Home Useful tips How to restore sensitivity in the intimate area. Stopping painful sensations in the mammary glands of pregnant women. Condition of nipples in women during pregnancy and lactation

How to restore sensitivity in the intimate area. Stopping painful sensations in the mammary glands of pregnant women. Condition of nipples in women during pregnancy and lactation

Breast sensitivity manifests itself in the form of mild or severe pain that occurs during palpation, wearing underwear and clothing, during active movements or performing physical exercise, while running or walking quickly.

Breast sensitivity in some cases may be temporary, manifesting itself in certain periods menstrual cycle, under the influence of natural hormonal changes, but sometimes it is a symptom of a disease.

Define exact reason breast sensitivity can only be diagnosed by a doctor after studying the examination results and medical history. But first, let’s determine what factors can provoke this phenomenon.

Breast tenderness during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes many significant changes, against the background of which breast sensitivity develops. According to statistics, such ailments often appear already at early stages.

The reason for breast tenderness during pregnancy is due to changes in the hormonal system. The effect is temporary, so no special measures need to be taken.

Breast tenderness during lactation

Under the influence of the hormone prolactin, active milk production occurs, which leads to swelling of the mammary glands. Quite often, during the period of feeding a child after childbirth, a woman notices an increase in breast sensitivity.

This condition can persist throughout lactation, manifest itself with an excess amount of milk, after feeding or during feeding.

As a rule, breast sensitivity disappears on its own after the complete completion of lactation. You need to contact a mammologist and undergo examinations if you notice that ailments persist after lactation.

Breast tenderness after surgery

If a patient has undergone breast surgery (installation of implants, reduction mammoplasty, gland reconstruction), most often she does not experience an increase in breast sensitivity, but a temporary loss of it.

When touched, it seems to her that the skin of her chest does not feel anything at all. IN to a greater extent this problem extends to the nipple-areolar complex. If breast sensitivity has disappeared, there is no need to worry, since within 7-14 days after the operation it should recover on its own.

Breast tenderness before menstruation

On the eve of menstruation, the body prepares for complex processes. Hormones play an important role in it, therefore, under their influence, the mammary glands swell, slightly increase in size and may seem heavy for some time.

Many women experience various discomforts before the first days of a new menstrual cycle, and sometimes breast sensitivity appears before menstruation.

Breast tenderness during sexual arousal

Like a man's sexual organ, female nipples prone to erection, which occurs with strong sexual arousal. At this point, they become more sensitive to touch and react slightly painfully to mechanical stress. This condition is natural: it is not for nothing that sex therapists consider nipples to be one of the most sensitive erogenous zones in women.

Breast sensitivity with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease in which the mammary glands grow. The clinical picture suggests pronounced swelling and enlargement of the breast, pain and discharge from the nipples. Also, with mastopathy, an increase in breast sensitivity is often observed. The problem cannot simply be left unattended. A doctor's examination and treatment will be required.

Breast tenderness during adolescence

IN puberty girls quite often complain of soreness and sensitivity of the breast, which can manifest itself in different periods menstrual cycle. This is a completely normal hormonal state for a teenage girl whose body is undergoing drastic changes.

Reproductive and mental health Women largely depend on the organization of their sexual life. Very often, patients, especially older ones, complain that the vagina has become insensitive. If earlier for strong excitement A few touches were enough, but now even full sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure.

Some women suffer from this problem from the very beginning of their sexual life. According to statistics, less than half of all women on the planet have regular orgasms. Let's look at why there is no sensitivity in the vagina and how to restore vaginal sensitivity.

First of all, it is worth understanding that a woman’s vagina, by definition, is not particularly sensitive. There are practically no nerve endings inside the vagina; the orgasm that a woman receives is associated with stimulation of the vestibule of the vagina, clitoris, and other erogenous zones.

There is an opinion that there are very sensitive points A and in the vagina. These are peculiar bundles of nerve endings that are located on the front side of the vagina. When they are stimulated, a woman receives strong sexual pleasure. This is probably where the sensitivity of the vagina is limited.

If there were many nerve endings inside the vaginal opening, natural childbirth would be impossible, because if such a sensitive area was injured, the woman would receive a painful shock.

