Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Birch polypore used in folk medicine. Real tinder mushroom: description, application features, medicinal properties and reviews. Why are tinder fungi dangerous for trees?

Birch polypore used in folk medicine. Real tinder mushroom: description, application features, medicinal properties and reviews. Why are tinder fungi dangerous for trees?

Dried pitted apricots are a popular delicacy. Except bright taste, apricots have a lot of nutritional properties. What are the benefits and harms of dried apricots for a woman’s body?

The composition of apricots includes:

  • carotene (vitamin A), which gives the fruits a bright orange color;
  • a complex of other vitamins (E, group B, ascorbic acid);
  • proteins;
  • fiber (pectins);
  • glucose and fructose;
  • mineral elements - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium;
  • organic acids.

Thanks to low content fat (0.3 g per 100 g of fruit), dried apricots have a low calorie content - about 215 kcal.

Dried apricots - benefits for a woman’s body

This bright dried fruit has earned the name “women’s dessert.” The apricot received this honor because of its special healing effect on young ladies.

Beneficial properties of dried apricots for women's health:

  1. Normalizes hormonal processes (during menopause, PMS, pregnancy).
  2. Improves mood, fights neuroses.
  3. Replaces sweets, promotes weight loss.
  4. Removes toxic substances.
  5. Stimulates intestinal function and prevents constipation.
  6. Protects against blood clots in blood vessels, strengthens the walls, removes cholesterol.
  7. Improves the condition of skin, hair and nails.
  8. Prevents the development of cancerous tumors.
  9. Improves performance endocrine system.
  10. Removes excess fluid, prevents pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary tract.
  11. Strengthens the immune system.
  12. Activates brain function.
  13. Increases the amount of hemoglobin (during heavy menstruation).

It is enough to eat 100–150 g of dried apricots every day to get the required dose useful vitamins and minerals.

Beneficial properties during pregnancy and lactation

Doctors advise consuming apricots during pregnancy to replenish the expectant mother’s body with the necessary substances.

Women in the position of dried apricots are especially affected by:

  • gently relieves constipation, a common occurrence in pregnant women;
  • fights anemia by supplying iron to the body;
  • improves the condition of the heart, blood vessels of the mother and child;
  • supports work thyroid gland;
  • normalizes blood pressure, fluctuations in which are observed in pregnant women;
  • ensures normal fetal development;
  • reduces nervousness, calms;
  • reduces the manifestations of toxicosis.

Is it possible to enjoy dried apricots after the birth of a child? Pediatricians advise introducing apricots into the diet of a nursing mother when the baby is 3–4 months old.

This should be done gradually, in small portions, observing the baby’s reaction. If manifestations of allergies or stool disturbances occur, dried apricots should be discarded.

4-5 dried fruits a day will help a woman recover after childbirth, and the baby will receive a supply useful microelements and vitamins.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not overuse dried apricots to prevent unwanted side effects.

What are the benefits of dried dried apricots?

Orange sweet fruits are used:

  • in unprocessed form for food;
  • for preparing salads, main courses, compotes and desserts;
  • in cosmetology (for skin and hair care products, restorative baths);
  • V folk medicine;
  • for weight loss.

Uruk is beneficial female body, nourishing it from the inside and outside. It prevents and successfully treats many diseases.

Compote of dried apricots

All year round you can prepare a tasty and nutritious drink from dried apricots.

You need to cook the compote, observing the proportion: 150 g of dried apricots per 1 liter of water. Sugar can be added to taste, or you can do without it.

For the drink, you should choose fruits that have been dried naturally under the influence of sunlight. After all, special dryers reduce beneficial features. It is better if the apricot is not too bright, with minimal chemical processing.

Before cooking, thoroughly wash the dried apricots and place them in a pan of water. Bring the drink to a boil, cook for 5–7 minutes. Cover the dish with a lid and leave for at least 30 minutes (the more, the better).

There are many recipes for apricot compote. You can add to it lemon juice(or acid) to give the drink a sour taste. With rose hips, candied ginger or raisins, the compote will become more nutritious.

