Home Perennial flowers Why is fat deposited in certain places? Why does abdominal fat accumulate on the stomach and sides?

Why is fat deposited in certain places? Why does abdominal fat accumulate on the stomach and sides?

If you want to remove excess fat from the stomach, you can work until you sweat, spend weeks and even months on it, but still not get the desired result. Failures are frustrating, frustrating, and disheartening, especially when it's holiday parties or (even worse) beach season.

Many people dream of making their abs look like a washboard. But is it really necessary to get rid of all the fat cells located in the area? abdominal cavity? According to experts, a little belly fat is still good for you. A layer of small thickness serves reliable protection internal organs, including the stomach and intestines. The key phrase in this statement is “small thickness.” And if you have too much tissue volume in the abdominal area, it extends deeper into the body, creating what is scientifically called "visceral fat."

The compounds contained in this layer cause inflammatory processes in the body, and also increase the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. However, we have some good news: women have an easier time losing visceral fat compared to men (by about 30 percent). Here are the most common reasons that prevent you from getting rid of this bulging lump on your stomach once and for all.

Your menu is not colorful enough

Natural foods that are brightly colored contain more vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing the level of the hormone cortisol. Constant stress prevents your body from losing fat even in a calorie deficit. But as soon as you diversify your diet with vegetables of bright colors (red, yellow, orange and green), your business will go uphill. So don’t be lazy adding mango pieces to a fish dish or red bell pepper to coleslaw. Use grapefruit, spinach and oranges as a snack.

You have eliminated all types of fats

Paradoxically, some types of fats are very good at targeting fat cells in the abdominal area. And if you didn't know about this feature, you could completely exclude this nutritional group from the menu. Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are colloquially called “healthy fats,” will be your reliable allies. They are responsible for the absorption of vitamins and the elimination of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Monounsaturated fats can curb appetite and prevent cravings. junk food. They are found in red fish, nuts, olive oil and avocado.

Processed meat is not good for your diet

In one of the recent scientific experiments two groups of people were given 750 extra calories on a daily basis. Some of the volunteers received a “supplement” from saturated fat, and the other part is from unsaturated fats. After seven weeks, half of the participants had twice as much visceral fat. It's easy to guess that those who were in the processed meat eating group gained extra inches around their waists. Try getting your calories and protein from fish rather than cutlets. The ideal option would be salmon, trout or dietary chicken. But minced meat used to make cheeseburgers and hamburgers will not be the best choice.

You drink Diet Coke

A recent scientific study, published in the journal Obesity, found that amateurs diet soda have a higher percentage of body fat. This is because you are overestimating the number of calories "saved." If you are not ready to part with your favorite drink, you will have to reduce the number of calories in your daily menu.

You have a magnesium deficiency

People who do not receive enough of this valuable macronutrient from food feel physical consequences in the form of increased blood glucose levels or more high level insulin. You may not attribute these manifestations in any way to a lack of magnesium, which is key chemical elements in the body performing up to 300 various functions. In front of you good reason include foods such as bananas, soybeans, green leafy vegetables in your diet.

You eat packaged foods

Food products that are sold in boxes or packages are seriously harmful to your health. But the worst thing in this case is that they do not relieve you of excess belly fat, since they contain quickly digestible carbohydrates (chips, cookies) and great amount refined sugar. When you eat these foods as a snack, insulin is released and your blood sugar levels immediately rise. An excess of this hormone causes excess glucose to be transported to storage areas on the sides and abdomen.

We all know how difficult it is to give up junk food in our diet, how difficult it is to give up cookies, chips and soda once and for all. Therefore, we offer you an alternative, more gentle option, in which organic products will gradually replace everything harmful. Therefore, add even more fruits and vegetables to your daily menu (especially during lunch and dinner). Plant fibers take a long time to digest and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, in addition, they are low in calories.

Do you like beer

In 2013, scientists from Denmark found that beer is directly linked to belly fat. And if you love this drink, you won't be happy about this news. There is another depressing fact: wine is also correlated with the accumulation of excess body weight, especially in women. What should ladies who like to “relax” at the end of the day on a regular basis do? Try cutting down the quantity alcoholic drinks to seven or less per week. Beer has a high calorie content, so limiting tactics should be beneficial for the stomach.

You're missing out on the benefits of doing yoga

Unfortunately, when a woman's body goes through menopause, it begins to hold onto belly fat more and more. That's why after 45 years it becomes more and more difficult to keep your abs in good shape. However, middle-aged ladies can breathe a sigh of relief. Scientific research, conducted in 2012, found that practicing yoga could reduce your waist size by one and a half centimeters. According to the conditions of the experiment, women at the age of menopause studied in class three times a week.