Since the vagina is insensitive, in order to achieve orgasm a woman must first be very aroused and also stimulate the erogenous zones. So, if sexual intercourse begins immediately, then the woman most likely will not receive any pleasure, precisely because the vagina is insensitive, and the main erogenous zones were not affected.


It happens that a woman has had great relationship with my husband, I was perfectly aroused and often had orgasms, but suddenly everything changed. Sensitivity during sex may disappear for the following reasons:

  • due to natural childbirth;
  • neurological diseases;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • due to inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • against the background of hormonal imbalance and menopause;
  • during pregnancy;
  • rare sex life;
  • due to fatigue, constant stress;
  • bad relationship with your partner.

All of the above reasons can be divided into physiological, related to diseases and changes that have developed in the body, as well as psychological. Let's take a closer look at them.


Why did the vaginal sensitivity disappear after childbirth or during pregnancy? During pregnancy and breastfeeding, vaginal dryness and insensitivity are caused by hormonal changes.

At this time, the woman’s body does everything to ensure that the child survives, receives normal nutrition and develops. It is logical that at this time the body does not need to engage in procreation, because it first needs to feed the current offspring.

Of course, the body perceives this a little differently; under the influence of pregnancy and lactation, the hormonal levels in the body change greatly. This is a consequence of changes in the sensitivity of the genital organs.

It is important to note that if suddenly during pregnancy the labia become insensitive and numb, then this situation requires urgent consultation with a doctor. Such symptoms may indicate a circulatory or innervation disorder, which can be very dangerous for the expectant mother.

Immediately after birth, lack of sensitivity is normal; usually everything returns to normal after full recovery mucous membrane. During delivery, the vagina is severely injured, abrasions and tears appear. These injuries are the cause of discomfort, dryness and lack of sensitivity during sex.


An insensitive vagina may be the result of inflammatory diseases, especially chronic ones, in the vagina. If acute infections are manifested by itching, swelling, copious discharge with an unpleasant odor, then chronic illness can proceed very secretly.

In this case, the discharge is quite scanty and the woman may not pay attention to it. But against the background of the inflammatory process, the vaginal mucosa changes, and dysbacteriosis is observed in it. As a result, the mucous membrane dries out and the sensitivity of the genital organs is greatly reduced.

The only way to restore sensitivity to the vagina in this case is to undergo a full course of treatment and get rid of the inflammatory disease. Then the microflora will be restored, the vagina will become moist again, and sex will be sensitive.


There are several periods in a woman's life when natural hormonal changes occur that cause vaginal numbness. These are puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Hormonal imbalances are also possible during normal times.

Very often, problems with vaginal sensitivity arise when a woman enters menopause. At this time, the body is inhibited reproductive system, the production of sex hormones is greatly reduced.

Estrogens, a deficiency of which is observed during menopause, affect the hydration of the vagina and the elasticity of the mucous membrane. Naturally, the lack of such hormones makes sex insensitive. To normalize your sex life, you can ask your doctor to select hormone replacement therapy medications.

If there are no contraindications, the doctor will prescribe treatment and the symptoms of menopause, including an insensitive vagina, will stop bothering the woman. It is also possible to use hormonal gels and vaginal moisturizing lubricants to improve sensation during intercourse and make the vagina sensitive.

If a young woman suddenly develops such unpleasant symptoms as dryness and burning in the vagina, the quality of her hair, nails and skin changes, her weight suddenly rises and falls, then it is quite possible that hormonal disbalance. In this case, you need to get tested for hormones and undergo a course of therapy.


If a woman not only loses sensitivity during sex, but also does not feel anything at all when touched in the perineal area, then it is worth consulting a doctor. A complete lack of sensation in the groin may indicate a serious neurological disorder.

Numbness in the groin can be the result of an injury. For example, if a woman fell or hit her tailbone. Pathology may also be associated with traumatic birth or improper surgical intervention. Also the reason may be intervertebral hernia or neoplasm.

The reason for the lack of sensitivity may be poor circulation. If a woman sits all the time, moves very little, and does not play sports, then stagnant processes occur in the pelvis. As a result, very dangerous disease- thrombosis.


