Home Diseases and pests Whether the student is required to participate in school activities. Try to find positive aspects in each student's work. How children's rights are protected at school

Whether the student is required to participate in school activities. Try to find positive aspects in each student's work. How children's rights are protected at school

The rights and obligations of the child are protected by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the current legislation of the Russian Federation

The student has the right to:

1. Free expression of one's own views, beliefs and opinions; the student's views are given due consideration in accordance with the student's age and maturity.

2. Freedom of information.

3. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

4. Respect for human dignity.

5. Receiving free education in accordance with state educational standards, the development of their personality, their talents, mental and physical abilities to the fullest extent.

6. Education within the framework of state educational standards for individual curricula in the manner determined by the charter of the school (home education for medical reasons).

7. An open assessment of the student's knowledge and skills, obtaining an assessment in each subject solely in accordance with their knowledge and skills.

8. Advance notification of the timing and scope of control works in accordance with the schedule; during the day, only one test can be carried out.

9. Additional free help teachers in acquiring knowledge in special classes, scheduled school and teacher work.

10. Participation in the cultural life of the school, organized activities that are appropriate for the age of the student.

11. Rest between lessons and during vacation time.

12. Participation in the management of an educational institution in the manner determined by the Charter.

13. Benefits and material assistance in accordance with applicable regulations.

14. Transfer to another educational institution implementing educational program corresponding level.

15. Creation of various public associations if they do not contradict the Charter of the school.

16. Use of the right of external studies, home education, early delivery exams, individual educational programs, in grades 10-11 - an individual curriculum.

17. No homework for Monday in grades 1 through 4 inclusive, as well as no assignment for the holidays for students throughout the school, except for reading fiction.

18. Expressing Your Opinion About Quality Openly educational process at the School Council, the Ombudsman for the rights of participants in the educational process.

19. Submission of proposals for changes in educational activities schools in the approved manner.

20. Use for performances mass media schools - stands: "information", "school life", newspaper publication.

21. The right to know about the marks given to him - both for oral and written work.

22. Right to confidentiality of the evaluation message for your answer or written work.

23. The right to apply for the postponement of examinations after absences due to illness, confirmed by medical documents.

24. Right to be heard.

25. The right to create public organization for the protection of the rights of a student as a part of teachers, parents, students.

General rules behavior

Discipline and order in the school is maintained on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students, teachers and other school staff. The use of methods of mental and physical violence in relation to others is not allowed.

The rights and obligations of students of the school are determined by the Charter of the school and other local acts provided for by the Charter.

Students are obliged to comply with the Charter of the school, study in good faith, take care of property, respect the honor and dignity of other students and school employees, and follow the internal rules of procedure:

Follow the schedule of classes (lessons, electives), do not be late and do not miss classes without good reason;

Maintain cleanliness in the school, schoolyard and playground;

Protect the school building, equipment, property;

Take care of the results of the work of other people and provide all possible assistance in cleaning school premises while on duty in the classroom, at school;

Maintain order and cleanliness in the dining room, changing rooms, toilet;

Pay due attention to your own health and the health of those around you;

To take part in the collective creative affairs of the class and school;

A student arrives at school 10-15 minutes before the start of classes, clean and tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on replaceable shoes, takes his workplace and prepares all the necessary teaching materials for the upcoming lesson.

You cannot bring weapons, explosives, flammable substances to the school territory for any purpose and use in any way; alcoholic beverages, drugs, other intoxicants and poisons.

It is impossible to leave the school and from its territory at the appointed time without the permission of the teachers or the school principal.

You can leave the school only by presenting a note from the teacher or director to the school employee on duty.

In case of missing classes for up to three days, the student must present to the class teacher a certificate or a note from the parents (persons substituting for them) about the reason for the absence from class. In case of missing classes for more than three days, the student is required to submit a certificate from a medical institution.

The student of the school must show respect for the elders, take care of the younger ones. Schoolchildren give way to adults, elders - to younger ones, boys - to girls.

Outside of school, students conduct themselves everywhere and everywhere in such a way as not to compromise their honor and dignity.

Students take care of the property of the school, carefully treat both their own and other people's property, observe cleanliness and order on the school grounds. In the event that a student intentionally damages school property, the student's parents (persons replacing them) shall compensate for the damage.

Students should respect other people's property rights at all times. Books, clothing and other personal belongings on the school grounds belong to their owners.

Students who find lost or forgotten, in their opinion, things are invited to hand over to the teacher on duty and post a notice about the lost things.

Disciplinary actions will be applied to students who have appropriated other people's personal belongings.

Physical confrontation, intimidation and bullying are unacceptable forms of behavior. The school strongly condemns such attempts to humiliate, subordinate or manipulate people.

In the classroom, it is not allowed to chew gum and eat, listen to the player, use mobile phone(play, talk, turn on the ringtone).

The student is obliged to do homework.

At the first request of the teacher, the diary should be presented.

Keep a daily journal of homework.

Bring to class all the necessary textbooks, notebooks, manuals, tools and writing materials.

The student has the right to appeal within 3 days after the announcement of the grade if he does not agree with it. The appeal is filed with the subject teacher or the head teacher for academic work.

Behavior in the classroom

1. Do not be late for class. When the teacher enters the classroom, students stand up to greet the teacher. In a similar way Students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except for computer science lessons in the computer lab).

2. Each teacher determines the rules of behavior for students in their classes; these rules should not infringe on the dignity of the student and contradict the Charter of the school.

3. During the lesson, one must not make noise, be distracted by oneself and distract other comrades from the lessons with extraneous conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson.

4. If during class a student needs to leave the class, then he must ask the permission of the teacher.

5. If the student wants to ask the teacher a question or answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

6. During the lesson, the student has the right to ask the teacher questions if he did not understand the material during the explanation.

