Home Useful Tips What is the difference between a compositional connection and a subordinate one. Complex sentences with different types of communication

What is the difference between a compositional connection and a subordinate one. Complex sentences with different types of communication

In modern Russian, especially in written speech, complex sentences are often used. Difficulties in Russian are of two types: allied and non-allied. Unionless - which consists of several parts, but unions are not used to link these parts together. Here is a classic example of a non-union sentence: "It was snowing, the weather was freezing." Or, for example: "It was getting colder, the birds flew south."

The allies, in turn, have a different feature. They are also in two or more parts, and alliances are used for communication. Unions are of two types - compositional and subordinate... If subordinate unions are used, the sentence is called complex. If compositional conjunctions are used, it is called compound.

Submissive relationship in a complex sentence

If parts of a complex sentence are connected with each other using a subordinate connection, it is called a complex sentence. It consists of two parts: main and subordinate clauses... The main thing is always only one thing, but clauses there may be several. From the main part to the subordinate clause, you can ask a question. There are different types of subordinate relationships.

Accessory part can function as a circumstance, for example: "I left school when the bell rang." It can also serve as a complement: "I told him what I wanted to say for a long time." And, finally, it can perform the function of a circumstance, for example: "Grandmother told her grandson to go to the place where he forgot his briefcase", "I did not come because my grandmother fell ill", « "My mom arrived when the snow melted in the yard."

Here classic examples options with different types subordinate relationship. In all examples, the first part will be the main, and the second - subordinate clause, respectively, the question is asked from the first part to the second:

  • “I love when spring comes”;
  • “I read a book about the house that Jack built”;
  • “Mom was upset because the son got a deuce”;
  • "The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes to the house from."

A compositional connection in a complex sentence

We can talk about a compositional connection in cases where the simple parts that make up a complex are equal, and none of them can be called main or dependent. Accordingly, the question cannot be posed from one part to another. The most common creative conjunctions are conjunctions "a", "but", "and".

Examples of a compositional connection:

  • "Mom came home, and the son went for a walk at that time."
  • "I felt bad, but my friends were able to cheer me up."
  • "The sun went down and the dandelion heads in the meadow were closed."
  • "Winter has come, and everything around is plunged into white silence."

Writing connection in variants with the conjunction "a" is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on the opposition of any signs, for example: "Hair is expensive, but the mind is short." In old Russian, for example, in folklore works(fairy tales, epics, sayings, fables) the union "a" is often replaced by its old Russian synonym "yes", for example: "Grandfather came to pull a turnip, but a big turnip has grown. The grandfather was pulling and pulling the turnip, but he called the grandmother for help. "

Compound sentences especially often used in descriptions of nature, when the author of a work wants to give the most complete picture summer day, winter night or bright, beautiful landscape... Here is an example of such a descriptive text with a compositional connection in complex sentences: “It was snowing and people ran home with their collars turned up. It was still light outside, but the birds had long been silent. Only the creaking of snow was heard underfoot, and there was no wind. The sun was slowly setting below the horizon, and two lovers on a park bench were watching the short winter sunset. "

Also, complex sentences, especially sentences with the unions "a" and "but", are actively used in the scientific style of writing, in text-reasoning. Here is an example of such reasoning: “ Human body hardy but immune system easily destroyed by uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics have many benefits as medicines, but they cause dysbiosis and have bad influence on immunity ".

Features of punctuation

Two parts subordinate clause connect with each other subordinate unions... Parts compositional type, in turn, are connected with each other by creative unions. A union is a small particle that visually resembles a preposition, but performs a completely different function: connects or two sentences that are inside one.

In both complex and complex sentences, unions must be preceded by a comma... When reading aloud, you need to pause before this comma. Omitting a comma before conjunctions using a compositional and subordinate connection is considered a gross syntax error. However, students in elementary and even high school often make such mistakes in dictations, in independent and verification works in the Russian language, in essays and written works on literature. In this regard, in school curriculum studying the Russian language includes a separate section dedicated to the development of punctuation rules.

In complex non-union proposals to connect two parts, you can use not only a comma, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • "The sun has risen, the birds woke up with their usual morning song."
  • "I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!"
  • "Lit up full moon illuminating the earth with its radiance; sensing the approach of night, a wolf howled in a distant forest; somewhere in the distance, on a tree, an owl hooted.

