Home Roses How to make biscuit cream at home. Cream for biscuit cakes

How to make biscuit cream at home. Cream for biscuit cakes

Cream for sponge cake can be prepared on the basis of a variety of products - chocolate, butter, sour cream, condensed milk, bananas, nuts, etc. We offer you only the most delicious recipes!

The cream is a bulk mass. It is prepared by whipping protein, eggs, butter, cream, sour cream, sugar, etc. In addition, other products can be added to it - gelatin, nuts, fruits. With the help of creamy masses decorate and layer cakes. The easiest option for decorating pastries is to apply the cream on the surface of the knife and gently spread over the surface. You can give the mass a variety of patterns using a culinary bag and different nozzles. If you don’t have such a bag at hand, use baking paper, from which make a cone-shaped tube. Cut the end of the tube at a right angle or with cloves. This will allow you to receive various drawings. Remember that the creamy mixture is a perishable product, so it can be stored from 3 to 40 hours (in the refrigerator).

Cream cake recipe


Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
- egg white - 2 pieces
- water - 30 ml
- powdered sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour water into the ladle, pour in the powder, stir, boil over medium heat. Readiness check as follows: take a little syrup of a teaspoon and see how it drains from it. If it is a thick stream, then the syrup is ready, and if it is a thin “thread”, then it is not yet.
2. Chilled egg whites beat, gradually introduce them into the hot mass with regular whipping.
3. Beat the mixture for another 3 minutes until ready.

Butter cream for biscuit cake.

Required products:

Gelatin - a teaspoon
- cream - one glass
- powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.
- vanilla sugar
- crushed pineapple - 4 tbsp. spoons


1. Pour gelatin with water, leave to swell. Dissolve it over low heat or a water bath with regular stirring, cool.
2. Whip the cream, carefully add the powdered sugar, put the vanilla sugar. At the same time, continue to interrupt with a mixer. Cool, use immediately after preparation.

For cooking, use only chilled cream with a fat content of 33-35%. You can cook it with eggs, various berry and fruit additives, gelatin and without it. You can also put honey, alcohol, nuts, cocoa, coffee, etc.

Sour cream for biscuit cake

This is very delicious option and, unlike creamy, less high-calorie. For the dish, use only fresh, fat sour cream. Refrigerate it before whipping so that the consistency is better whipped. You can also add butter or gelatin. It will keep no more than two hours in the refrigerator.


- crushed sugar - a tablespoon
- fat sour cream - one glass

How to cook:

1. Cool sour cream, beat, adding powder and a small amount of vanilla.
2. Pour in cocoa, gently stir with a whisk.
3. ready mix do not store for a long time.

Cream for chocolate biscuit cake

This version of the cream is one of the easiest and fastest. And most importantly - it turns out in 100% of cases. It's almost impossible to screw it up! By the way, if you didn’t have the very first ingredient at hand, you can replace it with butter and milk.

You will need:

Cream - 155 g
- dark chocolate - 155 g

How to cook:

1. We warm up the dairy products, without boiling, turn off the fire.
2. Dilute a piece of chocolate in a hot liquid. The mass becomes thick rather quickly. You can grease the top with it, while the sponge cake layers, and then hide it in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Baking lovers will appreciate it.

Cream for biscuit cake photo

Option with condensed milk.

Required products:

Butter, condensed milk - 200 g each
- vanilla sugar - one sachet
- liqueur - 3 tablespoons

Cooking steps:

1. Heat the fat to room temperature, beat with a mixer.
2. Gradually pour in the condensed milk.
3. Pour in some liquor.

Want to eat tasty and healthy? Eat!

The best cream for biscuit cake.

Required products:

Liquor - 155 ml
- prunes - 200 g
- cream - 500 ml
- sugar - 3 tbsp.

How to cook:

1. To get the most delicious filling, soak prunes in the evening. Do not forget to remove the bones from it first. Chop dried fruit with kitchen scissors or a knife.
2. Pour the resulting mixture with liquor, refrigerate.
3. Kill the swollen fruits along with alcohol in a blender. The mass does not have to be homogeneous, it is quite acceptable that it contains pieces of prunes.
4. In a separate clean bowl, stir the cream with a mixer.
5. The most awaits you final stage- Assembling the cake Put the first cake on the dish, grease it with the filling, apply a third of the whipped cream on top. Put the second cake, grease with prunes and whipped mass. Repeat the same operations for the third layer.
6. Level the surface with a knife, decorate with fruits and candied fruits, sprinkle with grated chocolate.
7. Put the finished baking in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Delicious cream for biscuit cake


Cocoa - 3 tbsp. spoons
- cream - 500 ml
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.


1. Chilled milk product add cocoa, stir, taste, add more if necessary.
2. Start stirring the cream with a mixer for slow speed Using a stirrer, carefully add the sugar.
3. Lubricate the cakes with the filling, soaking them in advance with syrup or liquor.

It also turns out very tasty.

Walnut option.

