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What to choose: Weight loss products developed in the laboratory by nutritionists, or folk recipes allowing you to lose a few pounds?

There is a fat-burning drink that is on the verge of both. This is the famous Sassi water for weight loss, which has received unprecedented popularity, which is an invigorating cocktail of dietary products. There are no chemicals in it, all ingredients are natural and a specialist worked on its formula.

The result was amazing - with the help of this cocktail, with proper nutrition, you can part with the hated fat folds and even improve your health.

History of occurrence

The first thing that everyone is interested in is where the Sassi water came from and why it has such a strange name. The history of the creation of this fat-burning drink is one of many similar ones in dietetics. Its creator is Cynthia Sassi, who works in the United States as a nutritionist. She has more than one weight loss system on her account, but she long time stubbornly continued to search for a truly miraculous recipe.

As part of the experiment, not hoping for stunning results, she mixed dietary natural ( plant origin) products, diluted them with a sufficient amount of water and offered them to her clients as a fat-burning cocktail. Surprisingly, he broke all records. Satisfied with easy and rapid decline weight, women were grateful for such an effective recipe and an unusually tasty resulting lemonade. He acted on the body several times better than the diets previously developed by Cynthia.

Sassy Water is a weight loss drink that has become a real brand. He constantly resorts to his help. great amount who want to shed those extra pounds. And most of them get what they want.

Sassi's water diet is non-strict, but low in calories. The drink itself is needed to start the mechanism inside the body to burn fat. As a result, the weight shifts from the dead center and begins to decrease intensively. To achieve the results promised by an American nutritionist, you need to be able to properly prepare and take Sassi water for weight loss: there are several options for the main recipe and special schemes for drinking the drink. But how does it affect the body?

Curious fact. Cynthia Sassi has become world famous thanks to the unique development of weight loss in nutrition. The miraculous Sassy Water is not the only remedy that bears her name. However, the fact that practically nothing is known about the woman herself remains strange: her biography is still a dark spot to this day.

The process of losing weight

The recipe for the drink is very simple, all the ingredients are so well known and publicly available that the doubt involuntarily creeps in whether Sassi water contributes to weight loss. And if the effectiveness of this drink is so promising, how can it be scientifically explained?

In fact, it turns out that there is nothing surprising in this. Each ingredient in correct use cocktail in the body starts processes that play important role in weight loss.

  • Ginger

Accelerates the flow of lymph, which transports useful substances to the organs and removes toxins. Improves digestion and general state GIT. He is the main rider of body fat in the most inaccessible areas of the body - where even sports are powerless. We are talking about the inner thigh, arms, face and lower back.

  • Cucumber

This is one of the most low calorie vegetables. It is the basis of many diets. Actively removes compounds from the body heavy metals. It has a gentle diuretic effect. Contains a lot beneficial trace elements and vitamins. The uniqueness is that it is 90% water. That's why this vegetable so fast and easy to digest.

  • Lemon

One of the richest sources of vitamins and an invaluable storehouse of the most useful acids for weight loss. As part of Sassi water, this citrus does not give complex carbohydrates combine with fats, preventing their deposition.

  • Mint

This medicinal plant known for its calming properties, and stress is known to be one of the prime causes of recruitment overweight. In addition, as part of Sassi water, it reduces appetite and prevents hunger from overwhelming you, which is very important for the process of losing weight. It also removes toxins from the body.

All these ingredients are included in a miracle slimming cocktail called Sassi water. It not only burns fats already deposited in problem areas, but also perfectly cleanses the body of harmful products decay and excess fluid. So this unique drink is worth taking if you have weight problems. The only obstacle that can get in your way is contraindications to its use.

This is interesting. The second development of Cynthia Sassi after Sassy Water is a flat stomach diet designed for 7 days. Her motto is "Eat fat and lose weight!".


One of the indisputable advantages of Sassi water as a diet drink is minimal amount contraindications, which include:

  • allergy to cocktail ingredients (individual intolerance to mint is especially common);
  • kidney failure;
  • ulcer and serious problems with stomach;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

I would also like to recall the universal contraindications for weight loss, which apply not only to Sassi water, but to all methods for getting rid of extra pounds.

These include pregnancy and lactation, fever, childhood exacerbation of chronic diseases. In order for the results of the diet to please, and not disappoint, first undergo an examination and be treated, and then take on the correction of weight and figure. To do this, you also need to know the nutritional pattern and the use of a cocktail.

