Home Fruit trees Russian language Babaytseva in-depth study

Russian language Babaytseva in-depth study

Oral and written forms of speech.
The Russian literary language has two forms of speech: oral and written. They are closely interrelated and constantly influence each other.
Written and oral forms of speech have many common properties because they represent the same language.

Combine both forms of speech:
1) basic vocabulary;
2) rules of word formation and word changes;
3) the rules of word compatibility, etc.

The main differences between oral and written forms of speech:
1) in oral speech the choice of words is freer than in writing;
2) in oral speech, incomplete sentences are used more often than in writing;
3) in oral speech, sentences can be shorter than in writing, since understatement is made up for by the situation of speech (situation). For example, it is enough for a teacher to sternly say “Guys!” in a lesson so that the students understand: this appeal requires attention, silence. IN writing complex sentences are more common;
4) in oral speech more attention is paid to correct pronunciation sounds, and in written speech - the correct designation of sounds by letters (spelling). In oral speech, it is very important to pronounce words with the correct intonation and stress, and in writing - to put punctuation marks correctly.

Preface 3
5th class
§ 1. The Russian language is one of richest languages peace 8
§ 2. The concept of literary language 9
§ 3. Oral and written forms of speech 11
§ 4. Styles literary language 12
§ 5. The main sections of the science of the Russian language 15
§ 6. Sounds of speech and letters 16
§ 7. Alphabet 19
§ 8. Vowels and consonants 21
§ 9. Syllable. Wrapping Rules 23
§ 10. Emphasis 24
§ 11. Voiced and deaf consonants 26
§ 12. Hard and soft consonants 28
§ 13. Values letters i,u,e,e 29
§ 14. The meanings of the letters ъ and ъ in Russian graphics 30
§ 15. soft sign after sizzling 32
§ 16. Vowels after hissing 33
§ 17. Vowels after c 34
§ 18. The concept of a morpheme 35
§ 19. The basis of the word and the ending 36
§ 20. The root of the word 38
§ 21. Prefix and suffix 40
§ 22. Word formation 43
§ 23. Word-building chains 47
§ 24. Historical changes in the composition of the word 49
§ 25. Alternation of sounds in the root of the word 51
Spelling of morphemes (roots and prefixes) 54
§ 26. Morphemic spellings -
§ 27. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root -
§ 28. Spelling of roots with alternation vowels a-o 55
§ 29. Spelling of roots with alternation vowels e-i 58
§ 30. Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes 59
§ 31. Prefixes ending in z (s) -
§ 32. Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre- 60
§ 33. The concept of the word 61
§ 34. Dictionary wealth of the Russian language 63
§ 35. Lexical meaning words 66
§ 36. Single-valued and polysemantic words 67
§ 37. Direct and figurative meaning words 68
§ 38. Common and restricted words 70
§ 39. Synonyms 74
§ 40. Antonyms 77
§ 41. Homonyms 79
§ 42. Paronyms 80
§ 43. The concept of etymology 82
§ 44. obsolete words 83
§ 45. Neologisms 85
§ 46. Borrowed words 87
§ 47. Old Slavonicisms 90
§ 48. Phraseologisms 95
§ 49. Proverbs and sayings 98
§ fifty. Winged words and expressions 100
§ 51. The concept of parts of speech 104
§ 52, Significant and functional parts of speech 107
§ 53. The word and its forms 109
Noun 110
§ 54. The concept of a noun -
§ 55. The role of nouns in speech 112
§ 56. Common nouns and proper names nouns 114
§ 57. Animate and inanimate names nouns 116
§ 58. Discharges of nouns by meaning 118
§ 59. Gender of nouns 119
§ 60. Number of nouns 122
§ 61. Case of nouns 124
§ 62. Declension of nouns in singular 125
§ 63. Declension of nouns in plural 129
§ 64. Opposite nouns 130
§ 65. A special type of declension 131
§ 66. Invariable nouns 132
Derivation of nouns -
§ 67. Sources of noun formation -
§ 68. Formation of nouns with the help of suffixes 133
§ 69. Formation of nouns with the help of prefixes 135