Required products:

Milk - 130 ml
- hazelnuts, granulated sugar - 50 g each
- yolk - 2 pieces
- butterfat - 120 g
- starch - 10 g
- vanillin - 1 p.

How to cook:

1. Vanillin, starch, sugar, yolks, milk, mix in a blender to get a uniform consistency.
2. Heat all this in a water bath until almost boiling. During this time, stir the mass with a wooden spatula.
3. As soon as the cream thickens, pour hazelnuts into it, stir, remove from heat, let cool.
4. Grind the butter in a blender, set the speed to maximum. Portionally pour in the resulting sweet filling.

Custard cream for biscuit cake.

You will need:

Sugar - 1 cup
- butter -120 g
- milk - 1 liter
- vanilla
- flour - 2.5 tablespoons
- egg - 5 pieces

Cooking steps:

1. Boil the milk
2. Beat the eggs, flour, sugar.
3. Cool the milk mixture to 80 degrees, pour in the egg mixture, heat until thickened, stirring with a wooden spatula.

Simple cream for biscuit cake.


Milk - 120 g
- vanilla
- yolk - 2 pieces
- sugar - three tablespoons
- cream - 200 g
- gelatin - 10 g


1. Mix sugar with yolks well in an enamel bowl, pour in boiled milk.
2. With continuous stirring, heat the mixture to 80 degrees.
3. Combine all this with gelatin.
4. Pour in vanillin, stir well, cool to 25 gr.
5. Cool the cream, beat with a mixer to get a lush and thick mass.

Coffee filling.

This option is prepared according to the same principle as the previous one. Only during the preparation of the milk-egg mixture, add 50 ml of milk, not 100. In addition, add 50 grams of freshly brewed natural coffee, boil, add gelatin, cool, pour in whipped cream.

Don't know what to cook for your baby? Do it for him.

Strawberry cream.

Required products:

Milk - 100 ml
- egg - 2 pieces
- sugar - 80 g
- strawberries - 200 g
- cream - 155g
- gelatin - 10 g

How to cook:

1. Rub part of the sugar together with the yolks, pour in warm milk. With regular stirring, heat it all up until it thickens.
2. Dilute gelatin in water, add to the mixture.
3. Beat the remaining sugar with a dairy product, pour in the egg-milk liquid, crushed strawberries.

Try also to do . lovers tender dough he will surely love it!

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake.


Creamy dairy product - 255 g
- vanillin - 2 pinches
- granulated sugar
- cottage cheese - 420 g


1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, pour in the creamy liquid, stir with a whisk.
2. Add granulated sugar, vanillin, knead, grease the cakes.

You will also like bana new cream for butter cake. It is prepared on the basis of any of the presented types of fillings. You just need to choose a ripe banana, cut it into cubes or chop it, and then add it as one of the components.

If you are looking for delicious and healthy drink, then we recommend that you prepare . A pleasant aftertaste and a full charge of vivacity are guaranteed!

In conclusion, we would like to give you some tips for preparing a delicious biscuit.

1. The first condition is the correct proportion of products. To bake a medium-sized product, you need to take 5 chicken eggs, ¾ cup of sifted flour, 200 g of granulated sugar, 0.25 tbsp. starch, a pinch of salt. If desired, you can put cardamom, turmeric, vanilla, etc. into the dough.
2. All foods must be at the same temperature. The baking dish must be cold.
3. Divide the eggs into yolks and whites. Beat the first with sugar, and the second with salt.
4. Add the remaining products to the sugar-yolk mass, gently knead the dough. At the same time, you need to knead it in one direction. This will allow him to become airy.
5. Pour in the protein liquid.
6. Preheat the oven in advance. If the dough has to “wait in the wings” for at least a few minutes, then its splendor will decrease several times.
7. The mold must be greased in advance or lined with parchment paper. Do not use flour, semolina, nuts or crackers for this purpose!
8. The product can be baked from 10 to 40 minutes. During the first half of the time, it is strictly forbidden to open the door oven because your biscuit may turn into a cake!

- which one to choose, because there are so many of them? And how do you make sure it works? We will help you choose and teach you how to cook!

Hi all! Those who are just starting to make cakes often ask me: “What cream is suitable for this biscuit? What do you recommend?" So, to make it easier for everyone, I decided to create this article, and to describe here, of course, not all, but many creams that are well suited to biscuit cakes.

What should be the cream to "go well" with the biscuit? Focusing on my experience, I will say: it must be fairly stable in order to confidently stay inside. Too liquid cream will flow out under the weight of the cakes, especially if they are heavy, well-soaked, or cooked on natural oil, with chocolate, etc. However, the cream for the layer should not be too dense (as for leveling), otherwise it will be dry and, perhaps, not tender enough. The golden mean is what we need!)

All recipes, as always, have been repeatedly tested by me personally, as well as by readers of the site. They are guaranteed to work. However, the taste of creams, of course, is different, and I will try to describe the features of each as objectively as possible, so that you can imagine as clearly as possible what you will get and do right choice. After all, to each his own.