About the results. In fact, the Sassi Water Diet is not strict. It is easily maintained by a significant part of women who begin to lose weight using this technique. However, its results are amazing: no other cocktail will give you a weight loss of 4 to 7 kg per week.

Application scheme

The recipes describe in sufficient detail how to prepare Sassi water for weight loss, but the scheme for its use is not always described. Someone drinks it in liters during the day, some advise to use it in the morning on an empty stomach, others limit themselves to a glass a day - there are a huge number of variations.

So how to drink Sassi water for weight loss, according to this diet?

"Entrance" to the diet

  • First 4 days

The first four-day period involves the usual nutrition in a comfortable volume. Fatty, oversalted and peppery foods are excluded. But by day 4, you need to slightly reduce portions and start counting calories. Every day you need to drink from 2 to 3 liters of Sassi water - no more and no less.

  • Second 4 days

The second four-day “entrance to the diet” is again the usual diet, but already limited by calorie counting: their number per day should not exceed 1,400 kcal. This is quite enough for the active and uninterrupted functioning of the body and for saturation.

You will have to remove high-calorie foods such as flour and pasta. The consumption of meat and cereals also decreases, while a gradual increase in the diet fresh vegetables(for example,) and fruits. The amount of water absorbed by Sassi is up to 4 liters daily.

The diet itself

Lasts 2 weeks. Daily calorie content should not exceed 1600 kcal. Excluded at the "entrance" food continues to be banned. You need to drink Sassi water often, daily intake must be at least 2 liters.

As practice shows, this diet easily tolerated physically and psychologically. Kilograms melt quickly (up to 4 kg per week), the lines of the hips and abdomen are corrected.

As far as recipes go, making Sassi water shouldn't take you much time or effort.

On a note. The slogan of the diet on ginger-cucumber water with lemon reads: “Sassi water - drink and lose weight!”.

Basic Recipe

It is better to use the classic Sassi water recipe developed by Cynthia herself. It guarantees fast and safe weight loss.


  • 2 liters of mineral non-carbonated or ordinary drinking water;
  • 1 lemon (it should be medium in size);
  • 1 cucumber (previously peeled, but the seeds must be left, but make sure that the vegetable is not lethargic or overripe);
  • 20 gr fresh grated ginger root(this is a tablespoon "with a slide");
  • a few (10 to 15) fresh mint leaves.


  1. Grind all the ingredients: grate, puree in a blender, just cut with a knife.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Accept the resulting mass wooden spoon for juice to come out.
  4. To fill with water room temperature.
  5. Close the lid tightly so that the volatile essential oils that promote weight loss remain in the drink.
  6. Leave overnight in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  7. During the next day, drink the entire volume of prepared Sassi water, and in the evening make a new drink.

There is also a Sassi water recipe for weight loss without mint, which many people are allergic to. Do not be afraid to exclude one of the ingredients of the drink: from this it will lose slightly. The same applies to other products: lemon and ginger (individual intolerance to cucumbers - a rarity, if it exists at all).

Knowing how to make Sassi water for weight loss, according to the classic recipe, you can enjoy its effect on the body and kilograms melting right before your eyes. It will go especially well in the summer, as it perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather. Because of this, some people call this drink diet lemonade. Pleasant, unusual taste, refreshing aroma, invigorating effect, weight loss - all these properties make the ginger-cucumber cocktail with lemon for burning fat a real salvation.

You can resort to it when you urgently need to lose a couple of kg in a week, slightly adjusting the figure in problem areas. But it is also useful for those who suffer from obesity. It's time to find the strength in yourself to lose weight, and the magical Sassy Water will become your real assistant on this difficult path.

One of important aspects When it comes to losing weight, drinking enough fluids is key. Moreover, it is water that should be included in the daily intake (1.5 - 2 liters). But it is not always possible to fulfill this norm. An excellent option to teach yourself to drink and lose weight is the fragrant drink "sassi water". The recipe for weight loss is named after nutritionist Cynthia Sass.

The benefits of sassi water

Cynthia Sass is a fairly well-known nutrition expert and sports nutrition specialist in the United States. The drink, which is called Sassy water (Sassi water) - her original recipe in which all the ingredients are perfectly matched.