7. The student has the right to defend his view and his beliefs when discussing various controversial and controversial issues (observing the correct form).

8. In the classroom, students have the right to use school equipment, which they return to the teacher after class. It should be treated with care and attention.

9. Pupils should not talk about extraneous topics in the classroom, as they violate the rights of others to acquire the necessary knowledge.

Behavior of students before, during breaks and after the end of classes

1. During breaks (breaks), the student must:

bring cleanliness and order to your workplace;

leave the classroom if asked by the teacher;

obey the requirements of the floor teacher on duty.

2. Time for change - the personal time of each student. He can carry it out according to his own understanding, however, he should not interfere with others.

3. During recess, students can move freely around the school, except in those places where they are prohibited from being for security reasons (attic, basement, kitchen, physics and chemistry laboratories).

4. The duty class helps the duty teacher to maintain discipline during recess.

5. During recess, students are prohibited from running on stairs, near window openings and in other places that are not suitable for games.

6. During recess, students are prohibited from pushing each other, throwing objects and using physical force.

7. During breaks, students are prohibited from using obscene expressions and gestures, making noise, interfering with others' rest.

8. During recess, students are not allowed to leave school without permission. class teacher or the administrator on duty.

9. Smoking is strictly prohibited at school.

11. During breaks, schoolchildren can turn to their class teacher, duty teacher, duty administrator for help if illegal actions are committed against them.

Responsibilities of the class duty officer

1. Duty officers are appointed in accordance with the class duty schedule.

2. The attendants help the teacher prepare the class for the next lesson, do whatever they can to clean the classroom.

3. During the break, the student on duty (students) airs the class, helps the teacher to hang educational material for the next lesson, distributes notebooks at the request of the teacher.

4. At the end of the working day, the students on duty prepare the class for the next working day (dusting furniture, floors, watering flowers).

5. The attendants of grades 1-3 carry out the feasible cleaning (wipe the desks, water the flowers, take out the trash).

Responsibilities of the duty class.

1. Duty at school is carried out with the help of students in grades 8-11; in the 4th quarter 9th and 11th grades are exempt from duty; each class is on duty for one week in turn or on a schedule.

2. The attendant must wear a bandage on the left sleeve or a badge.

3. The school duty schedule is developed by the deputy director for educational work together with class teachers;

4. Students of the duty class, together with the class teacher, come to school at 8.00 and go home after the 6th lesson.

5. Duty officers in the dressing room and dining room are on duty until 14.00

6. Attendants on front door check for replacement shoes.

7. Students on duty help younger students change clothes, at their posts they monitor the observance of discipline and order during breaks, remarks to violators are made in a tactful manner (in case of misunderstanding, they turn to the duty teacher, class teacher for help).

8. Provide the necessary assistance in organizing the educational process to teachers and school administration.

9. During the entire duty of the class, a "duty log" is kept. Comments, wishes, etc. (names of late students and often violating discipline, etc.) are recorded in the journal.

10. On the last day of duty, a line is held on which the "powers" of the duty class (bandages, duty log) are transferred to another class.

Student behavior in the cafeteria

1. When eating in the cafeteria, students should adhere to good manners and behave yourself.

2. Students should be respectful of the canteen staff.

3. Talking while eating should not be loud so as not to disturb others.

4. Students clean up the dishes after eating, put the chairs in place.

5. Students take good care of the property of the school cafeteria.

7. It is forbidden to take food out of the dining room. Pastries, juices and other products purchased from the school cafeteria should be eaten in the cafeteria (you can leave the sealed packages until the next break).

8. Students have the right to bring breakfast brought from home to the dining room.

9. The dining room attendants help the service personnel set tables, remove dishes from tables, wipe tables, and put chairs in place.

Library rules

1. Textbooks are wrapped in paper or put into a special cover.

2. Do not fold the pages of the textbook, use the bookmark.

3. Do not put a pen or pencil in the textbook, this will break the binding.

4. Not writing or drawing in textbooks is public property.

5. Don't take the textbook dirty hands and do not read it while eating.

6. Place the textbook only on a clean table or desk.

7. For a lost or damaged book, bring a replacement or refund in accordance with applicable law.

1. Students must come to school in neat classroom clothing. Clothing should be age appropriate, express a person's respect for himself and society.

It is forbidden to wear clothes and accessories at school that advertise informal movements, aggression and violence, incl. image of cannabis leaves.

Hair should be neatly cut and combed ( long hair must be collected so as not to interfere). Don't do too avant-garde hairstyles.

It is not allowed to be in outerwear at school without special reason.

At school, all students wear changeable shoes.

It is not allowed to go to school with a bare belly, with piercings; girls are advised to wear shoes with low or medium heels.

Sportswear for the lesson physical culture, in other lessons it is inappropriate.

For solemn school-wide activities students come in appropriate clothing (smart business suits).

On holiday evenings, concerts, students choose clothes on the recommendation of their parents and at their own discretion.

Student responsibility

1 By decision of the governing body of an educational institution, for committing illegal actions, gross and repeated violations of the charter of an educational institution, students who have reached the age of fifteen may be expelled from this educational institution (Law "On Education").

2 The expulsion of a student from an educational institution is applied if educational measures have not yielded a result and the student's further stay in an educational institution renders bad influence on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of an educational institution, as well as the normal functioning of an educational institution.

3 Students who have committed intimidation and bullying of peers must be disciplined, up to and including expulsion from school (the decision is made by the school principal)

4 In accordance with Art. 20.22 of the Administrative Code the appearance of intoxicated minors under the age of 16, as well as the drinking of alcoholic beverages, the consumption of drugs and psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription, other intoxicating substances in in public places entails overlapping administrative fine for parents (legal representatives) in the amount of three to five minimum sizes wages.

5 In accordance with Art. 2.3 Administrative Code of Administrative the person who has reached by the time of the commission of administrative offense age 16.