To get the maximum taste and benefit from the drink, it is better to brew it in the evening and let it sit overnight. The compote should be stored in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Traditional medicine recipes for women's health

Useful medicines based on dried apricots help improve general state female body.

Popular recipes:

  1. A mixture of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, walnuts (200 g each) will increase resistance to infections. Grind the ingredients, add 200 g of honey. Use 2–3 tbsp. l. per day during the off-season and colds. This healthy elixir will improve your mood and give you a boost of energy.
  2. A decoction of dried fruits will relieve constipation. Pour 200 g of fruit into 1 liter of boiling water and leave overnight in a sealed container. Eat dried apricots on an empty stomach, washed down with a decoction, for 30 days.
  3. Olympian recipe. A product based on apricots (5 pcs.), figs (1 pc.) and prunes (1 pc.) will relieve pain in the spine and strengthen intervertebral discs. Grind the fruits and mix with honey. Use before bedtime for 40-45 days.
  4. A vitamin mixture of dried apricots, honey, nuts (200 g each) and lemon (1 pc.) gives the female body a boost of energy. Grind the components in a meat grinder. Consume 1 tbsp half an hour before meals. l. mixtures 2 times a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container.
  5. A bath of apricot and valerian (100 g each) soothes, relaxes and tones. Pour boiling water (2 liters) over the ingredients and leave for 10–20 minutes. Boil for 5-7 minutes, leave again for 10 minutes. Strain the broth and add to water. Take a bath for 15–20 minutes.
  6. A nourishing mask made from chopped dried apricots, cottage cheese (1 tbsp each) and cream (1 tsp) makes a woman’s skin elastic and radiant. Mix the ingredients, apply to the face and neck for 20–25 minutes, rinse.

There are many effective recipes using apricots that support women's health.

Dried apricots for weight loss, how to use?

Dried apricots stimulate intestinal function, improve digestion, and have a diuretic effect. These properties of dried apricots are important for those women who want to lose extra pounds.

You can lose weight in different ways:

  • eat dried fruits instead of sweets and baked goods;
  • do fasting days with apricots.

To remove toxins, you can use recipes for fasting days:

  1. During the day, eat 200 g of dried apricots, divided into 5-6 servings. Be sure to drink 3 liters of liquid (still water, tea without sugar).
  2. Grind 300 g of apricots and 200 g of fresh apricots, beat with a mixer. Drink throughout the day in 4-5 doses.

You cannot use this diet for longer than a day. This can disrupt metabolism and cause digestive problems.

Contraindications and possible harm

  • chronic pathologies of the digestive system (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis);
  • obesity - occasionally nutritionists recommend fasting days based on apricots;
  • diabetes mellitus - only after the doctor’s permission, observing a safe dose;
  • allergic reactions to dried fruits (itching, swelling);
  • arterial hypotension.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should limit the amount of dried apricots. Norm for healthy person- 100–150 g of fruits per day. Exceeding the dose can cause digestive system disorders.

It is better to eat dried apricots in the first half of the day, before 16.00, then everything nutrients successfully absorbed.

When purchasing dried fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance. To increase shelf life, to give fruits bright color, they are treated with chemical solutions. Therefore, before eating, the apricots should be washed several times, or even better, soaked in water for 10–15 minutes.

Then dried apricots will delight you with beneficial properties, lift your spirits and help strengthen your immune system.

  • Dried apricots are the most popular among supporters proper nutrition dried fruit It is obtained as a result of technological (or natural) drying of apricots. The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the body are a consequence of the chemical composition, however, if you follow the proportions of traditional medicine recipes, you can avoid any side effects.

    Despite the fact that during the cooking process the percentage of substances beneficial to the body in the finished product is slightly reduced, chemical composition dried apricots delight with an incredible amount of microelements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, as well as ascorbic (vitamin C) and nicotinic (vitamin PP) acids, beta-carotene, vitamins A and B. The nutrients contained in dried fruit help improve immunity and elimination of vitamin deficiency, which is especially valuable during seasonal ARVI and influenza.

