Home Useful properties of fruits Gaba tea is a drink with unique properties. Gaba tea: medicinal properties and contraindications

Gaba tea is a drink with unique properties. Gaba tea: medicinal properties and contraindications

Its name gaba tea received due to the high content of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the drink, because the abbreviated name of this acid is Gamma-aminobutyricacid, in English it looks like GABA.

By the way, the acid itself affects the human body in an extremely positive way, increasing a person's self-control.

Opening gaba tea

Tea was created thanks to the experiments of Japanese scientists on a project on natural ways of preserving food in 1987. According to the results of one of the experiments, it became known that it is tea leaves, during the disintegration of molecules caused by fermentation in a nitrogen-rich atmosphere, that have an incredibly high concentration of the aforementioned acid.

Some time after the discovery, the secret of the new tea production appeared in Taiwan, having undergone some changes that only improved the aroma of the drink and its taste. The importance of this tea was emphasized by the control of its production by the services of two governments at once - Japanese and Taiwanese, but over time, production was preserved only in Taiwan. Unlike many drinks produced by old recipes, gaba tea was distinguished by the use of advanced achievements of production technologies and the selection of the best raw materials, which maximized the healing effect of the tea.

Properties of gaba tea. Its benefits

Properties of gaba tea surprisingly different from the properties of any other tea drinks - instead of exciting or invigorating action, it increases a person's calmness also counteracts seasickness, making it extremely useful in business meetings or scientific research during long trips or flights. The benefits of gaba tea consists not only in relaxing the body, but also in activating the activity of the mind, due to the clarification that occurs as a result of increased self-control.

Also, the drink has what makes it tea - an unforgettable unusual aroma that contains the smell of honey and flowers. The taste of the tea is very subtle, at the same time sweet and sour, but at the same time, it makes a definitely positive impression with a refreshing aftertaste.

Additional medicinal properties tea are to reduce blood pressure, resist the development of atherosclerosis, and reduce the likelihood of stroke.

How to make gaba tea?

Gaba tea should be brewed as follows: with a ratio of three grams of tea per 300 milliliters of filtered water, the drink is brewed for about five minutes, at a temperature of no more than 80 degrees Celsius. For brewing, it is recommended to use a teapot and clay glasses or cups, which have a relatively small volume.

Tea has some contraindications, including hypertension and acute renal failure... You should also refrain from drinking gaba tea during pregnancy.

Tea is supplied to Russia in large volumes from the plantation areas located on the mountain, therefore gaba tea of ​​this particular variety is most often found on sale and is very popular.

Tea name Gaba is a Latin abbreviation gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)... The fact is that the content of this acid in Gaba tea is very high due to a special production technology.

Why is this acid needed?
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter. Each person's brain cells transmit impulses to each other. They usually do it well because, under normal conditions, GABA is synthesized by itself. But, if you are under stress, or regularly mix beer with vodka, or practice low-protein diets, and besides, you still think a lot - GABA stops being synthesized in the right amount. You will think that you have Bad mood, lack of motivation, or that your life is not what you dreamed of. But in fact, you just do not have enough Gammo-aminobutyric acid.

2. Gaba tea technology was developed in 1987 in Japan. Then it was transferred to Taiwan, where it was improved. Now Gaba tea is also made in China.

3. Taiwanese Gaba Tea is usually made from special raw materials grown in the mountainous region of Alishan (Taiwan). This is an ecologically clean reserve where tea is grown. Alishan is famous for its oolongs and wasabi horseradish.

Gaba tea also undergoes fermentation like oolong tea, only partially it is made without oxygen. For 8-10 hours, tea leaves are kept without air at all. That is why Gaba Alishan tea forms maximum amount GABA. And even with the usual brewing of Gaba tea, gamma-aminobutyric acid is easily extracted into the tea infusion.

Sometimes red tea is also fermented using the Gaba technology. In this case, everything is the same, only the taste and color of the infusion is closer to red teas than to oolongs.

In China, Gaba is usually made in tea provinces that specialize in oolong tea.

4. Gaba tea has a unique effect on the body:

  • At first, stimulates the brain, improves memory and generally increases the ability to concentrate.
  • Secondly, relieves of unpleasant consequences alcoholic and other types of intoxication;
  • Thirdly, Gaba tea is a natural tranquilizer, therefore it normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Fourth, lowers blood pressure.
  • Fifth, stimulates metabolic processes.
  • At sixth, prevents necrosis (death) nerve cells.
  • Seventh, activates the functioning of the liver

5. The scent of Gaba, we will immediately warn you, unusual. Very light, a bit floral. The color of the infusion is light, buckwheat-honey in Gaba oolong, and from golden to light red in red Gaba.

