Home Potato Conditions for the functioning of book and colloquial speech, their features. §4. Two forms of language existence. Conversational and book speech

Conditions for the functioning of book and colloquial speech, their features. §4. Two forms of language existence. Conversational and book speech

For example, a geologist is writing an article for a special journal about mineral deposits in Siberia. He uses book speech in writing. The scientist makes a report on this topic at the International Conference. His speech is bookish, but the form is oral. After the conference, he writes a letter to a work colleague about his impressions. Text of the letter - Speaking, written form. At home, in the family circle, the geologist tells how he spoke at the conference, which old friends he met, what they talked about, what gifts he brought. His speech is colloquial, its form is oral.

Task 33. Carefully study the table. Write texts on the same topic, using book speech in one case, and colloquial speech in the other. For example: "Rest on the sea", "A dog is a man's friend."

book speech


Constructions are used with the union without: without such a journal

Structures are replaced if there is no such

Compound sentences with conjunctions because, because, because

Not used

0Constructions with words due to, as a result, due to

Used much less often, replaced by adnexal

Constructions not only ..., ko and.,.; like..., so...; while; if..then...

Not used

Participle turnovers

Are replaced by adnexal

Less commonly used

Rhetorical questions

Less commonly used

Lexical, syntactic repetitions

Given 34. Specify, if necessary, the situations (when, where, with whom, about what) of the types of communications listed below. Write in which cases only book speech is appropriate, only colloquial speech, and in which both are appropriate.

Public speaking, lecture, communication, patient-doctor conversation, student-teacher conversation, interview, bus passenger conversation, buyer-seller conversation, conversation between friends, dinner table conversation.

Task 35. Write a few names of TV shows, which are mainly characterized by book speech, and programs in which colloquial speech prevails. Explain what it depends on.

For reference. "News", " Good morning”, “Club of travelers”, “Today”, “Up to sixteen to older”, “However”, “Today”, “Everyone’s mouth”, “Details”, “Parliamentary hour”, “In the animal world”, “Man in a mask”, “A case is heard”, “Mirror”, “Hero of the day without a tie”, “Homeopathy and health”, “Hero of the day”.

Task 36. Fill in the columns, giving each sentence of the first column the appropriate form.

Exaggeratedly polite form

Politely neutral

typical for

colloquial speech

Sample: Would you please tell me how to get to the subway?

Can you tell me how to get to the subway?

Tell me, where is the subway?

Sorry to bother you, can you tell me where the dry cleaners are?

Kindly give me some cough tablets.

I earnestly ask you to cut off, please, 200 grams from the cheese that is on the counter.

Thank you for giving me your seat, but I'm getting off at the next stop.

Task 37. Give each sentence a literary form and write them down. Determine what are the features of everyday colloquial speech.

I have a headache. Two with syrup. For three rubles and the city. With a dog behind you? Now fashionable without sleeves. / My granddaughter is jumping over the rope. Opposite lives/retired. I forgot what to write at home. Have you got something to sunbathe on? Take something to dig. Tomorrow I'll put on a festive dress. Winter need to buy a brother. Soon graduation / then introductory / horror! The boy has a fever. Without a hearing in the school will not be accepted. He failed the second one too. We borrowed a car.

Task 38. What features of what forms and types of speech indicate combinations?

He speaks as if it were written, he doesn’t go into his pocket for a word, what a scribbler, he says - you can fall asleep, speaks in a dry language, speaks in a newspaper, expounds in a bookish way, speaks in a simple way, carries nonsense.

feature literary language functional styles are considered.

When a scientist gives a lecture, makes a presentation at scientific conference When shareholders discuss the problems of their society at meetings, diplomats participate in negotiations, students take exams at universities, students answer in class, their speech differs from that used in an informal setting: for festive table, in a friendly conversation, on the beach by the sea, with family.

Depending on the goals and objectives that are set and solved during communication, various language means are selected and peculiar varieties of a single literary language are formed, i.e. functional styles.

The term functional style emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are distinguished on the basis of the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case.

