Home Useful tips How to dissolve blocks between head and body. Energy blocks: spiritual and material blocks, their appearance, influence on a person and methods of purification. There is a technique for breaking knots - rebirthing

How to dissolve blocks between head and body. Energy blocks: spiritual and material blocks, their appearance, influence on a person and methods of purification. There is a technique for breaking knots - rebirthing

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster will come into its own on January 28, 2017 and will influence our lives right up to February 15, 2018. Fire Rooster differs from other Roosters in having a more passionate, assertive, energetic and decisive character. His penetration abilities can only be envied, and his courage often borders on recklessness. It is thanks to the above qualities that the Fire Rooster often achieves success where other signs give up and retreat. But, along with undoubted advantages, the Fire Rooster has not very positive character traits, because of which his grandiose plans periodically fail. To achieve the desired heights in life, the Fire Rooster must first overcome impatience and irritability. Often, the Fire Rooster abandons the work he has started in the middle, without completing it, only because the development of events seems to him too slow. However, the stars have endowed the Fire Rooster with such impenetrable optimism and such self-confidence that even having failed, he very quickly forgets about it and rushes to conquer new heights in life. Both in business and in love, the Fire Rooster is prone to maximalism. If he works, then with full strength, if he rests, then with his soul, if he loves, then with all his heart. In a word, despite his difficult character, the Fire Rooster is a very integral nature, and therefore happiness and luck accompany him both in business and in his personal life.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will give us all a chance to find solid ground under our feet and improve our affairs. We can expect a flourishing Agriculture and political stability. At the same time, in 2017 no one should count on easy and quick success. To earn the desired amount of money, you will need to work hard and diligently.

IMPORTANT!!! The Fire Rooster does not like or tolerate lazy people, so idleness can lead to professional failures and large financial losses. But for those who are accustomed to working honestly and hard, the Year of the Rooster in 2017 will bring creative success, achievements in business, honors, and financial stability.

The motto of the Fire Rooster: less words - more action. Therefore, in 2017, you should spend less precious time on empty talk and empty talk, and rather spend it on achieving real and useful goals.

So that in 2017 love relationship have not collapsed, but have become even stronger, you should clarify them as quickly as possible and decide on plans for the future. For frivolous people who themselves do not know what they want, the year of the Fire Rooster will bring only failures and troubles in their personal lives. In the year of the Fire Rooster, couples in love should pay attention not only to romance, but also to establishing a common life together. Habit of deciding domestic issues joint efforts will greatly help the spouses strengthen their relationship. Exclusively suitable year for engagement, for starting a family. Marriages that will be concluded in 2017 will turn out to be surprisingly strong - they will not be afraid of any trials.

Let's take a closer look at the 2017 eastern horoscope by year of birth for all signs.

Year of the Rooster: what years of birth - 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Horoscope for 2017 for the Rat

The Rat will love the new prospects that will open up to it in 2017. The difficulties of this year will hardly affect you, but you will take full advantage of its advantages and good chances. No one can handle problems at work as quickly and deftly as you. And therefore, you have every reason to count on indulgences and encouragement from your superiors.

2017 will be a period of financial savings and profitable acquisitions for the Rat. Your income will suit you quite well. In 2017, you will be reluctant to spend money - it will be much more pleasant for you to save it, gradually increasing your capital. Although, if the purchase is beneficial to you, then you will not regret the money. No large forced expenses are expected.

In love, the Rat will show the most positive features of your character. Your loved one can completely rely on you - you will not leave him in Hard time. In 2017, your love relationships will be built on the basis of mutual assistance and mutual support. A lonely Rat will have a chance to meet a soul mate.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Ox

In 2017, the Ox will finally find peace of mind and begin to implement his plans with renewed vigor. You are not afraid of work, so 2017 will be a period of great career and professional achievements for you. You can try to make a career in sports or politics. Almost all of your grandiose business endeavors will be crowned with success, especially if you manage to not only start them, but also finish them in 2017.
For yours financial position in 2017, the Ox need not worry - money will flow to him like a river. Surely by the end of the year you will be able to not only patch up holes in the budget, but also set aside a tidy sum for a rainy day. Large expenses are also not excluded, but they will fully justify themselves.

