Home Blanks for the winter Errors when using phraseological combinations

Errors when using phraseological combinations

Phraseologisms are often distorted for many reasons. This may be due to the fact that words are falling out of use, and historical facts forgotten. If you know the meaning and its origin, it will be quite difficult to change its meaning.
Errors in the use of phraseological units most often appear from a misunderstanding of their meaning. In order to avoid semantic absurdities, you need to know the main characteristics of phraseological units.

How to use phraseological units correctly

First, it has a constant composition, i.e., the words in it do not change.
Secondly, its structure cannot be different.
Thirdly, the grammatical form should remain unchanged (you cannot say "keep your mouth shut", but you can "keep your mouth shut").
Fourth, strict word order is important.

Often, due to the substitution of one word for another, one-root, the composition of the phraseological unit changes. But you can't be "taken by surprise." You can only be "captured" and nothing else. The phenomenon when one word is replaced by a single-root word that is not a synonym is called "paronymic substitution".

Often, individual parts of phraseological units cannot be used independently. For example, the words "upside down" can only be combined with the word "up". And the word "screwed up" only with the word "get". I can change words inside my phraseological unit direct meaning... So the expression "blood with" does not directly refer to either blood or milk. It means a healthy person.

It is important to remember that nothing can be inserted inside the phraseological unit. You can say “prescribe an izhitsa”, but you cannot say “prescribe an izhitsa for me”.
Words in the phraseological unit have at least two accents. For example, listen carefully: "once and for all." By the way, the presence of at least two stresses is distinctive feature phraseological unit.

Even synonyms cannot be substituted for the words available in phraseological units. Of course, phraseological units are often grammatical or lexical archaisms. But even if the meaning of the word is incomprehensible to us, and the sound is unusual, we cannot replace it with any other. If we turn to the original meaning of the phraseological unit "to beat the thumbs up", then the modern meaning of the expression can be difficult to grasp. “Baklushas” were used to call blanks for making wooden objects: spoons, cups. To do this, the log had to be split into pieces.

It is also impossible, for example, to say "like a pupil." You can only "like the apple of your eye." Although the value last expression may be incomprehensible modern man... But you cannot change it with all the desire.

The erroneous replacement of part of the components of one phraseological unit with words of another may occur due to the meanings of these phraseological units or because the mixed expressions contain the same component or component with the same root.

So, for example, verbally and written speech very often they mistakenly use “play” (or “represent”) the meaning ”,“ have a role ”instead of the correct“ have a meaning ”and“ play a role ”: You need to know that the meanings of words of a phraseological unit can be similar, but not the same. You can only have “meaning” and “play” the role, but not vice versa. This phenomenon is called "contamination".

Often phraseological units belong to only one language. Semantic analogues can be found in different nations... But a complete match is almost impossible.

Phraseological stylistics studies the use of complex in composition in speech linguistic units having a stable character (puzzling, thickening the colors, the cat cried, worth its weight in gold, living wage, shock therapy). At the same time, the main attention is paid to the stylistic properties and expressive possibilities of phraseological units, as well as their transformation into artistic and publicistic speech... Various methods of phraseological innovation of writers are considered. The focus of phraseological stylistics is the prevention of speech errors when using phraseological units.

2.1.1. Features of the use of phraseological units in speech

Phraseologisms should be distinguished from free phrases. To make them clear fundamental differences, let's dwell on the features of the use of phraseological units in speech.

The most important feature of phraseological units is their reproducibility: they are not created in the process of speech (like phrases), but are used as they are fixed in the language.

Phraseologisms always complex in composition, they are formed by the combination of several components (to be trapped, upside down, blood and milk). It is important to emphasize that the components of phraseological units are stressed. Therefore, in the strict meaning of the term, phraseological units used together, but written separately, official and significant words, like under the mouse, to death, from the end, which have only one stress, cannot be called. The complexity of the composition of phraseological units suggests that they are similar to free phrases (compare: getting into a mess - getting into a trap). However, the components of the phraseological unit are either not used independently (“prosak”, “tormashki”), or change their usual meaning in the phraseological unit (for example, blood with milk means “healthy, with good color faces with a blush ").

Many phraseological units are equivalent to one word (cf. to spread the mind - think, the cat cried - not enough, the fifth wheel in the cart is superfluous). These phraseological units have undivided meaning. However, there are those that can be equated with a whole descriptive expression (cf .: getting aground - getting into an extremely difficult situation, pressing all the pedals - making every effort to achieve a goal or accomplish something). For such phraseological units, as noted by B.A. Larin, “the initial turns out to be free turns of speech, (...) direct in meaning. Semantic renewal usually occurs due to more and more free, figurative use: from a concrete meaning to an abstract one ”.

Phraseologisms characterize consistency of composition... In free phrases, one word can be replaced with another, if it fits the meaning (compare: I read a book, look through a book, study a book, read a novel, read a story, read scripts). Phraseologisms do not allow such a replacement. It would never occur to anyone to say "the cat cried" instead of a cat crying, instead of throwing it out with its mind - "scattering it with its mind" or "throwing its head out." True, there are phraseological units that have options, for example, along with the phraseological unit to spread the mind, it is used its version to spread (to throw) the brains; in parallel, phraseological units are used from the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my heart. However, the existence of variants of some phraseological units does not mean that words can be arbitrarily replaced in them. The variants of phraseological units fixed in the language are also characterized by a constant lexical composition and require accurate reproduction in speech.

The constancy of the composition of phraseological units allows us to speak about the "predictability" of their components. So, knowing that the word bosom is used in phraseological units, one can predict another component - a friend; the word "sworn" suggests the word "enemy" used together with it, etc. Phraseologisms that do not allow any variation refer to absolutely stable combinations.