6. Gaba - delicious tea! This is the case when the pleasant and the useful coincide.
The taste is soft, slightly sourness is possible, like a good white wine. If the acidity is light, that's good. If it is very strong, the tea is most likely prepared incorrectly.

Refreshing aftertaste, long lasting. The higher the quality of Gaba tea, the longer and softer the aftertaste.

7.How to brew Gaba tea properly?
Gaba tea is red and green. It depends on the degree of fermentation and the method of production. The red version of Gaba should be brewed like red tea, and the green version should be brewed like oolong tea.

Brewing green Gaba:

  • The water should be 85-90 degrees maximum. (After the water has boiled, just wait a few minutes).
  • For a kettle of 150-200 ml, you need to take about one tablespoon of tea, pour it into the kettle hot water and immediately drain. This is necessary in order to rinse the tea. After that, let the tea “breathe” for 1-2 minutes (just remove the lid from the kettle and wait a little).
  • Pour hot water into a kettle, count to seven and pour into cups. This is the first brew.
  • With each next infusion, you need to increase the infusion time by 10-20 seconds. A characteristic feature of oolongs is that they are brewed many times. The number of brews depends on the category of tea, but on average 8 - 12. Each time, tea reveals new shades of its aroma and taste.

Brewing red Gaba:

The easiest way:

  • Take a small pinch of tea for 150 ml of water.
  • Boil the water, but don't let it boil over. As soon as large bubbles appear at the top, turn off or remove from heat. The brewing temperature is about 90 degrees, so after boiling, wait about a minute. Pour water into a container that contains tea and drain immediately. This will remove the smell and taste of dampness. Fill the vessel hot water again and close the lid.
  • After 10 minutes, pour the infusion into another cup; for this it is better to use a strainer. The tea is ready, enjoy the taste and aroma of freshly prepared tea.

8. Contraindications
People with low blood pressure should drink Gaba tea with great care, diabetes mellitus or acute renal failure.

It is even better to consult a doctor.

9. Gaba tea is the # 1 remedy for depression and anxious thoughts. When we don't have enough GABA, our head goes wrong. We begin to get annoyed with others, or even fall into depression. Sometimes these states (irritation and depression) alternate with each other. Regular consumption of Gaba teas helps prevent these conditions before they occur.

10. Taiwanese aristocrats and businessmen drink Gaba tea on business negotiations. They believe that calmness and concentration are the keys to a productive conversation. The relaxation that occurs during the GABA tea party creates a feeling of comfort for all participants, and clarity and sharpness of mind are the best tools for making decisions.

Even sellers often cannot answer the question of how GABA tea differs from ordinary tea, what its taste is like, and how to brew tea correctly. In the article we will answer these and other questions, tell you why tea is called so strangely, and what effect it has on the human body.

appearances on the shelves

This tea got its strange name from English abbreviation, short for gamma-aminobutyric acid. This substance is involved in the work of the brain, increases blood circulation, increases the potential of neurons and has a stimulating effect on the brain of mammals, and therefore of humans. This substance was first synthesized in 1960, but unlike it, GABA tea itself contains gamma-aminobutyric acid. This tea can be considered young, since the technology for its preparation was developed only in 1987 in Japan by a group of scientists working on the study of the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on brain activity. The discovery was made in The National Center to study the properties of a tea called "Tianjin Zhi". Two years later, the tea went on the free market in Japan, but was not exported or produced elsewhere. In 2001, Chinese scientists in the course of research proved positive influence which tea has.

Its price was then not very high, but it remained an exclusive product. After the discovery of the technology in Japan, production began in Taiwan, where the technology was refined and refined. After a while, appeared and Chinese tea GABA, which is currently the most common. It is mainly represented on the market.

Cooking process

Despite the fact that the stages of its production are considered to be of the highest quality, they are almost the same everywhere. So, during the production process, the leaves are subjected to vacuum treatment, that is, without access to oxygen. For ten hours, the leaf languishes in containers with nitrogen under anaerobic conditions. As a result of this effect, a lot of aminobutyric acid is formed in the leaf. It is a neurotransmitter with unique properties... It provides interaction between brain cells and is usually produced in the body without the use of additional stimulants. But poor nutrition, stress, high mental stress, smoking and exposure to alcohol block the synthesis of this acid, as a result of which the speed of brain reactions decreases.

The main symptoms of a lack of aminobutyric acid are apathy, unwillingness to engage in any business, depressive states. In Taiwan, GABA tea has been produced for over twenty years, and the entire business is in the hands of the state. The price depends not only on the variety, but also on the amount of aminobutyric acid in the leaf.