So let's go!

Cream Cheese, or Cheese Cream

Roughly speaking, there are two cream cheeses: and. For the filling, inside the cake, I recommend using. better suited for leveling the cake: in general, both of these creams are stable, but stronger in oil.

To date, cream cheese is one of the most beloved creams by both confectioners and their customers. He is really good. He obediently behaves in cakes, goes well with fruits, berries, caramel, condensed milk and any other additives. Quick and easy to prepare. There are a million options for proportions. It seems that how many confectioners, so many proportions) Those that I use are. But you can put more cream, as well as play with the amount of powdered sugar.

If you have never tried cream cheese, then I must warn you: the taste of the cream has a slight salty tint due to the actual cheese from which it is made. Many people really like this taste: salt, as it were, sets off, emphasizes the sweetness of everything else, it sounds very piquant) Unusual, surprising, fresh, if you like. But for some it is so unusual that it causes rejection. Therefore, cream cheese has both ardent admirers and opponents, those who categorically do not like it. If you have tried cheesecake, in a cafe or at a party, but real, on cheese, and not on cottage cheese, then the taste of cream cheese will be familiar to you.

As for the cheese. Of course, for cream cheese, not "Russian", not "Poshekhonsky", not "Yantar" cheese, and not even "Omichka", but cottage cheese Philadelphia type. True, this particular brand cannot be found in Russia today, and confectioners take available analogues: Hochland, Violette, Kremette, Kaymak, etc. This is not processed cheese! This is curd cheese, creamy, that is, without additives like dill, tomatoes, etc. Someone makes it with ricotta, but, as for me, this is already something else, not cream cheese. Yes, curd cheese from different manufacturers differs slightly from each other in consistency, degree of salinity, color and other characteristics, so you may have to try a few. different cheeses to choose the one that suits you best.

You can also add a few tablespoons of fruit or berry puree, good cocoa powder, melted chocolate or chocolate chips to a standard cream cheese. You will get a new cream already) Do not overdo it: two or three tbsp. l. will be sufficient.

Mascarpone cream

Another wonderful cream, and also based on cheese, however, now it is mascarpone. As you know, its taste is delicate, delicate, exceptionally creamy. This cheese is not salty, but rather, on the contrary, slightly sweetish, closer to neutral. So with it it turns out the most tender and super-creamy! I love him very much and can recommend him with a clear conscience. In the cake, the cream behaves perfectly, especially if you collect the cake in a ring and leave it to stabilize overnight. However, I recommend collecting all the cakes only in the ring and be sure to give time to settle, at least a few hours, or better, a night.

The main rule for making this cream is that cheese and cream should be directly from the refrigerator! Otherwise, the cream may exfoliate. Just like in the previous case, you can add fruit and berry puree to the cream, the berries themselves or pieces of fruit, various syrups, nuts (better caramelized, they will crunch better), melted chocolate, chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Experiment!

But keep in mind, it’s better to boil the puree slightly with sugar and cool, and only then add it to the cream, so the cream will be safer, and with it the cake will get a longer shelf life. raw berries and fruits turn sour pretty quickly inside the cake, so if you put them, then keep in mind that the cake will need to be eaten as soon as it is infused, that is, literally in a few hours! And better - put canned fruits or boil fresh ones with sugar for just a few minutes, cool and only then use for the cake.

Proportions and technology for making cream in pictures -.

sour cream

Another great cream for your biscuit cakes!

Making it is very easy, but you need to prepare: there should be sour cream! Only with such sour cream will the cream turn out to be strong, stable and will hold perfectly inside the cake. If you use ordinary sour cream, unweighed, even high fat(in our stores the maximum is 30%), the cream will be liquid and can only be used for cakes with big amount thin cakes like or. Between biscuit cakes, such a cream will not hold. But on the basis of weighed sour cream, the cream turns out, although gentle, but quite suitable for a biscuit cake. Moreover, you remember: you need to collect the cake in the ring and give it time to brew in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. During this time, the cream will get stronger and will not go anywhere.

Cream Plombir

It was under this name that I once found this cream. That's how I remembered it, wrote it down, tested it and later published it here. Out of habit. But in fact, more the exact name- sour cream. Why am I focusing on this? The fact is that, judging by my blogging experience, this cream does not remind everyone of ice cream ice cream (and I don’t want your expectations to be deceived), which, of course, does not detract from its other advantages. And there are really a lot of them! Thanks to a decent amount of butter, the cream turns out to be quite stable both for the filling of the cake and for the outer coating. It can be used both for a multi-layer cake like a honey cake, and for a biscuit one, it is suitable for both vanilla and chocolate cakes, it is combined with any additives. The taste of sour cream is quite noticeable, as, in fact, the taste of butter, so all products should be highest quality! No spreads, no margarines or cheap "butter-types", no sour cream products, only natural, fresh ingredients. As much as you can find.

A detailed recipe and cooking technology with a photo -.