Most phraseological units are characterized by impermeability structures: it is not allowed to include new words in them. So, knowing the phraseological units to lower your head, lower your gaze, you cannot say: lower your head low, lower your sad gaze even lower. However, there are also such phraseological units that allow the insertion of separate clarifying words (compare: to kindle passions - to kindle fatal passions, to lather your head - to thoroughly lather your head). In some phraseological units, it is possible to skip one or more components. For example, they say to go through fire and water, cutting off the end of phraseological units and copper pipes, or drink a cup to the top instead of a bitter cup to the bottom. The reduction of phraseological units in such cases is explained by the desire to save speech means and special stylistic meaning does not have.

Phraseologisms are inherent grammatical stability, they usually do not change the grammatical forms of words. So, you can not say to beat the thumbs, grind the lasa, replacing the plural forms of the thumbs, the lasa forms singular, or use a full adjective instead of a short one in phraseological units on bare feet. However, in special cases variations of grammatical forms in phraseological units are possible (compare: to warm your hand - to warm your hands, has it been heard - has it been heard).

Most phraseological units have strictly fixed word order... For example, you cannot swap the places of words in expressions neither dawn nor dawn; a beaten unbeaten is lucky; everything flows, everything changes; although the meaning, it would seem, would not suffer if we said: "Everything changes, everything flows." At the same time, in some phraseological units, it is possible to change the order of words (compare: take water in your mouth - take water in your mouth, do not leave a stone upon a stone - do not leave a stone upon a stone). Permutation of components is usually allowed in phraseological units consisting of a verb and its dependent nouns. Destruction of the figurative meaning of phraseological units

Writers and publicists, while updating the semantics of phraseological units, often restore the original meaning of the words included in them. the vicinity of Tomilin (Gall.). The author, as it were, returns to the free use of words to smithereens, which formed sustainable combination, and plays with their usual lexical meaning... As a result, there is a two-dimensional understanding of the phraseological unit. Another example: Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye the chemistry teacher got a fifth-grader Senya Orlikov with a pea from a special tube. Touched to tears the teacher will soon be discharged from the hospital. ("LG"). The resulting so-called external homonymy of phraseological units and free phrases gives rise to a pun. Many jokes are based on a two-dimensional comprehension of phraseological units: made a lot of noise... in all her actions ... they were shot. Sages and dentists look at the root; Firefighter always works with a spark; The radio awakens the thought. Even in those hours when you really want to sleep (E. Cr.).

The second plan of the meaning of a phraseological unit can be revealed when reading the following text: Got in a jam but was comforted by reading his name on the cover ("ЛГ"); Misfortunes never come alone: and his work came out in two volumes ("ЛГ"). Sometimes the two-dimensional meaning of a phraseological unit is clarified only in a broad context. So, reading the title of the article "Broken Card", we first perceive it in the usual sense - a complete failure of someone's plans. However, the article talks about the geographical map of Hitler in last months war (This is a map of the end. It is devoid of the threatening arrows of the offensive and flanking strikes. We see a bridgehead compressed to a patch, and semicircles nervously drawn on the grid of roads are the last centers of resistance. - A.K.) This makes us perceive the title of the article in a new way, fills it with a different meaning, enriching the figurative meaning of phraseological units.

The method of destroying the figurative meaning of a phraseological unit, as we see, does not affect the lexical and grammatical composition, - its external form usually retains, but the meaning is reinterpreted (Who are you? I I just can't figure you out! - do not bite; Life abounds... and all over the head).

Phraseologisms deliberately used by the writer in an unusual meaning can be called semantic neologisms in phraseology. They are often used by humorists (tearing and throwing - "going in for sports", running errands - "participating in running competitions"). Changing the number of components of a phraseological unit

In order to update phraseological units, writers give them unusual shape... Modifications of phraseological units can be expressed in the reduction or expansion of their composition.

Reduction, or reduction of the composition of a phraseological unit is usually associated with its rethinking. For example: "Make the deputy pray to God ... (cutting off the second part of the proverb -" so he will break his forehead "- only strengthens the irony in assessing the resolution of the Duma of the Russian Federation, which sharpened political situation in Transnistria. Another example: Useful Tips: Do not be born beautiful ("LH") - cutting off the second part of the proverb Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy led to a change in its meaning, the meaning of the new aphorism - "beauty leads to misfortune."

The opposite of reduction is the expansion of the composition of the phraseological unit. For example: The questions we touched upon were not accidental ... These are granite stumbling blocks on the road, knowledge, which at all times was the same, frightened people and attracted them (Hertz.) - the definition of granite, introduced into a stable phrase, gives the image a special clarity. The composition of the phraseological unit is often expanded due to the introduction of clarifying words (Cats not ordinary, but with long yellow claws, scraping her heart. - Ch .; Happiness is not in our money.).

Changing the composition of a phraseological unit can become a means of enhancing the expressive coloring of speech (I will wait with the greatest impatience ... just do not delay too long box... - M. G.). In other cases, the introduction additional words in phraseological turns gives them new semantic shades. For example: Bad time for joint performances- can sit in a mud puddle, but I don’t want to (MG) - sitting in a puddle means “putting yourself in an awkward, stupid, ridiculous position”; the definition introduced into this phraseological unit broadens the meaning: “to allow oneself to be drawn into a dishonest game, to become a victim of the machinations of hostile people”. Conversion of phraseological unit composition

V artistic speech for a certain stylistic purpose, you can change the lexical composition of the phraseological unit by updating one or more of its components: "Laughter through the bullets" - the title of the article about the Fifth international festival humor "Ostap" (the day before his co-founder was killed). The one who shoots first laughs. For the sake of a word of mouth the communists did not spare the Russian brothers from Transnistria (Compare: For the sake of a word of words, I do not feel sorry for either my brother or my father).

Feuilletonists often resort to replacing the vocabulary components of phraseological phrases. This stylistic device was masterfully used by Ilf and Petrov: with the fibers of your suitcase he strove abroad. New times tell our satirists other jokes: Sausage as a mirror of the Russian revolution; At the end of the tunnel eat hot soup; A mystery shrouded in collapse; With a line to the world; Business time viewer - "Vremechko"(headlines of newspaper articles).