The drink improves metabolism, activity gastrointestinal tract, reduces gas formation, accelerates the breakdown of fats. Initially, it was an addition to the Santia Sass "Flat Belly" diet, but later it became so popular that it was recommended as an independent means for losing weight.

The composition of the drink and its beneficial properties

Even if you don't have problems with overweight Pay attention to this author's cocktail. IN basic recipe Includes 5 ingredients - water, lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint. These products will provide invaluable benefits to your body, provided that there are no contraindications, which are also important to know about.

Many necessary processes occur in the body with the participation of water. She is vehicle delivering to the cells of our body nutrients products that we use. Cleans joints, blood vessels, removes toxins. Insufficient water intake provokes the appearance of diseases such as thrombosis, decreases mental capacity vision deterioration and other problems. Water helps to regulate body temperature, which is especially important in the hot season. Drinking enough water improves digestion.

  • Lemon - there are few people who do not know about the benefits of this type of citrus fruit, it contains a lot useful vitamin and minerals.

As an ingredient in the sassi drink, it will help get rid of flatulence, belching, bile stasis, and improve liver function. Lemon is also known for helping to reduce appetite, activates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, removes excess water, and with it will help rid our body of harmful cholesterol, toxins, toxins, and speed up metabolism.

  • Cucumber is a product that belongs to the source of living water, it supplies moisture to the organs and tissues of our body.

Cucumber pulp renders soft diuretic effect which reduces swelling. Ideal product for diet food. Cucumber contains tatronic acids, which help to process carbohydrates and reduce the accumulation of fats in the body. The salts that make up the cucumber normalize the acid-base balance, improve the metabolic process.

  • Ginger - the rhizome of this plant contains important elements for good health and good health.

IN Eastern countries where this plant is especially popular, highly valued medicinal tea from ginger. It is used for prevention colds, strengthening immunity, improving the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular system. As a recipe for weight loss, ginger in a drink improves the functioning of the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism, and normalizes metabolism. Ginger water helps with the effects of a heavy meal, relieving an attack of heartburn and eliminating indigestion. Nutritionists often advise people who want to lose weight to include ginger in their diet.

  • Mint is a plant that has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, improves brain function, improves mood in the morning and helps to relax after a hard day.

Mint is used in diets for its ability to improve digestion, normalize metabolism, remove toxins from the body, eliminate putrefactive processes in the intestines, eliminating flatulence.

As you can see, each of these products is useful in itself. By combining them together, Santia created a cocktail that will invigorate, saturate the body. beneficial substances, improve the condition of the skin and hair, drive off extra pounds and make a flat stomach. The combination of all the ingredients makes the drink pleasant and gives the sassi water the taste of a real summer mojito. This is an option when you can lose weight deliciously.

Is there any harm from Sassy water, reviews of doctors

Lose weight at any cost - I hope this is not your motto, so carefully consider the information below. Reviews of doctors about this drink are positive, they are not opposed to using it as useful addition to diets.

Inna Valerievna, gastroenterologist:

Sassi water is a wonderful drink that has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Thanks to this water, slags, toxins, and excess fluid are removed. This is a healthy, natural way to refresh and heal the body.

Dmitry Alexandrovich, nutritionist:

This is, of course, very healthy drink, but I want to note that using only it, you are unlikely to lose weight. For a complex effect on excess weight, you also need to play sports, eat right. Only in this case, you can achieve weight loss and recovery.

But despite all the attractiveness of sassi water, doctors say that it has contraindications that it is important to know about in order not to harm health.

  • You can not drink the drink for those who are allergic to citrus fruits and ginger.
  • Caution should be taken with sassi water for those who have hyperacidity stomach, and also suffers from diseases such as kidney failure, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, who have kidney stones and gallbladder. As a refreshing and vitamin drink, 1 - 2 glasses a day will not bring harm, but it is not recommended to use large quantities for weight loss.
  • You can not use ginger in liver diseases such as chronic and acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Care must be taken with ginger for people with high blood pressure, with arrhythmia and heart failure.
  • If you are taking any medications, then ask your doctor about their interaction with ginger, as not all medications are combined with it.
  • For any chronic diseases, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Sassi water - recipe for weight loss

To prepare a drink, use quality products, it is better to take spring water, if there is none, then you can use bottled or filtered water.