Complex sentences help to make written and oral speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts of various contents. Competent spelling them, in compliance with all punctuation rules, indicates that a person knows Russian well and knows how to clearly express his thoughts in writing. Neglect existing rules punctuation on the contrary, it speaks of a low level speech culture person. Teachers of the Russian language and literature should pay Special attention on correct writing complex sentences when checking students' written works.

In this article, we will look at what complex sentences with different kinds links, examples of which will be given and analyzed. But to make it clear, let's start from afar.

What is called a complex sentence

In syntax, a sentence is words united by a common meaning and associated with the help of the laws of grammar, possessing common theme, the purpose of the statement and intonation. With the help of sentences, people communicate, share their thoughts, set out any material. Thought can be expressed briefly, but it can be expanded. Accordingly, the sentences can be laconic or widespread.

Each sentence has its "heart" - the grammatical base, ie. subject and predicate. This is the subject of speech and its main characteristic (what does it do, what is it, what is it?). If the grammatical basis in a sentence is one, it is a simple sentence, if there are two or more of them, then it is complex.

(SP) can include two parts, three, four or even more. The meaningful relations between them, as well as the means of their connection with each other, can be different. There are complex allied proposals and non-allied ones. To learn about their diversity, read the next section.

What are the joint ventures

We have already started talking about the fact that joint ventures can be allied or non-allied. Everything is very simple. If the parts of the joint venture are connected by a union (or by intonation, then the connection between them is called allied, and if only by intonation alone, then, accordingly, non-union.

In turn, union sentences are divided into compositional and subordinate - depending on whether their parts are in an "equal" position or one depends on the other.

Spring is coming soon... This is a simple sentence. the world will play again bright colors. This sentence is complex, while its parts are connected by intonation and union " when"... We can ask a question from the main predicative part to the subordinate clause ( the world will sparkle with bright colors when? - when spring comes), so it is Spring is coming and nature will bloom... There are also two parts in this sentence, but they are united by intonation and compositional union and... You cannot form a question between the parts, but you can easily divide this sentence into two simple ones. This sentence is complex. Spring will come soon, flowers will bloom, birds will fly, it will be warm. This joint venture has four simple parts, but all of them are united only by intonation, there are no unions on the borders of the parts. This means that it is non-union. To make complex sentences with different types of communication, it would be necessary to combine in one sentence both union and non-union communication.

How many simple sentences can there be in a complex one?

For a sentence to be considered complex, it must include at least two simple, two predicative parts. Complex sentences with different types of connection (we will see examples just below) contain at least three parts, and sometimes they amount to about ten. But in this case, the offer can be difficult to accept. Such proposals combine allied and non-allied connections, compositional and subordinate in any combination.

He was surprised; the head and chest were full of some strange feeling; the water ran with frightening speed, uncontrollably breaking through between the stones, and with such force fell from a height that it seemed that the mountain could not withstand this pressure, on the slopes of which mountain flowers were full of ...

Here's a great example. There are parts of complex sentences with different ones.This sentence contains 5 predicative parts, between which all of possible types communication. What are their features? Let's remember in more detail.

Allied writing connection

Complex union sentences are complex-composed (SPP) or complex-subordinate (SPP).

The compositional link (CC) connects "equal" simple sentences. This means that it is impossible to form a question from one predicative part of a complex sentence to another, there is no dependence between them. Parts of the MTP can be easily made independent proposals, and the meaning of the phrase will not suffer or change from this.

To connect parts of such sentences, creative conjunctions are used. and, a, but, or etc. The sea was rough, and the waves crashed against the rocks with furious force..

Allied subordinate link

With a subordinate connection (PS), as can be seen from its name, one part of the sentence "subordinates" to itself the other, carries the main meaning, is the main one, while the second (subordinate clause) only complements, concretizes in something, you can ask a question to it from the main part. For a subordinate connection, such unions and union words are used as what, who, when, which, because if etc.

But it's sad to think that youth was given to us in vain, that they cheated on her every hour, that she deceived us ...(A. Pushkin). This sentence has one main part and three subordinate clauses, dependent on it and answering the same questions: " But it's sad to think (about what?), Which is in vain ..."

If we try to divide the SPP into separate simple ones, then in most cases it will be seen that the main part retains its meaning and can exist without clauses, but the clauses become incomplete in semantic content and are not full-fledged sentences.

Unionless connection

Another type of joint venture is non-union. A complex sentence with different types of communication most often combines communication without alliances with one of the allied types or with both types at once.