Cream Charlotte

But this cream is already a real oil. But for oil - very good! Of course, if you only use quality products and, first of all, real butter, not margarine or an incomprehensible product that says butter on it, but in reality it is something terrible with an oily smell.

Cream Charlotte is a Soviet heritage, it was used in many confectionery products of those years, for example, in the famous. But of course, you can use it for other cakes, those that you come up with yourself.

What makes any oil cream? It seizes very quickly in the refrigerator, and the cake with it turns out strong, which is very good for transportation and creating complex structures, the so-called 3D cakes. If you notice, American and Australian confectioners almost always use butter cream for the layer of cakes, albeit different, not Charlotte. Firstly, apparently, they are so tasty, and in general - it’s so accepted, and secondly, it’s really convenient to work with butter cream: the cake is assembled quickly and even without a ring, it doesn’t have to be infused, there is practically no shrinkage, I kept it for an hour in the refrigerator and can be levelled.

And he has one minus, but significant: not everyone likes such a cream, it’s still too fat. And speaking specifically about Charlotte, it's sweet too. However, according to my observations, lovers of that old, Soviet pastry are simply delighted with it!

Tip: be sure to put cognac! Just believe: it will be much tastier and more aromatic.

Buttercream on swiss meringue

This cream, of course, is more suitable for leveling cakes, but, as I already wrote, if for some reason you want to use butter cream for filling the cake, then you can use this one. It tastes like butter cream, and that says it all. However, you can add cocoa powder or berry puree to it, it will be more interesting. And yet, do not neglect cognac, the taste of the cream will greatly benefit from this, and the shelf life will be slightly increased this way.

chocolate ganache

One of my favorite creams, if, of course, it can be called that, because the word “filling” is more suitable. After all, you can fill anything with ganache: cake, cupcakes, pasta cakes and any other cakes, sweets, etc. Ganache can also be used to level the cake. It's all about the proportions, for each type of product and the chocolate itself, they will be different.

I'm talking about ganache. Although the article was written a long time ago, I still fully agree with it, the main thing there is true. But the proportions - I repeat! - will differ depending on what exactly we are preparing. In general, you can invent your own, in which the ganache will completely suit you in taste, texture and behavior. The main thing to remember: the more cream and less chocolate, the less strong the ganache will be. For leveling, you need a stronger ganache, for the filling, respectively, more tender is suitable.

For example, to at least something to navigate. Inside the cake, I can advise, 1:1 for milk chocolate, 1:1.5 (chocolate-cream) for dark and 1.5:1 for white. This is for relatively dense fillings. In fact, you can take a lot, that's just significantly less chocolate! Just beat well afterwards! Then, rather, it will not be ganache already, but cream stabilized with chocolate, they will be tender with a light chocolate flavor. Less strong, of course, but very tasty, as I like to say - like melted ice cream. But it all depends on what else is in your cake, how sweet and dense your cakes are, etc. Therefore, do not take these words for truth, just experiment!) After all, if you undertook to invent your own cake, then you need to be prepared to trials and to the fact that you will not immediately find your ideal ratios between the components!

Well, and one more piece of advice, or rather, a rule: be sure to let the ganache brew in the refrigerator for several hours. So, by the way, you will see how it will be in the cake. If too dense, you can add cream and a little butter (it will add plasticity).

That's all for today!)

I think you can choose from this list sponge cake cream which suits you!

Meringues, albeit stable, like, I do not recommend using for filling the cake. Who doesn’t know, it’s just the name is so interesting, in fact, it’s a well-known protein custard. It is still a little dry to be inside the cake, it is good to use it for decoration.

However, there are many more creams that are great for sponge cake, and I will definitely talk about them in one of my next articles.

Stay with us!) And delicious creativity to you!

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Did you know that before the biscuit was a common food for sailors? Yes, yes, the nobility found out about this delicacy much later, and the first queen who had it on the table was Queen Elizabeth. And this is despite the fact that this dessert has a French name. We have already tried biscuit dough more than once in various culinary masterpieces, and a different result was obtained precisely from the impregnation, decoration and filling of the dessert. And since it has such important role, then let's talk about what a cream for a biscuit cake is. After all, not every recipe is suitable for this cake.

The peculiarity of the biscuit dough is that it is prepared without butter and sour cream, i.e. no fat at all. As a result, the finished cake has a dense and slightly harsh texture. This is not porous sour cream or manna for you. Therefore, the biscuit cream must be able to soak the baked cake and also keep its shape when you decorate the dessert with this cream.

These are the tasks set by confectioners for the creams known to us.

But there are universal cream mixtures, for example, curd, cream, yogurt, sour cream. Here are their recipes and we will analyze below.

Sour cream for biscuit cake (made from sour cream and sugar)

Sour cream - very available product. Depending on the ingredients added, it can take on different flavors. But in any case, this cut will always soak the dessert well and make its taste very delicate.


  • 500 gr sour cream from 20% fat
  • 100 gr sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 1 sachet of cream thickener

It is better to take homemade non-acidic sour cream. It is thicker and fatter than store-bought.

