Home Trees and shrubs Raspberry jam without cooking for the winter. Raspberry jam: how to cook raspberry jam properly

Raspberry jam without cooking for the winter. Raspberry jam: how to cook raspberry jam properly

Jam is made from any kind of berries and fruits. But the coziest and warmest associations arise when we hear the combination “ raspberry jam". It is famous not only for its taste and sweetness, but also for its ability to promote recovery and maintain the immunity of children and adults.

The secret of "grandmother's jam" is actually not as tricky and complex as it can show to housewives who have not previously encountered cooking jam. Several of the most delicious ways harvesting raspberries, including simple classic version, will prove it visually.

The classic recipe for raspberry jam

Homemade raspberry jam is made with raspberries and sugar. V classic recipe There is no need to add anything else to the syrup of raspberry jam. You should know and apply a few simple rules.

You will need:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Raspberries for jam need to be taken whole, clean, large and not overripe. Rinse it before cooking, separating insects or other contaminants from the berries. Allow the cooked berries to dry a little in a large metal bowl or saucepan.
  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan with raspberries evenly on top. Leave everything without stirring in a cool place for several hours. During this time, sugar will seep through the berries and, mixing with raspberry juice, forms a syrup.
  3. After a few hours, put the saucepan on low heat and bring to a boil. You need to stir the jam periodically wooden spoon... This should be done carefully to leave the berries intact.
  4. As the jam boils, you need to remove all the foam from the boil from it.
  5. It is enough to boil the jam for 5-10 minutes, after which we remove the pan from the heat, let it cool, and put the jam from the common pan into storage jars with lids.

You need to store raspberry jam in a cool dark place, then after six months it will fill the house with the aroma of summer and berries.

Classic raspberry jam is not only a dessert delicacy, but also a helper for colds, as it has antipyretic properties, so enjoy and be healthy.

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Lean cabbage soup - cabbage soup recipes

Raspberry jam with cherries

Cherry sourness can diversify the sweet taste of raspberry jam. The combination of raspberries and cherries gives an extraordinary taste. The recipe for cherry raspberry jam is not complicated, the result is wonderful, and it doesn't take a lot of effort to make.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Rinse the cherries, separate each berry from the seed.
  2. Rinse fresh, whole and unripe raspberries with running water. Let the berries dry a little on a paper towel.
  3. Mix the berries in a large saucepan or metal bowl.
  4. Pour sugar into the same saucepan in an even layer over the surface and leave for several hours. During this time, the berries will give juice and dissolve the sugar.
  5. We put the basin on fire and bring to a boil. We immediately remove the foam formed from the boiling of the berries.
  6. For the jam to be considered ready, it is enough to boil for 15-20 minutes, but if you want more rich jam, you can cook it longer. The main thing is not to overcook it, so that the jam does not get the taste of burnt sugar.

You can put the jam in jars immediately after removing it from the heat. Close the jars tightly, store in a cool dark place.

The resulting cherry-raspberry jam in the first 15-20 minutes is more liquid in consistency and more sour in taste than the classic raspberry jam due to the juiciness of the cherries. Therefore, there are more lovers of this dessert delicacy.

Raspberry jam with currants

From a considerable number of recipes for raspberry jam, the recipe for raspberry jam with currants enjoys popularity and love. The unique taste of currant gives raspberry jam an incredible shade and jelly-like consistency.

Raspberry very delicious berry, sweet and juicy. Its huge disadvantage is that it cannot stand long transportation and cannot be stored at all, collected in the evening - it can deteriorate in the morning. These recipes will not take much of your time and can be made in evening time, after saturated working day... There will be no constant stirring and tracking, but the sterilization of cans and lids should still be done - the berry is also very capricious.

Raspberry jam for the winter: a simple recipe with a photo step by step

As soon as the season of berries comes, so every caring housewife tries not only to feed healthy and delicious delicacy their loved ones, but also take care of the preparations for the winter. I traditionally cook raspberry jam every year. Everyone knows the benefits of raspberries. And jam from it is not only a sweet treat, it wonderfully helps with colds and is also considered an excellent prophylactic agent. You can cook it quite quickly and is not at all difficult, this is the so-called 5 minute. I think my step by step photo the recipe will help you with this!


  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

How to make raspberry jam

Based on this amount of raspberries, I got 3 full half-liter cans... Such a healthy and tasty five-minute time should be in every housewife's house!

