Home Potato Abstract message on the topic: Discussive and polemical speech. Abstract and abstract message: requirements and evaluation criteria, methodological recommendations for independent work of students

Abstract message on the topic: Discussive and polemical speech. Abstract and abstract message: requirements and evaluation criteria, methodological recommendations for independent work of students

Requirements to the design of an abstract message, presentation, their content, volume and as well as the criteria for its evaluation are established by the teacher, taking into account the specifics academic discipline. In their absence, the student is guided by the general requirements set out in these guidelines.

Presentation performed on the topic of the abstract report in the amount of 12-15 slides.

An abstract message, as a rule, should contain the following structural elements: title page; content; introduction; main part; conclusion; list of sources used; the last page of the abstract; applications (in the form of a presentation).

Name of parts of the abstract, number of pages

Title page – 1 page;

Introduction 2 pages;

The main part is 15-20 pages;

Conclusion 1-2 pages;

List of sources used 1-2 pages;

Last sheet 1 page;

Applications 12-15 slides.

Title page abstract message, drawn up according to the established template given in Appendix 1.

In the introduction a general description of the abstract message is given: the relevance of the chosen topic is substantiated; the goal of the work and the tasks to be solved to achieve it are determined; the object and subject of the study, the information base of the study are described, and the structure of the abstract message in chapters is also briefly described.

Main part must contain the material necessary to achieve the set goal and tasks solved in the process of completing the abstract message. It includes 2-3 chapters, each of which, in turn, is divided into 2-3 paragraphs. The content of the main part must exactly correspond to the topic of the abstract message and fully disclose it. The chapters and paragraphs of the abstract message should disclose a description of the solution to the problems posed in the introduction. Therefore, the headings of chapters and paragraphs, as a rule, should correspond in essence to the formulation of the objectives of the abstract message. The title “MAIN PART” should not be included in the content of the abstract message.

Main chapters abstract messages can be theoretical, methodological and analytical in nature.

Mandatory for an abstract report is a logical connection between chapters and consistent development of the main topic throughout the entire work, independent presentation of the material, and well-reasoned conclusions. It is also mandatory to include links to the sources used in the main part of the abstract message.

Presentation it is necessary to speak from a third person (“The author believes...”) or use impersonal constructions and vaguely personal sentences (“At the second stage, the following approaches are being investigated...”, “The research made it possible to prove...”, etc.).

In custody the conclusions that the student came to as a result of completing the abstract report are logically and consistently presented. The conclusion should briefly characterize the solution of all the tasks posed in the introduction and the achievement of the goal of the abstract message.

List of sources used is integral part work and reflects the degree of study of the problem under consideration. The number of sources in the list is determined by the student independently; for an abstract report, their recommended number is from 10 to 20. At the same time, the list must contain sources published in the last 3 years, as well as currently active ones regulations regulating the relations considered in the abstract message.

The student bears full responsibility for the scientific independence of the abstract message, which is confirmed on the last page of the work. The form for filling out the last sheet of the abstract message is given in Appendix 2. If plagiarism is detected, the abstract message is removed from consideration without the right to be revised (the student must complete a new abstract message on a new topic).

In applications(electronic version of the presentation) you should include supporting material that, when included in the main part of the work, clutters up the text (supporting data tables, instructions, methods, document forms, etc.).

Formatting an abstract message:

1. The abstract message and presentation are submitted to the manager in in electronic format no later than 10 days before the test.

Email address: [email protected]

2. The text of the abstract message must be executed using a WORD editor, font - “ Times New Roman", font size - No. 14, line spacing - one and a half.

3. The text of the abstract message, tables and illustrations should be placed on sheets, observing the following margin sizes: left margin - 30 mm, right margin - 10 mm, top margin - 20 mm, bottom margin - 20 mm.

4. The numbering of the pages of the abstract message is continuous, starting from the title page. The page number is not placed directly on the title page; subsequent page numbers are placed in the upper right corner Arabic numerals(font number 10), without a dot at the end.

5. The names of the structural elements of the abstract message and the chapters of the main part are located on separate lines and are written in bold, capital letters (CONTENTS, INTRODUCTION, etc.), without hyphens and centered. These headings are separated from the text by line spacing. Headings should not be underlined. There is no need to put a period at the end of the title.

6. Each structural element and chapter of the main body should start on a new page.

7. The structural elements of the abstract message are not assigned a number, i.e. parts of the abstract message “CONTENTS”, “INTRODUCTION”, “CONCLUSION”, etc. have no serial number. Only chapters and paragraphs within the main part of the abstract message are numbered.

8. Chapters must have serial numbers within the entire abstract message, indicated in Arabic numerals. Paragraphs should be numbered within each chapter. The paragraph number consists of the chapter number and paragraph number, separated by a dot.

9. Paragraph headings should begin with a paragraph indent and be printed lowercase letters without a period at the end, without underlining. Hyphenation of words in headings is not allowed. If the title consists of two sentences, they are separated by a period. The font of headings of the same rubrication level should be the same throughout the text.

10. The paragraph indentation (indentation in the initial line of paragraph text) should be 12-15 mm.

11. The text of the abstract message must be clear, complete, and understandable. Spelling and punctuation of the text must comply with current rules.

12. Illustrations (drawings, graphs, diagrams, diagrams, photographs, drawings) are combined under the single name “drawing”. The nature of the illustration can be indicated in its title (for example, “Fig. 1. Algorithm block diagram...”).

Each illustration must have a title, which is placed below it after the word “Fig.” and illustration numbers. If necessary, explanatory information is placed before the title of the figure.

Illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals and sequentially numbered throughout the work.

Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and sequentially numbered throughout the work. The number should be placed in the upper right corner above the table title after the word “Table”.