6 In accordance with Art. 32.2 of the Administrative Code, if a minor does not have independent earnings, property administrative sanctions are collected from the parents (legal representatives).

7 Civil - legal liability for property or moral harm caused to minors under the age of 14, in accordance with Art. 1073 Civil Code RF, lies with the parents (legal representatives).

8 At the age of 14 to 18, minors independently bear civil liability for the harm caused, incl. moral (insult, rudeness). If his property is insufficient, additional responsibility is assigned to the parents (legal representatives), if they do not prove that the harm was not their fault (Article 1074 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

9 Students are responsible for the safety of their personal belongings, including players, mobile phones.

The older generation recalls their school years So: in the classroom, we listen carefully to the teacher, we complete all the tasks; during breaks, we help the teachers on duty keep running around in the corridors; after school we put the class in order, water the flowers, wash the floor; we return home, and only after we have done our homework conscientiously, we run with a clear conscience into the street.

Working days of the current student: who is listening to the teacher, who is not, you can play pranks; during breaks, we run along the corridor or on the street, we will also visit the store; rustling packages with chips and chocolate, you can throw candy wrappers on the floor - someone will clean it up; wash the board after class? - Catch me teacher! We must run away as quickly as possible so that they don't notice; in the canteen I am a consumer, why should I wipe the table? And at home you can do whatever you want, here no one will force you to do anything. Homework? - I'll write off tomorrow with an excellent student, now I'll surf the Internet or go for a walk.

I did not study in Soviet time, so I beg your pardon if I did not describe it that way. It's just that the films gave me such bright ideas about Soviet education and the behavior of students at school. And about the state of affairs in our time, I know firsthand.

Why has the behavior of schoolchildren changed so much?

I think the problem is rooted in many reasons.

  • At first, the state has changed and with it the values ​​in education. Teachers have become service personnel (education has become a service, and a teacher is essentially a service), and I will not say anything about other school employees (not the teaching staff). They do not count for anything at all. The teacher should be interested by any means, he is also to blame for all problems with students - he should be able to cope with any children. the main objective getting an education at school is not an end in itself (getting an education!), but passing the Unified State Exam with a good score. But what about personality development?
  • Secondly, together with the state the laws have also changed (about education, in particular). Let's talk about this below.
  • Thirdly, the most main reasonlack of upbringing ... If a child is allowed everything at home, then at school he will also feel himself in charge and behave as he wants.

There can be many more reasons, I have described the main ones. If you want to add something, then write in the comments. Not only in school, but also in life examples, many of us understand that a person began to study (and then pump) his rights, but for some reason completely forgets about responsibilities. And he should know them from the cradle, not that from school.

The rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren: then and now

Rights students are enshrined in the Constitution - this is the right to education, and it is free, starting from the kindergarten and ending with the university. We can have as many higher educations as we like, but one is free. Although there is a caveat here - you have the right to get a profession once in your life (including higher education) the second time at the expense of the state, if you contact the employment service. We can also refer to the rights of schoolchildren the right to a safe learning environment, free textbooks and manuals, free use of the library and other school supplies, free meals(at certain conditions) and further down the list of human rights in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Let's move on to responsibilities ...

I will try to compare two extracts from the law "On Education" in Russia and in the USSR (taken from the law "On Education in the USSR" of 1973).

What were the responsibilities of students in the USSR:

  • systematically and deeply acquire knowledge and practical skills , develop your abilities , develop the ability to independently replenish knowledge and apply it in practice;
  • participate in socially useful, productive work, self-service , comply with the internal regulations of the educational institution (rules for students), be disciplined and organized, lead a healthy lifestyle, improve their cultural level;
  • protect and strengthen socialist own , to preserve nature and to preserve its wealth, to strictly observe Soviet laws and to respect the rules of socialist community, to be intolerant of antisocial manifestations;
  • improve health , engage in physical education, prepare yourself for the defense of the socialist Fatherland.

Let there be a lot of obligations in relation to the state, but at the same time there are many requirements for oneself - develop personality, skills, knowledge, strengthen health.

What now? (Article 43 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation")

1) in good faith master the educational program, fulfill the individual curriculum , including attending the training sessions provided for by the curriculum or individual curriculum, to carry out self-preparation to classes, perform tasks, data educators within the educational program;
2) fulfill the requirements of the organization's charter carrying out educational activities, internal regulations, rules of residence in hostels and boarding schools and other local regulations on the organization and implementation of educational activities;
3) take care of maintaining and strengthening your health , strive for moral, spiritual and physical development and self-improvement;
4) respect the honor and dignity of other students and employees of the organization carrying out educational activities, do not create obstacles for other students to receive education;
5) take care of the property of the organization carrying out educational activities.

If we compare, then, in principle, the new law retains the same responsibilities for the development of one's personality, compliance with the school charter, etc. But one important point has disappeared - participation in community service and self-service .

Why am I paying such attention to this point?

I described the day at the very beginning of the article modern schoolchild... Only the most sympathetic guys respond to the request to wash the board after the lesson. The rest, or to the extent of the workload school day or lack of upbringing immediately run away after the lesson. I am generally silent about help at the end of the day. In our school, the cleaning lady only washed the floors. But other? Who is left with this work? That's right, teacher. But he has so many worries, does he also need to clean the classroom?

With my article, I want to convince respected parents to educate their children to be industrious. Just cleaning up after a meal, messing up - clean it up, working with books - put it back in place. This will help you to keep the house in order and the school. Decide to do a general cleaning every quarter. Help to organize this thankless, but necessary for health business.

And on this pathetic note I will tell you

what the child is not obliged to do at school.