  • clean water - 2 liters
  • lemon - 0.5 - 1 pc (depending on size)
  • ginger - 1 tbsp. l.
  • fresh cucumber - 1 piece (medium size)
  • fresh mint - 10 - 12 leaves

How to cook:

Sassi water is more classified as a summer drink, as it only needs to be stored in the refrigerator. Heat and light are not the most in the best way act on the cocktail, reduce it useful qualities, and also it can sour.

If you plan to drink sassi water for several days in a row, then you can not do it in advance in large quantities. You need to make as much as you can drink it in 1 day. In the evening, prepare a fresh fresh batch the next day.

The question is often asked whether it is possible to make sassi water without cucumber, without mint or without ginger. Yes, some of the ingredients can be excluded or reduced. Although it will certainly not classic version cocktail, but you still get the benefits for health and normalization of metabolism.
How else you can cook sassi water, see the video.

When and how to drink

As I said, initially Cynthia Sass developed a drink for her author's diet. But you can use sassi water outside of any diet, as an additional source of healthy liquid.

General tips for drinking sassi water:

  • start the day with a glass of drink on an empty stomach, thereby you will speed up metabolism
  • drink before each meal for half an hour
  • you should not drink food with a drink, it is better to do this 0.5 - 1 hour after eating
  • Drink no more than 1 glass at a time.
  • the evening portion of sassi water should be no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

If your daily water intake is 2 liters, then you can completely replace plain water with a cocktail. can part daily allowance replace it with a flavored drink.

If you decide to go on your favorite diet, then it is recommended to drink sassi water every day 4 days before the start of the diet, it will improve metabolism, help the body cleanse itself and the effect of the diet will be better.

Sassi diet for a flat stomach

The sassy water diet has been around since 2008, published by Santii Sass in her book Flat Belly Die, which quickly became a bestseller. The diet is designed for 32 days and the author assures that if all the recommendations are followed, you can be guaranteed to lose up to 6.5 kg and reduce the volume in the abdomen and sides.

The diet is divided into 2 stages:

  1. The first stage lasts 4 days and during this time the body will prepare for the main stage. During these 4 days, compulsory admission at least 8 glasses of sassi water a day. Eat 3 times a day, calories daily ration should be 1200 - 1400 kcal.
  2. The second stage lasts 28 days. At this stage, the intake of sassi water is also necessary. Meals 4 times a day, the break between meals is no more than 4 hours, the calorie content of the daily diet is 1600 kcal (400 kcal per meal).

There are also certain requirements for nutrition; eating cakes and drinking a fragrant cocktail will not work.

The advantage of the diet is that it will not be hungry, it does not belong to the category of complex and expensive, it is good for health. You can choose products for yourself, the main thing is to take into account the recommendations.

  • The emphasis should be on lean meat, fish, seafood, greens, vegetables, fruits, skim milk, whole grain bread.
  • 30% of the total daily diet should contain monounsaturated fats and should be included at every meal. As a source of monosaturated fats, foods such as sunflower, olive, peanut, linseed oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, dark chocolate. When adding these foods, keep in mind that some of them are high in calories, so stick to your total daily calorie intake.
  • It is important to exclude from the diet foods that cause flatulence, fatty and spicy food, carbonated drinks, sweets, pastries, sausages, smoked meats, fast food, reduce the amount of salt.

The disadvantage of the diet is that despite the fact that it really helps to lose a few kilograms, after the diet the weight can return. If you want to fix results achieved then watch your diet. Physical exercise are also welcome.

You can repeat the diet no earlier than a month later.

To date, there are a huge number of miracle cures that promise women to quickly get rid of excess weight.

Unfortunately, not all of them are really effective and safe for health.

Most often, extra pounds come back to more more.

Sassi water for weight loss appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to establish itself with better side.

Its properties have already been tested by many.

Nutritionists are sure that daily water intake in the right amount improves metabolism, hence weight loss. And if you add a few "secret" ingredients to the water, then it will be able to remove toxins from the body, take care of health and reduce the waist in volume.

Sassi water for weight loss: what is it

Sassi water is plain water, to which cucumber, mint, ginger and lemon are added. The history of its appearance is very interesting. There was one woman who for a long time was looking for a remedy that could help in getting rid of excess weight and cleanse the body.