Each table should have a title that is placed below the word "Table" and centered. The word "Table" and the title begin with capital letter, there is no period at the end of the title.

When moving a table, the head of the table should be repeated, and the words “Continuation of the table” should be placed above it, indicating its number. If the table head is large, it is allowed not to repeat it; in this case, you should number the columns and repeat their numbering on the next page. The table title is not repeated.

If all the indicators given in the table are expressed in the same unit of measurement, then its designation is placed above the table, for example, at the end of the title.

Illustrations along with their names, as well as tables along with their details should be separated from the main text at the bottom and top with spaces with single line spacing.

In the field of illustrations and in the table, a smaller text font is allowed than the main text, but not less than font number 10, as well as a smaller line spacing.

All illustrations and tables must be referenced in the text of the work (for example: “Fig. 5 shows...”, “in accordance with the data in Table 2,” etc.).

13. When referring to a source, after mentioning it in the text of the abstract message, it is indicated in square brackets the number under which it appears in the list of sources used. In necessary cases (usually when using digital data or quotations), the source pages on which the information used is located are also indicated.

The list of used sources should be compiled in alphabetical order by last name of the authors. Literature is usually grouped in the list in the following sequence:

Legislative and regulatory documents and materials;

Special scientific domestic and foreign literature(monographs, textbooks, scientific articles, etc.);

Statistical, instructional and reporting materials of enterprises, organizations and institutions.

The literature included in the list is numbered in continuous order from the first to the last title.

For each literary source, the following is indicated: the author (or group of authors), the full title of the book or article, the place and name of the publishing house (for books and brochures), the year of publication; for journal articles, indicate the name of the journal, year of issue and number. For collections of works (articles), the author of the article, its title, and then the title of the book (collection) and its imprint are indicated.

14. Applications should be formatted as a continuation of the abstract message in electronic version in the form of a presentation of an abstract message.

Each application must be executed as a separate file. At the top of the file on the right is the word “Application” and its number. The application must have a title, which is located in the center of the slide on a separate line and printed in capital letters.

Annexes should be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals.

All applications in the text of the work must have links. Applications should be arranged in the order in which links to them appear in the text.

Criteria for assessing the abstract message:

The deadline for submitting the finished abstract message is determined by the approved schedule.

In case of a negative conclusion from the teacher, the student is obliged to finalize or revise the abstract message. The deadline for finalizing the abstract message is set by the manager, taking into account the essence of the comments and the amount of necessary revision.

Figures of speech are a form whose purpose is to enhance the impression of something, to emphasize, to make it more visual, to highlight.

Anaphora - places emphasis.

Epiphora - places accents.

Antithesis - opposition.

Oxymoron - based on unique, unexpected semantic associations; shows the complexity of the phenomenon, its multidimensionality, attracts the reader’s attention, enhances the expressiveness of the image.

Gradation - specifies the concept towards increasing or decreasing

Ellipsis - shows the emotional state of the speaker (excitement), speeds up the pace.

Silence makes you think about what the author is not saying.

Rhetorical appeal - emphasizes the emotionality of the author's speech, directed to the subject of artistic depiction.

Rhetorical exclamation - emphasizes the emotionality of the author’s speech, enhances the expression of feelings.

Rhetorical question - emphasizes the emotionality of the author’s speech (the question does not require an answer)

Polyunion - gives speech solemnity, slows down the pace.

Non-union - makes speech more dynamic, excited.

Lexical repetition - highlights the most significant keyword of the text.

Anaphora - unity of beginning - is the repetition of individual words or phrases in the passage of passages that make up the statement:

I swear by the first day of creation,

I swear on his last day,

I swear by the shame of crime

And the triumph of eternal truth...

(M. Lermontov)

Epiphora - repetition of words or expressions at the end of adjacent passages:

...When the ocean rises

All around me the waves are roaring,

When the clouds burst into thunder,

Keep me safe, my talisman.

In the solitude of foreign countries,

In the bosom of boring peace,

In the anxiety of a fiery battle

Protect me, my talisman...

(A. Pushkin)

Silence is a turn of phrase in which the author deliberately does not fully express his thought:

No, I wanted... maybe you... I thought it was time for the baron to die (A.P.)

What they both thought, what they both felt (Who will know? Who will say? There are such moments in life, such feelings... You can only point to them and pass by (T.).

A girl found a machine gun in a field. No one else lives in the village.

Polyconjunction is a stylistic figure consisting of the deliberate use of repeated conjunctions for logical and intonation emphasizing the members of a sentence connected by conjunctions, to enhance the expressiveness of speech:

A thin rain fell on the forests, and on the fields, and on the wide Dnieper (G.).

The ocean walked before my eyes, and swayed, and thundered, and sparkled, and faded, and glowed, and went somewhere into infinity. (King).

And now I'm dreaming

There is a white hospital under the apple trees,

And a white sheet under the throat,

And the white doctor looks at me

And the white sister stands at my feet

And he moves his wings.

(A. Tarkovsky)

You can also find the information you are interested in in the scientific search engine Otvety.Online. Use the search form:

More on the topic Informative genres: abstract message, lecture, report:

  2. An approximate list of the country’s strategic goals for the development of Reports on the results and main activities of budget planning entities
  3. 65. Psychological mechanisms of perception and understanding of messages.
  4. Initial investigative actions and operational search activities upon receipt of a report of a crime
  5. The content of advertising messages is the main component in the effectiveness of Bank advertising
  6. 25. Verbal presentation of public speaking: intelligibility, informativeness and expressiveness of public speech.

