Home natural farming Delicious quick salads. Quick salads in a hurry. Easy quick salads

Delicious quick salads. Quick salads in a hurry. Easy quick salads

Today, when time is sorely lacking, any housewife wants to know how quickly, tasty, and most importantly, just cook delicious salads that would be remembered and become an indispensable part of the table.

Salad recipe in a hurry "Pigtail"

When you come home, and there is little time left for cooking, then help will come this simple salad hastily, since for its preparation you need to cook only one product, and all other components are already ready. This easy recipe, delicious, and most importantly, it has the aroma of smoked meat.

  • 1. Cheese (pigtail) - about 100 gr.
  • 2. Eggs - 4-5 pcs.
  • 3. Corn - 1 can.
  • 4. Sausage (you can use boiled or ham).
  • 5. Crackers.
  • 6. Dressing - mayonnaise.
  • Cooking:
    1. Sausage or ham cut into small pieces (preferably straws);
    2. After that, divide the cheese and cut it not quite finely;
    3. Boil the eggs and cut them (the shape of the cut is optional);
    4. After the work done, mix the ingredients with mayonnaise;
    5. Salt as desired, as the cheese is salty;
    6. Before serving the dish, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
    The recipe is very simple, but at the same time insanely delicious!

    Simple salad in a hurry "Beans"

    This recipe comes in handy when you need to quickly prepare delicious snacks on the festive table.


  • 1. Canned red beans - 1 can
  • 2. Croutons (with any taste) - 1 pack
  • 3. Onion - 1 head
  • 4. Garlic - 3 cloves
  • 5. Parsley - 2 sprigs
  • Cooking:

    Onion cut and fry. Put onion, garlic, canned beans, croutons in a cup. Chop the greens and mix all the ingredients. .

    Quick kale salad

    This recipe will require quite a few products, which are usually, especially in the summer - autumn period, in every home.


  • 1. White cabbage - small forks
  • 2. Onions - 2 medium onions
  • 3. Tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Cooking:

    Chop the cabbage and onion into thin strips, salt and mash well so that it becomes soft. Cut the tomato into slices, add to the salad, mix gently. If desired, you can flavor with mayonnaise, although it turns out so tasty. .

    Beet salad with garlic

    What could be easier, boil the beets, add garlic and a little mayonnaise. This appetizer is always the first to go to the table.


  • 1. Beets - 1-2 root crops
  • 2. Garlic - 4-6 cloves
  • 3. Mayonnaise - 1-2 tbsp
  • Cooking:

    Village salad with simple ingredients

    This salad is simple in that all the components are usually found in every home, you may not have to buy additional products.


  • 1. Sausage (chicken, meat) - 300 grams
  • 2. Potato - 2 pieces
  • 3. Carrot - 1 piece
  • 4. Onion - 1 piece
  • 5. Pickled cucumbers - 200 grams
  • 6. Greens - 1 bunch
  • 7. Salt, ground black pepper, dried garlic (optional)
  • Cooking:

    Grate potatoes for Korean carrots and fry. Sausage, cucumbers, cut into strips. Chop onions and carrots and fry. Mix all the ingredients, add herbs and spices. .

    Simple and tasty salad "Chicken under a fur coat"

    Every woman has great amount a variety of recipes for different occasions. This salad is very easy to prepare and contains the usual set of products. Recipe with smoked chicken, from .


  • 1. Potatoes - about 3 pcs;
  • 2. Carrots - 1 pc;
  • 3. Chicken fillet - about 200 gr;
  • 4. Beets - 1 pc;
  • 5. Walnuts - quantity at will;
  • 6. Salt;
  • 7. Mayonnaise.
  • Cooking:
    1. Wash the potatoes very well, and then boil them;
    2. Let it cool and grate (the size of the grated potato is optional, but better on a coarse grater);
    3. Wash the carrots and then boil them;
    4. Also grate, but here it is desirable on a fine one;
    5. Boil the chicken fillet, and then chop finely;
    6. We clean the nuts and finely cut them;
    7. Wash the beets, boil and grate, then mix with the previously chopped nuts;
    8. Spread on a dish in layers, with each layer smeared with mayonnaise.

    Layering order:
    1. Potato;
    2. Carrots;
    3. Fillet;
    4. Beets with nuts.

    The finished salad needs time to be nourished. To do this, it is best to put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Before serving it on the table, if desired, you can decorate with herbs.

    Quick American Potato Salad Recipe

    This simple recipe originates from American cuisine. Not a single holiday there can do without this wonderful simple salad, although in terms of its cooking structure it is very quick and simple.


  • 1. Potatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • 2. Eggs - 4 pcs;
  • 3. Salt;
  • 4. Paprika;
  • 5. Pepper;
  • 6. Green onions;
  • 7. Mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • 8. Mustard - 1 tbsp.
  • Cooking:
    1. Peel potatoes;
    2. Cut into medium-sized cubes;
    3. Boil;
    4. After the potatoes mash;
    5. Boil eggs;
    6. Separate the yolks from the proteins;
    7. Cut the onion into half rings;
    8. Knead the separated yolks with a fork to form a porridge;
    9. Mix them with mayonnaise and mustard;
    10. Then add salt, paprika and pepper;
    11. Cut the protein into strips;
    12. Mix potatoes with onions and protein;
    13. And now we fill it all with a dressing of yolks, mayonnaise and mustard;
    14. Before serving the salad on the table, lay it out in the form of a small slide and decorate with onion feathers.

    A very unusual recipe for us, but in fact, incredibly simple, tasty and fast!

    Salad delicious in a hurry "Spicy"

    It has an unusual but pleasant taste. It is prepared quickly and can decorate any holiday.


  • 1. Potatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • 2. Garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • 3. Vinegar 9% - half a tablespoon;
  • 4. Olives preferably pitted - about 10 pieces;
  • 5. Burning Bell pepper- half;
  • 6. Pepper;
  • 7. Paprika;
  • 8. Olive oil;
  • 9. Green onions;
  • 10. Dill;
  • 11. Sugar, salt.
  • Cooking:
    1. Peel potatoes;
    2. Cut it in half, then place it in a container and fill it with water;
    3. Salt a little and add a little sugar;
    4. Boil potatoes for 10 to 15 minutes;
    5. Potatoes that have been cooked, cool, and then finely chop;
    6. Then add garlic finely chopped pepper to the chopped potatoes;
    7. Pour it with vinegar and add the spices that are left;
    8. Mix all this and season with olive oil;
    9. Before serving the dish, it must be cooled, for this we put it in the refrigerator;
    10. Before serving directly on the table, sprinkle the salad with onions and dill.

    The history of the origin of salads

    Salads originate from Roman cooking, when everyday feasts were held during the era of slave labor. During such festivities, it is customary to present dishes from various herbs and vegetables to the table, which are often seasoned with honey, different varieties wine, salt and other spices.