Basic properties of aminobutyric acid

According to research results, the main properties of aminobutyric acid are somehow associated with the activation of neural connections in the brain. Among them:

  • increased metabolism of brain cells;
  • utilization of excess glucose, removal of toxins and decay products from the brain;
  • increasing the speed and productivity of thought processes;
  • restoration of cerebral circulation in functional disorders.

All this makes GABA tea one of the most useful products for people whose activities are associated with mental work and heavy workload. It is recommended to drink it for students and schoolchildren during the exams, as well as for people after forty years of age to maintain the productivity of thinking.

Tea effect

Numerous studies carried out in Japan, Taiwan and China have confirmed the hypothesis formulated earlier. So, it was found that GABA tea, the effect of which long time questioned, indeed eliminates many health problems. So, a powerful one occurs, due to which all organs and systems begin to work better. Tinnitus and headaches caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain disappear, memory and concentration increase.

This is a consequence of the increased activity of neurons, which provokes GABA tea. Its properties can be listed further. So, it was found that it helps to normalize blood pressure and has pronounced antispasmodic properties. An interesting property is to normalize sleep. This tea can be recommended for women of reproductive and climacteric age. For the former, it makes it easier premenstrual syndrome, in the latter it helps to normalize hormonal background during and before menopause.

The peculiarity of GABA tea is that, while stimulating the work of the brain, it does not have side effects like coffee and other caffeine-based stimulants. However, it is not medicinal product, therefore, it is still not worth giving up traditional medicines.

How to brew tea correctly

Tea drinking in our country and in the homeland of this drink is significantly different. It is considered normal for us to brew tea in cups or pour it immediately after boiling water has been added to it. However, this is wrong. The answer to the question of how to brew tea correctly depends on which variety is in front of you - green or red. This determines the degree of fermentation.

Brewing technology for green and red GABA tea

In the first case, it is exactly the same as during brewing, it is never poured with boiling water at all, since in this case all the beneficial substances in the tea leaf are destroyed. After boiling, the water should stand a little and cool to 85-90 degrees. A tablespoon of dry leaf is enough for 200 ml of tea leaves in a teapot. The first portion of hot water is poured and immediately drained. This process is called flushing. After it, for a couple of minutes, the tea "breathes" without a lid and then water is poured again. After 10 seconds, the tea is poured into the cups. In our country, it is customary to leave a little water to make the brew stronger. This is not true. Ideally, all the water you fill in the teapot should be distributed among the cups. During the next tea party, the tea leaf is again poured with water, but the infusion time is increased by 15 seconds. Quality tea brews up to 10 times, and each time it will be a different drink.

Those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to properly brew a different type of tea can breathe a sigh of relief. Red GABA is brewed as usual and the traditional way, while the first water is also drained, and the tea also breathes. The difference is that the first settling lasts not ten seconds, but ten minutes. The price of such tea is often lower than that of green tea. After that, the tea can be poured into cups or into another container, for example, into a thermos, if you are planning a long trip. The cost of 100 g, depending on the variety, ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Recognizable taste and aroma

A person who has tasted GABA tea at least once will never forget its taste. It slightly resembles the taste of a fruit broth, and its color, depending on, ranges from golden to reddish.

Distinctive feature- slight sourness. It shouldn't be too strong. This indicates non-compliance with production rules or poor quality of raw materials. Despite the fact that it is customary for us to drink tea with sugar, lemon and other spices, GABA is drunk without all this. Any seasoning can change or even neutralize the original unique taste and a long aftertaste.

Better to try once than read a hundred times

GABA tea, the reviews of which are mostly positive, can be called a product that everyone should try. People who drink it regularly confirm the findings of scientists and say that they feel more energized, and their memory has improved significantly after a month of regular tea drinking.

By the way, Taiwanese businessmen consider it a good form to serve GABA tea at negotiations, believing that only concentration, composure and calmness can lead to a productive course of negotiations. The relaxation that the very process of drinking tea gives is combined with increased sharpness of thinking, which has a positive effect on the speed and mechanism of decision-making.

Chinese tea Gaba (from the abbreviation GABA - Gamma-aminobutyric acid, gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a rare and unique tea that is very useful for the body. It is useful as an antidepressant, stabilizes the cardiovascular system, and, in general, has a whole range of positive effects for different bodies, from the liver to the brain. The concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid in this tea is maximally high, thanks to a special processing technology.

