Home Diseases and pests Salads for the birthday of 14 years. Unusual birthday salads. Delicious birthday salads: recipes

Salads for the birthday of 14 years. Unusual birthday salads. Delicious birthday salads: recipes

Every table that is set for a birthday person, any housewife tries to decorate with new, tasty and original treats, hot and cold snacks, and in our article we will offer you various birthday salads, simple and delicious recipes with photo.

Every woman always makes a lot of efforts to cover with taste ceremonial table, to please their guests and relatives with a variety of dishes, exotic salads, desserts and also tries to decorate them beautifully. We advise you to choose easy recipes that do not require a lot of time and money.

Most importantly, if you are going to prepare salads for the holiday, choose only good quality foods and prepare them on the day of the holiday to preserve the freshness and taste of the dish.

You also need to be able to serve the salad in an original way, for this you need to lay it out on a flat dish or in a beautiful salad bowl, decorate with herbs, cheese, vegetables, olives, slices of cucumbers and apples or other ingredients that you can afford.

Almost anything can be used in salads. food products, combine them with each other, you just need to correctly combine them palatability salad ingredients.

The first inventors of salad in ancient times, millennia ago, were the ancient Romans, and salads were prepared simply from greens, and today not a single one can do without salads. festive table.

We serve salads dining table and then, when we are going to have dinner, we also serve salads for an appetizer, sometimes they act as main dishes, and in some cases as a dessert.

This article will present verified and received good feedback people recipes for various salads that can be prepared both for a birthday and for dinner with your family.

Salad "Smoked"

Such a salad turns out delicious and this dish will decorate any holiday table for a birthday, and you can cook it quickly and easily.

  • Smoked sausage - 300 gr,
  • Sausage cheese - 300 gr,
  • Bulb (large) - 1 pc,
  • Eggs - five pieces,
  • Canned corn - one can,
  • Crackers,
  • Mayonnaise.

Instructions for preparing the recipe:

  1. Cut the sausage into cubes.
  2. Cheese must be grated on a coarse grater.
  3. We chop boiled eggs and a large onion. Mix everything in a salad bowl.
  4. Add one jar of canned corn to the contents.
  5. Then you need to add mayonnaise to the salad bowl to the rest of the products.
  6. Cut the bread into small beautiful cubes that need to be fried in cottonseed oil in a frying pan. You will need them to decorate the prepared salad.

Salad "Women's caress"

The composition of the dish includes the following products:

  • Hard red apple - 1 piece,
  • Onion - one large
  • Eggs - 5 pieces,
  • Mayonnaise.
  1. The apple must be peeled and passed through a coarse grater.
  2. Cut boiled eggs.
  3. Add chopped onion.
  4. Add a jar of canned corn and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  5. Then salt and pepper to your taste, add mayonnaise.
  6. In order for the salad to infuse, you need to put it in the refrigerator for about one hour. This dish is prepared quickly, but it turns out quite tasty.

Salad "Snowflake"

For this dish, you need products such as:

  • Chicken fillet - 300 grams,
  • Prunes - 100 grams,
  • Champignon mushrooms - 300 grams,
  • Eggs - 5 pieces,
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Walnut grains - 200 grams,
  • Spices: salt, pepper to taste,
  • Onion.

Salad Instructions:

  1. Boil the chicken fillet and then cut into thin strips with a sharp knife.
  2. Soak prunes in boiling water and hold in it for thirty minutes, and then finely chop.
  3. Peel the cheese and rub it on a fine grater.
  4. Peel the boiled eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, then grind them separately.
  5. Fry the onion and mushrooms together in hot vegetable oil.
  6. Lettuce should be laid out in layers, and smearing each layer with mayonnaise and at the same time sprinkle nuts on the layer: prunes are laid out in the first layer, then chicken, then mushrooms with onions, yolks, squirrels.
  7. Top with finely grated cheese.

Salad "Mushroom coat"

You will need the following products:

  • Salted mushrooms - 300 grams,
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • Boiled carrots - 3 medium pieces,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Boiled meat (any) - 300 grams,
  • Dill - 1 bunch,
  • Mayonnaise.

Step by step recipe instructions:

  1. Boil the meat and cut into large strips.
  2. Onions should be cut into rings.
  3. Boil the carrots and rub on a coarse grater.
  4. Coarsely chop the salted mushrooms.
  5. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater.
  6. We spread the ingredients in layers in a salad bowl, spreading each layer with mayonnaise.
  7. Decorate with cheese on top, on which you can put a few whole mushrooms for decoration.
  8. Place a few sprigs of dill on top of the mushrooms.

Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet"

This salad with beautiful and unusual name perfect for any birthday. The dish is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Meat - 400 grams,
  • Hard cheese - 150 grams,
  • Carrots - 3 pieces,
  • Garlic - 5 cloves,
  • Beets - 1 piece,
  • Pomegranate - 1 piece,
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking according to the recipe:

  1. Boil the meat and cut into strips.
  2. We rub the cheese on a fine grater.
  3. We rub the boiled carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Boiled beets are also rubbed on a coarse grater.
  5. Mince the garlic.
  6. We peel the pomegranate and select the seeds.
  7. We put a glass in the center of a flat dish and begin to lay out a layer of meat, cheese, carrots, beets, coating each layer with mayonnaise and garlic.
  8. Top the salad with pomegranate seeds. If there are ingredients left, you can start with the first layer and repeat everything.

The salad will look like a real bracelet and can be served for any event: birthday, gala evening or family dinner.

Salad "Amurny"

You will need the following products:

  • Chicken fillet - 500 grams,
  • Orange - 1 piece,
  • Prunes - 200 grams,
  • Shrimp meat or crab sticks - 200 grams,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Walnuts - 5-6 pieces.

We prepare the dish according to the following recipe:

  1. Chicken meat must be boiled, cooled and finely chopped.
  2. We put all the ingredients on the bottom of the salad bowl.
  3. Prunes must be soaked in boiling water for 30 minutes, dried and chopped. We spread the prunes in the second layer.
  4. Peel the orange and cut into slices. We spread them on prunes.
  5. Shrimp meat should be boiled and chopped. Spread over oranges. If there are no shrimp, then use crab sticks.
  6. Pour all the ingredients with mayonnaise.
  7. Garnish with chopped walnuts.