§ 70. Transition of adjectives into nouns 136
Verb 138
§ 71. The concept of the verb -
§ 72. The role of verbs in speech 140
§ 73. Infinitive 142
§ 74. Reflexive verbs 144
§ 75. Transitional and intransitive verbs 145
§ 76. Types of the verb 147
§ 77. Moods of the verb 151
§ 78. Indicative -
§ 79. Verb tenses -
§ 80. Present tense 152
§ 81. Past tense 153
§ 82. Future tense 155
§ 83. Verb stems 157
§ 84. Verb conjugation 159
§ 85. Opposite conjugated verbs 160
§ 86. Imperative mood 162
§ 87. Subjunctive mood 164
§ 88. Impersonal verbs 165
§ 89. Formation of verbs with the help of prefixes and suffixes 167
Adjective 169
§ 90. The concept of an adjective -
§ 91. The role of adjectives in speech 170
§ 92. Ranks of adjectives by meaning 172
§ 93. Full and short adjectives 174
§ 94. Declension of adjectives 175
§ 95. Degrees of comparison quality adjectives 178
Section 96 Education comparative degree 179
Section 97 Education superlatives 180
Derivation of adjectives 182
§ 98, Formation of adjectives with the help of suffixes -
§ 99. Formation of adjectives using prefixes 185
§ 100. Formation of adjectives by adding stems 186
Name numeral 187
§ 101. The concept of the numeral -
§ 102. The role of numerals in speech 189
§ 103. Discharges of numerals according to the structure 191
§ 104. Cardinal numbers 192
§ 105. Collective numbers 196
§ 106. Fractional numbers 198
§ 107. Ordinal numbers -
§ 108. Formation of words of other parts of speech from numerals 200
Adverb 201
§ 109. The concept of adverb -
§ 110. Ranks of adverbs by meaning 202
§ 111. The role of adverbs in speech 204
§ 112. Degrees of comparison of adverbs 205
Word formation of adverbs 207
§ 113. Features of the formation of adverbs -
§ 114. Formation of adverbs with the help of prefixes 208
§ 115. Formation of adverbs with the help of suffixes 209
§ 116, Transition of nouns to adverbs 210
§ 117. Transition of adjectives into adverbs 212
Status category words 213
§ 118. The concept of words of the category of state -
§ 119. Discharges of words of the category of state by value 216
§ 120. The role of words of the category of state in speech 217
Pronoun 220
§ 121. The concept of a pronoun -
§ 122. Pronoun and other parts of speech 221
Classes of pronouns 223
§ 123. Personal pronouns -
§ 124. Reflexive pronoun 224
§ 125. Possessive pronouns 225
§ 126. Interrogative pronouns 226
§ 127. Relative pronouns 227
§ 128. Indefinite pronouns 228
§ 129. Negative pronouns 229
§ 130. Definitive pronouns 230
§ 131. Demonstrative pronouns 231
§ 132. The role of pronouns in speech 232
Communion 235
§ 133. The concept of communion -
§ 134. The role of participles in speech 236
§ 135. Signs of an adjective in participle 237
§ 136. Signs of the verb in participle 238
Word formation of participles 239
Section 137 Education real participles 240
Section 138 Education passive participles -
Spelling participles 241
§ 139. Vowels in participles before nn in -
§ 140. Spelling nn in participles -
§ 141. Spelling not with participles 242
§ 142. Transition of participles to other parts of speech 243
General participle 245
§ 143. The concept of the participle -
§ 144. Signs of the verb and adverb in the participle 247
§ 145. Word formation of gerunds 249
§ 146. Geronal participle and participle -
§ 147. The role of gerunds in speech 250
§ 148. Role service words in speech 251
Preposition 252
§ 149. The concept of a preposition -
§ 150. Ranks of prepositions by meaning 254
§ 151. Classes of prepositions by origin 255
§ 152. Spelling of prepositions 257
Soyuz 258
§ 153. The concept of union -
§ 154. Coordinating conjunctions -
§ 155. Subordinating conjunctions 259
§ 156. Spelling of unions 261
Particle 262
§ 157. The concept of a particle -
§ 158. Form-building
and derivational particles 263
§ 159. Discharges of particles by value 264
§ 160. Spelling not and neither 266
Interjection 268
§ 161. The concept of interjection -
§ 162. Interjection sentences -
Transition of words from one part of speech to another
(generalization) 270