Chinese tea Gaba actually appeared in Japan, and not so long ago, only in 1987. Since then, they began to make it both in Taiwan and in China, where the production technology was already perfected. In Taiwan, it is made from raw materials collected in the Alishan province, and in China, in their tea provinces, which specialize in oolong teas - semi-fermented teas that occupy an intermediate position between green and black. This tea is very tasty, soft and light, with a slight sourness. It differs quite strongly from traditional green or black tea in its taste.

Gaba tea: properties of the drink

The unique properties of Gaba tea have made it very popular not only in Asia, but all over the world. It is fermented during production like oolong, half, but also without oxygen. This saturates it with maximum gamma-aminobutyric acid, which easily turns into tea infusion even with the simplest brewing. The color of the infusion of this tea is light, from golden honey to red. And it even tastes a little floral, with a sweetish aftertaste. It stimulates all metabolic processes in the body, and is also a very effective natural tranquilizer and antidepressant. But this has its drawbacks - people with low blood pressure and diabetics need to be careful with such a drink.

Even if you brew Gaba tea just like usual, it will already be incredibly useful. But, real tea culture implies the most effective use of the characteristics of tea. For the correct brewing of Gaba, you first need to understand by what method of fermentation it was produced. Roughly speaking, there is red Gaba tea, and there is green - and they are brewed differently, like Chinese red tea and like oolong tea. Brewing of Gaba green tea is done in water with a temperature of up to 90 degrees, with one tablespoon of tea for a kettle of 150-200 ml. First, the tea is washed with hot water (the tea is immediately poured from the kettle), then for a couple of minutes I have to breathe with open lid... After that, the first brewing takes place - water is poured literally for 10 seconds, and it can already be poured into cups. Like any other oolong tea, this tea can be brewed 8-10 times, and each time slightly increase the infusion time. Red Gaba is brewed differently - it is literally "boiled" in boiling water, washed with it after that, and then drained through a strainer. Repeatedly red gaba is not brewed.

What effect does gaba tea have?

Gaba tea has a whole bunch of useful for human body effects. First of all it is effective remedy from depression and anxiety, which is why it is so often used in business negotiations in Asia. In addition, it stimulates the brain, relieves alcohol intoxication, normalizes the heart, lowers blood pressure, and activates the liver. This tea even prevents the death of nerve cells - by this moment it is one of the healthiest natural drinks in the world.

What is GABA tea?

This group of teas, which has appeared relatively recently, is recognized and appreciated by more and more tea gourmets. A distinctive feature of gaba tea is that it not only has a great taste and fragrant aroma, but is also a natural treasure trove of substances that contribute to the preservation of beauty and health. Teas included in this group are also called gabarons , and they got their main name because of the English abbreviation GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid. According to current standards, 100 grams of tea can contain from 150 to 300 milligrams of this compound.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, she GABA, is completely unique. It stimulates brain activity, but unlike synthetic stimulants, it has natural origin and does not harm the body. Gaba teas strengthen and heal the body's systems, dilates blood vessels, calms nerves, relieves spasms, stabilizes blood pressure and sugar levels, and removes cholesterol.

The main manufacturers of gabarons are concentrated in Asia - in Taiwan and Japan, as well as in China. True, mainland tea is often not complete because it is actually regular tea processed with GABA. They even try to grow gaba teas in Kenya, but so far Taiwanese are still considered the best: they are made from high-quality raw materials and are rich in glutamic acid.

Gabarones are popular among people who care about their health around the world: in Europe, Asia and America. But he is especially appreciated, of course, for Far East... The Japanese call gabaron "business tea" because business people drink it, including in minutes of hard work, when the brain must work "one hundred percent". Well, coping with stress during work is obtained due to the calming effect, therefore gaba teas are included in the daily diet of many residents of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Ancient tea traditions combined with the latest scientific achievements- that's what allowed to create gaba tea. Japanese researcher Dr. Tsushida first discovered GABA formation when processing tea in 1987. This was an accident, since the scientist was engaged in the problems of preserving food, but the accident is nothing short of happy, because in medicine and in sports, interest in gamma-aminobutyric acid was already high. Many scientists tried to get GABA without artificial synthesis, but it was the discovery of Tsushida that revolutionized.

The discovered technology made it possible to produce teas with increased content GABA is completely natural. Gabarones, in addition to the main compound, also contain alanine. Both GABA and alanine are found in various teas that are traditionally grown and harvested. However, it was GABA technology allowed to significantly increase the saturation of tea with useful substances. Of course, ordinary tea sprayed with a synthetic analogue does not have a real gaba tea nothing in common.

