Home Useful properties of fruits Project “Soon we will go to school. Project "Soon to school" (preparatory group)

Project “Soon we will go to school. Project "Soon to school" (preparatory group)

Project “Soon to school! »

Type of project: Cognitive - practice - oriented group.

Purpose: Formation in children of a preparatory group of conscious motivation for learning, positions "future student" .


For children:

  1. Form an attitude to overcome school difficulties "I can do anything" . To develop the internal position of the student, adequate self-esteem and a positive emotional attitude towards school.
  2. Organize the research activities of a preschooler according to a certain algorithm (goal setting, specification of the content of the study, activation of methods for obtaining information, obtaining information (independent cognitive activity children), process information (joint activity of the educator and children), prepare for public speaking (presentation of the received information)
  3. Develop organizational, creative and logical skills.
  4. Promote development dialogical speech to exchange information.
  5. To form the personal qualities of the child: observation, curiosity, mental operations.
  6. To arouse in children an interest and a positive attitude towards learning.
  7. To cultivate sociability, friendliness, respect for each other and adults.

For educators: Enrich the subject-spatial environment to familiarize pupils with the school (didactic, plot-role-playing games, methodological materials on the topic of the project, informing parents);

For parents: to interest parents in the relevance of this topic,

making them like-minded people in the implementation of this project; organize "Pedagogical lounge" for parents of future first-graders; create conditions that facilitate school adaptation.

For specialists:

Music director: expand and enrich children's performance

about the school through the musical repertoire according to the age of the pupils.

Educator for physical culture: exercise hardening

procedures using natural factors; promote

the formation in children of the activity of independent motor


For social partners: Develop interest in

cooperation with teachers kindergarten.

Project implementation period:

Project participants: children 6-7 years old, parents, educators, psychologist, music worker, physical education instructor.

Educational areas of the project.

"Socially communication development» watching cartoons, didactic games, story- role-playing games, memos, information sheets, solving problem situations.

"Knowledge" - complex educational events, conversations, viewing presentations on the topic: "School" , "School Supplies" , "Rules of Conduct at School"

"Speech development" - compiling descriptive stories, stories based on plot pictures, based on a picture. Enrichment of vocabulary.

"Artistic and aesthetic development" solving riddles, reading stories, memorizing poems, proverbs about school. Drawing, modeling, application, design. Listening to music, singing songs about school.

"Physical development" - learning ORU complexes, rhythmic gymnastics, outdoor games, sports leisure and holidays, conversations, educational events.


Currently, the relevance of the topic of education and upbringing is one of the most important tasks facing education. Scientific and technological progress, changing priorities, social values, increasing human needs, changing the status of a teacher - all this leads to the fact that the educational process requires constant improvement. Therefore, work with children is undergoing fundamental changes in the strategy and tactics of teaching: more experimentation, more improvisation. Getting into school - quality new stage in the development of a preschooler, associated with a change in the social situation and personal transformations that L.S. Vygotsky called the crisis of seven years. The main thing that a child needs is a positive motivation for learning. According to the results of the survey, at the initial stage, preschoolers imagine their future school life something like this: the student is the happiest child, he was bought a new briefcase, uniform and all sorts of accessories, he will listen to the teacher and get fives. Such children's hopes are fraught with danger, because the child perceives it as another game that may not be so attractive at all. Thus, the purposeful work on fostering a positive attitude towards school became obvious. developing the ability to cooperate with adults. Practice today is aimed mainly at the intellectual preparation of children for school and pays little attention to the formation "internal position of the student" . Practice has convinced us of the need to carry out purposeful work to educate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-developing environment, through pedagogical education of parents, interaction with primary school teachers and social partners.

We decided to reflect all this work in a long-term project. "Soon to School" which will help increase the social and cognitive activity of children, will form in them the integrative qualities necessary for successful inclusion in school life. It will also solve the important task of preparing parents for a new social role "Parents of a First Grader" ; will provide comprehensive assistance and support to parents in the implementation of activities during the transition of children from kindergarten to school.

Expected results of the project:

  • Disclosure creativity the personality of the child, increasing the cognitive activity of children (determined through the activity of participation, manifestation of responsibility for assignments and the desire to fulfill them).
  • To create comfortable conditions for a creative mood among the project participants, their parents, social partners in creating crafts, presentations, uniting them with a single theme, using the variety of learned techniques used in artistic creativity.

Project stages.

Stage 1. Motivation to project activities.

Kindergarten graduates came to visit the children in the group and brought a school photo for the teacher. The preschool kids got interested in this photo and asked about the school. (What is a school?)

Stage 2. Search for forms of project implementation.

Discussing with children about how to learn about the school?

Children's suggestions: go to school on an excursion, talk with parents and relatives about the school, read books about the school.

Stage 3. Organization of work on the project.

Create a mini-museum in a group of school supplies, bring textbooks, school photos of parents, think over a plan for a joint club "Together to School" , pick up didactic material (reproductions of pictures about the school, fiction, information about the history of creation and about the past of the school, songs about the school).

Stage 4. Project implementation.

Information request: parents help to collect photos about the school, prepare messages for children about the history of the school, about what schools were and are.

Creation of conditions for a developing environment:

  • Making a mini-museum "Hello, school!"
  • Registration of a photo exhibition "I was also a student"
  • Design of an exhibition of school textbooks "Books That Teach" .
  • Create a collection "Pens and Pencils" .
  • Making attributes for a role-playing game "School"
  • Making an illustrative album about the school.
  • Making an album of riddles, poems, proverbs and sayings about school, about school supplies, about knowledge, about books, etc.

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"Project "Soon to school" (preparatory group)"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 51 "Rodnichok" of the first category, Kagalnik village

Project "Soon to school"

(preparatory group)

Vereshchagina M.L.

2016-2017 academic year year.

1. Project passport

2. Relevance of the project and analysis of the initial state of the problem

3. Terms and stages of project implementation

4. Expected results

5. Intermediate results

6. Literature

Project passport.


"Soon to School"

Project participants:

Children of the elder preschool age, educators of the preparatory group, parents, teacher - speech therapist, teacher - psychologist.

Project type:

Long term.

Project type:

Cognitive - creative

Project implementation timeline:

September 2016 - May 2017


Project implementation base:

MBDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 51 "Rodnichok", the village of Kagalnik, Azov district

Forms of organization of activity:

1. Directly educational activities with children.

2. Joint activities of the child with adults.

3. Independent activity children.

4. Interactive work with parents.


Formation of the "internal position of the student" in children of the preparatory group with the involvement of participants educational process for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.


formation of a positive learning motivation;

To form children's ideas about school and its significance;

To foster a culture of communication and a culture of behavior in in public places;

Develop the basic mental processes necessary for successful schooling (attention, memory, thinking, etc.);

Development of a creatively active personality, development of communication skills, teamwork;

To systematize children's knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, as a condition for successful schooling.

Bring up positive traits in children, the ability to listen to adults and other children.

Activate vocabulary, develop expressiveness of speech, means of verbal and non-verbal communication;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation

Prevention and removal of anxiety and fear of school; psycho- emotional development child and correction of speech disorders.

Expected result:

Formation in children of senior preschool age of the "internal position of the student", the prerequisites for learning activities at the stage of completion of preschool education;

Accumulation of a large amount of knowledge about the school;

Reducing anxiety in children associated with schooling;

Normalization of the level of development mental processes And speech activity children;

Increasing the competence of parents on the preparation of children for school.

Children will form an educational and cognitive motive, arbitrariness of behavior.