§ 163. Consequences of the interaction of parts of speech -
§ 164. Interaction significant parts speech -
§ 165. Interaction of significant and service units speeches 271
§ 166. Interaction of official parts of speech 272
§ 167. The concept of syntax and punctuation 274
§ 168. Types of connection between words and sentences 275
Section 169 Methods subordination 277
Phrase 278
§ 170. The main types of phrases -
§ 171. Classification of subordinate phrases according to the nature of the main word 281
§ 172. Whole phrases 282
Proposal 284
§ 173. The concept of a proposal -
§ 174. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement 285
§ 175. Types of proposals for emotional coloring 287
Simple sentence 288
§ 176. Main types simple sentence
§ 177. The semantic center of the sentence 290
§ 178. Word order in sentence 292
§ 179. logical stress 294
The main members of the proposal 295
§ 180. The concept of the main members of the proposal -
§ 181. Subject and ways of expressing it 296
§ 182. Predicate and its main types 298
§ 183. Simple verbal predicate 299
§ 184. Compound verbal predicate 300
Section 185 Agreement verbal predicate with subject 301
§ 186. Compound nominal predicate 302
§ 187. Coordination of nominal predicate with subject 303
§ 188. Dash between subject and predicate 304
Minor members, proposals 306
§ 189. The concept of minor members suggestions -
§ 190 Definition 307
§ 191 Appendix 308
§ 192 Supplement 310
§ 193. Main types of circumstances 312
§ 194. Syntactic functions of the infinitive 316
One-part sentences 317
§ 195. The concept of one-part sentences
§ 196. Definitely personal proposals -
§ 197. Indefinitely personal sentences 319
§ 198. Generalized personal sentences 320
Section 199. impersonal proposals 321
§ 200. Infinitive sentences 324
§ 201 Nominative sentences 325
§ 202. Vocative sentences 327
Complete and incomplete sentences 328
§ 203. Features of the structure of complete and incomplete sentences -
Complicated sentences 331
§ 204. Proposals with homogeneous members -
Section 205 homogeneous members 333
§ 206. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms 335
§ 207. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions 336
§ 208. The concept of isolation 339
Section 209 General terms separation of definitions 340
§ 210 Separation of agreed definitions 341
Section 211 Separation inconsistent definitions 342
§ 212 Separation of applications 343
§ 213. Separation of additions 344
Section 214 Separation participle turns -
§ 215. Separation of circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions 345
§ 216. Separation of clarifying members of the sentence 346
Section 217 introductory words, phrases and sentences -
§ 218. Offers with appeals 350
Sentence words 352
§ 219. Features of words-sentences -
Complex sentence 354
§ 220. Main types complex sentences -
Compound sentences 356
§ 221. Conjunctions and meanings of compound sentences
§ 222. Punctuation marks in compound sentences 357
Complex sentences 359
§ 223. The structure of complex sentences -
§ 224. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences 361
§ 225. The role of demonstrative words in the subordination of sentences 363
Section 226 subordinate clauses to the main 364
§ 227. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses 365
§ 228. Types of subordinate clauses 368
§ 229. Subject clauses 369
§ 230. Clauses 370
§ 231. Clauses 371
§ 232. Additional subordinate clauses -
§ 233. Adverbial clauses 372
§ 234. Additional connecting 379
Complex non-union proposals -
§ 235. Meanings of compound unionless proposals. Punctuation marks in them -
§ 236. Complex multicomponent sentences 382
§ 237. Period 384
Sentences with someone else's speech 386
§ 238. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech -
§ 239. Direct speech sentences 387
§ 240. Sentences with indirect speech 389
§ 241. Improperly direct speech 390
§ 242. Quotations and ways of quoting 392
What's next? 394
Types of analysis (parsing) of language units 396.