    Dried apricots: dried fruit of health

    Dried apricots are an ideal food product, as they are highly nutritional value, pleasant taste, but at the same time devoid of fat.

    Useful properties of this dried fruit and healing effect the effect it has on the body is explained by the chemical balance of biological substances. So, the composition of dried apricots is presented:

    • carbohydrates (50 g);
    • water (20g);
    • dietary fiber (18 g);
    • proteins (5 g);
    • fats (less than 0.5 g);
    • ash (4 g).

    Thanks to the high concentration dietary fiber It is useful to include dried apricots in the diet of people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, if there is an urgent need to cleanse the body of medications accumulated as a result of taking medications (for treatment chronic disease) toxins, you can organize a diet based on this dried fruit.

    Dietary fiber is a delicacy for beneficial microorganisms that live in the intestines of every person. And the creation of excellent conditions for the existence of representatives of beneficial microflora leads to the restoration of immunity, regulation of the functioning of the digestive tract and increased capabilities immune system.

    Dietary fiber prevents the absorption of sugar into the blood, so even diabetics are recommended to eat dried apricots. And if we consider that the inclusion of this dried fruit in the diet helps to break down and remove “bad” cholesterol, then it can be considered a medicine for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Of course, the benefits of dried apricots for the body are great, but there can also be harm from a large amount of dietary fiber: with frequent diarrhea, dried apricots will provoke them even more.

    The benefits and harms of dried apricots for the human body

    Folk recipes for using dried apricots to promote health and treat diseases


    To restore the cleansing function of the intestines, a recipe based on several dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) and nettle is recommended. Pass the components through the millstones of a meat grinder separately. Take 100 g of each ingredient, add liquid honey (of any origin) and 100 ml of real olive oil. For achievement maximum effect It is recommended to pour (if alcohol tolerance is good) 100 ml of vodka, mix thoroughly and transfer to a glass container. Store in the refrigerator, before carefully sealing the jar. Take 2-3 tbsp at night for a month, 2-3 hours after dinner. l., with a glass of water. After the course, take a break, and six months later, in order to consolidate the result, repeat the therapy.

    Constipation in the elderly

    Constipation often makes life difficult for older people. In order to prevent stool disorders and improve intestinal motility, simple but effective recipe based on dried fruits. So, you need to mince 200 g of peeled walnut kernels, dried apricots, dried cherries (pitted), raisins, prunes and a full pack of senna grass, add 750 ml of honey. After thorough mixing, the mixture is compacted into a glass jar, closed and stored in the refrigerator. For treatment, take 1 tsp. once a day until a therapeutic effect is achieved.

    Sugar substitute

    The carbohydrate component of dried apricots is represented by fructose and glucose, so dried fruit can be used as a natural substitute white sugar. At the same time, the concentration of insulin in the blood does not increase, which is very important for people suffering from diabetes. Including dried apricots in the diet allows you to gently and without stress on the body reduce sugar levels and minimize intake medications.


    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A present in dried apricots promotes recovery reproductive function, maintaining immunity and regeneration of skin cells. In addition, its deficiency will inevitably lead to the development of eye diseases and the appearance of dermatitis of unknown etiology.


    Beta-carotene, which has antioxidant properties, gives dried apricots their unique orange hue. A high concentration of this vitamin (3.5 mg per 100 g of product) prevents the development oncological diseases, especially cervical cancer in women and cancer prostate gland in men. Beta-carotene can slow the progression of common ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. Maintaining a high concentration of the vitamin in the male body is the prevention of prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

    Stress, nervousness

    The presence of B vitamins in dried apricots helps restore the nervous system. For rehabilitation after stressful situations It is recommended to take dried fruits. What is the benefit of this mixture, consisting of 100 g of dried apricots, 100 g of raisins, 100 g of prunes, 100 g of chopped nuts and 1 lemon, supplemented with honey? Because it improves the blood formula, cleanses of toxins, restores the energy reserves of a depleted body and replenishes the deficiency of vitamin PP, which is responsible for metabolism and the health of the nervous system.