Start exercising yourself, do it on a regular basis, and after a few weeks you will notice a significant improvement in your results. If you are not at all comfortable with yoga, but want to get the benefits of this Eastern practice, treat yourself to something relaxing and enjoyable. Relaxing procedures on a daily basis reduce the production of stress hormones.

You are depressed

Women who experience depression are more likely to develop excess belly fat. This can be explained by apathy, decreased physical activity and poor eating habits. What to do to overcome the blues? Put on your workout clothes and head to the gym. Physical activity enhances production chemical compounds in the brain, which are responsible for good mood and increased metabolism.

Your training complex is ineffective

Research shows that high-intensity interval training is the best way for burning fat. In this case, intense vigorous exercise should be accompanied by short periods of rest. This method burns more calories in less time and also reduces insulin and cortisol levels. Therefore, you should avoid low-intensity training in favor of HIIT.

Almost any, even the most thin woman, is dissatisfied with certain parts of her body - a bulging belly, full hips, chubby knees, a wide waist or shapeless shoulders. Some people become fixated on combating these manifestations by going on diets, others give up on them, considering it a given that cannot be corrected, but it turns out that solving the problem is sometimes relatively simple.

Until recently, genes were thought to be the cause of the specific distribution of fat deposits throughout the body. They, according to most experts, were responsible for the number of fat cells in one or another part of the body. But a number recent studies conducted in various laboratories around the world showed that genetics is only partly involved here - in to a greater extent The distribution of fat accumulation depends on lifestyle and nutrition.

Improper diet and daily routine, hormonal imbalance, toxins and stress, these are the main “distributors” of our fat.

If you ask yourself: “Why am I gaining weight only in my legs or stomach?”, if you are wondering: “Why am I not losing weight evenly?”, then perhaps this article will help you understand these problems and solve them completely.

Why fat is deposited on the stomach

The essence of the problem:

Your belly looks bulging and bloated at any time of the day

Even when you lose weight your stomach does not become flat

Any weight gain primarily affects the stomach

Possible reasons

Belly fat is associated with stress levels. When stressed, the adrenal glands release the hormone cortisol, which promotes the formation of a fat pad around the abdomen.

A recent study conducted by scientists at Yale University (USA) showed that even slim women have excess fat mass in the abdominal area if they are regularly exposed to stress. According to researchers, this is because visceral (internal) fat has significantly more cortisol receptors than regular subcutaneous fat. After all, the main location of visceral fat is around the internal organs and in the abdominal cavity.

This is why fat in the belly area is the main problem residents of megacities, where the level of stress is an order of magnitude higher than in small towns and rural areas.

How to fix it

The good news is that you won't have to run or do any strenuous exercise.

On the contrary, they are even contraindicated if you want to get rid of a bulging belly, because... can create an excess of cortisol in the blood (heavy physical activity is also stress for the body). There is also no point in pumping up your abs. At best, using your abdominal muscles, you can compress your abdominal cavity, reducing it visually, but not get rid of the fat itself. In addition, in compressed, fatty organs, blood circulation may be impaired.

Based on this, the most acceptable types of physical activity are walking and yoga.

Abdominal protrusion can also be caused by an imbalance of intestinal microflora. Sugar, grains and citrus fruits can cause strong fermentation in the intestines, contributing to bloating. Also undesirable are foods such as coffee, salt, alcohol, which contribute to stressful conditions.

But fish or chicken, beetroot, sweet potatoes, green vegetables, avocados and olives can help reduce belly fat, as they have a positive effect on the balance of cortisol in the blood.

Why fat is deposited on the legs

The essence of the problem:

You have thick shins (difficult to fasten boots of your size)

You have trouble sleeping

Do you constantly feel heavy in your legs?

Possible reasons

Swollen, heavy legs may be the result of a lack of rest at night, frequent awakenings during sleep, or insufficient sleep depth. Deep sleep is the phase of dreaming ( fast movements eye), it is at this moment that the body is restored and renewed. If you wake up at night and remember your dreams, it means you are in shallow sleep.

How to fix it

There is no one specific time for sleep; everything in this matter is very individual. But for the vast majority of people, 7-9 hours of sleep can be considered normal.