Tutorial removed at the request of the copyright holder

Preface 3

5th class
§ 1. Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world 8
§ 2. The concept of literary language 9
§ 3. Oral and written forms of speech 11
§ 4. Styles of literary language 12
§ 5. The main sections of the science of the Russian language 15
§ 6. Sounds of speech and letters 16
§ 7. Alphabet 19
§ 8. Vowels and consonants 21
§ 9. Syllable. Wrapping Rules 23
§ 10. Emphasis 24
§ 11. Voiced and deaf consonants 26
§ 12. Hard and soft consonants 28
§ 13. Meanings of letters i,u,e,e 29
§ 14. The meanings of the letters ъ and ъ in Russian graphics 30
§ 15. Soft sign after hissing 32
§ 16. Vowels after hissing 33
§ 17. Vowels after c 34
§ 18. The concept of a morpheme 35
§ 19. The basis of the word and the ending 36
§ 20. The root of the word 38
§ 21. Prefix and suffix 40
§ 22. Word formation 43
§ 23. Word-building chains 47
§ 24. Historical changes in the composition of the word 49
§ 25. Alternation of sounds in the root of the word 51
Spelling of morphemes (roots and prefixes) 54
§ 26. Morphemic spellings -
§ 27. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root -
§ 28. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels a-o 55
§ 29. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels e-and 58
§ 30. Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes 59
§ 31. Prefixes ending in z (s) -
§ 32. Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre- 60
§ 33. The concept of the word 61
§ 34. Dictionary wealth of the Russian language 63
§ 35. Lexical meaning of the word 66
§ 36. Single-valued and polysemantic words 67
§ 37. Direct and figurative meanings of the word 68
§ 38. Common and restricted words 70
§ 39. Synonyms 74
§ 40. Antonyms 77
§ 41. Homonyms 79
§ 42. Paronyms 80
§ 43. The concept of etymology 82
§ 44. Obsolete words 83
§ 45. Neologisms 85
§ 46. Borrowed words 87
§ 47. Old Slavonicisms 90
§ 48. Phraseologisms 95
§ 49. Proverbs and sayings 98
§ 50. Winged words and expressions 100

§ 51. The concept of parts of speech 104
§ 52, Significant and functional parts of speech 107
§ 53. The word and its forms 109
Noun 110
§ 54. The concept of a noun -
§ 55. The role of nouns in speech 112
§ 56. Common and proper nouns 114
§ 57. Animate and inanimate nouns 116
§ 58. Discharges of nouns by meaning 118
§ 59. Gender of nouns 119
§ 60. Number of nouns 122
§ 61. Case of nouns 124
§ 62. Declension of nouns in the singular 125
§ 63. Declension of plural nouns 129
§ 64. Opposite nouns 130
§ 65. A special type of declension 131
§ 66. Invariable nouns 132
Derivation of nouns -
§ 67. Sources of noun formation -
§ 68. Formation of nouns with the help of suffixes 133
§ 69. Formation of nouns with the help of prefixes 135
§ 70. Transition of adjectives into nouns 136
Verb 138
§ 71. The concept of the verb -
§ 72. The role of verbs in speech 140
§ 73. Infinitive 142
§ 74. Reflexive verbs 144
§ 75. Transitive and intransitive verbs 145
§ 76. Types of the verb 147
§ 77. Moods of the verb 151
§ 78. Indicative mood -
§ 79. Verb tenses -
§ 80. Present tense 152
§ 81. Past tense 153
§ 82. Future tense 155
§ 83. Verb stems 157
§ 84. Verb conjugation 159
§ 85. Opposite conjugated verbs 160
§ 86. Imperative 162
§ 87. Subjunctive 164
§ 88. Impersonal verbs 165
§ 89. Formation of verbs with the help of prefixes and suffixes 167
Adjective 169
§ 90. The concept of an adjective -
§ 91. The role of adjectives in speech 170
§ 92. Ranks of adjectives by meaning 172
§ 93. Full and short adjectives 174
§ 94. Declension of adjectives 175
§ 95. Degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives 178
§ 96. Education of the comparative degree 179
§ 97 Education of superlatives 180
Derivation of adjectives 182
§ 98, Formation of adjectives with the help of suffixes -
§ 99. Formation of adjectives using prefixes 185
§ 100. Formation of adjectives by adding stems 186
Name numeral 187
§ 101. The concept of the numeral -
§ 102. The role of numerals in speech 189
§ 103. Discharges of numerals according to the structure 191
§ 104. Cardinal numbers 192
§ 105. Collective numbers 196
§ 106. Fractional numbers 198
§ 107. Ordinal numbers -
§ 108. Formation of words of other parts of speech from numerals 200
Adverb 201
§ 109. The concept of adverb -
§ 110. Ranks of adverbs by meaning 202
§ 111. The role of adverbs in speech 204
§ 112. Degrees of comparison of adverbs 205
Word formation of adverbs 207
§ 113. Features of the formation of adverbs -
§ 114. Formation of adverbs with the help of prefixes 208
§ 115. Formation of adverbs with the help of suffixes 209
§ 116, Transition of nouns to adverbs 210
§ 117. Transition of adjectives into adverbs 212
Status category words 213
§ 118. The concept of words of the category of state -
§ 119. Discharges of words of the category of state by value 216
§ 120. The role of words of the category of state in speech 217