Updating the composition of phraseological units enhances their expressive coloring, but it may not affect their meaning (she fainted from resentment and grief), but more often the meaning of phraseological units changes [I would be glad to serve, to serve too ("LG")].

More often, the authors replace the components of phraseological units in order to radically change their meaning and create an acute satirical effect: A good place they will not be called a socialist camp; Critics honored the novel with silence; He laughs well who laughs without consequences; Have you come? Had seen? Shut up! The method of transforming the composition of phraseological units is appreciated by poets, the phraseological innovation of Mayakovsky is known: In the cramped quarters, but did not dine ...

Using this technique, the authors strive for the most accurate preservation of the sound organization of the phraseological unit: What is written by the opera ... (article about crime in Moscow); At least a goal on the head of Teshi (about a football player who skillfully scores goals with his head).

The transformation of phraseological units in artistic speech can consist in changing the grammatical forms of their components. For example, V.V. Mayakovsky replaces black in phraseological units as a negative adjective in a positive degree with the form comparative: Having lifted baked potatoes of faces, blacker than a Negro who has not seen a bath, six pious Catholic women climbed aboard the ship "Espagne".

The transformation of a phraseological unit can consist in changing the order of words in a stable turnover. Inversion in a phraseological unit, which has a stable word order, often completely renews its meaning (The further you go, you will be quieter. - "ЛГ").

Sometimes the integrity of the phraseological unit is violated, and it is quoted in parts (- Honestly, I don’t know how and how I am related to him; it seems that the seventh water, maybe not even on jelly, but on something else ... Quite simply, I call him uncle: he responds. - Ven.).

Often, writers and publicists resort to contamination of phraseological units to express thoughts in an unusual, witty formulation [Share someone else's opinion and rule ("ЛГ"); Is it not because silence is golden because it is a sign of consent? ("LG"); Lived his life at someone else's expense ("LG"); He turned the rivers back so as not to swim against the current ("LH")]. The contamination of phraseological units is often accompanied by their rethinking. For example: Thoughts are so spacious that there are no words; You cannot take away humor from him: what is not, that is not! - the comic effect of these jokes is based on a clash of incompatible statements: the second phraseological unit denies the thought contained in the first.

Based on the transformation of phraseological units, writers create artistic images, which are perceived as the development of the topic set by the phraseological unit. So, the proverb Soul knows the measure gives the poet reason to say: Report everything in the form, hand over the trophies, slowly, and then they will feed you, will be the measure of the soul(Tward.). The poet only hinted at a well-known phraseological unit, but it is already present in the mind of the reader, creating a kind of subtext. The destruction of the old meaning of the phraseological unit, the "emancipation" of the image embedded in it, sometimes creates an unexpected artistic effect. For example: to the world on a thread - you will become naked, you will sink into a willow, you will melt a hill (Vozn.). Putting these lines as the basis of the proverb "With the world on a thread - a naked shirt," the poet gives it the opposite meaning.

Phraseological innovation of writers can also be manifested in their creation of figurative expressions that resemble well-known phraseological units. For example, V.V. Mayakovsky in his poem "Sergei Yesenin" surprisingly powerfully and capaciously transformed Yesenin's aphorism. In this life, dying is not new, but living, of course, is not new: It is not difficult to die in this life. Making life much more difficult. Developing the theme of life and death in the poem, the poet creates a new aphorism: Life must first be redone, redoing - you can chant... In terms of philosophical depth and expressiveness, Mayakovsky's phraseological units are not inferior to Yesenin's phraseological units, which served as the basis for them. The phraseological innovation of writers is not limited to the stylistic devices considered here, the possibilities of creative renewal of phraseological units are inexhaustible.

2.1.9. Speech errors associated with the use of phraseological units

Ignorance exact value phraseological unit, its lexical and grammatical composition, expressive and stylistic features, scope of use, compatibility, and finally, inattentive attitude to the figurative nature of phraseological units lead to speech errors. When using phraseological units, errors may not be related to the specifics of phraseological units as reproducible stable turns. An unsuccessful choice of a phraseological synonym, the use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics, a violation of the compatibility of the phraseological turnover with the words of the surrounding context, etc. - all these errors, in essence, do not differ from similar speech errors when using separate words.

The use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics distorts the meaning of the statement. So, A.S. Pushkin, after reading "Answer to Gnedich" by K.N. Batyushkova, against the lines Your friend will give you his heart forever from now on with his hand remarked: “Batyushkov will marry Gnedich!” The use of a phraseological unit with a certain stylistic coloring may conflict with the content and style of the work. For example: He was rushing about, looking for salvation. Invented touching story in its own defense, but it sounded like the swan song of this hardened villain. Phraseologism swan song, which contains a positive assessment, a sympathetic attitude towards the one about whom it is said, is stylistically inappropriate in this context. It is impossible to combine in one sentence phraseological units with a contrasting stylistic coloring, for example, reduced, colloquial, and bookish, solemn: He promised that will not hit the face in the dirt and will work to match career drivers steppe ships... It is also unacceptable to combine expressively colored phraseological units with official business vocabulary. The chairman showered me with a golden rain in the amount of eighty thousand rubles; emotionally vivid, poetic phraseological units, with speech stamps going back to "clerical eloquence": Happy is he who and in a hurry to live and to feel in a hurry by and large. The mixing of styles that arises when they are combined gives the speech a parody sound.

Let us analyze the errors that occur with the incorrect use of stable turns of speech and are associated with an unjustified change in the composition of a phraseological unit or with a distortion of its figurative meaning.

2.1.10. Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of the phraseological unit

The composition of the phraseological unit in specific speech situations can change in different ways.

1. There is an unmotivated expansion of the phraseological unit as a result of the use of qualifying words: For livestock breeders, the main highlight of the program is the breeding of valuable breeds of livestock. There is a phraseological unit the nail of the program, but the definition of the main thing is inappropriate here. The authors, not taking into account the impenetrability of phraseological units, try to "supplement" them, color them with epithets, which gives rise to verbosity. More examples: Let's hope that Volkov will say his big word in coaching; With all her long legs, she started to run.