    The word "salato" comes from the words "salty, salted", and it meant - "food with some kind of dressing." But the salad got its name from a vegetable - lettuce. Lettuce is a vegetable whose leaves have always been part of Roman salads.

    A new era began during the Renaissance. Food became refined, varied, previously unknown products began to appear, different kinds wines Salad is definitely becoming a must. holiday table. For the first time, the French began to experiment with sets of products, they combined various varieties of lettuce, cheese, and decided to add cucumber and asparagus to the ingredients. It can be said that most of The 17th century was spent in experiments.

    Until the period of the 19th century, only vegetables and fruits were included in salads, and since the 19th century, ingredients such as meat, boiled, salted and pickled foods appear. Boiled eggs also begin to appear. Later, it is such a product as eggs that will become the main elements of any kind of this type of snack.

    The end of the 19th century is considered new era mayonnaise dressings. Mayonnaise fillings were not very often served with dishes, and in Russia this type of sauce was mixed with salads. Restaurants, wanting to please the clientele, are beginning to prepare salads specifically for mayonnaise. The first to mix salad with mayonnaise sauce was Monsieur Olivier, but he originally used it as a separate element. For his clients, the culinary specialist began to mix mayonnaise with ingredients, this was the impetus for a new trend in cooking.

    During the early 20th century, salad cooking featured a huge variety of meats, as well as fish, mushrooms, beans, and fruits. A simple salad is no longer additional dish or a snack, but it changes, and stands in a row to independent meals. At the beginning, such a product as fish was introduced very carefully, and at the end of the 20th century, absolutely all types of seafood are used.

    IN Soviet time it was considered a sign of luxury and a good, comfortable life. From restaurants, he moved to regular tables people, but at the same time its composition could change and become simpler. In simple salads of the Soviet period, the following ingredients appear: sausage, processed cheese, peas, canned fish, but lettuce leaves are disappearing. Of the dressings, only mayonnaise and sunflower oil.

    Video "Delicious salads in a hurry"

    No matter how tasty the products themselves are, when combined in a harmonious bouquet and seasoned with sauce, they acquire new taste, richer and more interesting. Salads are made all over the world. They are able to refresh a family dinner or even turn it into a feast. It is hard to imagine a festive feast without this appetizer. The hostess does not always have a lot of time to cook it according to a complex recipe, and not all ingredients may be at hand. This will not be a problem if she knows what salads can be whipped up from simple products, which you can buy on the way home at almost any grocery store or find in your refrigerator among the leftovers of yesterday's food.

    Cooking features

    Prepare a salad quickly without loss of quality and appearance Appetizers are not for everyone. Adviсe experienced chefs help solve this problem.

    • The fastest salad can be prepared from fresh vegetables, vegetable and canned fish, pickled mushrooms, sausages and other products that do not require heat treatment. If you don’t know what to make a quick snack, analyze the contents of the refrigerator and pantry: the likelihood that you will pick up several ingredients that can make harmonious union, is very large.
    • To prepare salads in a hurry, you can use the products left over from yesterday's lunch. It can be boiled rice, pasta, potatoes, eggs. If boiled meat is left from the soup, then you are very lucky - it can become the basis of tasty and satisfying salads, which will not take much time and effort to prepare.
    • If the hostess knows in the morning that she will have to meet guests in the evening, and literally in half an hour she will need to cut the salad, nothing will prevent her from boiling potatoes, carrots, eggs in advance while she is going to work. By the time she arrives, they will be cold. To cook vegetables, you can use the slow cooker by setting the timer to right time and choosing the right program. The same unit will boil meat or offal for you in advance.
    • Do not give up recipes that involve the use of boiled chicken breast, eggs - these products are cooked quickly. If you put them to cook right away, then by the time you cut the rest of the ingredients, they will be ready.
    • Give preference to recipes that involve large cutting of products, chopping them on a grater - this will save time. The fewer ingredients you have to cut, the better if the main task is to prepare a snack quickly. Small-component salads can also be delicious.
    • Dress salads just before serving.
    • When using foods that require heat treatment, add them to the salad only after they have cooled. Otherwise, the snack will quickly deteriorate.
    • If you don't have mayonnaise in the fridge and the recipe calls for mayonnaise, you can substitute sour cream or yogurt instead. If you mix them with a little mustard and lemon juice, the taste of the finished dish will be no worse than with mayonnaise sauce.

    Knowing these subtleties, you will surely be able to cook a delicious and mouth-watering salad in a hurry. Expensive and exotic products are not required for this.

    Pickled Mushroom Salad

    • pickled mushrooms - 0.3 kg;
    • onion- 50 g;
    • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
    • fresh dill - 50 g;
    • sweet pepper - 0.2 kg;
    • mushroom pickle - 20 ml;
    • vegetable oil- 40 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the pepper, cut the stalk from it and remove it along with the seeds.
    • Cut the pulp of the pepper into quarters of rings, not too narrow.
    • In tomatoes, cut off the seal near the stalks. Cut the tomato pulp into slices.
    • Peel the onion, cut it into thin half rings.
    • Finely chop the dill with a knife.
    • Remove the mushrooms from the jar. If you have mushrooms or other small mushrooms, leave them whole. Large specimens should be cut into 4 parts.
    • Place all ingredients in a bowl.
    • Mix a spoonful of brine with oil. Dress the salad with the resulting mixture.

    The fresh taste and aroma of a salad made from pickled mushrooms is unlikely to leave your guests and household members indifferent. It is suitable as an appetizer alcoholic beverages, will be a perfect addition to potatoes. It's delicious on its own. You do not need to cook anything for this snack, it will take no more than 10-15 minutes to cook it.

    Salad with mushrooms and beans

    • fresh champignons - 0.4 kg;
    • onions - 0.2 kg;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
    • vegetable oil - how much will go;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Wash the mushrooms, dry with a napkin, cut into plates.
    • Onion, freeing from the husk, cut into thin halves of the rings.
    • Put mushrooms with onions in a pan with hot oil. Saute until the liquid released from the mushrooms evaporates.
    • Mix mushrooms with canned beans.
    • Pass the garlic through a press, mix with mayonnaise. Dress up the salad.

    The appetizer according to this recipe is hearty and tasty. It will take about 20-25 minutes to cook.

    Salad of crab sticks with corn

    • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
    • crab sticks - 0.4 kg;
    • onions - 75 g;
    • mayonnaise - how much will go.

    Cooking method:

    • Rinse, fill with water and put the eggs to boil.
    • Remove crab sticks from cellophane, cut into not too small cubes.
    • Put the eggs under the tap cold water to cool them down quickly.
    • Peel the onion, finely chop. You can pour over boiling water to remove bitterness, or marinate for 5 minutes in apple cider vinegar.
    • Peel the eggs, cut them into cubes, combine with crab sticks. Add an onion.
    • Drain the brine from the can of corn, put the corn to the rest of the ingredients.
    • Mix with mayonnaise.