    For weight loss

    Dried apricots, thanks to the large percentage of potassium (1717 mg), which takes part in the regulation of water and electrolyte balance, has a mild diuretic effect on the body. This promotes excretion excess liquid, which is especially true for those who suffer from excess weight, kidney disease or diet. In addition, synthetic diuretic drugs inevitably “wash out” potassium from the body, while its deficiency leads to disruption of the heart muscle. You can use dried apricots to treat edema even during pregnancy, and achieve diuretic effect and the vitamin concentration necessary to provide both mother and baby is maintained.

    Angina, myocardia

    An additional advantage is that potassium, being an active regulator of blood pressure, prevents the development of hypertension. In combination with magnesium, it prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and heart attack. To prevent angina pectoris and myocarditis, it is recommended to prepare the following mixture: mince 150 g of dried apricots, figs and dried apples (preferably green varieties), lemon with zest and walnut kernels, add the same amount of honey (150 g), mix and take 1 Art. l. before eating.

    Gout, joint pain

    Dried apricots help remove uric acid from the body, which, accumulating in the joints in the form of microscopic crystals, leads to the appearance of gout. Development inflammatory process accompanied by pain, swelling and limitation of motor function. To treat joint pain, traditional medicine offers the following recipe: mince 3 large lemons with zest (remove the seeds first), 300 g of dried apricots and the same amount of raisins (washed and dried with napkins), 30 walnut kernels, mix and add 500 ml honey Transfer the resulting mixture into a jar and seal with a plastic lid. food products and place in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.

    Dried apricots, figs, prunes for the spine

    Problems with the spine and joints are an integral part modern reality. Any curvature leads to impaired blood circulation in the affected area, which manifests itself in the form pain syndrome. Daily loads are not in the best possible way affect health, so it is recommended to take figs, dried apricots and prunes to restore the spine. IN for preventive purposes You can eat 1 fig and prune every day, and 4-5 pieces of dried apricots. But to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to form a homogeneous mixture (ground in a meat grinder) based on 1 prune, 1 fig and 5 cloves of dried apricots and add 3-4 tablespoons of honey. Taking the product allows you to strengthen the intervertebral discs by increasing the elasticity and firmness of connective tissues.

    Dried apricots, walnuts, honey: a recipe for raising hemoglobin

    Dried apricots contain 3.2 mg of iron, this concentration improves hematopoiesis and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Consumption of dried fruit is a natural prevention of anemia, dystrophy, and sexual impotence in men. The basis of the recipe for raising hemoglobin is walnuts, dried apricots and honey, taken in equal proportions.


    The harm of dried apricots to the body will exceed the benefits if:

    • do not limit yourself to the recommended 100 g per day;
    • take dried fruit with low blood pressure - dried apricots have hypotensive properties;
    • abuse the product for those who suffer from obesity;
    • eat dried apricots without preliminary heat treatment.

    Dried fruits may also contain sulfites and may be contaminated with fungus and toxins

    Some manufacturers add preservatives called sulfites to their products. It does dried fruits more attractive because preservatives keep them beautiful for for a long time and prevents discoloration. These are mainly brightly colored fruits such as dried apricots and raisins.

    Some people may be sensitive to sulfites and may experience stomach cramps, skin rashes and asthma attacks after consuming these benefits. To avoid sulfite poisoning, you need to choose dull dried fruits; in the case of dried apricots, light or dark brown fruits, or dense orange ones, rather than bright orange transparent shiny slices that look like marmalade. They are certainly beautiful, but they also contain a lot of preservatives.

    Dried fruits that are not properly stored and handled can also be contaminated with fungi and contain aflatoxins and other toxic compounds.

    How to avoid danger and consume dried apricots for the benefit of the body and without harm? To be honest, in our markets and supermarkets it is difficult to buy a truly high-quality product. I buy dried apricots at a health store here (see). This way I can be sure of its quality and safety.

    Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, nuts, lemon: what is this mixture good for?

    A large army of viruses and bacteria awaits us at every step, especially during the off-season. Whether an individual gets sick depends on his immunity.

    The first signs of decline protective forces the body are frequent colds, weakness, the appearance of various rashes and dermatitis, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    The state of immunity is influenced by many factors: taking antibiotics, stress, physical activity, overwork, etc. There is a whole arsenal of medications that forcibly boost immunity. However, traditional medicine offers more effective method“stimulating” the body’s immune forces by taking a fortified mixture based on dried fruits.

    Immunity mixture of dried apricots, raisins, nuts, prunes, figs and honey

    The immunity mixture is prepared from dried apricots, raisins, nuts, figs, prunes and, of course, honey. To follow the recipe, you need to take 1 glass of each ingredient, grind it using a meat grinder (or blender) and mix thoroughly.

    By the way, before preparing the mixture, it is advisable to “soak” the dried fruits in cold water, and then, after blotting with a paper towel, begin recycling them.

    The technology for preparing the mixture is as follows:

    1. Place the washed dried fruits in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them (first remove the seeds from the prunes);
    2. roast the nuts in a preheated oven;
    3. Grind all ingredients until smooth;
    4. combine with honey and mix thoroughly;
    5. Place the finished mixture in a glass container, tightly sealing with a lid;
    6. Keep refrigerated;
    7. take 1 tbsp. l. in the morning, on an empty stomach, before breakfast.

    The mixture is a unique vitamin cocktail with which you can significantly boost your immunity. Each of the ingredients, having beneficial properties, contributes to strengthening the immune system, while:

    • dried apricots increase hemoglobin levels, prevent the development of heart disease and saturate the body with potassium;
    • raisins have a beneficial effect on nervous system, improves brain activity and replenishes energy reserves;
    • prunes help improve digestion;
    • nuts are a source of essential polyunsaturated fats that break down and remove “bad” cholesterol from the body;
    • figs improve the blood formula and help mobilize the body’s defenses;
    • honey has an antiseptic, restorative and tonic effect.

    In general, such a combination of dried fruits and honey satisfies the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals, prevents the development of anemia and atherosclerosis, and helps to recover after a protracted illness or surgery. There are several variations of mixtures for immunity. So, in case of detection of an allergy to natural honey, you can replace it with jam.

    Recipe for heart pain with dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, lemon and honey

    There is a similar recipe for heart disease, which includes dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts, lemon and honey. To prepare the mixture you will need 200 g of each type of dried fruit, 1 lemon and 200 ml of honey. The technology is identical to the above, with the only clarification that the lemon must be cut into slices along with the zest and the seeds removed - this is necessary so that the finished product does not have a bitter aftertaste. The use of the mixture improves the condition of the heart muscle, removes bad cholesterol, prevents the formation of deposits on the walls of blood vessels and restores normal blood circulation.

    Is it possible to eat dried apricots while breastfeeding?

    Dried apricots are an excellent source of minerals and vitamins, however, during lactation, this, like any other dried fruit, should be used with caution.

    The fact is that a baby may have an allergic reaction to a product unfamiliar to him. In addition, dried apricots contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility and is useful for normalizing stool in postpartum period at the mother's. In this case, the baby’s body can react with increased gas formation with all the ensuing consequences (lack of sleep, refusal to eat, restless behavior).

    So is it possible to eat dried apricots while breastfeeding? It is recommended to experiment after the baby reaches 3 months of age, since by this time his intestines will be “populated” with beneficial microorganisms that help digest food. Dried apricots are useful for a young mother, as they help replenish calcium reserves, which are intensively consumed during lactation. In addition, the iron present in the dried fruit restores the level of hemoglobin reduced due to the inevitable loss of blood during childbirth. Moderate consumption of dried apricots during the period breastfeeding prevents vitamin deficiency and improves immunity.

    How many calories are in dried dried apricots?