Pronoun 220
§ 121. The concept of a pronoun -
§ 122. Pronoun and other parts of speech 221
Classes of pronouns 223
§ 123. Personal pronouns -
§ 124. Reflexive pronoun 224
§ 125. Possessive pronouns 225
§ 126. Interrogative pronouns 226
§ 127. Relative pronouns 227
§ 128. Indefinite pronouns 228
§ 129. Negative pronouns 229
§ 130. Defining pronouns 230
§ 131. Demonstrative pronouns 231
§ 132. The role of pronouns in speech 232
Communion 235
§ 133. The concept of communion -
§ 134. The role of participles in speech 236
§ 135. Signs of an adjective in participle 237
§ 136. Signs of the verb in participle 238
Word formation of participles 239
§ 137. Formation of real participles 240
§ 138. The formation of passive participles -
Spelling participles 241
§ 139. Vowels in participles before nn in -
§ 140. Spelling nn in participles -
§ 141. Spelling not with participles 242
§ 142. Transition of participles to other parts of speech. . 243
General participle 245
§ 143. The concept of the participle -
§ 144. Signs of the verb and adverb in the participle 247
§ 145. Word formation of gerunds 249
§ 146. Geronal participle and participle -
§ 147. The role of gerunds in speech 250
§ 148. The role of service words in speech 251
Preposition 252
§ 149. The concept of a preposition -
§ 150. Ranks of prepositions by meaning 254
§ 151. Classes of prepositions by origin 255
§ 152. Spelling of prepositions 257
Soyuz 258
§ 153. The concept of union -
§ 154. Coordinating unions -
§ 155. Subordinating conjunctions 259
§ 156. Spelling of unions 261
Particle 262
§ 157. The concept of a particle -
§ 158. Form-building
and derivational particles 263
§ 159. Discharges of particles by value 264
§ 160. Spelling not and neither 266
Interjection 268
§ 161. The concept of interjection -
§ 162. Interjection sentences -
Transition of words from one part of speech to another
(generalization) 270
§ 163. Consequences of the interaction of parts of speech -
§ 164. Interaction of significant parts of speech -
§ 165. Interaction of significant and service parts of speech 271
§ 166. Interaction of official parts of speech 272

§ 167. The concept of syntax and punctuation 274
§ 168. Types of connection between words and sentences 275
§ 169. Ways of subordination 277
Phrase 278
§ 170. The main types of phrases -
§ 171. Classification of subordinate phrases according to the nature of the main word 281
§ 172. Whole phrases 282
Proposal 284
§ 173. The concept of a proposal -
§ 174. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement 285
§ 175. Types of sentences for emotional coloring 287
Simple sentence 288
§ 176. The main types of a simple sentence ... -
§ 177. The semantic center of the sentence 290
§ 178. Word order in sentence 292
§ 179. Logical stress 294
The main members of the proposal 295
§ 180. The concept of the main members of the proposal. -
§ 181. Subject and ways of expressing it 296
§ 182. Predicate and its main types 298
§ 183. Simple verbal predicate 299
§ 184. Compound verbal predicate 300
§ 185. Agreement of the verbal predicate with the subject 301
§ 186. Compound nominal predicate 302
§ 187. Coordination of nominal predicate with subject 303
§ 188. Dash between subject and predicate 304
Minor members, proposals 306
§ 189. The concept of minor members of the sentence -
§ 190 Definition 307
§ 191 Appendix 308
§ 192 Supplement 310
§ 193. Main types of circumstances 312
§ 194. Syntactic functions of the infinitive 316
One-part sentences 317
§ 195. The concept of one-part sentences .. -
§ 196. Definitely personal proposals -
§ 197. Indefinitely personal sentences 319
§ 198. Generalized personal sentences 320
§ 199. Impersonal sentences 321
§ 200. Infinitive sentences 324
§ 201 Nominative sentences 325
§ 202. Vocative sentences 327
Complete and incomplete sentences 328
§ 203. Features of the structure of complete and incomplete sentences -
Complicated sentences 331
§ 204. Proposals with homogeneous members -
§ 205. Unions with homogeneous members 333
§ 206. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms 335
§ 207. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions 336
§ 208. The concept of isolation 339
§ 209. General conditions for the separation of definitions 340
§ 210 Separation of agreed definitions 341
§ 211 Separation of inconsistent definitions 342
§ 212 Separation of applications 343
§ 213. Separation of additions 344
§ 214. Separation of adverbial revolutions -
§ 215. Separation of circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions 345
§ 216. Separation of clarifying members of the sentence 346
§ 217. Sentences with introductory words, phrases and sentences -
§ 218. Offers with appeals 350
Sentence words 352
§ 219. Features of words-sentences -