    Crab stick salad has several cooking options. If you want to give it a fresh taste, the recipe can be supplemented with cucumber or white cabbage, onions replace green. Added to appetizer boiled rice, you will make it more satisfying. By including oranges in the salad, you will change its taste beyond recognition.

    raw carrot salad

    • carrots - 0.3 kg;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • mayonnaise or sour cream - 100 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Peel raw carrots, grate coarsely. You can use a regular grater or a grater for making Korean snacks.
    • Grind cheese on a grater. Mix with carrots.
    • Crush the garlic with a press, combine with mayonnaise or sour cream, mix.
    • Dress the salad with the resulting dressing.

    Such an appetizer will be a good addition to the second course. It's hard to find a simpler recipe. Required products is in almost every home. A similar salad can be made from raw beets, but it will have a specific taste that not everyone will like. Cucumber will help give juiciness to the salad. It can be added to a snack, cut into strips.

    Salad of seasonal vegetables

    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • radish - 100 g;
    • cucumbers - 0.3 kg;
    • tomatoes - 0.2 kg;
    • fresh herbs - 100 g;
    • sour cream - 50 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Boil the eggs, cool, cut into large slices.
    • Wash and dry vegetables. Cut off the ends.
    • Cut into halves of circles or even whole circles if the vegetables are small.
    • Finely chop the greens with a knife.
    • Combine the ingredients, season with sour cream.

    The ratio of vegetables in the salad can be changed, focusing on your taste. This salad is good to make in the summer. In the spring, when seasonal vegetables are still rare, it can even decorate a festive table.

    Ham salad with pasta

    • boiled pasta - 0.2 kg;
    • ham - 100 g;
    • radish - 100 g;
    • greens - 100 g;
    • cottage cheese - 50 g;
    • sour cream - 60 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Boil pasta or use leftover pasta from yesterday.
    • Radishes, washed and dried, cut into semicircles.
    • Cut the ham into strips.
    • Chop up the greens.
    • Combine boiled pasta with ham, greens and radish in a bowl.
    • Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and season the salad.

    For this salad, you can use a simpler dressing: vegetable oil mixed with a little vinegar or lemon juice. The recipe will allow you not only to whip up a delicious and hearty salad, but also to save pasta if they were not eaten on time.

    canned vegetable salad

    • canned beans - 0.2 kg;
    • canned corn - 0.2 kg;
    • boiled potatoes - 0.3 kg;
    • fresh or pickled cucumbers - 0.3 kg;
    • mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Open cans of canned food, drain the liquid from them.
    • Place corn, peas and beans in one bowl.
    • Cut potatoes into small cubes.
    • Cut cucumbers the same way.
    • Combine vegetables by seasoning them with sour cream or mayonnaise.

    It is difficult to find a snack that is prepared so quickly and simply. The recipe is suitable if you have already boiled potatoes. Otherwise, the preparation of the salad may take longer than you plan.

    Salad of tomatoes and herbs

    • fresh tomatoes - 1 kg;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • fresh herbs - 100 g;
    • lemon juice- 10 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
    • red ground pepper - a pinch;
    • salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Finely chop the garlic, pour over the lemon juice and oil, add a pinch of pepper.
    • Wash the tomatoes. After cutting them into slices, cut off the areas adjacent to the stalk - the pulp in these places is often too dense.
    • Place the tomato slices in a salad bowl.
    • Add chopped greens to them, season.

    It's hard to find a salad recipe that's quicker and easier to make than this one. The appetizer has a fresh and spicy taste. Suitable as an addition to a side dish and as an appetizer for alcoholic drinks. Pairs well with fried meat, barbecue.

    canned pineapple salad

    • canned pineapples - 0.3 kg;
    • hard cheese - 0.2 kg;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • sour cream or unsweetened yogurt - 100 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Remove the pineapples from the syrup, cut into medium-sized cubes.
    • Grind the cheese on a coarse grater.
    • Pass the garlic through a press. Mix.
    • Top with sour cream or unsweetened yogurt.

    Serve a salad of cheese and pineapple is best in glasses or wine glasses. It can be made for the holiday table. This gourmet appetizer goes well with wine, including champagne. You can put it in glasses in layers. Then you will have to season the cheese and pineapple with sour cream separately, and distribute the garlic between them.

    Salted cucumber salad

    Cooking method:

    • Cucumbers cut into cubes.
    • Add green peas. Stir.
    • Pour in the crackers. The best way suitable with the aroma of cucumbers, dill.
    • Top with sour cream and serve immediately until the crackers are soaked.

    If you have lightly salted cucumbers in your refrigerator, then you can cook this salad in 5-10 minutes. Having big time, you can cut and add fresh herbs to the salad, with it the appetizer will be even tastier and more aromatic.

    Cabbage salad with fresh cucumbers

    • white cabbage - 0.3 kg;
    • fresh cucumbers - 0.3 kg;
    • fresh herbs - 100 g;
    • lemon juice - 20 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
    • salt, pepper - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Shred the cabbage. Salt it and remember a little to let the juice flow.
    • Cucumbers cut into halves of circles, mix with cabbage.
    • Add finely chopped greens to vegetables.
    • Drizzle with oil and lemon juice mixture.

    A light and fresh cabbage and cucumber salad can complement or replace a side dish. This appetizer goes well with fried meat. It can be served with steak, barbecue.

    green pea salad

    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • canned green peas - 0.2 kg;
    • onions - 75 g;
    • salt, pepper - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the onion into thin half rings.
    • Boil, peel the egg, cut into large cubes.
    • Open a jar of peas, drain the water. Put the peas in a bowl with eggs, send the onion there.
    • Salt, pepper, pour in oil, mix.

    If you boil the eggs in advance, then preparing a salad according to this recipe is unlikely to take more than 5 minutes.

    Salad "Gentle"

    • boiled chicken breast - 0.5 kg;
    • chicken eggs - 7 pcs.;
    • onions - 150 g;
    • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) - 20 ml;
    • water - 20 ml;
    • mayonnaise - 0.2 l.

    Cooking method:

    • Put the eggs and chicken breast on to boil. While they are cooking, you can do other things. Cool the finished products.
    • Peel the onion, cut it into small pieces. Fill it with a mixture of vinegar and water. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
    • While the onions are marinating, peel and cut the eggs into small cubes.
    • Separate the chicken breast meat from the skin and bones, cut into cubes.
    • Combine the chicken with the egg, add the pickled onion. Season with mayonnaise sauce.

    Salad has delicate taste turns out to be satisfying. Able to replace one of the main meals. You can supplement it with a grated apple, it will give the appetizer unique fresh notes, make it more juicy and tender. Instead of boiled breast you can use smoked, it will speed up the cooking process, make the taste of the salad more piquant.