This salad will great decoration table for a birthday and will delight the birthday man.

Salad "Dunno"

This unusual salad will be to the taste of any birthday person and it is prepared very simply. For cooking you will need:

  • Beans - 1 cup,
  • Egg - 5 pieces,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Melted cheese - 2 pieces,
  • Mayonnaise.

Instructions for preparing the recipe:

  1. In the evening, soak one glass of beans, boil it in the morning, drain the water and let the beans cool.
  2. Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater and add to the cooled beans.
  3. The onion should be finely chopped.
  4. Grate the melted cheese on a coarse grater. It is better to use Friendship cheese.
  5. We mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

  • Beef - 400 grams,
  • Fresh cucumbers large - 2-3 pieces,
  • Large red bell pepper - 1 piece,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Vegetable oil - 150 grams,
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Lemon.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Cut the meat into large strips, because the meat will decrease in volume during frying.
  2. Fry the sliced ​​​​pieces in a well-heated pan in cottonseed oil.
  3. Rinse fresh cucumbers and cut into large strips, sprinkle them lemon juice.
  4. Onion and large red pepper should be cut into rings.
  5. The garlic needs to be peeled and minced.
  6. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, salt, pepper and add lemon juice again to taste.

We spread a bright and juicy dish in a salad bowl and serve it to the festive table. This delicious salad will delight your guests and your family members.

Salad "Spanish"

The composition includes the following ingredients:

  • Meat - 500 grams (any),
  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece,
  • Fresh large cucumbers - 2 pieces,
  • Fresh large tomatoes - 2 pieces,
  • Canned corn - 1 can,
  • Greens (cilantro, dill),
  • Salt, pepper to taste,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Fry the meat in large strips in vegetable oil.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet, cool and cut into strips.
  3. We chop the greens.
  4. Cut fresh cucumbers and tomatoes into large strips.
  5. We mix all the ingredients.
  6. Add to content canned corn.
  7. Add mayonnaise, salt, pepper and herbs.

We spread the salad on a beautiful dish and treat guests on their birthday.

Oriental salad

Necessary products for cooking:

  • Potatoes - 4 pieces,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Eggs - 4 pieces,
  • Small raisins - 100 grams,
  • Walnut - 100 grams,
  • Mayonnaise.


  1. Boil potatoes and rub on a coarse grater.
  2. Chop boiled eggs.
  3. Finely chop the onion.
  4. Chop the walnuts.
  5. Everything is laid in several layers in a salad bowl, spreading each layer with mayonnaise.
  6. Decorate from above ready meal chopped walnuts, serve.

Salad "Snowball"

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • Beets - 1 piece,
  • Carrots - 2 pieces,
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces,
  • Eggs - 3 pieces,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • Greens: dill, which you will need for decoration.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Boil all vegetables: beets, carrots, potatoes and eggs, and after they have cooled, grate one by one on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel the onion, wash and chop finely.
  3. Hard cheese should be grated on a fine grater.
  4. It is necessary to lay all the prepared ingredients in layers and each layer must be smeared with mayonnaise so that the salad does not turn out dry.
  5. You can decorate the top with grated cheese and sprinkle with chopped greens.

Such a salad will taste very tender, and its appearance will be very unusual.

Salad "Capercaillie Nest"

Prepare necessary products:

  • Potatoes - 4 pieces,
  • Chicken egg - 6 pieces,
  • Meat - 400 grams,
  • Butter - 50 grams,
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Walnut grains - 100 grams,
  • Greens: dill, parsley, cilantro,
  • Vegetable oil or cottonseed oil - to your taste.

Preparing a salad according to the recipe:

  1. It is necessary to peel the potatoes and rinse them with running water, then cut them into thin strips with a sharp knife. Pat the chopped straws well with a towel so that there is no water, otherwise the oil will splatter during frying.
  2. Start frying potatoes in a deep frying pan or cauldron in hot vegetable oil so that golden crust. Stir constantly. Otherwise, the potatoes will stick to the bottom of the pan or stick together.
  3. Cut the meat in the same way and fry it until fully cooked in a pan.
  4. You need to hard-boil the eggs, and when they cool down, separate the protein from the yolk.
  5. The protein must be crushed on a fine grater.
  6. We take the yolk separated from the protein and roll the balls in this way: egg yolk you need to crush, add butter, a little mayonnaise and start making small balls from the resulting mass, which then need to be rolled in pre-crushed walnut grains.
  7. Prepare a flat and beautiful dish. Place the prepared yolk balls in the middle of the dish. And around the balls with slides on a dish, place the ingredients in this order: protein, mayonnaise, fried meat, mayonnaise, french fries, mayonnaise.
  8. Decorate everything with green branches of dill and parsley.

Put the prepared salad on your holiday table and mix gently before eating. A dish prepared for a birthday will look very good on the festive table.

Fruit salad

Nowadays, no birthday is complete without fruit salad, which is prepared from a wide variety of fruits, is very popular with children and adults. The number of ingredients is set depending on the number of guests.

Prepare fruit:

  • Apple - 1 piece,
  • Pear is a thing
  • Orange - 1 piece,
  • Banana - 1 piece,
  • Kiwi - 1 piece,
  • Plum red solid - 5 pieces,
  • Yogurt.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Rinse the apple, pear and plum well. Cut in half and remove the seeds. Cut into medium pieces.
  2. Peel the orange, separate the slices.
  3. Rinse banana and kiwi, peel and cut into medium circles.
  4. Mix all the fruits in a bowl, pour over the yogurt and stir. Pour the fruit with yogurt before serving, otherwise the fruit will juice and soften, and the appearance will not be so attractive.

Salad with shrimps and cherry tomatoes

You can cook seafood salads for your birthday, which will decorate your holiday table with their exotic look.

You will need the following products:

  • Cherry tomatoes - 15 pieces,
  • Shrimps - 20 pieces,
  • A pineapple,
  • Olive oil,
  • green onion bunch,
  • Vinegar,
  • Spices: salt and pepper.