An abstract message is an oral public presentation during which the content of a written abstract prepared by a student is briefly summarized. The duration of the speech is 5–10 minutes. During this time, the speaker must report on the purpose and objectives of his research, reveal the main points of the abstract plan, and introduce the conclusions presented in his work. It is also assumed that the referent must be able to answer questions from the teacher and students regarding the content of his speech.

The abstract message differs from the abstract itself primarily volume and style of presentation, since the features of oral scientific speech And public speaking generally. In an abstract message, the content of the abstract is presented in detail (or briefly) and, as a rule, without evaluation, i.e. the presentation acquires an overview nature and solves a communicative task (to convey information orally that must be perceived by listeners).

Considering the public nature of the abstract message, the speaker must:

draw up a plan and abstract of the speech;

briefly introduce the issues, purpose, structure, etc.;

ensure a portioned supply of material not in accordance with parts, sections and paragraphs, but segmented depending on the novelty and importance of the information;

maintain clarity and precision of expressions and their pronunciation; pay attention to intonation, tempo, volume and other features of public speaking;

demonstrate the prepared nature of statements, allowing, as in any other oral speech, verbal improvisation.

and conducting an oral public presentation

Since public speaking is not an easy task even for a trained person, it is recommended to write the text of your speech. Get to know practical recommendations according to his writing:

    At the beginning of your speech, briefly dwell on why you are interested in this particular topic, justify its relevance, name the goals and objectives of your research.

    In the main part of the speech, in thesis form, convey the content of the main points of the abstract plan.

    Conclude your message with a summary of the topic.

    Make sure that the structural parts of your speech are proportionate (the introduction and conclusion should not exceed the volume of the main part).

    Divide the text into simple sentences, which will make it much easier for you to read when memorizing, and for the audience to perceive your words during your speech.

    During the message, it is necessary to explain to listeners the meaning of new terms and terminological combinations.

    Don't overuse numbers. The abundance of digital information can confuse not only the listeners, but also the speaker himself.

    Select from the text of the abstract the most striking quotes on the topic of the speech, but avoid excessive quoting.

    Think about what questions might arise for you during the presentation. Think about your answers.

    Check for logical connections between all parts of your speech.

    Memorizing and pre-pronouncing the text completes the process of preparing a speech. Repeat difficult words several times. Mark the places in the text of your speech where you will need to change the intonation. Make a timing of your speech - the time for preliminary reading of the text should coincide with the time allotted to you for delivering a speech to defend your abstract (from 5 to 10 minutes).

    The following special oratorical techniques can be recommended: speak loudly and clearly enough - this will attract attention and facilitate the listening process. Don't forget about the role of visual contact with the audience. Try to look your audience straight in the eyes, moving your gaze from one face to another: this usually makes you feel as if you are addressing each person personally, and encourages them to keep their eyes on you as well. Pay attention to the reminder below ( table 3). It will help you make your oral public speaking more effective.

Table 3

Memo for analyzing the implementation of the report

with the audience

Is the speaker addressing everyone? Does he look at the audience?

To what extent does it depend on the written text?

hold on

(posture, posture)

Is the speaker standing up straight? Free? Confident?

Is the position comfortable?

Are there any gestures?


Rate of speech (did you have time to perceive and record?)?

Doesn't speak too loudly (quietly)?

Is the tone interested (friendly, indifferent, etc.)?

Natural? Are they appropriate (appropriate)?

Is the face alive? Was there anything special in the speaker’s facial expressions and gestures?


State budgetary professional educational institution Voronezh region

"Semiluki Polytechnic College"




Approved by the methodological council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "SPK"

Compiled by:

Borozdinova N.A. higher education teacher qualification category GBPOU VO "SPK"

Abstract and abstract message: requirements and evaluation criteria. Guidelines for independent work students / N.A. Borozdinova, teacher of the highest qualification category.

Target methodological manual– developing students’ skills and abilities to work independently in the educational and scientific field of activity, in particular training in written abstracting and oral public speaking on the information base of an educational abstract. Methodological recommendations are intended for first-year students studying general education disciplines.

© Borozdinova N.A., 2015

© Semiluksky Polytechnic College


One of the effective forms of organizing a student’s independent work is the preparation of an abstract on the discipline being studied in the humanities block and an abstract message based on its information material. Working on an educational written essay and an abstract message helps students develop skills in organizing and managing their educational activities; helps develop the skills of independent information retrieval, analysis, processing of material, including compression of scientific text, its logical and semantic processing.

In addition, in the process of preparing an educational abstract and an abstract message, the cognitive activity of students develops, their creative thinking, abilities in the sphere of productive speech activity, in particular, they acquire the skills of independently producing written and oral abstract scientific text, which are necessary for their further educational, scientific and research work.

As you know, the general cultural competencies that college graduates must master include the ability to speak publicly, formulate and defend their point of view, conduct a dialogue, and argue for put forward positions. It is these skills and abilities that first-year students acquire in the process of preparing an oral abstract presentation.

The purpose of this publication is to help students create a high-quality intellectual product, gain primary experience and initial skills in independent research work, and acquire skills in oral public speaking in educational, scientific and educational and professional fields of activity.

The manual contains two sections and appendices. The first section includes general information about the abstract, about the requirements for the content and format of sections of the abstract, about evaluation criteria and models for defending the abstract. Recommendations are given on how to prepare an abstract using the Internet and presented email addresses sites that can provide assistance in working on an abstract.

The second section provides information about the features of the abstract message and oral public speaking, provides recommendations for its preparation and implementation, and presents criteria for the teacher to evaluate the abstract message.

The application contains samples of the design of an abstract and an abstract message.


section 1. Abstract as a genre of written scientific speech

    The concept of an abstract, its types and structure

    Stages of working on an abstract

    Processing and systematization of information.

    Development of an abstract plan.