    Salad of cheese and smoked sausage

    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • fresh cucumbers - 0.3 kg;
    • smoked sausage - 0.2 kg;
    • green peas - 0.2 kg;
    • hard cheese - 50 g;
    • mayonnaise - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Put eggs to boil.
    • Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends. Cut into small cubes.
    • Cut the sausage into strips.
    • Finely grate the cheese.
    • In a bowl, mix cucumbers, sausage and green peas.
    • Cool under running water cold water eggs. Peel them and cut into thin long slices. Combine with sausage, peas and cucumbers.
    • Add mayonnaise, mix.
    • Sprinkle with grated cheese before serving.

    Despite the simple composition and the availability of the ingredients included in it, the salad according to this recipe is very tasty. It can be supplemented with crackers. If you put this appetizer in a salad bowl, on the bottom of which you put a few lettuce leaves, it will take on a festive look.

    Caesar salad"

    • boiled chicken fillet - 0.2 kg;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • hard cheese - 50 g;
    • sour cream - 80 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
    • soy sauce - 20 ml;
    • French mustard - 30 ml;
    • leaf lettuce or arugula - 100 g;
    • wheat bread - 100 g.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the boiled chicken breast into medium-sized cubes or disassemble into fibers.
    • Cut the garlic in half, fry in oil, remove from it.
    • Bread cut into cubes, fry in garlic butter.
    • Put a few lettuce leaves on a dish, tear the rest with your hands into medium pieces.
    • Mix sour cream, mustard and soy sauce.
    • Mix torn lettuce leaves with chicken, put on whole leaves, pour over the sauce.
    • Coarsely grate the cheese, sprinkle it over the chicken. Drizzle it with the remaining sauce.
    • Sprinkle with breadcrumbs before serving.

    Caesar salad is one of the most popular Mediterranean appetizers in our country. It is prepared so simply and quickly that it can be made for a family dinner on weekdays, but it looks so appetizing and bright that it can decorate a festive table.

    Sprat salad

    • canned beans - 100 g;
    • sprats in oil - 0.25 kg;
    • canned corn - 100 g;
    • pitted olives - 50 g;
    • cheese - 100 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • fresh herbs - to taste;
    • rye crackers - 100 g;
    • mayonnaise - 100 ml.

    Cooking method:

    • Pour croutons with oil from under sprats.
    • Coarsely grate the cheese.
    • Mash the sprats with a fork, but not to a puree state, but not too much until formed. large pieces arbitrary shape.
    • Add cheese, beans and corn to sprats.
    • Add the garlic passed through the press to the mayonnaise, mix.
    • Mix the main ingredients with mayonnaise. Add croutons, mix again.
    • Garnish the salad with sprigs of fresh herbs and olives.

    The appetizer is unusual, but tasty. Even a child can cope with its preparation. An experienced hostess will make such a salad in 5 minutes.

    radish salad

    • radish - 0.2 kg;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • apple - 0.2 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
    • lemon juice - 5 ml;
    • salt, fresh herbs - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    • Peel the radish, chop it on a grater.
    • Remove the core from the apple. Remove the skin from the fruit. Grate the pulp coarsely.
    • Scratch the carrots. Grind it in the same way as the rest of the ingredients.
    • Mix vegetables. Salt. Add chopped greens.
    • Mix oil with lemon juice, pour over vegetables.

    Salad according to this recipe is juicy. Good addition to fish and meat dishes. Pairs with rice and potatoes. Can act as a self-sufficient snack.

    Salad "Orchid" with ham and Korean carrots

    • ham - 0.2 kg;
    • Korean carrots - 100 g;
    • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
    • cheese - 150 g;
    • mayonnaise - 100 ml;
    • potato chips - 40 g.

    Cooking method:

    • Cut the ham into strips.
    • Mix with Korean carrots.
    • Mix with half the mayonnaise, put in a salad bowl.
    • Peel and grate hard-boiled eggs.
    • Grate the cheese.
    • Mix cheese with eggs, cover them with sausage and ham.
    • Lubricate with the remaining mayonnaise.
    • Decorate with chips.

    This tasty and satisfying salad looks appetizing, it is not a shame to put it on the festive table. No one will guess that you cooked it in haste.

    An experienced hostess is trying to find out more salad recipes that can be whipped up from simple products. They rescue her in the most different situations, are in demand on weekdays and holidays.

    Good afternoon.

    Well, between these two categories are salads. They are usually prepared in 3-4 types, so that guests can choose something to their liking. And that is why I am against portion distribution, it is much more convenient for you and your guests to arrange several large salad bowls on the table and let everyone decide for himself what he wants more.

    I also don't like it when housewives spend a lot of time making salad nice shape. Why is this necessary if all the beauty will go away with the first spoon thrown into it?

    I don't think it's necessary to pay so much attention to salads when decorating. If you choose the right ingredients, they will be very tasty and that's enough. Remember the vinaigrette. No matter how much you throw a spoon into it, it will look the same. But will someone refuse him, saying that he is not beautiful?

    Most delicious salads can be prepared with minimal cost and from the simplest products. Often even from those that remain from the preparation of other dishes.

    I offer you 3 such products, on the basis of which you can assemble wonderful salads.

    But before we start, one more thing: in most recipes there is no clear indication of the amount of salt, pepper or mayonnaise (sour cream). Because everyone has their own idea of ​​the degree of salinity and the amount of dressing.

    When in doubt, start with half a teaspoon of salt, taste and add more if necessary. Same with the dressing: start with 1 tablespoon, stir, and if it seems dry, add more.

    Easy quick salads with chicken

    Salad should be not only tasty, but also satisfying. And what can be more satisfying than meat? And the first ingredient for our salads will be chicken - the most affordable and easy-to-cook meat.

    Chicken breast salad with egg, cucumber and corn

    For 4 servings of salad you will need:

    • 500 g boiled chicken breast
    • 1 fresh cucumber
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 can of corn
    • A few green onions
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise
    • Salt pepper


    1. Making egg pancakes. We will need 2 of them, each is prepared from two beaten eggs, baked on both sides in a pan with a little vegetable oil.

    The frying pan should be well heated so that the egg mixture does not stick and easily turns over.

    2. Cut the breast boiled in salted water into small cubes. Cucumbers cut into thin half rings. We combine them in one deep bowl with chicken and add corn. There we also put egg pancakes, cut into thin strips.

    3. Salt and pepper the salad to taste, add mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle with chopped green onions before serving.

    Chicken fillet with fresh vegetables

    This salad will appeal to lovers of fresh vegetables.

    For cooking, take:

    • Chicken fillet (boiled) - 200 g
    • Fresh tomatoes (small firm) - 2 pcs
    • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
    • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
    • Green onion - 0.5 bunch
    • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons
    • Salt to taste

    1. Cut the vegetables and fillet into small cubes, chop the onion and combine everything in one deep bowl.

    2. Salt, add mayonnaise and mix.

    Ready. Put on a serving dish and serve.