Recipe preparation instructions:

  1. Boil the shrimp until they begin to turn pink.
  2. Only then drain the water from them and let the shrimp cool.
  3. Cut the pineapple pulp into even beautiful cubes.
  4. Cut cherry tomatoes into two even pieces.
  5. Chop up the greens.
  6. Mix all the ingredients you have prepared, season with spices to your liking: salt and pepper, then add vinegar and olive oil also to taste.
  7. Put everything on a flat dish and sprinkle with chopped herbs on top.

Shrimp salad tastes very delicate and unusual.

Salad with tuna, cucumbers and egg

Required products:

  • Hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • Canned tuna - one can,
  • Fresh cucumber - two pieces,
  • Bulgarian red sweet pepper - two pieces,
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 grams,
  • Eggs - two pieces,
  • Spices: salt and pepper,
  • Olive oil,
  • Lemon.


  1. Cut the tuna meat into even beautiful pieces.
  2. Also chop into even cubes. fresh cucumber.
  3. Cut the red bell pepper into rings.
  4. Divide cherry tomatoes into two equal parts.
  5. Finely chop the eggs that need to be boiled in advance.
  6. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon.
  7. Cheese grate on a fine grater.
  8. Mix all the ingredients, add spices: salt and pepper to taste.
  9. Season the cooked dish with lemon juice and olive oil to taste.
  10. Put the salad in a salad bowl and decorate with grated hard cheese on top.

This unusual salad is able to decorate any holiday table and delight your guests.

Video: simple and delicious birthday salad recipes

tell friends

Anniversaries are a very symbolic date. It means that a person has passed a certain stage in life. That is why it is customary to celebrate anniversaries on a special scale. Today it is customary to celebrate such a day in restaurants and cafes, where professional chefs are ready to turn any fantasy into reality. If funds are limited, the celebration can be held at home in a narrow circle. Our article will tell you how to create an anniversary menu and cook holiday treats at home.

The anniversary menu should be designed so that the dishes in it are:

Then your holiday will surely be remembered by the guests for a long time, and, probably, later your help will be in demand for compiling the menu for the anniversary.

We offer holiday menu, including original and simple treats.



Finely cut the tops of 8-10 tomatoes with a thin-bladed knife. Take out the pulp. Rub the inner walls of the tomatoes with salt and paper napkin put holes down for half an hour. 200 gr beloved by many Adyghe cheese mash with a fork. Rinse a bunch of fragrant green onions, a bunch of dill and a bunch of parsley, chop finely enough. Then combine with cheese. Squeeze 1 clove of garlic into the mixture and add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream / mayonnaise. Spices to taste. Fill the tomatoes with the filling. Put on a wide dish.


Chicken fillet (3 pcs) cut into thin plates each, beat off. Add salt and spices. Leave for half an hour. Put on the fillet cottage cheese(gram 100), 1 tomato and wrap tightly each of the mini-rolls with bacon. Bake in cast iron for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.


1 French baguette cut into slices, brown without adding oil in a pan. Then grate 3 boiled eggs. Next, mash 1 canned cod liver, combine with your favorite cheese (quantity optional) and finely chopped herbs (dill / parsley). Add 5 tbsp mayonnaise sauce. Spread the mixture over the baguette slices. Serve at the table, after sprinkling with herbs.

1) "Gift"


The salad consists of the following layers, each is smeared with mayonnaise:

Cubes of chicken fillet;
coarsely grated boiled carrots;
fried with onions champignons seasoned with pepper, salt;
grated apple;
chopped walnuts;
crushed yolks;
finely chopped egg whites.

Salad "Gift"

For decoration "Gift" from beautifully cut ribbons raw carrots make a bow. Garnish additionally with chopped dill and tomatoes.

2) "Fish Cake"


Base: 5 tbsp boiled rice, a pack of crab sticks, a pound of salted salmon, 4 boiled eggs.

Cream: 100 grams of cheese similar to Philadelphia, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, the same amount of mayonnaise, 8 grams of gelatin.

Separately grate sticks, proteins, yolks. Lay strips of salmon on the very bottom of the form, covered with cellophane. On the fish, lubricating with cream, put rice, yolks, squirrels and sticks in layers. Cool for several hours in the refrigerator. Take out and invert onto a plate. Decorate with greens and red caviar.

Salad "Fish Cake"



Rinse half a cup of rice. After dipping in boiling water for 20 minutes. Hold a small cabbage fork in hot water 3 min. Take out and disassemble into leaves. Sauté the onion, carrot, 5 champignons and a clove of garlic in 2 tbsp of oil. Then grind 300 g of chicken fillet in a meat grinder. Then mix with salt, fried vegetables, rice and spices.

For tomato sauce: Grate 3 tomatoes, pass through a sieve. After add 300 gr of sour cream.

In tartlet molds, greased with any butter, lay down cabbage leaf, and minced meat on top. Drizzle with 2 tablespoons of sauce and fold over with the free edges of the sheet. Then pour the remaining sauce over all the cabbage rolls.


Cake "Woodpile"


Boil 1 cup running water with a small pinch of salt. Then add 100 g of butter. Next 1 tablespoon of sugar, 150 gr. wheat flour and stir vigorously. Let cool and beat in 3 eggs 1 at a time. Mix the mass with a mixer. On a baking sheet lined with good parchment paper, squeeze out a "log" piping bag the size you want.

Boil a little more than half a liter of milk. Next, add a couple of eggs, 2 tbsp flour and 1 tbsp white sugar. Beat everything with a whisk. Bring to a boil. Cool down. Grate the zest of 1 lemon. Whip with butter. Then put it in your refrigerator for half an hour.

To the bottom rectangular shape lay out a layer of custard cakes, coat with plenty of cream. All other layers are laid in the same way. Leave the resulting "Pilennitsa" in the refrigerator until the guests arrive.

Cake "Woodpile"

An airy dessert is the perfect end to a festive meal.

Birthday is the most important holiday for many of us! This day is filled with smiles of loved ones, gifts, cordial communication and, of course, delicious treats. We offer you 30 best salads for birthday! Any of the proposed recipes has been tested and approved by the best chefs.

Vegetable salad (beautiful serving)
Ingredients: a jar of green peas, three carrots and the same number of potatoes, onion, fresh bell pepper and mayonnaise.
Cooking: boiled potatoes with carrots, cut into cubes, add peas, finely chopped onion and mayonnaise. Salad serving: fresh bell pepper is cut into halves, the seeds are removed, the halves are filled with ready-made salad. Beautiful presentation and great taste!