    Abstract protection models

Section 1. Abstract as a genre of written scientific speech

Essay– a brief record of ideas contained in one or more sources, which requires the ability to compare and analyze different points of view; one of the forms of interpretation of the source text or several sources.

Therefore, the abstract, unlike the synopsis, is a new, original text. Novelty in in this case implies a new presentation, systematization of material, a special author’s position when comparing various points vision.

Abstracting involves presenting a question based on classification, generalization, analysis and synthesis of one or more sources.

A classic abstract is a retelling of existing sources on a topic. The main difference between an abstract and a composition or essay is that its writing does not require the originality of the statements expressed, new ideas, or the individual opinion of the author.

Specifics of the abstract (compared to course work):

does not contain detailed evidence, comparisons, reasoning, assessments,

gives an answer to the question of what is new and significant contained in the text.

The purpose of writing an abstract as a form of independent educational activities college students - learn:

    independently find scientific literature on the topic;

    work with literature;

    analyze the problem, facts, phenomena, systematize and summarize data,

    draw conclusions;

    formulate your point of view in a reasoned manner;

    evaluate theoretical and practical significance Problems;

    build a logic for presenting the material;

    create stylistically competent written scientific text;

    • format the work correctly (quotes, links, list of references, tables, figures).

Types of abstracts

According to the completeness of the presentation

Informative (abstracts).

Indicative (abstracts-summaries).

By the number of referenced sources



Abstract structure:

1) title page;

2) a work plan indicating the pages of each question, sub-question (item);

3) introduction;

4) a textual presentation of the material, divided into questions and sub-questions (points, sub-points) with the necessary links to sources used by the author;

5) conclusion;

6) list of used literature;

7) applications that consist of tables, diagrams, graphs, drawings, diagrams (optional part of the abstract).

Applications are arranged sequentially, according to headings that reflect their content.

The abstract is assessed by the teacher based on the indicators and criteria for assessing the abstract established by the department.

Stages of working on an abstract

Preparation of an educational essay includes the following main stages:

    choosing a topic;

    selection and study of main sources on the topic;

    compiling a bibliography;

    processing and systematization of information;

    development of an abstract plan;

    writing an abstract.

Selecting a topic. Work on the abstract begins with choosing a research topic in agreement with the teacher from the list of developed topics. The student can propose his own topic, justifying his choice.

The wording of the topic of the work should be:

    clear in form (avoid double interpretation);

    specific (do not contain vague words like “some”, “special”, etc.);

    be compact.

Selection and study of main sources on the topic. As a rule, when compiling an educational abstract, at least 8-10 source texts (articles, monographs, studies) are used. Information search is carried out in library catalogs or through search engines Internet.

Compiling a bibliography. Compiling a bibliography requires certain skills, which is associated with the subsequent preparation of a list of used literature. When getting acquainted with it, you should write down bibliographic information about printed publications, as well as electronic sources: 1) author of the source (book, article and collection containing it); 2) name; 3) place of publication (city); 4) name of the publishing house; 5) date of publication; 6) for periodicals- issue number; 7) source volume (pages or bytes); 8) access mode and date of site visit for the Internet resource.

For example: Yakushin N.I. N.A. Nekrasov in life and work. – M., publishing house “Academy”, 2008.

Processing and systematization of information

Selected source texts should be read repeatedly.

Forms of material processing include recordings of reading summaries, abstracts, annotations, extracts, quotes, photo, xero, and electronic copies of texts.

Abstract - most complex shape records of what was read, combining a presentation plan, extracts and theses. This is a brief written record of the contents of an article, book, lecture, intended for subsequent recovery of information from varying degrees completeness. The summary contains the main conclusions, provisions, facts, evidence. It can be planned, textual, free, thematic. The points of the planned outline correspond to certain parts of the outline. The textual one is composed of logically related quotations. Free is a combination of extracts and quotes; thematic refers not to the entire text, but to a specific issue.

Thesis is a briefly formulated main idea of ​​the semantic part of the text. Annotation - a brief description of work, which provides the topic of the original source, a list of the main issues discussed in the publication.

A quotation is an exact, literal excerpt from the source text. Unlike a synopsis, an abstract must be written in your own words, which does not exclude the possibility of using quotations. Very often, a quote helps confirm the correctness of a point of view and gives weight and meaning to the entire work. However, it is important to observe moderation: the quote should only confirm the idea, and not obscure it. Every quote must have bibliographic reference per author, there can be no more than 2-3 quotes on one page; it is not recommended to use several quotes in a row.

Development of an abstract plan

Work on the outline of the essay must begin at the stage of studying the literature.

The outline of the abstract is accurate and short list provisions in the order they will be located in the abstract, stages of disclosure of the topic; the shortest entry reflecting the sequence of presentation of thoughts and revealing the content of the text. The rough outline of the plan will be supplemented and changed during the work. The work plan defines the main goal of the research, outlines the directions, the order of work on the abstract and sets the deadlines for its completion.

It is recommended to discuss the essay plan developed by the student in consultation with the teacher to ensure the correctness of the subsequent work.

The plan could be:

Chronological (the topic is discussed in historical sequence);

Descriptive (the topic is divided into component parts that generally reveal individual aspects of the object);

Analytical (the topic is explored in cause-and-effect relationships, interdependent problems).

There are two main types of plan: simple and complex (expanded). In a simple plan, the content of the abstract is divided into paragraphs, and in a complex plan, into chapters and paragraphs.

The requirements for the abstract plan are as follows:

The plan must contain the questions necessary to fully cover the topic;

The plan must contain a consistent, interconnected, logical presentation of the chosen topic;

The plan should not contain questions, the answers to which are partially contained in previous or subsequent sections of the work.