It is no secret that body fat in the waist - this is the result of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the digestive system. Being overweight doesn't just happen. When toxins and toxins are not removed from the female body for a long time, calories begin to accumulate intensively. They simply do not have time to be processed into energy, hence unwanted kilograms come from.

Based this principle, the woman decided to take ordinary drinking water and saturate it with vitamins and natural fat burners. The result is water sassi for weight loss. It is not only delicious, but also a healthy drink for the body. For those who want to lose kilograms so that they do not return back, she will become ideal remedy.

Sassi water for weight loss: benefits and effectiveness

Drinking sassi water brings many benefits to the body.

1. The drink helps to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

2. The frequency of flatulence is reduced.

3. Better metabolism is stimulated.

4. The drink will speed up the process of splitting fats.

5. Sassi water removes toxins and toxins.

Can Sassi Water Help You Lose Weight?

It is important to understand that losing weight is a complex process. The drink will help a woman lose weight only if she follows the principles proper nutrition. It is required to maintain a diet, daily routine, then sassi water will definitely give an excellent result.

flour products;


artificial sweeteners;

Semi-finished products;

smoked products;

Fatty meals.

The products listed above can be seen as more useful. For example, boiled fish or lean varieties meat. Another important rule- it is not recommended to eat three hours before bedtime, otherwise the body simply does not have time to process the food, and it will be deposited as extra centimeters at the waist. If overcomes strong feeling hunger, it is allowed to eat one fruit or vegetable, drink a glass of kefir. A light snack will not overfill the stomach and will not create a feeling of heaviness.

Sassi water for weight loss: rules for use

Sassi water must be drunk measuredly. The first four days, 8 glasses during the day is the minimum amount to achieve the desired effect. The diet should be rich in nutrients. It is very useful to include flax and avocado seeds in your daily routine.

Rules for drinking

1. Sassi water for weight loss should be consumed in an amount of at least 2 liters. It is important that 1.5 liters should be drunk before 16-00.

2. When preparing a drink, only fresh ingredients of excellent quality must be used. Ginger and cucumber are pre-peeled.

3. The ingredients from which sassi water is made do not have to be eaten. The drink can be filtered, while it will not lose its beneficial properties.

4. Frequency of use - one glass every 2 hours.

5. Sassi water should be prepared the day before it is planned to be consumed. For example, if a woman decides to start the diet on Monday, the drink is prepared on Sunday evening and left in the refrigerator overnight.

6. The last glass of liquid should be drunk before going to bed for 2.5 hours. This is important because the sassi water causes fluid to be excreted. Moreover, an overly full stomach can provoke insomnia.

Sassi water for weight loss: a step by step recipe

Preparing a drink is not difficult, every woman can handle the recipe. In addition, it is worth noting that the ingredients are sold in any store or bazaar at the best price.

Required list of components:

A small amount of fresh mint (one sprig);

1 tablespoon fresh ginger (pre-minced)

Cucumber, peeled;

One large lemon (preferably thin-skinned);

cold clean drinking water(8 glasses).

Step by step recipe

1. Fresh large cucumber is peeled and carefully cut into thin slices.

2. Lemon is washed under running water warm water. It must be cut into thin circles, while the peel is not removed.

3. A small piece of ginger is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater.

4. A sprig of mint washes well warm water.

5. After all the ingredients are prepared, they must be folded into a convenient, pre-prepared container. For example, it can be a glass jar or a jug.

6. The container with the drink is placed in the refrigerator for infusion.

Sassi water for weight loss is ready. A refreshing and pleasant-tasting drink, you can start eating from the next day. It stimulates the metabolism. After a few glasses drunk, a woman will feel relief in her stomach, a surge of strength and vigor. Slags and toxins will no longer linger in the body. This means that calories that are deposited at the waist will not accumulate.

Sassi water for weight loss: contraindications

The main advantage of the drink is that it has practically no contraindications. The composition does not contain harmful substances that can harm the body. All components are absolutely natural and useful.

Despite this, there are still a few caveats to use.

1. It cannot be ruled out that some of the fair sex may experience individual intolerance to certain components of the drink.

2. Sassi water is not recommended for nursing mothers and pregnant women in such quantities as for those who wish to lose weight.

3. If you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis, you should not drink a drink. In extreme cases, you should consult with your doctor.

4. If a woman has kidney failure, sassi water can be consumed, but in no case two liters per day. This strong diuretic can cause ailments.