A woman’s sensitivity during sex largely depends on her psychological mood, desire for this moment enter into sexual relations. So, if a woman is tired, her thoughts are busy with something else, then the insensitivity of the vagina is completely understandable.

To restore the sensitivity of the vagina in this case, you need to relax as much as possible and throw unnecessary thoughts out of your head. For this you can arrange romantic dinner, go to a bar or restaurant, or just spend the evening watching a romantic movie.

A woman’s attitude towards her partner also plays an important role. It happens that spouses lose passion for each other, as a result, a woman cannot get aroused and have pleasure. In this case, you need to reconsider your relationship and pay more attention to each other.

If you are interested in how to develop vaginal sensitivity, it is worth thinking about how relaxed sex a woman has. If sexual intercourse is limited to one vaginal penetration, then the lack of orgasm is understandable.

In this case, experts recommend diversifying your sex life. You can add oral sex, petting, try new positions. It is very important to devote sufficient time to foreplay and clitoral stimulation so that the vagina is sufficiently moisturized.

Many women are angry about the lack of vaginal orgasm without clitoral stimulation. According to statistics, very few women actually experience a vaginal orgasm, because the nature of the vagina is such that there are no nerve endings in it a large number of. Therefore, you should not focus on one erogenous zone. To get pleasure, you need to try to stimulate all points on the body that respond with pleasant sensations.

Many women are concerned about the question of how to increase the sensitivity of the vagina and make the sensations more vivid. To do this, try following these recommendations:

  • It is necessary to go to the gynecologist, get tested, and undergo an examination to make sure there is no inflammatory disease. If pathology is detected, you first need to be completely cured.
  • Establish a relationship with your partner, talk to him openly about your desires and feelings. Often men are not good enough in bed because they cannot guess what a woman wants. A simple conversation will help fix everything.
  • If the vagina is not wet enough, you can use lubricants. Such gels moisturize the mucous membrane well and help make sex more sensual.
  • If your vagina is wet but you want a thrill, you can try a stimulating lubricant. This gel will slightly tingle and warm, increasing arousal.
  • Before vaginal penetration, you must be well aroused, so you should not avoid foreplay. If a woman is hard to get aroused, she can try reading an erotic novel or watching an erotic video before sex.
  • You can make your vagina more sensitive by using sex toys. For example, a butt plug will help tighten the vagina and enhance sensations for both the woman and her partner.

In older women, lack of sensitivity is often associated with decreased tone of the pelvic floor. In this case, Kegel exercises will help restore pleasant sensations. It would also be a good idea to do yoga, fitness or swimming to improve blood circulation throughout the body.

Physical activity reduces the likelihood of inflammatory diseases, makes the body fit and sexy, which increases self-confidence. In addition, exercise improves blood flow to the genitals, and therefore their sensitivity during sex.

Loss of sensitivity and numbness of the nipples or other areas of the skin of the mammary glands is a fairly common complication that develops after breast augmentation surgery. If numbness in the lower part of the gland, where soft tissues are more injured, is a natural and temporary phenomenon, then a decrease in the sensitivity of the nipple-areolar complex is an undesirable and not planned phenomenon.

It is difficult to say in what percentage of cases such a complication occurs since there is not a lot of reliable statistical data. It is believed that persistent impairment of the sensitivity of the areola and nipple occurs in 2-10% of cases of all operations performed.

The following manifestations of sensory impairment occur:

Hyposthesia - This is a sensitivity disorder that is characterized by decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​the nipple and areola, as well as in the lower part of the gland. As a rule, it is temporary and occurs naturally in the first days and weeks after surgery. Gradually, the area of ​​reduced sensitivity decreases and completely disappears by one year after surgery.

Hypostesthesia of the nipple-areolar complex is rarely irreversible. In some cases, with very thin soft tissues breast, hypoesthesia in the lower pole of the mammary gland can be permanent, but this, unfortunately, is a cost of the operation.

Hyperesthesia - This is a sensitivity disorder that is characterized by increased sensitivity in the area of ​​the nipple and areola. For this type of violation characteristic feature is an intensification of ordinary sensations, sometimes to the point of pain.

Patients often note that the sensations when touched remain the same, but their intensity has increased significantly. Hyperesthesia is most often a temporary phenomenon. The presence of hyperesthesia indicates that there is no significant damage to the nerve endings and sensitivity will soon return to normal.

