommended enterosorbents.

Alcohol poisoning always brings a lot of trouble to a person. Its symptoms are very similar to food poisoning, general intoxication, headache, nausea and vomiting are observed. If you follow a sparing diet after subsiding acute signs diseases, it can help the body recover faster. Nutrition after alcohol poisoning should be balanced, you need to use only natural products which contain many useful substances.

How Diet Helps

In case of alcohol poisoning, all organs are severely affected, but the digestive tract and liver are especially harmed. Diet food helps to quickly restore the balance of microelements and vitamins in the body. The human stomach after any poisoning is very weak, the mucosa is thinned and inflamed. In this regard, food should be light, quickly digestible and healthy. Fatty and heavy foods can cause congestion in the stomach and provoke new bouts of vomiting.

Particular attention should be paid to drinking. It is strictly forbidden to include low-alcohol drinks in the diet after poisoning - this will only aggravate the situation. All drinks consumed by the patient should be as useful as possible.

When and what to eat after alcohol poisoning

If a person has been poisoned by alcohol, then he has great weakness, nausea, vomiting. In this state, there is certainly no appetite and the patient is not up to eating. The victim is quickly provided with first aid, which consists of gastric lavage, a cleansing enema and the intake of sorbents. Further a person must be well soldered to prevent dehydration.

Food can be offered no earlier than 12 hours after the symptoms of acute intoxication have subsided, ideally, wait a day. During this time, the gastric mucosa has time to recover a little. Therapeutic fasting when only drinking is used, it is very beneficial for the body. The liver and stomach do not process food, so all the resources of the body are thrown into the removal of toxic substances.

A day after the poisoning, the victim begins to feed. Nutrition after alcohol poisoning should be as follows:

First day

  • Viscous cereals on the water with a little salt and sugar. Porridge should be boiled in the form of a mash. To do this, take oatmeal, rice or buckwheat, crushed a little and boiled for a long time in a large volume of water. Take at least 3 glasses of water per glass of cereal.
  • Baked apples with honey or sugar. It is better to add a teaspoon of honey. This useful product contains in its composition many trace elements that contribute to the restoration of electrolyte balance.
  • Well ripe bananas. The fruits should be uniformly yellow, without green areas. Unripe bananas contain a lot of starch, which can cause re-intoxication.
  • Decoctions of raisins and dried apricots, as well as jelly from berries and fruits.

Second day

Starting from the second day, the diet can be slightly expanded, the menu includes vegetable puree and meat. The patient is given the following products:

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  • Mashed potatoes with water and no oil added. Potatoes can be salted a little, do not use green potatoes.
  • boiled chicken breast or lean veal. The meat is boiled in salt water, then crushed with a blender. The resulting paste is used as independent dish or mixed with mashed potatoes.
  • Inedible crackers or drying.
  • Lungs vegetable soups, cooked on the second broth. For cooking, you can use potatoes, carrots, rice, herbs.
  • Bifidokefir.

From the second day, bifidokefir is included in the diet of the victim. You need to drink it several times a day in a glass. This healing drink normalizes the digestion process and helps to fill the stomach and intestines with beneficial microflora.

Third day

From the third day, a person is gradually transferred to the usual diet. The following foods are added to the diet:

  • Porridge with skimmed milk. Whole milk can be diluted with water.
  • Boiled eggs.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Lean fish.

A person after poisoning should drink a lot. To do this, give compotes, kissels or juices diluted with water. You can offer the patient weak sweet tea, preferably green.

After alcohol intoxication, the stomach is very weakened and irritated, so it is difficult for it to process a large amount of food. You need to eat after alcohol poisoning in small portions, many times a day. The intervals between meals should be kept at least 2-3 hours. During this time, the previous food that has entered the stomach has time to be digested almost completely.

You need to drink a lot, the volume of drinking per day should be about 3 liters. With such drinking mode all toxins will be quickly removed from the body, which will lead to a speedy recovery.