Scientific works, textbooks, reports on various expeditions, finds and discoveries are written in a scientific style; reports on the progress of work, financial reports on a business trip, orders, instructions are drawn up in an official business style; articles in newspapers, speeches of journalists on radio and television mainly have a newspaper-journalistic style; in any informal setting, when discussing a variety of everyday topics, sharing impressions of the past day, a colloquial everyday style is used.

The styles of the literary language are most often compared on the basis of an analysis of their lexical composition, since it is in the lexicon that the difference between them is most noticeable.

The attachment of words to a certain style of speech is explained by the fact that the lexical meaning of many words, in addition to the subject-logical content, also includes emotional and stylistic coloring. Wed: mother, mother, mother, mother, mother; father, daddy, daddy, daddy, pa. The words of each row have the same meaning, but differ stylistically, so they are used in different styles. Mother, father are mainly used in an official business style, the rest of the words - in colloquial everyday.

If we compare synonymous words: appearance - appearance, lack - deficiency, misfortune - misfortune, fun - entertainment, alteration - transformation, warrior - warrior, eyeball - ophthalmologist, liar - liar, huge - gigantic, squander - squander, cry - complain, it is easy to see that these synonyms also differ from each other not in meaning, but in their stylistic coloring. The first words of each pair are used in colloquial and everyday, and the second - in popular science, journalistic, official business speech.

In addition to the concept and stylistic coloring, the word is able to express feelings, as well as an assessment of various phenomena of reality. There are two groups of emotionally expressive vocabulary: words with a positive and negative assessment. Compare: excellent, beautiful, excellent, wonderful, amazing, luxurious, magnificent (positive assessment) and nasty, nasty, disgusting, ugly, arrogant, impudent, nasty (negative assessment). Here are words with different assessments that characterize a person: clever, hero, hero, eagle, lion and fool, pygmy, donkey, cow, crow.

Depending on what kind of emotional-expressive assessment is expressed in a word, it is used in various styles of speech. Emotionally expressive vocabulary is most fully represented in colloquial and everyday speech, which is distinguished by liveliness and accuracy of presentation. Expressively colored words are also characteristic for journalistic style. However, in scientific and official business styles of speech, emotionally colored words are usually inappropriate.

IN everyday dialogue, characteristic of oral speech, mainly colloquial vocabulary is used. It does not violate the generally accepted norms of literary speech, but it is characterized by a certain freedom. For example, if instead of expressions blotting paper, reading room, dryer to use the words blotter, reader, dryer, then, quite acceptable in colloquial speech, they are inappropriate in official, business communication.

Words conversational style are distinguished by a large semantic capacity and colorfulness, give speech liveliness and expressiveness.

Spoken words are opposed to book vocabulary. It includes the words of scientific, newspaper-journalistic and official-business styles, usually presented in writing. Lexical meaning book words, their grammatical design and pronunciation are subject to the established norms of the literary language, deviation from which is unacceptable.

The sphere of distribution of book words is not the same. Along with the Slovaks common to scientific, newspaper-journalistic and official-business styles, there are also those in the book vocabulary that are assigned only to any one style and constitute its specificity. For example, terminological vocabulary used mainly in the scientific style. Its purpose is to give an accurate and clear idea of ​​scientific concepts (for example, technical terms - bimetal, centrifuge, stabilizer; medical terms - x-ray, tonsillitis, diabetes; linguistic terms- morpheme, affix, inflection, etc.).

For journalistic style abstract words with a socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving) are characteristic.

Business style- official correspondence, government acts, speeches - vocabulary is used that reflects official business relations (plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution). A special group in the official business vocabulary is formed by clericalisms: hear (report), read out (decision), forward, incoming (number).

Unlike colloquial vocabulary, which is characterized by concrete meaning, book vocabulary is predominantly abstract. The terms book and colloquial vocabulary are conditional, since they are not necessarily associated with the idea of ​​only one form of speech. Book words typical of written speech can also be used in oral speech (scientific reports, public performance etc.), and colloquial - in writing (in diaries, everyday correspondence, etc.).