To improve the quality of sleep, you should stop eating carbohydrate foods a few hours in advance, especially sweets, which stimulate activity. It’s probably not worth saying that caffeine-containing products - coffee, chocolate, tea, cocoa, etc. are also prohibited. It’s better not to drink even harmless water just before going to bed, otherwise your blood pressure will drop. bladder will interfere with restful sleep.

Poor sleep can be caused by a lack of vitamin B, so your diet should be filled with foods such as fish, lean beef, eggs, yogurt and nuts.

Avoid looking at TV screens, laptops, phones, etc. before going to bed; it is better to read a book or take a bath.

Why fat is stored in the upper body

The essence of the problem:

You have fat wings on your sides

Your shoulders are full

Fat is deposited in the upper chest and armpits

Possible reasons

In most cases, this distribution of adipose tissue is associated with the presence of toxins in the body.

Recent research into the toxin bisphenol A found in modern food packaging (e.g. plastic bottles), showed that fat deposition is side effect toxic effect of biphenol A. Moreover, fat can be deposited in places unnatural for the body.

How to fix it

In the aforementioned study, eliminating all packaged and processed foods from the volunteers' diets for three days reduced BPA levels by 77%.

To improve the detoxification effect, Bikram yoga is very helpful, which is performed in a room heated to 40 0 ​​C. It is well suited for getting rid of fat “wings” and fatty hands, and high sweating removes toxins.

Why is fat deposited at the waist?

The essence of the problem:

You are slim but have a full waist

When you put on jeans, a fat bead forms on the sides above them.

You calmly grab the fat from your side with your hands

Possible reasons

Most likely you eat a lot of sweets.

Fat around the waist is usually a sign that the body does not produce insulin well enough or is unable to cope with insulin. big amount sugar from food.

How to fix it

If you eliminate or at least reduce your consumption of sweets, you can get rid of waist fat by 50%, even while maintaining the overall calorie intake of your diet.

Also, this type of obesity can be caused by stress, as well as visceral fat Therefore, you should devote at least 15 minutes to relaxation.

Antioxidant-rich foods such as brightly colored vegetables, berries, or green tea, help stabilize blood sugar levels. Zinc can bind insulin to receptors in cells, so it is advisable to include zinc-rich foods in your diet - beef or pumpkin seeds.

Walking and drinking enough fluids will help burn fat around your waist and flush out any remaining toxins.

Why is my face full?

The essence of the problem:

You have a moon face

When you gain weight, it is primarily reflected on your face.

You have a full neck and double chin

Possible reasons

Most likely you drink alcohol too often.

A puffy, full face is a sign of excessive alcohol consumption or fluid retention in the body. People who drink regularly usually have thin bodies and full faces. In addition, alcohol leads to dehydration skin, which is reflected in sagging neck, and above it - a double chin.

No matter how strange it may sound, alcohol, on the one hand, dehydrates, and on the other, helps retain water in the body.

How to fix it

Reduce your alcohol intake.

Perform massages and exercises for the muscles of the face and neck, this almost instantly improves lymphatic drainage and appearance faces. You can use special massage creams and oils.

Why is fat deposited on the thighs?

The essence of the problem:

You have a flat stomach thin waist but thick thighs

Standard suits do not suit you due to the difference in the size of the top and bottom

Your build resembles a pear

Possible reasons

This is perhaps the only case that has an almost 100% genetic cause.

The good news is that storing fat on the thighs has been shown in several studies to be the safest area for your health. You are less likely to get diabetes or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to fix it

According to experts, the only way to somewhat improve the situation is to exclude soy products (possibly legumes) from the diet, as well as long, many-hour walks on the fresh air.

In order for your stomach to become flat, you can go on a diet, but it is better to combine weight loss with sports activities. How to remove top part abdomen at home, and what exercises will remove the fat layer as quickly as possible? Such questions are asked by women and men who do not have time to visit sports clubs. Evening or morning jogging, abdominal swing, “scissors” and “bicycle” exercises. It is worth remembering that diet plays a leading role on the path to a slim body.

How to remove belly fat at home

Many people ask how to remove deposits from the upper abdomen as quickly as possible, without resorting to pills or teas for weight loss? To do this you can choose special diet, which will include low-calorie foods. You can do gymnastics or swim in the pool several times a week. To achieve best result When playing sports, you can wear weights.

The fat layer is affected by wraps that should be made from mud Dead Sea or from blue clay. Cardio exercises will help you get rid of your belly at home. Motivation will help you achieve your goal, because it encourages a person to take action. The stronger the reason to lose weight, the faster man will achieve results. It is important to remember that for the normal functioning of the body you need to consume 2 liters per day. clean water.