    100 g of dried apricots contain 232 kcal, so this dried fruit cannot be called low-calorie product. At the same time, it is recommended for those who are on a diet and want to lose weight as a natural energy drink. The amount of dried dried apricots that is beneficial for the body is no more than 100 g per day. It doesn’t matter at all how many calories are in dried dried apricots, only the portion consumed matters. There are a lot of options for including dried fruit in the diet: “snack” with tea, as an ingredient when preparing a salad or a separate dish, as a filling for baked goods.

    The benefits of dried apricots for the body are greater than the harm, because consumption of dried fruit can be compared to a life-giving tonic that replenishes the body’s energy reserves and eliminates malfunctions in the human cardiovascular system.

    Our health and mood depend on the lifestyle we lead. If a person plays sports, eats right, does not drink alcohol and does not smoke, then he will always be healthy, fit, cheerful and in a great mood. Everyone should strive for such an image, because health is the basis of a happy life.

    For such wellness it is important to avoid nervous shock, unnecessary physical activity and junk food. Pay more attention to your daily diet. Include more fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your menu.

    Remember that only plant foods contain vitamins and microelements that are fully absorbed by our body. Fruits and vegetables contain substances that are vital for a full-fledged existence human body. And even in dried form they bring many benefits. Today we will discuss the topic “Apricots: benefits and harms for our body.” Undoubtedly, these are valuable dried fruits that certain conditions can still cause harm.

    Vitamin and mineral composition

    Dried apricots are dried ripe pitted apricots. When dried, a large amount of nutrients is retained. Dried apricots are rich in vitamins C, PP, B1, B2, B5, A, E and minerals. In it in large quantities there is potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, iron.

    Dried apricots also contain a lot of fiber, fructose, and glucose. These are natural components that are quickly absorbed by the body. Having become acquainted with the nearby useful substances this dried fruit, it immediately becomes clear why dried apricots are useful.

    Benefits of dried apricots

    The benefit of dried apricots for the body lies in its naturalness. Real vitamins and microelements cannot be compared with pharmacy options. The beneficial properties of dried apricots are:

    • regulation of the pancreas;
    • restoration of insulin production;
    • restoration of potassium balance in the body;
    • replenishment of vitamin reserves;
    • regulation of blood pressure, normalization of the heart and blood vessels;
    • increased hemoglobin in the blood;
    • strengthening bones;
    • cleansing the intestines of harmful toxins and toxic substances;
    • participation in metabolism (breaks down fats and carbohydrates);
    • improvement of visual acuity;
    • improvement of intestinal motility;
    • the decoction is a good diuretic that helps remove sand from the kidneys;
    • dried apricots are indicated for women during pregnancy.

    The daily consumption rate of this product is no more than 100 grams, which is approximately 4 large fruits.

    Are dried apricots good for women? Yes, very useful. Nutrients will help keep bones strong, which is especially important for women during menopause, when the risk of osteoporosis increases. Dried apricots help increase hemoglobin, so it is recommended to take it regularly during heavy menstruation.

    The substances that make up dried apricots have a positive effect on feminine beauty. Women's hair and skin condition improves significantly. Hair follicles are strengthened, hair grows faster, and pimples, blackheads and other rashes disappear on the face.

    Dried fruit will help cope with constipation, which often occurs in pregnant women. On last weeks term, using a decoction of dried apricots can relieve swelling of the legs and arms.

    Potassium and magnesium, which are included in the composition, will help reduce the load on the heart and blood vessels, which doubles during pregnancy. Dried apricots will reduce arterial pressure, which is also common when carrying a baby.

    Note: Dried apricots are not recommended for breastfeeding women. This is enough allergenic product, so it is better to consult your doctor.

    Dried fruit for weight loss

    Nutritionists have differing opinions on this issue. The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high, it significantly exceeds the calorie content of fresh apricots and amounts to 241 kcal per 100 grams of product.