2017 will bring big adjustments to the Ox’s personal life. If you are in love, this year may mark your marriage, no matter how long you have known your loved one. Events will develop rapidly. And before you know it, you will find yourself in the role of a happy family man.

Horoscope for 2017 for Tiger

2017 may turn out to be a year of strength testing for the Tiger. But if you don’t give up and manage not to lose heart, then success will definitely come to you, although not immediately. Wait your time patiently. You shouldn't be active much. It is better not to change jobs and, if possible, avoid changes. Strive for stability so that you have fewer problems in 2017.

The main source of income for Tiger will be his permanent job. Income will depend on your hard work. Don’t even dream about easy money! 2017 will not bring you financial problems if you do not take risks, do not chase the long ruble and try to live within your means.
In 2017, the Tiger's dream of happy marriage may come true. Many Tiger women will receive marriage proposals. Tiger men will finally decide to call their beloved down the aisle. But remember that a successful relationship depends on both partners, and that love often requires personal sacrifice. If you are able to overcome your selfishness and put your soul into the relationship, then everything will work out well for you.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Cat (Rabbit)

The cat will only benefit if he takes more into account objective circumstances and tries to adapt to them. 2017 will not be a very easy year for you, since much will depend not on your will, but on other people and the situation. Be diplomatic under any circumstances! It is possible that you will be transferred to another position, or you will have to establish cooperation with new business partners.

In 2017, financial problems will not worry the Cat. No matter what happens, you will find how and where to make money for your bread and butter. Moreover, successful opportunities will come to you on their own. The main thing is that you do not reject new business proposals, do not be lazy and show hard work.

The sphere of love will come to the fore for the Cat in 2017. You will persistently look for ways to improve your relationship with your loved one. Try to avoid excessive straightforwardness, do not offend your partner with harsh criticism - and then 2017 will not bring you serious love problems. Lonely Cats will find great love where they don’t expect it.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Dragon

The dragon will lead a social life and dream of a brilliant career. In 2017, nothing will be impossible for you if only your dreams and words are supported active actions. Don't refuse to participate social activities- it will contribute to your secular success and professional achievements. Probably, thanks to the patronage of influential friends, you will be able to move to a more prestigious position.

The financial position of the Dragon in 2017 will be, if not brilliant, then quite satisfactory. And this despite the fact that you will not save on yourself. The main thing is not to invest money in dubious enterprises - and then you will not face financial losses.

In 2017, the Dragon will be a little lacking in romance. You will not like the need to distribute household responsibilities and solve everyday problems. But, despite this, you will find a way to harmonize your relationship with your loved one and establish a happy relationship with him. life together. Lonely Dragons will have no shortage of admirers and admirers.

Horoscope for 2017 for Snake

The Snake will have no time to relax in 2017 - work will require activity and initiative from it. In 2017, you will have to spend less time on entertainment and pleasure, and come to grips with solving business issues. Sometimes you will feel very tired. But the professional successes you achieve will compensate for your lack of rest.

Money will not come easily to the Snake, but it will not feel a lack of it either. In 2017, your financial situation will not cause you concern, although it can hardly be called brilliant. You will probably have a chance to make successful business investments that will bring benefits in the near future.

On love front Little will change for the Snake in 2017. If you already have a loved one, then you will definitely not strive for change, but on the contrary, you will avoid it in every possible way. And, most likely, you will be able to maintain your relationship even despite the circumstances. New things await Lonely Snakes strong feeling, which is likely to be mutual.

Horoscope for 2017 for Horse

The horse will be happy - finally everything has fallen into place! 2017 will be extremely fruitful for you. Firstly, you will put your affairs in order, and secondly, take part in a profitable and successful business project. Many Horses in 2017 will successfully engage not only in business, but also political activity. Career growth is likely, although career will not be your main goal.

In 2017, the Horse's financial situation will improve significantly, even if the Horse does not put much effort into it. Most likely, the money will be by-product yours successful activities in the field of business. Almost every business transaction will bring you profit. But if you want to save the money you have saved, refrain from squandering.

2017 promises a stormy personal life for the Horse. You will be inclined to do rash things and lose your head in love. However, if the relationship does not work out, you will not worry about it for a long time and will quickly find a successful replacement for the partner who disappointed you.