Preparation of the hand for writing;

Providing pupils comfortable conditions development, training and education.


The life of a child entering school is completely rebuilt! At school, the child enters new social conditions. His usual way of life changes, new relationships with people arise. A change of environment may be accompanied by an increase in anxiety, a decrease in activity. The result of this may be the appearance of inadequate adaptation mechanisms, which are commonly called school maladaptation. How to help a child adapt to a new life situation? The teacher and parents are interested in the fact that children enter school life faster and easier, so that high level anxiety gave way to positive emotions associated with the school. A modern teacher needs to become wiser and closer to the child so that learning becomes valuable and positive and contributes to the personal development of the child, as well as establishing a positive emotional contact between the future student and his first teacher.

Different children experience this period of life in different ways. For some, getting used to long daily activities goes smoothly. Such a child calmly and without whims went to kindergarten, and now he will study well and enthusiastically at school. Daily long exercises are tiring, resistance to stress decreases and tension increases. Sleep may be disturbed, appetite upset. The result can be weight loss and temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it is necessary to understand well whether the child is ready to go to school. Being ready for school does not mean being able to read and write, it is necessary to be psychologically ready for school!

The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers play an important role. Parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart people like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child tuned in to a joyful exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance), can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the background of seeming general success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, a discrepancy between the teacher's assessment and the usual parental praise, etc. It is no secret that in modern school the number of underachieving students among junior schoolchildren has increased. There are several reasons for this, and one of them is the insufficient level of formation of motivational readiness for schooling children 6 - 7 years old. Motivational readiness is manifested in the child's desire for learning, in the cognitive interest in the environment, in the development of intellectual potential. It does not arise spontaneously in children, it is formed gradually and, most importantly, requires the competent guidance of adults - parents and teachers. It should be noted that at present, first-graders are less developed than their peers in the middle of the last century, because psychological readiness is not formed in the classroom. school type. Big role parents play in preparing children for school, but not all of them know how to properly prepare a child for future school life. The main reason for parents' mistakes in preparing children for school is the insufficient level educational culture families.

Most teachers and parents pay attention to the intellectual readiness of the child for school. However, a high level intellectual development children does not always coincide with their personal readiness for school; children have not formed a positive attitude towards a new way of life, upcoming changes in conditions, rules, requirements, which is an indicator of their attitude towards school. This is also explained by the fact that our children play less and less traditional games (role-playing, educational, games with rules, didactic, less often engaged in design, modeling, drawing, appliqué. All types of children's activities are being replaced computer games. Parents strive to start the systematic education of their child as early as possible, and in addition to kindergarten, they can be taken to sports sections, music school, an art studio, etc. They are unaware that such training, which, as a rule, boils down to the development of skills and abilities in a particular area, does not contribute to mental development child. Psychological readiness for school is the psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities, which are formed within the leading activity, that is, in the game. The formation of readiness for school is primarily due to the formation of the child as a subject of accessible types of children's activities: games, knowledge, communication, subject-labor, artistic activities. The full readiness of the child to study at school acts, on the one hand, as a kind of indicator of the achievements of his personal development in the preschool period, and on the other hand, as a basic level for mastering school curriculum and as an indicator of readiness to accept the position of the subject of educational activity.

Educational activity is difficult for a preschooler and automatically transition to it without pre-training child is simply not possible. But preparation is needed not only for the child, but for his parents, especially those who have their first child going to school. How to set up a child to study? How to choose primary education (which educational program) from the many offered, focusing on the characteristics and abilities of your child? How can you reduce anxiety in yourself and your child? What “right” shoes and backpack should a first-grader choose to maintain health?

The project "Soon to School" was developed and prepared for the joint activities of parents and children of the preparatory group for school. This project will be useful in the work of educators of preparatory groups, as well as parents, in order to increase parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation of children. The presented material involves the use of various forms and methods of work: the creation of a subject-developing environment, pedagogical education of parents. Carrying out purposeful work in kindergarten to educate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group, contributes to an increase in social and cognitive activity, the purposeful formation of integrative qualities in them, necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Stages of project implementation.

IStage. (September 2016)



IIIStage(May 2017)


IStage. (September 2016)


Purpose: creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions that ensure the implementation of the project idea.

Condition monitoring speech development, motivation for schooling.

Determination of school maturity and risk factors for school maladaptation. (Kern-Yerasek test, S.D. Zabramnaya method). October, April.

Participation in PMPK Doe identification of children with low motivational readiness for school.

Work on the preparation and execution of joint documentation of a teacher - a psychologist, a speech therapist and educators "Journal of Interaction of Specialists".

Selection methodological material to draw up long-term plans for working with children and parents;

Selection of methods, reference literature on preparing children for school;

Preparation of the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of summaries of directly educational activities, conversations, etc.);

Parent survey.

Consultation for parents "Joint activities of the family and teachers of the preschool educational institution to form the child's readiness for school and successful adaptation to school"


Purpose: implementation of educational activities for the implementation of the project.

Determining the level of psychological readiness of children for school;

Strengthening material technical base in ECE and building an appropriate developmental environment;

conversations with children;

Individual consultations-workshops for parents;

developmental work with children experiencing temporary difficulties in the development of basic cognitive processes;

Developmental work aimed at the personal development of the child (motivational readiness for school, developing the ability to interact with peers and adults in a new social situation);

Meeting with primary school teachers;

parent meetings;

Demonstration classes for educators and primary school teachers with subsequent analysis.

IIIStage(May 2017)


Purpose: summing up the results of the project.

The final stage includes the collection and processing of diagnostic results, and the correlation of the tasks set, the predicted results with the results obtained.

It includes the implementation of the following areas of activity:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the project implementation;

Identification of problems hindering the achievement of the expected result;

Carrying out work on the project "Soon to school" in the period from 2016-2017, you can do following conclusions:

The project "Soon to school" is well combined with the program of education and upbringing of children in MBDOU;

This project helps to learn how to work in a team, developing an algorithm of actions to achieve the goal;

Interaction with the family made it possible to achieve good results in preparing children for schooling.


Name of events



Verbal and didactic games of school subjects. "Domino "First Grader", "Fractions"

Game - journey "The way from home to school"

School talk.

Reading and reciting poems about school.

- "What is a school"

Examining pictures reflecting school life and compiling stories.

Listening to children's songs

"Letters and Words" Lyrics: Olga Nameless Music: Igor Rimdenok

"Twice two - four" Lyrics: M. Plyatskovsky Music: V. Shainsky

Practicum for parents "How do I imagine my child at school"

Memo for parents of future first graders "What a child of 6-7 years old should know and be able to do"

Questioning of parents "Your child will soon become a schoolboy."

Replenishment of the card index of games for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere in children of senior preschool age.

Purpose: to teach children to recognize emotions by facial expressions and intonation; portray these emotions using gestures, movements, voice. Contribute to the enrichment of the emotional sphere of children.

Consultation "Left-handed child"

Excursion to the school (presentation)

Group educators

Vereshchagina M.L.

Veretelnik S.V.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


Individual correctional and developmental activities for the development of the cognitive sphere according to the program "Flower-Semitsvetik" by N.Yu. Kurazheva, for children of senior preschool age;

Group correctional and developmental activities for the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children:

Additional adapted program "Flower-Semitsvetik", author N.Yu. Kurazheva,

Additional adapted correctional and developmental psychological and pedagogical program "Immersion in a fairy tale" for children of senior preschool age, author Pogosova N.M.