Add sour cream, sugar and vanillin to the container and start mixing everything with a mixer. Mix until the sugar completely turns into sour cream and ceases to be felt.

If the sour cream is very oily, then work with the mixer for a short time so as not to kill the sour cream and create butter. The sour cream will thicken as you beat.

Here, in general, is the whole cooking process.

But there are times when the sour cream mixture turned out to be liquid, then we add a bag of thickener to it.

If you're in favor of avoiding chemical additives in food, then you can do it, it shows how to do without a thickener.

Cream for biscuit cake - a very tasty and simple recipe

A sponge cake can be turned into a masterpiece using any of the creams listed below, most often it is protein, cottage cheese, creamy and custard. I want to bring another kind of very affordable cream that resembles ice cream. But it is not suitable for soaking biscuits, it turns out to be dry. It is used more in decorating desserts. And you can soak the cakes with syrup.

Cream for semolina cake:

  • 0.5 cup milk
  • 1 tbsp semolina
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar
  • 0.5 tsp butter

We cook the usual semolina let it boil for a minute.

Cover the porridge with cling film so that a crust does not appear.

Add sugar to soft butter, or even better use powdered sugar and beat together with porridge.

And it can already be used, grains of semolina in the cream are not felt at all.

This cream is also good with lemon. Lemon should be scalded with boiling water, peeled and peeled and chopped with a blender with the addition of sugar.

This additive is added at the stage of pouring porridge into the oil mixture.

This cream is unusual because it gives sourness and freshness.

Yogurt cream for biscuit cake

Gelatin can be added to yogurt cream, then it turns out to be more dense if it stands in the cold, or it can be prepared without gelatin. I described the gelatin cream option in this article, so I don’t want to repeat myself.


  • Cream packaging from 30% fat
  • 300-400 gr. thick yogurt

Before cooking, both products are kept in the cold. Remember that warm cream under the influence of a mixer will separate into two fractions (butter and whey), we do not need this. We do not translate products, but create culinary masterpieces.

And we begin to whip the cream with a blender, whisk or mixer until soft peaks.

You can add powdered sugar, it's up to your taste. When soft peaks are obtained, we begin to lay out 300 grams of thick yogurt and continue to mix it all. Turn off the mixer when the consistency of the cream has reached firm peaks. When the mass is thick and dense and does not pour out of the plate.

Now you can soak the biscuit with it or decorate its front part.

You can also soak a biscuit roll with this composition.

Butter cream for biscuit cake (from cream)

A truly stable cream is obtained according to the recipe below. And, if you are a master and masterfully own a culinary syringe, then you will really like this mass in your work.


  • 500 ml heavy cream
  • 2/3 cup sugar or powdered sugar
  • 200 gr. Philadelphia cream cheese
  • Vanillin

There are two rules for working with butter cream: we work only with a cold product and start the mixer at minimum speed.

We will begin the preparation of this magical cream, of course, by whipping the cream, gradually adding sugar or powder. Whisk until soft peaks.

Now let's get to the cheese. We cut it into pieces, add vanilla and a couple of spoons of whipped cream to it and mix.

Combine both masses in a deep container for a couple of minutes.

You will get a thick texture and delicate taste. With this cream, you can also coat the cakes from the inside and create any shape on them.

If you want to save on purchased Philadelphia cheese, then cook it according to this.

Cream for biscuit cake from condensed milk and butter

Here is one of the most common options for decorating and spreading sponge cake, created without effort. You choose condensed milk according to your taste - boiled, or simple according to GOST. The taste will still be very pleasant. Just look at the proportions, for some, a whole jar of condensed milk in cream may seem like overkill. Then you can dose the amount of poured condensed milk to your taste.


  • 200 grams softened butter
  • 1 can of condensed milk

Beat the butter to slightly change its structure and saturate it with oxygen.

Pour the condensed milk into the same container.

Beat for one minute on low speed. The cream is ready.

Cream for sponge cake with sour cream and condensed milk

Condensed milk in creams acts as a sugar substitute and gives a pleasant delicate aftertaste to the dessert. Moreover, this cream turns out to be less thick than from cream. The more convenient it will be used both inside the cake and outside when the gelatin is taken.

Ready-made sour cream


  • 800 gr fat sour cream
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • Gelatin
  • Vanilla sugar

Beat a little sour cream and add condensed milk.

Pour vanilla sugar into the mixture.

After that, pour in the melted gelatin.

That's the whole cooking process. The mixture will not run in the refrigerator and will absorb well into the cake.

Milk biscuit cream

In milk, the cream is not only whipped, but also boiled. That's why it's called "custard". Of course, the manufacturing technology is not quite familiar, but it is perfect for both biscuit and Napoleon cake.
Do you think it's hard to do? And I tell you that no, the main thing is not to forget to stir it, as in the case of semolina.