Paresthesia - These are special sensitivity disorders that are characterized by atypical manifestations of sensitivity. These include “pins and needles”, tingling, as well as any other manifestations of sensitivity atypical for this area. Another special feature is that these sensations are in no way related to external influences.

As a rule, parasthesia to one degree or another occurs in many patients after surgery, but passes quickly enough. Most often, such sensitivity disorders are associated with overstretching and compression of nerve endings.

Anesthesia - This is the most severe of all types of sensitivity disorder, which is characterized by a complete lack of sensitivity in a certain area of ​​the mammary gland. This disorder is associated with complete damage to the branches of the sensory nerves innervating this area.

Anesthesia is an extremely rare complication, since damage to all branches innervating the mammary gland during cosmetic surgery seems unlikely. However, the branches of the fourth intercostal nerve make a very significant contribution to the innervation of the nipple-areola complex and their damage can significantly impair the sensitivity of the areola and nipple.

Speaking about impaired sensitivity, it is necessary to evaluate this complication from a practical point of view, namely from the point of view of patients, how much the decrease in sensitivity affects the quality of life. In my experience, a year after surgery, it is extremely rare for anyone who has undergone surgery to complain of discomfort from decreased sensitivity.

Even if, with the help of a targeted survey, it is possible to find out that there is still a decrease in sensitivity, it turns out to be minimal and in 90% of cases in the area of ​​the scar, which is quite natural and expected. The main thing is that very rarely does anyone complain that this interferes with their lives.

Causes of loss of sensitivity after mammoplasty

There are several reasons why sensitivity is impaired, but their essence comes down to damage to nerve fibers and nerve endings. This damage can be either reversible or irreversible. Let's look at the main ones.

1. Damage to nerve fibers. Any surgery accompanied by incisions, separation and movement of tissue. During the operation, damage to nerve fibers is inevitable. This is fine. The surgeon must have a good knowledge of the anatomy in order not to damage large branches of the nerves during the operation, since their damage can lead to a permanent decrease in sensitivity. Over time, small nerve fibers and nerve endings are restored and sensitivity gradually returns.

2. Damage to the fourth intercostal nerve. The fourth intercostal nerve is known to be responsible for the sensitivity of the nipple and areola.

This nerve passes at the level of the midaxillary line. Branching into two parts, it runs along the circumference of the chest and enters the gland tissue.

During the operation, the surgeon must remember that there is a possibility of damage to this nerve, so the operation in this area must be performed very carefully.

Complete or partial damage to the anterolateral or anteromedial branch of this nerve sometimes still occurs. The result of this can be a sharp decrease in the sensitivity of the nipple-areolar complex, which can be permanent.

3. Large implant size. Installing an implant that is too large can also affect the sensitivity of the skin of the mammary glands or nipples, as well as numbness after surgery. This is explained by the fact that incorrectly selected, very big size The implant exerts strong pressure and stretches the fourth intercostal nerve, which is pinched between the implant and the chest.

Most often, this is manifested by stabbing and pulling pain, but these pains are rarely permanent and go away within a few weeks.

3. Implant location. During the observations, it was revealed that when installing an implant under a large pectoral muscle, the risk of sensitivity and numbness is less than with installation under the mammary gland.

It must be remembered that even in the case of a perfectly performed breast enlargement operation, the sensitivity of the nipples may be impaired. The explanation for this, as mentioned above, is the greater sensitivity of the skin of the nipples, due to the large number of nerve endings.

The nerve endings that connect to the nipple are very small and thin, and very often the surgeon, without noticing, stretches or cauterizes them during surgery.

If the nerve fibers were stretched during surgery, their sensitivity is restored fairly quickly. If they are cauterized, more long time for their restoration, depending on the degree of their damage.

Return of breast sensitivity

As a rule, restoration of sensitivity occurs within several months after surgery. But sometimes, when the degree of damage to the nerve fibers is high enough, recovery can take quite a long period of time.