    On the other hand, it is a very nutritious product. Dried apricots do not contain harmful fats at all, are well absorbed, satiate for a long time and give energy. Besides, dried apricot:

    • successfully replaces any sweets;
    • removes toxins and excess water from the body;
    • eliminates constipation and improves digestion;
    • speeds up metabolism.

    Remember that any diet is harmful, as it causes psychological and physical stress. For normal functioning, the body needs a constant supply of various substances. Therefore, it would be much wiser not to adhere to any diet, but to reconsider your diet, excluding from it harmful products and drinks.

    Harm of dried apricots

    As you can see, dried apricots are very useful. But the beneficial properties appear only with moderate use. quality product. If you include a lot of dried apricots in the menu, then you cannot avoid such side effects, How:

    • stomach upset;
    • pain, heaviness in the stomach;
    • bloating and pain in the intestines;
    • an attack of hypoglycemia in diabetics;
    • decreased blood pressure, loss of strength;
    • allergy.

    Dried apricots should not be consumed if:

    • individual intolerance;
    • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
    • low blood pressure;
    • bowel dysfunction;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • bronchial asthma.

    How to choose and store the product correctly

    When buying dried apricots, choose matte, darkish fruits. This is the color that corresponds to real dried fruit. The bright color of dried apricots is a direct indicator of the use of chemicals.

    The fact is that in industry, to improve the consumer qualities of the product, they use harmful chemicals and preservatives, for example, sulfur dioxide (food additive E220). As a result of chemical processing, dried apricots acquire a bright orange color and gloss. Of course, similar chemical attack destroys all the beneficial properties of dried apricots. In addition, when consumed in food, sulfur dioxide can accumulate in the body, over time it affects the lungs and bronchi, causing allergies and asthma.

    Therefore, purchase dried fruits from trusted suppliers or prepare them yourself. It’s not difficult at all; in just a few days you can get a ready-made, useful product.

    It is best to store dried apricots in a glass jar without a lid (you can cover it with gauze) in a cool, dark place. Shelf life – 6 months.

    Dried apricots are affordable, useful and very delicious product which will help stabilize work gastrointestinal tract, will fill the body with a healthy vitamin and mineral composition and will delight you with a pleasant taste and aroma.

    Almost everyone knows that dried fruits are very healthy, but most people eat them much less often than other foods. At best, compotes are prepared from dried fruits, or used as an additive to baked goods.

    Meanwhile, dried fruits can and should be consumed as a separate dish, and even with their help, alleviate the course of many diseases, strengthening your health and immunity.

    In winter there are almost no ripe natural fruits. Those sold in markets and even more so in supermarkets can be considered just a delicacy that does not contain almost any nutrients and beneficial substances. After all, fruits collected in southern countries, treated with special chemicals and preservatives that help maintain their attractive appearance during transportation and storage.

    What are the benefits of dried fruits

    In addition, they are collected unripe so that they do not spoil during transportation, which means that the nutrients simply do not have time to form in them in sufficient quantities.

    Dried fruits (dried fruits) retain everything necessary for a person biologically active substances, moreover, in concentrated form. There are no artificial ingredients in dried fruits food additives– various flavorings, dyes and, especially, taste enhancers, but microelements, vitamins, fiber and pectin are preserved - a very important substance that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, and also helps the body cleanse itself of waste and toxins.

    All dried fruits, as a rule, are very sweet, but they do not contain sugar, but glucose and fructose - natural carbohydrates. They don't provide harmful influence on the body, like regular sugar, they do not contribute to an increase in insulin levels in the blood and do not cause a tendency to obesity (of course, in reasonable quantities).

    Dried fruits are very nutritious, and they are not empty calories. They are digested so easily that they can be combined with fats, even with separate meals. Thus, a salad of dried fruits with nuts, seasoned with fresh sour cream or cream, is a wonderful and nutritious dish, very loved by supporters of a healthy diet.

    Dried fruits are all useful, but today we will talk about such a well-known and beloved product by many as dried apricots.

    In our markets this dried fruit (dried apricot) is always available, in large quantities and in different varieties.