Parts of the BSP are connected only intonationally. But this type of joint venture is considered the most difficult in terms of punctuation. If in union sentences only one sign is put between their parts - a comma, then in in this case you need to choose one of four punctuation marks: comma, semicolon, dash or colon. In this article we will not go into the details of this difficult rule, since our task today is complex sentences with different types of connection, exercises in their grammatical correct drafting and punctuation.

The horses started, the bell rang, the wagon flew(A.S. Pushkin). This sentence has three parts, connected by intonation and separated by commas.

So, we briefly gave a description of each of the possible types of communication between parts of the joint venture, and now we will return to the main topic of the article.

Algorithm for parsing a joint venture with different types of communication

How to correctly arrange signs in a joint venture with many parts and different types of communication? The most important thing is to determine how many parts are in it and where exactly their boundaries pass. To do this, you need to find the grammatical foundations. There are as many predicative parts as there are. Next, select all minor members related to each of the basics, and thus it becomes clear where one part ends and another begins. After that, you need to determine what types of communication between the parts (look at the presence of unions or their absence, try to ask a question or try to make each of the parts a separate sentence).

And finally, it remains only to correctly place punctuation marks, because without them in writing it is very difficult to perceive complex sentences with different types of communication (exercises in textbooks are precisely aimed at developing this skill).

How not to be mistaken in the choice of punctuation marks?

Punctuation of a complex sentence with different types of communication

After the predicative parts are highlighted and the types of connection are established, everything becomes very clear. We place punctuation marks in accordance with the rule relating to a specific type of communication.

Compositional (SS) and subordinate communication (PS) require a comma before the union. Other punctuation marks in this case are very rare (with a compositional connection, a semicolon is possible if one of the parts is complicated and contains commas inside; it is possible to use a dash if the parts are sharply opposed or one of them contains an unexpected result).

With a non-union connection, as mentioned above, one of four punctuation marks can be used, depending on what the semantic relations are between the parts of the sentence.

Drawing up diagrams of complex sentences with different types of communication

This stage can be performed before placing punctuation marks, or after, to check their correctness. Punctuation schemes are used to graphically explain the choice of a particular punctuation mark.

The scheme helps to write complex sentences with different types of communication without punctuation errors. We will give examples of the placement of punctuation marks and drawing up a diagram right now.

[The day was beautiful, sunny, wonderfully calm]; [a cozy shadow moved on the left], and [it became difficult to understand], (where it ends, the shadow) and (where the emerald foliage of the trees begins).

In this sentence, a non-union connection is easily traced between the first and second parts, between the second and the third - the compositional one, and the third part is the main one in relation to the next two subordinate parts and is connected with them by a subordinate connection. The scheme of this joint venture is as follows: [__ =, =, =]; [= __], and [=], (where = __) and (where = __). Complex sentence schemes with different types of communication can be horizontal and vertical. We gave an example of a horizontal layout.

Let's summarize

So, we found out what complex sentences with different types of communication are (examples of them are very common in works fiction and business communication). These are sentences containing more than two simple ones in their composition, and their parts are connected by different types syntactic link... The joint venture with different types of communication may include NGN, SSP and BSS in various combinations. In order not to be mistaken in punctuation marks, you need to designate simple sentences within a complex one and determine the types of syntactic connections.

Be literate!

Under creative communication a connection is understood in which there is no grammatical dependence of one component syntactic construction from another component. A constructive connection takes place between word forms of a simple sentence and predicative units in a complex sentence. So, using the example of a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Echo" can distinguish more than one series of compositional connections; in the first part of the poem Is the beast roaring in the deaf forest, Is the horn blowing, is the thunder thundering, Is the maiden over the hill singing - For every sound Your response in the empty air You will suddenly give birth a compositional connection is established between four predicative units (simple sentences in a complex sentence): 1) p the beast is eating in the deaf forest, 2) the horn blows, 3) Thunder, 4)the maiden over the hill sings, which in turn are connected by a subordinate connection with the fifth predicative unit: for every sound Your response is in the empty air You will suddenly give birth. In the second part You heed the roar of thunder, And the voice of the storm and the shafts, And the cry of the rural shepherds - And you send the answer... (A. Pushkin) word forms are designed with a compositional connection heed and send; rumble, voice and scream... In a sentence Every day, getting out of bed at eleven o'clock, Olga Ivanovna played the piano or, if the sun was out, painted something with oil paints(A. Chekhov) a compositional connection is established between word forms played, wrote.

An essay is a special type of syntactic connection that has its own content and formal features.

