Home Roses A sentence whose parts are connected by a coordinating link is called. Coordinating and subordinating connection: types of sentences

A sentence whose parts are connected by a coordinating link is called. Coordinating and subordinating connection: types of sentences


Subordination, or subordination - the relation of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence.

In such a connection, one of the components (words or sentences) acts as main, the other - as dependent.

The linguistic concept of "subordination" is preceded by a more ancient concept - "hypotaxis".

Features of the subordination

To distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility. Submission is characterized irreversible relations between parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without prejudice to the overall content. However, this criterion is not considered decisive.

The essential difference between the subordination relationship (according to S. O. Kartsevsky) is that it functionally close to the dialogic unity of the informative (question-answer) type, firstly, and predominantly has pronominal character of means of expression, Secondly .

Subordination in a phrase and a simple sentence

Types of subordination in a phrase and sentence:

  • agreement
  • contiguity

Subordination in a complex sentence

The subordinating relationship between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence is made using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. Difficult sentence with such a connection is called complex. The independent part is called main part, and dependent - adnexal.

Types of subordination in complex sentence:

  • allied subordination
    - subordination of sentences with the help of unions.
    I don't want the world to know my mysterious tale(Lermontov).
  • relative subordination
    - subordination of sentences with the help of allied (relative) words.
    The moment has come when I realized the full value of these words(Goncharov).
  • indirect interrogative submission(interrogative-relative, relatively-interrogative)
    - submission with the help of interrogative - relative pronouns and adverbs linking the subordinate part with the main one, in which the member of the sentence explained by the subordinate part is expressed by a verb or a noun with the meaning of an utterance, perception, mental activity, feeling, internal state.
    At first I couldn't figure out what exactly emo was.(Korolenko).
  • serial submission (switching on)
    - subordination, in which the first subordinate part refers to the main part, the second subordinate - to the first subordinate, the third subordinate - to, the second subordinate, etc.
    I hope this book makes it clear enough that I didn't hesitate to write the truth when I wanted to.(Bitter).
  • mutual subordination
    - mutual dependence of the predicative parts of a complex sentence, in which the main and subordinate clauses are not distinguished; relations between parts are expressed by lexical-syntactic means.
    Before Chichikov had time to look around, he was already grabbed by the arm of the governor.(Gogol).
  • parallel subordination (subordination)



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    The connection between two syntactically unequal words in a phrase and a sentence, one of them acts as the main one, the other as a dependent one. New textbook, the implementation of the plan, answer correctly. see coordination, control, adjoining; AT… …

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Difficult sentence is an offer that includes at least two grammar basics(at least two simple sentences) and representing a semantic and grammatical unity, formalized intonation.

For example: In front of us, the brown, clayey shore sloped steeply, and behind us a wide grove darkened.

Simple sentences as part of a complex one do not have intonation-semantic completeness and are called predicative parts (constructions) of a complex sentence.

Difficult sentence closely related to a simple sentence, but differs from it both structurally and in the nature of the message.

Therefore, to determine difficult sentence- this means, first of all, to identify the features that distinguish it from a simple sentence.

The structural difference is obvious: A complex sentence is a grammatical combination of sentences (parts) somehow adapted to each other, while a simple sentence is a unit that functions outside of such a combination(hence its definition as a simple sentence). As part of a complex sentence, its parts are characterized by grammatical and intonational interconnectedness, as well as the interdependence of content. AT communicative plan the difference between simple and complex sentences comes down to the difference in the amount of messages they convey.

Simple non-proprietary proposal reports one particular situation.

For example: The boy writes; The girl is reading; Evening; Winter came; We have guests; I'm having fun.

Difficult sentence reports several situations and the relationship between them, or (in a specific case) one situation and the attitude towards it on the part of its participants or the person speaking.

For example: The boy writes and the girl reads; When the boy writes, the girl reads; He doubts that you will like this book; I am afraid that my arrival will not please anyone.

In this way, difficult sentence- this is an integral syntactic unit, which is a grammatically formed combination of sentences and functions as a message about two or more situations and about the relationship between them.