    Breast with canned beans

    We will also have beans as the main ingredient for making salads today, but in this recipe the main role meat, so I'll leave it here.

    The simplest ingredients are:

    • Chicken breast - 800 g
    • Red canned beans - 2 cans of 500 g
    • 2 garlic cloves
    • bunch of dill
    • Mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp

    1. Boil the fillet until tender. It will take about 30 minutes over medium heat.

    You do not need to salt the water immediately, otherwise the meat will become tough. Add salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

    2. Pour the beans into a colander and spill with boiling water. So we get rid of the sticky liquid that envelops the beans.

    3. Cut the finished breast into thin strips (or disassemble into fibers) and mix with beans.

    4. Add chopped garlic cloves to them (can be squeezed out with a garlic press), mayonnaise with dill mixed in it and mix thoroughly.

    We try, add salt if necessary (if the salinity of the chicken is not enough) and serve on the table, putting it in a salad bowl.

    Chicken with Chinese cabbage, cucumber and eggs

    In this salad, chicken and eggs give flavor, cucumbers juiciness, and leaves Chinese cabbage give forms of lightness. Everyone loves it without exception. Even the kids eat.

    For cooking we take:

    • Boiled breast - 300 g
    • Chinese cabbage - 0.5 kg
    • Cucumber - 250 g
    • 3 boiled eggs
    • mayonnaise and salt to taste

    1. We chop the cabbage very finely. The smaller, the juicier the salad will be, thanks to the juice released from the cabbage.

    2. We send the cabbage to the salad bowl and put the diced eggs and cucumbers in the same place.

    3. Next comes shredded chicken breast. It remains to salt, add mayonnaise and mix.

    Video on how to assemble a salad of chicken, mushrooms and cheese

    And chicken meat goes well with foods such as pickled mushrooms and cheese. The taste is simply amazing. Although, if you do not like pickled mushrooms, then it will not seem so to you.

    Simple and quick salads with canned beans

    Canned beans are a very convenient ingredient. Poured it out of the jar and it's ready. It is only important to spill it with boiling water to get rid of the sticky juice in which it is stored.

    Beans are used cooked in own juice, not in tomato paste. In this case, the color does not matter, you can take both red and white, or you can combine it.

    Salad with sausage, corn and croutons

    A very simple recipe where nothing needs to be cooked.

    For cooking we take:

    • 150 g smoked sausage
    • 1 tomato (medium or large)
    • 1 can canned red beans
    • 1 can of canned corn
    • 1 pack of crackers
    • 50 g sunflower oil

    1. Cut the tomatoes and sausage into small cubes and put them in a salad bowl.

    2. Pour a jar of beans and corn there. Add croutons. Pour in sunflower oil and mix thoroughly.

    We try and salt, if crackers and sausage did not give sufficient salinity.

    The easiest recipe with tomatoes, cheese and garlic

    And another simple but delicious recipe without long preparation.


    • Canned beans - 200 g
    • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces
    • Cheese - 50 g
    • Garlic - 1 clove
    • Dill, parsley
    • Mayonnaise or sour cream
    • Salt pepper

    1. Cut the tomatoes into strips, grate the cheese, chop the greens, and pass the garlic through a press. We combine everything in a salad bowl, salt and pour the dressing.

    2. Mix and you're done.

    Delicious recipe with crab sticks

    If you were preparing a traditional salad with crab sticks and they are still left, then you can put together such a salad.

    In addition to sticks, you will need:

    • Beans in their own juice - 200 g
    • 2-3 boiled eggs
    • bunch of greenery
    • Sour cream
    • Salt pepper
    • And the crab sticks themselves - 200 g

    All ingredients must be chopped (except beans) and combined in a salad bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Then add dressing and mix. Ready.

    Bean salad with cucumbers, mushrooms and eggs

    We use pickled mushrooms in the recipe so as not to waste time frying them.

    You will need:

    • Boiled eggs - 6 pcs
    • Pickled mushrooms or champignons - 150 g
    • Canned beans - 400 g
    • Green onion - 50 g
    • Fresh cucumber - 300 g (2 pcs)
    • Mayonnaise - 150 g
    • Ground black pepper

    And again, for cooking, you just need to cut all the ingredients into cubes, combine, salt, season and mix.

    Delicious bean and canned tuna salad

    When I need a quick bite to eat, I usually make egg and tuna salad. It's fast, healthy and delicious. But not very nice, to be honest. But if you add tomatoes and beans to it, then it will be a real festive salad.

    On this we finish with the beans and move on to the next popular product.

    Recipes for simple salads on the festive table with crab sticks

    I think that there is no need to explain to anyone for a long time that there is as much crab in these crab sticks as there is bacon in chips with bacon. However, this product is very popular. And if you're tired classic version salad with rice and corn, then try these simple and inexpensive recipes.

    Crab sticks with tomatoes and egg

    The most affordable and cheapest salad to prepare. A minimum of ingredients and their low price will allow you to cook at least a whole bowl without any problems.

    You will need:

    • 400 grams of crab sticks
    • 3 boiled eggs
    • 300-400 grams of tomato
    • Salt - to taste
    • Mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing

    1. Cut the sticks into cubes and put them in a salad bowl.

    2. Add chopped eggs and tomatoes. Salt, season and mix.

    Light salad with chopsticks and apple

    An original way to add variety to the festive table.

    This salad goes well with champagne.

    For cooking we take:

    • 300-400 g crab sticks
    • 1 can of green peas (400 g)
    • 4 sweet apples
    • juice from a third of a lemon
    • 4 boiled eggs
    • 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise

    1. Apples are peeled and core and cut into small cubes. Sprinkle with lemon juice and stir.

    Lastly, add salt and mayonnaise, mix and you're done.

    Salad from the cheapest products

    For this recipe, in addition to crab sticks, you will need pickles, cheese and eggs. I am sure that you have already bought all these products for other dishes. So this salad, made from what is left, can be called the cheapest. But this does not mean that he is bad, on the contrary, he is very interesting.


    • 4 boiled eggs
    • 2 pickles
    • 200 g crab sticks
    • 100 g hard cheese
    • 2 tbsp mayonnaise

    1. Cut the sticks into cubes, and rub the eggs, cucumbers and cheese on a coarse grater.

    We rub the protein and yolk separately from each other.

    2. Combine in a deep bowl all the ingredients except for the grated yolk, add the dressing and mix. Salt is not needed.

    3. Transfer the salad to a serving dish and sprinkle with grated yolk.

    Festive salad with potatoes and melted cheese

    If you still can't give up the tradition beautiful design salads, then here is a wonderful recipe for a delicious and beautiful salad with crab sticks.

    Salad with crab sticks and vegetables

    Well, the last recipe for today will be light salad with corn, Chinese cabbage and fresh cucumber.