Horoscope for 2017 for Goat (Sheep)

For the Goat, 2017 will be a mixed year. On the one hand, you will feel like a sought-after employee - and this will add confidence and optimism to you. Your talents will be useful in solving many important issues at work, and your work will be fairly paid. The only downside of 2017 is that it will be difficult for you to get out of a relaxed state and switch to active work mode.

In 2017, money will be the main incentive for work for the Goat. The fear of possible lack of money will force you to mobilize all your strength and plunge headlong into work. However, closer to the second half of 2017, your earnings will increase and become stable - and then you will be able to relax and slow down the pace of work a little.

The love sphere in 2017 will sometimes please the Goat, sometimes upset it. It is possible that your loved one will begin to demand proof of love from you or want to legitimize the relationship. And here you will have to decide what is more important for you: preserving freedom or preserving love. However, there is no doubt that you will choose love.

Horoscope for 2017 for Monkey

For the Monkey, 2017 will not seem as wonderful as the previous one. But, despite this, the Monkey will quickly navigate the situation and derive considerable benefit from it for himself. Drastic changes this year, don't be afraid. For most Monkeys, 2017 will be a period of prosperity. You can already fix achievements achieved, strengthen your rear and protect yourself and your loved ones in case of any unforeseen events.

In 2017, the Monkey can count on high and stable earnings. But if you want to avoid financial problems, it’s better not to change your job in 2017, even if it doesn’t suit you very much. Keep in mind that any changes in the professional sphere that you yourself provoke may be fraught with financial losses for you.

The Monkey's personal life will be successful only if the Monkey begins to take love and relationships more seriously. Frivolous actions can lead you to loneliness. Stay faithful to your partner, and then in 2017 you will feel most loved and happy.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Rooster

In 2017, the Rooster will feel in his element and will begin to actively implement his grandiose plans. Luck will accompany you in almost all matters. But at the same time, it is advisable that you do not overestimate your strengths and do not take on too many responsibilities. Don’t go to extremes, don’t create problems for yourself - and then 2017 will be a year of great career and professional achievements for you.

Money in 2017 will come to the Rooster easily, and he will also easily spend it on his whims and pleasures. You will not deny yourself or your loved ones anything. Basically, in 2017 you will have the opportunity to live large. But at the same time, make sure that your generosity does not develop into squandering.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Rooster will behave boldly and self-confidently. 2017 will be a period of brilliant love victories for you. But this, of course, does not mean that you will be frivolous. As soon as you feel that you have fallen in love, you will immediately take your relationship with your loved one into a serious direction.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Dog

For the Dog, 2017 will be a period of life transformation and struggle for a place in the sun. In 2017 you are expected big changes in the professional field. There is a possibility that as you move to another position, you will have new and complex responsibilities. But don't worry - you can easily cope with it. The main thing is that you are not too lazy to improve your professional skills.

The Dog's financial situation in 2017 will be good, although not brilliant. It is possible that you will have to take out a loan or borrow money from friends to make a large purchase. But if you manage your finances correctly, you will be able to compensate yourself for any expenses.

The Dog’s personal life in 2017 will be successful if the Dog is more lenient towards his partner and lowers the bar of demands. The less you demand from your loved one, the more he will do for you. Lonely Dogs should look for love, not profit, in new relationships - then 2017 will bring them happiness.

Horoscope for 2017 for Pig (Pig)

Pig will be able to achieve a lot in 2017, if only he has the desire and desire. If you love your job, career growth awaits you. If you are not satisfied with your current position, you will have the chance to move to another job, where you will have a better chance to show your talents and make a career. Well, if your work is related to creativity, it is possible that 2017 will bring you recognition and fame.

In 2017, Pig will not face any problems with money. You will strive for financial stability. And more than likely, your earnings will skyrocket due to your professional achievements. The main thing is that you are not lazy - laziness can prevent you from achieving the desired level of well-being!

In a relationship with a loved one, in 2017, Pigs will look primarily for stability and reliability. No passion can save your love union, if you or your partner are not attentive enough to each other. However, everything that happens in your personal life in 2017 will turn out to be for the best for you!

Sergey Vasilenkov

What does the Year of the Rooster 2017 promise for each eastern year?