Why am I placing this section at the very end of the article? Because it is designed for conscience. If you want - do it, if you want - no. You don't have to:

  • Carry out any work duties (according to article 34, paragraph 4 of the law "On education in the Russian Federation") without the consent of the parents (legal representatives).
    Those. the child, in fact, cannot be forced to wash the board, sweep the floor, etc. Now everyone is allowed to throw candy wrappers, airplanes, seed peels. But then it is pleasant for other children to study in such a room?
    In Kamchatka, at one time, even a scandal was inflated about this. The headmaster has mandated all students to participate in cleaning the classroom and school. The authorities considered it illegal (according to the above paragraph in the law on education) and that's it.
  • Go to various school activities (except for those in the curriculum).
    They are obliged to go to lessons, but not to concerts, matinees, rallies.
  • I will also say about the summer school practice. This is also labor compulsion. Making all schoolchildren walk - does it make sense? There are 1,500 students in my school. Conscientious children decide to pass in June in order to go somewhere else for the rest of the time, and they come with a whole crowd to school. But for this a large number of there is not so much work for children! So it turns out that there is no work in June, and there are no workers in July and August.
    I repeat once again that no one has the right to force a child to undergo summer practice. The school is cunning and calls it “helping the school”, “improving the school”, etc. I am not saying that help is not needed, even as needed. But we need to make it more feasible for the child (and not 20 hours!). I came for a day, helped where I could, and you go home happy. What I propose to think over for you, dear parents.

The school provides us with free education, and we can help her with landscaping, minor repairs,. All the same, children study there, we do everything only for the comfort of our children.
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The student has the right:

1. The right to receive free education in accordance with state educational standards. Development of their personality, talents, mental and physical abilities.

2. The right to study within the framework of the state educational standard for individual curricula, in the manner determined by the charter of the school (home education for medical reasons).

The study load, the mode of study of students, are determined by the Charter of the school on the basis of recommendations agreed with the health authorities.

3. The right to freely express one's own views, beliefs and opinions in a correct form that does not humiliate the rights of other people.

The student's views are given due consideration in accordance with the student's age and maturity.

4. The right to be heard.

5. The right to receive information appropriate to his age, goals and objectives of the educational process.

6. The right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

7. The right to respect for human dignity.

8. The right to a teacher's assistance in additional classes provided for by the school's work schedule.

9. Eligibility for additional paid educational services, in accordance with the charter of the school.

10. The right to an open assessment of the student's knowledge and skills, to receive an assessment in each subject solely in accordance with their knowledge and skills.

11. The right to advance notice in carrying out control works in accordance with the schedule.

12. The right to know about the number of tests during the day and per week in accordance with sanitary standards.

13. The right to know about the marks given to him for oral answers and written works.

14. Right to Confidentiality of Evaluation Messages for Your Answer or Writing Work.

15. The right to apply for the postponement of examinations after absences due to illness, confirmed by medical documents.

16. The right to rest between lessons and during vacation time.

17. The right to participate in the cultural life of the school and in the activities organized there that are appropriate for the age of the student.

18. The right to take part in the management of an educational institution in the manner determined by the Charter of the school (School Council).

19. The right to participate in school press appearances, conferences, open microphones.

20. The right to apply to the ombudsman for the rights of participants in the educational process.

21. The right to transfer to another educational institution that implements an educational program of the appropriate level, with the consent of this educational institution and successful passage by them certification.

Student responsibilities:

General rules of conduct

1. A student arrives at school 15 minutes before the start of classes, clean, tidy, takes off outerwear in the wardrobe, puts on replaceable shoes, takes a workplace and prepares all the necessary educational supplies for the upcoming lesson.

2. It is forbidden to bring weapons (including knives), explosive, flammable substances to the school territory for any purpose and use in any way; alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, narcotic drugs.

3. Chewing gum is not permitted at school.

4. It is not allowed to use players and tools mobile communications on lessons.

6. It is impossible without the permission of the class teacher and the duty administrator, (nurse) to leave the school at the appointed time. You can leave the school by presenting a note from the class teacher and the duty administrator, ( medical worker) the school security guard who, together with the person on duty on the 1st floor, writes down the time of the student's exit from the school in the duty notebook.

7. In case of missing classes for up to 3 days, the student must present to the class teacher a certificate from the clinic or a statement from the parents (persons substituting them) about the reason for the absence from classes. For more than 3 days, the student is required to submit a certificate from a medical institution.

8. Smoking is prohibited on school grounds. In case of repeated violation of this clause, the student's parents are brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with the law.

9. A student at a school must respect the dignity of students and school staff.

10. Physical violence, intimidation and bullying, attempts to humiliate a person, discrimination based on ethnicity are unacceptable forms of behavior.

A student who violates this clause is brought to administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the law.

11. Disciplinary measures are applied to a student who does not observe cleanliness and order in the territory and in the school building.

12. The student protects the property of the school, carefully treats his own and other people's property. In the event of damage to the property of the school (breakage or damage to furniture, equipment, dishes, walls, etc.), the parents (legal representatives) are obliged to compensate it.

13. The student has a responsibility to respect property rights. School supplies, clothing and other personal belongings in the school belong to their owners.

14. Disciplinary measures are taken against a student who has misappropriated or spoiled other people's things, up to and including criminal liability.

15. A student who finds lost or forgotten items hands them over to the administrator on duty or the guard on duty.

16. Takes part inmeasures for the improvement of the school and school territory, to the best of their physical capabilities.

Behavior in the classroom

1. When the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand up and greet the teacher. Likewise, students greet any adult who enters the classroom during class (except when using the computer and doing tests and labs).

2. The student is obliged to complete homework within the timeframe set by the teacher.

3. At the first request of the teacher, the student presents his diary.

4. Students in grades 1-11 are required to keep a diary. At the first request of the teacher, the student presents his diary.

5. The student is obliged to have the necessary textbooks, notebooks, manuals, tools and writing utensils in the classroom.