  • 1 egg
  • 75 gr sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of flour
  • 200 ml cold milk
  • 50 gr soft butter

Combine the egg with sugar with a blender, pour two tablespoons of flour into the same mass and gradually pour in cold milk.

Pour into a saucepan and brew over medium heat, not forgetting to stir, otherwise, when it becomes thick, it may burn or give you lumps as a result.

The finished cream has a consistency similar to liquid semolina.

There you need to put the butter, already softened. It must be stirred until completely dissolved.

It is ready to soak the cakes, but for further decor, send the saucepan with the mixture to spend the night in the refrigerator.

Cream for biscuit cake with cherries

Most often, fruits and berries are combined with a layer of cake and set aside for the final decoration.
If you don't like it when cherries turn everything red and then blue juice, then it is better to make chocolate cream with the addition of cream or snow-white, but using dye.

It is better to add cherries to the dough during baking or put them on the surface of the dessert already smeared with cream.

It is also crushed with sour cream or curd cream and soak biscuit cakes.


Tell VK

Biscuit cream comes in several varieties. Usually cakes from such a dough are soaked with sour cream, butter, protein, cottage cheese or custard. Them basic recipes are very simple and consist of only two or three ingredients, and the process of preparing the cream comes down to a simple whipping of products. Yes, for sour cream All you need is sour cream and sugar. If you make a simple butter cream, then its main components will be condensed milk and butter. And for protein cream you will need egg whites and powdered sugar. More complex creams, such as custard, take longer to cook and contain more ingredients: eggs, milk, sugar, flour, butter. But if you use various flavors, dyes, all kinds of additives, you can endlessly create various recipes delicious creams, each time surprising guests and loved ones with new desserts. You can add cocoa powder to the same cream with condensed milk, and you get a delicious chocolate layer for cakes or biscuits.

Often creams become not only delicious stuffing for cakes and other confectionery products. Arranged in beautiful bowls and decorated with nuts, dried fruits, fresh berries or chocolate, they become delicious desserts loved by both children and adults.

A simple custard recipe. In addition to impregnating biscuit cakes, it can also be used as an independent dessert. It is good to fill various cakes with this cream, such as eclairs or tubules. And if you send the custard to the freezer, then it will turn out to be real ice cream. Add a little vanilla - this will improve the taste and aroma of the cream.


  • milk - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • yolks - 10 pcs.;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire.
  2. Put the yolks in a separate bowl, mix with sugar, beat into a fluffy mass with a mixer. Whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour ½ liter of cold milk into the sugar-yolk mass. Whip it all up again.
  4. Add flour and starch, mix well.
  5. When the milk in the pan already comes to a boil (but does not boil), pour in the beaten yolks in a thin stream. In this case, constantly stir the cream.
  6. Cook over low heat, bring the resulting cream to a boil, stirring constantly. After the appearance of bubbles on the surface of the mass, cook for another 3 minutes and remove the pan from the stove.
  7. Cover the cream with cling film, cool and use to soak the cakes.

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Delicate cottage cheese-orange cream has a fabulous taste. Any dessert based on it literally melts in your mouth. Perfect for chocolate sponge cakes, filling baskets and other pastries. The cream can be served as an independent dessert, sprinkled with orange zest, grated chocolate or cocoa powder.


  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • cream - 200 ml (over 33%);
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender so that there are no small fractions left.
  2. Soak gelatin in half a glass of cold water.
  3. Peel oranges, remove seeds, cut into pieces. Using a blender, make puree, add sugar (2 tablespoons), mix well.
  4. We warm the gelatin, but do not boil until completely dissolved, add to the orange puree.
  5. Whip the cream, add to the grated cottage cheese.
  6. We send the remaining sugar to the cottage cheese, lemon juice, orange puree with gelatin. Mix the cream well and use.

Sour cream combines both the speed of preparation and a delicate, slightly sour taste. Thanks to this amazingly tasty and very simple cream The cake always turns out incredibly airy and lush. The cream is well suited for dry biscuits, such as honey cake. Important nuance: before soaking the cakes, put the cream in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes.


  • sour cream - 500 ml (25% fat);
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Put sour cream, vanillin and powdered sugar in a separate container. Mix well with a spoon until smooth.
  2. Beat with a mixer at medium speed for 10-15 minutes. The mass should increase at least twice.
  3. Optionally add chopped nuts, fruits, berries, coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

This cream has been popular for decades. The secret of his success is clear. The cream always turns out, it is quickly prepared from simple ingredients, it is great both for impregnating cakes and for creating various dessert decorations. In addition, it is also very tasty. If you want to make chocolate cream, add some cocoa powder.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • liqueur - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the butter out of the fridge ahead of time to warm it up. room temperature. If you want to speed up the process, cut the butter into small pieces.
  2. Put the softened butter in a separate bowl. Using a mixer, beat the ingredient until it becomes absolutely homogeneous and soft.
  3. Add condensed milk and a bag of vanilla sugar. You can use regular condensed milk or take boiled condensed milk. To give the cream an interesting taste and aroma, add a little liquor.
  4. Beat the cream for another 10-15 minutes. The finished cream should keep its shape well and have a uniform consistency.
  5. We impregnate the cakes with cream, using a pastry bag we make all kinds of decorations for dessert.