However, not all words are distributed between different styles speech. The Russian language has large group words used in all styles without exception and characteristic of both oral and written speech. Such words form a background against which stylistically colored vocabulary stands out. They are called stylistically neutral. Match the neutral words below with their stylistic synonyms related to colloquial and book vocabulary:

colloquial vocabulary

Stylistically neutral vocabulary

Book vocabulary


parade multitude

If speakers find it difficult to determine whether given word use in one or another style of speech, they should turn to dictionaries and reference books. In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, marks are given indicating the stylistic characteristics of the word: “book.” - bookish, "colloquial." - colloquial, "officer." - official, "special." - special, "simple." - spacious, etc.

For example, in " explanatory dictionary Russian language at the end of the 20th century. (St. Petersburg, 1998) with such notes are given the words:

Meditation (bookish) - in some Eastern religions: a state of deep self-denial, accompanied by physical relaxation, reaching complete prostration; detachment from the outside world.

Mental (bookish) - relating to consciousness, thinking.

The poor (official) - the social stratum of society, consisting of people who do not have living wage who are at the poverty line.

Low income (official) - noun. to the underprivileged.

Marathon (trans., publ.) - about some. state; about a long and intense struggle for leadership in smth.

Pendulum (publ.) - about sharp fluctuations of something. in an unstable position.

Xerit (colloquial) - make a photocopy, make a photocopy.

Doll (colloquial) - a bundle, a pack, a package with cut paper, given by a fraudster instead of money,

Shopkeeper (colloquial) - the owner of the store.

In order to more clearly present the features of each functional style of the literary language, we will give examples of texts belonging to different styles.

1. Scientific style

Pedagogy is a set of theoretical and applied sciences that study upbringing, education and training. Also known as pedagogy training course which is taught in pedagogical institutes and others educational institutions profiled programs. Pedagogy includes the problems of educational, cultural and educational work with adults...

Education is also studied by other sciences: sociology considers education as a function of society and the state; psychology - as a condition spiritual development personality. Pedagogy explores the patterns of the upbringing process, its structure and mechanisms, develops a theory and methodology for organizing the educational process, its content, principles, organizational forms, methods and techniques (Pedagogical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. T. 4. M., 1966. C .282).

For given text characteristic scientific terminology: pedagogy, upbringing, education, training, educational work, society, state, sociology, psychology, etc. Abstract vocabulary prevails: theory, problems, function, development, process, structure, mechanisms, methodology, content, principles, forms, methods, tricks. Words are used in a direct, nominative sense, figurative means language, emotionality are absent. Sentences are narrative in nature, mostly in direct word order.

2. Officially business style

We acknowledge with gratitude the receipt of your letter with the attached catalogs and inform you that we have sent this information material to our customers for consideration.

If they show interest in the products of your company, we will inform you about this additionally (Official confirmation letter).

The peculiarity of this text is a concise, compact presentation, economical use linguistic means. Cliches characteristic of this style are used (with gratitude we confirm; we report that ...; in case of manifestation; we will inform you additionally), verbal nouns (receipt, consideration, manifestation). The document is characterized by "dryness" of presentation, lack of means of expression, the use of words in direct meaning.

3. Newspaper-journalistic style

But how to capture the secret of the poet's personality in his works? What should be done for this when studying his works?

To study a poet means not only to get acquainted with his works through intensified and repeated reading, but also to feel, to experience them. great poet never invents anything, but clothes the universal in living forms. And therefore, in the creations of the poet, people who admire them always find something familiar to them for a long time, something of their own, which they themselves felt or only vaguely and indefinitely foresaw or thought about, but which they could not give a clear image, which they did not know. could find a word and that, consequently, the poet could only express. The higher the poet, that is, the more universal the content of his poetry, the simpler his creation, so that the reader is surprised how it did not occur to him to create something like this: after all, it is so simple and easy! (Belinsky V.G., Works of Alexander Pushkin // Collected works: In 3 volumes. T. 3. M., 1948. P. 376).