Salad with avocado and herring
Ingredients: herring fillet, avocado, green onion, boiled eggs are taken in equal proportions. Dressing - mayonnaise. All components are cut into strips or cubes, mayonnaise is added, laid out in a slide. Serve the salad immediately, otherwise the avocado will start to darken.

Salad with tuna (without mayonnaise)
Ingredients: canned tuna 1 can, 3 fresh cucumbers, 1 bunch of parsley, olives, sesame seeds and olive oil, plus salt and pepper to taste.
Cooking: cucumbers are cut into cubes, greens are finely chopped, olives are chopped into rings. Mix tuna (without liquid) with parsley, olives and cucumbers, pour over with oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds, salt and pepper. Salad is served immediately to the table.

Salad with liver "Vesuvius"
Ingredients: liver 300 grams, three carrots, three cucumbers (pickled), three onions, 100 gr. cheese, garlic, dill, mayonnaise, 4 eggs.
Cooking: boil the eggs, boil the liver, grate the onion and carrot and fry; lay out in layers, between each new layer and the previous one, make a layer of a thin layer of mayonnaise. Layers: grated liver, grated cucumbers, carrots with onions, eggs and cheese. Decorate with greenery. Salad "Vesuvius" should be infused in the cold for at least two hours, then it can be served. Very tasty!

Salad "French" - light and refreshing
Ingredients: 4 boiled eggs, 2 apples, 100 gr. cheese, 2 raw carrots, onions and light mayonnaise.
Cooking: lettuce is laid out in layers, each new layer is smeared with mayonnaise. Layers: onion, chopped into strips, apples (grater), eggs (grater) and cheese (grater). Layers can be thin or thick.

Salad with crab sticks
Ingredients: 1 b. corn, 1 pack of sticks, 100 gr. ham, 100 gr. boiled rice, 3 boiled eggs, 1 large fresh cucumber, mayonnaise and green onion(can be replaced with non-spicy onion).
Cooking: cucumber, sticks, onions, ham and eggs are cut into strips, corn and rice are added to them, everything is seasoned with mayonnaise.

Salad "Snow Fields" (with pineapple)
Ingredients: 200 gr. cheese, a can of pineapples, 5 boiled eggs, 1 boiled breast, onion, mayonnaise.
Cooking: cheese and eggs are rubbed on a grater, the breast is disassembled into fibers, the pineapple is cut into small pieces, the onion is cut into strips and marinated in vinegar. Lay out in layers: chicken breast, eggs, mayonnaise, onion, pineapple, mayonnaise and cheese. Let it brew for 30 min. and submit.

Salad with chicken and pineapple
Ingredients: 200 gr. champignons, chicken fillet, 100 gr. cheese, 1 head of Chinese cabbage, onion, canned pineapple, mayonnaise.
Cooking: mushrooms and onions cut into strips, fry; chicken meat cut into small pieces and fry; grate the cheese, finely chop the pineapple, chop the cabbage. We spread the layers: cabbage, mushrooms with onions, meat + mayonnaise, pineapples, mayonnaise and cheese. Decorate with greenery on top. Let soak for an hour.

Snack salad (of 3 ingredients)
Products: four fresh tomatoes, three large pickles, red onion, vegetable oil.
Cooking: vegetables are cut into strips, dressed with oil, mixed.

Salad "Obzhorka"
Products: five pickles, 200 gr. boiled pork, four boiled carrots and mayonnaise.
How to prepare: everything is cut into large (!) sticks and seasoned with mayonnaise. This salad is a signature family dish of actress Maria Poroshina.

Salad "Delight"
Products are taken in equal proportions: olives, pickled mushrooms, green pea, pickled cucumbers and any greens; dressing - mayonnaise.
Cooking: the components are cut and mixed, mayonnaise is added. Ready salad is laid out on lettuce leaves.

Salad with cheese "pigtail"
Products: one hundred grams of cheese, ham, canned corn, plus three eggs, a saucer of crackers and mayonnaise.
How to prepare: everything is cut into strips, corn, crackers and mayonnaise are added.

Salad with chicken and mushrooms
Components: 4 pickled cucumbers, one jar of mushrooms and green peas, 4 eggs, 3 chicken thighs, salt, pepper and mayonnaise.
Cooking: boil eggs and meat, chop finely, cucumbers and mushrooms are also cut. Everything is mixed, dressed with mayonnaise, the salad is decorated with greens (chopped green onions and dill).

Salad "Tenderness" with crab meat
Ingredients: 5 eggs, a package of crab meat, onion, mayonnaise.
Cooking: boil eggs, three on a grater; cut the meat into strips, cut the onion into strips and marinate in water with vinegar. We mix everything and season with mayonnaise.

Salad "Bunito"
Products: 200 gr. chicken boiled meat, 100 gr. Korean carrot, 5 hard boiled eggs and mayonnaise.
Cooking: meat and eggs are cut, carrots are chopped a little, seasoned with mayonnaise.

salad with tongue
Products: 100 gr. cheese, half a kg of boiled tongue, 3 eggs, 3 potatoes, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 6 pickles, mayonnaise, a handful of walnuts.
Cooking: boil eggs and potatoes, three on a grater; cut the tongue into cubes, three cheese, finely chop the nuts, chop the onion and pepper finely. The salad is laid out in layers (a mayonnaise layer between them): potatoes, onions, tongue, peppers, cucumbers, cheese, tongue, eggs, nuts. It is very effective to serve salad in portioned tall glasses.

Salad "Pyaterochka" (without mayonnaise, only vegetables)
Ingredients: two hundred grams of paprika, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers (fresh), onions; dressing - vegetable oil.
Cooking: all components are chopped, mixed, salted and seasoned with oil.

"Old Miller"
Products: half kg of mushrooms, 3 potatoes, 3 pickles, 1 boiled breast, 3 carrots, 3 eggs, 200 gr. cheese and mayonnaise.
Cooking: fry mushrooms, carrots, eggs, potatoes - cook; lay out in layers. Layers: mushrooms, potatoes (grater) and mayonnaise, cucumbers (finely cut), carrots (grater) and mayonnaise, meat, eggs and mayonnaise. The salad should be infused and sprinkled with grated cheese before serving.