When drawing up a plan for an essay, you need to take into account that the wording of the points of the plan should not repeat the wording of the topic (a part cannot be equal to the whole).

Writing an essay. When working on an educational essay, you must remember that it belongs to the genres of the scientific style of speech. Therefore, the language design of the abstract must meet the requirements for the language of science.

How to prepare essays using the Internet

In order to select the material needed for work in our time, you can use the Internet. In addition to books and textbooks, on the World Wide Web you can always find a number of ready-made works on similar topics at various levels (from 1-2 page reports to dissertations of up to 100 sheets), which can be used as a sample or basis for a future abstract.

However, you should be wary of the temptation to turn in a finished paper you like instead of writing your own. Most teachers are well acquainted with various abstracts, constantly look at new items that appear on the Internet and are quite able to determine the source from which it was downloaded. this work, and this threatens with complications, including failure to submit the work. In addition, an educational essay develops those theoretical skills that will be necessary when writing papers more high order(coursework and diploma papers). Therefore, it is worth trying to write at least a few educational essays yourself. Thus, active use in modern educational process This form of work, such as writing an abstract, is quite justified.

Using the Internet when self-training the abstract is justified, as it helps in sufficient short term get the necessary material. If when writing an essay you use not only books and teaching aids, found on the Internet, but also finished works, then you should pay attention to their quality. At a minimum, it is worth reviewing the finished text for compliance with the topic and material, the presence of a work plan, a list of references and volume. It's best to use some kind of creativity: take several works on the same topic, compare, select the most successful moments, supplement with material from textbooks and periodicals, and take them as the basis for creating your own unique work.

Sites such as:

Collection of essays on non-technical topics:

Collection of essays "In the middle of nowhere":

Moscow collection of abstracts:

Russian collection of abstracts:

central bank Russian abstracts:

Requirements for work registration. Content Components

    The work is drawn up on white paper (A-4 format) on one side of the sheet.

    Title page (the following information is placed on the title page: title educational institution, type of work (abstract), name of discipline, topic of work, course and group number, full name. student and teacher, date. When preparing a report or essay, a title page is not required. When writing an abstract, its presence is a prerequisite)

    Availability of a plan (content) of the work (it sequentially sets out the names of the paragraphs of the abstract and indicates the pages from which each paragraph begins). The work plan differs from the content in that the points of the plan are numbered and titled, but page numbers are not indicated. The contents do not require numbering of sections of the work, but require headings and page indications. Sometimes a table of contents is found in abstracts. Use this term not suitable for an abstract. The table of contents is provided in works more high level: coursework and diplomas.

    Introduction (the essence of the problem under study is formulated, the choice of topic is justified, its significance and relevance of the chosen topic are determined, the purpose and objectives of the abstract are indicated, an analysis of the literature used is given).

    The main part (each section, demonstrably revealing a separate problem or one of its aspects, is logically a continuation of the previous one, all definitions of concepts, theoretical reasoning, research of the author or his study of the problem are given). A distinctive feature of the abstract is the presence of such formulations as: “according to the scientist...”, “according to such and such an author...”, “from the point of view of such and such...”, “according to the theory of such and such,” “concept of such and such. is based on...”, “the essence of the position expressed by the author is based on such principles...”, etc. The use of such phrases indicates that the author of the abstract is familiar with various types of sources, fluently operates with the necessary concepts, and understands the differences between certain points of view on the issue under consideration.

    The abstract must contain references to the literature used.

    Conclusion (results are summed up or a generalized conclusion is given on the topic of the essay, recommendations are offered).

    List of references (in accordance with the standards, the sequence of writing the bibliography must be followed)

    Applications: drawings, drawings, graphs are drawn up in black. They are not included in the overall scope of work.

    Volume of work: 10-15 sheets of typewritten text.

Abstract protection models

1. "Classical"
The student's oral presentation focuses on issues of principle;
- research topic
- range of literature used
- novelty of the work (research of new sources, new versions)
- main conclusions on the content of the abstract,
2. “Individual”
The student reveals the personal aspects of working on the essay.
- justification of the topic of the abstract
- ways to work on an essay
- original findings, personal opinions, interesting points
- personal significance work done
- prospects for continuing the research.
3. “Creative” defense involves:
- design of a stand with documentary and illustrative materials on the research topic, their comments
- demonstration of video materials, listening to audio recordings prepared during the abstracting process
- a bright, original presentation of a fragment of the main part of the abstract.

Criteria and indicators used when assessing an educational essay

Requirements for the abstract






Compliance of the content of the abstract with the stated topic





Compliance with general requirements for writing an abstract





Clear composition and structure, presence of content





Logical presentation of material





Absence of spelling, punctuation, stylistic and other errors





Independence in studying material and analyzing





The abstract is graded on a five-point scale.

5 points– the content of the abstract corresponds to the topic stated in the title; the abstract is formatted in accordance with the general writing requirements and technical requirements for the presentation of an abstract; the abstract has a clear composition and structure; there are no logical violations in the presentation of the material in the text of the abstract; correctly formatted and in full a list of used literature and links to used literature are presented in the text of the abstract; there are no spelling, punctuation, grammatical, lexical, stylistic or other errors in the author's text; the abstract is independent research, a qualitative analysis of the found material is presented, there are no facts of plagiarism;

4 points– the content of the abstract corresponds to the topic stated in the title; the abstract is designed in accordance with the general requirements for writing an abstract, but there are errors in technical design; the abstract has a clear composition and structure; there are no logical violations in the presentation of the material in the text of the abstract; the list of used literature is presented in full, but there are errors in the design; references to the literature used are correctly formatted and fully presented in the text of the abstract; there are no spelling, punctuation, grammatical, lexical, stylistic or other errors in the author’s text; the abstract is an independent study, a qualitative analysis of the found material is presented, there are no facts of plagiarism;