The technology itself is pretty simple. When the tea (oolong) is already fermented and almost ready, but not yet roasted (that is, the degree of fermentation is not fixed), additional processing is carried out. The collection for several hours (from eight to ten) is placed in a special metal cabinet, where an oxygen-free sealed environment is created. Special conditions- high nitrogen content, required level pressure and temperature- trigger the natural mechanism of transformation of the tea leaf. From the aspartic acid it contains, alanine is formed, and from glutamic acid, GABA itself is formed. Its value is fixed within the established limits - from 150 to 300 milligrams per 100 grams of tea. The technology was developed in Japan and from there it spread to other countries.

Taiwanese gabarons have been produced for more than two decades. The state strictly controls compliance with the technology, and the quality of raw materials and the processing process are constantly being improved thanks to the work of scientists at the Taiwan Experimental Station. The result of the work is gaba teas of various prices. The more “elite” the feedstock and the higher the GABA content, the higher the price of the finished product.

The original, incomparable taste of gaba tea is combined with a high content nutrients and connections. Brewing can be carried out in any way, using water of any temperature. However, experts recommend that temperature regime in the range from 25 to 50 Celsius - then catechins, theanine, flavanoids and phenols, as well as GABA, will be fully preserved. If you need to get the maximum concentration of GABA and essential oils, then you should take the hottest water for brewing - from 75 to 95 Celsius.

GABA - what is it?

For humans, like many other mammals, gamma-aminobutyric acid acts as one of the most important neurotransmitters - regulators of the central nervous system. Taking part in the activity of the brain and in its metabolism, this acid regulates and normalizes the state of the nervous system. If speak about practical application, then GABA is used in the treatment of mental and nervous disorders(including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's), as well as epilepsy, narcolepsy, insomnia.

Scientifically established that GABA- one of the key neurotransmitters, in effect opposed to glutamate. Glutamate excites nervous system, and gamma-aminobutyric acid slows down. Both of these neurotransmitters are produced by neurons, and imbalance can lead to serious changes. So, elevated level glutamate can cause seizures and other troubles. This is why GABA is so important. Under its influence, the previously “dormant” brain "wakes up", the respiratory activity of the tissues increases, the blood supply becomes better - as well as the absorption of glucose by the brain. GABA is a key active ingredient in many drugs for insomnia, seizures, and so on.

That gamma-aminobutyric acid is found in the central nervous system, scientists learned in the 1950s. Soon it was possible to obtain it synthetically, and it found its application in medicine. In the 1960s, GABA was used as a medicine both abroad (Gammalon) and in Russia (Aminalon).

Practice has shown that GABA practically does not overcome the blood-brain barrier if a synthetic compound is used. Its use in medicinal purposes especially indicative in disorders of the brain. A rather mild, but, moreover, a very noticeable effect of GABA has on the activity of the central nervous system as a whole, on the processes of memory and thinking.

Being one of the main regulators of the central nervous system, GABA does not allow her to overexcite and come to pathological conditions. This acid acts as a natural inhibitor in the transmission of nerve impulses, and also supports alpha-frequency brain waves - they are associated with conditions such as sleep, a sense of calm, meditative harmony. Associated with alpha waves Creative skills and human fantasy. In addition, enough high level GABA is able to improve focus and create a sense of well-being and peace. In addition, this fact is confirmed by the fact that many drugs indicated for anxiety and anxiety conditions stimulate the natural assimilation of gamma-aminobutyric acid by the corresponding receptors. As for the lack of GABA in the body, a similar condition in various manifestations - in the form of psychiatric, psychological and nervous disorders - is described in the medical literature and continues to be studied. It is known that GABA has a certain effect on the functioning endocrine system organism. In particular, there is a direct link between the production of this compound and growth hormone - hence the demand for GABA among athletes. It is known that a large amount of acid contains the tissue of which the retina is composed.

Elite teas contain L-theanine, which stimulates the brain's production of gamma-aminobutyric acid and its absorption by the body. This is the main reason why good tea has a much milder effect than coffee and other stimulating drinks.

Indisputably the positive effect that GABA has on the body, determined the popularity gaba tea and other foods high in this compound. Such products, for example, are freely sold in Japanese supermarkets - these are confectionery, chocolate, soft drinks... However, the leading positions are still held by gaba teas. Although the Japanese have been using all the advantages of this product for twenty years, in other countries, including Russia, many have not even heard of gaba teas. Meanwhile, it is this type of tea that helps residents of large cities to deal with the main problems - stress, anxiety, high pressure.