The formal indicator of a compositional connection is compositional conjunctions. A certain type of union is assigned to the expression of a certain type of syntactic relationship. So, in the sentence On a quiet moonlit night, Olga Ivanovna stood on the deck of the Volga steamer and watched then on the water, then to beautiful shores(A. Chekhov) compositional connection between word forms stood and watched; now on the water, then on the coast... Union and expresses enumerative relationships of overlapping actions; recurring union then ... then expresses the relationship of alternation: the attention of the subject is seized by one object, then another. Wed: (L. Sobolev). Recurring connecting union no no in a sentence No longing, nor love, nor resentment, Everything faded, passed, departed(A. Block) informs about the absence of the listed denotations (referents). Wed: No in the cellars, nor in the towers, nor there were no cases in cars(L. Sobolev). Contrasting the conditions for the manifestation of different characteristics of the subject in a sentence By the years he should have been with the young, but by wealth and connections, he was a member of circles of old, respectable people(L. Tolstoy) transferred by an opposing alliance but. Recurring union not that ... not that brings value uncertainty. For example: And again not that dreaming not that Chang thinks that distant morning when, after a painful, restless ocean, a steamer, sailing from China with the captain and Chang, entered the Red Sea(I. Bunin). Union or expresses the semantic relationship of mutual exclusion. For example: Then, with the permission of Mimi, I or Volodya go to the carriage(L. Tolstoy).

In case of non-union, intonation is the decisive grammatical indicator of composition. She, intonation, is also the differentiator of the semantic relations of the composed series. An example of enumerated intonation in simple sentence: Everything is asleep all around; some lamps In the darkness of the temple, granite pillars are gilded masses And them banner overhanging row (A. Pushkin); the same semantic relations in a complex sentence are also conveyed by enumerative intonation: Outside the window, birches whiten, Fir-trees pull thorny paws, On the pine bark, like tears, Resinous drops glow(L. Oshin).

The components of a sentence, connected by a compositional connection, form a composed (or compositional) series. An essential feature of the composed series is such a property of its structure as the absence of a main and dependent component. This is due to the fact that none of the words included in the composed series serves to explain another word, in the composed series there is no relation between the determinate and the defining. The components of the composed series are thus formally independent of each other. However, in a semantic sense, they may not have the same significance, one of the components, as a rule, post-positive, may carry information more significant than the information provided by the first component; a postpositive component can act as the instantiator of another, prepositive member of the series. For example: The watchmen not only did not get up from their seats when he passed, but didn't even look on him(N. Gogol); Everything, especially officials remained dazed for a while(N. Gogol); At the crossing of them, on round glades, were old, others broken, deprived, large sandstone statues(L. Tolstoy); The crowd buzzed around, discussing the unprecedented incident; the word was nasty, vile, seductive, piggy a scandal that ended only when the truck carried away from the gates of Griboyedov the unfortunate Ivan Nikolaevich, the policeman, Panteley and Ryukhin(M. Bulgakov).

Another essential feature of a composition is the subordination of the components of the series (in the structure of simple and complex sentences) to one word (word form) and the ability to express in this subordination a certain type of syntactic relations. For example, the composed row fountains, lines, gold, sea in a sentence I remember the fountains, long extinct, White marble strict lines, Gold, glittering dimly in the sun, The sea beyond the park is cold, blue(L. Oshin) spreads, explains the word remember(remember what?), all components of the series express explanatory relationships. In a multi-component complex sentence I came to you with greetings to tell you that the sun has risen, that it fluttered with hot light through the sheets(A. Fet) subordinate clauses are subordinate, they, answering the question "about what?", Spread, explain, concretize the lexical meaning of the word tell in the main part (tell about what ?: that the sun has risen; what else? that it fluttered with hot light through the sheets), and express an explanatory relationship.

Corresponding to one pivotal word, the components of a composed series can express one type of semantic relationship, thereby occupying one syntactic place and performing the function of one member of the sentence, and different semantic relationships, thus occupying different syntactic places and performing the function of different members of the sentence.

The components of the composed series, which occupy one syntactic place and perform the function of one member of the sentence, are homogeneous and form row homogeneous members ... For example: Neither the Acropolis, nor Baalbek, nor Thebes, nor Paestum, nor St. Sophia, nor the old churches in the Russian Kremlin are still incomparable for me with gothic cathedrals (I. Bunina) - the composed row is represented by nouns Acropolis, Baalbek, Thebes, Paestum, Hagia Sophia, churches calling different subjects speech, but taking the position of the subject represented nominative, and are subjects. They form a series of homogeneous members. In a sentence The admiral saw flashes of red and orange(L. Sobolev) a homogeneous series is represented by adjectives red, orange, calling the attribute of an object by color, in the definition function.