Depending on the method of linking simple sentences as part of a complex All complex sentences are divided into two main types: non-union (communication is carried out only with the help of intonation) and allied (communication is carried out not only with the help of intonation, but also with the help of special means connections: unions and allied words - relative pronouns and adverbs).

Allied sentences are divided into compound and compound sentences.

In compound sentences, simple sentences are joined by coordinating conjunctions. and, but, or, then ... then and others. Parts of a compound sentence are, as a rule, equal in meaning.

In complex sentences, simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions. what, to, how, if, since, although etc. and allied words which, whose, where, where etc., which express various meanings dependencies: cause, effect, purpose, condition etc.

As part of a complex sentence, the main and subordinate clauses are distinguished (or, which is the same, the main and subordinate clauses).

subordinate clause that part of the complex sentence is called, which contains a subordinating union or an allied pronominal word; the main clause is that part of the complex sentence to which the subordinate clause is attached (or to which it is correlated).

In the schemes of non-union and compound sentences, simple sentences are indicated by the sign square brackets, the main sentence as part of a complex subordinate is also indicated, the subordinate clauses are enclosed in parentheses. The diagrams indicate the means of communication and punctuation marks.

For example:

1) Seagulls circled over the lake, two or three launches could be seen in the distance.

, . - non-union complex sentence (BSP).

2)The driver slammed the door and the car sped away.

AND . - compound sentence (CSP).

3) I knew that in the morning my mother would go to the field to harvest rye.

, (what...). - complex sentence (CSP).

A special group of complex sentences are sentences with different types connections.

For example: Painting is poetry seen and poetry is painting heard(Leonardo da Vinci). This is a complex sentence with composition and submission.

The scheme of this sentence:, (which ...), but, (which ...).

Coordinating and subordinating connections in a complex sentence are not identical to the coordinating and subordinating connections in a phrase and a simple sentence.

Main differences come down to the following.

In a complex sentence between composition and subordination, it is not always possible to carry out sharp border: in many cases, the same relationship can be formalized as a coordinating or subordinating union.

The writing and subordination of the proposalth - these are such ways of discovering the semantic relations existing between them, of which one (the composition) conveys these relations in a less dissected form, and the other (subordination) in a more differentiated form. In other words, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions differ primarily in their revealing (formalizing) capabilities.

So, for example, if, in a subordinating relationship, concessive, causal or conditional relationships receive a specialized, unambiguous expression with the help of unions though, because if, then when composing, all these meanings can be framed by the same connecting union and.

For example: You can be an excellent doctor - and at the same time not know people at all(Chekhov); You came - and light, The winter dream was blown away, And spring hummed in the forest.(Block); Winter is like a magnificent wake. Get out of the house, Add currants to the twilight, Pour wine over - that's kutya(Parsnip); The child was not messed with - and he does not know music(V. Meyerhold).

Likewise, adversarial conjunctions a and but can form a concessive relationship: The boy was small, but he spoke and behaved with dignity.(Trifonov); He's a celebrity, but he has a simple soul(Chekhov); conditional: My enthusiasm can cool, and then everything is lost(Aksakov); investigative: I know that you are saying all this in annoyance, and therefore I am not angry with you.(Chekhov); comparative-comparative: It would be necessary to laugh until you drop over my antics, and you are the guard(Chekhov).

When prompted, disjunctive unions can form a conditional meaning, which, within the framework of a subordinating relationship, is expressed by the union if (not) ... then: You marry or I will curse you(Pushk.); Either you get dressed now, or I'll go alone(Letters); One of two things: either he takes her away, act energetically, or give a divorce(L. Tolstoy). Precisely because, by the nature of the relations expressed, composition and subordination of sentences are not sharply opposed to each other, a close interaction is revealed between them.

2)The coordinative connection in a complex sentence is independent ; in a simple sentence, it is associated with an expression of the relation of syntactic homogeneity. Another difference is also significant: in a simple sentence, the composition serves only the purpose of expanding, complicating the message; in a complex sentence, a composition is one of two types of syntactic connection that organizes such a sentence itself.

3) Composing and subjugation are correlated with non-union in different ways.

The writing is close to non-union. The revealing (formalizing) possibilities of the composition are weaker in comparison with the possibilities of subordination, and from this point of view, the composition is not only not equivalent to subordination, but is also much further away from it than from non-union.