History of research and discovery of GABA

A brief overview of key events in the history of gaba tea:

  • 1883 - the first recorded case of obtaining GABA in laboratory conditions.
  • 1950s - Research that proved the important role that GABA plays in the human body.
  • 1955 - Dr. Takahashi's discovery: GABA helps lower high blood pressure.
  • 1982 - the work of Dr. Billingsley: for the first time he publishes the results of his research in the field of brain activity, proving that GABA is involved in the activity of the nervous system, providing the transmission of impulses from peripheral nerves.
  • 1987 - the key discovery of a group of scientists led by Dr. Tsushida: in the course of a state research program, a method for obtaining gaba tea was obtained and documented.
  • 1987-1988 - the same group of pioneers, this time under the leadership of Dr. Omori, a colleague of Tsushida, conducted tests on animals and then on humans. In the course of clinical tests, the beneficial effect of just a few cups of gaba tea a day on the body of hypertensive patients was established. In addition, the sobering effect of gaba tea was found.
  • 1989 - the beginning of the mass production of gaba tea in Japan.
  • 1995 - publication of the results of the work of the Japanese researcher, Dr. Yasuhiko, in the American scientific journal about hypertension: in again confirmed the ability of gaba tea to normalize blood pressure.
  • 1997-1998 - modernization of gaba tea production technology as a result of scientific work carried out by specialists from the experimental station of the forestry and Agriculture Japan, as well as the Kanagawa Agricultural Laboratory.
  • 2000 - new discoveries of Dr. Omori and other scientists. In particular, the positive effect of gaba tea on the urinary system of the body has been discovered.
  • 2001 - collection scientific base, which substantiated the hypotensive effect of gaba tea. Joint studies by Chinese and Japanese experts have shown that when drinking gaba tea on the extracellular and cellular levels the production of ACE, an enzyme that increases blood pressure, is suppressed.
  • The same year 2001 - clinical tests in Hunnan province: studies in a hospital for the elderly confirmed the high effectiveness of gaba tea in normalizing blood pressure. The study involved elderly people from 25 control groups with symptoms of a total of approximately 50 diseases characterized by high blood pressure.

Gaba tea effects

As already mentioned, in the synthesized form, GABA is poorly absorbed, because it is difficult to overcome the blood-brain barrier. But natural gaba tea is absorbed very well. and has a full effect.

As for this effect itself, gabaron has a complex healing effect, nourishes the central nervous system and maintains its normal functioning. With increased stress - mental and physical, - with stress and anxiety, it will be simply irreplaceable. It is important to remember that gaba tea successfully combines all the benefits of GABA with other benefits of high-quality tea.

The action of gaba tea has been studied for more than a dozen years, and to date it has been possible to identify several systems on which it affects most tangibly.

The cardiovascular system is influenced in two main directions:

  • The symptoms of hypertension and atherosclerosis are greatly weakened.
  • Excessively high blood pressure is reduced. Clinical tests have shown that at a concentration of about 3 grams of dry tea collection per 150 milliliters of water, a person only needs to drink three cups of this tea a day to feel how the blood pressure has leveled off.

Gaba tea affects the nervous system, among other things, due to the presence of GABA... However, some of its properties are similar to those of any high-grade tea collection:

  • The mechanism of sleep and wakefulness is being debugged. The quality of sleep increases, which in practice gives a person the opportunity to get enough sleep in a shorter time.
  • Intracranial pressure decreases.
  • Symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder become significantly less severe.
  • The level of anxiety decreases, the consequences of stress are eliminated.
  • Spasms of cerebral vessels are relieved. As a result, the level of headaches decreases, tinnitus disappears.
  • Convulsive readiness with episyndrome becomes lower.
  • People who have suffered brain trauma and stroke have increased mental and physical activity.
  • The work of the vestibular apparatus improves, the symptoms of seasickness become significantly weaker.

Memory and mental clarity are improved.

Gaba teas have a separate effect on people with alcohol intoxication... Since drugs containing GABA are included in the detoxification course and alleviate the condition of people with alcoholism. Studies have made it possible to reliably establish that the hangover syndrome practically does not manifest itself when drinking gaba tea.

Improvement occurs in the area of ​​the endocrine system.:

  • Growth hormone is synthesized by the body more intensively.
  • Natural metabolic processes are much faster.
  • Insulin begins to be produced more actively by the body, due to which the level of sugar in the blood decreases.
  • It was also noted that gaba tea helps to improve health in general and make a person more attractive:
  • The high content of antioxidants makes the skin more elastic.
  • Endurance increases.
  • Reset processes excess weight are more active.
  • The energy potential of the body becomes greater.

There are a few more gaba tea effects... In particular, it is good at relieving inflammation and counteracting the spread of bacteria. In addition, gabarone has a diuretic and choleretic function, dilates blood vessels and thus improves sexual function, the course of menstrual syndrome and general state during menopause.