Chinese New Year does not start on January 1, as many people think, raising a glass to a newborn animal in New Year's Eve, bleating, barking, grunting or crowing, in accordance with the astrological totem of the year. Alas, everything is not like that. New Year's Eve Chinese calendar does not start until the end of January. So this year, the new “Chinese” year will begin on January 28 and will take place under the sign of the Rooster, Red and Fire.

The Rooster is good-natured, bright and full of surprises, and next year there will be loud reports of cockfights and cock victories.

In the East, it is believed that in general the events taking place in the Year of the Rooster are associated with heroic victories, therefore, going to work you are able to save the world - and no less! - as, in fact, for the sake of your own well-being, you will achieve any mind-blowing success if you put in the effort and turn words into action.
In addition, during next year The element of fire will dominate. This means that there is a chance to shine light in the darkness of life to get rid of many of the problems that hinder success and prosperity. The Rooster does not like liars, he is not shy in his statements, and can be quite harsh and aggressive. The Rooster is frank and says everything he thinks straight to his face. But whether this plays to his advantage is the second question. The Rooster's frankness often plays a cruel joke. Giving generous advice, the Rooster often declassifies his plans. It is no wonder then if he remains defrauded and robbed both morally and financially.
The rooster is a hard worker. Being a maximalist, he always wants to do the maximum, the best and the most. Hence, very often, Rooster people are either martyrs or heroes.
The Rooster talks a lot, chats, and brags openly. Therefore, this year the winner is the one who speaks little and listens a lot. His revelation destroys and ruins. The Rooster is a braggart, a bully, and often suffers for himself and for others. Will be held in high esteem military service and everything connected with it. In the year of the Rooster, you have to work a lot... The Rooster loves hard-working people, those who get up early, with him. He loves order in everything... starting with his own pockets.

Rat This year, very favorable events will happen for the Rat this year. You just absolutely need to use them. By the way, we can hope that they will end with significant financial success.

Ox Those born in the year of the Ox will have many surprises. Most of what happens may be unpredictable for him, but the Ox should not be afraid at all. In each of these cases, a magic key will be given that will open the path to success in the end.

Goat People born under the year of the Goat should pay attention to Special attention on the budget. In the year of the Red Rooster, spending plans are important to you. If you can’t do it yourself, use the advice of your loved ones and your friends. When accepting their help, remember, however, that responsibility for final decisions ultimately lies entirely with the Goat.

MonkeyThe Year of the Rooster for people born in the year of the Monkey will be positive in many areas. They, like no one else, will undergo changes in their personal lives. So, be ready for love, but don't lose your mind!

RoosterThose born under the year of the Rooster will truly be able to feel like the master of the house: if the Rooster wants, he will be able to resolve any issue and direct affairs to his own benefit. In addition, your strength will increase in the coming year, and there will be an unexpected opportunity to rely on the patronage of influential people.

Cat/RabbitIf we take into account the resemblance to a totem animal, then these people will need increased sensitivity and the ability to move quickly. The Year of the Rooster is often aggressive, so you need to be ready for a challenge, especially with material point vision.

Pig Virtues such as patience and perseverance are characteristic of people born in the year of the Pig. In the year of the Rooster, Pig people will be subject to financial risk, especially those who work in the financial sector.

Dog Those born in the year of the Dog will need to pay attention to problems in their personal life and health, as well as problems in love. The Year of the Red Rooster may bring unpleasant surprises for them, so try to spend more time paying attention to your interests and needs.

TigerTiger will be disappointed and unhappy... This year will be a year of real rebellion. He needs to keep fighting.

DragonThe dragon, as always, will find a chance to shine. His remarkable intelligence will keep him from unseemly actions.

Snake A harsh year for the gentle Snake. She will have to make efforts to survive. In moments of despair, which will often arise this year, she will have to resort to the help of the strong.

The Horse's rear and paddocks are secured. You can safely get to work. Everything is going well for her.

By eastern horoscope, which appeared several thousand years ago, every year has its own animal patron, element and color. The patron changes according to a twelve-year cycle, and the element and color - according to a ten-year cycle.

The Year of the Fire Rooster came into its own on January 28, 2017. Each sign has its own influence on the destinies of people all over the planet. Therefore, it is important to know under whose auspices the year will pass and not miss your chance for good luck.