What can be given to drink

The patient is soldered after alcohol poisoning in fractional portions, but very often. For this purpose, you can use the following drinks:

  • Dried fruit compote with honey- do not add prunes, as they are smoked and can be difficult for a weak stomach.
  • A decoction of raisins and dried apricots with a small addition of rice. This drink has a mild enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Kissel from cranberries, cherries, black currants. Such an enveloping drink helps to quickly restore the gastric mucosa and well fortifies the entire body.
  • Pure non-carbonated water.
  • Green tea with honey. This drink acts invigoratingly and activates defensive forces organism.
  • Weak black tea with sugar. good drink, which well raises the tone and restores the strength of the patient.

To solder the victim after alcohol poisoning, you can use a decoction of mint and chamomile. The decoction helps relieve inflammation from the stomach, gently soothes and acts bactericidal.

What not to eat and drink after alcohol poisoning

Intoxication greatly depletes the body, therefore during the rehabilitation period, it is important to eat light foods. It is not recommended to use the following dishes during the recovery period:

  • Fatty meats - pork, beef, lamb. With caution, use fatty poultry - chickens, geese, ducks.
  • Smoked products - balyks, sausages and other products that have been smoked.
  • Any canned food and semi-finished products.
  • Fried and fatty foods.
  • Whole cow's milk, as well as fatty dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Some seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid and fatty varieties fish.
  • Sweet pastries.
  • Strongly spicy and salty foods.
  • Some varieties of cereals - barley, corn, barley and wheat.
  • Chocolate and products containing cocoa.
  • Raw vegetables, especially cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes - they cause fermentation in the stomach.
  • Citrus.
  • All beans.

In addition, oil is introduced into the diet with caution. It is advisable to cook food without fats, and then in ready meal add some butter or vegetable oil. In this case, the fat will not heat up, which means that harmful substances will not be released into the food, which will reduce the load on the liver.

During the recovery period after alcohol poisoning, the use of any alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Even beer can add trouble. It must be remembered that ethyl contained in any alcohol is a poison for a weakened organism.

The use of carbonated drinks is strictly prohibited. They contain a lot of dyes, flavors and preservatives, so they can provoke a deterioration in health. BUT carbon dioxide contained in such drinks will cause flatulence.

It is not necessary to offer the patient after poisoning concentrated juices. Such products have increased acidity, to which a weak stomach can respond with an attack of vomiting.

What to look out for

There are a few tips to help you quickly recover from alcohol poisoning and return to a normal diet:

  • All human food after poisoning should be stewed, boiled or baked.. Steam cooking is also allowed.
  • Nutrition needs to be balanced. The products should have enough proteins and carbohydrates, but not enough fats.
  • All food offered to the patient should be warm. You can not give cold food, which is poorly absorbed, or hot, which can cause stomach burns.
  • Do not eat at least a week after alcohol poisoning yeast baking. Such dishes contribute to fermentation and gas formation, which is very undesirable during the recovery period.

Signs of poisoning alcoholic drinks very unpleasant and can disturb a person for several days. Diet will help you recover quickly. The main rule of such a diet is to eat light food in small portions, but often. Even if the diet did not bring proper relief for several days, then a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Every person has to deal with alcoholic beverages more than once in their life. They accompany human happiness and sorrow. Alcohol is consumed at a birthday, wedding, commemoration and just from bad mood. However, in everything you need to know the measure. Very often, a person asks the question of how to be at what to do in such a situation, the presented article will tell you. You will learn how poisoning manifests itself, in what cases it occurs.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning, you can find out a little later. To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the onset of this state. It has several classifications - mild, moderate and severe. The condition of the victim is determined by the accompanying symptoms. You can also determine the degree of poisoning with the help of laboratory tests by determining the amount of alcohol in the blood.

Drinking alcohol often has its consequences. Moreover, the greater the dose taken, the higher the degree of intoxication. It is worth noting that fun drinks can be different. The lightest are beer, wine, champagne and vermouth. In them, the concentration of ethanol does not exceed 15 percent. Much more serious consequences call for cognac, vodka, tequila, gin and whiskey. One of the most strong drinks considered absinthe.


What to do in case of alcohol poisoning? It all depends on what exactly you had to face. Intoxication from alcohols can be primary. In this case, you will feel bad immediately after drinking alcohol. You can also feel all the delights of the green serpent the next morning. It's called a hangover.