Raspberry jam for the winter without cooking, a simple recipe

Raspberries are extremely useful berry, and not only for colds, although this is how we most often use it. Fresh or grated raspberries with sugar removes toxins, promotes the regeneration of body cells. It removes excess water from the body, naturally reduces swelling and makes it easier for the kidneys. By thinning the blood, it prevents the formation of blood clots, which is very important after 45 years. With regular use, the skin will be cleansed, hair and nails will become stronger and healthier. Also raspberries are very useful for women's health... All these useful properties are preserved solely because we will not expose it heat treatment... Since our raspberries are grated with sugar, girls who follow the figure should take into account the high calorie content of the workpiece.

Products composition:

  • raspberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Jam making

The jam is kept in a cool place - the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, cellar or basement all winter thanks to great content Sahara.

Thick raspberry jam with butter and lavender

Lavender for me has always been associated with summer and hot tea in the evening on the terrace. Therefore, when I have the opportunity, I make sure to dry the lavender sprigs so that I can use them later as a natural flavoring agent. It is unusual, tasty and thick jam will take you back to summer even in winter in bitter frosts.

What do we need:

  • raspberries -1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • butter 82% fat - 20 g;
  • lavender - 6 tsp

Cooking process

The jam keeps well all winter. If chilled well before serving, it will taste even better. Great option for a sandwich - tasty, aromatic and healthy. Also perfect for topping ice cream and pancakes - a flavor combination you've never tasted! The benefits of this jam are huge - raspberries and lavender have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. This makes your workpiece also delicious medicine in the autumn-spring period.

  • The sugar / raspberry ratio is usually 1 to 1. Raspberries are rarely sour.
  • Raspberries can also be grated with a blender, but the consistency is different - more uniform and a little stringy. For those who are accustomed to the classics - the most ideal option for turning raspberries into puree is a wooden pestle.
  • If you are a little worried about the safety of the jam and are afraid that it might ferment in winter, do the following: pour the jam not to the brim so that you get incomplete jars. When it has cooled slightly, add sugar to each 0.5 cm jar. The sugar forms a thick crust that will prevent bacteria from entering.
  • Another alternative way the safety of grated raspberries with sugar will be frozen. Simply place the raspberries in rectangular containers and freeze. When the mass hardens - fold the bricks into big package zip fastener and store in the freezer.
  • If you have a little berry left that you do not have time to process, sprinkle it on a flat dish and freeze it. And a delicious addition to muesli or unusual decor for a cheesecake or casserole is always at your fingertips.

Today we have prepared 3 different options jam - one without cooking at all, tasty and healthy. We cooked the other two, but in different ways, the first fast way, the second is for gourmets.

A very popular and useful preparation of raspberries for the winter is raspberry jam. It has an extraordinary taste, aroma and healing properties. This delicacy is familiar to any person from childhood - our parents often gave us tea with raspberry jam during a cold.

Raspberries in the house will always come in handy. Oh, how delicious it is to drink tea with raspberries in winter! And for homemade baked goods raspberry jam is a wonderful filling. It's easy to cook. Simple recipes making raspberry jam will help you replenish your supplies with this wonderful cold medicine and to boost the body's immunity during the winter.

It is common knowledge that raspberries are a high quality natural antibiotic. Two spoons of winter treats can work wonders for a cold. Of course, you can eat raspberry jam at any time, but you still need to remember that this particular jam is more medicine than sweetness. Do not give it to children before a walk so that the child does not sweat. Better before bed ...
Raspberries - 450 g
Sugar - 2 cups


Homemade freshly harvested raspberries do not need to be rinsed, but sorted out is desirable.
Raspberries, cleared of debris and insects, are sent to an enamel bowl. By the way, this is the most useful vessel for making jam.

The berries are covered with granulated sugar until they are completely covered.

When the raspberries release their juice, let's start cooking the jam. If you fall asleep the berries in the evening and leave in a cool place overnight, then in the morning you can prepare a homemade antibiotic in a matter of seconds and quickly roll it up into sterile jars.

We put the bowl on low heat and wait for the granulated sugar to completely dissolve. Then, gently stirring and removing the foam, bring the raspberry jam to a boil for five minutes. We boil for no more than 5 minutes. The Pyatiminutka raspberry jam is ready.

Raspberry jam is sent to sterile small jars and rolled up for the winter. The raspberry "Pyatiminutka" is kept in the cellar all winter. Enjoy your tea!