Creation of an exhibition of objects and illustrations "School supplies"

Lotto “School supplies. Didactic games "Collect a portfolio", "Decipher the words"

Conversation about the rules of conduct at school

NOD "School supplies"

Reading poems about grade 1 "A word about my teacher"

Reading A. Lindgren "Pippi - long stocking"," The princess who did not want to play with dolls. Victor Golyavkin "Carousel in the head"

Application "School supplies"

Listening to the song "First Time in First Class" Words and music by Sergei Yarushin

Tips from a teacher-psychologist for parents "Soon to school"

Memo to parents of future first graders - "Peculiarities of the psychology of older preschoolers"

Games for the development of communication: social and personal development.

Teacher - speech therapist "What parents of a preschooler need to know about the skill of writing."

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


GCD on teaching literacy " magic flower».

Reading "Three Rings"

Acquaintance with proverbs and sayings about teaching.

Evening of riddles "Soon to school."

Application "School"

Didactic games "Let's spell", "Cubes for everyone", "Funny stories"

Reading poems about school supplies by O. Driz “When a person is six”

Conversation about what was read by J. Viir "Grandfather's felt boots".

Construction "School building"

Listening to the song "First Grader" Lyrics: Yuri Entin. Music: Vladimir Shainsky.

Consultation of a teacher-psychologist “Attention is one of the important mental processes for the development of a child's personality. How to overcome absent-mindedness.

teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


Conversation "How to build your day." Drawing up a daily routine

Reading and conversation based on the works of N. Nosov "Dunno is learning" L. Tolstoy "Philippok"

Victor Golyavkin "My work"

Listening to the song "Natasha - first-grader" Lyrics: Konstantin Ibryaev Music: Yuri Chichkov

Consultation "Mode of the day of the future first grader"

Watching cartoons on school theme.

Additional adapted correctional and developmental program of the psychological and pedagogical orientation of the emotional development of children “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing”, Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P.

Consultation "Criteria for a child's readiness for schooling"

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.


Consultation "Preparing the hand for writing"

Didactic games "Fold the pattern", "Read the sentences", "Number houses"

Drawing up a story based on the painting "To School"

Parent meetings with the participation of a teacher-psychologist with a discussion of the causes of difficulties during the period of adaptation of children to school, the role of the family in overcoming these difficulties;

Conversations: “We are future first-graders”, “What happens, it happens”

- “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

Integrated activity "In search of a smile"

Target: identification of the level of formation of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres of the child's readiness for school.

An hour of riddles and puzzles about the school.

teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N. group educators.

Lobacheva A.S.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N. , teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.


Didactic games "Decipher the words", "Chain of words".

Conversation "How do you imagine yourself at school"

Reading the stories of K. Dragunskaya "When I was little" M. Zoshchenko. "Do not lie"

Drawing "Portrait of Mom" ​​"Flowers for Grandma"

Listening and singing musical pieces about mother. Audio recording "We are in the first class" lyrics: Yakov Serpin Music: Thomas Korganov

Parent Advice What does it mean to be "School Ready"?

Six rules for adapting a child to school.

- "Games for the development of speech"

Round table showing activities

"Continuity of preschool and primary education in the context of the implementation of education standards"

Art teacher Dvornichenko M.L.

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N., educators of the group, teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.


Didactic lotto games "We count and read", "We make a proposal"

Memorizing the poem "What awaits me at school?"

Listening to the audio recording "Hello first class!" Lyrics: Vladimir Stepanov Music: Stanislav Stempnevsky

Advice for parents of a future first grader

"Psychological readiness for schooling"

Tips from a teacher - psychologist "Crisis of 7 years and how to deal with it"

Note to parents "First grader's room"

Work in a notebook on FEMP

Evening (patters and proverbs about numbers)

Teacher - psychologist Negodaeva E.N.

Didactic games “Are you ready for school”, “We read letter by letter.

Reading a story

Memorizing poems: Agniya Barto “Little Schoolgirl” Sergey Makhotin “Here Dad Gives!”

Application "My school uniform"

Drawing "Schoolpack"

Listening and singing "To the lesson" music and words by V. Topilnitsky

Parent-teacher meeting. “The child is on the doorstep of the school. We are happy to go to school."

Open display of activities for parents "Tricks of the Crow Meter"

Making a photo album, presentations about the work done on the project.

Final event "Graduation party".

teacher - speech therapist Streltsova E.A.

Tatyana Kask

Theme of the project: "Soon to school"

The purpose of the project: the formation of an idea about the school, the education of a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group.

Project objectives: introduce children to the school and the teaching profession;

create a subject-developing environment to familiarize pupils with the school (didactic and plot-role-playing games); develop coherent speech of children, enrich and activate vocabulary;

promote mutual understanding, friendliness, relieve feelings of anxiety before meeting with the school; increase the level of parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.

Project type: cognitive and creative

Project participants: children of the preparatory group

Duration: short term (1 week)

The main direction of the project–informational

Project relevance: Going to school is a major milestone in every child's life. And it's no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, a team, a teacher. The child discovers new world.

First of all, it is responsibility. In the first grade, he begins his social and working life. The main thing that a child needs is a positive motivation for learning. The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is submitted by parents and preschool educators. It is no coincidence that the issues of preparing children for school, continuity in work are among the main topics for discussion by specialists and practitioners. preschool institutions and schools. To solve them, it is proposed different forms working with children and interacting with parents.

Taking into account the fact that recently the project method has been preferred in the practice of preschool education, preparing children for school on the basis of this method seems to be the most effective.

Project activity product: an exhibition of drawings, the newspaper "We were also schoolchildren", a game, a package of recommendations for parents.

Expected Result: the formation of motivational readiness for school in children; increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation, a favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Stages of work on the project.

The first stage is organizational.

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of abstracts in directly educational activities, conversations, consultations for parents, production of board-printed games). Creation of a subject-developing environment for school subjects.

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and arrange it.

The second stage is practical.

Days of the week Joint activities of an adult and children Independent activities of children Interaction with parents

Educational activities in the process of organizing various

types of activities Educational activities carried out during sensitive moments

Monday Exhibition of illustrative books of school subjects and reading of the work

M. A Ponfilova "Forest School"

Purpose: to introduce the work of M. A. Ponfilov, to teach to understand main idea literary work to comprehend the nature of the characters. "Be Kind" Conversation

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Purpose: to teach children to self-control their behavior. Examination of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon "The kid who could count to 10"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the importance of counting. Help parents in the selection of cartoons and board games about school.

Tuesday Virtual tour of the school (use of ICT technologies) Conversation with children

How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school?

Purpose: to create positive attitudes towards the school. Watching the cartoon "Island of Errors"

Purpose: to form in children the desire and understanding of the need to study at school. Reading books about school together with children at home.

The game is a competition

"First Grader"

Tasks: To consolidate the knowledge of children about what a first grader needs to study at school; to cultivate a desire to study at school, composure, accuracy.

"An Evening of Mysteries"

Making riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Purpose: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing.

Creation of the book "Collection of riddles"

Story - role-playing game

Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content labor actions kindergarten staff.

Questionnaire for parents

How do you prepare your child for school?

Thursday Decoration of the exhibition of children's drawings "What did you like at school"

(based on personal knowledge)

Purpose: to reflect their impressions in the drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school. Looking at school supplies.

The game "What's wrong?" (school supplies and other items)

Purpose: activation of the dictionary, classification of objects, development of speech. Watching a cartoon

"Our friend Write-read"

Purpose: to form in children the desire and understanding of the need to study at school. Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing Children for School"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school

Friday Examination of pictures reflecting school life.