Alcohol poisoning is named after the following reasons. Ethanol after entering the stomach is very quickly absorbed into the mucous membranes. Through them he is in the blood. The liver is able to process some portion of such poisons. However, her powers are not infinite. When used in large doses, alcohols begin to flow directly into the brain. It is here that the effect on the entire nervous system and individual organs occurs. Consider how to determine the poisoning of alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms and signs of intoxication

Alcohol, depends on the severity of symptoms and associated signs. At the very beginning of intoxication, no disturbing symptoms are determined. A person feels euphoria, his problems disappear. An intoxicated person begins to look at everything that is happening around him with different eyes. In this situation, the following signs of intoxication are noted:

  • pupil dilation;
  • redness of the skin;
  • categorical loud statements;
  • voicing all your thoughts.

Later (after increasing the dose of alcohol consumed), abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may occur. With such signs, the body tries to get rid of the poison that enters it on its own. Among more severe symptoms poisoning are as follows:

  • decreased pulse and pallor;
  • loss of consciousness and exit of cold sweat;
  • respiratory and hearing impairment;
  • involuntary urination, defecation and vomiting (unconscious);
  • inability to stand on one's feet and articulate one's thoughts clearly.

With absence timely assistance the described symptomatology can end with the drunk falling into an alcoholic coma. In this case, irreparable consequences for the brain and nervous system can already be determined.

Signs can also be distinguished in the form They are determined the next morning after the feast. Man complains about headache, dry mouth, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. The stomach stops accepting food. Everything that enters the digestive tract is immediately sent back. Often the pulse quickens, there is shortness of breath, perspiration. Body temperature may rise.

Surrogate alcohol

How to act in case of alcohol poisoning? What to do if the alcohol turned out to be of inadequate quality? Note that the symptoms of intoxication in this case will be somewhat different. After drinking surrogate alcohol, a person practically does not become intoxicated. However, they are clearly noticeable from the first minutes of the feast. The user may complain of tinnitus, impaired vision and smell. This increases salivation and causes pain in the abdomen. Any delay in such a situation could be fatal.

If there was a surrogate severe alcohol poisoning, what should I do? Call urgently emergency care. home treatment unacceptable. If it is possible to get to the hospital faster than the ambulance arrives, then do just that. The sooner the user is in the hands of doctors, the more favorable the outcome will be. Remember that after a few glasses of surrogate alcohol, immediate death occurs.

First aid

What to do in case of alcohol poisoning? Many patients try not to resort to the services of doctors, but to cope with the problem alone. This is possible with mild or moderate intoxication. As a first aid, it is worth using. In this case, it is forbidden to use any medicines. Remember that many medications in combination with alcohol only cause a deterioration in well-being.

Give the user a large glass of water to drink. The volume of liquid should be from 300 to 500 ml. Then induce vomiting. Often it comes on its own, as the body tries to get rid of the poison on its own. Your task is to wash the stomach until clean water comes out of it.

There is important rule. If the victim has lost consciousness, then it is impossible to pour water into him by force. It is also forbidden to provoke vomiting. Call the doctor and wait for the ambulance to arrive. At this time, you can put the patient on his side or try to bring him to consciousness (rub his ears, sprinkle with water, give him a sniff of ammonia).

Replenishment of the lack of fluid

In case of alcohol poisoning, what to do after gastric lavage? It is very important to replenish the lack of moisture in the body in time. Alcohols ingested cause dehydration. If this process is left without intervention, then the patient's condition may deteriorate greatly. You can give to drink any liquid. However, the stomach does not always perceive it. Use for vomiting saline solutions. They quickly restore balance in the body.

These drugs include Regidron, Hydrovit and others. If it is not possible to use medicinal formulations, then prepare a healing drink yourself. To do this, add a teaspoon of salt and soda per liter of cool water. Also stir in 4 tablespoons of sugar. You need to use the solution every half hour for several sips.

The use of sorbents and beneficial bacteria

If alcohol poisoning occurs, what to do at home? Be sure to give the user may be the drug "Polysorb", "Smecta", "Enterosgel" and others. They will help to remove toxins from the body and eliminate diarrhea. Remember that you need to take the described funds separately from other medicines. The optimal break is 2 hours.