Thick raspberry jam with whole berries

To make jam from raspberries or other berries thick, you need to either boil it for a long time, evaporating moisture and thickening the syrup, or add a thickening powder (agar-agar, pectin, gelatin). With prolonged cooking, the natural color and aroma, saturation are lost, vitamins are destroyed. And thanks to the listed dry additives, cooking time is reduced to a minimum. The liquid syrup turns into a thick one, the original color plus the taste and aroma are fully preserved. Cooking fragrant raspberry jam with pectin, which makes the syrup beautiful, thick and gelatinous.
Raspberries - 600 g
Sugar - 400 g
Pectin - 2 tbsp. l.


Wash berries without stalks cold water... First, put it in a bowl of water so that possible small insects and debris float up, then rinse.

We fill in clean raspberries with granulated sugar, leave for an hour and a half.

Shake from time to time so that the juice stands out faster and the sugar begins to dissolve. Try not to crush the berries so that they look beautiful in jam.

Transfer raspberries with a sweet liquid to a heat-resistant container, mix with gelling powder and put on fire.

Boil, stir sometimes and cook after boiling for 3-5 minutes. Remove the thick pink foam formed on the surface.

Pour hot raspberry jam into sterile jars, seal. Thick raspberry jam for the winter is ready. For long-term storage cool, wrapped in a blanket. Transfer to a cool room or on a refrigerator shelf.

When cooled, raspberry jam quickly thickens to a jelly-like consistency.

Enjoy your tea!

On a note
The secret of keeping tender raspberry berries whole - the portion of berries should be small, and the container where it will be cooked should be voluminous. The freer the raspberries are in the container, the better.

Recipe for live raspberry jam with red currants and lemon

Let's prepare live healthy jam from red currants with fragrant raspberries and sour lemon. This bright, tasty, beautiful preparation of berries grated with sugar in winter will raise your mood and immunity.
Lemon - 2 pcs.
Fresh raspberries - 2 kg
Fresh red currant - 1.5 kg
Sugar - 1 kg


Raspberries and currants must be carefully sorted out so that not a single bad berry is caught. In the "Pulse" mode, break through the raspberries.

Do the same with currants.

Mix mashed potatoes with sugar.

Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze the juice.

Add juice to puree, mix.

Pour into sterile jars. And enjoy. Keep refrigerated.

Bon Appetit!

Raspberry Lime Harvesting

In the berry season, many prepare quick blanks without heat treatment - from currants, from raspberries. Rubbed with sugar, the berry retains its maximum nutrients... Such blanks should be stored in a refrigerator or cold cellar.
You will love the combination of aromas and flavors of ground sugar and raspberries cooked with lime. Choose fresh fruit with a thin skin. In the process of cooking, the crushed lime will be sugared and you will not feel bitterness, only freshness. Such a preparation can be added to tea, to various desserts, and used as jam. If you plan to store the workpiece for a long time, until spring, for example, then you should take 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries.
Lime - 1 pc.
Fresh raspberries - 1 kg
Sugar - 1 kg


Place the peeled raspberries in a large bowl.

Add sugar, stir.

Rinse lime, cut into 4 pieces, place in a blender. Grind. Add the resulting mass to the raspberries.

Stir and transfer to a clean jar. Store in a cool place. Enjoy your tea!

Video recipe on how to make assorted berry jam from raspberries, strawberries and blueberries simply and delicious

Bon Appetit!

Since the fruit season passes very quickly, jam is the only way to preserve unique taste and the scent of the passing summer. The most aromatic and delicious of all vapeña recipes is raspberry vapeña. And in the middle of a meal, raspberry vape is used as a medicine and a fast fire-reducing agent. Therefore, every hobbyist should be inscribed with this vape.

A simple raspberry jam recipe

Delicious and healthy raspberry jam for the winter. The recipe for raspberry jam will definitely come in handy, such a jam for colds, in tea is the very thing.
Raspberries - 1 kg
Sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make quick raspberry jam
Sort the berries, but do not wash. Sprinkle with sugar in layers and refrigerate for 8 hours so that the juice appears.
Then the mixture should be put on low heat until all the sugar has dissolved, then cook for 20 minutes.

Spread hot in sterile jars. Roll up. Turn the cans upside down and wrap them with something warm until they cool completely. Bon Appetit!

Raspberry jam with black currant glasses

Raspberry jam is healthy. And if you cook jam from a duet of currants and raspberries, you get amazing delicacy with rich taste and a lot of vitamins. It will not only enrich the body with vitamins, but will also give a pleasant atmosphere of comfort in the cold winter season.

