Home Perennial flowers Pedagogical feasibility of using ICT in the activities of a teacher-psychologist. The role of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

Pedagogical feasibility of using ICT in the activities of a teacher-psychologist. The role of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

“Completed by: Evgenia Sergeevna Kharchenko The use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist The 21st century is called the century of informatization. Modern information Computer techologies(ICT) everything..."

Using ICT at work

educational psychologist


Kharchenko Evgenia Sergeevna

The use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

The 21st century is called the century of information. Modern information

computer technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various areas life,

become an integral part modern culture.

ICT makes it possible to automate information processes, long-term and

compactly store, quickly search, quickly process, produce new information, transmit over any distance and present multimedia (MM: text, tabular, graphic, animated, sound and video) information in the required form.

Informatization has not spared the education sector: kindergartens and schools began to take steps in this direction:

Computer equipment appeared in institutions;

It has become possible to have access to the Internet;

Information technologies are used in educational, extracurricular, and extracurricular activities;

Special educational and methodological complexes are being created, focused on the use of ICT, and collections of digital educational materials.

Priority national projects"Education", federal target program“Development of a unified educational information environment” includes:

creation of a federal system of information and scientific and methodological support for the development of education;

providing educational institutions with funds computer technology, means of access to global information resources, system-wide and application software, technical maintenance;

application of new information and telecommunication technologies in educational process, including: creation and use of modern electronic educational materials along with traditional educational materials;

training of pedagogical personnel of educational institutions capable of effectively using the latest information technologies in the educational process.

All this allows us to develop and implement new ICT technologies in the activities of a teacher-psychologist at an educational institution.

The use of ICT in education is viewed from different perspectives;

1. as an object of study, starting from the preschool level;

2. as a means of automating educational, extracurricular, methodological, managerial and scientific activities.

Currently, by information and communication technology we understand a set of methods, algorithms and means of processing and transmission of documented information.

From this point of view, the main information and communication technologies used in the educational process include:

office technologies that allow you to prepare most educational and visual materials in Word, Excel, PowerPoint;

network technologies, within global Internet networks;

body communication technologies, organizing interaction between users within Email, teleconferences, forums and chats;

a wide range of specialized software that ensures document flow within preschool(electronic forms of reports, psychological reports, consultation minutes, etc.);

application programs of psychologists for testing children (such as 1C), which present batteries of techniques and provide automated processing of test data;

multimedia equipment with the possibility of three-dimensional modeling and interactive writing.

The task of the educational psychologist is to identify the characteristics mental development child, the formation of certain psychological neoplasms, compliance of the level of development of abilities, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal characteristics with age guidelines, requirements of society, etc.

To efficiently perform the tasks facing a psychologist, he needs to use advanced technologies, including information technologies, in his activities.

Computer technology in professional activity A psychologist can be used in the following areas:

1. methodological;

2. correctional and developmental;

3. diagnostic;

4. organizational and methodological;

5. educational.

The help of a computer allows you to increase the amount of work performed by a psychologist, as it frees up time and helps to systematize both theoretical and diagnostic material. The most common and necessary use of a computer is when preparing and storing documentation. The computer makes it possible to store and correct annual planning, draw up monthly and weekly plans based on it. Assists in planning and preparing training sessions.

The diagnostic process itself becomes more adequate, since the computer allows you to prepare stimulus material for each child separately. These are all kinds of questionnaires, test forms, etc. results psychological diagnostics summarized in summary tables. Having a computer allows you to create universal tables, analytical reports, which are then simply filled in.

The use of information technology significantly reduces the time for testing and processing the results obtained. In the work of the psychological service, they use both ready-made methods and programs, and those created on the basis of a test shell.

The advantage of the technology is that psychometric data on the main indicators can be accumulated and replenished throughout the necessary time, and a qualitative, comparative and graphical analysis of the data obtained can be performed.

At the same time, computer technologies make it possible to make any information visually more perceptible, since a purely theoretical presentation of information leads to the fact that only 30% of the total volume is stored in memory. This is actively achieved by drawing up various charts and graphs, the presentation of which in the form of presentations makes the information visual and memorable.

In addition to the software and methodological complex, it is possible to accumulate various computerized tests: the Raven test, the Luscher test, the Eysenck test, professional selection tests (Optant program), which automate the mathematical processing of psychodiagnostic data, thus reducing time and making it possible to cover large quantity students.