5. Of all the ingredients of the composition Special attention you need to turn to ginger - it has the most contraindications. Before planning weight loss with sassi water, they must be carefully re-read.

Sassi water for weight loss: when to expect results

When will sassi water for weight loss start to bear fruit? This question is of interest to all the fair sex, who dream of removing extra centimeters from the waist.

The effect of the use can be seen after 3-4 days, but only if proper diet nutrition. This result is confirmed by multiple reviews of girls of all ages. Some have been able to reduce their waist by 3 centimeters in just 5 days. In any case, the amount of weight lost will depend on the state in which the female body before starting the diet.

Sassi water for weight loss is by far the most safe means for the fair sex, which will help get rid of extra pounds. The drink is easy to prepare, refreshing and invigorating. Regular consumption of sassi water will help not only to forget about excess weight, but also improve the general condition of the body.

Today there is a wide selection of miracle remedies and recipes for weight loss. the main task in this abundance - to find a really worthy method that will not harm health. The slogan "Water Sassi - drink and lose weight!" appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among those who are eager to lose weight, because this vitamin drink helps not only reduce weight, but also improve well-being.

What is "Sassi water"

Sassi water is an aqueous infusion of lemon, cucumber, ginger and mint leaves.

The combination of ingredients in water gives a unique palette of taste and benefits.

The name "Sassi" came from the name of the American doctor Santia Sass, a woman who was looking for an effective way to cleanse the body and eliminate fat deposits around the waist. A few years later, Santia managed to independently create an original recipe, which consists in the optimal combination of natural products infused with water.

Useful properties of ingredients

All nutritionists unanimously say that you should drink about 2 liters every day. pure water. It improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract and activates the processes of losing weight. It is often advised to replace ordinary water during a diet with Sassi water, which has more miraculous properties:

  • ginger, which is part of the cocktail, increases the metabolic rate in the body and promotes fat burning;
  • fresh cucumber combined with water has an excellent diuretic effect, which removes excess liquid in the body, relieves swelling and leaves a feeling of satiety;
  • lemon saturates the body with vitamins and organic acids that help remove discomfort in the stomach, and also burn toxic substances and toxins;
  • mint leaves eliminate bloating, improve stomach activity and calm the nervous system.

Water Sassi accelerates the process of splitting fat deposits

In addition, as a result of the normalization of the water-salt balance in the body, the general condition of the skin, nails and hair improves.

IN summer time year, a cooling cocktail is very refreshing and quenches thirst.

Initially, Sassi water was invented as part of the “flat tummy” diet, but as it was consumed, many other pleasant side effects were revealed.

cooking recipes

At home, even a child can easily prepare a drink. We present you the classic (basic) recipe for Sassi water and refreshing citrus, which can also diversify your dietary routine.

Classic Sassi Water Recipe


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 cucumber of medium size;
  • 28 g fresh root or 1 tsp. dry ginger powder;
  • 10 pieces. fresh leaves peppermint or 1 tsp. dry grass.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut lemon and cucumber into thin slices.
  2. Peel and grate the ginger root.
  3. Tear the mint leaves into small pieces with your hands.
  4. Place all products in a jar, pour water at room temperature, cover with a napkin and send the liquid to the refrigerator.

Based on citrus


  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 whole lemon or its freshly squeezed juice;
  • 1 orange or its freshly squeezed juice;
  • 2 tangerines or their freshly squeezed juice;
  • 5 pieces. fresh peppermint leaves or 0.5 tsp. dry grass;
  • 5 pieces. fresh sage leaves or 0.5 tsp. dry grass.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop all fruits.
  2. Mint and sage leaves to detail with your hands.
  3. Put the products in a container, pour drinking water, cover with a napkin and place in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to infuse these wellness cocktails for at least 10 hours. The best option- make water in the evening and leave it overnight. During this time, the water will be saturated with vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the human body.

This mineral cocktail is very easy to prepare.

There is also more fast way preparation of Sassi water, in which necessary ingredients grind in a blender with a glass of water to a mushy consistency. Then 2 liters of water are added to the resulting mixture and the drink is sent to the refrigerator for 1 hour. After the time has passed, you can enjoy a light refreshing taste.