What to do after alcohol poisoning? Be sure to restore the intestinal microflora. Often the problem is accompanied by diarrhea. You shouldn't stop her. This is how the body gets rid of toxins. Take a complex of beneficial bacteria ("Acipol", "Lineks", "Enterol").

In case of alcohol poisoning: what not to do

If you had to deal with the described condition, then you should know which methods of treatment should be abandoned. It is strictly forbidden:

  • treat the problem with alcohol (many resort to the sobering method);
  • go to the bath or bask in the bath;
  • take medications ("Furosemide", "Paracetamol", "Aspirin", antihistamines and sleeping pills);
  • stop diarrhea with medication.


If alcohol poisoning occurs, what to do at home? With a hangover, you can use painkillers, since it is forbidden to endure a headache. Take ibuprofen medicines.

What other actions can be taken? What to do in case of alcohol poisoning at home? In the morning after the feast, take a cool shower, drink plenty of water. Try not to eat until you feel like it. Go to bed and lie down. Remember that you can not endure poisoning on your feet. With an increase in body temperature, it is worth using antipyretic compounds. If after 10-12 hours you do not feel better, contact a specialist.

Withdrawal syndrome, hangover, hangover - there are many names, but the meaning remains the same: a lot of excess alcohol last night. Pills for alcohol poisoning are aimed at treating the body from alcohol residues at home. Folk ways(except for knocking out the "wedge with a wedge") also work, but the medicines act more accurately and more efficiently.

What is alcohol poisoning

Intoxication is a reaction internal organs for the processing of residues of a large dose of alcohol (acetaldehyde). In addition, fusel oils and chemical compounds that may be contained in alcohol. After ingestion of alcohol-containing liquids or dishes, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), an enzyme responsible for the destruction of ethanol, which is perceived as a poison, begins to be produced.

Toxic acetaldehyde remains the only component (alcohol breakdown product) that cannot be destroyed by ADH. To combat it, a second enzyme, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, is connected. It neutralizes acetaldehyde into harmless acetic acid, water and carbon dioxide. Only these substances are capable of processing alcohol. Not a single remedy can accelerate their production by the body, no matter what advertising says.


With alcohol poisoning, the symptoms manifest themselves in completely different ways and depend on age, gender, quality and quantity of alcohol consumed, even race (ethnicity), regularity of use. The general symptoms of intoxication are completely identical to poisoning with any toxins, low-quality alcohol that somehow entered the body:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • frequent urges to urination;
  • general malaise;
  • low blood pressure;
  • blanching of the skin of the body against the background of reddening of the face;
  • tremor of hands and feet;
  • dizziness;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • euphoria and delusional states;
  • lowering the threshold of self-preservation instinct;
  • impaired coordination of the limbs, perception of body position;
  • incoherent speech, slowing down of thought processes.


One-time alcohol poisoning rarely causes serious consequences. The hangover syndrome itself will last until the body completely breaks down acetaldehyde (the period is individual). Serious pathological consequences are caused by systematic alcoholism or poisoning with surrogate alcohol. Alcohol in constant immoderate doses is dangerous for the occurrence of such conditions:

  • development of acute renal failure;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • stomach and food bleeding;
  • degenerative changes central nervous system;
  • total blindness (methyl poisoning);
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • destruction of the brain;
  • disorders of the heart and vascular system.

What helps with a hangover

It is impossible to speed up the passage of poisoning, but a whole range of drugs helps to reduce the symptoms to an acceptable state of health. Based on the manifestations, they take adsorbents, antiemetic drugs, painkillers, replenishing the electrolyte balance (they cope well with this mineral water, drug Regidron). It is important that drugs do not conflict with the patient's body.

Detox Methods

Most body cleansing methods require qualified medical care and special equipment, since blood, lymph, plasma, and intestines need cleaning. However, some actions can be done independently before the arrival of an ambulance, which will determine whether hospitalization is necessary, or it is permissible to perform procedures at home. You can cleanse the body in case of poisoning in the following ways:

  • conservative methods that can really be done at home: forced diuresis (use of diuretics in parallel with fluid replacement), gastrointestinal absorption (take activated charcoal and its analogues);
  • active methods: hemodialysis, blood ultrafiltration, connection of an artificial liver, exchange transfusion, hemofiltration;
  • plasma: plasmodialysis, plasmapheresis, cryoapheresis;
  • lymphatic: lymphopheresis, lymphodialysis, etc.