Now you know how to make biscuit cream according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Homemade cake is the most delicious dessert in the world. Even a cake prepared according to a simple recipe from family archive, can become a real culinary masterpiece if soaked with a delicious cream. pay attention to useful advice experienced chefs who know how to make delicious cream for a biscuit, and then your cake will always be the highlight of any home celebration or holiday:
  • The more sugar you add to sour cream, the thicker its consistency will be. If you want to make a thin cream, then use store-bought sour cream, a thick cream is obtained from fatty homemade sour cream.
  • When whipping sour cream, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk getting butter.
  • Before preparing sour cream, sour cream should be removed excess liquid. To do this, transfer it to gauze folded in several layers, hang it so that the serum flows out. This procedure takes several hours. If you want to speed up the process, add a couple of tablespoons of dried cream while whipping sour cream. They will give the cream the necessary density.
  • For the preparation of creams, it is best to use not sugar, but powdered sugar. It is easy to prepare in a blender or buy in a store.
  • Curd should only be used fresh. It must be whipped in a blender or rubbed through a sieve until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • Any cream can be served in bowls, sprinkled with nuts, grated chocolate, garnished with fresh or canned berries. Children especially love these desserts.

There is no cake without cream. The taste and appearance of the dessert largely depends on the layer. Even the most modest cake can become a chic cake if it is adequately decorated.

The most delicious creams for cakes - general principles of preparation

Criteria good cream: sweet, homogeneous, thick. To make it this way, you need to know the approach to each product.

Basic rules for making creams:

Sugar. Often it is replaced by powder. Added to cream for flavor. If powder is indicated, then it cannot be replaced with sand.

Butter. It is advisable to use a natural creamy product with a fat content of 72%. Usually it needs to be whipped, so we take it out of the refrigerator in advance and let it soften at room temperature. It is impossible to melt and heat before whipping.

Condensed milk. Ordinary condensed milk with sugar or boiled is used. In the second variant, the product is thicker, has dark color and it tastes like caramel. Ordinary condensed milk is white, has creamy taste. Pre-training does not require.

Cream. For the cream, fat cream of at least 33% is used. Otherwise, the product will not whip into a lush foam.

Cocoa. For rich chocolate flavor powder without sugar is used. Before adding to the total mass, it must be sieved.

To prepare creams, you will also need a bowl and a mixer. In some cases, you can get by with a whisk, but the process will be longer and more laborious.

Recipe for a delicious buttercream mascarpone cake

The recipe for a delicious cream for sponge cake or any other with soft cakes. Mascarpone filling will make them even more tender, the dessert will melt in your mouth.


A pack of butter 70% fat and above;

500 g mascarpone;

2 cups of powder;

A pinch of salt.


1. Put the softened butter into a mixer bowl or into any bowl convenient for whipping. Immerse the mixer and start beating. High-quality oil in 5-7 minutes will become light, increase in volume.

2. We begin to gradually add powder to it. Add a pinch of salt for taste.

3. As soon as all the powder is dissolved, set the lowest mixer speed.

4. Partially add mascarpone to the oil. If the consistency of the son is heterogeneous, then before that it is better to stir separately.

5. Knead the cream at low speed and you're done!

Delicious cream for biscuit cake (butter)

For this most delicious cream, you will need not only high-quality butter, but also good condensed milk. It’s good if there is a GOST marking on the jar, or at least there are no extraneous ingredients in the composition.


Bank of condensed milk;

350 g butter;

vanilla sachet;

1 tsp cognac.


1. Put the oil, immerse the whisk of the mixer, beat thoroughly until fluffy.

2. Enter vanilla, stir.

3. Open a can of condensed milk, start adding to the oil. But do it in small portions, beat well each time. The mass should become homogeneous, delamination is unacceptable.

4. Beat the cream well, turn off the mixer and you can immediately grease the biscuit!

The most delicious mascarpone cake cream with cream

A recipe for air cream with mascarpone, which turns out to be a lot. All due to the addition of whipped cream, which must certainly be fatty. Otherwise, nothing will work and the mass will flow.


200 ml cream;

200 g mascarpone;

1 glass of powdered sugar;

Vanilla or any flavor you like.


1. Stir the mascarpone in a bowl; you do not need to remove the cheese from the refrigerator in advance. You can immediately add vanillin or any other flavoring to your taste.

2. Now we are engaged in cream. Pour them into a clean bowl, dip the beaters and start beating with a mixer.

3. As soon as the cream has tripled, we begin to pour in the powder. We don't stop beating.

4. As soon as the powder runs out, turn off the mixer.

5. We take a spatula in our hands, start adding mascarpone to the cream, stir gently so as not to plant foam.

6. We bring the cream to homogeneity. Ready! You can grease the cake layers.

Recipe for a delicious cream cake with boiled condensed milk

The feature of this delicious cake cream is the consistency. It always turns out thick, as it is prepared from boiled condensed milk. Can be used to extrude simple figures, flowers, cake edging.