3 points– the content of the abstract corresponds to the topic stated in the title; in general, the abstract is designed in accordance with the general requirements for writing an abstract, but there are errors in the technical design; in general, the abstract has a clear composition and structure, but in the text of the abstract there are logical violations in the presentation of the material; The list of used literature is presented in full, but there are errors in the design; references to the used literature in the text of the abstract are incorrectly formatted or not fully presented; there are isolated spelling, punctuation, grammatical, lexical, stylistic and other errors in the author’s text; in general, the abstract represents an independent study, an analysis of the found material is presented;

2 points– the content of the abstract corresponds to the topic stated in the title; irregularities noted in the abstract general requirements writing an abstract; there are errors in technical design; in general, the abstract has a clear composition and structure, but in the text of the abstract there are logical violations in the presentation of the material; The list of used literature is presented in full, but there are errors in the design; references to the used literature in the text of the abstract are incorrectly formatted or not fully presented; there are frequent spelling, punctuation, grammatical, lexical, stylistic and other errors in the author's text; the abstract is an unprocessed text by another author;

When evaluating an abstract with 2 points, it must be redone in accordance with the comments received and submitted for review again no later than the deadline for accepting abstracts.

Not receiving maximum score, the student has the right, with the permission of the teacher, to finalize the abstract, correct comments and resubmit the abstract for verification.

When defending an abstract, the following criteria may be added to the review:
- Ability to clearly express thoughts orally
- the ability to clearly and substantively answer questions on the research topic and make correct and balanced conclusions.

Students can participate in judging work by filling out judging cards based on several predetermined criteria.

Section 2. Abstract message as a genre of oral scientific speech

General characteristics of oral scientific speech

Oral speech, including oral scientific speech, is spoken speech. Therefore in it big role intonation plays (melody of speech, volume and duration, tempo and timbre of pronunciation). Location is also important logical stress, degree of clarity of pronunciation, presence or absence of pauses.

Perception oral speech occurs simultaneously through the auditory and visual channels. In this regard, such non-verbal means of communication as facial expressions, gestures, gaze, spatial arrangement of the speaker and listener carry a certain semantic load, making the content of the sounding text more information-rich.

Since oral speech is characterized by irreversibility, progressive and linear development, the speaker must ensure that his speech is logical and coherent, and choose the appropriate words to adequately express thoughts. TO linguistic features oral speech include

lower lexical accuracy (compared to written speech);

short sentence length;

limiting the complexity of phrases and sentences;

lack of involvement and participial sentences;

dividing a single sentence into several independent communicative units.

Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation, etc.).

Oral scientific speech is largely prepared and informative speech. Oral scientific information genres include abstract communication, lecture, report.

Features of the abstract message

An abstract message is an oral public presentation during which the content of a written abstract prepared by a student is briefly summarized. The duration of the performance is 5-10 minutes. During this time, the speaker must report on the purpose and objectives of his research, reveal the main points of the abstract plan, and introduce the conclusions presented in his work. It is also assumed that the referent must be able to answer questions from the teacher and students regarding the content of his speech.

An abstract message differs from the abstract itself primarily in the volume and style of presentation, since the features of oral scientific speech and public speaking in general are taken into account. In an abstract message, the content of the abstract is presented in detail (or briefly) and, as a rule, without evaluation, that is, the presentation acquires an overview nature and solves a communicative task (to convey information orally that should be perceived by listeners).

Considering the public nature of the abstract message, the speaker must:

Draw up a plan and abstract of the speech;

Briefly introduce the issues, purpose, structure, etc.;

Ensure a portioned supply of material not in accordance with parts, sections and paragraphs, but segment it depending on the novelty and importance of the information;

Maintain clarity and precision of expressions and their pronunciation; pay attention to intonation, tempo, volume, etc. features of public speaking;

Demonstrate the prepared nature of statements, allowing, as in any other oral speech, verbal improvisation.

Since public speaking is not an easy task even for a trained person, it is recommended to write the text of your speech. Find out practical recommendations for writing it.

At the beginning of your speech, briefly discuss why you are interested in this particular topic, justify its relevance, and name the goals and objectives of your research.

In the main part of the speech, in thesis form, convey the content of the main points of the abstract plan.

Conclude your message with a summary of the topic.

Make sure that the structural parts of your speech are proportionate (the introduction and conclusion should not exceed the volume of the main part).

Divide the text into simple sentences, which will make it much easier for you to read when memorizing, and for the audience to understand your words during the speech.

During the message, it is necessary to explain to listeners the meaning of new terms and terminological combinations.

Don't overuse numbers. The abundance of digital information can confuse not only the listeners, but also the speaker himself.

Select from the text of the abstract the most striking quotes on the topic of the speech. However, avoid quoting too much.

Think about what questions might arise for you during the presentation. Think about your answers.

Check for logical connections between all parts of your speech.

Memorizing and pre-pronouncing the text completes the process of preparing a speech. Repeat difficult words several times. Mark the places in the text of your speech where you will need to change the intonation. Make a timing of your speech - the time for preliminary reading of the text should coincide with the time allotted to you for delivering a speech to defend your abstract (from 5 to 10 minutes).

The following special oratorical techniques can be recommended: speak loudly and clearly enough - this will attract attention and facilitate the listening process. Don't forget about the role of visual contact with the audience. Try to look your audience directly in the eyes, moving your gaze from one face to another: this usually makes them feel as if you are addressing each person personally, and encourages them to keep their eyes on you as well. Please note the reminder below. It will help you make your oral public speaking more effective.