In the East, there are many legends explaining the origin and meaning of the signs of the Eastern (Chinese) horoscope, and why they were named after the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

The most popular of them says that one day Buddha invited all the animals to his holiday, and promised the first twelve of them that would come, to give the opportunity to lead the whole year, every twelve years.

To get to Buddha, it was necessary to swim across a wide river, and Buddha suggested organizing a competition: whoever swims first will get the first year, whoever comes second will get the second, and so on.

The rooster, the symbol of 2017, appeared to Buddha tenth, although it cannot be called slow. Legend has it that he was so late because he was giving valuable instructions to his huge family, explaining in detail to the household how they should live and what to do while he was away. From this episode of the legend one can judge his character.

Patron of 2017

The coming year is the year of the Fire Rooster, and the color of the year is red. The sages have always believed that the element of Fire represents continuous upward movement and has unrivaled vital energy, is distinguished by an incredible desire for self-improvement and success.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Danichev

The Fire Rooster differs from other Roosters in having a more passionate, assertive, energetic and decisive character. His penetration abilities can only be envied, and his courage often borders on recklessness. It is thanks to these qualities that the Fire Rooster in most cases achieves success where other signs fail.

In the Chinese calendar, the Rooster is considered the most sophisticated, sociable sign. In his affairs, he strives for perfection, for the ideal completion of all endeavors. He also simply adores attention and literally basks in compliments and praise.

Despite their positive traits, The Rooster is stubborn and arrogant. His selfishness and pickiness do not add to his advantages, and his penchant for empty bravado sometimes makes the decent Rooster a real windbag.

The stars warn

Astrologer Mikhail Tsagareli told readers of Sputnik Georgia that the year passing under the banner of the Fire Rooster is a period full of events. The new year 2017 promises to be less stressful and unpredictable than the year of the Fire Monkey, but it will not be possible to avoid big changes.

He also warned of negative periods expected in 2017 and advised everyone to be especially careful during this time.

According to him, since the energy of the earth is quite negative at the beginning of the year, this period will be the most difficult. He called for special attention to be paid to the period from February 1 to February 10, and then from February 20 to the end of the month.

Conflicts may arise between by individuals or organizations, so it will be difficult to implement ideas at this time. Your health may also worsen, especially from the second half of February, when infectious diseases become more active.

The period from March 10 to March 25 and the first 12 days of April are also expected to be unfavorable. During this time, problems may arise related to nervous system, And various kinds conflicts.

© photo: Sputnik / Isaev

It is advised to be especially careful from the end of June until August 10th. The astrologer also calls the end of September unfavorable.

The Year of the Rooster as a whole promises to be very fruitful and generous with chances for every person to prove himself in one way or another. Positive changes in all directions await almost all zodiac signs.

Libra will have the most luck in the year of the Fire Rooster. Jupiter will transit this particular zodiac sign until the end of October, so this sign has a high chance of success and achievement.

Taurus will also be lucky; in general, they will have quite a lot successful moments next year. They will be able to successfully implement their ideas, establish interesting contacts. The second half of the year will be less successful, but stable.

For Gemini, the best period will come in the second half of the year. The Year of the Rooster will be much more promising for them than the Year of the Monkey.

In the new year, signs such as Aquarius and Virgo will feel good.

For Sagittarius, 2017 promises to be the most unfortunate year. The astrologer advises people born under this sign to try to go with the flow and not start any important matters in order to avoid serious problems and conflicts in business and at work.

© photo: Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

Scorpios should be especially careful until the end of February, since at this time the Black Moon passes through this zodiac sign, which is quite negative factor. Therefore, those born under this zodiac sign must carefully weigh every decision to avoid problems. Scorpios must be patient - after mid-October their luck will return and the end of the year will be quite positive for them.

For the rest of the zodiac signs, the year will be more or less stable.

According to the eastern horoscope, people born in the year of the Snake, Goat, Dragon and Pig (Boar) have the best chance of success. Cats, Rats, and Horses should not count on luck in 2017. For other signs a year will pass stable.