Characteristic features of the above passage are the relevance of the content, the sharpness and brightness of the presentation, the author's passion. The purpose of the text is to influence the mind and feelings of the reader, listener. A very diverse vocabulary is used: the terms of literature and art (poet, work, image, poetry, artistic merit), general literary words (mystery, personality, creation, reading). Many words have a high-style coloring: to feel, clothe, foresee, admire, means of speech expressiveness are actively used, for example artistic definition(a true poet, living forms, a clear image, a universal content, foreshadowed vaguely and indefinitely), inversion (What should be done for this when studying his works?). The text is dominated by detailed syntactic constructions, interrogative and exclamatory sentences.

4. Colloquial style

My dear Anechka, I received your sweet letter, and I was very sad to read how the kids cried when I left. Dear doves! Tell them right now that dad remembers them, kisses them and invites them to Petersburg. Hugs and kisses unceasingly and bless. I, Anya, am not well: my nerves are very irritated, and in my head, like a toucan, everything seems to be spinning. Never before, even after the most violent seizures, had such a state happened to me. Very hard.<...>It's like sleep and drowsiness can't wake me up. It would be necessary to rest at least two weeks from work and uninterrupted care - that's what ... .

The text of the letter mainly uses neutral vocabulary, although there are some colloquial words(dad, at least, it is necessary). The emotional character of the text is given by words with evaluative suffixes(darling, darlings, Anechka, a week), verbs that convey the state of the author (remembers, kisses, blesses), figurative means of language, for example, comparisons (in my head like fog, like a dream and drowsiness), expressive appeal (my dear darling Anechka, dear doves). The syntax of the text is characterized by the use various types proposals, free order words. There are extremely short sentences (Very hard), there are even unfinished ones (that's what ...).

Each specific act speech activity requires a very specific means of expression. Speakers must ensure that the words they use are homogeneous in their stylistic properties, so that there is no stylistic discord, and the use of stylistically colored words is justified by the purpose of the statement.

Bookish, colloquial words, correctly introduced into the fabric of the utterance, give speech a special flavor, increase its expressiveness, expressiveness. However, not everyone has a sufficient degree of linguistic flair, a sense of proportion in the use of stylistically colored vocabulary.

For example: “But Slavik was not surprised by this. After he left Krasnaya Polyana and went to study at a technical school, he generally ceased to be surprised at the miracles that took place around him. His consciousness and all the elements of perception of the world, as it were, found themselves in a different plane. The first two sentences are written in a colloquial style, the last - in a bookish style, which creates a difference in style.

Another example: "And when in the evening they warmed up the brew that had thickened during the day - as much as a spoon costs - the brew, the sky shone in the windows with clear tears of stars." And in this sentence, the poetic words shone, the clear tears of the stars do not harmonize with the colloquial and colloquial everyday ones, as much as a brew, a spoon.

The use of different styles of vocabulary, unmotivated use of colloquial and colloquial words- pretty common stylistic error, often found in school essays. For example: “Andrey Bolkonsky, a man with progressive views, is not related to secular society”; “Pavel Vlasov unites his friends even more”; "They worked hard on the farm."

It is absolutely unacceptable to use colloquial and colloquial vocabulary in texts. formal business style. Let's give examples.

Judicial act: "Theft was carried out by direct withdrawal from the pantry (should be: pantry), the sale of products for cash and embezzlement of money."

Business letter: "You need to allocate forty people to load carrots and potatoes (you need: carrots and potatoes)."

Questionnaire: "Position of parents: mom is a doctor, dad is an engineer (it is necessary: ​​mother, father)."

Address on the envelope: “Rostov region, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, st. Sadovaya, hostel for girls (should be: female hostel).

It is not always appropriate to use specific words from other styles of the literary language in colloquial and everyday speech. For example: I programmed to go to the optometrist today; There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in our green massif; On the family event many guests arrived; It is necessary to focus the attention of children on this issue.