Complex sentence 354
§ 220. The main types of complex sentences -
Compound sentences 356
§ 221. Unions and meanings of compound sentences -. -
§ 222. Punctuation marks in compound sentences 357
Complex sentences 359
§ 223. The structure of complex sentences -
§ 224. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences 361
§ 225. The role of demonstrative words in the subordination of sentences 363
§ 226. Features of attaching subordinate clauses to the main 364
§ 227. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses 365
§ 228. Types of subordinate clauses 368
§ 229. Subject clauses 369
§ 230. Clauses 370
§ 231. Clauses 371
§ 232. Additional subordinate clauses -
§ 233. Adverbial clauses 372
§ 234. Additional connecting 379
Complex non-union proposals -
§ 235. Meanings of compound non-union sentences. Punctuation marks in them -
§ 236. Complex multicomponent sentences 382
§ 237. Period 384
Sentences with someone else's speech 386
§ 238. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech -
§ 239. Direct speech sentences 387
§ 240. Sentences with indirect speech 389
§ 241. Improperly direct speech 390
§ 242. Quotations and ways of quoting 392
What's next? 394
Types of analysis (parsing) of language units 396

M.: 2012. - 4 16 p.

The textbook contains the full amount of theoretical information provided by the program for in-depth study of the Russian language. Theoretical information is accompanied by an indication of the relevant norms of the literary language (lexical, orthoepic, grammatical, stylistic). The textbook contains historical comments explaining some of the features modern language. The components of this textbook are collections of assignments and workbooks that generalize and deepen the theoretical material.

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Download: 02 .09.2016, links removed at the request of the Drofa publishing house (see note)

5th class
§ 1. Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world 8
§ 2. The concept of literary language 9
§ 3. Oral and written forms of speech 11
§ 4. Styles of literary language 12
§ 5. The main sections of the science of the Russian language 15
§ 6. Sounds of speech and letters 16
§ 7. Alphabet 19
§ 8. Vowels and consonants 21
§ 9. Syllable. Wrapping Rules 23
§ 10. Emphasis 24
§ 11. Voiced and deaf consonants 26
§ 12. Hard and soft consonants 28
§ 13. Meanings of letters i,u,e,e 29
§ 14. The meanings of the letters ъ and ъ in Russian graphics 30
§ 15. Soft sign after hissing 32
§ 16. Vowels after hissing 33
§ 17. Vowels after c 34
§ 18. The concept of a morpheme 35
§ 19. The basis of the word and the ending 36
§ 20. The root of the word 38
§ 21. Prefix and suffix 40
§ 22. Word formation 43
§ 23. Word-building chains 47
§ 24. Historical changes in the composition of the word 49
§ 25. Alternation of sounds in the root of the word 51
Spelling of morphemes (roots and prefixes) 54
§ 26. Morphemic spellings -
§ 27. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root -
§ 28. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels a-o 55
§ 29. Spelling of roots with alternating vowels e-and 58
§ 30. Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes 59
§ 31. Prefixes ending in z (s) -
§ 32. Spelling of prefixes pre- and pre- 60
§ 33. The concept of the word 61
§ 34. Dictionary wealth of the Russian language 63
§ 35. Lexical meaning of the word 66
§ 36. Single-valued and polysemantic words 67
§ 37. Direct and figurative meanings of the word 68
§ 38. Common and restricted words 70
§ 39. Synonyms 74
§ 40. Antonyms 77
§ 41. Homonyms 79
§ 42. Paronyms 80
§ 43. The concept of etymology 82
§ 44. Obsolete words 83
§ 45. Neologisms 85
§ 46. Borrowed words 87
§ 47. Old Slavonicisms 90
§ 48. Phraseologisms 95
§ 49. Proverbs and sayings 98
§ 50. Winged words and expressions 100