The material was prepared based on open sources

According to the Chinese calendar, January 28 will come and will pass under the sign of the Rooster. A bird with a perky character, a loud voice and bright, noticeable plumage - the same as the predictions promise, will be the main features of the coming 12 months. In the East, it is generally accepted that, in general, this time is especially favorable for those who choose straight paths and do not seek to complicate events, are determined to work conscientiously and lay the foundation of their well-being grain by grain, and remain true to themselves in words and deeds and honest with others. In addition, the element of the New Year is the element of Fire, which means we have a chance to shed light on some dark sides own life, free yourself from them and make a bright fire out of long-standing problems that prevent you from moving towards success and prosperity. This is what general forecasts look like - what should representatives of other eastern signs expect in the year of the Rooster?

Born under the sign Rats This year there will be many favorable events that you should definitely take advantage of - including, you can count on the fact that they will bring noticeable financial gains.

Sign Bull There are also many surprises in store. What happens may often be unexpected for you, but there is no need to be afraid: in each of these situations there will definitely be a positive key that will open the path to success.

Dragons in the year of the Fire Rooster will be able to feel at their best: great news awaits you in the most different areas life, powerful professional growth and promising projects that will lay the foundation for your development and well-being for many years to come.

For those born under the sign Snakes In the coming year, interesting career opportunities will open up - the year of the Fire Rooster promises you a higher position or a new, more prestigious job.

Sign Horses Several bright personal achievements await you, the money situation will improve. However, be prepared to act with a cool head when faced with changes, most likely at work. The key to victory in such a situation is not to give in to insults, cope with irritability and not wish harm to others.

Those born under the sign Goats It is worth paying special attention to the budget. The Year of the Fire Rooster has planned significant expenses for you, which your loved ones or friends may not agree with. You may or may not take their advice to behave more intelligently, but try not to turn the discussion into an argument and remember that ultimately the responsibility is decisions made falls entirely on you.

For the sign Monkey the coming year promises to be positive in many areas, but most of all they will be pleased with the changes that will occur in their personal lives - get ready to fall in love, but don’t lose your head from love!

Born under the sign Rooster will be able to feel truly in control of the situation: if you want, you will be able to solve any problem and turn any event in your favor. Not only will the coming year increase your own strength, but at the right time you can also count on unexpected help and patronage from influential people.

Cat, Hare or Rabbit– whichever of these animals you feel the greatest inner kinship with, in the coming year you will especially need such a quality as sensitivity, and, if necessary, the ability to quickly run or land on all four limbs. Sometimes the Fire Rooster shows his cocky character: get ready to cope with challenges, especially in material terms.

On the threshold of the new year, many of us are wondering what the horoscope for 2019 has in store for the Year of the Pig, the various signs of the zodiac. What surprises and challenges await us? In order to find answers to the questions that interest us, we turn to the help of the stars.

Probably everyone already knows that 2019 according to the Chinese calendar will be the year Yellow Earth Pig . Knowing the good-natured and cheerful character of the cute Pig, we can say with a high probability that the year will be quite good. Victory awaits anyone and everyone, including financial ones; optimism and cheerfulness will haunt absolutely everyone. 2019 – good time, for those who dream of starting a family and offspring. The Pig loves and respects people who are generous, cheerful, freedom-loving and carefree, like himself.

We invite you to study the current horoscope for 2019 according to the zodiac signs:

Horoscope for 2019 - Aries

Aries It's time to get down to work and move towards your goals after a long time of carefree and fun. Having gained strength, you can safely begin to conquer the peaks in business or professional field. Creative natures will be bursting with new ideas and brilliant projects. Aries awaits a whirlwind romance into which he will plunge headlong into a pool. Many representatives of this zodiac sign will go on an unforgettable journey that will bring many positive emotions and impressions.

In June, Aries will be immersed in his thoughts and will want to be alone with himself more often. He will feel tired of responsibility for his family, relatives and friends. Put your thoughts in order, and all your emotions will go in a positive direction.

In August Jupiter will enter into the constellation Virgo and will make Aries seriously think about plans for the future, about health, and change their usual lifestyle.

Representatives of this sign will gain popularity in their environment or team in 2019, which they did not even dream of just a couple of years ago.