Pills for alcohol poisoning

Tablets to combat hangover symptoms can be purchased at any pharmacy. Modern market drugs saturated with pills varying degrees popularity and intensity. All of them can, to one degree or another, ease withdrawal symptoms if used strictly following the instructions. Often experienced drinkers know their first aid kit for recovery. However, sometimes a person encounters a hangover for the first time, so you need at least a little guidance on what to drink in case of alcohol poisoning.

Adsorbents for poisoning

Sorbents are needed in the process of normalizing the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Remains of food and products of the breakdown of alcohol in in large numbers remain in the stomach and intestines. To shorten the period of poisoning so that the absorption of the remaining alcohol does not continue, adsorbents are used that bind toxic residues in the gastrointestinal tract and help to remove them. naturally. Preparations for alcohol intoxication for adsorption:


Mode of application

Activated carbon

Dosage based on 1 tablet activated carbon(0.25 g) per 10 kg body weight orally after gastric lavage.

Cheapness and availability of tablets.

Reduces the absorption of other drugs.


The medicine for alcohol poisoning is taken in the form of a suspension of 1 tbsp. spoon (1.2 g) per glass of water. The daily concentration in the body should not exceed 12 grams.

Easily taken in dissolved form, unlike activated charcoal.

List of contraindications peptic ulcer intestines, pregnancy, individual intolerance). Does not combine with aspirin.


1 tablespoon (15 g) on ​​an empty stomach.

A wide range of applications for various diseases.

Cannot be used for intestinal obstruction, occasionally causes vomiting.


Nausea and vomiting remain a natural reaction of the body to poisoning, this is one of the independent ways Gastrointestinal to get rid of toxins. However, at some point, a situation may arise when the stomach is already empty, and vomiting continues. This can lead to damage to the esophagus, the inability to take concomitant medications. In this case, antiemetics come to the rescue to eliminate nausea:


Mode of application


0.3 grams of the drug 4 times a day.

Available at any pharmacy, goes well with glycine.

Possible individual intolerance to the drug.

Validol tablet under the tongue or 5-6 drops of the solution.

Prevalence, menthol in addition to stabilizing the heart rate relieves the symptoms of nausea.

Active hypotension on the background of poisoning.

1 tablet 2 times a day for the period of severe vomiting.

Parallel stabilization of digestion processes, relief of headaches, fight against chronic intoxication.

Possible state of drowsiness.

Symptomatic drugs

General symptoms of acute alcohol poisoning in serious condition may be different. To alleviate the condition, drugs are used that will help reduce pain syndromes, stabilize pressure, increase efficiency during the elimination of toxins from the body. The main thing is to take into account the compatibility of the means with each other and the individual susceptibility of the patient when stopping the symptoms of poisoning. Effective medicines:


Mode of application


4 tablets 4 rubles / day, followed by a dose reduction to 2 pieces three times a day. The therapy lasts 1 month.

Remedy for alcohol poisoning, helps fight moderate chronic alcoholism.

Significantly reduced efficiency drunkenness, serious condition of poisoning.


0.25 grams of the drug every 2 hours.

Pills for alcohol poisoning stimulate the appetite, reduce the overall craving for alcohol, and comprehensively eliminate the symptoms.

May cause a significant increase in blood pressure, does not combine well with barbiturates and tranquilizers.

1 capsule 2 times a day (for especially acute poisoning - 3 times a day) until the symptoms disappear completely, 2 effervescent tablets to relieve morning symptoms.

The drug for alcohol poisoning, has significant hepaprotective, antioxidant properties, successfully fights the remnants of alcohol surrogates.

Contraindications for alcohol poisoning pills

Any medicine must be used in strict accordance with the instructions. In no case medical preparations can not be used with individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. Be sure to take into account the compatibility between different means. Tablets are undesirable for allergy sufferers, patients diabetes, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and similar chronic diseases. Separately, it is worth recalling that many drugs have contraindications in relation to the cardiovascular system.


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