A woman’s mammary glands are very sensitive to various changes in the body that occur under the influence hormonal levels. Women's breasts show the greatest sensitivity during pregnancy, sensitively reacting to any hormonal fluctuations and becoming an excellent indicator of the course of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a woman often experiences discomfort in the chest area and gets very scared when they disappear, especially if this happens in the early stages.

Many people are concerned about the question of at what week the breast pain stopped hurting during pregnancy, and whether this is normal.

Naturalness of the process

In the early stages of pregnancy, the mammary gland great amount changes that are designed to prepare this organ for upcoming breastfeeding.

The level of progesterone and hCG in the blood gradually increases - two hormones that are responsible for maintaining the fetus in the body and adapting to the upcoming gestation process.

It is the increase in the level of these hormones that explains why the breasts begin to hurt. The answer is simple: glandular tissue grows in the mammary gland, which will subsequently be responsible for milk production. In this case, there is often a slight compression of the surrounding structures, which explains why the chest causes discomfort for some time.

Many people are concerned about the question of when the end of pain is normal and when it is a sign of pathology. Alas, no doctor can answer this question without an examination. Each woman’s body is individual and pregnancy proceeds differently for everyone, which is why it is impossible to give a definite answer as to when exactly the discomfort will disappear and whether this is normal.

When a woman's body prepares for pregnancy, the following processes occur:

  • tingling and burning sensations will be concentrated in the nipple area;
  • nipples will become several shades darker;
  • The chest will begin to react sensitively to the slightest touch.

Process Features

It is worth noting that if the chest does not hurt, this is also not necessarily a sign of pathology. As already mentioned, each woman’s body is very individual and reacts to changes in hormonal levels differently.

If the mammary glands do not hurt even in the early stages, you should just consult a doctor. There is a high probability that this is within the normal range for you, and there is no need to worry.

For many women, it is common to feel discomfort only during the first and last month gestation, when the processes of restructuring in the organ are especially intense. In the meantime, there may be no feeling of discomfort at all.

If the pain bothered you at first, then most often it will disappear at 10, 11 or 12 weeks, when the intensity of the effect of hormones on the body begins to decline. This is also the norm, not to have breast pain all the time.

Sensations may disappear at 10, 11 or 12 weeks if the growth of glandular tissue has completed earlier.

Women should not panic if, contrary to the stories of their pregnant friends, all pain disappeared at 10, 11 or 12 weeks. It is better to consult a doctor on this topic and listen to his opinion, since the doctor, unlike friends, is able to take into account the individual course of pregnancy in each individual case.

It is worth saying that not every woman’s breasts stop hurting at 10, 11 and 12 weeks. For some, on the contrary, this time falls at the peak of restructuring, when the mammary glands react especially sensitively to any touch.

Termination of pregnancy, frozen pregnancy and other possible problems

Alas, not for all women the cessation of chest pain ends happily, so in addition to the presence of discomfort, it is recommended to pay attention to a number of additional factors.

So, if the mammary glands stop hurting at 10, 11, 12 weeks or later, this may indicate that female body an acute lack of progesterone has formed, which is always accompanied by the threat of termination of pregnancy.

If a woman feels that something is wrong with her new sensations, she should once again play it safe and consult a doctor.

If progesterone deficiency is identified in a timely manner, it is always possible to carry the pregnancy to term by taking medications containing this important hormone.

Often the breasts stop hurting at 10, 11 or 12 weeks of pregnancy if the fetal growth process stops. Fading is a dangerous condition in which it is no longer possible to bear a child and it is necessary to save the woman herself and, if there is a chance, to preserve her ability to bear children.

In addition to the disappearance of pain at 10, 11 or 12 weeks, freezing may be indicated by a sudden softening of the mammary gland and loss of sensitivity. However, if at 10, 11 or 12 weeks only pain disappears, and sensitivity and volume remain, this is not a cause for concern.

Decline mammary gland due to fading of fetal growth - this is most often a consequence sharp decline level of progesterone in the blood.

Another reason why painful sensations in the mammary gland may disappear is the pathology of the pituitary gland, which also often ends spontaneous interruption pregnancy. This pathology also needs to be corrected using hormonal agents, after consulting with a specialist.

On the eve of childbirth

If discomfort in the chest disappeared at 10, 11 or 12 weeks, and no pathology was detected, then, most likely, they will return only immediately before the onset of labor.