Of course, you should not get too carried away with gaba tea, because its overall effect is much higher than that of any other high-grade tea collection. Medical experts advise with caution the use of gabarones for kidney disease and with reduced blood pressure, as well as with exacerbation of sugar disease. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the consequences of its use and drink with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Be sure to remember an important thing: tea is not a medicine, and a pronounced effect is achieved not by consuming a large number tea, but the habit of drinking exceptionally high-quality tea.

Scientific research has studied quite well all the benefits that gaba tea gives, but side effects during long-term observations it was not revealed. The main advantage is the natural origin of gaba tea. In addition, it successfully combines the effects natural GABA with the properties of high-grade tea, and this effect has been known for hundreds and thousands of years. Anyone who cares about their health should not lose sight of natural gaba tea.

Myths about gaba tea

One of the most widespread myths says that gaba teas are made from the most the best varieties tea leaf, so that the effect of gabaron is considered by some to be unique in comparison with other teas - so many people prefer not to even buy it due to its "elitism" and high price.

Almost everything is wrong here. In fact, the technology for the production of gaba tea allows much more lesser degree depend on the original quality of the tea leaves. Unlike classic oolong, red or green tea, gabaron has an effect due to the presence of GABA. The pleasure of drinking tea itself recedes into the background, although drinking gaba tea is still pleasant, especially if it is created by a real master. Aesthetes who love a rich bouquet of taste and aroma will certainly be able, if they wish, to find such a gaba tea that will be not only useful, but also very pleasant.

For example, there are many oolong lovers in Taiwan, and many tea plantation owners sincerely believe that gaba tea is primitive, while oolong tea is for true gourmets. After examining the facts, it can be noted that on the plains gaba tea is made mainly in summer, and in the highlands - only in summer and never again. Standard oolong in other seasons can be much more expensive than gabaron. In some valleys, gaba teas are produced in large quantities, but this is due to the fact that the leaves there can be grown almost all year round... As a result, the price of gabaron is usually significantly lower than that of many other teas.

If we compare the effect of gaba tea and, for example, oolong, then it can be noted that the effect of oolong is complex, but not so pronounced, and gaba tea acts as effectively as a dietary supplement, but has no side effects due to natural origin. Lovers of different teas love different effects. So, lovers of oolong enjoy the taste and aroma, and connoisseurs of gaba tea focus on improving the body. The taste and aroma of gabaron is rather a "bonus" to healthy drink natural origin. Mostly the price of gaba tea does not depend on the brand, but on the quality of the raw materials, on the variety and height of collection, as well as on the concentration of gamma-aminobutyric acid. The minimum concentration of the compound should be in the order of 150 milligrams per 100 grams of dry tea collection.

Most of the gaba teas sold in Russia are called "GABA Alishan", in addition, you can see the message about various additional properties. And such a situation is possible just thanks to another myth. According to him, the Alishan Mountains are the center of the production of Taiwanese gaba tea.

Here, too, facts are different from delusions. In the Alishan mountains, they really collect tea and produce gabarones, and the production facilities are assessed as modern and quite technologically advanced. But the area where tea is grown and the volume of harvest are not so significant. "GABA Alishan" is just a brand, however, it is simply impossible that such a quantity of tea was collected in these mountains, which is put on the market under the brand name. Exported Taiwanese tea is bought by Chinese, Russian, Japanese and American companies. Many fees end up in the domestic Chinese market and simply don't go any further. This is one of the reasons why you should not buy Taiwanese tea from the Chinese - it turns out to be a senseless overpayment.

The fees that really come from the plantations of the Alishan mountains are not so numerous. Gaba teas are mainly made there in early summer, and the rest of the time the plantations work to produce classic high-mountain oolong. As a result, there is so little genuine gabaron from Alishan on the market that you can almost always run into a fake. Usually, relatively cheap Chinese fees are sold under a popular brand with not very high quality and a reduced content of GABA. To appreciate this, you don't even need to be a tea expert - it will be enough to compare the original gabaron harvested and prepared in the Alishan mountains with typical products under this brand. Often a fake has good taste qualities, but it does not differ in particular efficiency and unique effect.

Taiwanese gaba tea produced mainly on lowland plantations - from the collections of oolong and Jin Xuan, as well as Si Zi Chun. You should be aware that under the guise of green oolong tea is often distributed with partial fermentation, natural or hemispherical twisting - that is, in fact, not completely fried. If the package says the tea is organic, you need to make sure that it has passed the pesticide test and is accredited by an independent testing company. For example, the Formosa Taiwan Tea company has all the necessary certificates and licenses (SGS, Customs Union, etc.), you can see them on this website in the Certificates and Licenses section. Otherwise, the word "organic" is nothing more than an empty phrase, designed to increase attractiveness and at the same time increase the price. One hundred percent organic gabaron, that is, grown by hand, without the use of any additional technologies, is quite rare and relatively expensive, so you should not fall for marketing gimmicks.