    • Crab sticks - 200 g
    • Chinese cabbage - 500 g
    • Canned corn - 340 g
    • Cucumber (fresh) - 2 pcs (200 gr.)
    • Mayonnaise - 200 g
    • Salt to taste

    1. We cut all the ingredients not into large cubes, but chop the cabbage into strips. We combine everything together in a salad bowl. Add corn. We mix.

    2. Then add salt and mayonnaise and mix thoroughly again.

    As you can see, all the recipes are really very simple.

    I recommend that you take one from each category and prepare simple and tasty salads, rather than spending a lot of time on decoration, trying to surprise guests. In the end, how successful the festive table was is judged not by beauty, but by whether it was delicious or not.

    These salads are sure to be delicious.

    And that's all I have, thank you for your attention.

    His Majesty salad is a frequent guest on the tables of all Russian families. This dish is prepared not only for the holidays. Often it is found in the daily menu. There are a lot of recipes for this dish.

    Some salads require a lot of time from the hostess, which will be required for cooking, others are prepared in five to ten minutes from the available ordinary products, which, as the people say, are always at hand.

    Quick Salad Recipes

    Salad is usually called a cold dish, which is prepared from a mixture of different products. Sour cream, unsweetened yogurt, mayonnaise, various sauces, olive or sunflower oil are usually used as dressings.

    Salad preparation is best way out from a situation where you urgently need to serve a dish on the table, but the refrigerator is empty. There are a lot of recipes for this dish. Any hostess has in her stock several interesting ideas for all occasions.

    The easiest salad

    This dish can be safely called a light version of the Winter Salad. The ingredients needed to make it are in every kitchen. It will take very little time to prepare it, since there are no vegetables in the composition that must be preliminarily heat treatment and cool down.

    Cooking process:

    1. Boil hard boiled eggs, cool and finely chop;
    2. Chop the onion;
    3. Mix eggs, onions and green peas in a bowl;
    4. Salt and pepper. Season with oil of your choice: sunflower or olive oil. Mayonnaise can be used instead of butter.

    Easy recipe with vegetables

    This recipe is easy to prepare. It is great for those who are on a strict diet. Ready meal low calorie and high nutritional value.

    • White cabbage - ¼ head;
    • Fresh elastic cucumber - 3 pcs.;
    • fresh greens ( green onion, cilantro);
    • Lemon juice;
    • Salt and, if desired, black pepper - according to taste preferences.

    Cooking process:

      1. Chop the cabbage and knead with your hands until the juice is released;

      1. Cut cucumbers. You can choose any cutting method: plates, cubes, strips;

      1. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and add to the cabbage along with pepper and salt;

    1. Finely chop the greens and toss into the salad.

    Recipe for the cheapest salad with lightly salted cucumbers

    Most of the ingredients are in every home, they do not need to be bought in advance. The only exception is Rye bread. If desired, it can be replaced with wheat or bran. It all depends on the tastes of a particular family.

    For cooking you will need:

    • Canned green peas - 1 can;
    • Lightly salted cucumbers - 100 gr.;
    • Rye bread;
    • Sour cream as a light dressing.

    Cooking method:

    1. Crackers are best prepared in advance. They do not take up much space and are often used to cook the most different dishes. To do this, cut rye bread into small cubes and dry in the oven for twenty minutes. To give the crackers a taste, you can soak them with brine, salt or pepper before drying;
    2. Cut salted cucumbers into pieces;
    3. Mix green peas, cucumbers and crackers in a separate container. Salt. Fill the salad with sour cream before serving, otherwise the crackers may lose their mouth-watering crunch.

    Recipes for the most delicious salads

    Salad "Exotica" is popular in many homes. Therefore, there are several variations of its preparation, including a simplified one. It can be served on the table in plates, sprinkled with fresh herbs, or used as a filling for tartlets. In the original, champignons and boiled chicken breast are added to the dish.

    To prepare the dish, you will need:

    • Simple canned pineapples - 300 gr.;
    • Cheese hard varieties- 200 gr will be enough;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • Sour cream for dressing.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut pineapples into small cubes;
    2. Grate the cheese on a fine grater;
    3. Crush or grate the garlic;
    4. Mix all main ingredients. Add sour cream.

    Without a doubt, many people will consider the most delicious salad dish, for the preparation of which fresh fruit was used. A dish called "Exotic Salad" has become widespread, since some ingredients grow only in warm countries.

    To prepare the dish, you will need:

    • Apple - 1 pc.;
    • Pear - 1 pc.;
    • Ripe banana, but not very soft - 1 pc.;
    • Sweet orange - 1 pc.;
    • Pineapple (fresh or canned);
    • Kiwi - 3 pcs.;
    • Low-fat yogurt for dressing.

    Cooking process:

    1. Wash and dry fruits. To peel;
    2. Cut all components into small cubes;
    3. Everything is good, but gently mix and season with unsweetened yogurt. Serve a dish loaded with a whole arsenal of vitamins on the table immediately after its preparation.

    The fastest recipe

    IN summer time year, when a lot of vegetables ripen in the beds, the simplest salad is undoubtedly a dish of tomatoes and garlic. The recipe below is perfect for lovers. spicy food. Otherwise, you can remove red pepper from the ingredients and reduce the amount of garlic.

    The owner will need:

    • Tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
    • Garlic - 4 cloves;
    • Fresh herbs (any, you can - parsley or dill) - 50 gr.;
    • Salt;
    • Ground red pepper - a pinch;
    • Freshly squeezed lemon juice;
    • Vegetable (regular) oil for dressing.

    Cooking process:

    1. Thoroughly wash and cut the tomatoes into small slices;
    2. Cut the garlic into thin slices;
    3. Squeeze juice from one lemon;
    4. Mix lemon juice, oil, salt and pepper. Fill the salad with the resulting mixture;
    5. Wash and dry fresh herbs. Garnish the finished dish with sprigs of dill or parsley.
    1. If as one of the ingredients of the salad is listed boiled chicken, then it should be removed from the broth immediately before adding to the dish. Otherwise, the meat will dry out and lose its valuable taste;
    2. To give the greens freshness, you should put it in a container filled with cold water with the addition of one tablespoon of vinegar. After one hour, the dill or parsley will look fresh;
    3. If you want to mix vegetables and boiled meat to prepare a salad, you need to bring them to the same temperature. Mixing cold and hot ingredients will lead to a quick souring of the finished dish;
    4. Most salads should be dressed just before serving. This is especially true for salads, which contain fresh vegetables and fruits. Otherwise, a lot of juice will stand out. The exceptions are "Herring under a fur coat" and "Olivier", which need to be properly soaked;
    5. Garlic should be added last. If it is necessary to give the dish a light aroma of garlic, it is often advised to rub the salad with garlic before putting the salad into the dish;
    6. Salad vegetables do not need to be soaked in water for a long time. Long soaking can lead to loss of freshness and crunch;
    7. Do not cut fresh vegetables ahead of time. Otherwise, they will quickly lose their freshness.