The computer is an active assistant to the psychologist, as it allows you to illustrate and diversify any material when preparing and conducting correctional and developmental classes, research and psychoeducational work among students, teachers and parents.

Particularly noteworthy is the effective combination and use of computer technology capabilities.

It can also be noted that the method of using presentations is very effective among information technologies:

in correctional and developmental classes with students;

at seminars, workshops with teachers and students;

on pedagogical councils.

Collecting information and sharing work experience is necessary for professional growth And high level psychological assistance students. A psychologist must be aware of all scientific innovations and best practices. Therefore, it is necessary to exchange experience with educational psychologists, as well as collect and analyze new information in the field of preschool psychology. This cannot currently be accomplished without the use of a computer. It allows you to use both informational resources Internet networks.

Thus, the use of information technology has made it possible to:

classify and systematize the theoretical and diagnostic material accumulated by the psychologist;

bring to your attention and reflection the most interesting materials theoretical and practical research in the field of psychology of learning and education not only to direct participants in the educational process (students, parents, teachers), but also to a wide range of interested parties on the website of kindergartens and schools.

There is a possibility of continuity in the transfer of psychological data when a child moves from one institution to another, especially within the framework of educational complexes that combine preschool and school education.

What is the advantage of using ICT by an educational psychologist in working with children?

The first and most important thing is the huge interest of children in everything related to computers. Secondly, wide multimedia capabilities. Third, the ability to take into account individual characteristics and the capabilities of each child. Fourth is the interactivity of computer programs. Fifth, saving time resources.


In any case, computer technologies are reliable assistants in school practical psychology. From our activity and life position It depends on what information our children will perceive.

A tandem of psychologists and programmers can make the modern information environment more creative, developing and safe, as well as reduce it Negative influence for children and adolescents.

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Electronic manual "Diagnostic work in preschool educational institutions" series “Preschooler” was created to help educators, psychologists of preschool institutions, teachers primary classes, social teachers of general education institutions, and may also be useful to parents and students of pedagogical educational institutions.

Before our society modern stage its development faces the task of improving educational work with children before school age, preparing them for school. To successfully solve this problem, a psychologist is required to be able to determine the level of mental development of a child, diagnose his deviations in a timely manner and, on this basis, outline ways of corrective work.

And this manual is a complex of numerous methods from various authors, combined for the purpose of effective psychodiagnostic work in preschool educational institution.

The electronic version of the manual makes it possible not only to familiarize yourself, take note or use diagnostic materials in your work, but also to optimize your work, save time, using, if necessary, those methods, tests, questionnaires, tables, diagrams that are offered on the disk, with the ability editing directly in the document. In this case, your own local documents are created, which are archived immediately when working with this disk.

Work with disk materials is structured as follows.

When opening the program, you are offered a choice of sections:

1. Organizational aspect

This section covers the theoretical and practical basis for diagnosing child development in the system preschool education. The principles and methods are clearly stated psychological research, types of diagnostics, ethical principles and rules of work for a practical educational psychologist. Here are the forms of documents necessary for a psychologist to determine the level of mental development of a child.(psychological presentation, psychological examination card of the child, psychological passport of the child, questionnaire of the child’s developmental characteristics, etc.).

2. Mental processes and speech

The section contains a unique selection of diagnostic techniques and tests from various authors to study the characteristics of thinking(“Reproduce the pictures”, “Elimination of concepts”), attention(“Find and cross out”, “Remember and dot”), perception(“Find out who it is”, “What objects are hidden in the drawings”), memory(“Remember the numbers”, “Remember the phrases”), imagination(“Make up a game”, “Draw something”)and speeches("Definition of active vocabulary", "Tell me from the picture")preschoolers and junior schoolchildren.

3. Development of fine motor skills

In this section you can find out how and at what age you need to determine a child’s dominant hand and what rules exist, the observance of which will help to obtain more reliable results. To determine handedness, you can use a test system developed byM. G. Knyazeva and V. Yu. Vildavsky, or use a set of tasks from a German researcherF. Kretschmeror a French explorerM. Ozyas. No less interesting is the self-test material for children of primary and secondary school age, as determined by the leading hemisphere of the brain.

4. Ready for school

The material in this section will help educational psychologists determine the degree of readiness for systemic schooling children and, if necessary, conduct a set of corrective classes.

This section of the disk is dedicated to diagnosing readiness for school.