The return of pain may indicate the proximity of the birth process, the completion of the woman’s body’s preparation for the birth of a new life.

It is worth keeping in mind that not all women experience breast discomfort immediately before childbirth; for many, it may disappear only by this time, signaling that the breasts are ready to produce milk and feed the baby.

For many women, the first few days after childbirth become unpleasant, when the baby is first put to the breast, and the woman herself is just mastering breastfeeding.

The return of increased sensitivity in this period is due to the fact that the female breast, and especially the nipple, has not yet become coarsened enough to painlessly perceive the sucking process. As you get used to breastfeeding, these sensations will disappear completely; there is no need to worry.

Whatever the changes in the mammary gland during pregnancy, a woman should not worry too much about them before consulting a doctor. She needs to remember that when the breasts stop hurting during pregnancy, this can be a completely normal individual indicator.

Excess stress is harmful for pregnant women, so it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist rather than listen to the advice of friends and folk signs. Only a doctor will be able to competently and fully assess all the factors and dispel fears for the health of the unborn baby that worry the woman.

The female breast is an extremely sensitive organ, which, both during and without pregnancy, can tell a woman that everything is fine with her body or, on the contrary, that something is going wrong. All you need to know in this case is the language own body, listen to your own intuition and promptly seek help from specialists if you suddenly have any doubts.

The female breast is a target for 15 hormones produced in the body. The increased sensitivity of the nipples during various periods of functioning of the patient's genital area confirms this conclusion. IN Everyday life women practically do not feel excessive irritability of the mammary glands. But during certain periods, the breasts swell and the nipples become overly sensitive to external irritants. Usually this condition is not a pathology, however, a similar problem can occur with some diseases.

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Increased sensitivity of the nipples of the mammary glands during the menstrual cycle

Quite often, young women note that their nipples have become sensitive just before the start of menstruation. This condition directly related to changes in hormonal levels in patients during this period.

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by increased secretion of the hormone progesterone. This substance takes an active part in the growth of the endometrium of the uterus and enhances the development of glandular tissue in the mammary gland. The peak of its effect on the female breast usually occurs on the 6th - 8th day of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Due to the effects of progesterone, the mammary glands increase in size, and the sensitivity of the nipples and areola increases sharply. During this period, many women are forced to use bras with special softening pads, although in everyday life they could do just fine without underwear.

A similar condition in gynecology is called PMS and, according to foreign authors, occurs in 80% of menstruating women. Quite often young girls are confused premenstrual syndrome with pregnancy, but after the end of menstruation the symptoms usually subside.

PMS is a complex set of symptoms that occurs during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. This period is characterized by psychopathological, vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders in the female body. Mechanism of pathogenesis this symptom little studied. The occurrence of the process is associated with the action biologically active substances, such as histamine and serotonin per patient. Main PMS symptoms They call very sensitive nipples and mastodynia, that is, swelling of the mammary glands.

Increased irritability of the nipples and areola can also be a sign of ovulation. During this period of the menstrual cycle, the egg is rejected from the female ovary.

Female sex hormones also play a major role in this process. Estrogen comes to the fore during ovulation. Under its influence, the follicle grows and the attraction of the endometrium to the egg increases. During this period, the mammary glands are characterized by a lack of tension, their tactile sensitivity is minimal.

In the middle of the menstrual cycle, the effects of estrogen are replaced by the latinizing hormone. The substance is the main cause of follicle rupture and egg rejection from the body. At the same time, the effect of the hormone extends to the mammary glands of young women, which leads to increased tension in the breasts and increased sensitivity of the nipples.

Increased tactile sensitivity of a woman's nipples during pregnancy and lactation

There is a common belief that high sensitivity of the nipples is one of the first signs of conceiving a child. It is difficult to disagree with this statement.

When pregnancy occurs, a global hormonal change begins in the female body. All organs and systems of the expectant mother begin to prepare for the process of pregnancy and birth healthy child. However, not all hormones produced serve this purpose.

Many substances produced by glands internal secretion patients, have a fairly versatile effect. An example is the hormone oxytacin. In a woman’s body, this substance is responsible for preparing the mammary glands for feeding the unborn baby and stimulates lactation.