§ 51. The concept of parts of speech 104
§ 52, Significant and functional parts of speech 107
§ 53. The word and its forms 109
Noun 110
§ 54. The concept of a noun -
§ 55. The role of nouns in speech 112
§ 56. Common and proper nouns 114
§ 57. Animate and inanimate nouns 116
§ 58. Discharges of nouns by meaning 118
§ 59. Gender of nouns 119
§ 60. Number of nouns 122
§ 61. Case of nouns 124
§ 62. Declension of nouns in the singular 125
§ 63. Declension of plural nouns 129
§ 64. Opposite nouns 130
§ 65. A special type of declension 131
§ 66. Invariable nouns 132
Derivation of nouns -
§ 67. Sources of noun formation -
§ 68. Formation of nouns with the help of suffixes 133
§ 69. Formation of nouns with the help of prefixes 135
§ 70. Transition of adjectives into nouns 136
Verb 138
§ 71. The concept of the verb -
§ 72. The role of verbs in speech 140
§ 73. Infinitive 142
§ 74. Reflexive verbs 144
§ 75. Transitive and intransitive verbs 145
§ 76. Types of the verb 147
§ 77. Moods of the verb 151
§ 78. Indicative mood -
§ 79. Verb tenses -
§ 80. Present tense 152
§ 81. Past tense 153
§ 82. Future tense 155
§ 83. Verb stems 157
§ 84. Verb conjugation 159
§ 85. Opposite conjugated verbs 160
§ 86. Imperative 162
§ 87. Subjunctive 164
§ 88. Impersonal verbs 165
§ 89. Formation of verbs with the help of prefixes and suffixes 167
Adjective 169
§ 90. The concept of an adjective -
§ 91. The role of adjectives in speech 170
§ 92. Ranks of adjectives by meaning 172
§ 93. Full and short adjectives 174
§ 94. Declension of adjectives 175
§ 95. Degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives 178
§ 96. Education of the comparative degree 179
§ 97 Education of superlatives 180
Derivation of adjectives 182
§ 98, Formation of adjectives with the help of suffixes -
§ 99. Formation of adjectives using prefixes 185
§ 100. Formation of adjectives by adding stems 186
Name numeral 187
§ 101. The concept of the numeral -
§ 102. The role of numerals in speech 189
§ 103. Discharges of numerals according to the structure 191
§ 104. Cardinal numbers 192
§ 105. Collective numbers 196
§ 106. Fractional numbers 198
§ 107. Ordinal numbers -
§ 108. Formation of words of other parts of speech from numerals 200
Adverb 201
§ 109. The concept of adverb -
§ 110. Ranks of adverbs by meaning 202
§ 111. The role of adverbs in speech 204
§ 112. Degrees of comparison of adverbs 205
Word formation of adverbs 207
§ 113. Features of the formation of adverbs -
§ 114. Formation of adverbs with the help of prefixes 208
§ 115. Formation of adverbs with the help of suffixes 209
§ 116, Transition of nouns to adverbs 210
§ 117. Transition of adjectives into adverbs 212
Status category words 213
§ 118. The concept of words of the category of state -
§ 119. Discharges of words of the category of state by value 216
§ 120. The role of words of the category of state in speech 217

Pronoun 220
§ 121. The concept of a pronoun -
§ 122. Pronoun and other parts of speech 221
Classes of pronouns 223
§ 123. Personal pronouns -
§ 124. Reflexive pronoun 224
§ 125. Possessive pronouns 225
§ 126. Interrogative pronouns 226
§ 127. Relative pronouns 227
§ 128. Indefinite pronouns 228
§ 129. Negative pronouns 229
§ 130. Defining pronouns 230
§ 131. Demonstrative pronouns 231
§ 132. The role of pronouns in speech 232
Communion 235
§ 133. The concept of communion -
§ 134. The role of participles in speech 236
§ 135. Signs of an adjective in participle 237
§ 136. Signs of the verb in participle 238
Word formation of participles 239
§ 137. Formation of real participles 240
§ 138. The formation of passive participles -
Spelling participles 241
§ 139. Vowels in participles before nn in -
§ 140. Spelling nn in participles -
§ 141. Spelling not with participles 242
§ 142. Transition of participles to other parts of speech. . 243
General participle 245
§ 143. The concept of the participle -
§ 144. Signs of the verb and adverb in the participle 247
§ 145. Word formation of gerunds 249
§ 146. Geronal participle and participle -
§ 147. The role of gerunds in speech 250
§ 148. The role of service words in speech 251
Preposition 252
§ 149. The concept of a preposition -
§ 150. Ranks of prepositions by meaning 254
§ 151. Classes of prepositions by origin 255
§ 152. Spelling of prepositions 257
Soyuz 258
§ 153. The concept of union -
§ 154. Coordinating unions -
§ 155. Subordinating conjunctions 259
§ 156. Spelling of unions 261
Particle 262
§ 157. The concept of a particle -
§ 158. Form-building
and derivational particles 263
§ 159. Discharges of particles by value 264
§ 160. Spelling not and neither 266
Interjection 268
§ 161. The concept of interjection -
§ 162. Interjection sentences -
Transition of words from one part of speech to another
(generalization) 270
§ 163. Consequences of the interaction of parts of speech -
§ 164. Interaction of significant parts of speech -
§ 165. Interaction of significant and service parts of speech 271
§ 166. Interaction of official parts of speech 272