    Rich composition of vitamins and minerals

    The set of vitamins in dried apricots is not too large, although they do exist: vitamin C, A, PP and B vitamins. But in terms of the content of minerals - iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, dried apricots are significantly superior to fresh fruits, and those contained in it together With organic acids Pectins even remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body.

    Useful properties of dried apricots

    Dried apricots are not only an excellent tonic. This dried fruit can prevent and alleviate anemia, heart disease and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as improve vision. If you eat dried apricots constantly, then you are not in danger of blocking blood vessels or developing solid tumors; your skin will remain young for a long time, and your hair will remain strong.

    Dried apricots contain much more potassium salts than sodium salts - this explains its excellent dietary properties. There is so much magnesium in it that many experts recommend dried apricots for the treatment of anemia and hypertension - a common disease in our time.

    Dried apricots contain a lot of vitamin A, which is responsible for the normal functioning of many systems in our body. It also has a mild diuretic effect, especially its thick infusion or decoction, which is often prescribed for kidney disease and cardiovascular problems.

    Dried apricots are also useful for those who suffer diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases and hypovitaminosis. Dried apricots are also included in many homeopathic medicines, and these natural preparations help to significantly reduce the need to take synthetic medications for various chronic diseases.

    Consumption rate

    How much dried apricots should you eat to maintain your health? Do not forget that dried apricots are a concentrated product. If fresh apricots contain only 2g of fiber (per 100g of product), then dried apricots contain 18g. Therefore, if you eat dried apricots in large quantities, you can get stomach and intestinal upset.

    It is best to eat 80-100g of dried apricots per day, or add them to all kinds of dishes, trying not to heat them too much. For example, you can bake sweet homebaked bread, adding chopped dried apricots, seeds and nuts to the dough. This bread turns out very tasty, and it is certainly much healthier than store-bought cream cakes.

    Dried apricots go well with salads, rice, meat and fish.

    How to choose dried apricots

    Learn to choose the right dried apricots: they should be of a natural color and not too transparent; clean and large, moderately hard and elastic. If dried apricots have a too bright, attractive orange color, then this may be due to the use chemicals that improve the appearance of the product. It is better to buy matte dried apricots with a slight gray tint - this is what fruits become during the natural drying process.

    In the cuisines of peoples all over the world there are many recipes for dishes made from dried apricots, or with the addition of dried apricots. There are so many recipes that more than one book could be compiled from them. For example, meat with dried apricots turns out very tasty, and it is much easier to digest.

    How to cook chicken with dried apricots

    We bring to your attention a delicious and very healthy recipe chicken in dried apricots. Cooking is a pleasure, and the taste is simply excellent. So.

    A very simple recipe - chicken with dried apricots. You need to take a small young chicken (you can use a large chicken), cut it into portions, add salt, rub with spices to taste, and simmer under the lid with the addition of olive (or ghee) oil until half cooked. Cut the soaked dried apricots into thin strips, peel the tomatoes (by pouring boiling water over them), finely chop the garlic, and cut the onion into rings or half rings. Add all this to the chicken and simmer over low heat, covered, for another half hour.

    Small chicken – 1 pc., tomatoes – 3 pcs., onions – 2 pcs., garlic – 4 cloves, dried apricots – 200g, salt, spices, oil.

    How to cook compote

    If you are preparing compote from dried apricots, or any dried fruit in general, remember that they should not be boiled. Of course, for a long time we were taught something completely different, but in boiled dried fruits there are practically no vitamins and other useful substances left.

    Dried fruits need to be washed well (heavily contaminated ones should be soaked first), bring to a boil, remove from heat and leave for several hours. Sugar in such a compote is completely unnecessary and even harmful. If you like it sweet, you can add honey to taste.

    By the way, an infusion of dried apricots is very helpful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Pour the washed dried apricots into a glass of warm boiled water and leave to infuse under the lid. After an hour, the infusion is ready. You need to prepare this infusion every day so that it is fresh, and take it before meals, dividing it into three parts.

    I wish you health and good appetite!

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