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about school. Conversation "We are future students"

Purpose: formation of attitudes for the responsible implementation of the rules of behavior for schoolchildren, mastered during the week. Didactic and desktop-printed school-themed games:

- "Syllabic houses"

- "Number houses"

- "Logic Train"

- “Easy Counting”, etc. Organization of the photo exhibition “We Were Schoolchildren Too”

(Photo of parents from school life)

The third stage is summarizing.

Project presentation.

Creation of a collection of riddles for children.

Photo-exhibition "We were schoolchildren too".

Design of the exhibition of drawings "Soon to school".

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Essentuki

Initial school-kindergarten


"Soon to School"

preparatory group

Completed by: Snitko E.A.


Informative - creative project in the preparatory group "Soon to school"

Theme of the project: "Soon to school"

Implementation period: short-term (2nd week of December)

Type of project: cognitive - creative

Age of children: preparatory group

Project participants: preschool teachers, children of the preparatory group, parents, primary school students.

Purpose: the formation of ideas about the school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.

Formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;

Promote the development of mutual understanding, friendliness;

Removing feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with the school;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation, helping children adapt to the skills and conditions of the school.


Material for games and tests;

Didactic games;

Art books, magazines, anthologies, encyclopedias;

Information files, stands;

Fine materials;

Collection of cartoons on a school theme;

Proverbs about diligence, friendship, numbers; intricate questions;

Library visit;

Work in a kindergarten group;

School attendance, school classes;

Summaries of classes, communication, conversations, situations, meetings;

Project relevance:

Preparing for school is a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Entering school and the initial period of education cause a restructuring of the child's lifestyle and activities. The little man is in a state of expectation: something very significant and attractive is coming, but as yet uncertain. The whole way of life of the child changes radically (mode, change of communication with adults and peers, increase in the amount of intellectual load).

The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers play an important role. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student,” “You will make new friends,” “Teachers love smart people like you.” Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child tuned in to a joyful exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance), can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides plenty of reasons for such emotions: failures against the background of seeming general success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, a discrepancy between the teacher's assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

A number of authors emphasize the need to cultivate a positive attitude towards school as a condition for successful learning in the future (J. A. Komensky, J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi, N. A. Dobrolyubov, K. D. Ushinsky , A. S. Simonovich, E. I. Vodovozova, A. S. Makarenko). Yes, and practice today is aimed mainly at the intellectual preparation of children for school and pays little attention to the formation of the "internal position of the student."

Consequently, a theoretical analysis of the literature and practice data convinced us to carry out purposeful work to educate a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-developing environment, through pedagogical education of parents, interaction with primary school students.

Thus, all this work can be reflected in the short-term project "Soon to School". School-oriented projects help to increase the social and cognitive activity of children, the purposeful formation of their integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Project Implementation Plan:

Preparatory stage:

Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (development of abstracts of directly educational activities, conversations, etc.), didactic games, attributes for role-playing games;

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and arrange it;

Help from parents in the selection of literature and desktop - printed games on school topics;

Cooperation with school library and primary school students.

Main stage. Project implementation (table)

The final stage.

Project presentation - folder design;

Creating an album with children "Riddles from the portfolio."

Presentation of children's creative drawings "What did you like at school."

Conversation and stories former graduates kindergarten about school life.

Expected Result:

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;

Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Table. Project implementation.

Joint activity of an adult and children

Days of the week

Educational activities in the process of organization various kinds children's activities

Educational activities carried out during regime moments

Independent activity of children

Interaction with parents and primary school teachers


Exhibition of illustrative books on school subjects and reading of the work

"Filippok" L.N. Tolstoy

"Be Kind" Conversation

(polite words in the life of a future student)

Purpose: to teach children to self-control their behavior.

Examination of illustrative books.

Watching the cartoon "The kid who could count to 10"

Purpose: to form children's ideas about the importance of counting.

Help parents in the selection of cartoons and board games about the school.

Conversation with children

How is school different from kindergarten? What do we know about the school?

Purpose: to create positive attitudes towards the school.

"Be ready!"

(emphasis on the organization of regime moments, gathering for a walk, preparation for the game, joint activities, etc.)

Watching the cartoon "Island of Errors"

Reading books about school together with children at home.

The game is a competition

"Soon to School"

(games, relay races, etc.)

Outdoor games“Who is more likely to collect a portfolio?”, “Game break”, “I am an athlete!”,

"The signal sounds! ”, “Find!”

Target: To develop knowledge and skills in collecting a portfolio, choosing and conducting games at future school breaks, games on a signal, for attention. To cultivate friendliness, sociability, mutual assistance, interest in the school.

Making riddles, reading proverbs about school.

Purpose: to teach children to reflect their impressions in speech and drawing. Publication of the book "Mysteries from the portfolio"

Story - role-playing game


Purpose: to expand and consolidate children's ideas about the content of the labor activities of kindergarten employees

Making a folder - moving for parents

“What aspects of readiness for school are especially important”

Artistic creativity

"School day".

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "What did you like at school" (based on personal knowledge - excursion)

Purpose: to reflect their impressions in the drawing, the ability to develop a desire to study at school.

Looking at school supplies.

Purpose: to acquaint children with school paraphernalia, its purpose.

Game "Collect a portfolio"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the purpose of school subjects.

The game "What's wrong? » (school supplies and other items)

Purpose: activation of the dictionary, classification of objects, development of speech.

Story - role-playing game

Purpose: to cultivate the desire to take the position of a student - a student, to be able to subordinate their desires to the collective.

Watching a cartoon

"Our friend Write-read"

Purpose: to form in children the desire and understanding of the need to study at school.

Preparing a consultation for parents

"Preparing Children for School"

“Advice for parents whose children are preparing for school

Examining the painting

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about school.

"We are future students"

Purpose: to form attitudes towards the responsible implementation of the rules of behavior for schoolchildren, mastered during the week.

Didactic and desktop-printed school-themed games:

- "Syllabic houses"

- "Number houses"

- "Logic Train"

- "Easy account", etc.

Meeting with students - kindergarten graduates. (Examination of a portfolio, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Purpose: systematization of children's knowledge about the school.


Target: Enrich with knowledge about school life, school situations, friendships from fiction. Raise interest in the school, understanding the moral of the stories.

In Dragoon

"Where is it seen, where is it heard"

"Enchanted Letter"

"Amazing Day"

A. Barto

"To school"

G. P. Shalaeva

"The Big Book of Rules of Conduct"

N. Nosov


V. Oseeva

"Magic word"


Y. Koval

"Zero class"

V. Golyavnin


"Carousel in the head"

MMR "Dictations by cells"


Develop the ability to navigate the cells and accurately guide the hand over the sheet, based on a diagram or an auditory task. To consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly when writing, to be attentive and accurate.

Hour of riddles and puzzles about the school

Target: To develop logical thinking, ingenuity, ingenuity, knowledge of school supplies, school names. To bring up positive emotions from games on the topic "school", the desire to be a schoolboy.