Subtleties of cooking

When preparing Sassi water, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  1. It is best to use spring water, but you can also take mineral water without gas or filtered.
  2. Fruits are recommended to be added whole, together with the peel - it contains most essential oils beneficial to the body.
  3. Cucumber before cutting, on the contrary, it is better to peel. Otherwise, it will add bitterness to the drink, which cannot be killed (unlike citruses).
  4. Mint and sage are best taken fresh. Beneficial features dried herbs are significantly reduced.
  5. Ginger should also be added fresh. Dry powder may not give the desired effect.
  6. All products should be washed thoroughly before use. Be aware that they may contain harmful pesticides, nitrates, or sulfur, which is often treated with fruits and vegetables to preserve their appearance.

Video: How to make a drink

All 2 liters of the infusion made should be drunk within one day. Therefore, to include a drink in the diet menu, you will need to prepare it as needed. Below are the most popular Sassi methods.

Method number 1

Drink a vitamin cocktail 1-2 times a week.

On the day allocated for the diet, divide 2 liters of water into 8 doses:

  • 1 glass - on an empty stomach after waking up;
  • 2 glass - half an hour before breakfast;
  • 3 glass - an hour after breakfast;
  • 4 glass - half an hour before lunch;
  • 5 glass - an hour after dinner;
  • 6 glass - half an hour before dinner;
  • 7 glass - an hour after dinner;
  • 8 glass - 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

This method of drinking water cleanses the body of harmful substances and helps to lose about 7 kg per month if salt, sugar, flour products and caffeinated drinks are almost completely absent from the diet.

Method number 2

The intake of the drink begins with a 4-day stage, which causes fast start for weight loss. During these days, they drink water by the above method (8 glasses each), observing food restrictions so that the calorie content does not exceed 1400 kcal per day.

Then they move on to a 4-week stage, which involves increasing the calorie content of food to 1600 kcal. There should be 4 meals per day for 400 kcal. Sassi water continues to be consumed at the rate of 2 liters per day.

From the menu, everything fried, salty, sweet, floury, canned is reduced to a minimum. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, fruits and vegetables with coarse fiber are completely excluded.

Be sure to include in the diet foods that are sources of unsaturated fatty acids- nuts, dried fruits, fish, seafood, vegetable oils. In not in large numbers the use of kefir and cottage cheese is allowed.

By following this diet program, you will notice weight loss and a smaller waist after the first stage.

After the first stage, the waist is reduced by 5-7 centimeters

Please note that after the diet, the lost kilograms can return. Therefore, observe the measure in food constantly, periodically indulging the body with water.

Important rules for use

Despite the fact that this water is considered beneficial, it is still worth following some recommendations when using it.

  1. Do not drink more than 4 liters of infusion per day. By increasing the amount of liquid you drink, you will give an additional load to the heart and kidneys, as well as stretch the folds of the stomach, which are very difficult to return to shape.
  2. Do not drink more than 1 glass of water at a time.
  3. Do not leave the drink in direct sunlight or heat. Spoiled water can have a detrimental effect on the stomach.
  4. Sassi should preferably be stored in an opaque container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  5. You can strain the cocktail before drinking. Eating floating vegetables, herbs and citrus is not necessary.

This light drink can be drunk outside of diet programs


Sassi water is contraindicated for people who have:

  • high blood pressure;
  • severe renal failure;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum)
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the cocktail.

If an atypical reaction of the body is manifested (malaise, acute pain in the abdomen, allergies, etc.), it is necessary to stop drinking the drink and immediately consult a doctor.

Before using Sassi water for weight loss, people suffering from any chronic diseases of the internal organs need a doctor's consultation.

Is it possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Women who want to lose weight with this method during pregnancy and during breastfeeding should also consult a doctor. Ginger combined with water has high tonic properties that can harm the health of the baby and mother.

To date, the market is full of various means for losing weight, and the Internet is full of a variety of diets. With so many proposed methods, it is very difficult to distinguish which is more effective and will help you lose weight forever.

One of the famous names on this list is Sassi water. Nutritionists around the world emphasize that the main factor in a healthy diet is drinking water.

Only water is the key to a good figure and healthy body. As any chosen diet says - a person should drink at least two liters of water in one day. Moreover, tea, juices and soups cannot be attributed to this amount. This is the amount of purified non-carbonated water. So why not add ingredients to the water that promote weight loss, cleanse the body and reduce the size of the abdomen?