Horoscope for 2019 - Taurus

2019 will be for Taurus harmonious, without any special difficulties and troubles. Taurus will have to cut their expenses and moderate their desires in order to pay off debts and loans, or for the sake of a long-awaited major acquisition, give up purchases that can be delayed.

In 2019, Taurus will be more concerned about their career and work than their personal life, but changes in their personal life cannot be avoided this year. Lonely Taurus are likely to find their other half, and representatives of the sign who are legally married will not change their position, moreover, an addition to the family is likely.

Horoscope for 2019 - Gemini

The Year of the Yellow Pig will bring long-awaited changes to Gemini's personal life and career. Geminis are full of strength and energy, ready to move mountains, they take on all matters and projects, show brilliant results and their hard work brings good profit in the form of wages.

In March 2019, the stars are telling you to completely reconsider your views on life; it is possible to change your job or professional field, as well as your lifestyle. Gemini will feel a great desire to do what they like, and not what they have to do for financial gain. Neptune will help you fulfill these desires of yours, but you should not rely on eternal help from outside, count on your strengths and capabilities. It is possible to purchase real estate in August.

Big changes await Gemini in their personal lives. Single representatives of the sign will get married, and Gemini who are in a relationship will face difficult times. In the Gemini family, especially for those born from May 22 to June 1, in 2019 the situation is often tense to the limit, so the horoscope advises not to sort things out, but to engage in introspection, reading books, visiting exhibitions, cultural events, or sign up for interesting courses, trainings. This will allow you to take your mind off problems, lead emotional condition back to normal, and thereby save the marriage from divorce. Jealousy, struggle for power, and mutual reproaches will certainly lead to a breakdown in relationships and the inability to return everything back. Free Geminis, completely unexpectedly at the beginning of the year, will meet their prince or princess, who will correspond 100% to their ideal. This relationship will soon develop into a serious relationship and even marriage.

Horoscope for 2019 - Cancer

Cancers will have to work hard and make difficult decisions in 2019. The stars will help you resolve these issues by placing key planets in the right place.

In March, Cancers will have a desire to abandon worries and problems, they will go on vacation or travel, and those who cannot rest at this time will immerse themselves in literature, and Cancers will choose the works of world philosophers and thinkers. Until the end of August, Cancers feel financial instability, but in September the situation will change for the better and you will be able to afford an expensive purchase or repay a loan or loan.

The main priority for Cancers in 2019 will be love and family relationships. Cancers will try to change their spouse, to adjust their partner to their requirements, but if you want to save the marriage, you need to find a compromise, improve relationships through joint efforts, since a happy marriage is the constant work of both spouses. Absolutely unexpected place and suddenly love will fall on free Cancers. It is these representatives of the horoscope who have very developed intuition, therefore, they accurately choose a suitable life partner.

Horoscope for 2019 - Leo

In 2019, Leos will seriously think about their lives, whether they are moving in the right direction, whether they are satisfied with their work and personal relationships. Think about it and draw the appropriate conclusions yourself, find the answers yourself without regard to the opinions of others. Be careful, there are people around you who will try to get you into trouble. A favorite hobby can bring satisfaction to Leos; they will fly on wings, enjoying their creativity, and then unexpectedly discover that their activities bring joy to people and good profit directly to Leo, so there is reason that the hobby will develop into the main field of activity.

2019 is rich in romantic and love adventures for Leo. Single Leos dream of serious relationship and wedding, and those who have recently divorced enjoy a free, non-binding relationship. In the year of the Yellow Pig, Leo has a lot of love, many partners, a large number of fans and options, so many of them are in no hurry to choose.

Horoscope for 2019 - Virgo

Virgos will have to make many discoveries and reach heights in 2019. You worked hard last year, and now you are reaping the fruits of your labor. In June 2019, it is possible to meet influential person, which will help you achieve success in life. The influence of Uranus will revive relationships with a partner and kindle the flame in family relationships. Virgos need to learn not to retreat when the first signs of resistance appear, and then they will be rewarded with pleasant changes in life.

Virgos who are married will want more freedom, as will their life partners. Mutual insults and reproaches, jealousy and mistrust destroy the family life of Virgos, but you will be able to survive these negative moments. At the beginning of January, single Virgos will meet an old friend or person with whom they were romantic relationship in the past, it is with this person that Virgo will resume a relationship, you will feel easy, comfortable and incredibly cozy with him.