It should be borne in mind that the functional and stylistic boundaries of the modern literary language are very mobile. Therefore, it is important to know and subtly feel the specific features of each functional style, to skillfully use the language means of different styles, depending on the situation of communication and the goals of the utterance.

Task 39. Read the texts and say which functional style each of them belongs to? Name the signs that allowed you to determine the style of the text.

1. Periodically inspect the connections of hoses with a valve, pump and fittings, water collectors with a washing tank and a centrifuge tank, for which the machine is turned over onto the housing cover. Connections must ensure watertight joints and secure fastening with locks. Locks (there are ten of them: three - on the valve, two - on the pump, two - on the fitting of the centrifuge tank and one each - on the water collectors of the centrifuge tank and the washing tank and on the outlet fitting of the niche).

2. Today we have to face the fact that the interaction of man with the nature around him often leads to unexpected and undesirable consequences, although it implies good intentions. They erected a plant for nitrogen fertilizers, but the red "fox tails" stretching from the pipes ruined the vegetation in the district. They cleared the rice field of weeds with the help of herbicides, but, dropping from the fields poisonous water, zamorali fish in a nearby river.

So how to be? To block off the planet with fences of nature reserves and reserves, to slow down the pace of human impact on nature? Such plans are utopian and doomed to failure. Turgenev, through the mouth of one of his favorite heroes, rightly said: nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.

3. Happy New Year! Is it a joke - with the two thousandth! Did we dream about it? Peace of mind and prosperity to all. Happiness and success!

We met New Year OK. Mom wanted to put up a Christmas tree, but there were almost no Christmas trees for sale in the past year. For one branch of a pine one had to pay fifty rubles. They did without a pine tree. We bought all sorts of food in the store, fruit in the market.

Friends have come. From eleven to four in the morning, they sat at the table, watched TV, danced, philosophized. This is how we celebrated the New Year.

4. Failure by the manager of the building to take measures within the prescribed period to eliminate accidents in home equipment or damage to buildings that cause damage to the residential premises and common areas, entitles the tenant alone or together with the tenants living in the apartment to make the necessary correction with the recovery of all expenses incurred by them from the building management at estimated cost.

5. Culture of speech - 1) possession of the norms of the literary language in its oral and written form, in which the choice and organization of language means are carried out, which allow, in a certain situation of communication and while observing the ethics of communication, to ensure the greatest effect in achieving the goals of communication; 2) the field of linguistics, dealing with the problems of speech normalization, developing recommendations for the skillful use of the language. Thus, the culture of speech contains three components: normative, ethical and communicative.

Task 40. Pick up samples of texts written in different styles. Describe these texts.

Book style.

book speech must be built according to the norms of the literary language, their violation is unacceptable; sentences must be complete, logically related to each other. Book speech serves the political, legislative, scientific spheres of communication.

Colloquial style. Neutral vocabulary is used, although there are also colloquial words. The words of the colloquial style are distinguished by great semantic capacity and colorfulness, they give speech liveliness and expressiveness.

Speaking not so strict in observing the norms of the literary language. It allows the use of forms that qualify in dictionaries as colloquial. Colloquial speech is used in semi-formal meetings, meetings, etc. Book and colloquial speech have written And oral form.

Scientific style. Abstract, terminological vocabulary prevails: theory, problems, function, process, structure, mechanisms, methodology, content, principles, forms, methods, techniques. Its purpose is to give a precise and clear idea of ​​theoretical concepts. Words are used in a direct, nominative sense. There are no figurative means of language, emotionality. Sentences are narrative in nature, mostly in direct word order. As a kind of scientific - often considered technical style. An example of technical terms are the words: bimetal, centrifuge, stabilizer; medical termsx-ray, tonsillitis, diabetes; linguistic - morpheme, affix, inflection and etc.