6. In the classroom, it is forbidden to be distracted by oneself and distract others from classes by extraneous conversations, games and other matters not related to the lesson.

7. The student raises his hand if he wants to ask a question to the teacher or answer a question from the teacher.

8. The student has the right to ask questions to the teacher during the lesson if he does not understand the material of the explanation.

9. If during class a student needs to leave the class, then he must ask the permission of the teacher.

Student behavior during breaks and after the end of classes.

1. During the break, the student must:

Make your workplace clean and tidy;

Be in the recreation of the school;

2. Time for change - the personal time of each student. The student must not violate the rules of conduct at school:

It is forbidden to run around the school, push each other, throw objects and use physical force.

Open windows without permission, sit on windowsills.

Will obey the requirements of the floor teacher on duty.

3. The duty class helps the duty teacher to maintain discipline during recess.

4. During recess, each student can turn to their classroom teacher, teacher on duty, administrator on duty or an authorized representative for the protection of the rights of participants in the educational process for help if an unlawful act is committed against him.

Student behavior in the cafeteria

1. Students are expected to practice good manners and behave decently when eating:

The student treats canteen employees with respect.

Students take good care of the property of the school cafeteria.

It is not allowed to speak loudly, run or play in the dining room.

The student is obliged to remove the dishes from the table after eating.

2. It is not allowed to take out of the dining room drinks, sandwiches, and other food products purchased at the buffet.

3. The student has the right to bring breakfast brought from home to the dining room.

4. The class attendants in advance (10 minutes before the end of the lesson) set the table for the whole class to eat (express breakfasts, lunches)

5. The duty class monitors the cleanliness and order in the dining room, helps to set the tables for the primary classes.

Responsibilities of the class duty officer

1. Duty officers are appointed in accordance with the class duty schedule.

2. Help the teacher prepare the class for the lesson, clean the classroom as much as possible.

3. During the break, they ventilate the class, help the teacher to hang out the teaching material for the next lesson, and distribute notebooks at the teacher's request.

4. After the end of the lessons, they prepare the class for the next working day (dust off the furniture, water the flowers, wash the floor, take out the trash).

5. The attendants of 1-4 grades carry out feasible cleaning (wipe the desks, water the flowers, take out the trash).

Responsibilities of the duty class at school.

The class on duty comes to school for the morning assembly at 7:45 am. Hand over duty to the administrator on duty after lessons.

1. School attendants:

Keep the school clean and tidy;

Carry out the instructions of the teacher and administrator on duty;

Inform the duty teacher and administrator about violators of discipline;

2. Dining room attendants:

- monitor the cleanliness and order in the dining room;

Help to set tables for elementary grades;

They are not allowed to leave the dining room with sandwiches and drinks. To take measures to violators of the order, they turn to the teacher on duty for help.

or the administrator on duty;

After the breaks, they clean up the dishes left on the tables, sweep the floor in the dining room and on the school grounds.

3. The attendant at the entrance:

Carries out orders of the security guard and the administrator on duty. Invites teachers and students to talk to the 1st floor, if parents contact them

1. Students arrive at school in neat classroom clothing. It is forbidden to come to school in tops, mini-skirts, clothes with a decalted tops, shorts.

2. Do not use excessive makeup and jewelry at school.

3. At school, all students wear changeable shoes.

4. Sportswear is for physical education only.

5. Wearing outerwear at school, without special reason, is not allowed.

6. Students come to ceremonial school events in full dress (boys - suit, tie; girls white top, dark bottom)

7. For holiday discos, evenings, students choose clothes on the recommendation of their parents and at their own discretion.


A teacher, educator has the right:

1 ... To protect professional honor, human dignity, if it is violated by the administration, the student's parents or student.

2. To freedom of conscience.

3. Express (orally or in writing) in the correct form without violating the legal space of a teacher or educator, critical remarks about the activities of any employee of the school or the education system.

4. Contact the administration on issues of interest to him. To be heard and get an answer.

5. Apply individually or as part of a group of persons to the ombudsman for the rights of participants in the educational process, to any higher authorities with statements, suggestions, complaints.

6. Get acquainted with the Charter of the school, regulatory and legislative acts related to the educational process.

7. Be aware of your job responsibilities.

8. Improve qualifications, independently determine the forms and methods of their educational activities in the framework of the educational concept of the school. Use modern and traditional teaching methods.

9. Require the school administration to create conditions for the implementation of the educational process, to obtain a workplace equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and labor protection standards, supplied with the necessary aids and other materials.

10. For material incentives in the form of additional payments, allowances, bonuses.

11. Participate in the organization and management of the school, nominate yourself for any position.

12. For creativity, initiative in the development of educational and developmental programs.

13. Be informed in advance about changing lessons. The teacher has the right to refuse to replace lessons, stating the reason for the refusal.

14. Refuse administrative assignments not related to the implementation of their job duties and specific commitments.

15. On days off for work on weekends. The number of days off is determined by the school principal in conjunction with the trade union committee, in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations.

16. The teacher of the extended day group, working in accordance with the established schedule, has the right to notify the administration about the violation of the contract by the parents if the parents do not come for the child in due time.

17. The teacher has no right not to admit the student to the lesson.

18. A physical education teacher has the right not to allow students to study without sports uniforms (a student who has forgotten the uniform and released from classes is in sports hall)

19. In a delicate form, express complaints and comments to the student.

20. Require parents to create normal conditions for the child's study (workplace, daily routine).

21. Require parents to visit parenting meetings, according to the constitutional obligations of the parent.

22. If necessary, together with the parent committee and the social educator, visit the student at home in order to identify the living conditions and education of the child,

24. To protect against unjustified interference of parents in the circle of professional duties of a teacher.

25. Require the student to comply with the Rules of School Life, respect for the traditions of the educational institution.