The composition is both a syntactic and lexical way of communication: the relationship that arises between sentences on the basis of their semantic interaction with each other, as already noted, does not receive an unambiguous expression here, but is characterized only in the most general and undifferentiated form.

Further concretization and narrowing of this meaning is carried out in the same way as with non-union - based on the general semantics of the combined sentences or (where possible) on certain lexical indicators: particles, introductory words, demonstrative and anaphoric pronouns and pronominal phrases. AT individual cases differentiating functions are taken over by the ratio of species, temporal forms and inclinations.

So, the conditional-investigative meaning in sentences with the union and comes to light more distinctly at a combination of forms imperative mood(usually, but not necessarily - verbs perfect look) in the first sentence with forms of other moods or with forms of the present-future tense - in the second: Experience Consistency in good deeds and then only call a person virtuous(Griboedov, correspondence).

If coordinating conjunctions are easily and naturally combined with lexical means connections, forming unstable allied connections with them ( and here, here and, well and, and therefore, and therefore, and therefore, therefore, and, therefore, and therefore, and therefore, therefore, and, and then, then and, and on that condition etc.), then the subordinating conjunctions themselves quite clearly differentiate the semantic relations between sentences.

4) However, the subordinating relationship in a complex sentence is less unambiguous than in a phrase. It often happens that some component of the meaning that is created by the interaction of sentences in the complex remains outside the revealing possibilities of the subordinating conjunction, counteracting its meaning or, on the contrary, enriching it in one way or another.

So, for example, in complex sentences with the union when, if there is a message in the main sentence about emotional reactions or states, against the background of the actual temporal meaning, elements of the causal meaning emerge with greater or lesser force: The poor teacher covered his face with his hands when he heard about such an act. former students their(Gogol); [Masha:] Rudeness excites and offends me, I suffer when I see that a person is not subtle enough, not soft enough, amiable enough.(Chekhov); A native railway station painted with ocher appeared. My heart skipped a beat when I heard the ringing of the station bell(Belov).

If the content of the subordinate clause is evaluated from the point of view of necessity or desirability, the temporal meaning is complicated by the target: Such cute things are said when they want to justify their indifference.(Chekhov). In other cases, with the union when comparative values ​​are found ( No one got up yet, when I was ready at all. (Aksakov) or inconsistencies ( What kind of groom is here, when is he just afraid to come?(Dostovsky).

As the third type of connection in a complex sentence, it is often distinguished unionless connection .

However, with the exception of one particular case, when the relationship between asyndically connected sentences (conditional) is expressed by a completely definite ratio of predicate forms ( If I didn't invite him, he would be offended; If there was a real friend nearby, trouble would not have happened), non-conjunction is not a grammatical connection.

Therefore, the distinction between composition and subordination in relation to non-union turns out to be impossible, although in the semantic plan, a well-defined correlation is established between different types of non-union, compound and complex sentences.

So, for example, by the nature of the relationship, combinations of sentences are very close to the sphere of subordination, of which one occupies the position of an object distributor in the other ( I hear knocking somewhere), or characterizes what is reported in another sentence, in terms of certain accompanying circumstances ( What was the snow, I was walking!, i.e. (when I walked)). The relations that develop between sentences during non-union can receive a non-grammatical expression with the help of certain, in varying degrees specialized elements of vocabulary: pronominal words, particles, introductory words and adverbs, which, as auxiliary means, are also used in complex sentences allied types, especially compound ones.

The combination of two or more sentences into one complex sentence is accompanied by their formal, modal, intonation and content adaptation to each other. Sentences that are parts of a complex one do not have intonational, and often meaningful (informative) completeness; such completeness characterizes the entire complex sentence as a whole.

As part of a complex sentence, the modal characteristics of the combined sentences undergo significant changes:

First, here they enter various interactions objective-modal meanings of the parts, and as a result of these interactions a new modal meaning is formed, which already refers to the plane of reality or unreality the entire message contained in the complex sentence as a whole;

secondly, conjunctions (primarily subordinating) can take an active part in the formation of the modal characteristics of a complex sentence, which make their own adjustments to the modal meanings of both parts of the complex sentence and their combination with each other;

thirdly, finally, in a complex sentence, in contrast to a simple one, a close connection and dependence of objective-modal meanings and those subjective-modal meanings that are very often found in the unions themselves and in their analogues are found.