Newspaper - journalistic style- this is the sharpness and brightness of the presentation, the author's passion. The goal is to influence the mind and feelings of the reader, listener. A variety of vocabulary is used: terms of literature and art, general literary words. The means of speech expressiveness, artistic definition, inversion are actively used. Expanded stylistic constructions predominate, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are used. A very diverse vocabulary is used: the terms of literature and art ( poet, work, image, poetry, artistic merit); common words ( mystery, personality, creation, reading). The journalistic style is characterized by abstract words with a socio-political meaning: humanity, progress, nationality, publicity, peace-loving. Many words have high-style coloration: foresee, clothe, foresee, admire. The means of speech expressiveness are actively used, for example, artistic definition ( a true poet, living forms, a clear image, a universal content, foresaw vaguely and indefinitely), inversion ( What should be done for this when studying his works?), detailed stylistic constructions predominate, interrogative and exclamatory sentences are used.

Formal - business style- this is a concise, compact presentation, economical use of language tools. clichés are used acknowledge with gratitude; inform you that…; in case of manifestation; we will inform you additionally), verbal nouns ( receiving, seeing, manifesting). The document is characterized by a “dryness” of presentation, a lack of expressive means, and the use of words in their direct meaning: plenum, session, decision, decree, resolution. A special group in the official business vocabulary is formed by clericalisms: hear(report), read out(solution), forward, incoming(room).

Book speech is the sphere of literary speech (ch. arr. written), concentrating book and written language tools. K. r. used in the book-written type of modern. Russian lit. language (see Literary language, section Literary language theory). Of the two varieties of this type (special speech and artistic and visual speech), this is primarily special speech (scientific, official business texts and texts of informative chronicle and official documentary genres of journalism), in which book and written language means together with general literary are the material for constructing statements and texts and where their coexistence with oral-colloquial. linguistic means is not possible. Artistic speech ( literary texts and texts of free genres of journalism), in contrast to special journalism, allows the use of all categories of linguistic means and therefore is not an area of ​​​​the maximum concentration of book and written means. However, some scientists refer this speech variety to K. r.
For K. r. it is characterized by a specific set of language units inherent in it. Specific book-written language means have formed mainly in syntax, vocabulary, word formation and methods of text organization. Their set is not too extensive, however, when organizing an utterance and a text, they are usually repeated over a short segment without focusing on the aesthetics of speech (in this case, K. R. is also opposed to artistic and visual). For example, in any book text, verbal nouns are used in -tion: introduction, inclusion, influence, introduction, attention, occurrence, increase, selection, fulfillment, expression, clarification, production, change, measurement, study, exclusion, use, research, fluctuation, observation, purpose, filling, direction, tension, provision, detection, equipment, explanation, restriction, environment, description, definition, deviation, implementation, and some others. In any such text, prepositional case and adverbial case constructions and means of communication between sentences: in contrast to, in comparison with, in contrast to what, regardless of, to the extent of which, to the extent of which, except for which, on the basis of which, due to which, depending on, in which case , in the presence of which, in the absence of which, in accordance with, in order to avoid what, to the detriment of what, along with, in the conditions of which, with the help of which, with the help of which, by which, as a result of which, in order to why, for the purpose of which, despite, as a result of which, due to what, about what, in connection with, regarding which, and some others; so, so, in the same way, as well as, at the same time, all the more because, however, that's why, and yet, in order to, at the same time, more than that, as regards, because of this, however, with this, on the contrary, while some other
Used in K. r. vocabulary is poor and monotonous. K. r. is distinguished by repeated repetition of the same root lexemes (according to some data, 620 root lexemes are most frequent), and as a special speech - by the saturation of terminological vocabulary.
In modern Russian lit. language K. r. enters into opposition with colloquial speech (see). This opposition exists along with opposition on other grounds: written language - oral speech. K. r. exists mainly in writing, colloquial - in oral (both in synchronous and diachronic terms, this primary forms their existence).
IN different eras existence of Russian lit. language functioning in it K. r. was different. K. r. goes back to church-glory. formation of other Russian. bookishness, in the 18th century. becomes the basis of the “high calm” (according to M. V. Lomonosov; see The Three Styles Theory). The phonetic and lexical Church Slavonicisms inherent in it over time become the property of all lit. language as a whole, in connection with which the concept of "bookishness" in the 19th century. changes and focuses primarily on sophistication and even artificiality of speech. In the 20s. 20th century in a rapidly urbanizing society develops a special taste for bookish and written language means (for the “new bookishness”). At this time, the broad masses of the people, whose oral speech, as a rule, was not literary, but belonged to urban vernacular or dialects, join education and form their “class worldview” through book and written speech, mainly newspaper. The spoiled K. r was result. in oral version- the subject of numerous lit. parodies (for example, by M. M. Zoshchenko). At the same time, book-written language means become an indicator of the stylistic differentiation of lit. language as a marker (differential feature) of special speech. In artistic and visual speech, they are used as figurative medium, and orally. the type of speech is concentrated in those of its varieties, in which there is a focus on the written text (this is primarily oral scientific speech; see Oral public speech).