Proper nutrition

How to remove the upper abdomen without strength training? A special diet for losing belly fat, which will be based on a protein diet, will help. It is important to remember: losing weight this way takes time. Meals should be fractional. Alternatively, you can take isolated protein to lose belly fat. This pure product, obtained from soy or whey.

It is cleared of carbohydrates and fats, the isolate will nourish the body with amino acids. In order for protein to be absorbed, additional energy is needed, which the body consumes through the breakdown of fat. This protein is used during bodybuilding to maintain beautiful muscle definition. Isolate is taken only in combination with training and individual diet.

Physical exercise

How to remove belly fat so that the sagging fold of fat turns into abs? Must be included in your daily routine physical exercise for losing belly fat, for example:

  • Lie on the floor with bent knees, put your hands behind your head. Slowly lifting your body off the floor, touch your bent knees with your elbows. Perform 20 times.
  • Lying on the floor with your knees raised and bent, keep your hands behind your head. Lifting your body off the floor, touch your elbows to your knees. Perform 40 times.
  • Take a stance to pump up your abs, lift your hind legs one by one and pull them towards your chest. Perform 20 times.

How to remove fat from the upper belly

The diet in the table is designed for a week, it will help remove fat from the upper abdomen:

Days of the week


Apples – 3 pcs.

White cabbage– 200 g.

Fresh carrots- 5 pieces.

Pears – 4 pcs.

Boiled beets – 200 g.

bell pepper– 6 pcs.

Orange – 2 pcs.

Boiled broccoli – 200 g.

Apples – 4 pcs.

Grapefruit – 1 pc.

Boiled asparagus – 200 g.

Prunes – 10 pcs.

Grapes – 200 g.

Boiled kohlrabi – 200 g.

Orange – 1 pc., apple – 1 pc.

Dried apricots – 100 g.

Tomatoes – 4 pcs.

Cabbage – 200 g.


Pears – 3 pcs.

Boiled carrots- 5 pieces.

Cucumbers – 3 pcs.

Exercises for the upper abdomen

To remove internal fat and tighten the oblique muscles, you need to perform effective breathing exercises to lose weight in the upper abdomen. They affect the visceral physiological processes of the stomach, intestines, circulatory system. They should be done not only for those who are obese, but also for people who are not overweight. Breathing exercises gently massage internal organs abdominal cavity, exercises should be performed regularly several times a day.

Such exercises to remove belly fat are done on an empty stomach in a ventilated room. Take away additional types There is no need for stress: bodyflex or yoga will help you achieve your goal. Exercises tone the muscles, and over time the tummy will become beautiful. It is important not to limit fluid intake, because the body should not become dehydrated.

Video: how to pump up your upper abs

In case if remove fat from the indicated places - it begins to fall on places that are unnatural for this process - the heart, liver, other internal organs; not to mention the neck, face or chin - from an aesthetic point of view it is not beautiful. For this reason, count on you to remove excess fat, by his complete removal with the help of surgery, it is not necessary.

If a person has already lost weight and learned to keep his body in shape, but at the same time excess skin has formed in some places on his body, it can be removed with plastic surgery, but at the same time, I believe that before that you need to do everything possible in other ways.

In other words, plastic surgery should be performed as a last resort.

In my practice, there were such cases: a woman told me: “I tried all the methods, and only surgery helped me.” However, my dears, after the process proper weight loss Over time, wrinkles smooth out on their own.

The skin tightens with difficulty if it is lifeless. We should not think that everything on our body is alive. Some tissues or organs can exist in a “non-living” state. It is in these places on the body that cancer cells form.

Modern methods will not be able to radically solve this problem if we do not deal with it ourselves. biolifting, and exercise the “sick” parts of our body using our internal reserves. When everything is strengthened and restored, then you can begin to pump up your muscles.

Please pay Special attention to what is written below, because such things are not written anywhere, they are not talked about. But I believe that every person should know what he consists of, where his problem areas are and how to remove fat exactly from the place where it accumulated.

Subcutaneous fat– we can feel it by squeezing some of the skin on the abdomen between our fingers. If the distance between the fingers does not exceed 1-1.5 cm, it means that the fat layer in your abdominal area is normal. This subcutaneous layer makes your stomach firm. At the same time, the smoothness of the skin depends on the composition subcutaneous fat, it is necessary that the composition includes saturated fatty acids, which are found exclusively in animal fats. Keep in mind that vegetable fats do not contain such acids. If our food contains vegetable fat, then skin on stomach it will be “liquid” and not elastic enough.