    Salad is the most common dish in many European and Asian cultures. Recipes brought from Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and other countries are in great demand among Russians. This is not surprising, since supermarkets offer their customers the seasonal vegetables needed to prepare such salads all year round.

    Fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are available all year round. Another question is that their price is often very high, and not all people can afford to buy a kilogram of tomatoes at a price of one hundred and fifty rubles and more. The only exception is perhaps new year holidays when most Russians do not save on food and entertainment.

    Therefore, many housewives in winter time years they prepare salads from those ingredients that are always at hand: canned green peas and corn, pickles, boiled eggs, cheese, crab sticks.

    Any housewife knows that cooking requires spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Sometimes, after a hard day at work, there is neither time nor energy left for cooking. Here you will certainly be helped out by salad recipes in a hurry. Despite the fact that these dishes save you time, they also do not empty your wallet and deliver incredible gastronomic pleasure.

    The principle of such dishes is extremely simple - all the ingredients do not require pre-cooking before being sent to the salad! The necessary products are crushed and mixed in a bowl with mayonnaise, vegetable oil or another sauce you like. In short - I bought, connected, mixed - that's it!

    The taste and originality of these salads will not yield to the most difficult dish to prepare. No wonder if your guests beg for the recipe. And when you find out how quickly you created it, they will be surprised!

    An unusual combination of products, bright taste and beauty of the dish does not always “hit the pocketbook”. From the most common ingredients that are always in the refrigerator of every family, you can create a wonderful composition.

    And in this article we will consider just a series of such recipes.

    Simple salad "A la Caesar" from inexpensive products with processed cheese

    This option is in no way inferior to the most sophisticated "Caesar".

    Required products:

    1. 3 tomatoes
    2. 1 processed cheese, Friendship type
    3. 1 garlic clove
    4. 2 tbsp mayonnaise (or vegetable oil)
    5. 100g crackers
    6. salt pepper
    7. fresh herbs
    8. chinese cabbage or lettuce leaves


    Prepare the ingredients. Wash the tomatoes, wipe and cut off the tail. Put the cheese in the freezer for 15 minutes - so it's easier to grate it later. You can cook crackers yourself, or you can buy 2 packs in the store.

    Wash the greens too and put on a clean towel, wait in the wings.

    Chop the tomatoes into cubes.

    Grate melted cheese into a separate bowl.

    Send the chopped garlic to the cheese.

    Line a plate with fresh lettuce leaves. Lay tomatoes on top. And sprinkle them with crackers mixed with chopped garlic.

    Crackers must be added a couple of minutes before serving to guests. Otherwise, they will soften from the sauce and the dish will lose its zest!

    Add salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. And top with grated cheese.

    If you like mayonnaise options, then combine chopped tomatoes, croutons and garlic in a bowl. Salt and pepper to taste and season with mayonnaise. Put the contents on lettuce leaves and sprinkle with grated processed cheese.

    For greater nutritional value, you can add a boiled egg, cut into cubes, to the contents.

    Recipe for the festive table - the fastest "Mimosa"

    Mimosa recipes, familiar to us since childhood, are actually a great many. We will consider the fastest, but no less tasty.


    1. 1 can of saury in oil
    2. 200g hard cheese
    3. 1 onion
    4. 5 eggs
    5. 50g butter
    6. mayonnaise
    7. fresh parsley


    Boil chicken eggs to a hard yolk. Let it cook for 15 minutes after the water boils. Then cool them down and peel them.

    Proteins grate on a coarse grater. We immediately evenly place them in the first layer on a flat dish. Top with a thin mesh of mayonnaise.

    Open a jar of saury, drain some of the liquid and mash it with a fork.

    Lay it out in a second layer. Level evenly. We will not grease this layer with mayonnaise. Our fish is already juicy.

    Cut the onion into cubes and put it on top of the fish.

    Rub the butter on a coarse grater or cut with a knife. Sprinkle shavings on top. Now another layer of mayonnaise.

    Top with mayonnaise.

    Grate the cheese directly over the plate, thereby creating the next layer. It should also be smeared with mayonnaise.

    Sprinkle grated yolk evenly on top and decorate as you like.

    Now Mimosa goes to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. There it will be soaked with mayonnaise and juice from the fish. By the time it is served, it will taste amazing!

    Unusual salad with chicken breast and beans in a hurry

    Chicken breast is a very important part of a person's daily diet. There can be many options for its preparation, for example, its unusual combination in salads.

    It will take you no more than half an hour to prepare this dish.


    1. 300g smoked chicken meat
    2. 1b red beans
    3. 2 cloves of garlic
    4. salt, pepper to taste
    5. olive oil
    6. juice of half a lemon
    7. chopped greens
    8. lettuce


    Chop the chicken and tomatoes into equal-sized cubes. Finely chop the onion.

    Add canned beans, after draining the brine. For dressing, combine chopped garlic, salt, pepper, a little olive oil and lemon juice.

    Season the breast, beans, tomatoes and onions with lemon-garlic sauce. Add fresh herbs. Put our dish on the leaves and serve.

    Festive delicious salad "Royal" of chicken breast

    The most delicate combination of chicken breast, pickled mushrooms and cheese is fully complemented by walnuts.


    1. 1 smoked chicken breast
    2. 1 can of canned mushrooms
    3. 100g walnuts
    4. 4 chicken eggs
    5. 300g hard cheese
    6. mayonnaise, 2 tbsp
    7. 1 tomato for decoration
    8. 4 olives
    9. some parsley


    On a flat plate, spread the chicken breast, cut into medium sticks or cubes, in an even layer.

    Cover them with a mesh of mayonnaise.

    Put any canned or pickled mushrooms, cut into pieces, in the second layer. And cover them with a mesh of mayonnaise. In the original version, fried champignons with onions are laid out.

    Now sprinkle with finely chopped walnuts. Make a grid of mayonnaise on top. Next turn boiled eggs passed through a coarse grater.

    Lubricate generously with mayonnaise. We also form a “step”, helping ourselves with a spoon or silicone spatula.

    Sprinkle with grated cheese. Make impromptu keys from hard cheese and olives.

    From tomatoes - a rose. Decorate with parsley.

    Here we have such a quick and tasty salad. Put this on the table for the arrival of guests, and they will be delighted with such beauty.

    By the way, instead of mushrooms, you can use canned pineapple. I guess everyone loves the combination. chicken fillet and pineapple.

    And this will be another quick recipe that will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Light and healthy salad with beans, corn and croutons

    Salad croutons are always a favorite among guests. Vegetables, meat, fruits ... yes, anything, it will light up more bright colors with them!

    Preparing this dish is not difficult. Cooking time - no more than 10 minutes!

    We only need:

    1. 2 bags of any crackers
    2. 1 can of red beans
    3. greenery
    4. mayonnaise to taste


    Open a can of corn, drain all the brine and put it in a deep bowl.