As for the so-called " red gaba tea", Then the Taiwanese tea masters can be confused by this phrase alone. Not to mention the fact that, in fact, such fees turn out to be, as a rule, quite ordinary ones, having gone through the standard processing process in oxygen environment... In practice, this means that there is no sufficient concentration of GABA in them, and they simply have no right to be called gaba teas. It is generally impossible to obtain gaba tea with standard fermentation, because a high content of GABA will be obtained only with partial fermentation and special processing in an environment saturated with nitrogen. Insufficient nitrogen saturation does not allow the development of a sufficient concentration. Thus, "red gaba tea" can also be highly fermented oolong, which in itself is nothing bad, but still falls short of gabaron in terms of indicators. You should carefully read the description of the product before buying it. Seeing such combinations of words as, for example, "partially saturated with nitrogen environment", you can already take into account that this is not a gabaron.

The assurances of some sellers that gaba tea allegedly may not contain GABA v pure form, but contain only theanine, under the influence of which the body supposedly produces GABA itself through biochemical transformations.

Neither the technology standard nor common sense can allow this to happen. As already reported, dry harvest of gabaron should contain at least 150 milligrams of GABA per 100 grams of tea... There is no talk of any "biochemical transformations". That is, it is assumed that tea already contains GABA, and the body does not need to produce it. As for theanine, it is a naturally occurring alkaloid that is present in absolutely any tea.

Finally, there is a misconception that gaba tea supposedly should not be drunk at night, since it overly invigorates, excites the mind and does not allow you to sleep peacefully. This is also not true, since gabaron has exactly the opposite effect - soothing and toning (not to be confused with sleeping pills). Simply put, there can be no insomnia from gaba tea... In each specific case, it is important for a person to decide for himself whether to drink gabaron at night - like any other drink. The theine content (a tea analogue of caffeine) in gaba teas tends to zero, so it makes no sense to talk about an excessive invigorating effect. Although this area has not yet been carried out basic research, separate tests made it possible to establish that theine in gabarone is either not contained at all, or is contained in such small quantities that they can be completely neglected. The content of stimulants in coffee and in many other types of tea is tens or even hundreds of times higher.

GABA tea production

The key difference between gaba tea and any other is the technology by which it is produced. This, as already mentioned, high nitrogen content and lack of oxygen in the environment where the tea collection is fermented... It is under these conditions that a natural reaction becomes possible, during which GABA is produced. It is synthesized during fermentation from glutamic acid if the temperature is at least 40 degrees Celsius.

To create the listed conditions, a special sealed cylinder is used - a pressure chamber in the form of a container, made of of stainless steel... Immediately after drying, the tea collection is stirred there and cooked for three to four days. The production itself is very technologically advanced and includes many secrets patented by the Japanese. Non-observance or ignorance of the technology may not spoil the tea, but it is not at all a fact that it will turn out by random experiments to achieve the desired concentration of GABA... The result of an unqualified approach is second-class fees, claiming the title of gaba tea, but not having a sufficient concentration of the main compound. Of course, the concentration can be determined only during special tests, but even without this, the taste and aroma of genuine gabaron is quite easy to distinguish.

Opening of the GABA production facility in Alishan - well-known GABA tea specialists from the Chinese and Japanese Tea Academies - prof. Cyu Shao-Mei from National University Chang Xing (National Chung Hsing Univ.) And prof. ... from Otsuma Women's Univ.
Opening of GABA production in Alishan - speech by the Head of the Nantou County Agricultural Committee
Opening of GABA production in Alishan - demonstration of mixing and roasting in the production of GABA tea
Opening of the GABA production facility in Alishan - demonstration of the "pressure chamber"

Plain varieties become the basis for the production of gaba tea throughout the year, and the average concentration GABA in them is just at the level of 150 milligrams per hundred grams of product. As for the alpine collections, there are significantly more nutrients in them, and the concentration of GABA is higher - from 200 mg onwards. But alpine gabarones are produced in a smaller volume, and they are produced mainly in summer.

As already mentioned, the Taiwanese masters have not heard anything about the "red gaba teas". And production centers and plantations are concentrated in various regions - both in the mountains and on the plain. The so popular Alishan, which has become the talk of the town, is actually mountain range- one of the many places in production of gaba tea, but far from the only one.

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