Literary language as the highest form of language

Supreme form the national Russian language is the literary language. Literary language is the language processed tanny "masters of the word" and normalized.

It is the most important for the life of the country: it carries out all state activity, work of administrative and legislative structures, courts, funds mass media, all education. It is the literary language that is always the state language.

Literary language has two forms - oral and written. Their main difference is that the oral form is a sounding speech, and the written form is graphically (with the help of signs) designed. The original oral form. It presupposes the presence of an interlocutor, a listener. The speaker creates, creates his speech at once, simultaneously working on both content and form. Often, the speaker and his interlocutor not only hear (as when talking on the phone), but also see each other. The reaction of the listener (verbal and non-verbal) can affect the nature of the speech, and even stop it.

Written speech is usually addressed to an absent interlocutor. The writer does not see his reader, he can only imagine him mentally. Written speech is not affected by the reaction of the one who reads it. In addition, the writer has the opportunity to return to the written text, correct and improve it.

The modern Russian literary language is usually divided into two varieties: book speech and colloquial speech.

Book speech is predominantly written, colloquial - oral.

IN modern research book speech is defined as literary, mainly written speech, which is characterized by: (I) general literary and specific book-written language means; (2) codification - a description of the set of rules for the use of language units, their ordering and systematization in textbooks, dictionaries, reference books, manuals, etc.; (3) functional styles of speech: official business, scientific and journalistic.

Conversational speech is the speech of native speakers of the literary language, functioning orally in conditions of relaxed, unprepared communication. It is characterized by: (I) expressive language means; (2) extralinguistic signs: unpreparedness, informality of the speech situation, gestures and facial expressions.

Both book and colloquial speech can be presented both in oral and written forms, despite the initial predominance: book speech - written, colloquial - oral.

So, Research Article for the magazine - book speech in writing. Speech at the conference with the same article - book speech in oral form. Letter to a colleague with impressions of the conference - colloquial speech in writing. A story in a circle of colleagues about a trip to a conference is colloquial speech in its oral form.

language norm. Speech activity of people is regulated by norms that develop historically and are largely conditioned by cultural tradition.

The language norm is a set of phenomena allowed by the language system, reflected and fixed in the speech of native speakers and which are mandatory for all who know the literary language in certain period time.

There are norms of Russian speech that unite all speakers and writers in Russian: the presence of the categories of gender, number, declension, conjugation, etc. These are national standards. Standards of the literary language that oppose dialects and vernacular should be distinguished from national norms.

Compliance with these norms is a sign of a native speaker of the literary language.

Both domestic and foreign linguists indisputably recognize the fact that the norm is the main feature of the literary language. At the same time, there is still no unambiguous definition of the language norm.

The encyclopedia "Russian Language" defines the language norm as the rules of pronunciation, grammatical and other linguistic means, rules of word usage adopted in the social and speech practice of educated people. The literary norm is formed as a result of the socio-historical selection of linguistic elements from among coexisting, newly formed or extracted from passive reserve past and elevated to the rank of correct, suitable and commonly used.