In irregular speech, quite often there are combinations of a pleonastic nature, formed from phraseological units and redundant definitions to their components: to suffer a complete fiasco, an accidental stray bullet, hard Sisyphus work, cheerful homeric laughter. In other cases, the expansion of the phraseological unit is not associated with pleonasm. For example: Unenviable palm tree on the growth of crime belongs to the Southern administrative district; Commercial organizations found themselves at the height of the new challenges facing them... Phraseologisms palm, being on top do not allow spread.

2. There is an unjustified reduction in the composition of the phraseological unit as a result of the omission of its components. So, they write: this is an aggravating circumstance (instead of an aggravating circumstance). Mistakenly truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement [The success of this student wish a lot(instead of: leaves much to be desired); Coach Williamson made a "good face"(omitted: bad play)].

3. Often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units [the Master more than once heart-to-heart interpreted with their charges (must: said)]. The erroneous substitution of one of the components of the phraseological unit can be explained by the synonymous similarity of words [The path led from the gate to the wing from which Antoshin had just barely removed his legs (followed: carried away)] and even more often by the confusion of paronyms [He entered himself (must: left); burst out of his tongue (must: broke); swipe around your finger (you must: circle); ... did not lose heart (must: did not fall)]. In other cases, instead of one of the components of the phraseological unit, a word is used that only vaguely resembles the repressed [Well, they, as they say, have books in their hands (instead of: cards in their hands); The organizers of this trip themselves ruined it by flopping into a bucket of honey a drop of tar(instead of: add a fly in the ointment to a barrel of honey)]. False associations sometimes give rise to very funny and ridiculous mistakes. hides an ax in his bosom(phraseological unit: hold a stone in your bosom); In half an hour he looked scalded chicken in front of the administration (the phraseological unit is distorted: wet chicken)].

4. The change in the composition of phraseological units can be caused by the renewal of grammatical forms, the use of which in stable phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: Children got rid of the worms and had fun, - you can not use plural instead of the only one. An unjustified replacement of the grammatical form of one of the components of a phraseological unit is often the reason for inappropriate comic: the unusual, strange form of familiar stable turns is surprising (It remains a mystery how such a colossus could be erected by four people, even seven spans in the foreheads and slanting fathoms in the shoulders). In other cases, a new grammatical form of a word in a phraseological combination affects the semantic aspect of speech. So, the use of the verb is not perfect kind the present tense instead of the perfect past tense verb makes the statement illogical: For more than twenty years, a veteran has been crossing the threshold of the 100th police station. Phraseologism to cross the threshold is used only in the meaning of "to commit some important act" and excludes repeated repetition of the action, therefore, it is possible to use the verb only in the form of a perfect form; replacement of the same species form leads to absurdity.

In the composition of phraseological units, it is also impossible to allow distortion of prepositions [He never thought that these words would come true in his fate with full measure (instead of: in full)]. Such careless handling of prepositions and case forms makes speech illiterate. However, some phraseological units are truly "unlucky" - in them every now and then the prepositions are replaced: to put dots on and; seven spans on the forehead; Michael under hastily dressed and hurried to the call. The inability to choose the right case forms and prepositions in the composition of phraseological units gives rise to such "strange" mistakes: squeaking at the heart, holding the authorities, this is a fraught business and with consequences, to put a tablecloth on his way, his head goes around.

2.1.11. Distortion of the figurative meaning of phraseological units

The greatest damage to style is caused by unjustified destruction of imagery. phraseological expression... For example: Gramophone record haven't told her yet last word ... The context revealed the direct meaning of the words that formed the phraseological unit, and as a result, a pun arose. The perception of a phraseological unit in its unusual, unintelligible meaning gives the speech an inappropriate comic: This year Aeroflot managed to keep the flow of passengers at a high level; Starting to work at a drifting station, our team first still did not feel the ground under my feet... To avoid such mistakes, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the context.

The context can not only show the irrelevant meaning of phraseological units, but also reveal the inconsistency of their metaphorical structure, if the author inadvertently “collides” stable combinations that are incompatible in meaning. For example: These people stand firmly on their feet so you won't succeed clip their wings... The first phraseological unit, as it were, “attaches” the image to the ground, and this makes it impossible to use the second phraseological unit, which is based on the idea of ​​flight: clipping wings means “making it impossible to fly”. One phraseological unit excludes the other.

Contradictory images underlying phraseological units and tropes also do not get along in such a sentence: Aviators on their wings are always on time come to the rescue(do not come on the wings, but fly in). No matter how we are accustomed to the figurative meaning of phraseological units, their metaphoricity immediately makes itself felt if their imagery comes into conflict with the content. Therefore, proposals, for example, are unsuccessful, in which the owner says about a hunting dog: This one will not come with empty hands, - and a science fiction writer, drawing a Martians with tentacles instead of hands, notices that the alien "pulled himself together."

The violation of the unity of the figurative system of phraseological units and context gives a comic speech. For example: The speaker spoke in a loud and shrill voice, like a Jericho trumpet. It turns out that the Jericho trumpet speaks and even has a shrill voice. Words surrounding a phraseological unit are usually involved in a figurative context. Therefore, their use in a figurative meaning is unacceptable, which does not take into account the figurative nature of the phraseological units associated with them. For example: The congregation's decision reads in black and white ... Or: Difficult life path fell to the lot of Vasily Timofeevich. You can write in black and white, the path is passed, chosen. The choice of verbs in such cases "undermines" the imagery of phraseological combinations.

A prerequisite correct use phraseological units is strict adherence to the peculiarities of their compatibility with the words of the context. So, a phraseological unit to be published can only be used in combination with names printed publications... That is why the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater has published the ballet "The Lonely Sail Whitens"; in this case, he should have written staged a ballet ... or prepared a premiere ... Stylistically incorrect is the following phrase: Life, as in the palm of your hand, passed in public (phraseological unit at a glance requires the word is visible).