A feature of the sentences that make up a complex sentence may be the incompleteness of one of them (usually not the first), due to the tendency to non-repetition in a complex sentence of those semantic components that are common to both of its parts. The mutual adaptation of sentences when they are combined into a complex one can manifest itself in word order, mutual restrictions of types, forms of tense and mood, in restrictions on the target setting of the message. As part of a complex sentence, the main part may have an open syntactic position for the subordinate clause. In this case, the main part also has special means for indicating this position; such means are demonstrative pronominal words. Types and methods of formal adaptation of sentences when they are combined into a complex syntactic unit considered when describing specific types of complex sentences.

In modern Russian, especially in writing, complex sentences are often used. Complex in Russian are of two types: allied and non-union. Unionless - which consists of several parts, but unions are not used to connect these parts to each other. Here is a classic example of an allied sentence: "It was snowing, the weather was frosty." Or, for example: "It was cold, the birds flew south."

Allied, in turn, have a different feature. They are also of two or more parts, and unions are used for communication. Unions are of two types - coordinating and subordinating. If subordinating conjunctions are used, the sentence is called complex. If composing conjunctions are used, it is called compound.

Subordinating relationship in a complex sentence

If the parts of a complex sentence are interconnected by means of a subordinate connection, it is called a complex sentence. It consists of two parts: main and subordinate clauses. The main thing is always only one thing, but subordinate clauses maybe several. From the main part to the subordinate one can raise a question. There are different types of subordination.

adnexa can serve as a circumstance, for example: "I left school when the bell rang." It can also perform the function of an addition: "I told him what I wanted to say for a long time." And, finally, it can serve as a circumstance, for example: “Grandma told her grandson to go where he forgot his briefcase”, “I didn’t come because my grandmother got sick”, « “My mother arrived when the snow melted outside.”

Here classic examples options with various types subordinating relationship. In all examples, the first part will be the main part, and the second - subordinate, respectively, the question is asked from the first part to the second:

  • "I love when spring comes";
  • "I was reading a book about the house that Jack built";
  • “Mom was upset because her son got a deuce”;
  • "The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes from."

Composition in a complex sentence

We can talk about a coordinative connection in cases where the simple parts that make up the complex are equal in rights, and none of them can be called the main or dependent. Accordingly, the question cannot be posed from one part to another. The most common coordinating conjunctions are conjunctions "a", "but", "and".

Examples of a compositional connection:

  • “Mom came home, and the son at that time went for a walk.”
  • "I felt bad, but my friends were able to cheer me up."
  • "The sun has set and the heads of the dandelions in the meadow have closed."
  • "Winter came, and everything around was plunged into white silence."

The coordinative connection in variants with the union "a" is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on the opposition of any signs, for example: "The hair is expensive, and the mind is short." In old Russian, for example, in folklore works(fairy tales, epics, sayings, fables) the union “a” is often replaced by its Old Russian synonym “yes”, for example: “Grandfather came to pull a turnip, but the turnip grew big. The grandfather pulled and pulled the turnip, but called the grandmother for help.

Compound sentences especially often used in descriptions of nature, when the author of the work wants to give the most complete picture summer day, winter night or bright beautiful scenery. Here is an example of such a descriptive text with a coordinative link in complex sentences: “It was snowing and people were running home with their collars up. It was still light outside, but the birds had long since ceased. Only the crunch of the snow underfoot was heard, but there was no wind. The sun was slowly setting below the horizon, and two lovers on a park bench were admiring the short winter sunset.

Also, compound sentences, especially sentences with the conjunctions “a” and “but”, are actively used in the scientific style of written speech, in reasoning texts. Here is an example of such reasoning: Human body hardy, but immune system easily destroyed by the uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics as medicines have many advantages, but they cause dysbiosis and have bad influence for immunity."

Punctuation Features

Two parts subordinating sentence connected with each other by subordinating unions. Parts writing type, in turn, are interconnected by coordinating unions. A conjunction is a small particle that visually resembles a preposition, but performs a completely different function: connects or two sentences that are inside one.