    Do the same with canned beans.

    Finely chop the greens and send to the rest of the ingredients.

    Now croutons are sent to the common bowl.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly and season with mayonnaise. Pour into serving bowls and serve.

    Add croutons and mayonnaise immediately before serving to guests. Otherwise, the crackers may swell!

    That's how fast and easy it is! Always keep a few jars of canned food in stock, and then you can cook any salad in a matter of minutes.

    By the way, instead of corn, you can use canned green peas. True, in this case, the dish will not look so bright and colorful.

    Quick salad with croutons, chicken breast and corn

    The combination of chicken and pineapple has long been loved by many connoisseurs of unusual dishes. And the crunch of crackers will not leave anyone indifferent!

    Required products:

    1. 300g boiled chicken
    2. 2 bags of crackers
    3. 200g hard cheese
    4. 1 can of corn
    5. 1 can of pineapple
    6. mayonnaise to taste
    7. green onion for garnish

    Boil the chicken breast in salted water, cool and cut into cubes.

    Rub the cheese on a fine grater.

    Drain all the brine from the can of corn and pour the grains into a bowl. Do the same with canned pineapple. Connect everything together.

    Before serving, add croutons and season with mayonnaise. Put on a flat plate in the form of a hillock and sprinkle with green onions on top.

    Combine croutons with chicken and cheese.

    Mix with mayonnaise and serve immediately!

    Simple and delicious salad "Mushroom Picker's Dream"

    Experienced housewives have long adopted this recipe. If you are not familiar with it, be sure to try it! Although it does not cook in 5 minutes, but with all the ingredients, it will not take so much time to cook it.


    1. 0.5 kg pickled mushrooms
    2. half boiled chicken breast
    3. 200g cheese
    4. 1 boiled potato
    5. 3 medium pickles
    6. 2 boiled carrots
    7. mayonnaise and herbs to taste


    In a deep round bowl, put the mushrooms upside down, as shown in the photo.

    Sprinkle parsley leaves and dill on top.

    Grate the potatoes and make the next layer. Do not forget to generously grease it with mayonnaise.

    Cover with a mesh of mayonnaise.

    Chop the chicken eggs into cubes and send to the cheese. Top with another layer of mayonnaise.

    Grate the cheese on a fine grater on top with a generous cap. And also grease with mayonnaise.

    Now cover with chopped chicken meat.

    We apply a frequent mesh of mayonnaise and distribute it over the entire surface.

    Top cover with hanging edges of the film. And refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Then take it out, unfold the edges of the film, put a dish on the form and turn it over. Remove the form and film. And what a beauty we got. A real mushroom picker's dream. And not only! Your guests will be delighted with such a mushroom clearing.

    The plate can be decorated with sprigs of parsley or dill. Or don't decorate. Our dish turned out to be already colorful and beautiful.

    There are many recipes for crab stick salad. All of them are different in taste, compositions and time spent. Now we will look at the fastest cooking options.

    A simple snack salad in a hurry "Crab" with corn

    Perhaps the most budgetary, but no less tasty of classic recipes with crab sticks.


    1. pack of crabmeat or sticks
    2. 5 eggs, hard boiled
    3. 1 can of canned corn
    4. mayonnaise and salt to taste


    Finely chop the crab sticks.

    Skip the eggs through a large grater.

    Drain the brine from the can of corn.

    To easily get rid of the juice without losing the corn kernels, you need to open the lid less than halfway and press it back into its original position. Thus drain the water. By the way, corn brine is very tasty and you can drink it.

    Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, salt and season with mayonnaise.

    After thoroughly mixing the salad, you can serve it to the table!

    Tasty and healthy dish ready!

    Salad "Spring" with crab sticks and cucumber

    A fresh and crispy composition of vegetables will fill the apartment with the smell of spring!

    We will need:

    1. 1 pack of crab sticks
    2. 4 hard-boiled chicken eggs
    3. 2 fresh cucumbers
    4. green onion
    5. greenery
    6. 1 can of corn
    7. mayonnaise and salt to taste


    Cucumbers cut into small cubes.

    Finely chop green onions and herbs.

    Grind crab sticks in the same way as cucumbers.

    Eggs also cut into cubes.

    Combine all ingredients and add corn and mayonnaise.

    After mixing thoroughly, you can serve the dish to the table!

    Such a salad is prepared in a matter of minutes, but it certainly meets with a bang!

    And you can arrange it like this, in the form of corn.

    In this case, you need to leave part of the corn to form the desired image. The most important thing is not to be afraid to fantasize. And in this case, real masterpieces can be created from the simplest products.

    This salad is so beautiful and delicious that we decided to make a video on how to make it. And now we want to present it to you, our beloved readers.

    This recipe is simply amazing. The finished dish is incredibly positive and sunny. It looks great on the table and never goes uneaten.

    How to cook crab salad with cabbage

    Delicious and crispy salad will surely please your guests!

    Required Ingredients:

    1. 200g white cabbage
    2. 1 fresh cucumber
    3. 1 pack of crab sticks
    4. 1 can of canned corn
    5. Dill
    6. 100 g 15% sour cream


    Boil the eggs with salt for 10 minutes after boiling, until the yolk is steep.

    Crab sticks cut into thin strips or cubes.

    Shred the cabbage.

    Slice a fresh cucumber.

    Finely chop the eggs.

    Combine all ingredients in one bowl.

    Add greens and sour cream. If desired, you can season with mayonnaise.

    To stir thoroughly.

    The dish is ready to serve! Bon Appetit!

    Simple and cheap fresh cabbage salad

    Everyone knows that cabbage is very important for human health. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. You can eat it in any form. It is especially delicious in salads!

    Such a vitamin salad is perfect for those who follow their figure and health. And most importantly, its ingredients are affordable, especially during the season of fresh vegetables.


    1. 200g red cabbage
    2. 1 tomato
    3. 1 cucumber
    4. half bell pepper
    5. 1 tbsp green peas
    6. half a teaspoon of sugar
    7. salt, vegetable oil and herbs to taste


    Wash vegetables thoroughly and dry on a towel. Finely chop the cabbage and grind with sugar and salt.

    Cucumbers cut into slices and mix with cabbage.

    Chop the pepper into strips and combine with cucumbers and cabbage.

    Cut the tomatoes into slices and mix with chopped herbs.

    Add green peas as desired.

    Fill with oil and mix thoroughly.

    You can cook the same salad without bell pepper and without peas. And it will also be very tasty.

    You can also cook. All of them are also prepared in 5 - 10 minutes.

    Each of us knows how important it is to value time! There are a lot of important things in life that we strive to redo every day! And sometimes we completely forget about more important things… For example, the time saved on cooking is better spent on the family! Appreciate every moment and do not forget to pamper your loved ones with delicious treats!

    Bon Appetit!

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