A large amount of fat is deposited on the omentum.

What is a "Salnik"?

This is the "apron" that hangs down under the abdominal wall. It goes into the "oil seal" fat, which is absorbed in small intestine. At the same time, it burns out very quickly, because if we need additional calories, they are taken from the “oil seal”. It has good active blood circulation, so fat practically does not linger in it. When the amount of accumulated fat in it is large, it begins to sag, and this is the first sign obesity.

Colon. All substances that for one reason or another have not had time to be thoroughly digested are absorbed by enzymes of the intestinal microflora. This is where the effect comes from saggy fat On the sides. A layer of fat is also deposited on the inside of the body in the intestinal area called the mesentery.

The more it fills with fat, the more it pushes the intestines to the sides. IN "mesentery" fat comes off with difficulty, because there is poor blood circulation, and such fat is runoff. From this place in the body fat comes off very poorly, often being poisoned, since the blood circulation there is weak, and the fat itself mesentery closed on the sides by the large intestine.

Our body has learned to store all the main components of nutrition in reserve.- yes, just in case. It stores sugar in the liver, proteins in the stomach, but the place chosen for fats is under the skin. Do you want to lose weight? We'll have to go to war on our own body! To win, you must fight skillfully. This article will teach you a lot!

Fats... What is it? Where do they come from? Why are they deposited under the skin? And in general, why are they needed? Or maybe they shouldn't be eaten? It sounds reasonable, because fat causes us so many problems with our figure!

The first stage of fat conversion: eating

This is all clear: we sat down at the table and loaded ourselves with food. So, the “processing” of fats by the body begins in your mouth, when salivary glands secrete saliva rich in special digestive enzymes. Next, it would seem, the stomach should join in this work. Oddly enough, fats are not his profile. So he simply passes them through himself and sends them further into the intestines. And here the fats will be digested and absorbed into the blood. By the way, why do we need these same fats? And isn't it better not to eat them at all?

Let's give the floor to science

  • Fats are the body's energy fuel
  • Fats are vital as a building component of skin, hair, nails...
  • Fats are the “raw materials” for the production of hormones.

The second stage of fat conversion: breakdown

Fats are unlike carbohydrates and proteins in that they do not dissolve in water. It turns out that the water needs to be replaced with something, right? Our body secretes bile specifically for the sake of fats. Complete dissolution of fats is too tough for her. But she knows how to “split” fats into microscopic drops - triglycerides. And the intestines can cope with them.

Word to science

A triglyceride is three molecules fatty acids, “glued” to a glycerol molecule. In the intestines, some of the triglycerides combine with proteins and, together with them, begin their journey through the body.

The third stage of fat conversion: the journey

Yes, triglycerides cannot travel on their own. They definitely need vehicle, which is called "lipoprotein". Lipoproteins are different, and each has its own task.

  • Chylomicrons are formed in the intestines from fats and carrier proteins. Their task is to transfer fat obtained from food from the intestines into tissues and cells.
  • Lipoproteins with very high density– also transport fat to various tissues and cells, but take it exclusively in the liver.
  • Low-density lipoproteins also deliver fats from the liver to the body tissues. What's the difference? And the fact is that, along the way, these lipoproteins “grab” cholesterol from the intestines and distribute it throughout the body. So if cholesterol blood clots have formed somewhere in your vessels, threatening cardiovascular disease, then the culprit is low-density lipoproteins.
  • High-density lipoproteins have one function - exactly the opposite. These lipoproteins, on the contrary, collect cholesterol throughout the body and take it to the liver for destruction. Very useful connections.

Word to science

These details help to understand that consuming fatty foods does not automatically increase cholesterol levels in the body. A risky situation occurs when the body has too many low-density lipoproteins (the ones that help store cholesterol) and not enough high-density lipoproteins (the ones responsible for removing cholesterol). And this is a purely genetic factor. There is also an arithmetic factor. This is when you eat so much of this very cholesterol that no lipoproteins are enough to remove it. Here's another scientific discovery. It has been established that cholesterol is especially high in animal fats. But vegetable fats are much healthier in this sense. It would seem that we need to eat less animal fats and more vegetable fats. No matter how it is! Beneficial effect vegetable fats will have an effect only in one case: if you completely replace animals with them.

The fourth stage of fat conversion: should we put some fat aside?