In Russian linguistics long time the norm was understood as exemplary, fixed literary works, a rule protected by science and the state that regulates pronunciation, stress, the formation of words and their forms, the construction of sentences and their intonation. This "rule" must be understood first of all as an objective regularity of the very structure and system of the language, and then only as its description, formulation in grammars and dictionaries. In this second case, the norm is now called codification.

Summarizing these formulations, it is possible to define the literary and linguistic norm as historically and aesthetically determined means of language, dictionary-codified and socially accepted, providing for the speech needs of the people. The norm of the literary language is a socio-historical category. Each era has its own LANGUAGE style.

Norma is one of essential conditions stability, stability of the language. If the norms were not stable, the linguistic connection between generations would be broken. But the stability of norms is not absolute, but relative. The norm, like everything else in the language, is slowly but continuously developing, changing - under the influence of colloquial speech, dialects, borrowings, etc. Changes in the language entail the appearance of variants of some norms.

Variants, or variant norms, are formal modifications of the same unit found at different levels of the language (phonetic, lexical, morphological, syntactic).

In each period of the life of the language, there are chronological variants of the norm: obsolete (and even obsolete), recommended and new (usually qualified in dictionaries as acceptable). If there are several options, the recommended one is the one that can be used in all styles of speech.

A person who considers himself cultured must comply with the recommended standards (in this case, one should be guided by dictionaries published after 1985).

Chronological variants of norms create variability in the norms of the literary language, but, in addition, there is also a variability in the norms associated with the functional and stylistic differentiation of the literary language and with the presence professional standards. So, with the general literary norm of the use of real nouns in the form singular (White clay, hot sand) in a scientific style, the use of a mold is possible plural(white clays, quicksands). Professionally limited stress rates are known.

seven types language norms

(1) Orthoepic (pronunciation) norms - regulate the choice of phoneme options.

It should be pronounced: a [t] spruce, you can’t: a [t "] spruce; follows: lo [p], you can’t: lo [b], etc.

(2) Accentological norms (stress setting) - regulate the choice of placement options for the stressed syllable. Should be pronounced: bell And t, ringing And shh, no: call about nit, sv about niche; you can: beautiful And vee, you can’t, beautiful e e; follows: beetroot, beetroot is not allowed, etc.

(3) Word-building norms - regulate the choice of morphemes, their placement and combination in the composition of a new word. Should: observer; not allowed: observer; follows: loader, not allowed, loader; necessary: ​​river, forest, impossible, river, forest, etc.

(4) Morphological norms - regulate the choice of options morphological norm word and its combination with other words.

It is necessary: ​​engineers, it is impossible, an engineer; you can: a lot of work, no places, you can’t, a lot of work, no places; you can: strong coffee, you can’t, strong coffee etc.

(5) Syntactic norms - regulate the choice of options for constructing sentences.

(You can: When I drove up to the station and looked out the window, my hat flew off my head. You can’t. Driving up to the station and looking out the window, the hat flew off my head).

(6) Lexical norms - prohibit the use of words, the use of which is excluded by the literary language.

(7) In modern linguistic literature, they sometimes talk about stylistic norms, meaning, first of all, the discrepancy between the chosen word and syntactic construction presentation style.

The existence of variants, the change in literary norms are determined by external (social) factors and internal trends in the development of phonetic, lexical, grammatical, and stylistic systems.

IN last years in linguistics, they began to talk about the existence of various factors of the norm. This includes the literary and artistic use of this form, acceptability for the majority of speakers of this language as a native language, dictionary codification, demand in everyday communication; linguistic morality, entrenched in historical memory people.

An example is from the memoirs of K.I. Chukovsky:

One of the translators brought the following translation of a romantic fairy tale to the World Literature publishing house:

"For lack of a red rose, my life will be broken." When he was told that the clerical turnover “for lack of” was inappropriate in a romantic fairy tale, the translator agreed and wrote in a different way: “Due to the absence of a red rose, my life will be broken,” which proved his unsuitability for translating romantic fairy tales.

The development of a literary language is, in essence, the formation, development and improvement of its norms in accordance with the needs of society and due to the internal laws of language development.

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