Horoscope for 2019 - Libra

2019 for Libra is a time of personal achievements, creativity, intellectual and social growth. In the first half of the year you will work hard, rely only on yourself, it is during this period that you will be able to stand firmly on your feet. In August 2019 best time for vacation, relaxation and reflection.

Single Libras face a choice in their personal lives: either they enter into a serious, stable, practical relationship, or they enjoy an abundance of romantic and open relationship. The decision is yours. Family life Libra is also tested for strength: there are so many temptations around, romantic proposals from representatives of the opposite sex. However, adultery is unacceptable for a typical Libra, so on one side there is carnal pleasure, on the other side there is fidelity to the partner, and it is unknown what will outweigh.

Horoscope for 2019 - Scorpio

For Scorpios, 2019 will be a turning point. They will achieve their goals; they may have to change jobs or even professions, or move to another city. In August, numerous acquaintances are possible that will help you advance in career ladder. IN financially 2019 is not the most successful year for Scorpios; they will have to moderate their spending. In June, many representatives of this sign will be visited by the thought of improving their qualifications, obtaining additional education, internships, you shouldn’t give up on this idea, because... This is an excellent decision that will bear fruit in the near future.

Scorpios are loners by nature and have a hard time forming romantic relationships. 2019 will not bring significant changes to their personal lives; they are more concerned about their careers and finances than making new acquaintances. Scorpios lead a reclusive lifestyle, even meeting friends is rare for them.

Horoscope for 2019 - Sagittarius

Sagittarians have set goals and confidently move towards them. In 2019, Sagittarius will receive recognition from colleagues and business partners; they are constantly in the spotlight. Representatives of this zodiac sign look sexy and attract the opposite sex like a magnet. This year, Sagittarius will change their ideas about their ideal, and they do not have any particular desire to seek and find this very ideal. They have much great need in solitude and silence. Even stable family relationships of Sagittarius are not without problems, which, even if they do not lead to a break in the relationship, some coldness and aloofness are inevitable.

Horoscope for 2019 - Capricorn

Capricorns must not slow down the pace of work set at the end of 2018 in order to achieve their goals. Appeared last year financial stability will continue, and in mid-2019 it is possible big win, bonus or unexpected inheritance. In June, Capricorns will receive a tempting job offer, which undoubtedly needs to be considered.

Nothing new awaits Capricorns in their personal lives; they will remain in the same relationships they entered into in 2019, although they will try to make some changes to the existing relationships. Capricorns need to use these opportunities to strengthen and correct their mistakes.

Horoscope for 2019 - Aquarius

For Aquarius, 2019 promises success in business, new partners, many interesting projects. Large financial gains are possible in August, but the gains are not worth it cash spend thoughtlessly left and right. In June, Aquarians need to take care of their health and change their lifestyle, undergo medical examinations.

Good friendly relations much more important this year for Aquarius than love and family. They feel comfortable in the company of friends and can always rely on their help and support. Aquarians connected by marriage show a certain indifference, and even coldness towards their spouses. They are more concerned with personal needs and desires. A distraction from routine will help change this state of affairs: go with your other half on a trip to an exotic country, a new restaurant, a romantic walk through the forest.

Horoscope for 2019 - Pisces

Pisces will completely change their lifestyle in 2019: they will take care of their health, start working hard, and work tirelessly. Very soon this lifestyle will become familiar to you and the results will not keep you waiting. The effect will be both in the form of improved well-being, energy, vigor, beauty, and in the form of financial profit. Pisces who have been thinking about moving, changing jobs or professions, or getting additional education will be able to easily implement these plans in 2019.

Family and personal relationships are not a priority for Pisces in the year of the Earth Pig. However, some representatives of this sign still expect changes in September. love sphere. Pisces constantly want changes, changes, and activity in their personal lives. Therefore, Pisces partners need to provide variety, romantic surprises, unexpected signs attention, cute gifts. In this case, Pisces will not look for adventures on the side and will not even have the desire to swim away from you.

The most accurate general horoscope as of January 2019.
For lovers and married couples - love horoscope for January.
For fashionistas and fashionistas - a horoscope of hairstyles for January.

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