Composition of raspberry and black currant jam in glasses:

3 glasses black currant
9 cups raspberries
9 glasses of sugar
5 g citric acid


We start preparing our dish with raspberries. The berries need to be sorted out, washed and left for a while.

Do the same with black currants.

Pour black currant and raspberry berries into a common bowl or saucepan. Then cover the fruits with granulated sugar, alternating in layers.

On a note
It is better to lay out the products in layers: raspberries - granulated sugar - black currants - the remaining sugar. This will allow you to get optimal amount juice.

By the end of cooking, remove the froth from the surface of the jam and add to it citric acid which is a good preservative.
Ready blackcurrant jam with raspberries must be gently mixed with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Pour the resulting blackcurrant jam into previously prepared jars and roll up the lids. But you cannot immediately put the blanks in the cellar or refrigerator.

This can be done only after 24 hours, when the banks will definitely have time to cool down. Bon Appetit!

Raspberry and cherry jelly jam

This delicious aromatic jam with gelatin in winter will cheer you up and warm your soul.
1 kg of cherries
100 g raspberries
370 g sugar
12 g sheet gelatin

How to cook cherry and raspberry jam with gelatin

Wash the cherries, cut them in half and remove the seeds.

Pour the prepared cherries into a container / bowl where you will cook the jam. And pour the washed raspberries there.

Sprinkle sugar on top of the berries and let sit for at least 30 minutes to let the juice stand out. There is not much sugar according to the recipe because the cherries were very sweet. But you can add more according to your taste.

After a little juice has emerged, put the basin on low heat. When heated, the juice will become more and then it will be possible to increase the heat (temperature) and bring to a boil. From the moment it boils, cook the jam for 5 minutes. Skim off the foam while cooking. Set aside the jam from the stove and leave to cool completely. Then repeat the cooking process. Bring to a boil in the same way, cook for 5 minutes and set aside. You need to cook over high heat, stirring occasionally and removing the foam.

Prepare the gelatin for the jam

Before the third cooking, pour the gelatin with water according to the instructions and let it swell.

After the gelatin has swollen, squeeze it out of the liquid and add to the jam, which you have already begun to heat over the fire. The jam should already be hot enough. Stir it well so that the gelatin dissolves and spreads evenly throughout the jam. In the same way as the first two times, bring the jam to a boil and cook for 5 minutes after that.

Pour hot jam into sterile jars and seal with lids. Immediately turn the jar over onto the lid and let sit for 5 minutes. Then turn the jar upside down and leave on the table until it cools completely.

Then store the jars in a cool place. Place the cherry and raspberry jam in the refrigerator to freeze the gelatin before use. Madly delicious jam with gelatin ready! Bon Appetit!

Video how to prepare raspberry jam with pectin

Bon Appetit!

The recipe for raw raspberry jam without cooking. Raspberries, mashed with sugar

Raspberries in the house will always come in handy. It is very tasty to drink tea with raspberries in winter! And with a cold - the first thing.
Raspberries - 1 kg
Sugar - 1.7 kg

How to prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter

To prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter, you just need berries and sugar. Rinse the jars with soda. Sterilize seaming lids and jars. You can use nylon caps, they need to be washed well with baking soda.

Sort out the raspberries carefully, do not wash.

Pour raspberries into a bowl and cover with sugar. Leave some sugar for sprinkling on ready-made raspberries in jars.

Leave the raspberries for 30 minutes to let the berries start juicing. Then, in several steps, grind the raspberries with sugar with a wooden spoon, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then put the prepared raspberries in clean dry jars so that the raspberries do not slightly reach the neck of the jar. Cover with sugar, about 1 cm (2 tablespoons) sugar, to form something like a sugar lid. And close the jar tightly with a lid.
Keep refrigerated. Raspberries with sugar are ready for the winter. Enjoy your tea!

Malina is well preserved with a saxap and can last all winter and spring. But the opened can needs to be eaten right away, it can overload. So it is recommended to place such raspberries in 200 gram cans.

Raspberry and cherry jam

While the cherry has not yet departed, you can experiment a little. By combining it with a small amount of other berries and getting a jam with a new taste that will not leave you indifferent. Cherry goes well with raspberries. The jam turns out to be very beautiful and fragrant!
Cherries - 1 kg
Raspberries - 400 g
Sugar - 1.7 kg
Water - 900 ml


Wash the cherries, dry them and remove the seeds.

Pour the sugar into a cooking container, add water and, while stirring, bring the syrup to a boil.

Dip cherries and raspberries in hot syrup.