Bank of condensed milk;

1.5 packs of butter;

Vanilla, cocoa, liqueur or cognac.


1. We shift the boiled condensed milk from a bowl, knead until smooth.

2. In the second bowl, beat the butter, which should be softened.

3. Gradually add condensed milk to the butter, beat together.

4. For flavor, put vanilla, you can add cocoa or chocolate syrup, cognac will give a special taste.

Delicious cream for biscuit cake "Chocolate"

Very gentle, light and airy chocolate cream, which is ideal for a biscuit. The taste will largely depend on the cocoa. Ideally, it should be dark and rich with no added sugar.


2 tablespoons of cocoa;

380 g thick condensed milk;

280 g butter;

1 g vanillin.


1. Sift cocoa so that lumps do not form in it.

2. In small portions, we introduce condensed milk into the powder, mix well.

3. In a separate bowl, put the butter, previously softened. Beat with a mixer.

4. We introduce chocolate condensed milk into the lush butter, beat thoroughly after each spoonful of milk.

5. Enter vanilla, stir last time and chocolate cream can be used!

The most delicious cream for Charlotte cake

An ideal version of the most delicious cream for cakes of all types of Charlotte. With proper manufacture, the mass will turn out to be thick, shaped, leaves and small flowers can be easily planted from it. It is impossible not to highlight the cost of the cream, which is relatively budget.


250 ml of milk;

400 g butter cl;

350 g sugar.


1. Cooking milk syrup. Mix milk and sugar, bring to a boil.

2. While the milk is heating, shake the eggs.

3. Pour hot milk with sugar into the eggs, continue to beat.

4. Transfer the mass to the stove, stir and cook until thickened. Cool down. The syrup will thicken even more as it cools.

5. Beat the butter until fluffy.

6. Gradually add the brewed syrup. We put in small portions and mix thoroughly.

7. Dye, cocoa, vanilla can be added to the finished cream. In the refrigerator, it will stand remarkably well for 2 days after preparation, but the mass must be transferred to an airtight container.

Recipe for a delicious cream cake with gelatin

This cream is made from sour cream, but thanks to the addition of gelatin, it hardens well, does not spread, and is ideal for juicy and soft biscuit-type cakes.


15 g of gelatin;

250 g of condensed milk;

400 g sour cream;

Vanilla or cocoa;

50 ml of water.


1. Immediately you need to soak the gelatin. It is not necessary to use water, similarly you can take milk, it will be even better for a cream.

2. While the gelatin swells, you need to mix the condensed milk with sour cream. You can add vanilla, cocoa to them. Or use chocolate coffee condensed milk.

3. Taste the future cream. If you need more sweetness, then add sugar or powder, stir until the grains dissolve.

4. Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath, add to the cream, stir.

5. Put the mass in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, but do not allow it to harden.

6. Lubricate the cake, decorate, send to harden for 3-4 hours.

Delicious cream for biscuit cake with cottage cheese

A variant of the most delicious cream for a cake with cottage cheese. Choose a fat and soft product so that the cream is gentle and uniform.


10 spoons of condensed milk;

400 g of cottage cheese;

200 g sour cream;

200 g butter;

0.5 st. powder.


1. Beat cottage cheese until smooth. It's best to use a blender. If not, then you can first wipe the product through a sieve.

2. Beat soft sl. butter together with powder, we introduce first condensed milk, and then sour cream.

3. Add softened cottage cheese, optional vanilla, cocoa, any essence.

4. Beat again and send the tender mass to the cake.

The most delicious banana cream cake

Banana cream is suitable for any chocolate and vanilla cakes. The layer turns out fragrant, tender, gives the dessert an exotic taste. Coconut can be added if desired.


2 bananas;

10 ml lemon juice;

200 g sour cream;

1 glass of powder;

150 g butter.


1. Whip the butter. Gradually add powder. At the end, add sour cream by the spoonful. You can replace powder with sour cream with condensed milk. In this case, it should be thick.

2. Peel bananas, mash to a puree and immediately add lemon juice. If this is not done, the pulp will quickly darken, the cream will be ugly.

3. It remains to stir both masses. We use cream for decorating cakes. It is not recommended to store the mass for a long time.

Sugar and powder thin the mass. Therefore, you should not add them to the cream more than indicated in the recipe.

If the consistency of the cream does not suit you, the mass turned out to be weak, you do not need to lubricate the cakes. The cake will float, the dessert will be hopelessly spoiled. You can add special thickeners or use improvised means. Gelatin will help. You can add some cookie crumbs, coconut flakes. They are great at bulking up.

If you mix products different temperatures, the cream will delaminate, the mass will be grains, water may drain.

To flavor the dessert, it is not necessary to use only vanilla. You can buy essences with a variety of smells: rum, sweets, fruits, chocolate, berries.

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