When using phraseological units, they often combine various errors... So, a change in the lexical composition of a phraseological unit is accompanied by a distortion of the figurative meaning. For example, in the sentence Oblomov was the banner of the times the phraseological unit of the sign of the times is distorted - "a social phenomenon typical for a given era." The substitution of the image underlying the phraseological unit radically transforms its meaning. Some errors associated with the distortion of the composition (phraseological unit and its figurative meaning are widespread in speech [At least a stake on the head of the scales (it is necessary: ​​teshi - from the verb to hew); Bring to the white knee (it is necessary: ​​to white heat)].

2.1.12. Contamination of various phraseological units

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various stable expressions... For example: The tongue does not rise talk about it ... There are known phraseological units the language does not turn and the hand does not rise; the author used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second. Some stable combinations are constantly "unlucky": [they say: take action (from take action and take steps), give meaning (from paying attention and giving meaning), making meaning (from influencing and giving meaning)]. Similar stylistic mistakes are explained by false associations. Some mistakes caused by the contamination of elements of various phraseological units are so often repeated that we perceive them as expressions fixed in common speech (playing the main violin).

The contamination of elements of various phraseological units can make speech not logical: Many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen carelessly (they work carelessly, but look through their fingers); This case not worth a penny(mixing of phraseological units - not worth a dime and not worth a damn egg). In other cases, the semantic side of speech does not suffer, but the sentence still needs stylistic editing (We could ring all the bells, but at first we decided to think it over calmly - we should eliminate the contamination of phraseological units, sound the alarm and ring all the bells).

The contamination of elements of various phraseological units can cause comic sounding of speech (a grated sparrow, a shot roll, not all a hangover for a cat, Shrovetide in someone else's feast). Examples of contamination of elements of various phraseological units can be found in the Krokodil magazine in the section “You can't think of it on purpose” (This is how I stayed overboard).

Considering stylistic errors associated with not correct use phraseological units, one should also touch upon those cases when involuntary puns arise in speech, due to the fact that the speaker uses words in their direct meaning, but listeners perceive their combination as a figurative expression of a phraseological nature, so that the statement is given a completely unexpected meaning. The so-called external homonymy of phraseological units and free combinations that caused the error can lead to the most unexpected puns, giving the speech inappropriate comic. For example, an agitated speaker talks about the riots at a construction site: Three times they wrote down in the minutes the decision on the need to reserve slate for the landfill, but the time has come - there is nothing to cover. Against the background of an emotionally colored statement, the last two words are perceived not in the literal sense, but as a phraseological unit, meaning "nothing to say in response, nothing to argue." Thus, phraseology, being a source of imagery and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties with an inattentive attitude to the word.

Phraseologisms, like words, can be used both in oral and written speech, be commonly used or refer to a certain stylistic layer.

Ignorance of the exact meaning of phraseological units, its lexical and grammatical composition, expressive and stylistic features, sphere of use, compatibility, and finally, inattentive attitude to the figurative nature of phraseological units lead to speech errors. When using phraseological units, errors may not be related to the specifics of phraseological units as reproducible stable turns. An unsuccessful choice of a phraseological synonym, the use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics, a violation of the compatibility of the phraseological turnover with the words of the surrounding context, etc. - all these errors, in essence, do not differ from similar speech errors when using separate words.

The use of a phraseological unit without taking into account its semantics distorts the meaning of the statement. So, A.S. Pushkin, after reading "Answer to Gnedich" by K.N. Father, against the lines Your friend now gives you his heart with his hand remarked: "Father is marrying Gnedich!" The use of phraseological units with a certain stylistic coloring may conflict with the content and style of the work. For example: He was rushing about, looking for salvation. He came up with a touching story to justify himself, but it sounded like the swan song of this hardened villain. Phraseologism swan song, which contains a positive assessment, a sympathetic attitude towards the one about whom it is said, is stylistically inappropriate in this context. It is impossible to combine in one sentence phraseological units with a contrasting stylistic coloring, for example, reduced, colloquial and bookish, solemn: He promised that he would not hit his face in the dirt and would work like the regular drivers of steppe ships. It is also unacceptable to combine expressively colored phraseological units with official business vocabulary: the Chairman showered me with a golden rain in the amount of eighty thousand rubles; emotionally bright, poetic phraseological units with speech cliches that go back to "clerical eloquence": Happy is the one who hurries to live and feel in a hurry, by and large. The mixing of styles that arises when they are combined gives the speech a parody sound.

Let us analyze the errors that occur with the incorrect use of stable turns of speech and are associated with an unjustified change in the composition of a phraseological unit or with a distortion of its figurative meaning.

1. Stylistically unjustified change in the composition of the phraseological unit:

1) there is an unmotivated expansion of the phraseological unit as a result of the use of qualifying words: For livestock breeders, the main highlight of the program is the breeding of valuable breeds of livestock. There is a phraseological unit the nail of the program, but the definition of "main" is inappropriate here. The authors, not taking into account the impenetrability of phraseological units, try to "supplement" them, color them with epithets, which gives rise to verbosity. More examples: Let's hope that Volkov will say his big word and in coaching; From all of their long legs she started to run.