The components of the composed series, which occupy different syntactic places and are therefore different members of the sentence, are not homogeneous. For example, the components of the composed row in the sentence are not homogeneous On the sands, in paradise nudity roll coffee bodies black-haired teens(A. Fadeev). The composed row is represented here by word forms on the sands and in heavenly nudity, the first word form takes the position of the circumstance of the place, the second - the circumstances of the mode of action (or concomitant circumstance): where are the bodies lying around? - on the sand; lying around in what condition? - in nudity. Similarly also in the statement Scientists were at a loss: they expected to see our ancestor not at all there and not so(V. Scheulin) word forms not there and not like that are components of the composed series, as evidenced by the compositional conjunctive conjunction "and", however, they are not homogeneous members, since the adverb "there" takes the position of the circumstance of place: did you expect to see where? - not there; whereas the pronoun "such" expresses attributive relations: did they expect to see the ancestor as what? - not like that. This suggests that the syntactic positions of the selected word forms are different, therefore they cannot be recognized as homogeneous.

The components of the composed series that occupy one syntactic place and perform the function of one member of the sentence are homogeneous if they are correlated with one common member of the sentence or are subordinate to it. All members of a proposal can be homogeneous. An example of homogeneous subjects: From century to century poetry and prose deadly battle are fought among themselves(E. Vinokur); That story was folded mountains, towers, stars, clouds, snow and herbs spring heap, people, songs and river (N. Tikhonov);

homogeneous predicates: My life - fate of my power, everyone day her and hour (M. Aliger); No, it's time unhappy, painful, miserable (I. Bunin); Even in childhood, he known as an eccentric and was different on comrades(F. Dostoevsky); First there was me merry and sharp, And sometimes too careless (M. Lermontov).

Homogeneous minor clause members:

homogeneous definitions: The work must contain clear, definite thought(A. Chekhov); Gloomy, vague rain clouds hanging over the garden(I. Bunin);

additions: Take care of old people offense, cold weather, fire (L. Tatyanicheva); Every noble person is deeply aware of his blood kinship, their hard-earned connections with the fatherland(V. Belinsky);

circumstances: Attentively, tirelessly, stubbornly learn the language(M. Gorky); Ripe bread dim, gloomy were white in front(I. Bunin); You v summer heat and snow bright and good(E. Dolmatovsky).

However, it should be remembered that the performance of the same syntactic function of adjacent word forms is not a guarantee of homogeneity. For the homogeneity of such members of the sentence necessary condition is the presence of a creative connection. For example, in the sentence Dubov had no idea about difficult frosty experiences(A. Fadeev) definitions complex and Morozkin, characterizing the subject (experiences of Morozka) with different sides(in quality and belonging), are not homogeneous, since they are not connected by a compositional connection, which is signaled by the compositional union, which is absent here, and enumerative intonation, as evidenced by the absence of a comma between the definitions. Likewise: It was brand new blue satin shirt(N. Ostrovsky). The absence of a comma and a union - signs of a compositional connection - speaks of the heterogeneity of the selected definitions to the word shirt.

If the sentence repeats the same word in the same form, it is impossible to talk about the homogeneity of the member of the sentence indicated by them even if there is a compositional connection, because we are talking about one action, one feature. For example: Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove! Alone in the wilderness of pine forests Long, long time ago Are you waiting for me(A. Pushkin); Food, food v open field, Bell ding ding ding. The repetition of the lexeme performs a stylistic technique, informing about the duration of actions.

Components homogeneous series can be represented as one morphological form, and different forms one part of speech, as well in different parts speech. For example: And someone's tender fleshy face, shaved and well-fed, wearing horn-rimmed glasses, appeared in front of Ivan(M. Bulgakov); And this is very well known not only in Russia, but also in Europe (M. Bulgakov); It is not the air that attracts him to the garden, he sees something on this spring full moon on the moon and in the garden, in height (M. Bulgakov); In his eyes alone blue, bulging and several motionless, there was either thoughtfulness or fatigue, and his voice sounded even(I. Turgenev); The nose is crooked, the lips are proud, the forehead white and clean, without any special signs (M. Bulgakov).

Components of a heterogeneous composition can also have one or different ways of morphological expression. For example: She looked at him for a long time and attentively (A. Fadeev); She looked at him for a long time, v deep thoughtfully.