5. Drawing tests

Drawing tests allow for comprehensive diagnostics inner world child. In the arsenal of a practicing psychologist, drawing tests always occupy a special position. The simplicity of the instruments, the procedures and ease of interpretation attract the attention of not only psychologists, but also teachers, social workers, psychiatrists, and sometimes parents.

The most popular drawing tests are:

"Non-existent animal";

"Drawing of a family";


The section also presents lesser-known drawing tests:

"Man in the Rain" test;

Goodenough-Harris Intelligence Diagnostic Test;

graphic technique of M. A. Panfilova “Cactus” for children 37 years;

“Draw yourself” technique.

The subsection will be of great interest"Diagnostics emotional state child of primary preschool age", which contains a selection of methods, tests, questionnaires, questionnaires for studying the emotional state of a child.



This manual is a collection of psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at researching interpersonal relationships and psychological atmosphere in the family.
Tests and methods are accompanied detailed description and supplemented with the entire set of necessary forms and “keys”, which allows you to use this collection as a practical guide.
A specially created annotated index allows you to quickly find the necessary materials depending on the goals and age of the study participants.

All information collected on the disk is systematized and divided into 2 main sections:
1. Methods for diagnosing interpersonal relationships of children in the family.
2. Methods for diagnosing parental attitudes and psychological atmosphere in the family.

Within the first section, the methods are arranged according to age principle: from preschool to adolescence.

Within the second section, the methods are systematized according to the degree of complexity and the amount of time required to carry out diagnostics and process the results obtained: from express diagnostic methods to methods that require deep immersion and careful analysis of the results.

The manual is intended for psychologists and Service specialists psychological support working with family.

Problems of organizing diagnostics and correctional and developmental work with children early age With disabilities health

Diagnostics of interaction between teachers and children;

Materials from the magazine “Game and Children”;

Coloring pages

Pictures with emotions

Date of publication: 04/03/16

The use of ICT in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and current problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

Today, life itself dictates qualitatively new requirements for the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

The introduction of a computer into a preschool environment is not a goal focused only on developing skills in working with new technical means. The task of preschool education is a complete and harmonious psychological, personal, cognitive development a preschool child, the formation and development of leading activities, the main new formations of age. New information technologies cannot be mechanically transferred to the educational environment of a preschool institution.

The computer should become part of the developmental environment for a preschooler, a factor in his enrichment intellectual development, creating the basis for the formation of new types of thinking

A comprehensive system for using ICT in pedagogical process involves the use of technology in all areas of children's activities as a modern technical means upbringing and education of children.

Play in a preschool institution is a leading children's activity.

It promotes the development of imagination, thinking, speech and other mental functions of the child. In the game, students learn to understand each other and communicate. Through play, they learn about the world around them and comprehend all its complexities. This places great responsibility on teachers in choosing games and toys for preschoolers, including computer ones.

In turn, the game on the computer must be continued in real life in one form or another. To do this, we choose games that are consistent with ordinary games or toys: cubes, logic riddles, etc.

The next direction is the use of ICT for the purpose of social, personal, patriotic education of preschool children.

This task in today's complex world is one of the main ones. We must teach students to be kind, tolerant, sympathetic, and loving to all people. To do this, we need to start small - teach preschoolers to love and respect their parents, loved ones, and homeland.

How does an educational psychologist use ICT in his work?

It's no secret that in Lately in addition to developments in direct educational activities, teachers are required to a large number of paper reporting.

First of all, this relates to organizational and methodological work, development and execution of programs, preparation of certificates and reports, creation and recording of work done in journals, etc., where we mainly use the program Microsoft Word, as well as the program Power Point if we want to present our work at pedagogical councils and parent meetings.

Usage electronic magazines, and use Excel programs.

Very wide on this moment are used e-books Due to the abundance of information, the creation of an electronic library greatly facilitates the work of teachers.

Psychological cards and children's passports, created electronically, also save time and simplify the ways of finding the information of the required child in right time.

Using the website of a preschool institution for the purpose of psychological education and counseling, where we can post the information we need, which can be read by both parents and teachers.

Creation of booklets and memos, newsletters with useful information with help Microsoft programs Publisher .

Creation of presentations and films, photo reports about the life of a kindergarten and more.

The use of e-mail facilitates communication between parents and kindergarten in providing information.

The use of ICT in processing diagnostic data allows short time reveal the results of the examination.

Widespread use of educational programs for children, educational games, games with the creation of quests and much more.