Salad with canned pink salmon
Products: 1 jar of pink salmon, 1 jar of peas, 3 pears, 3 pickled cucumbers, 3 eggs and mayonnaise.
Cooking: cut eggs, pears, cucumbers, add pink salmon (crush with a fork) without liquid and peas, mix and season with mayonnaise.

Olivier with shrimp
Products: 2 fresh cucumbers, 0.5 kg. shrimp, 6 potatoes, 4 eggs, 0.5 cans of peas, mayonnaise (or yogurt), dill.
How to prepare: potatoes and eggs are boiled, cut into cubes, mixed with peas, chopped cucumbers and chopped boiled shrimps. Before serving, pour over with mayonnaise and mix. Dill goes as a decoration.

"Hunter" with smoked sausages
Products: 1 fresh cucumber, 1 pack of crackers, 1 can of corn, 4 sausages and mayonnaise.
Cooking: the cucumber sliced ​​\u200b\u200bis mixed with crackers, sausage rings, corn and mayonnaise. Topped with dill.

Salad with smoked meat
Products: half a smoked brisket, 3 tomatoes, 2 packs of croutons, 1 can of corn, 1 glass of Korean carrots and mayonnaise.
Cooking: the brisket is cut into cubes, the tomatoes into slices, all the ingredients are added and the salad is dressed with mayonnaise.

"Pink flamingo" (with melted cheese)
Products: 2 eggs, 2 beets, 2 processed cheeses, a small package of crab sticks, mayonnaise and garlic.
Cooking: mix beets (boil and cut), eggs (boil and grate), grated cheese, chopped sticks. Add the squeezed garlic to the mayonnaise and dress the salad.

"Glutton Row" with smoked fish
Products: 3 potatoes, 250 gr. smoked fish, 2 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes (fresh), 1 onion, mayonnaise.
Cooking: the potatoes are boiled, cut into small pieces, the vegetables are cut into strips, the fish is disassembled into fibers, the onion is chopped into strips. Such a salad can be laid out in layers, smearing the layers with mayonnaise, or you can mix everything and arrange it in portioned bowls.

All of the proposed salads have an exquisite taste, besides, they are quite easy to prepare. Cook for health and delight your loved ones and friends on your birthday!

Greetings friends!

Great news, finally got a minute of free time and I decided to again delight you with an unforgettable selection. I took a topic that is always popular for viewing, and by the way, you look for such recipes from year to year. Do you know why? To surprise and amaze everyone.

Today we will cook salads for the birthday. In principle, they are suitable for any special occasion and even an anniversary or a responsible event. Definitely for a homemade feast.

What do we need? A little desire, an inspired mood and, of course, follow the instructions so that all such snacks turn out to be truly beautiful and already your own. appearance attracted the attention of others.

Let the table flutter, and the guests will gobble up such delicacies. By the way, there will be a whole bunch of options, and therefore even every gourmet will find something new and interesting for himself.

Therefore, I propose to quickly take a pen and a notebook and write down everything you need in a notebook. And run to the supermarket to stock up. And in order not to lose the article, add it to your browser bookmarks.

If you prefer to feed your wards classic dishes, then take all your favorites, and of course. And for a change, do or. Or those options that even got around

Salad Birthday - a new recipe for the holiday table

This masterpiece is the bomb. Let's start with him. Somehow I saw it in one of the YouTube channel videos, and immediately took it into service. All households and guests will be satisfied.

I look like this miracle, it’s even a pity to eat). The products used are the most ordinary and I would say budget, but what a refinement, just class. As they say, you can make candy out of nothing.

We will need:

  • hard cheese - 90 g
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • boiled beets - 1.5 pcs.
  • chicken fillet - 400 g
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • mayonnaise
  • raisins - a handful


1. Cut the fillet into sticks. Add salt and pepper. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry. Be careful not to overdry, otherwise the meat will turn out dry.

You can add curry and all-purpose seasoning for color.

2. Beets, you need to grate, then the egg, garlic, cheese and carrots alternately. From eggs for decoration, it will be necessary to cut strips in a circle.

Add crushed beets to beets. walnuts, add raisins to carrots. Wash it well beforehand and soak in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water.

Add the garlic to the grated cheese and stir. Salt the grated chicken eggs a little. Add mayonnaise to each bowl (except the one where chicken eggs) and stir.

3. From all these obtained components, form an extravagant composition. Take a large plate and place the split ring on it. The first layer is chicken pieces, spread over the entire surface.

5. Decorate beautifully along the contour with mayonnaise. And then twist the egg strips into a flower.

7. Put dill sprigs, you can cut out figures from carrots. Think it's seductive. Don't forget to remove the ring and let the salad cool and soak in the fridge for about 1 hour.

Chic appetizer without mayonnaise with seafood

Everyone knows that absolutely any sauces can act as dressings, you can also take ordinary sour cream. Or, for example, vegetable or olive oil, the main thing is that it is combined with the ingredients that you have on a silver platter.

There is also a yogurt version, but of course it should not be with additives. And then you will definitely be shocked, and pleasantly surprised by how delicious it all is. This new recipe will help you enjoy all the delights of seafood.

And if you don’t like it, then you can easily make a squid salad, and in order not to stray around the site, I suggest you immediately click

We will need:


1. Boil seafood in salted water until cooked for 5-7 minutes, cook squid for 1 minute. Perhaps you already have a ready-made set or canned. Then do the same with the quail eggs. Cool and clean.

Rinse a fresh cucumber and cut into cubes, but quail eggs cut in half.

2. Make a filling, mix garlic squeezed through a press in a cup, add natural yogurt, olive oil and sugar. Stir. Then pour in 9% vinegar essence and spices of your choice.

3. Put chopped food and seafood in a bowl and add more lettuce leaves, which you tear into pieces with your hands. Stir with a spoon.

4. Put on a beautiful dish and pour sauce on top. Use lemon or lime slices for garnish. Bon Appetit!

The same salad recipe that my husband loves

Any man loves tons of meat, I don’t know about you, we personally do it. He always wants more satisfying and high-calorie. Mine personally prefers to shove mayonnaise everywhere, straight with spoons, and you won’t take it away. There is nothing wrong with this, especially if it is homemade, and not store-bought.