Leave on for 4-5 hours.

Put the container on fire, boil for 5-6 minutes and stand again for 4 hours.

Next, boil the jam until it thickens.

Put the cherry and raspberry jam in hot sterilized jars and seal with boiled lids. Bon Appetit!

Video recipe on how to make delicious gooseberry and raspberry jelly for the winter

Bon Appetit!

Raspberry and blueberry jam

Everyone will like this jam with a bright taste and aroma. Both blueberries and raspberries are very healthy berries. Therefore, I propose to make jam from a mixture of these berries without boiling and heat treatment in order to preserve all the vitamins. Remember that in this case, you need to take a large enough amount of sugar so that the jam does not spoil.

And make sure all the sugar is dissolved. Such jam will be a very successful addition to pancakes, pancakes, curd casserole or fragrant tea.

Fresh raspberries - 500 g
Fresh blueberries - 500 g
Sugar - 1.5 kg

How to make jam

Raspberries and blueberries must be carefully sorted out. Remove excess debris, leaves and rotten or crumpled berries.

Grind the berries with a blender.

Combine berry puree and sugar.

Stir until sugar is completely dissolved.

The jam is ready. Bon Appetit! For winter storage, place the jam in sterilized jars, cover with plastic lids and store in a cool place.

On a note
Live jam without boiling assumes the presence of a preservative a large number Sahara. Almost all vitamins are preserved - a plus, but a lot of sugar is required - a minus.

Assorted raspberries with blueberries and blackberries

Cook an aromatic mix jam. You will get a delicious assorted jam - berry platter.
Raspberries - 800 g
Blueberries - 200 g
Blackberries - 200 g
Granulated sugar - 1 kg
Lemon - 1 pc.


Wash and dry the blueberries. Do not wash raspberries and blackberries, sort them out, clean them of debris and spoiled berries.
In a saucepan, mix the berries and sugar with a wooden spoon and cover.

Let the berries brew for 3-4 hours.

Squeeze juice from the washed lemon. Add 3-4 tbsp into the present berries. l. lemon juice. The juice gives jelly, and besides, the raspberries will not be very dark colored. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, remove the foam. Reduce the heat to a minimum, boil for 5 minutes.

Put the jam in sterilized jars, seal. Put the jars with the lid down until they cool. Rinse the cooled cans from sticky drips, put them in a dark place for storage. Enjoy your winter tea!

How to freeze raspberries (puree) in an original and beautiful way

Bon Appetit!

I hope this publication will help you choose a recipe for making fragrant raspberries and cook your favorite jam. Wish Have a good mood and successful preparations for the winter.

Summer is in full swing and most often now they look at how to cook and or how. For lovers of harvesting berries for the winter, I propose to look at the blog of my colleague Andrey for recipes for the most fragrant strawberry jam.

It will also come in handy for summer picnics. And for the summer it is actual on kvass, on kefir, on mineral water, on whey, on yogurt, on ayran, on lemon juice and water. Enjoy cooking! Until next time on my blog.

Without a doubt, it is difficult to find a house where people live without at least one can of homemade canned food. Home canning will never be forgotten, especially nowadays when the quality of food industrial production raises concerns. Let's look at the recipe for raspberry jam, how to cook it correctly, to make a part home first aid kit- and cope with colds and strengthen the immune system. Though high temperatures reduce the quality of vitamins in the berry, but their medicinal properties she saves in high degree, and a couple of jars in the house should be!

Based on the high demands for the preservation of nutrients in berries, you need to know how to cook raspberry jam, even frozen, in order to maximize its therapeutic effect - in case of a cold or weak immunity... First of all, we control the boiling point, as well as the time of its effect on the juicy pulp. Not in vain smart housewives all berry jams are prepared using the technology that is often called "five minutes".

The cooking technology "five minutes" is slightly different, depending on the density and juiciness of the raw material (berry or fruit) and on the ability of the berry to gel.

We will learn how to cook malitsa jam, the recipe of which will allow us to eventually get a fragrant and very close to the natural taste of raspberry jelly-like jam. If you want to diversify your home preservation of raspberries with one more recipe, then we will also share the technology of the "five-minute" classic raspberry jam.