Use of interactive tables and whiteboards.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of ICT leads to a number of positive effects:

1. Enrich activities with emotional coloring

2. Psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation

3. Arouses a keen interest in knowledge

4. Expands your general horizons

5. Usage increases visual aids

6. Frees you from routine self made;

7. Increases labor productivity of both the teacher and children.


1. Dorokhova I. A., Trifonova N. R. System of work on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational process Preschool educational institution for the development of leading areas of personality of preschool children

Innovative pedagogical technologies: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Kazan, October 2014). - Kazan: Buk, 2014. - pp. 79-82.

2. Gorwitz, Yu. M. Why do we need computers in children's institution?

Yu. M. Gorvits // Computer science and education. - 1994. - No. 3. - P. 99–103.

The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The use of ICT opens up great opportunities in practical activities teacher-psychologist, and organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of interaction with children.



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Slide captions:

Using information and communication technologies at work teacher-psychologist preschool educational institution Prepared by: educational psychologist E.I. Zubareva.

The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The use of ICT opens up wide opportunities in the practical activities of a teacher-psychologist, and organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of interaction with children.

The use of ICT is carried out in various directions: 1. Diagnostic work. 2. Methodical work. 3. Preventive, correctional and developmental work with children. 4. Educational and preventive work with teachers and parents. 5. Work with colleagues (teacher-psychologists of preschool educational institutions, schools).

PSYCHODAGNOSTIC WORK. The ability to find and print methods, stimulus material, and assignment forms on the Internet. Creating multimedia presentations in POWER program POINT.

METHODOLOGICAL WORK. Work in MICROSOFT OFFICE (EXCEL, WORD, POWERPOINT). Preparation of reporting and current documentation, creation of a database based on diagnostic results, drawing up graphs and diagrams. Creating your own presentations and photo albums.

PREVENTIVE, CORRECTIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL WORK WITH CHILDREN. When implementing preventive, correctional and developmental work using ICT, it is possible to include a variety of computer games, aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking (“What does it look like?”, “Find the odd one out”, “Remember and name”, “Games for Tigers”, coloring games, etc.), use a sensory board. Also, it is necessary to use audio equipment - DVDs, CDs and audio cassettes (“Merry ABC” by Marshak, “Lessons of Aunt Owl”, “Voices of Birds and Animals”, etc.). The “paint” application can be used as an art therapeutic technique, used together with music.

EDUCATIONAL AND PREVENTIVE WORK WITH TEACHERS AND PARENTS OF PRE-RECEIVERS. Creation of memos, booklets, photo galleries, etc. Documents containing materials on the problems of development, education and upbringing of children, with their subsequent placement in kindergarten and on the institution’s website. Consulting parents and teachers using the Internet. Creating presentations in preparation for joint events with teachers and parents.

WORKING WITH COLLEAGUES (TEACHERS-PSYCHOLOGISTS OF PRECAUTIONARIES, SCHOOLS). Creating your own blog, website, participating in the work of professional online communities, chats, on-line conferences. Use of Internet information resources (www.Doshkolnik.Ru, www.Maaam.Ru, www..Dohcolonoc.Ru and others). Exchange information with colleagues via email.

Thus, the use of information and communication technologies by a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution is a factor in preserving the mental health of children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks: - development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning ( fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, visual-motor coordination); - enrichment of horizons; - assistance in learning social role; - formation educational motivation; - development of personal components cognitive activity(cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness); - organization of a subject and social environment favorable for the development.

Usage computer assignments does not replace the usual correctional methods and technologies of work, but is an additional, rational and convenient source of information, visibility, creates a positive emotional mood, motivates both the child and his mentor; thereby speeding up the process of achieving positive results at work.



at work

educational psychologist

Completed by: educational psychologist

MBOU "Komsomolskaya Secondary School"

Yalovaya Yu. V.

ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

IN modern life You can’t live without ICT. The Internet penetrates into all spheres pedagogical work. Today, from the Internet you can find out the most downloadable materials for work (presentations, videos, music, literature) and much more; take part in online competitions and webinars. Teachers can share their experiences with their colleagues online. And, of course, in this situation, psychologists of the educational system could not stand aside. Educational psychologists are increasingly using information and communication technologies in their work: computer programs for diagnostics and correction, actively participate in online professional communities, use electronic library and so on. Sometimes, due to the abundance of information on the Internet, it is difficult for a teacher to navigate, to decide what is more important, what is necessary. And, naturally, the question arises of systematizing the necessary resources.

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