Therefore, to make the meat pieces seem larger in the plate, combine them with mushrooms, cheat. Unusual and original taste will definitely please everyone, well, or almost, those who do not have an aversion to these ingredients.

In principle, you can take absolutely any piece, even beef, pork or chicken.

We will need:

  • beef or pork meat - 290 g
  • chicken egg - 6 pcs.
  • mushrooms - 180 g
  • onion - 1 head
  • vegetable oil
  • tomato - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • green onion
  • crackers - 60 g
  • mayonnaise sauce - 90 g


1. Use any boiled meat for this dish, lean beef is best. Chop into cubes.

2. Boiled eggs also crumble, but do not grind.

3. Then start assembling the salad. Lubricate a flat plate with mayonnaise or use a thinner sauce. Lay out the cubes of meat, a mesh of mayonnaise, then mushrooms. Take them either pickled, if you suddenly didn’t have such, then dried ones or just plucked ones will do. in any case, overcook them in a pan with vegetable oil with onions and carrots.

4. The next layer is the testicles.

5. Then slices of juicy tomatoes.

Grate the garlic on top of the tomato, if you like, brush with mayonnaise.

6. Then put, or rather scatter, croquettes, you can buy them in the store, or dry the slices of bread yourself.

7. Decorate the bottom of the plate with finely chopped green onion or dill. Such a very healthy hill turned out. You can eat immediately, and do not leave in the refrigerator to soak. Yes, such an instant and very bright and elegant salad came out. Bon appetit everyone!

Salad with chicken and prunes

In my opinion, not a single celebration or dinner party without chicken salad does not cost. He beckons with his delicate taste and piquancy. I often do it, it is very beautiful and uncomplicated. Are you familiar with him?

There are many variations on this theme, by the way. Therefore, in order not to go far, choose and be weird in the kitchen. And in this moment I want you to get acquainted with such a wonderful presentation, and the cooking method will be in layers.

We will need:

  • Chicken breast - 350 g
  • Prunes - 140 g
  • Egg - 4 pcs.
  • Turnip onion - 1.5 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Any cheese - 90 g
  • Green onion - 30 g
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise


1. Prepare everything you need, don't forget anything. Boil chicken eggs until hard, chicken fillet cook in another container with bay leaf until tender. After that, cool everything and chop the chicken into cubes, and grate the eggs on a coarse grater.

Pour the prunes in a bowl with boiling water so that it softens, then drain all the liquid.

2. Chop the onion with a sharp knife into small cubes, grate fresh carrots on a coarse grater. It's the same as you do roasting for soup. Fry vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil.

3. Finely chop green onion feathers. Prunes are also cut not large.

4. This is how the chicken pieces should turn out, as you can see, not large, but rather small. But the cheese is not cut, but rubbed on a coarse grater.

5. On a black flat plate, arrange all the products in layers - chicken - chicken eggs - fried carrots with onions - prunes - cheese - green onions.

All layers must be smeared with mayonnaise mesh.

6. Looks pretty impressive! Class! Such a delicacy will certainly raise everyone's mood, and the birthday boy will generally be delighted. The sight of him is already salivating.

Easy birthday salad recipe

Whenever the holiday comes, you want to diversify the menu. I recommend starting with any canned food, take fish. And mix it with the right amount eggs for example. And here's what else to take, look at the picture.

Guess what kind of salad? in question, if not, then watch it in this video, because it is made of available products that everyone has in their fridge.

By the way, you can arrange it in different ways, the hostess laid out dandelions from yolks. And you can make any pattern from caviar. Turn on your imagination. You can also write inscriptions with mayonnaise.

Bell pepper salad with cucumber: fast and cheap

Another recipe from bell pepper, in the season will be very relevant. Yes, and in the winter it is also sold in our stores. He will bring juiciness to such an appetizer, and cucumber - freshness. So, what you get is a vitaminized salad.

You will never get tired of this salad. Checked!

We will need:

  • Bulgarian red or green pepper- 1 PC.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • ham - 200 g
  • mayonnaise or sour cream


1. Remove the middle with seeds from the pepper, remove the stalk. Cut into strips first, and then to get square-shaped pieces.

2. Then, if your cucumber is young, then do not remove the peel, and if it is not the first freshness, then it is better to cut it off. Or maybe she's too rough. kitchen knife crumble into cubes.

3. Do the same with ham or sausage and boiled peeled eggs.

4. Add salt and season with sour cream or mayonnaise. Stir and serve immediately.

Inexpensive salad with canned beans and Korean carrots

For thrill-seekers and those who prefer legumes, there is an absolutely easy option that is prepared in a couple of minutes. There are only three ingredients, see the composition for yourself. Count out of nothing, a very savory appetizer will come out that will decorate any feast.

We will need:

  • canned red beans - 1 can
  • carrots in Korean - 200 g
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil


1. Everything we need is in front of you. Chop the onion and fry in a pan with vegetable oil.

2. Mix Korean-style carrots with canned beans, but without liquid. Top with fried onions.

3. Such a nice and unusually sunny treat for any table turned out. Decorate with greenery. So, quite quickly and deliciously prepared a salad.

Salad "Jubilee"

Usually, for such an occasion, they prepare in advance and make up a special menu. Read the list of products rather, and mark what else you need to buy so that you can quickly make it later.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 3 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • chicken heart - 250 g
  • turnip onion - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • mayonnaise


1. Boil carrots, potatoes and chicken eggs. Grate each ingredient on a coarse grater (but rub the yolks and whites separately from each other). Do the same with pickled cucumber.

Chop the hearts and fry in a pan with onions until cooked, salt. Then let them cool, mix meat, carrots, cucumber and potatoes in one cup. Stir and add 70 g of mayonnaise, mix again.

2. Carefully lay out this mass with a hat and decorate with grated protein.

3. And after the yolk. To create a festive atmosphere - make decorations from any vegetables, ordinary boiled carrots are used here.

Delicious salad in tartlets - a new recipe for this year

There is a huge variety of fillings for tartlets, in principle, you can take any of your own and throw it into these edible bowls.

Or use this miracle, which is made of red fish.

We will need:

  • tartlets - 1 pack
  • mayonnaise
  • trout or other red fish - 200 g
  • cheese
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.