In both complex and complex sentences, unions must be preceded by a comma. While reading aloud, you need to pause before this comma. The omission of a comma before conjunctions using a coordinating and subordinating connection is considered a gross syntactic error. However, elementary and even high school often make such mistakes in dictations, in independent and verification work in the Russian language, in essays and written works in literature. In this regard, in school curriculum learning the Russian language includes a separate section devoted to working out the rules of punctuation.

In difficult unionless proposals to connect two parts, you can use not only a comma, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • "The sun rose, the birds woke up with the usual morning song."
  • "I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!"
  • "Lit up full moon, illuminating the earth with its radiance; sensing the approach of night, the wolf howled in the distant forest; somewhere in the distance, on a tree, an owl hooted.

Complex sentences help to make written and oral speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts of various contents. Literate spelling them, in compliance with all punctuation rules, indicates that a person knows the Russian language well and is able to clearly express his thoughts in writing. neglect existing rules punctuation, on the contrary, indicates a low level speech culture person. Teachers of the Russian language and literature should pay attention Special attention on the correct writing complex sentences when checking students' written work.

Complex sentences allow you to convey voluminous messages about several situations or phenomena, make speech more expressive and informative. Most often complex sentences are used in works of art, journalistic articles, scientific papers, texts of official business style.

What is a complex sentence?

Difficult sentence - a sentence, which consists of two or more grammatical bases, is an intonation-shaped semantic unity that expresses a certain meaning. Depending on the ratio of parts, complex sentences are distinguished with a coordinating subordinating and non-union connection.

Compound sentences with coordinating link

Compound sentences - allied proposals, which consist of equal parts connected by a coordinating link. Parts of compound sentences are combined into one whole with the help of coordinating, adversative or divisive conjunctions. In a letter, a comma is placed before the union between parts of a compound sentence.

Examples of compound sentences: The boy shook the tree, and ripe apples fell to the ground. Katya went to college, and Sasha stayed at home. Either someone called me, or it seemed.

Compound sentences with subordinating link

Complex sentences - allied proposals, consisting of unequal parts, which are connected by a subordinating relationship. In complex sentences, the main part and the dependent (subordinate) part are distinguished. Parts of the NGN are interconnected with the help of unions and allied words. In a letter, between parts of a complex sentence, a comma is placed before the union (union word).

Examples of complex sentences: He picked a flower to give to his mother. Those present were wondering where Ivan Petrovich came from. Misha went to the store that his friend was talking about.

Usually, a question can be posed from the main clause to the subordinate clause. Examples: I came home (when?) when everyone had already sat down to supper. We learned about (what?) what happened yesterday.

Compound sentences with non-union connection

Unionless complex sentences are sentences, parts of which are connected only with the help of intonation, without the use of unions and allied words.

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Examples of complex sentences with an allied connection between parts: The music began to play, the guests began to dance. It will be cold in the morning - we won't go anywhere. Tanya turned around: a tiny kitten was huddled against the wall.

A comma, dash, colon or semicolon can be placed between parts of non-union complex sentences (depending on what meaning the parts of the BSP express).

Complex sentences with different types of connection

Mixed complex sentences may include several sentences connected by a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection. In writing in mixed complex sentences, punctuation is observed, which is characteristic of complex, complex and non-union sentences.

Examples: Vitya decided: if the teacher asks him to answer the question, he will have to admit that he did not prepare for the lesson. On the right was a painting depicting blooming garden, and on the left was a table with carved legs. The weather worsened: a strong wind rose and it began to rain, but it was warm and dry in the tent.

If complex sentences as part of a mixed sentence form logical-syntactic blocks, a semicolon is placed between such blocks. Example: On the porch, a sparrow was pecking at grains that grandmother had accidentally scattered; at this time, papa came out, and the bird hastily flew away.