* Cook Tips

  • Raspberries don't like water. Therefore, these gifts of nature cannot be washed, but only sorted out, carefully remove the stalk. If you picked the berry after the rain, then you need to rinse it under a thin stream of water, trying to prevent the berry from absorbing too much moisture. Place it immediately in a sieve and let the water drain.
  • If raspberries are affected by a bug and larvae, then it is very easy to clean the berry from them! Place the sorted berries in a colander or sieve and lower them into saline solution(1 tsp without a slide of salt per 1 liter of water) for 10-15 minutes. All living creatures will leave the raspberry "home", and you just need to rinse the berry for further use.
  • We cook our sweet product in dishes with a wide bottom - enamel or stainless steel. Copper and aluminum basins - not recommended!
  • To preserve the beautiful bright raspberry color of the berry, the ready-made jam must be quickly cooled. To do this, the dishes in which the cooked jam is located should be lowered into a wider container with very cold water. It is advisable to prepare for this quick chill in advance and freeze the ice in the freezer. Your jam will have the aroma of fresh raspberries and the same bright raspberry color!
  • Chilled product should be poured into cans, not pouring about 5-7 mm to the edge of the can. Jars should be sterilized, as should lids.

Raspberry jelly jam


  • - 1 kg + -
  • - 1.2 kg + -


Whichever recipe you cook a medicinal supply for the winter, the proportions of raspberries and granulated sugar are almost the same: for 1 kg of raspberries - from 1 kg to 1.5 sugar. The amount of sugar depends on your personal preference.

  • Put the sorted raspberries in a basin and cover with sugar. Berries to obtain a jelly state must be varying degrees ripeness: ripe, half-ripe and even a little green and unripe.
    At this stage, we do not use all of the sugar according to the recipe, but only 2/3 of the total.
  • We set aside the dishes with their fragrant contents to extract raspberry juice and partially dissolve the sugar. A couple of hours will be enough for this stage.
  • We put the dishes with raspberries on a small fire and gently, with slow circular movements, stir until the sugar dissolves. Remove the foam from boiling with a slotted spoon. We cook our jam 5 minutes after boiling.
  • We set aside the raspberries in syrup for several hours - until they cool completely.
  • The second cooking step repeats the first. Add the remaining sugar (1/3 of the total amount according to the recipe) to the already cooled raspberries, put on low heat and, stirring, bring to a boil. Do not forget to remove the foam that granulated sugar gives off.
  • After boiling, measure 5 minutes and turn off.
  • Now we need to quickly cool the dishes with jam! To do this, we lower the bottom of the dish into a wide bowl with ice cubes floating in it - the more there are, the better our "raspberry health" will turn out.
  • After the dessert has completely cooled, we put it in sterile jars and close with lids for preservation.

The jam will turn out fragrant, beautiful, preserved natural color raspberries, moreover, jellied! Such a dumpling will not be ashamed and royal family treat!

Families with large freezers at their disposal often freeze summer berry harvests for the winter! A very correct decision to always enjoy wholesome food, regardless of the season. And, if the conservation stocks are over, then frozen raspberries are also suitable for fast food favorite dessert for tea!

Frozen raspberry jam "I sit, I drink tea"

In principle, frozen berries are no different from fresh ones. The difference is that before filling them with sugar, they must be thawed at room temperature. You can apply the recipe that we discussed above, or you can modify it a little.

How to make frozen raspberry jam? Just! We do not fill the berry with sugar, but fill it with syrup!

We prepare the syrup simply: pour about 350-400 ml of water into 1 kg of sugar and cook until the sweet component is completely dissolved. Hot syrup and pour over the defrosted raspberries. Bring everything to a boil, keep on fire for 5 minutes and set aside to cool.

In the same way, you can cook assorted berries - use all frozen fruits that are in the freezer. This will be a royal platter, especially if you add black currants to the raspberries! Go for it! Knowing how to make raspberry jam, you already know how to make your life a sweet fairy tale!

Raspberry jam for the winter, perhaps, can be considered one of the most popular recipes for harvesting this berry. The reason for this is the extraordinary taste, aroma and healing properties of raspberries. Such a delicacy is familiar to almost every person since childhood, because during a cold we were often given tea with raspberries.

Drinking tea with raspberries is healthy and tasty, and besides, you can fill baked goods with jam and use it for other purposes. It's easy to prepare a wonderful dessert, just use the right technology and delicious jam for the whole family is ready.

Raspberry jam five minutes


  • fresh raspberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.8 kg.