Memo for analyzing the implementation of the report

1. Contact with the audience.

The speaker addresses everyone, looks at the audience, and is fluent in information


(posture, posture).

The speaker stands straight, free, confident

Diction is clear

Speech rate is moderate

Tone – interested, friendly

Facial expressions, gestures.

Natural, appropriate and appropriate

Criteria for teacher evaluation of an oral abstract message

The abstract presentation is assessed according to the following criteria:

1. Compliance of the content of the speech with the topic – 2 points.

2. Information content of the speech, completeness of the topic (the main provisions of the abstract are presented, revealing the topic of the speech) -2 points.

3. Compliance logical sequence and coherence of presentation -2 points.

4. Degree of mastery of the material (depth and correct understanding of the main problems on the stated topic, mastery of terminology) - 2 points.

5. Compliance with time parameters and requirements for the volume of text of the speech - 2 points.

6. Correct speech - 2 points.

7. Possession of public speaking skills (contact with the audience, demeanor, sound of voice, etc. see Memo) – 3 points.

Students who scored written essay 8 or more points for oral abstract speech 7 or more points receive credit for the discipline automatically if the appropriate parameters for the current rating control and milestone rating control are met.


    Vlasenkov A.I., Rybchenkova L.M. Russian language: Grammar. Text. Speech styles: textbook for general education. Institutions. – M. Education, 2010

    Lomilina N.I., Sigov V.K. Literature lessons. Literature of the 19th and 20th centuries ( didactic materials in Russian language and literature)

    Kuznetsov I.N. Abstracts, coursework and dissertations. Methods of preparation and design: Educational and methodological manual/ I.N. Kuznetsov. – M.: Publishing house “Dashkov and K”, 2008. – 340 p.

    Dyudina Z.V., Kochkina T.P. Methodological recommendations for writing an abstract. – Noyabrsk, Pedagogical College, 2010.

    Organization of research activities of students: in 2 hours. Part 1. Abstract: a guide for independent work of students / comp. E.Yu. Panina, R.N. Ziyatdinov. – Perm: Publishing house PGPU, 2004. – 31 p.

    Salnikova T.P. Research activities students: textbook. allowance / T.P. Salnikova. – M.: Sfera, 2005. – 96 p.

    Solovyova I.N. Fundamentals of organizing student’s educational and scientific work: educational method. manual for independent work of students / I.N. Solovyova. – M.: Publishing House of APK and PPRO, 2005. – 55 p.

Annex 1






Completed: student ____course, group____


(student's name)

Checked: teacher


(Name of teacher)



Appendix 2

Sample topics for essays in the discipline “Literature”

    Historical novel in Russian literature.

    Historical theme in the works of A.S. Pushkin.

    Reflection of modern events Russian history in domestic literature.

    The image of a teacher in Russian literature.

    The theme of education in Russian literature. ("What goes around comes around").

    Changing the type of hero in Russian literature of the 19th century (based on the works of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, I.S. Turgenev).

    The theme of honor and human dignity in Russian literature

    The inner world of man on the pages of Russian literature

    Conflict and its originality in works of Russian literature

    The problem of searching for truth in Russian literature

    The theme of the beauty of the world and man in Russian literature

    The theme of conscience in Russian literature

    The theme of compassion and mercy in Russian literature

    The theme of human destiny in Russian literature

    The theme of family in Russian literature

    The theme of sin and repentance in Russian literature

    The theme of heroism in Russian literature

    The problem of moral choice in Russian literature

    The theme of the poet and poetry in Russian literature

    The theme of the city in Russian literature

    Artistic originality of works (based on the work of a writer of Russian literature of the 19th – 20th centuries)

    The art of creating character (based on the work of a writer of Russian literature of the 19th – 20th centuries)

    The theme of freedom in Russian literature

    The theme of the little man in Russian literature

    The theme of love in Russian literature

    The role of lyrical digressions in Russian literature

    Features of the style of one of the writers of Russian literature

    Nature and man in Russian literature



Abstract message

Oral and written varieties of scientific style

TO verbal scientific genres relate abstract message, lecture, report. They are united:

1. communication task – convey certain information orally so that it is more or less absorbed by the listeners;

2. public character statements, when a lecturer, speaker, informant is inclined to communicate with a group of people who have their own, largely individual, attitude towards the perception of both the speaker and what he will report;

3. fractional, portioned presentation of information, its division into segments that contain one portion of the new;

4. taking into account that listeners will fix(in different ways) information that is meaningful to them in the form of a record separate provisions. Taking this circumstance into account affects the organization of the statement, the selection of clear, precise expressions and its pronunciation, in particular the tempo of speech;

5. preparatory nature of statements. During preparation, a plan, abstracts are drawn up, and sometimes the entire text is written. When reading a prepared text, the lecturer usually loses contact with the audience.

6. monologue character all considered genres with elements of dialogization (to a greater or lesser extent).

These genres differ mainly in the nature of the information that is communicated and in the task of its perception and assimilation. Let's look at these genres.

IN abstract message the content of one or more book sources is presented in detail (or briefly), as a rule, without evaluation.

It is known that the information that the listener receives in response to his question is ᴛ.ᴇ. in the process of dialogue, it is absorbed better. Special experiments were carried out. For example, mothers received the same information - how to feed the child - before discharge from the maternity hospital in the form of a doctor's lecture or in response to their questions. Dialogue turned out to be more effective. Necessary information was absorbed much faster, or rather more successfully.

The lecturer should not convey to students only the content of the subject - the outline of a textbook or corresponding development, he must process this into the content of a specific lecture, ᴛ.ᴇ. change the form of presentation - composition, style, language. It is necessary to distinguish educational lectures(for future professionals) and popular lectures for persons who have a need to obtain certain information on an issue that interests them or to learn something new about the subject of speech.