1. Cut the cucumber into small cubes. Grind boiled chicken eggs on a grater along with cheese. Grind the fish into small pieces and season it all with 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, make sure that the mass is not too liquid.

2. Arrange treats in ready-made tartlets.

3. If greens, dill or parsley suddenly turn out to be at hand, then it is ideal here. Bon Appetit!

Recipe with crab sticks with sausage and corn

If you don’t like the proposed option in terms of composition, then go to and choose from here, there are a dozen different ones.

We will need:

2. Then salt and pepper, stir and add canned corn, first drain the liquid from it.

It remains to season with mayonnaise and invite everyone to a dinner party, or just make it as an appetizer for dinner. Bon Appetit!

Treat for a child in the form of an animal

I suggest to children in general to make a miracle from any berries and fruits. Lay out any hero or bird from them. Turn on your imagination and build something extraordinary.

And just before serving, combine all the ingredients with yogurt. You can take absolutely any fruit, as well as berries.

IN summer period strawberries, kiwi, and honeysuckle are especially popular. By the way, I have recipes where you can find other options.

5 holiday salad recipes you can make for jam day

Well, finally we got to some more creations that you will see right here and now if you press the button. Perhaps choose salads from this collection, because this video introduces you to five new recipes. Happy viewing.

A selection of recipe cards

In one magazine, I accidentally saw such a charm, and I have books in which chefs also decorate any dishes in general, so that the reader is more comfortable.

Therefore, if you will allow me, I also want to show in conclusion exactly in this way. Perhaps it is from these options that you will find the one that you have been looking for for a long time. The most interesting thing is that all these recipes are absolutely made from a variety of products.

For example, this one, a great combination of turkey and cabbage.

In this decoration, pomegranate seeds are used, which gives even more sophistication and beauty. Everyone will be happy with such a heart. Especially since it has walnuts in it.

A tuna appetizer is also great if you combine this fish with tomatoes and cheese.

The variant with grapes is also very popular. Tiffany is often prepared for such events, here a meat type from a smoked leg is offered.

For gourmets healthy food and greens, you can bungle such a miracle from green beans.

Can't live without avocado, then please cook it in a special way with salmon.

Even, there is a salad from Yulia Vysotskaya, and look at the ingredients to a minimum, the main thing is to find a herring) or

Of course, right there, the Italian version.

If you like something simpler, then take this one.

Well, even without chicken liver I also think it’s hard to get by, now she has become a frequent guest at our tables, because of her usefulness. So don't pass by.

This is where all my friends are. I will be glad if you add me to the group in contact, and also share your opinion and feedback. Have a great working day everyone, and someone may have a day off today. Bye.

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Hello dear readers. If you came across this article today, it means that you or your loved ones are approaching fun party, birthday. Today we will not talk about the holiday itself, but about its preparatory part, that is, about salads that you can quickly and easily prepare. I chose, in my opinion, the most delicious and easy-to-prepare salads that you can make for your birthday. I'll tell you a little history and then we'll get started.

Birthdays have been celebrated since time immemorial. First, this tradition appeared in Europe, but then it became popular in all countries of the world. It used to be believed that on a birthday, a person accumulates a lot negative energy And evil forces come out, so this wonderful holiday all friends and relatives gathered under one roof to protect and protect the birthday man from evil spirits with their good thoughts and wishes.

Before starting the article, I also wanted to say that one of the ingredients for today's salads will be crab sticks. But separately about this salad, I have not written in such detail yet, and therefore I want to recommend this site: http://kopilpremudrosti.ru/salat-iz-krabovyx-palochek.html - very tasty crab stick salads. On a note!

So, TOP 10 birthday salads:

Salad with croutons "Royal"

This is one of the quickest and tastiest salads you can make for the holidays.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • cheese (hard) - 300-350 grams
  • crab sticks (crab meat) - 1 pack (240g.)
  • crackers - 100 grams
  • half a lemon
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • mayonnaise to taste

1. We prepare the products you need on the table.

2. Cut crab sticks into rings, if you decide to cook from crab meat, chop it finely.

3. Boil eggs in a steep boil, cool in cold water and cut.

4. Take a coarse grater and grate cheese on it.

6. Put all the croutons in a deep plate. Drizzle gently with lemon juice. Mix well by adding mayonnaise.

7. That's basically all, the crab salad with crackers is ready. You can set the table and treat guests.

“Obzhorka” with chicken

"Glutton" in my opinion, a good fit for your table. I recommend this simple and hearty salad. There are several varieties, but since the topic today is “quick and easy”, I’ll tell you the classic recipe.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken meat - 350 grams
  • the bottom of a large onion
  • one large carrot
  • pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pieces
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • garlic optional - 3-4 cloves

1. We lay out the products on the table.

2. Under cold water wash the chicken

3. Place the meat in a saucepan and cook for about twenty minutes until tender. Salt the water.

4. Wash the onion and chop finely.

5. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into strips, you can also grate it (large).

6. Remove the chicken meat from the pan and cut into pieces.

7. Pour oil into the pan, put on fire and fry the chopped carrots for 5 minutes.

8. Onions, as well as carrots, fry separately in a pan. Cool down.

9. Finely chop the garlic.

10. Cut the pickles into strips.

11. Put all cooked and chopped foods in a deep plate and add mayonnaise.

12. Mix everything thoroughly.

"Glutton" is ready to eat.

Salad “Birthday”

This masterpiece, like “Glutton” cooked with chicken, is simple and original. Prepare for one, two, three and is very well suited for a child's holiday.

Required Ingredients:

  • chicken fillet - 350 gr.
  • apples - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • fresh cucumbers - 300 gr.
  • tomatoes (tomatoes) - 100 gr.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • mayonnaise
  • lemon juice - 15 gr.

1. Boil eggs and chicken meat in advance, peel apples and cucumbers.

2. Cut up the chicken.

3. After finely chop the eggs.

4. Cut the apple into strips and pour over the lemon juice.

5. Cucumbers are also cut into strips, you can cubes (optional).

6. In a deep bowl, mix the chopped ingredients.

7. Add mayonnaise to taste.

8. Tomatoes should be cut into circles.

Salad "Venice" - a step by step recipe

Extraordinarily soft and gourmet salad"Venice" will go well with meat and potatoes on your festive or New Year's table.