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Under writing connection such a connection is understood in which there is no grammatical dependence of one component syntactic construction from another component. A coordinative connection takes place between word forms of a simple sentence and predicative units in a complex sentence. So, on the example of a poem by A.S. Pushkin's "Echo" it is possible to single out more than one series of composing connections; in the first part of the poem Does the beast roar in the deaf forest, Does the horn blow, does the thunder rumble, Does the maiden sing beyond the hill - To every sound You suddenly give birth to your response in the empty air a coordinative connection is established between four predicative units (simple sentences as part of a complex sentence): 1) p the beast roams in the deaf forest, 2) blows a horn 3) Thunder, 4)the maiden sings behind the hill, which in turn are connected by a subordinate relationship with the fifth predicative unit: to every sound Your response in the empty air You suddenly give birth. In the second part You listen to the roar of thunder, And the voice of the storm and the waves, And the cry of the rural shepherds - And you send the answer... (A. Pushkin) word forms are decorated with a coordinating connection listen and send; roar, voice and cry. In a sentence Every day, getting out of bed at eleven o'clock, Olga Ivanovna played the piano or, if it was sunny, painted something with oil paints.(A. Chekhov) a composing connection is established between word forms playing, writing.

A composition is a special type of syntactic connection that has its own meaningful and formal features.

Coordinating conjunctions are a formal indicator of a coordinating connection. A certain type of union is assigned to the expression of a certain type of syntactic relationship. Yes, in the proposal On a quiet moonlit night, Olga Ivanovna stood on the deck of the Volga steamer and watched then on the water then to beautiful shores(A. Chekhov) composing connection between word forms stood and watched; either on the water or on the shore. Union and expresses enumerative relations of actions coinciding in time; repeating union then ... then expresses the relationship of alternation: the attention of the subject is alternately captured by one object, then another. Wed: (L. Sobolev). Repeating connecting union no no in a sentence Neither longing, neither love, neither resentment, everything faded, passed, departed(A. Blok) informs about the absence of enumerated denotations (referents). Wed: Neither in the cellars neither in the towers neither there were no cases in the cars(L. Sobolev). Contrasting the conditions for the manifestation of different features of the subject in the sentence By age, he should have been with the young, but by wealth and connections he was a member of the circles of old, respectable people(L. Tolstoy) transferred by the opposing union but. Recurring union not that… not that makes a difference uncertainty. For example: And again not that dreaming, not that Chang thinks that distant morning, when, after a painful, restless ocean, a steamer sailed from China with a captain and Chang entered the Red Sea(I. Bunin). Union or expresses semantic relations of mutual exclusion. For example: Then, with Mimi's permission, I or Volodya go to the carriage(L. Tolstoy).

When there is no union, the decisive grammatical indicator of composition is intonation. It, intonation, is also a differentiator of the semantic relations of the composed series. An example of enumerative intonation in a simple sentence: Everything is sleeping around; only lamps In the darkness of the temple gild Granite pillars bulks And them banners impending row (A. Pushkin); the same semantic relations in a complex sentence are also conveyed by enumerative intonation: Behind the window birch trees turn white, Christmas trees pull prickly paws, On the pine bark, like tears, Resinous drops glow(L. Oshin).

The components of a sentence connected by a coordinative connection form a composed (or coordinative) series. An essential feature of a composed series is such a property of its structure as the absence of a main and dependent component. This is due to the fact that none of the words included in the composed series serves to explain another word; in the composed series there is no relation between the defined and the defining. The components of a composed series are thus formally independent of each other. However, in a semantic sense, they may not have the same significance, one of the components, as a rule, postpositive, may carry information more significant than the information provided by the first component; the postpositive component can act as a concretizer of another, prepositive member of the series. For example: The watchmen not only did not get up from their seats when he passed, but didn't even look on him(N. Gogol); All, especially officials, remained dazed for a while(N. Gogol); At their intersection in round meadows, stood old, different broken, in lichen, large sandstone statues(L. Tolstoy); The crowd was buzzing all around, discussing the unprecedented incident; the word was nasty, vile, seductive, swine a scandal that ended only when the truck carried away the unfortunate Ivan Nikolaevich, a policeman, Panteley and Ryukhin from the gates of Griboyedov(M. Bulgakov).