26. Make students aware of healthy way life.

A teacher, educator is obliged:

1. Respect the human dignity of all participants in the educational process.

2. Be a moral example for your students.

4. Respect the child's right to their own opinion and belief.

5. Maintain discipline by methods that exclude physical and mental violence, humiliation and insult of the student's personality.

6. Don't be late for class.

7. During the lesson, do not get distracted.

8. Monitor weekly journaling. Grade student diaries once every two weeks.

9. Evaluate not the personality and behavior of the child, but his response.

10. The teacher has no right to put a mark in the journal for the student's behavior in the lesson or break.

11. Do not ask homework for vacation time, except for reading fiction.

12. Do not expel a student from the lesson, even if he breaks the discipline.

13. Has no right to compare a student with another student.

14. Do not let your child go from school during class without a note from the parents or a medical certificate.

15. After the end of the lessons, accompany the students to the 1st floor.

16. Be responsible for the life and health of students in their lesson and extracurricular activities.

17. Be punished for causing damage to the health of the child, if it happened through the fault of the teacher.

18. Prevent the possibility of injury to students during recess.

19. Carry out duty at the school in accordance with the duty schedule.

20. Hand over to school library methodical and fiction, going on a regular vacation or quitting this place of work.

21. Timely warn parents about parenting meetings.

22. Stays with his students during school events, rallies, hiking trips.

23. Schedule class duty and help those on duty.

24. Organize and control the duty of the class in the school.

25. Conduct cool watch Once a week.


Parents (or legal representatives) have the right to:

1. The choice for their children (before they receive basic general education) forms of education and types educational institutions.

2. For admission of children to an educational institution (school No. 494) in accordance with the Charter of the school.

3. To get acquainted with the Charter of the educational institution and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process. On full information about the educational process.

4. To participate in the management of the educational institution in which their children study (School Council, Board of Trustees).

5. To get acquainted with the course and content of the educational process, as well as with the assessments of the progress of their children.

6. Transfer of a child educated in a family to continue education in an educational institution with a positive attestation.

7. Upon occurrence controversial issues discuss them with teachers or school administrators and contact the educational ombudsman.

8. Provide religious and moral education children according to their own beliefs.

9. Provide voluntary material assistance to an educational institution in the form stipulated by the Charter; gets acquainted with the materials on the use of the allocated funds.

10. Parents who live separately from the child have the right to attend parent-teacher meetings, as well as to receive information about their child, if this does not contradict the law and does not harm the child.

11. Demand respect for the rights of the child.

12. For an additional meeting with the teacher (after school), if the parent believes that there is a reason for this. Provide reasonable criticism of the school at parent-teacher meetings and when meeting with the school principal.

15. To timely information about parent meetings and meetings of the parent community with the school principal.

16. In the event of a conflict between a parent and a teacher, between a teacher and a student, as well as in the event of a conflict between the students themselves, to transfer the child with the consent of the administration to another class.

Responsibilities of parents

1. Ensure and protect the rights and interests of their children, without harming their physical and mental health, moral development.

2. Raise children, excluding the disparaging; rough, cruel, degrading treatment, insult, exploitation.

3. Ensure that children under 15 years of age receive basic general education in a general education school or other educational institution of equal status.

4. Comply with the Charter of the educational institution.

5. Monitor class attendance, homework and results educational process.

6. Be responsible for eliminating the child's debt during the educational process.

7. Regularly attend parent-teacher meetings, come to school when called by the class teacher, teacher or administration.

8. Avoid unjustified interference in the work of teachers on issues that, by their nature, are part of their professional responsibilities.

9. Provide, to the best of their abilities and financial capabilities, the living conditions necessary for the normal development of the child.

10. Provide the child with the necessary stationery and school supplies, sports uniforms, additional teaching aids.

11. Let the child go to extracurricular school activities if the child is healthy and so desires.

12. If possible, allocate material resources from the family budget for visiting theaters and museums, if required by the class or school program.

13. Parents are required to monitor appearance child.

14. Participate in class and school life.

The rights and obligations of children are inseparable from each other, they are part of the educational process. What rights does a child have in general? This is the right to life (as the highest right of every person), the right to receive a name, the right to liberty and security of person, the inviolability of the home (enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation), the right to education and medical assistance, property rights, the right to be cared for by parents, the right to express one's own opinion. And in our time there are many families where the rights of the child are violated, children do not receive the basic: food, clothing, medical care. The guardianship authorities are obliged to monitor the condition of children from such dysfunctional families, as well as to take part in helping such children. With the rights of the child, it is more or less clear to everyone.

We discussed children's rights at school in one of our previous articles. Let's deal with the responsibilities of the child.

Usually the concept of “responsibility” is applied to adults. But, oddly enough, children have their own responsibilities over time. As for the responsibilities of children at school, they are, in particular, enshrined in article 43 of the Education Law, as well as in the Charter of each school.