1. Burukhina A.F. "Cartoons in educational and educational work with children" - magazine "Educator of the preschool educational institution" 2012

2. Kachigina L.B. "Creating conditions for the preparation of older preschoolers for educational activities" - the magazine "Educator of the preschool educational institution" No. 4 / 2013

Cognitive and creative project in the preparatory group of the kindergarten "Soon to school"

Varlamova Olga Vyacheslavovna, teacher of the Gavrilov-Posad Kindergarten No. 1, Gavrilov-Posad.
Description: This project is designed for children 6-7 years old, educators, parents. Taking into account the fact that recently the project method has been preferred in the practice of preschool education, preparing children for school on the basis of this method seems to be the most effective.
Project type: cognitive - creative
Duration: short term (1 week)
Project participants: educator, children of the preparatory group, parents.
Relevance of the topic: Going to school is a major milestone in every child's life. And it's no secret that many children experience difficulties during the period of adaptation to school, a new daily routine, a team, a teacher. The child discovers a whole new world. First of all, it is responsibility. In the first grade, he begins his social and working life. The main thing that a child needs is a positive motivation for learning. The attitude of the child to school is formed before he goes to it. And here information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and educators of the preschool educational institution plays an important role. It is no coincidence that the issues of preparing children for school, continuity in work are among the main topics for discussion by specialists, practitioners of preschool institutions and schools. To solve them, various forms of work with children and interaction with parents are offered. Taking into account the fact that recently the project method has been preferred in the practice of preschool education, preparing children for school on the basis of this method seems to be the most effective.
Objective of the project: to form ideas about school and a positive attitude towards school life among older preschoolers.
- formation of learning motivation and interest in the learning process itself;
- promote the development of mutual understanding, friendliness;
- removal of feelings of anxiety and doubt in preschoolers before meeting with the school;
- increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation.
Participation of parents in the implementation of the project: joint reading of books about the school with children, selection of board games about the school.
Project Implementation Plan:
1. Conversation "Rules of conduct at school, in the classroom"
2. Conversation "Profession teacher"
3. GCD "Soon to school."
4. School-themed board games:
"Primer and arithmetic", "Find and read", "Learn to count", "Read by letter".
5. Didactic school-themed games:
"Number houses", "Labyrinth", "Chain of words", "What is superfluous?"
6. Plot - role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "School".
7. Reading the work "Philippok" by L.N. Tolstoy, M.A. Panfilov "Forest School".
8. Making riddles, reading proverbs about the school.
9. Advice for parents: "It's time for us to go to school", "Advice to parents of future first graders." 10. Finger games: “We wrote, we wrote”, “Account”, “Pencil”, “Words”. 11. Outdoor games: "Traffic light", "Do as I do!", "Merry Relay", "Ruler".
Expected result:
- formation of motivational readiness for school in children;
- increasing parental competence in matters of pre-school preparation;
- Favorable course of the adaptation school period.
Strategy for the implementation of project activities:
This project is carried out within the framework of the preparatory group of MKDOU kindergarten No. 1, in the joint activity of the teacher and children.
Project activity product:
Awareness by a preschooler of the inevitability and importance of his admission to school. Exhibition of drawings, games, recommendations for parents.
Project presentation: Day open doors. GCD "Journey to the Land of Mathematics".

Applications to the project "Soon to School".

Conversation "Rules of conduct at school, in the classroom."
Goals and objectives: fostering a culture of behavior; development of speech, memory, thinking.
Conversation flow:
Children, you are citizens of Russia. Around you are your friends and comrades. You are pleased if you are respected. After all, mutual assistance and respect from person to person is the basic law of our society. You must behave in such a way that it is convenient and pleasant to work next to you.
There are a lot of rules of conduct. Some of them have existed for a long time, others have arisen in our time. If you understand each of these rules well, then you can understand that it is better to act as these rules teach. Many guys ask: "Where did the rules of conduct come from?" No one invented these rules, they were not created by the people by chance. How should we behave starting in the morning? First of all, we must fulfill the daily routine.
Exactly at 7:30 am.
Life is calling - it's time to get up.
Will you leave
Messy bed?
I'll drive away the remnants of sleep
Blanket aside. I need gymnastics
Helps great!
Noisy trickle of water
Crushed in my arms, I never forget
Wash in the morning.
Eat quietly at the table, Do not swallow like a lioness. It's harmful and, moreover, you can choke.
Here we eat, okay
Go for a walk.
After the street all together
Hurry to class.
How to come to class?
1. Neatly dressed, in a well-ironed uniform, smoothly combed, in well-polished shoes.
2. Many guys are reprimanded because they wear hats. Where did this rule come from? 1000 years ago it was dangerous to live. Homeless vagrants roamed the roads in search of prey. Bands of robbers hid in the forests. People constantly went armed, and when they went on a long journey, they put on chain mail, heavy armor, and hid their heads under a heavy helmet. But on the way the house where he lives good person. Crossing the threshold of such a house, a wandering knight took off his helmet and carried it in his hands. I'm not afraid of you, he said with this gesture to the owner. See, my head is open, I trust you. You're a good man, don't rob, don't strike by stealth.
The hard days are over. People enter any house without fear, but when they enter, they take off their hats - the custom has remained. With this custom, you show the owners that you respect this house, the people living in it.
3. All school things must be in order.
The game "Quietly prepare for the lesson."
Target: learn to quickly and quietly prepare school supplies for the lesson.
4. Don't be late for school. When you enter the classroom, do not rush, do not push.
You thought the school is not the station,
Don't be afraid to be late.
But those who are late for school
She didn't wait.
Although the class is arranged without wheels,
He is far away from you. 5. When you enter the class, say hello first to the teacher, and then to your comrades.
6. To properly get up from the desk, you need to carefully and very quietly get up.
Scouts game
Target: exercise in the correct and quiet getting up from the desk.
7. Sit straight during the lesson. Hands on the table, no talking.
How did you come to class?
Put a padlock on your tongue.
Keep your keys far away
Where necessary, do not be silent.
A desk is not a bed
And you can’t lie on it (Children sit down correctly)
You sit at your desk harmoniously
And behave with dignity.
The teacher will ask, you have to get up, (Children get up)
When he allows you to sit down - sit down,
If you want to answer, do not make noise,
But just raise your hand. (Children raise their hands)
8. If the teacher asks a question to the class and you want to answer it, raise your hand. You should also raise your hand when you want to ask the teacher something. Talk to the teacher while standing.
9. Take care of your desk, do not break anything and do not write on it, do not spoil it with sharp objects.
10. You can go to a break after the teacher allows, only those on duty remain in the class. They wipe the blackboard, ventilate the room, follow the teacher's order.
11. In the corridor, walk on the right side, do not shout, do not run, do not keep your hands in your pockets, do not lean against the wall.
12. With adults, if you meet for the first time, say hello.
13. If there is an adult or a girl at the door, skip ahead.
14. At recess, you need to go to the toilet so as not to take time off from the lesson. Wash your hands after using the toilet.
Change, change - the bell rings.
The first Vova will certainly fly over the threshold.
Flies over the threshold, knocks down seven.
Is it really Vova, who has dozed off the whole lesson?
Could it really be Vova who couldn't say a word at the blackboard five minutes ago?
If he is, then surely a big change with him!
Do not keep up with Vova! Look how bad he is!
He managed to do a lot of things in five minutes;
He set three trips to Vaska, Kolka and Seryozhka,
Rolled somersault, sat on the railing,
Famously flopped off the railing, got a slap on the back of the head,
Immediately gave someone change, asked to write off tasks,
In a word, he did everything he could! Well, here comes the call again.
Vova trudges into the class again poor! There is no face on it!
- Nothing - Vova sighs - we'll have a rest at the lesson!
Children, Vova did the right thing? (Not)
If you follow all these rules, then you will be good students.