How to make raspberry five-minute jam for the winter:

As strange as it may sound, it is not necessary to wash the raspberries - when washed, the berries lose some of their aroma, plus during cooking they can boil and lose their shape. However, dust and dirt must be removed. Therefore, we carefully sort it out and literally for 10 minutes. pour in slightly salted water - at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. salt without a slide per liter of water. The berry must be completely hidden. After a few minutes, everything unnecessary will emerge. We catch the living creatures with a slotted spoon, drain the water from the berries and quickly and carefully rinse it with a weak pressure of water so as not to damage the integrity of the berries.

We put the washed berry in a colander, then fill it with sugar. Mix gently so that it is evenly distributed, and leave for 4-6 hours, maximum overnight and in a cool place.

Another secret to preserving delicate raspberry berries whole is that the portion of berries should not be large, and the container where it will be cooked is voluminous. Otherwise, the looser the raspberries are in the container, the better.

We heat the berry over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which we increase the heating power to the maximum and boil the jam for 5-7 minutes.

When cooking, foam will form - we arm ourselves with a slotted spoon and ruthlessly remove all of it. Firstly, this way the jam will cook better and more evenly. Secondly, the remains of the foam can provoke the development of bacteria, and the jam will turn sour. We remove the jam from the stove and prepare the jars.

Canning... Wash the jars and plastic lids thoroughly, using soda and a stiff brush or sponge, rinse with water and scald with boiling water. Ready. Sugar is an excellent preservative, therefore the container does not need a more thorough sterilization. It is undesirable to use metal lids for twisting, because from them the jam will change color to dark red, even burgundy.

We pour the jam into jars, wait until it cools down, and put it away for storage. We are waiting for winter to pamper ourselves with delicious and aromatic sweet preparations.

Thick raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

To get thick raspberry jam, you need as many berries as sugar. Proportion: 1 to 1.

Step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam for the winter with whole berries:

We sort the berries, but not mine. Sprinkle with sugar (in a ratio of 1 kg of berries to 1 kg of sugar), layer by layer in an enamel saucepan. We leave it overnight or for 6-8 hours. During this time, the berries will give juice.

We put the pan on the stove and turn on the average heating temperature. The contents of the saucepan will soon boil and the sugar will dissolve. After boiling, the jam should be boiled for 5-10 minutes and then turned off.


Stir the raspberry jam during the cooking process so that it does not burn. But it is better to do this not with a spoon, but by rotating the pan in a circle (holding the handles). This will keep the berries intact, without crushing them.

When the jam boils, a foam forms. It must be removed. Then it is delicious to drink some tea with foam after a hard day at the stove

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle buttock The fairy collection is suitable for a windowsill, a loggia, a balcony, a veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in 3 weeks. Miracle buttock Fairy collection bears fruit all year round, and not only in the summer, as in the garden. The life of the bushes is from 3 years or more, from the second year you can add top dressing to the soil.

Put the jam that has cooled down after the first cooking on the stove again. Bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Then turn it off, cool it down and repeat the cycle again. All the jam should be boiled 3 times. Thanks to this, it becomes thick and maroon. So,

How much to cook raspberry jam so that it is thick and the berries remain intact?
You need to cook in 3 stages:

  • 1 time: 10 minutes after boiling;
  • 2 times: cool and cook again 5 minutes after boiling;
  • 3 times: let cool again and boil the jam for 5 minutes.

The readiness of the jam is checked drop by drop, after the 3rd boil. The jam should cool and when it is ready, the drop does not spread. Becomes viscous and stringy. Sweet raspberry jam, at the same time, aromatic, bright and thick.

How much jam is made from 1 kg of raspberries?

From 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of sugar, a little less than 1 liter of ready-made raspberry jam was obtained

The berries were almost completely preserved intact. A fragrant and healthy thick raspberry jam for the winter is ready!

Raspberry jam for the winter without cooking

Granulated berries are a storehouse of vitamins for the whole family. This dessert is very easy to prepare, so even a culinary amateur can create it. Raspberry jam for the winter without cooking is also called "live", the berries are not heat-treated, they can be kept raw. Pros:

  • Jam relieves heat headache with a cold. One more useful property: reliable strengthening of the immune system.
  • The finished product is often used for the preparation of various baked goods.
  • With "cold" preservation, there is no need to spend a lot of time at the hot stove, which is especially unpleasant in the summer.

In order for a fragrant delicacy to taste good and have a small calorie content, all proportions must be strictly observed.

To make raspberry jam for the winter without cooking, you need the following products:

  • ripe berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


The main product is carefully sorted out, damaged berries and sepals are removed. After that, the raspberries are placed in a large bowl to make it easier to grind. Sugar is added to the berries. The mixture should be left for a couple of minutes.
Then the ingredients turn into gruel. This is best done with a wooden mortar. The mass should be homogeneous. The future raspberry jam for the winter is laid out in dry, sterilized jars.