If the body receives more than it needs, then an enzyme called lipase comes into play. Its task is to hide everything unnecessary inside fat cells.

Word to science

Lipase is a kind of key that opens the doors of fat cells towards fats. Fat cells can take in a lot of fat and swell like a balloon. This is precisely the answer that you are getting fat. If one fat cell or even a hundred increases, no one will notice it. However, if you eat too much fat, the myriad of fat cells lying under the skin will swell at once. And you can’t hide this from view. Furthermore, lipase can give the command to multiply fat cells. And he will also fill them to capacity with fat. The worst thing is that fat cells cannot be destroyed. When you start to lose weight, lipase “opens” the fat cells and releases the fat out, and then it “burns out” during exercise. You look in the mirror: not a drop of fat! Meanwhile, all the fat cells are in place, but they just look like they were pierced air balloons. As soon as you give up sports, lipase begins to fill them with fats again.

Why is there so much fat?

The body stores not only fats, but also carbohydrates in reserve. Let's say you ate 100 calories worth of carbohydrates. So, the body must spend approximately 23 calories to save the remaining 77 calories. But to save 100 extra “fat” calories, you only need 3 calories. The remaining 97 calories are all yours! So it turns out that fat reserves are always the largest.

Factors contributing to the deposition of fat in the body:

  • Age (the older you are, the more readily fat is deposited)
  • Gender (women accumulate fat faster)
  • Overeating (you eat too much)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (you don't need fat energy)
  • Excess lipase (heredity factor)
  • Nervous stress(contrary to popular opinion, stress makes you fat)
  • The habit of eating fatty foods (we are talking about the features national cuisine)
  • Genetic factors (weight is inherited).

Stage five: using up supplies

How does exercise help you get rid of extra pounds? And like this. First the body physical exercise reacts with the consumption of glycogen - reserve sugar. And only then, when he has spent his “sugar” reserves, do they start body fat. This happens approximately half an hour after the start of aerobic training, i.e. exactly when many people usually fold it.

Changing the figure

There is so much talk about genetics! Like, if your mom was fat, then you cannot escape the same fate. In fact, everything is not so scary. Genes determine 25% of your body composition. Only a quarter! This concerns the number of fat cells and where they accumulate (at the waist or on the hips and buttocks). So, if you really are like Mommy, it’s most likely because you share the same eating habits with her: you overeat just like her. If you start exercising and go on a diet, you will look completely different. By the way, strength exercises no need to shy away. Muscles are a state within a state. Just like the brain, they are awake even when you sleep and expend energy. The more muscle you have, the higher your daily calorie expenditure. Are you afraid of turning into a masculine bodybuilder? A muscle gain of 12-25 kg is visually noticeable. However, bodybuilders have been doing this for decades. May God grant you to gain at least 5-8 kg!

Women who are “apples” have an easier time losing excess fat than women who are “pears.” Fat around the waist is 5 times more malleable than fat around the hips and buttocks. But women with a “pear” figure also have their own methods. First, you need to understand that “burning” fat is part of your overall metabolism. It doesn’t happen that the metabolism is sluggish and the fat is “burned” quickly. So here's your first trick. Eat often - every 2-2.5 hours, but in small portions. This technique really “spins up” the metabolic rate, and therefore “fat burning”. Second. More aerobics! All these 40-45 minute aerobic activities are not for you. At least 4-5 days a week, do aerobics for one and a half to two hours! And further. Fat “burns” oxygen. You need outdoor aerobics. Only in the fresh air! Third. Don’t even try to go on a “strict” diet of less than 1200 calories! It has been proven that such diets, on the contrary, slow down the rate of metabolism, which automatically reduces the rate of “fat burning”!

Where does the body get energy from?

The energy you need to lift a barbell or run a cross-country course can come from two sources. These are glycogen (carbohydrates) and fat. So how can you force yourself to lose more fat? Here are the reasons that influence the “choice” of the organism:

  • The food you ate before your workout (if you eat something high in carbohydrates, like vegetable salad, porridge, fruit or chocolate, then the body will choose not fat as the main source of energy, but pre-stored sugar - glycogen.)
  • Duration of training (the longer you train, the more fat will be burned)
  • Intensity of exercise (the higher the load, the more glycogen is consumed)
  • Type of exercise (aerobics burns more fat, exercise equipment burns more glycogen)
  • Fitness level (the more athletic experience you have, the more fat you burn)
  • Carbohydrates taken during training (if you decide to drink or eat something sweet, you will spend more glycogen).

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