Scientific report- ϶ᴛᴏ message about the formulation of the problem, about the progress of the research, about its results. This scientific message contains objectively new information.

IN training report novelty is to a certain extent subjective, it is determined by the presence of new facts or their original interpretation, the presence of one’s own point of view, one’s position.

When reading the report, do not forget!

1. address the audience and communicate with it during the speech;

2. name the topic of the report, formulate its main task;

3. use introductory words type in our opinion, it seems to us, etc. and introductory words like firstly, secondly, therefore etc.

4. use all means – verbal and non-verbal – to highlight the main, important, informatively significant;

5. rehearse your reading of the report.

Written scientific speech - ϶ᴛᴏ speech monographs, scientific articles, textbooks, reference books, coursework And theses.

Coursework and thesis

Coursework and diploma work - ϶ᴛᴏ scientific works devoted to the study of one topic, one question, these are original essays of a research nature. Texts of these genres must meet the requirements of logic and accuracy, abstraction and generality, evidence and objectivity. Coursework and dissertation texts are characterized by a harmonious composition. Each text has structural and semantic parts: title, introduction, main part, conclusion.

Heading (Name) work - ϶ᴛᴏ informative unit; it usually reflects the theme of this text and must correspond to the content of the entire text.

Introduction (introductory part) should be short and concise. It justifies the choice of topic and the relevance of its research, the goals and objectives of the research, describes the research methods, the scientific and practical significance of the work, and the testing of the work.

When formulating goals You can use such stereotypes.

The purpose of the work: to reveal the specifics, to identify patterns (identification of patterns), to create a typology, to explain a phenomenon, to describe functions (description of functions), to develop a model (model development), to characterize the system, to generalize facts, to systematize elements (systematization of elements), etc.

Main part The text of the work is divided into chapters in accordance with the objectives of the work. In a small article, parts are not highlighted, but each new thought is presented in a new paragraph.

Conclusion has the form of conclusions corresponding to the stages of the study, or the form of a short summary.

Abstract, abstract, synopsis, theses

annotation – a concise, brief description of a book (article, collection), its contents and purpose. The annotation lists the main issues and problems of the primary text, sometimes its structure (composition) is characterized. The abstract answers the question: “What is said in the primary text?” It usually consists of simple sentences.

The abstract usually consists of two parts. The first part formulates the main theme of the book or article; the second part lists (names) the main provisions.

Before the text of the annotation, the output data (author, title, place and time of publication) is given.

It is usually not customary to name the subject of the action in the annotation, because it is known from the context, passive constructions (verbal and participial) are more actively used.

Sample annotation:

The culture of oral and written speech of a business person: A reference book. – M.: Flinta͵ Nauka, 1997. – 160 p.

The “Reference Book” is a collection of normative information concerning difficult cases of pronunciation, word usage, the use of grammatical forms of the modern Russian literary language, as well as spelling, punctuation and rules for the design of written text and business papers. Tasks aimed at mastering and practical use The information presented in the “Directory” is contained in the “Workshop”.

The manual is intended for self-education, optional and individual lessons with the teacher.

Abstract - ϶ᴛᴏ compositionally organized generalized presentation of the content of the source of information (article, series of articles, monograph, etc.). The abstract is an adequate presentation of the content of the primary (source) text. The abstract answers the question: “What information is contained in the primary source, what is stated in it?”

The purpose of the abstract is to be able to highlight what is new and significant in the text. Basic requirements for the abstract:

1. information content, completeness of presentation;

2. objectivity, undistorted recording of all provisions of the primary text;

3. correctness in assessing the material.

The abstract should be concise. The abstract should not turn into a “crawl” through the text. The purpose of abstracting: to create a “text about the text.” Connections like: in 1 paragraph, in 2 paragraph and so on. An abstract is not a summary, diluted with “scrapers” like the author further notes... Extensive citation turns the abstract into a synopsis. The abstract may contain elements (one cannot but agree..., the author successfully illustrates... etc.).

The abstract consists of three parts: general characteristics of the text (output data, topic formulation); description of the main content; referent's conclusions.

There are abstracts reproductive And productive. Reproductive abstracts reproduce the content of the primary text. Productive essays involve critical or creative reflection on literature.

Abstract contains factual information in a generalized form, illustrative material, information about research methods, the results obtained and the possibilities of their application.

Abstract-resume provides only the main provisions that are closely related to the topic of the text.

Abstract review covers several primary texts, provides a comparison of different points of view on a specific issue.

Abstract report provides an analysis of the information given in primary sources and an objective assessment of the state of the problem. There are three basic components in the structure of the abstract: bibliographic description, the abstract text itself, and reference apparatus. Purpose of the abstract– create a text about a text. An abstract is not a synopsis, but abundant citation can turn an abstract into a synopsis.

Abstract – written recording of the basic provisions of a readable or aurally perceived text. When taking notes, folding and compression of the primary text occurs. A note-taking note allows you to restore and expand the original information with extremely important completeness; in this regard, when taking notes, you need to select new and important material, connect it for better understanding with the old, already known, and arrange the material in accordance with the logic of presentation.

Abstracts – briefly formulated main provisions of the report, scientific article.

Review - ϶ᴛᴏ written analysis, which involves, firstly, commenting on the basic provisions (interpretation of the author’s thought; one’s own addition to the thought expressed by the author; expression of one’s attitude to the formulation of the problem, etc.); secondly, a generalized, reasoned assessment and, thirdly, conclusions about the significance of the work.

Unlike the review review gives the most general characteristics work without detailed analysis, but contains practical recommendations: the analyzed text can be accepted for work in a publishing house or for an academic degree.

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