Another essential feature of the composition is the subordination of the components of a series (in the structure of a simple and complex sentences) to one word (word form) and the ability to express a certain type of syntactic relations in this subordination. For example, the composed row fountains, lines, gold, sea in a sentence I remember the fountains that have long since faded, The strict lines of white marble, The gold that glittered dully in the sun, The cold, blue sea behind the park(L. Oshin) spreads, explains the word remember(remember what?), all components of the series express explanatory relations. In a multicomponent complex sentence I came to you with greetings to tell you that the sun rose, that it fluttered with hot light on the sheets(A. Fet) subordinate clauses are subordinate, they, answering the question “about what?”, Distribute, explain, specify the lexical meaning of the word tell in the main part (tell about what?: that the sun has risen; about what else? that it trembled with hot light on the sheets) and express explanatory relations.

Correlating with one core word, the components of the composed series can express one type of semantic relations, thus occupying one syntactic place and performing the function of one member of the sentence, and different semantic relations, thus occupying different syntactic places and performing the function of different members of the sentence.

The components of the composed series, occupying one syntactic place and performing the function of one member of the sentence, are homogeneous and form row homogeneous members . For example: Neither the Acropolis, nor Baalbek, nor Thebes, nor Paestum, nor Hagia Sophia, nor the old churches in the Russian Kremlin, are still incomparable for me with gothic cathedrals (I. Bunina) - the composed series is represented by nouns Acropolis, Baalbek, Thebes, Paestum, Hagia Sophia, churches calling miscellaneous items speech, but occupying the position of the subject represented nominative case, and being subject. They form a series of homogeneous members. In a sentence The admiral saw red and orange flashes(L. Sobolev) a homogeneous series is represented by adjectives red, orange, naming an attribute of an object by color, in the function of definition.

The components of the composed series, occupying different syntactic places and therefore being different members of the sentence, are not homogeneous. For example, the components of the composed series in the sentence are not homogeneous On the sands, in heavenly nakedness, they lie coffee bodies black-haired teenagers(A. Fadeev). The composed series is represented here by word forms on the sands and in heavenly nakedness, the first word form takes the position of the circumstance of the place, the second - the circumstance of the manner of action (or accompanying circumstance): where are the bodies lying around? - on the sand; are they in what condition? - naked. Similarly, in the statement Scientists were confused: they expected to see our ancestor not at all there and not like that(V. Shcheulin) word forms not there and not like that are components of the composed series, as evidenced by the coordinating conjunction "and", however, they are not homogeneous members, since the adverb "there" takes the position of the adverbial place: expected to see where? - not there; while the pronoun "such" expresses attributive relations: expected to see the ancestor as? - not like that. This suggests that the syntactic positions of the selected word forms are different, so they cannot be considered homogeneous.

The components of a composed series that occupy one syntactic place and perform the function of one member of the sentence are homogeneous if they are correlated with one common member of the sentence or are subordinate to it. All members of a sentence can be homogeneous. An example of homogeneous subjects: From century to century poetry and prose mortal combat is waged among themselves(E. Vinokur); That story was folded mountains, towers, stars, clouds, snow and herbs spring heap, people, songs and river (N. Tikhonov);

homogeneous predicates: My life - fate my power, everyone day her and hour (M. Aliger); No it's time unfortunate, morbid, pitiful (I. Bunin); Even in childhood he was known as an eccentric and was unlike on comrades(F. Dostoevsky); First was me oars and sharp And sometimes too much careless (M. Lermontov).

Homogeneous minor members suggestions:

homogeneous definitions: The work must have clear, definite thought(A. Chekhov); Gloomy, vague rain clouds hung over the garden in clubs(I. Bunin);

additions: Take care of old people from resentment, cold, fire (L. Tatyanicheva); Every noble person is deeply aware of his own kinship, their hard-earned connections with the fatherland(V. Belinsky);

circumstances: Attentively, tirelessly, stubbornly learn the language(M. Gorky); Ripe bread dim, gloomy whitened ahead(I. Bunin); You in summer heat and snow bright and good(E. Dolmatovsky).

However, it should be remembered that the performance of the same syntactic function of adjacent word forms is not a guarantee of homogeneity. For the homogeneity of such members of the sentence necessary condition is the existence of a coordinating connection. For example, in a sentence Dubov had no idea about Morozkin's complex experiences(A. Fadeev) definitions difficult and Morokin's, characterizing the subject (experiences of Frost) with different sides(in terms of quality and belonging), are not homogeneous, since they are not connected by a coordinative connection, which is signaled by coordinative union, absent here, and enumerative intonation, as evidenced by the absence of a comma between definitions. Similarly: On it was new blue satin shirt(N. Ostrovsky). The absence of a comma and a union - signs of a coordinating connection - indicates the heterogeneity of the selected definitions for the word shirt.