Thus, composition and homogeneity are not identical concepts. The concept of a composed series is broader than the concept of homogeneity: homogeneous members of a sentence form a composed series and are its components, but not all components of the composed series are homogeneous.

The composed row can be open or closed. Under open is understood as a series capable of potential spread. It is typical for constructs with enumerated relations, as well as with mutual exclusion and alternation relations. They can be multi-component. For example: Nai Tours on a grand scale planted Colt in a holster, jumped up to the machine gun on the sidewalk, crumpled, sat down, and left hand corrected ribbon(M. Bulgakov); She never(Marie) never tired of listening to these naive sea stories - albeit repeated more than once - O sea ​​and fishery life, O small meager joy, O simple artless love, O distant voyages, about storms and wrecks, O submissive, stern acceptance always close of death, O rude fun on the land(A. Kuprin); I or sob, or scream, or faint (A. Chekhov); With a sliding motion like a cat, he's not that crawled, not that slipped through, not that flew over across a run-down road... (A. Fadeev).

Under closed two-component series are understood that cannot be supplemented by new members with the same semantic relations... These are, as a rule, comparative, gradational, adversarial constructions. For example: The guest did not go out of town, a in town (M. Bulgakov); Levin obediently put myself some sauce, but did not give there is Stepan Arkadyevich(L. Tolstoy); Not only Volodya , but also other children happy going to the theater.

The connection between the components of the composed series can be mandatory and optional. In the presence of compulsory links cannot be omitted from one of the components of the series. The obligatory nature of this connection is determined, for example, lexical meaning verb as a common word. These are verbs with the meaning of connection, separation, juxtaposition: fold, match, divide, marry, delimit, compare... A feature of these verbs is that they call actions directed simultaneously not at one object, but at several objects that are in the same relation to this action. In this case, all components of the composed series are among the obligatory distributors of the verbs: combine work and leisure; separate sugar and salt, compare properties and states of an object, put things and books, marry a brother and girlfriend, compare structural and semantic approaches to a sentence and under. Obligatory connection in a composed row can be dictated by the nature of the union, as well as by the presence of others service words(particles not) determining the presence of homogeneous members. For example: But the proposal to send Kant to Solovki not only amazed foreigner, but even delighted (M. Bulgakov); Levin put on big boots and for the first time not a fur coat, a cloth underwear, and went to the house(L. Tolstoy).

In the absence of these conditions, the connection between the components of the composed series is optional. For example: There were dogs, horses, sheep, cows, workers, there were a coachman, a headman, cooks, cowgirls, nannies, mother and father, school students - brothers, sister Olya, still swinging in the cradle(I. Bunin).

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For schoolchildren and adults, in order to correctly formulate and express their own thoughts, they need to learn how to correctly place semantic accents in written speech. If in life we ​​often use simple constructions, then in writing we use complex sentences with different types of communication. Therefore, it is important to know the features of their construction.

In contact with


What types of communication offers used in Russian :

  • compositional with and without unions, when the components of the syntactic structure are independent, equal in rights relative to each other;
  • subordinate connection, non-union and allied, when one part of the structure is the main one, and the second is dependent;
  • union, compositional and subordinate, is expressed with the help of compositional or subordinate unions and union words;

Complex sentences consist of several simple ones, therefore they have more than two grammatical foundations... When meeting them, do not be surprised and remember that there can be not only 2 or 3 parts, but on average up to 10-15. They constantly combine different types communication.

The main types of complex sentences with examples:

  1. Unionless.
  2. Compound.
  3. Complex sentences.
  4. Constructions with different types of communication.

An example of a non-allied relationship: The wind drives clouds to the edge of heaven, a broken spruce groans, whispers something in the winter forest.

It should be noted main feature constructions with a creative connection. The function of a compositional connection - to show the equality of parts within a complex sentence, is performed using intonation and the use of compositional conjunctions. Unionless communication can also be used.

How complex sentences are constructed, examples with diagrams :

The firmament cleared of the overhanging clouds - and a bright sun came out.

The fields were empty, the autumn forest became dark and transparent.

The fourth type of sentences usually consists of from three or more parts that are interconnected different ways... To better understand the meaning of such structures, how to learn, how complex sentences with different types of connection are built and grouped. Often, sentences are divided into several blocks, connected without alliance or with the help of a compositional connection, with each of the parts representing a simple or complex sentence.

Dependent parts can be different semantic meaning, on this basis complex sentences are subdivided into several groups.


They serve to characterize and reveal the attribute of the noun being defined from the main sentence. Join with and: where, where, where, which, what. They are located only inside the main one or after it. You can ask them questions: which one? Whose?