In irregular speech, quite often there are combinations of a pleonastic nature, formed from phraseological units and redundant definitions to their components: to suffer a complete fiasco, an accidental stray bullet, hard Sisyphus work, cheerful homeric laughter. In other cases, the expansion of the phraseological unit is not associated with pleonasm. For example: An unenviable palm tree for the growth of crime belongs to the Southern Administrative District; Commercial organizations have risen to the challenge of new challenges. Phraseologisms palm, being on top do not allow spread;

2) there is an unjustified reduction in the composition of the phraseological unit as a result of the omission of its components. So, they write: this is an aggravating circumstance (instead of: an aggravating circumstance). Mistakenly truncated phraseological units lose their meaning, their use in speech can lead to the absurdity of the statement: The success of this student wants a lot better (instead of: leaves much to be desired); Coach Williamson made a good face (omitted: bad play);

3) often there is a distortion of the lexical composition of phraseological units: the Master more than once talked heart to heart with his wards (it is necessary: ​​he spoke). The erroneous substitution of one of the components of the phraseological unit can be explained by the synonymous similarity of words: The path led from the gate to the outbuilding from which Antoshin had just barely removed his legs (followed: carried away) and even more often by mixing paronyms: He entered himself (must: left). In other cases, instead of one of the components of the phraseological unit, a word is used that only vaguely resembles the repressed one: Well, they, as they say, have books in their hands (it is necessary: ​​cards). False associations sometimes give rise to very funny and ridiculous mistakes: Go and figure out which of them is hiding an ax in his bosom (phraseological unit: hold a stone in his bosom);

4) a change in the composition of phraseological units can be caused by the renewal of grammatical forms, the use of which in stable phrases is fixed by tradition. For example: Children killed the worms and were amused - you cannot use the plural instead of the singular. An unjustified replacement of the grammatical form of one of the components of a phraseological unit is often the cause of the comic: It remains a mystery how such a colossus could have been erected by four people, even if seven spans in their foreheads and oblique fathoms in the shoulders. In other cases, a new grammatical form of a word in a phraseological combination affects the semantic aspect of speech: For more than twenty years, a veteran has been crossing the threshold of a cellular police station. Phraseologism to cross the threshold is used only in the meaning of "to commit some important act" and excludes repeated repetition of the action, therefore, it is possible to use the verb only in the form of a perfect form, while replacing its specific form leads to absurdity.

As part of the phraseological unit, it is also impossible to allow distortion of prepositions: He never thought that these words would come true in his fate with full measure (instead of: in full). The inability to correctly choose case forms and prepositions in phraseological units gives rise to such "strange" mistakes: squeaking at the heart, holding the authorities, this is a fraught business with consequences, to put a tablecloth on his way, his head goes around (3, p. 125).

2. Distortion of the figurative meaning of the phraseological unit.

The greatest damage to style is caused by the unjustified destruction of the figurativeness of phraseological expression. For example: The gramophone record has not yet said its last word. The context revealed the direct meaning of the words that formed the phraseological unit, and as a result, a pun arose. The perception of a phraseological unit in its unusual, unintelligible meaning gives the speech an inappropriate comic: This year Aeroflot managed to keep the flow of passengers at a high level; Starting to work at the drifting station, our team at first did not yet feel the ground under their feet. To avoid such mistakes, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the context.

The context can show not only the irrelevant meaning of phraseological units, but also reveal the inconsistency of their metaphorical structure, if the author inadvertently “collides” stable combinations that are incompatible in meaning. For example: These people are firmly on their feet, so you will not be able to clip their wings. The first phraseological unit, as it were, “attaches” the image to the ground, and this makes it impossible to use the second phraseological unit, which is based on the idea of ​​flight: clipping wings means “making it impossible to fly”. One phraseological unit excludes the other.

A prerequisite for the correct use of phraseological units is strict adherence to the peculiarities of their compatibility with the words of the context. So, a phraseological unit to be published can only be used in combination with the names of printed publications. That is why the proposal is stylistically incorrect. The Musical Theater has published the ballet "The Lonely Sail Whitens"; in this case, it was necessary to write staged a ballet ... or prepared a premiere ... Stylistically incorrect and such a phrase: Life, as in the palm of your hand, took place in public (phraseological unit as in the palm of your hand requires the word is visible).

When using phraseological units, various errors are often combined. So, a change in the lexical composition of a phraseological unit is accompanied by a distortion of the figurative meaning. For example: Oblomov was the banner of the times. In this sentence, the phraseological unit a sign of the times is distorted. The substitution of the image underlying the phraseological unit radically transforms its meaning. Some errors associated with the distortion of the composition of the phraseological unit and its figurative meaning are widespread in speech: At least a number of scales on the head (it is necessary: ​​amuse); Bring to a white knee (Although: to white heat) (3, p. 127).

3. Contamination of various phraseological units.

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech can be contamination, i.e. mixing, elements of various set expressions. For example: The tongue does not rise to speak about it. Well-known phraseological units - the language does not turn and the hand does not rise - the author mixed and used a noun from the first phraseological unit, and a verb from the second. Such stylistic errors are attributed to false associations.

The contamination of elements of various phraseological units can make speech illogical: Many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen carelessly (right: they work carelessly, looking through their fingers); This business is not worth a dime (it’s true: it’s not worth a dime, it’s not worth a dime).

Contamination of elements of various phraseological units can cause comic sounding of speech: a grated sparrow, a shot roll, not all a hangover for a cat, Shrovetide in someone else's feast (3, p. 128).

Thus, phraseology, being a source of imagery and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties with an inattentive attitude to the word. It is necessary to clearly monitor the correct use of phraseological units and not allow any distortion.

Conclusions on the first chapter

Having studied the theoretical material, the following conclusions can be drawn.

First, phraseological phrases differ from ordinary phrases. They have reproducibility, impenetrability of structure, holistic meaning and stability of the grammatical form of the components.

Secondly, phraseological units can be classified according to various criteria. There is a classification based on varying degrees idiomatic (non-motivated) components in the composition of phraseological units, based on grammatical similarity, on the correspondence of the syntactic functions of phraseological units and parts of speech with which they can be replaced, as well as in connection with the origin.

Thirdly, there is no single definite source of phraseological vocabulary replenishment. Phraseologisms arise both in our speech and are borrowed from other languages, come from different spheres life are created by various authors.

Fourthly, phraseological units can be stylistically neutral, or they can express different kind assessments and the speaker's attitude to what is being expressed, to give speech a special flavor.

And, finally, fifthly, we must remember that phraseological units, decorating our speech, making it more lively, imaginative, bright, beautiful, and give us a lot of trouble. When used incorrectly, speech errors: the figurativeness of the meaning is lost; often phraseological units are understood literally or the meaning changes altogether; new components are added in the phraseological unit structure or, conversely, fixed ones are skipped; some words are replaced with others as part of these units; several turns are mixed into one. Therefore, you should be careful when using phraseological units in your speech.