  • smoked sausage - 120 gr.
  • cheese (hard varieties) - 150 gr.
  • one carrot
  • one cucumber
  • corn - 1 can
  • mayonnaise.

1. We get the necessary products

2. We cut all products equally into strips. The main thing is not to salt, this is the highlight. Sausage first

3. Then hard cheese

4. Cucumbers.

5. Carrots, don't forget to wash them.

6. Take a can of corn and drain the juice. We put it in a bowl.

7. Pour all products into a bowl.

8. Add mayonnaise.

9. And mixes well.

Salad is ready. Bon Appetit!

Caesar at home

"Caesar" has many varieties of cooking. I will tell you the recipe for Caesar with chicken.


  • chicken breast (boiled) - 350 grams
  • cheese (hard) - 200 grams
  • eggs (boiled) - 4-5 pieces
  • one pack of crackers with cheese
  • tomatoes (cherry) - 200 grams
  • salad - 200 grams
  • half a lemon
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • olive oil - 100 ml.
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt to taste

Cooking method:

  1. The breast should be washed well in cold water, put on fire in salted water and boil.
  2. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
  3. Boil the eggs, let them cool and cut into half rings.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Wash tomatoes.

Caesar should be laid out in five layers:

  • crackers
  • tomatoes

We put lettuce leaves on a plate, on which we lay out all the layers. Sprinkle with spices on top.

Snack "Tomato Tulip"

Quite a simple and original snack for your table, will delight your guests on their birthday and not only. It can be prepared for New Year and other holidays.

Required products:

  • tomatoes (not large) - 30 pieces
  • a bunch of green onions
  • cheese - 200 grams
  • crab sticks - 1 pack (240 gr.)
  • three cloves of garlic
  • fresh cucumber
  • mayonnaise

How to cook and stuff tomatoes with cheese and crab sticks, see the video below.

Salad "Tiffany" with chicken and grapes

No birthday is complete without such a wonderful treat. Salad "Tiffany" will perfectly decorate your festive table. Now I will tell you how to cook it step by step.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken breast - 2 pieces
  • cheese (hard) - 180 grams
  • eggs - 5 pieces
  • half a kilogram of large grapes
  • curry seasoning - 0.5 tsp
  • almonds or walnuts - half a glass
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • mayonnaise, salt, parsley - to taste

1. We take the necessary products

2. Wash the meat and boil it, then cut it into fibers.

3. Pour oil into a heated pan, put crumbled on top chicken breast and sprinkle with curry seasoning. Fry for five minutes.

4. Hard boil the eggs and cool them in cool water.

5. Grind eggs on a grater.

6. Roast the nuts and chop.

7. Cut the grapes into halves, removing all the seeds. You can use “kishmish”, it is pitted.

8. Open the mayonnaise and draw the shape of a bunch of grapes on the plate.

9. Put the first layer, chicken breast, sprinkle with nuts or almonds. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

10. We lay the eggs on top and also sprinkle with nuts and smear with mayonnaise.

12. Put the halves of the grapes on top by dipping them in mayonnaise.

Place in the refrigerator and let it brew for a while, usually about two hours. We get a salad, surprise and treat guests.

Salad "Sunflower"

This masterpiece, in the form of a flower, has long been popular with housewives. It is often prepared for the New Year.


  • chicken breast - 250 grams
  • potatoes - 2 pieces
  • cucumbers gherkins - 5 pieces
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • olives - 10 pieces
  • one carrot
  • chips (large) and mayonnaise

1. We take the necessary products. Boil meat, potatoes and carrots in salted water. Potatoes boiled in their uniforms.

2. Grate potatoes and put the first layer in a deep bowl, sprinkle with mayonnaise.

3. The second layer, lay out the gherkins.

4. Cut the chicken breast and lay out the third layer.

5. The fourth layer is grated carrots.

6. Separate the whites from the yolks, grate them and lay out the fifth layer.

7. Lubricate the resulting layers with mayonnaise.

8. Grate the yolks and sprinkle on top of the mayonnaise.

9. Cut the olives, each into four parts and decorate the salad with them.

10. Insert chips around the edges.

Let it brew a little, the “sunflower” is ready for the festive table.

Snack "Mushroom Glade" - step by step recipe

A very original and quick to prepare appetizer that should please your guests and decorate your holiday table.

Required Ingredients:

  • pickled champignons - 300 grams
  • fresh cucumber - 300 grams
  • cheese ( hard grade) - 120 grams
  • eggs (boiled) - 3 pieces
  • olives, mayonnaise, salt, pepper
  • wooden skewers

1. We take the necessary products.

2. Grate cheese, eggs, and mix them with mayonnaise and pepper. Salt.

3. Mix in a deep plate.

4. We cut fresh cucumbers in circles of 4-5 mm.

5. We take with a spoon the resulting cheese mass and spread it on the cucumber.

6. We pierce the cucumber with a skewer and put a mushroom with an olive on top.

Bon Appetit!

Festive salad "Three Little Pigs" for children

If it's coming children's holiday, then the “Three Little Pigs” salad must be on your table. Because it is delicious, original in design and easy to prepare.

Products for cooking:

  • chicken meat (breast) - half
  • one fresh cucumber
  • one egg (chicken)
  • quail eggs - 3 pieces
  • one apple
  • hard cheese - 80 grams
  • a few cranberries
  • one radish
  • sour cream and dill

1. We lay out all the necessary products for cooking

2. Boil the breast and cut or tear into fibers.

3. Rub the boiled egg on a coarse grater

4. Put the egg and breast on a plate

5. Grate a fresh cucumber on a coarse grater

6. The apple should also be grated

7. Mix all the products in a bowl.

8. Rub the cheese.

9. And add it to the common plate.

10. Mix the resulting mixture with sour cream.

11. We make a slide from a salad.

12. Sprinkle with chopped dill. It turned out the so-called glade.

13. Boil quail eggs (throw in boiling water for 5 minutes).

14. We clean the eggs and make them funny piglets. Ears and ponytails, cut out their radishes. To connect them, we make holes with a toothpick. We plant heels on mayonnaise. We make eyes. We also cut out the arms and legs from the radish (milk part). We make hooves from any dark berry and glue it on mayonnaise.

We decorate the clearing with cranberries or currants.


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