If the same word in the same form is repeated in the sentence, it is impossible to talk about the homogeneity of the member of the sentence designated by them even if there is a composing connection, because here we are talking about one action, one sign. For example: Friend of my harsh days, my decrepit dove! Alone in the wilderness of pine forests Long, long time ago Are you waiting for me(A. Pushkin); I'm going, I'm going in open field, Handbell ding-ding-ding. The repetition of a lexeme performs a stylistic device, informing about the duration of actions.

Components homogeneous series can be represented as one morphological form, and different forms one part of speech, and different parts speech. For example: And someone's tender fleshy face, shaved and plump, wearing horn-rimmed glasses, appeared before Ivan(M. Bulgakov); And this is very well known not only in Russia, but also in Europe (M. Bulgakov); It is not the air that draws him into the garden, he sees something in this spring full moon. on the moon and in the garden, in height (M. Bulgakov); In his eyes alone blue, bulging and several motionless, one could notice either thoughtfulness or fatigue, and his voice sounded evenly(I. Turgenev); Hump ​​nose, proud lips, forehead white and clean, without any particular marks (M. Bulgakov).

The components of an inhomogeneous composed series can also have either one or different ways morphological expression. For example: She looked at him for a long time and carefully (A. Fadeev); She looked at him for a long time, in deep almost thoughtfully.

Thus, composition and homogeneity are not identical concepts. The concept of a composed series is wider than the concept of homogeneity: homogeneous members of a sentence form a composed series and are its components, but not all components of a composed series are homogeneous.

The composed series can be open and closed. Under open refers to a series capable of potential propagation. It is typical for constructions with enumerative relations, as well as with relations of mutual exclusion and alternation. They may be multicomponent. For example: Nai-tours in a big way planted colt in holster, jumped to the machine gun by the sidewalk, crouched, crouched, and left hand corrected tape(M. Bulgakov); She never(Marie) did not get tired of listening to these naive sea tales - albeit repeated more than once - about sea ​​and fishing life, about little meager joys, about simple artless love, about distant voyages, about storms and crashes, about submissive, harsh acceptance always close of death, about rough fun on the land(A. Kuprin); me or sobbing, or I will scream, or I'll faint (A. Chekhov); Sliding like a cat, he's not crawled, not that slipped through, not that flew over across the traveled road...(A. Fadeev).

Under closed are understood to be two-component series that cannot be supplemented by new members with the same semantic relations. These are, as a rule, comparative, gradational, and adversative constructions. For example: The guest went not out of town, a in town (M. Bulgakov); Levin dutifully put own sauce, but did not give there is Stepan Arkadyich(L. Tolstoy); Not only Volodya , but also other children enjoyed going to the theater.

The connection between the components of a composed series can be obligatory and optional. In the presence of mandatory links, one of the row components cannot be omitted. The necessity of this connection is determined, for example, lexical meaning verb as common word. These are verbs with the meaning of connection, separation, comparison: add, compare, divide, marry, demarcate, compare. A feature of these verbs is that they name actions directed simultaneously not at one object, but at several objects that are in the same relation to this action. All components of the composed series in this case are among the obligatory distributors of verbs: combine work and leisure; separate sugar and salt, compare the properties and states of an object, put things and books together, marry a brother and a girlfriend, compare structural and semantic approaches to a sentence and under. The obligatory nature of a connection in a composed series can be dictated by the nature of the union, as well as the presence of other service words(particles not) that determine the presence of homogeneous members. For example: But the proposal to send Kant to Solovki not only not impressed foreigner, but even enthralled (M. Bulgakov); Levin put on big boots and for the first time not a fur coat, a cloth undershirt and went to housework(L. Tolstoy).

In the absence of these conditions, the connection between the components of the composed series is optional. For example: There were dogs, horses, sheep, cows, workers;(I. Bunin).

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