Most significant

  1. The main duty of a student is to study conscientiously! This includes attending all training sessions that are provided for in the school curriculum, study curriculum, independently prepare homework, as well as everything study assignments, emanating from the teacher, take the necessary verification, test, test papers, pass intermediate and final attestations;
  2. Realize learning activities within the framework of the normative legal acts provided for by the school: the Charter, the Rules fire safety, Internal regulations, incl. take good care of the property of the school, maintain cleanliness and order. Concerning labor activity at school (cleaning the territory, arranging the school yard, caring for flower beds, etc. - such an activity is possible with the consent of the student himself and his parents);
  3. Respect the honor and dignity of the rest of the students and teachers, school employees (be the first to greet the elders, let the teacher go ahead, help the younger students);
  4. The student must fulfill the requirements of the director, head teacher, teachers and other school employees regarding the educational process;
  5. Maintain (or increase) the authority of the school, preserve its traditions, honor;
  6. Strive for self-development (creative, spiritual, mental, moral) and self-improvement, expand your knowledge;
  7. Adhere to discipline, schedule and school regime (do not be late for lessons, attend lessons on Saturday (if provided by the Charter), on the second shift). If a child misses a few days at school due to illness, it is necessary to bring a certificate from the polyclinic about the state of health, if the admission happened for family reasons (no more than 3 working days) - explanatory note from parents;
  8. Come prepared for the lesson (with learned homework, with all the necessary school supplies including diary). At the request of the teacher, the student is obliged to present the diary;
  9. Take care of your own safety and health, as well as the safety of others; wear a school uniform (if provided by the school charter), keep business style in clothes, neatness and cleanliness. Students are required to leave outerwear in the wardrobe;
  10. It is forbidden during the lesson to walk around the classroom without permission, use a mobile phone, eat and leave the classroom without the teacher's permission;
  11. It is forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages, drugs, dangerous objects (stabbing, cutting), weapons, explosives, playing cards, cigarettes (including steam generators, e-cigarettes);
  12. In case of violation of the school charter or non-compliance with it, a disciplinary sanction (reprimand or reprimand) may be applied to the student.

If measures disciplinary action did not give a result or the student's behavior infringes in some way the rights of other students, and also carries a danger to health and property (fights, thefts, theft), he may be expelled from school upon reaching the age of 15.

With school responsibilities, we more or less sorted out. And what about the family?

Household responsibilities of children

What measure of influence does a parent have on a child? What should be entrusted to the child, and what is better not to get carried away with? What is the purpose of parents when they give a child home responsibilities? Of course, helping around the house to make it easier for parents is not paramount.

The main role of children's responsibilities is the development of the child's independence, his responsibility (especially if the child is often left alone at home after school), the development of hard work, a sense of care for loved ones, mutual help and support.

Desired list

  • respect parents, relatives, take care of the older generation, younger brothers and sisters;
  • wash your face and brush your teeth twice a day, wash your hands after walking, before eating, going to the toilet, doing any work;
  • dress and undress yourself (depending on age), put on shoes;
  • clean up things and shoes, make the bed;
  • clean up toys after dinner, clean up the dishes;
  • v primary school the child should be able to warm up his lunch;
  • help in cleaning the house (watering flowers, vacuuming, taking out the trash);
  • take care of your pets (walk, feed, drink, play);
  • help in education younger brothers and sisters;
  • do homework at school, fold your backpack yourself;
  • know the route from home to school, choose a safe route from school to home and back.

This is a rough list of your child's household chores that you can trust. Naturally than older child, the more responsibilities he has. The earlier the child is endowed with certain responsibilities, the easier it will be for him to master work skills, he will not lose the desire to fulfill homework and less likelihood of developing a feeling of infantilism, laziness.

How to stimulate a child to work

  • the main motive for the child's efforts is the praise of the parents. For a job well done, parents should not skimp on affectionate words and a statement of the fact that without the child's help, the mother would not have coped;
  • a good motive is encouragement. For a high-quality work done, a child can receive an award (going to the cinema, candy);
  • talk about the fact that the child is already big and independent, must do this business himself;
  • connect the child's efforts with the opinion of those around him (dad will come home from work and see that his son has cleaned his shoes himself, will be delighted; or mom comes home from work tired, and the daughter washed the dishes).

The work of a teacher cannot be called easy. There are situations when the teacher is wrong, there are times when the parents are "overwhelmed". Let's take a look at the rights and obligations of teachers in order.

The teacher, class teacher has the right to:

4.1. Protection of professional honor and dignity

(Law of the Russian Federation "On Education, Art. 55, Clause 1, Model Regulations on General Education Institutions (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 196 of March 19, 2001), Clause 64)

4.2. Protection of human dignity if it is violated by the administration, the student or his parents (legal representatives).

(Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art.23 clause 1)

4.3. Participation in the management of the school in accordance with the Charter of the school.

4.4. Expressing in the correct form (orally or in writing) critical remarks about the activities of any employee of the school or the education system, as well as complaints and comments against the child in a delicate form.

(Model provision on a general education institution, paragraph 57)

4.5. Conditions for the implementation of the educational process, obtaining a workplace equipped in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards and labor protection standards, supplied with the necessary benefits

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 22).

4.6. Nomination of one's candidacy for any elective position in the teaching staff.

(Standard regulation on a general educational institution (approved by the RF Government decree of March 19, 2001 No. 196), clause 64)

4.7. Freedom of choice and use of teaching and education methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks.

(UNESCO Recommendation of 05.10.1966 "On the Status of Teachers", clauses 35, 65; Law of the Russian Federation "On Education, Art. 55, clause 4, Law of Moscow dated 20 June 2001 No. 25" On development of education in the city of Moscow ", Article 14, Model Regulations on a General Education Institution (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001, No. 196), item 65).

4.8. The freedom to choose methods for assessing students' knowledge.

(UNESCO Recommendation of 05.10.1966 "On the Status of the Teacher", p. 65; Law of the Russian Federation "On Education, Art. 55, p. 4, Law of Moscow, dated June 20, 2001, No. 25" On the Development of Education in the City Moscow ", Art. 14, Model Regulations on a General Education Institution (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196) p. 65)

4.9. Establishing requirements for the behavior of students in the classroom. These rules should not infringe on the dignity of the student and contradict the Charter of the school and these Rules.

(Convention on the Rights of the Child, arts. 3, 19)

4.10. Refusal from administrative assignments not related to the performance of their official duties and specific obligations.

4.11. Confidentiality of disciplinary investigation, except for cases leading to the prohibition to engage in teaching activities, including, if necessary, to protect the interests of students; gets acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, and providing explanations on them.