Conversation "Profession of a teacher".
1) to arouse in children an interest in the world around them, to form realistic ideas about the work of people;
2) to expand knowledge and ideas about professions;
3) enrich vocabulary, develop coherent speech: teach children to give complete answers to questions, preparing them to retell the text;
4) to form the ability to coherently and consistently retell the text according to the plan;
5) activate the attention and memory of children, develop logical thinking.
Conversation flow:
Educator: Dear children! Do you know what a profession is? Profession is work
to which one devotes his life. Let's remember together what professions are. (Children's answers.)
Right! Teacher, doctor, educator, driver, librarian, salesman, accountant... There are a lot of professions!
About some of the most common, we will talk with you. Every morning, the adult members of your family leave for work.
Tell us what their jobs are. What are your family and friends doing? What is your mom's job? And dad? Would you like to have the profession of your father or mother? Why?
The task is not easy - to become a master,
To embellish the face of the Earth.
Much harder to convey to others
Your skills and knowledge.
For centuries, craftsmen have carried their experience
As a gift to other generations,
And people always walked with gratitude
To mentors and masters,
The teacher is picky and strict
And often you "gets"
But every teacher is a little bit God,
who creates you.
Ask your mom and dad if they remember their first teacher? They will probably say “yes” and even call her name. In the first grades, the same teacher teaches schoolchildren the basics of different sciences, transfers their knowledge and skills to them. This is a teacher elementary school. After the third or fourth grade, you will be taught by several teachers at once. Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, history, geography, physical education, music, labor.
To become a teacher, you need to graduate from a teacher training college or pedagogical institute. Good teacher not only knows a lot. He also knows how to pass on his knowledge to children. He knows how to make sure that the student is not distracted, so that he is interested in the lesson. And, of course, he loves and understands his students.
The work of a teacher is very difficult and responsible. Because it is the teacher who gives the first knowledge to future astronauts, scientists, captains, metallurgists, writers, trainers, weavers, divers and people of other professions.

Synopsis of the GCD "Soon to school!".
Target: Formation of the position of the "future student" in children
Tasks: 1. Organize the research activities of preschoolers according to a certain algorithm (setting a goal, specifying the content of the study, activating methods of obtaining information, obtaining information). 2. Promote the development of dialogic speech for the exchange of information.
3. To form the child's personal qualities: observation, curiosity, mental operations. 4. Arouse children's interest and positive attitude towards learning;
5. To cultivate sociability, friendliness, respect for each other and adults.
Material: illustrations, symbol cards denoting qualities, blanks for making a collage, simple pencils, numbers from 1 to 10.
Preliminary work: The conversation “Soon to School”, conducting the role-playing game “School”, listening to the audio recording “Songs about the School”, looking at illustrations depicting the school, classes, school supplies.
GCD progress:
- Guys, tell me, please, who are the schoolchildren? (These are children who go to school). What qualities should a student have? (He must be able to communicate, independently seek information, be attentive, well-mannered, active, healthy).
Symbol cards are placed on the easel.
- I suggest you conduct a study and find out who the schoolchildren are. Do you want to know? (Yes)
The teacher offers to look at the illustrations.
- Look at the illustrations. At the end of our study, we will find out what qualities a student needs and make a collage: "Who are schoolchildren." - In order to begin our research, we need to answer the question “What does our speech consist of? "(from sentences, words, syllables, sounds) - What are the sounds? (Sounds are vowels and consonants, hard and soft, deaf and sonorous). How are letters different from sounds? (We pronounce and hear sounds, and we write letters). - Tell me, children, why do you need to learn to write? (To convey information) - What do you think, in order to write beautifully and correctly, what is needed for this? (Listen carefully to the teacher, train your fingers)
- To make your fingers flexible, dexterous and skillful, let's play with them. Finger gymnastics: (using a pencil)
I roll a pencil in my hands
I twist between my fingers.
Surely every finger
I will teach you to be obedient.
In order to complete the next task, please unite in pairs.
1. Connecting letters at the points W, K, O, L, A, 2. Composing the word "SCHOOL" from the resulting letters
3. Sound analysis of the word "SCHOOL"
4. Coming up with a sentence with the word "school"
5. Come up with words with a given sound
Conclusion: We have completed the first research task. Tell me, please, what is the first quality necessary for successful study at school. (Be able to communicate, learn to speak beautifully, be independent, active).
Children attach the corresponding picture to the collage.
Now imagine you have guests. You greeted them. Can you please tell me what the word "hello" means? (Health, wish others health).
What do you think you need to do to maintain and strengthen your health? (do exercises, walk, train, go to physical education classes)
Assignment to couples:
1. Have a physical education session
2. Perform the exercise according to the scheme.
3. Show proper fit when writing.
4. Do gymnastics for the eyes.
- You did well with this task.
Conclusion: What is the next quality required for success in school? To be healthy, strong, you need to strengthen and maintain your health.
Children attach pictures to the easel.
So, before us is the next research task.
- Guys, the numbers are in a quarrel. Reconcile them. Put things in order. Task for logical thinking.
1. "Find a pattern and finish the drawing."
2. Solution of the problem
Four magpies flew to the lessons.
One out of forty did not learn the lesson.
How many diligently studied forty?
-Name the condition of the problem, question, solution, answer.
3. The composition of the number 12. 4. Drawing by cells.
Conclusion: You need to be able to work according to instructions, be able to highlight the main thing, be quick-witted,
The next task: - we need to find out what rules must be observed at school. What do you think, from what sources can we get the information we are interested in? (from the Internet, from a book, ask parents, older children, watch a TV show, etc.)
Find information on your own with the help of a book. Each named rule is indicated by a pictogram and posted on the board or attached to a poster.
- Talk one at a time, listen to each other - Do not interrupt someone who is speaking - Do not use physical strength to others
- Do not insult anyone, do not tease, etc.
Conclusion: We have learned the third quality that a student needs. Name it please. Children: It is necessary to follow the rules of behavior, to be educated, cultured. - What do you think, what subjects a student needs to study at school? (Portfolio, pencil case, notebooks, books, diary, etc.).
Children work in subgroups (girls, boys, and collect a portfolio).
Educator: Well done! In the briefcase you put everything you need for your studies.
Guys, you coped with all the tasks, you are very smart students.