The editor must distinguish between phraseological innovation and an involuntary change in the composition of phraseological units, distortion of their meaning due to a misunderstanding of stable expression, inappropriate puns arising from the use of free phrases that are homonymous with phraseological units.

For example, a critic writes in an article about a new performance: Maybe there will be such spectators who will not agree with me ... Well, may they rest in peace. Using phraseological units without regard to semantics, he "buried" his opponents. The speaker is outraged by the riots at the construction site: Three times money was allocated for ondulin for the roof of the sports complex, but the time has come, and there is nothing to cover! (the last words are perceived not in their direct meaning, but as a phraseological unit, meaning "nothing to say in response", "nothing to argue").

Inappropriate contamination of phraseological units gives the speech a comic, makes the statement absurd: He was a grated sparrow, and it was not easy to expose him; So I was left behind a broken trough ... (in last example the realization of the metaphor also arises).

Especially often the editor has to deal with errors when using phraseological units in sports coverage... The use of phraseological units is stylistically unjustified, sometimes it testifies not to skill, but to the author's helplessness, to his ignorance of the language. Those who believe that it is enough to insert a proverb, proverb or any other phraseological unit into a report is far from right, and the presentation will become artistic, emotional, lively. Phraseologism, in its emotional and expressive coloring, may not fit the style of the author's speech. Stylistically inappropriate is the bookish, somewhat outdated phraseological unit in such a sentence: In some types of the program there was a struggle between experience and youth, but still there were more such numbers where the reins of government were in the hands of young athletes. Its use gives speech an ironic coloring, which is completely unjustified by the content of the information. Another example of the same unmotivated mixing of styles when using phraseological units: In sports, as in life, happy is the one who “is in a hurry to live and to feel in a hurry” by and large. Lines from a poem by P.A. Vyazemsky "First Snow", known as the epigraph to the first chapter of "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin should not have been put next to the stamp, their incompatibility makes the reader smile.

Stylistically, the journalist's hobby for phraseological units is also not motivated in such, for example, a message: The first pancake was lumpy for the European champion, who could not find common language with "banana mustang" and did not take the starting height. The combination of phraseological units with a playful paraphrase, which the author quotes, leads to unnecessary overload of the text figurative means, moreover, they are given in combination with special and book vocabulary, and this stylistic diversity linguistic means also creates inappropriate comic.

Oh low speech culture the writer is evidenced by the distortion of the usual linguistic form of phraseological units without a special stylistic task. They write, neglecting the established language norms: Not behind the mountain the day when new competitions will begin (in this expression, the noun is fixed in the plural form: not far off); For these heroes, even seven spans in their foreheads and slanting fathoms in their shoulders, such a task turned out to be unbearable (and here the highlighted words should have been used in the singular); The tourists settled down to rest and first of all they killed the worms (how many were there, these "worms"?); To succeed, you have to work tirelessly (hands or arms?). In the first case, the plural form is not justified accusative case, in the second - singular genitive, since only the genitive plural is needed - tirelessly.

It is impossible to distort the forms of verbs in the composition of phraseological units, because this can give the statement an undesirable semantic connotation. For example, is it not strange that this statement is: More than twenty years it has been crossing the threshold of the factory sports club Ilya Trofimovich? Phraseologism to cross the threshold is used only in the meaning of "to commit some important act" and excludes repeated repetition of the action.

That is why it is so important to use the verb in the form of the perfect form, while replacing it with the opposite one leads to absurdity. Sometimes authors do not know how to correctly enter phraseological units into a sentence. After all, a stable combination must fit into the context, correctly connect with other words. But sometimes there are cases of violation of the compatibility of the phraseological unit with the words with which it is associated. For example: This remark to the depths of his soul surprised the young man (the young man could be “to the depths of his soul” touched, shocked, but not surprised); Before the opening of the championship - a stone's throw (the highlighted expression is appropriate only when defining spatial, not temporal boundaries; here you could write: only a few days left); At first, the Gordian knot of this pair was a Kaufman, but finally he submitted (the “Gordian knot” cannot be conquered, it is cut open. And is this phraseological unit suitable for expressing the author's thought?).

Sometimes they try to enhance the expression of phraseological units by adding words to them. However, not every expansion of the phraseological unit is stylistically justified. It is unlikely that he should be welcomed in such a case, for example: Let's hope that Volkov will say his big word in coaching. This "technique" in the statement does not adorn the author's style: This time our players were at the height of the tasks they were facing. Inappropriate comic speech gives the expansion of the phraseological unit in such a phrase: She rushed to run with all her long legs. And in another case, the result of a similar mistake by the author was the absurdity of the statement: Choosing music for the program, the skater walks in step with his time.

Unjustified truncation of the composition of phraseological units, unmotivated replacement of words in them can also cause no less damage to style. In a note about basketball players we read: Those who have to root for the success of the team look at all these outrages with their eyes closed. Here, apparently, two phraseological units are confused: to turn a blind eye and close your eyes (to something). Another writer “polemicizes” with the author of this material: Nobody closes his eyes at the sight of shortcomings in the supply of athletes with equipment (again illogical, because the phraseological unit already quoted is distorted).

When using phraseological units, mistakes occur that testify to the negligence of the authors: This initiative should be given a wide street (instead of: green street) ', others convict the authors of poor knowledge of classical sources: We have been waiting for a long time for our skaters to break through a window to Europe. (In Pushkin: To cut a window to Europe.) Moreover, it is unlikely that these winged words match by value for information about sporting events... But the most dangerous are those mistakes that give rise to misinterpreting the author's thought. “The athlete understood that his comrades had shown him the highest measure of confidence,” the commentator says, not suspecting that his remark contains a hint of capital punishment. Using phraseological units in an unusual sense for him, another would-be storyteller "buries" his heroes: last way will soon learn about the new victory of the conquerors mountain peaks... A similar mistake, associated with the distortion of the meaning of the phraseological unit, crept into such a narrative: It was necessary to say goodbye. The participants of the hike gathered around the fire to sing their swan song.