4.12. Creativity, initiative in the development of educational and developmental programs.

(UNESCO Recommendation of 05.10.1966 "On the Status of Teachers", p. 61; RF Law "Education, Art. 55 p. 4, Law of the City of Moscow of June 20, 2001 No. 25" On the Development of Education in the City of Moscow ", Art. 14, Model Regulations on a General Education Institution (approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196) p. 65)

4.13. Appeal individually or as part of a group of persons to the ombudsman of the participants in the educational process, as well as to any higher authorities with statements, suggestions, complaints.

(UNESCO Recommendation of 05.10.1966 "On the Status of Teachers", paragraph 50; Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 33, the federal law dated May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation" Art. 2 p. 1)

4.14. Notification of replacement lessons in advance.

4.15. Time off for work on weekends and holidays, wages on non-working days in double the amount in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 153)

4.16. Protection from unjustified interference of the parents (legal representatives) of the student in the circle of the teacher's professional duties.

4.17. Require:

- from parents (legal representatives) attending parental meetings, creating normal conditions for the child's study (workplace, daily routine);

(Family Code of the Russian Federation, art. 63 p. 2, Law of the city of Moscow dated March 10, 2004 No. 14 "On general education in the city of Moscow", art. 17 p. 4, Model provision on a general educational institution (approved by a government decree RF dated March 19, 2001 No. 196) p. 60)

- from students of compliance with the Rules of School Life.

4.18. Do not allow students to engage in physical education without sports uniforms (in this case, the student is in the gym under the supervision of a teacher).

(Law of the city of Moscow dated March 10, 2004 No. 14 "On general education in the city of Moscow", art. 17, cl. 2, cl. 4)

The teacher is obliged:

5.1. To work honestly and in good faith, to fulfill the duties defined by job descriptions, labor contracts, collective agreements, school charter, internal regulations, to comply with the requirements of occupational safety and health, industrial sanitation and hygiene, and fire safety.

5.2. Behave with dignity, observe ethical standards of behavior, be attentive and polite with students, parents and school staff members, and be an example for students.

5.3. Respect the child's personality and human dignity.

(Convention on the Rights of the Child, arts. 2, 12-17, 19)

5.4. Respect students' rights to express opinions and beliefs.

(Convention on the Rights of the Child, arts. 12, 13)

5.5. Maintain discipline in a manner that respects the human dignity of students in a manner that is free from physical and mental abuse.


5.6. Systematically improve your professional level, use modern teaching methods.

(Standard regulation on a general educational institution (approved by the RF Government decree of March 19, 2001 No. 196), clause 67)

5.7. Maintain accounting and pedagogical documentation in the prescribed manner, submit reporting data to the school administration in a timely manner.

5.8. Submit grades in a timely manner to the class journal and student diary.

5.9. Evaluate the student's response, not the student's personality.

5.10. Try to find positive aspects in each student's work.

5.11. Be on duty at the school in accordance with the schedule approved by the school principal.

(Regulations on the specifics of the working hours and rest hours of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 69 dated March 27, 2006, clause 2.3.)

5.12. Maintain your workplace in order, take good care of the property of the school, and promptly report any breakdowns to the economic service.

5.13. Take precautions to prevent accidents with students. Take responsibility for the life and health of students during the lesson.

(UNESCO Recommendation of 05.10.1966 "On the status of teachers", p. 69, Regulations on the investigation and registration of accidents with young students and pupils in the system of State education of the USSR, approved by order State Committee USSR on public education dated October 1, 1990 No. 639, p. 1.12)

5.14. To release a child from school during classes only if there is a note from the parents or a certificate from a nurse (doctor). In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to coordinate this step with the student's parents (legal representatives).

5.15. Undergo free medical examinations on a regular basis.

(Law of the city of Moscow dated June 20, 2001 No. 25 "On the development of education in the city of Moscow", art. 8 p. 5)

Responsibilities of the class teacher:

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2006 No. 21 "On approval Methodical recommendations on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions "

7.1. Respect the rights and freedoms of students.

7.2. Maintain close contact with the parents (legal representatives) of the student, conduct consultations and conversations with them.

7.3. Timely notify parents (legal representatives) about parenting meetings.

7.4. Submit student grades in the diary at least 1 time per week.

7.5. Conduct class hours (1 hour per week; one of them once a month is devoted to analyzing the dynamics of academic performance and behavior of students in the class).

7.6. To contribute to the creation of favorable conditions for the individual development and moral formation of the child's personality.

7.7. Promote the formation and development of the class teacher.

7.8. Make the necessary adjustments to the system of education of students.

7.9. To contribute to the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate for each student.

7.10. Help students to solve problems arising in communication with classmates, teachers, parents (legal representatives)

7.11. Promote additional education for students.

7.12. Organize extracurricular activities with students, excursions of an educational and educational nature.

7.13. Make proposals for improving and improving the conditions of the educational process.

7.14. Organize the study by students and pupils of labor protection rules, traffic rules, behavior in everyday life, etc.

7.15. Promptly notify the school administration about each accident, take measures to provide first aid.

7.16. Be with your class during school activities.

7.17. Monitor the progress of each student, their attendance at school.

The teacher is prohibited from:

8.1. Apply physical and mental violence to the student.

(Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 15. Clause 6, Model Regulations on a General Education Institution (approved by the RF Government Decree No. 196 of March 19, 2001) Clause 57)

8.2. Late for a lesson.

(Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art.21)

8.3. Expel the student from the lesson.

(Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43)

8.4. Grade the journal not for the answer, but for the student's behavior.

8.5. Set homework for vacation time in grades 1-11 and on weekends in grades 1-4, except for reading fiction.

(Convention on the Rights of the Child, art. 31; Resolution of the Chief State sanitary doctor RF of November 28, 2002 No. 44 "On the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards SanPiN", p. 2.9.19)

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