Examples of:

How depressingly hot in those hours when noon hung in silence and heat.

For a long time he admired, smiling, his capricious beloved daughter, who was lost in thought, not noticing anything around.


They refer to words that have the meaning of thought (to reflect), feelings (to be sad), speech (answered, said), in order to reveal in detail the meaning of the main word, to clarify, to supplement. They also include index words - that, that, that, to which the dependent subordinate part is attached. They are connected by unions that, that, as if, as if.

Examples of:

The guy quickly realized that his friend's parents were not very smart, and thought out a further strategy.

This could be seen from the fact that he drove several times with his cart around the yard until he found the hut.


They relate to or to words with adverbial meaning. Let's name their varieties and methods of joining the main word:

  • time, specify the period of time when the action is performed, subordinate temporary alliances are used for communication: when, until what time (When it came to the war, the stranger lowered his head and thought);
  • places, talk about the place, are connected with the main word by allied adverbial words: where, where, from where (the leaves, wherever you look, were yellow or gold);
  • conditions, disclosing under what circumstances this or that action is possible, are joined by subordinate unions: if, if ..., then. They can start with particles - so, then (If it rains, then the tent will need to be moved higher);
  • degree, specifies the measure or degree of action me about whom in question, you can ask them questions: to what extent? to what extent? (The rain stopped so quickly that the ground did not have time to get wet.);
  • goals, communicate what goal the action is pursuing and connects with target alliances: so that (in order not to be late, he decided to leave early);
  • reasons for joining the union is used - because(He did not complete the task because he got sick);
  • modes of action, indicate exactly how the action was performed, are joined by subordinate unions: as if, as if, as if (the forest was all covered in snow, as if someone had bewitched it);
  • consequences, serve to clarify the result of the action, to them you can ask the question - in consequence of what? Join the union - so(The snow shone in the sun brighter and brighter, so my eyes hurt);
  • concessions, alliances are used to join them: albeit, although, despite. Allied words (how, how much) can be used with a particle (no matter how hard you try, but without knowledge and skills, nothing will work).

Building proposal schemas

Consider what a proposal schema is. This is a graphic illustration showing the structure proposals in a compact form.

Let's try to draw up sentence schemes that include two or more subordinate clauses. To do this, let us turn to examples with different inflected parts of speech.

Complex sentences can consist of several subordinate clauses, which have a different relationship with each other.

Exists the following types links of proposals:

  • homogeneous or associative;
  • parallel (centralized);
  • sequential (chain, linear).


Characterized following signs:

  • all subordinate clauses can be attributed to the main thing or to one of the words;
  • subordinate clauses are the same in meaning, answer one question;
  • contact creative unions or non-union communication is applied;
  • enumeration intonation during pronunciation.

Examples and linear sentence schemes:

I noticed how the stars began to blur (1), how coolness swept through with a slight breeze (2).

, (how how…).

Sometimes clauses are represented by a cascade of explanatory sentences, depending on one word in the main part:

It is not known where she lived (1), who she was (2), why the Roman artist painted her portrait (3) and what she thought about in the painting (4).

, (where ...), (who ...), (why ...) and (about what ...).


Such complex sentences have clauses with different meanings belonging to several types

Here are examples of sentences with schemes:

When our boat swam from the ship to the shore, we noticed that women and children began to run away from the settlement.

(When that…).

Here, two subordinate clauses depend on the main sentence: time and explanatory.

Constructions can create a chain, which can be depicted on the diagram as follows:

In some places, houses were crowded, which in their color were similar to the surrounding rocks, that it was necessary to be closer to distinguish them.

, (which…), (what…), (to…).

Possible and another variant when one sentence is inside another. Sometimes constructions are combined, linking with one subordinate clause within another.

At first, the blacksmith was terribly frightened when the devil raised him so high that nothing could be seen below, and rushed under the moon itself so that he could catch her with a hat.

, (when…, (what…), and…), (what…).

The proposals use various punctuation marks:

  • comma, example: The final remark of the sister-in-law ended on the street, where she went on her urgent business;
  • semicolon: Some time later, everyone in the village was fast asleep; only a month hung high in the luxurious Ukrainian sky;
  • colon: It happened like this: at night the tank got stuck in a swamp and drowned;
  • dash: Thick hazel bushes will block your path, if you hurt yourself on a thorny thorn, go ahead stubbornly.


Simple constructions are connected to one another in a chain:

There is a knot on a tree trunk that you put your foot on when you want to climb an apple tree.