Description of board and didactic games used in the work on the project.
N / game "ABC book and arithmetic".
Goal: Learn to count examples and make words by syllables.
N / game "Find and read."
Purpose: Skill development fast reading words, development and training of attention.
N / game "Learning to count"
Purpose: Repetition of counting from 1 to 10 and make sure that neither of them know the image and meaning of each number well.
N / game "Let's spell".
Purpose: To help the child better memorize letters, the ability to distinguish them, name and read in words.
D / game "Number houses"
Tasks: To fix the composition of the number within 10; learn to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger one from two smaller ones. To teach children how to write and solve arithmetic problems for addition and subtraction.
Materials for the game: Many different cards - houses with numbers on the roof from 6 to 10 and cards - windows with numbers from 0 to 10.
Game progress:
Each house has as many tenants as indicated on the roof. For example, 8 tenants live in a house. 5 tenants have already settled in one apartment. How many people will live in another apartment (3).
The number 10 lives in this house. How much should be added to 8 to get 10(2). Etc.
On the roof of each house, different objects are drawn according to the number of "residents". Children count these objects and consolidate the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
D / game "Labyrinth"
Task: Follow the path of the maze by completing the task on the arrows.
Purpose: development of cognitive processes, development of speech.
Correctional and educational tasks:
- To consolidate knowledge of hard and soft consonants.
- Strengthen the ability to allocate for given sound against the background of the word.
- Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis first sound.
-To consolidate the ability to select a word for a given sound.
-To consolidate knowledge on the lexical topic "Flowers"
Correction-developing tasks:
- differentiation of sounds in words;
- improvement of phonemic analysis, representations:
- development of the tracing function of the gaze.
- correlation of the sound of speech with the corresponding symbol (letter);
- the development of auditory and visual attention, visual imagination, auditory memory, the development of the ability to generalize, the development of thinking, the development of a holistic perception.
Correctional and educational task:
- educate love for all living things.
Game description:
Game #1
I propose to go through the maze from beginning to end and collect flowers inside the maze. The obstacle will be arrows with sounds. You need to choose a flower so that this sound is at the beginning of the word, and talk about the first sound.
Game #2
"Collecting a Bouquet"
I suggest planting flowers in a flower bed. The first child says: I will plant a rose. The second child says: And I will plant a rose and a daffodil, etc. (The second child repeats and names the next flower, etc.)
Game #3
I propose to go through the maze through obstacles. The obstacle will be an arrow with a number. In turn, we take an arrow with a number and say: "I think it's a rooster, because it's a rooster's tail."
D / game "The letter got lost"
Purpose: to develop auditory perception, attention, the ability to find an error in the text.
Description of the game: both teams have split letters of the alphabet on the tables. The facilitator reads the text, the children find the mistake and raise the letter that should be in the text (which got lost).
D / game "Chain of words".
Purpose: to develop phonemic awareness, visual perception, the ability to hear the sound at the end of a word.
Description of the game: in order to get the key to the third door, you need to lay out a chain of objects. Teams receive ten pictures of objects. The first picture is marked *. The next link in the chain will be a word that begins with the same sound as the previous one ends. Whoever has the longest chain is the winner.
D / game "What is superfluous."
Purpose: to activate the vocabulary of children; develop the ability to classify objects into groups; develop the ability to logical thinking; cultivate attention, concentration.
Description of the game: teams are exposed to one poster with the image of 9 items. The first team - animals. For the second - vegetables. It is proposed to highlight an extra item, explain why. If the teams cope with the task, they receive a key.

Description of story-role games used in the work on the project.
Role-playing game: "Kindergarten"
Tasks: 1. Development of the ability to jointly deploy the game, coordinating one's own game plan with the plan of peers. 2. Development of interest in the profession of an educator. 3. Increasing the level of positive emotions from the stay of children in kindergarten.
Role-playing game "SCHOOL"
1. Expand, clarify and concretize children's knowledge about the school.
2. To instill in children the desire to learn.
3. To instill respect for the work of the teacher and the work of school employees.
4. Activate vocabulary: school supplies, recess, bell, teacher's room.

Riddles, proverbs, sayings used in the work on the project.
There is a cheerful, bright house.
There are a lot of nimble guys in it.
They write and count
Draw and read.
New house I carry in my hand
The doors of the house are locked,
And they live in that house Books,
pens and album.
Live in a wonderful house
funny friends,
They are all called by name
From A to Z.
And you, if you are not familiar with them,
Knock quickly on a friendly house!
Schools are not simple buildings
Schools receive...
Time between two calls
It's called...
Look outside -
Home is like a home
But there are no ordinary residents in it.
It has interesting books
They stand in tight rows.
On long shelves
Along the wall,
Fairy tales of old are included,
And Chernomor,
And Tsar Guidon,
And good grandfather Mazai ...
What is the name of this house?
Try it, guess!
The white stone melted
Left footprints on the board.
(a piece of chalk)
Doesn't look like a human
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He draws and draws.
And tonight
He colored the album for me.
Into the white field blue
Lines stretched out
And friends follow them
They lead each other by the hand.
In a snowy field along the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.
If you give her a job
The pencil worked in vain.
I look like a box
You put your hands on me.
Student, do you recognize me?
Well, of course I am...
(Pencil case)


To teach is to sharpen the mind.
What you learn firmly, you remember for a long time.
Don't say you studied, but say you learned.
Learning is always helpful.
It's easy to forget what you don't know.
The bird is red in plumage, and the man in learning.
Repetition is the mother of learning.
Nobody is born wise.
Learning to read and write is always useful.
There is no age for learning.
Do not be proud of the title, but be proud of the knowledge.
A good mind is not acquired all at once.
Whoever finds it difficult to study one day, it will be difficult for him all his life.
Whoever loves science knows no boredom.

Finger games used in the work on the project.

We wrote, we wrote.
We wrote, we wrote
Our fingers are tired.
And now we'll rest
And let's start writing again.

One, two, three, four, five - (We unclench our fingers one by one from the cam)
The fingers went out for a walk.
One, two, three, four, five - (Clamp fingers into a fist)
Hiding in the house again!

Pencil. I hold a pencil in my hands
I want to play with him.
They took a pencil in the palm of their hand and rustled a little.
I'll take a pencil - By all means, every finger,
I will teach you to be obedient.

One and two, one and two! (squeeze and unclench fingers)
Let's put words together from letters.
The sun is a radiant word. (spread their fingers and put the back of the palm of one hand on the palm of the other so that the fingers form rays) Cat is a fluffy word. (hold thumb middle and nameless; slightly raising the bent index and little fingers - “ears”)
Cow is a horned word. (straighten forefinger and little finger - “horns”) And the word “watermelon” is striped. (connect the fingertips, rounding the arch of the hand - “watermelon”)

Description of mobile games used in the work on the project.

Traffic lights. Purpose of the game: to consolidate the knowledge of colors. Rules of the game: We draw or stipulate the playing field. This will be the road. The guys are behind the field. There is a traffic light in the middle of the road (leading). He names the color and those who have this color on their clothes take it and calmly cross to the other side of the road. And if there is no color, then you need to quickly cross the road. A traffic light will catch violators. The one who is caught becomes a traffic light. At the same time, you can’t run out of the line, out of the way.

Do as I do! Purpose of the game: development of attention.
Rules of the game: The leader is chosen and becomes the center of the circle. Children stand in a circle. The host shows the movement, and everyone else must repeat it. The one who made a mistake either leaves the game or becomes the leader.

Merry Relay. The purpose of the game: the development of dexterity, courage, attention.
Game rules: Just come up with competitions for kids. And let them be in command. You can arrange any contests and competitions with each other. The kids will only have more fun.

ruler Purpose of the game: to bring up self-organization.
Rules of the game: Players are built in 2 - 3 lines along the perimeter of the site. On command, they diverge or scatter in different directions, and on a sound signal they line up in their place. The team that lined up faster and more evenly is noted.

Advice for parents "It's time for us to go to school!"