§ 167. The concept of syntax and punctuation 274
§ 168. Types of connection between words and sentences 275
§ 169. Ways of subordination 277
Phrase 278
§ 170. The main types of phrases -
§ 171. Classification of subordinate phrases according to the nature of the main word 281
§ 172. Whole phrases 282
Proposal 284
§ 173. The concept of a proposal -
§ 174. Types of sentences for the purpose of the statement 285
§ 175. Types of sentences for emotional coloring 287
Simple sentence 288
§ 176. The main types of a simple sentence ... -
§ 177. The semantic center of the sentence 290
§ 178. Word order in sentence 292
§ 179. Logical stress 294
The main members of the proposal 295
§ 180. The concept of the main members of the proposal. -
§ 181. Subject and ways of expressing it 296
§ 182. Predicate and its main types 298
§ 183. Simple verbal predicate 299
§ 184. Compound verbal predicate 300
§ 185. Agreement of the verbal predicate with the subject 301
§ 186. Compound nominal predicate 302
§ 187. Coordination of nominal predicate with subject 303
§ 188. Dash between subject and predicate 304
Minor members, proposals 306
§ 189. The concept of minor members of the sentence -
§ 190 Definition 307
§ 191 Appendix 308
§ 192 Supplement 310
§ 193. Main types of circumstances 312
§ 194. Syntactic functions of the infinitive 316
One-part sentences 317
§ 195. The concept of one-part sentences .. -
§ 196. Definitely personal proposals -
§ 197. Indefinitely personal sentences 319
§ 198. Generalized personal sentences 320
§ 199. Impersonal sentences 321
§ 200. Infinitive sentences 324
§ 201 Nominative sentences 325
§ 202. Vocative sentences 327
Complete and incomplete sentences 328
§ 203. Features of the structure of complete and incomplete sentences -
Complicated sentences 331
§ 204. Proposals with homogeneous members -
§ 205. Unions with homogeneous members 333
§ 206. Generalizing words with homogeneous terms 335
§ 207. Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions 336
§ 208. The concept of isolation 339
§ 209. General conditions for the separation of definitions 340
§ 210 Separation of agreed definitions 341
§ 211 Separation of inconsistent definitions 342
§ 212 Separation of applications 343
§ 213. Separation of additions 344
§ 214. Separation of adverbial revolutions -
§ 215. Separation of circumstances expressed by nouns with prepositions 345
§ 216. Separation of clarifying members of the sentence 346
§ 217. Sentences with introductory words, phrases and sentences -
§ 218. Offers with appeals 350
Sentence words 352
§ 219. Features of words-sentences -

Complex sentence 354
§ 220. The main types of complex sentences -
Compound sentences 356
§ 221. Unions and meanings of compound sentences -. -
§ 222. Punctuation marks in compound sentences 357
Complex sentences 359
§ 223. The structure of complex sentences -
§ 224. Subordinating conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences 361
§ 225. The role of demonstrative words in the subordination of sentences 363
§ 226. Features of attaching subordinate clauses to the main 364
§ 227. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses 365
§ 228. Types of subordinate clauses 368
§ 229. Subject clauses 369
§ 230. Clauses 370
§ 231. Clauses 371
§ 232. Additional subordinate clauses -
§ 233. Adverbial clauses 372
§ 234. Additional connecting 379
Complex non-union proposals -
§ 235. Meanings of compound non-union sentences. Punctuation marks in them -
§ 236. Complex multicomponent sentences 382
§ 237. Period 384
Sentences with someone else's speech 386
§ 238. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech -
§ 239. Direct speech sentences 387
§ 240. Sentences with indirect speech 389
§ 241. Improperly direct speech 390
§ 242. Quotations and ways of quoting 392
What's next? 394
Types of analysis (parsing) of language units 396

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