, (to which ...), (when ...).

Determination procedure

By what plan the types of communication of proposals on the letter are determined. We offer step by step guide which is suitable for any occasion:

  • read the sentence carefully;
  • highlight all grammatical foundations;
  • divide the design into parts and number them;
  • find allied words and conjunctions, in their absence, take into account intonation;
  • determine the nature of the connection.

If available two independent parts, then this is a sentence with a compositional connection. When one sentence states a reason for what is at issue in another, it is a complex sentence with subordination.

Attention! Subclauses can be replaced or adverbial turnover... Example: Across the black sky, dotted with myriads of small stars, silent lightning appeared here and there.

Learning Russian - complex sentences with different types of communication

Types of communication in complex sentences


The types of connection of sentences depend on their classification. They are used. The schemes are very diverse, there are many interesting options... Graphic drawing of a proposal allows you to quickly identify construction and sequence of all component parts, highlight the basics, find the main thing and correctly place punctuation marks.

A syntactic link is a link that occurs between the components of a complex sentence.

The generally recognized types of syntactic connection are the compositional connection (composition) and the subordinate connection (subordination), as well as the non-union connection.

A compositional relationship is a relationship between syntactically equal units (words or sentences). Factories and plants. Not in the morning, but in the evening.

Submissive relationship- This is the connection between the main sentence. and a clause. He said that (what?) will come.

Practical work № 17

The beginning is in the notebook: D

Language kinship

In order to concretely imagine how the concept of language kinship was formed, we schematically depict the path along which linguistics moved from collecting various linguistic factors to the construction of a theory explaining them. Researchers have long noticed that the structures of many Euro-Asian languages ​​have common features, for example, Polish woda, Russian water, English water, German wasser, but Japanese mizda, Chinese shui, or Old Russian eye, Polish eye, German auge, Lithuanian akis, but Japanese me, Chinese yangjing. Thousands of such facts add up to the overall picture. At the same time, it turned out that it is important to compare precisely ancient words and morphemes. This is due to the fact that words from the so-called international vocabulary coincide in very distant languages, for example, the Russian radio-Japanese radzio (5 the same sounds of 6), Russian radio-Belarusian radi (3 sounds out of 6 do not match). Such words have spread in connection with the recent achievements of science and culture, so they should not be taken into account when determining the oldest relations between languages. Only a comparison of primordial (original) words, roots, service affixes will be reliable.

The concept of the comparative historical method

Comparison of languages; excretion common words, roots, etc .; establishing regular phonetic correspondences between languages; establishment of temporal correlation and sequence of phonetic changes; restoration of the supposed sounding of common words, roots and affixes in antiquity are the tasks for the solution of which at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. it took the creation new industry the science of language - comparative historical linguistics.

Comparative-historical linguistics (linguistic comparative studies) is a field of linguistics devoted primarily to the relationship of languages, which is understood historically and genetically (as a fact of origin from a common proto-language).

6. Typology on a general scientific scale is a method of studying complex objects by comparing them, identifying their common or similar features and combining similar objects into certain classes (groups, types). The typology of languages, or linguistic typology, deals with the study of the basic, essential features of languages, their grouping, derivation general patterns observed in a number of languages, and the establishment of the types of languages.

Common signs may be due to the common origin of languages, i.e. their relationship or genealogy, as well as long-term geographical and / or cultural contact. In the first case, as a result of commonality, languages ​​are systematized into " language families"(Groups, macrofamilies, etc.), in the second case, they form" linguistic unions. " In cases where the commonality of the structural features of languages ​​is not due to either their primary genealogical relationship or secondary areal affinity, it is possible to identify common features, due to the actual combat capabilities of the language, which are based on the physiological, cognitive, mental and emotional capabilities of a person as its carrier. Only in the study of such generalities and discrepancies in linguistics is the idea of ​​type used as a certain unification of objects (in this case, languages), taking into account their common features.

7.Morphological classification

Morphological classification of languages

classification based on similarities and differences in linguistic structure, as opposed to genealogical classification of languages ​​(See Genealogical classification of languages). Until linguistic typology set as its goal the creation of a typological classification of languages ​​(see. Classification of languages), all typological classifications were almost exclusively morphological, since the morphology long time was the most developed area of ​​linguistics. However, M. to. I. initially it was not thought to be associated exclusively with the morphological level of language (see. Levels of language), but got its name due to the fact that the focus of its creators was the formal aspect of the language. Basic concepts of M. k. I. - morpheme and word

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