Your child is going to school soon. “Is he ready?”, parents think with excitement. One of important tasks Kindergarten's job is to prepare children for school. Some preschool kids want to have school uniform, briefcase, school supplies, and others are interested in learning something new. But sometimes children get bored in the classroom, they get disappointed and lose their cognitive interest in learning. For learning to be successful, children need to make strong-willed efforts to hear and listen to the teacher, fulfill his requirements, be attentive, and also start and finish work at the same time.
Children have involuntary attention in the very early age: it is a sudden sound, light, movement, it helps to navigate in space.
Arbitrary attention appears when a person specifically focuses on something. That's when the will turns on, the ability to organize oneself. It can be difficult for children, therefore, in order to attract their attention, educators resort to involuntary attention: clap their hands, hit a tambourine, ring a bell, invite a fairy-tale character to “guest”. But it is difficult to keep voluntary attention for a long time even for an adult, especially for children. And the process of learning at school requires from children, first of all, voluntary attention, which must be trained.
Games that help train attention.
"Guess what's changed?"
There are toys or objects on the table. The child closes his eyes, the object is removed (added, changed to another). Opening his eyes, he tells what has changed.
"Who's wearing what?"
The child closes his eyes and is asked to describe how his girlfriends and friends are dressed. How many flowers are on the window? Who brought your friend to kindergarten today? What was the girl we met holding in her hands? "Find differences".
Who will find the most differences when looking at two pictures.
"Pantomimic Studies".
Children are invited to walk the way a little girl walks, a boy in good mood, old woman, soldier, etc.
"Perform in the dark."
The player examines and remembers the location of objects on the table for 1-2 minutes. The player is then blindfolded. At the request of the host, he takes those items that are called to him. You can count points for a correctly completed task.
"Build in the Dark"
The player builds a high column of cubes with one hand until it falls apart. The higher the building, the more points the player gets.
Every caregiver strives for post-voluntary attention. Such attention does not require volitional effort (as voluntary) and is not a random orienting reaction (as involuntary). It combines best properties both: it does not tire, does not force the will to turn on, and at the same time organizes the child's activity and includes a chain of cognitive processes: perception, thinking, memory. Post-voluntary attention - gives interest in what is happening, the most beneficial for children and for educators: children do not get tired, they perceive and remember information very well, the educator is also interested in working, you can do a lot, achieve a lot.
The human psyche is a harmonious combination, an interweaving of many qualities, properties, processes. We educate attention - we provide better perception, memory, we form character. We care about observation - we teach to think, understand, have our own opinion. And so it is in everything.
Each child has different natural inclinations: the speed of nervous processes, the speed of switching from one subject to another, the degree of activity and fatigue. Any quality can be developed, only everyone has their own ceiling, and we, adults (parents and educators), must increase the level of his intellectual activity. You can not constantly suppress the initiative and will of the child. On the contrary, an uncontrolled child does not know how to organize his attention, he does not have such experience. Such children are often characterized at school as "capable, but inattentive." So that children at school do not experience the torment of holding their elusive attention in an uninteresting lesson, it is necessary to constantly train voluntary attention.

Consultation for parents "Advice to parents of future first-graders".

Soon to school. In a year, your child will cross her threshold. In an effort to help them take this step with confidence, parents sometimes go off their feet looking for institutions and private practitioners to prepare their children for the admissions interview. And a simple truth is forgotten: education can make a child smart, but only sincere, reasonably organized communication with loved ones and loved ones - the family - makes him happy. It is in your power to create just such an environment in the family that will not only prepare the child for successful study, but also allow him to take worthy place among classmates, feel comfortable at school.
1. Share with your child memories of happy moments of your past more often. The beginning of school life is a big test for little man. This moment is more easily experienced by children who have developed a warm attitude towards school in advance. This attitude is made up of contact with the past experience of loved ones. Scroll through the family photo archive with your child. This activity is extremely beneficial for all family members. Returning to the best moments of the past makes a person stronger and more self-confident. your good memories of school years, funny stories from school life and stories about childhood friends will fill the child's soul with joyful expectation.
2.Help your child acquire information that will allow him not to get lost. As a rule, children of this age answer the question: "What is your mother's name?" - answer: "Mom." Make sure your child remembers full name, phone number, home address, parents' names. This will help him in an unfamiliar situation.
3. Teach your child to keep their belongings in order. The success of a child in school largely depends on how he knows how to organize his workplace. You can make this boring procedure more attractive. Prepare the child’s workplace in the family in advance: let him have his own desktop, his own pens and pencils (pencils will have to be sharpened at first for you, dear parents). All this is like in adults, but - the personal property of the child! And the responsibility for the order is also personal, because adults have it.
4. Do not scare your child with difficulties and failures at school. Many children of this age are restless. Not everyone is brilliant at reading and counting. It is very difficult for many people to wake up in the morning and quickly collect them for kindergarten. In this regard, the desire of parents to warn children about upcoming troubles is quite understandable. “They won’t take you to school. .. ”, “Deuces will bet. .. ”,“ They will laugh in the class. .. » In some cases, these measures may be successful. But the long-term consequences are always dire.
5. Do not try to be a teacher for the child. Strive to maintain friendly relations. Some children have difficulty communicating with other children. They may become confused in the presence of unfamiliar adults. You can help your child overcome these difficulties. Try to organize a game for children in the playground near the house and take part in this game. Children love to play with their parents. Invite your child to invite his friends to his birthday party. This day will become unforgettable for him if there is a place in the celebration program for joint games children and adults. Let your child feel that he can count on your support in any situation. It is impossible to achieve this only by training sessions with a child.
6. Teach your child how to properly respond to failure. Your child was the last in the game and defiantly refused to play with friends further. Help him deal with disappointment. Invite the children to play again, but change the rules of the game a little. Let only the first be considered the winner, and all the rest be losers. Celebrate the success of each as the game progresses. Encourage chronic losers with hope. After the game, pay the attention of the child to how the other players reacted to the loss. Let him feel the intrinsic value of the game, not winning.
7.Child's good manners are a mirror family relations. "Thank you", "I'm sorry", "May I. .. "should enter the child's speech before school. It is difficult to achieve this with moral teachings and sermons. Try to exclude orders and commands from communication between family members: “So that I don’t hear this again!”, “Take out the trash.” Turn them into polite requests. The child will certainly copy your style. After all, he loves you and strives to imitate you in everything.
8. Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence. The child should feel in any environment as natural as at home. Teach your child to be attentive to their needs, to communicate them to adults in a timely and natural way. On a walk you went somewhere to eat. Encourage your child to order for themselves. Next time, let's make an order for the whole family. Let him try to ask in the clinic: "Where is the toilet?" or he will take a turn to a specialist.
9. Teach your child to be independent in everyday life. How more baby can do it on his own, the more mature he feels. Teach your child to undress and hang up their own clothes, fasten buttons and zippers. (Remember, small fingers can only handle large buttons and zippers.) Tying bows on your shoelaces will require special help and attention from you. It is desirable if it is not on the eve of going out into the street. It is better to dedicate a few evenings to this activity.
10. Teach your child to make their own decisions. The ability to make independent choices develops a sense of self-respect in a person. Ask your child about the family Sunday lunch menu. Let him choose his own dish for festive table and choose clothes appropriate for the weather. Planning family leisure activities for all family members on weekends is even more difficult. Teach your child to consider the interests of the family and take them into account in Everyday life.
11. Strive to make every moment of communication with the child useful. If your child helps you bake a birthday cake, introduce him to the basic measures of volume and mass. Grocery supermarkets - very appropriate place to develop attention and active listening child. Ask the child to put in the basket: three packs of cookies, a pack of butter, a loaf of white and a loaf of black bread. State your request immediately and do not repeat it again. The child helps you set the table. Ask him to put four deep plates on the table, put a spoon next to each plate on the right. Ask: how many spoons do you need? The child is getting ready for bed. Suggest that he wash his hands, hang a towel on his hook, turn off the light in the bathroom. When walking down the street or in a store, draw your child's attention to the inscription words that surround us everywhere. Explain their meaning. Count the trees, the steps, the cars passing by.
12. Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity - Draw his attention to the first spring flowers and colors of the autumn forest. - Take him to the zoo and together find the biggest animal, then the tallest. - Watch the weather and the outlines of the clouds. - Keep a handwritten journal of your kitten's growth.
- Teach your child to feel. - Openly experience with him all the events of everyday life, and his curiosity will grow into the joy of learning. Good luck to you and your children!

Project in the preparatory group of the kindergarten " White snow fluffy"

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