A fragrant fresh dessert covered with sugar. The layer of sweet sand under the influence of the juice will harden, creating a solid layer. It will protect the workpiece from air ingress.

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Jars of raspberry jam for the winter are closed with a lid. It is recommended to freeze the dessert and store it in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam for the winter thick with gelatin

There are very few pectin substances in raspberries, so cook something thick out of it without adding thickeners different kinds is unlikely. And with gelatin it turns out beautifully, viscous, bright and aromatic.
It is logical that the more gelatin you put, the thicker the consistency of the product will be, up to the state of jam. But if we call the preparation "jam", then a viscous pouring consistency will be quite enough - we take a moderate amount of gelatin.

You will have to store the jam in the refrigerator or cellar so that the structure of the treat is well preserved. From a kilogram of raspberries, you get two half liters of jam and another vase to sample.


  • 1 kg of raspberries, fresh or frozen;
  • half a glass (100 ml) of water for boiling berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 1 packet (15 g) gelatin;
  • 0.5 cups of water to soak it.

Step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam with gelatin for the winter:

Pour gelatin cold boiled water, mix well and leave to swell while we process fresh raspberries.

We sort out the berries and rinse, let the water drain. If the raspberries are homemade, grown with their own hands, clean, not dusty, it is not necessary to wash them.
Place the raspberries in a saucepan and add about half a glass of water. Bring the berries to a boil over low heat.

Raspberries begin to actively release juice and for the most part the fruits fall apart, but the fragments of the berries remain. We must remove the foam.

At the same time, we sterilize cleanly washed jam jars and lids in a bowl of boiling water - 15 minutes is enough. By the time the raspberry jam is laid out, they should have time to dry. Add sugar to the raspberries. And cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes.

Add citric acid. It compensates for the sugary raspberry jam, making it brighter.

In addition, as a preservative for lemon, it will contribute to better preservation of preservation.

Remove the raspberry jam from the heat and let it cool slightly to 85-90 degrees before adding the gelatin, which has already swollen perfectly. Add gelatin.

Well, to the very bottom, stir, return the pan to the stove and bring to a boil, turn off the heat.
Quickly, so that it cools down quickly, we pour the raspberry jam into dry sterilized jars. You do not need to turn it over on the lids, just close it, let it cool to room temperature and put the jam in the refrigerator or transfer it to the basement.

Having cooled down, raspberry jam for the winter acquires a pleasant consistency - like thick jelly... It perfectly preserves the taste and aroma of raspberries.

Raspberry jam for the winter - recipe with lemon

Adding fresh lemon to raspberry jam will add a special piquancy to the sweet preparation - one that the addition of citric acid will never give.

Would need:

  • 2 kg of raspberries;
  • 2.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • a quarter of a lemon.

A simple recipe with a photo of raspberry jam with lemon:

Put the berries in an enamel bowl, cover with sugar. Leave it overnight.

If the room is very hot, it is better to place the raspberry dishes in the refrigerator on the lower shelf.

During the night, raspberries, under the influence of sugar, will drain and give a lot of juice. Put the container with raspberries and juice on the stove, bring to a boil over very high heat. Immediately after boiling raspberry syrup reduce heat. Cook raspberry jam over the lowest heat for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam with a wooden spoon. The longer the raspberries are boiled, the thicker the jam will be.

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Five minutes before the end of cooking, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix.
Cool the prepared jam slightly. To speed up this process, you can place a bowl of hot raspberry jam in cold water... Arrange the cooled raspberry jam in sterile jars and roll up. Store blanks for the winter in a cool dark place.

Video - recipe: raspberry jam for the winter in a slow cooker

  1. It is better not to overcook raspberry jam. Firstly, it will not be so tasty, the berries will become dry and without aroma. Yes, and such a jam will be sugared quickly. And if you don't cook it, you risk it, the jam can quickly sour or become moldy.
  2. By the way, so that the jam does not grow moldy, cover the top of the jar with sugar, you get a sugar cork and then the jam can stand for years and nothing will happen to it.
  3. Malicious worms often settle in the berry, in order to remove them, fill it with water, adding a handful of salt, they will all float up, and it will not be difficult to remove them.
  4. What can you add? Here you have literally limitless possibilities. Put orange slices, melon, pumpkin, traditional gooseberries and cherries or cherry leaves.

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