Nature intended it so that physical stimulation is necessary to enhance the production of oxytacin in the patient’s blood and mammary glands. female breast and nipples. Under the influence of the baby's sucking movements or constant massage, the mammary glands are massaged, the milk hormone is intensely released, and milk comes in. In addition to enhancing lactation, oxytacin promotes uterine contraction, which reduces the likelihood of inflammatory diseases in young mothers after childbirth.

However, such actions, necessary in the postpartum period, can negatively affect the female body during pregnancy. The high sensitivity of the nipples does not allow the pregnant woman to touch the mammary glands again, thereby reducing the production of estrogen. Expectant mother visiting antenatal clinic They will definitely recommend wearing special underwear during pregnancy.

After childbirth and the start of breastfeeding, the susceptibility of the nipples to external irritants remains quite high. In this period main problem women will no longer experience hormonal surges, but errors in practice.

Painful sensations in the area of ​​the areola and nipples are usually a consequence of the formation of abrasions, abrasions or on their surface. This problem is most often caused by improper latching of the breast by the baby, non-physiological position of mother and child during feeding, and poor personal hygiene by the young mother. A simple example: a wet pad in a bra leads to maceration of the skin of the nipple, it becomes too soft and is easily injured when feeding the baby.

When visiting expectant mother The antenatal clinic and in the maternity hospital should have explained to the woman the principles of breastfeeding and caring for the mammary glands during lactation. Often, increased nipple sensitivity leads to premature cessation of breastfeeding, which can adversely affect the baby's health.

The pharmacy chain offers enough products to care for the mammary glands and nipples when breastfeeding, however, before using them, a young mother should consult a specialist.

How do various breast diseases affect nipple sensitivity?

The mammary glands are a fairly intimate and delicate organ, so any woman pays attention to her breasts Special attention. Why nipples are sensitive outside of pregnancy and lactation is of interest to a large number of patients.

Many problems of the female genital area quite often lead to increased irritability of the nipples. First of all, these are various hormonal disorders that cause inflammatory processes in a woman’s body, including:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome leads to an increase in estrogen, which causes an increase in the volume of the mammary glands. One of the first symptoms of this disease is increased sensitivity of the nipples of the female breast.
  • Myoma of the uterine body is a mixed hormonal and metabolic pathology. High sensitivity of the nipples is observed in 80% of women suffering from this disease.
  • Various endometrial diseases also resolve when the hormonal balance in the patient’s body is disrupted and often lead to severe sensitivity of the nipples and areola of the mammary glands.

But almost any pathology of the mammary glands in its symptoms has increased tactile sensitivity of the nipples. Such sensations should cause particular concern in women who note changes in the structure of their mammary glands or their deformation. Such symptoms are typical for oncological processes in the female breast and require immediate seeking help from an oncologist or mammologist.

If increased sensitivity in the nipples is accompanied by them, this can become a signal of a serious pathology. Normal serous discharge indicates the development of various inflammatory processes in a woman's breast. If drops of blood periodically appear on a woman’s nipples, then we may be talking about breast cancer.

Any symptoms in the patient are necessarily accompanied by an increase in nipple sensitivity. The mechanism of development of this symptom in various pathologies is quite different, and many factors play a role in its occurrence: from growth connective tissue in the mammary gland until cystic cavities form in the nipple area.

Benign diseases of the female breast do not pose an immediate threat to a woman’s health, but require immediate attention. close attention. According to WHO, about 45% benign tumors in women's breasts they can become malignant within 5 years.

To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examination at the mammologist. Since increased sensitivity of the nipples is one of the first symptoms of the development of pathology in the mammary glands, it is necessary not to treat such manifestations condescendingly. Early diagnosis of any disease is a guarantee of successful treatment.

About 1% of women in the world have permanent increased sensitivity nipples This is their genetic feature and does not require treatment. If a specialist has identified such a deviation from the norm in a patient, she needs to develop a certain style of clothing for herself to reduce irritation of the mammary glands. In addition, hygienic care of areas of irritation is important.

Gradually, the woman will get used to the condition and will not react to the increased excitability of the nipples. IN difficult cases A psychologist or psychotherapist can always come to the patient’s aid.

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