Considering the errors associated with the incorrect use of phraseological units, one should also mention those cases when involuntary puns arise in speech due to the fact that the writer uses words in their direct meaning, and the reader perceives their combination as a figurative expression of a phraseological nature. At the same time, the statement is given a completely unexpected meaning. The authors are often let down by the so-called external homonymy of phraseological units and free word combinations. Because of it, the statement may lose clarity, for example: Our group on a trip got a geographic map with white spots. The highlighted words obviously indicate that the map was faulty (there were unprinted places on it), but they can also be interpreted as a phraseological unit: white spots on the map are undiscovered lands.

Thus, phraseology, being a source of imagery and expressiveness of speech, can also create significant difficulties with an inattentive attitude to the word.

4). A change in the composition of phraseological units can be caused by a distortion of grammatical forms, the use of which in stable phrases is enshrined in tradition. For example: the children have killed the worms and amused themselves; he came here not to work, but to chase long rubles - you cannot use the plural instead of the singular. As part of phraseological units, distortion of prepositions is unacceptable: put

dots on and; seven spans on the forehead; He dressed quickly and went out. Distortion of the grammatical structure of phraseological units often leads to a change in their meaning: a tablecloth on his way, his head goes around. Changing the grammatical form of the words included in the turnover: "The chief engineer clearly distorted in his heart" (distorted his soul).

2.3. Distortion of the figurative meaning of phraseological units

1). The greatest damage to style is caused by the unjustified destruction of the figurativeness of phraseological expression. For example: the record has not yet said its last word - the context has shown the direct meaning of the phraseological unit words, and a pun has arisen. Sometimes it is not clear what the author had in mind: the original or figurative meaning of the expression. For example: white spots were found on maps printed in a printing house - criticizing the work of a printing house, the author called unprinted places on maps as white spots. Stylistic incompatibility of the phraseological unit with the context: “A lower tax is an incentive for privatization, and there is no need to break anyone over the knee”.

2). A common mistake is the violation of the unity of the figurative system of phraseological units and the surrounding context. For example: the speaker spoke in a loud and shrill voice, like a Jericho trumpet - it turns out that the Jericho trumpet speaks and even has a shrill voice.

Words surrounding a phraseological unit are usually involved in a figurative context. Therefore, such a use of words in a figurative sense, which creates contradictory images, is unacceptable: an idea will burst like a house of cards; try to somehow resolve the vicious circle.

The figurative basis of phraseological units requires special attention to their compatibility with the words of the context. So, a phraseological unit to be published can only be used in combination with the names of printed publications. Therefore, stylistically incorrect is the sentence “Musical Theater has released a ballet”; in this case it was necessary to write a choreographed ballet. Stylistically incorrect and such phrases: life, as in the palm of your hand, took place in public (phraseological unit as in the palm of your hand requires the word is visible); many, knowing about these outrages, look at the tricks of enterprising businessmen carelessly (that's right: they turn a blind eye). [Golub I.B. Stylistics of the modern Russian language. M., 1976]

2.3. Contamination of various phraseological units

The reason for the incorrect use of phraseological units in speech may be the contamination of elements of various fixed expressions. Contamination - (from Latin contaminatio mixing) the emergence of a new expression through crossing, combining parts of two words or expressions. For example, take action from take action and take steps, give value from give attention and give value, make value from give attention and give value. Such stylistic errors are attributed to false associations. Some mistakes caused by the contamination of elements of various phraseological units are so often repeated that we perceive them as expressions fixed in common parlance: play the main violin, achieve success, work tirelessly, get involved in the initiative, etc. Combining two different phraseological units: “Why cheese - fence fence "(fence or fuss broke out).

The contamination of elements can cause comic sounding of speech: a grated sparrow, a shot roll, not all a hangover for a cat, a carnival in someone else's feast.



A favorite technique in texts modern media more and more are various transformations of phraseological units. The possibility of their transformation follows from the preservation of the internal form of phraseological units, i.e. their original, literal meaning, and relative stability. Both the semantics and the structure of phrases can be transformed. The transformation of the semantics of phraseological units is possible because they have internal form, which allows the authors to "restore" to one degree or another the erased image and adapt the generalized, metaphorical meaning of this or that expression to specific conditions context.

All types of transformation can be divided into two sections: non-analytical (semantic, semantic) and analytical transformation.

3.1. Semantic transformation

With a semantic transformation, the composition of a phraseological unit remains unchanged: either new shades of meaning are introduced into it, or a play on words arises as a result of combining straight lines and figurative values, and then a certain expressive effect is achieved: "Have you pricked up your skis?" - headline about preparations for the winter sports season.

There are two types of creation of a phraseological image by means of semantic transformations. The first - at the source of the image - is a phraseological unit and a free combination is brought to it (two-dimensional phraseological unit). The second way of creating an image - the primary one turns out to be a free phrase (literalization). [Kovalev V.P. The main individual author's methods of expressive use of phraseological units. Novgorod, 1971]

3.1.1. Using the literal meaning of phraseological units

Often, to express irony about what is happening or achieve a comic effect, the author uses a phraseological unit (creates a phraseological pun), choosing the context in such a way that the components of the phraseological unit are perceived literally. For example: "They Wipe Dostoevsky's Nose" - the reader, intrigued by the possibility of creative rivalry with the great writer, learns that only a literary subbotnik took place at the Dostoevsky monument, where famous writers cleaning "places of interest, fanned by literary glory." On the same page we read: "A film from scratch." Judging by the title, the author criticizes the film, which was filmed about nothing, but the same method of literalization of phraseological units is used here: the action of the film "Jerry" by Gus Van Sant takes place in the desert, which symbolizes the existential desert human life... [Kommersant No. 71, 23.04.2003, p.22]

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