American nutritionist Cynthia Sass, was developed unique drink, which has become an excellent way out of the problem of getting rid of excess weight for all fat women. The water, called "Sassi", in honor of its author, helps burn fat, increase metabolism, improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Lemonade Sassi is quite simple and economical in the recipe, and due to its effectiveness, it is gaining popularity all over the globe with great speed.

Sassi water for weight loss - recipe

In order to prepare this unique drink, you will need the following:

  1. 2 liters of purified water without gas.
  2. Peel and grate ginger root on a fine grater - 1 teaspoon.
  3. Cucumber, grated - 1 pc.
  4. Lemon, finely chopped - 1 pc.
  5. 15-20 fresh mint leaves.

All products from this list should be mixed and left to infuse overnight in the refrigerator. 1 glass of this drink should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. The rest of the water should be drunk throughout the day. Sassi water should be kept in the refrigerator and new, fresh Sassi water should be prepared every day. Even if there is water that has not been drunk since yesterday, it should be thrown away.

The maximum dose of Sassi water per day is 4 liters, since in large quantities it will overload both the stomach and the heart, due to the combination of mint and lemon. To enhance the pleasant taste, other citrus fruits can be added to Sassi water: tangerines, oranges.

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How to drink Sassi water

The methods of preparing this drink sometimes differ, since those who want to lose weight may have allergic reactions to one of the constituent components. The main factors are the absolute freshness of cucumber and lemon. If they spent more than 3 days in the refrigerator and managed to wilt, you should go to the market for fresh ones.

They also use Sassi water, which excludes mint in its composition. Such water is prepared in a situation where fresh mint is not available, and dry mint is absolutely not suitable for such a recipe.

In this case, instead of it, grated orange skin is added. The drink will smell delicious and, on top of that, will be filled with vitamin C. Sassi water prepared according to this recipe is just as effective as mint.

Sassi water must be consumed within 3 weeks, then you should stop taking it for 2 weeks. During these periods, people notice how they successfully lose from 6 to 16 kilograms. Naturally, much depends on diets, the rhythm of life and physical activity.

Sassi Water Diet

For efficiency and speedy weight loss, you should combine the intake of Sassi water with certain diets. Here even diets without severe restrictions can come up, the main thing is to eat balanced, without overloading the body.

Suitable diets to combine with Sassi water, they are designed for only four days:

  • Diet number 1. Eat two days should be almost without changing the diet. You need to exclude only fatty, spicy and salty foods. On the third and fourth day, you should gradually reduce the size of portions, and monitor the calories eaten. At the same time, 2 to 3 liters of Sassi should be consumed per day, not forgetting that the morning begins with two glasses of the drink on an empty stomach.
  • Diet number 2. You can eat any food, but not exaggerating 1400 calories per day. At the same time, the norm per day is considered to be 1200 kilocalories, and 1400 is a completely normal amount so as not to feel hunger and get active work the whole organism. Need to forget about flour products: muffin, pasta. Also reduce the amount of meat diet and cereal. Increase the menu with vegetables and fruits, while drinking up to 4 liters of Sassi water for weight loss.

Within 2 weeks after following such diets, you should continue to eat, watching your calorie intake. Maximum amount per day - no more than 1600. At the same time, Sassi water consumption is no less than 2 liters per day. This method of losing weight is quite simple, easily tolerated, and after a month it is clearly noticeable.

Sassi - contraindications and harm

Water for weight loss Sassi has no side effects and does not harm the body. The recipe is healthy, made from natural ingredients and therefore has no contraindications. Naturally, one should remember the individuality of each organism.

It is possible that an allergy will begin to one of the components, or an intolerance to one of the components will appear. Most often, such a reaction can be to ginger. Also, whether pregnant and lactating mothers should use Sassi water should be decided by the attending physician.

Acidity of water Sassi can irritate the mucous membranes of ulcers and patients with gastritis. It is advisable to consult a specialist for any chronic disease that a person has.

Such an amount of liquid is strictly prohibited with mild renal failure. If after drinking water during the day there are ailments of unknown origin, you should stop taking it and seek the advice of a doctor. You should pay attention to the contraindications of ginger. It is he who, as a rule, in those rare cases when side effects happen is an irritant.

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Eleonora Gevorkyan, 32, Orel

I drank this water for about three weeks, while I was on a diet for more than a month, but to no avail. It was with water that Sassi began to lose weight. For three weeks, the arrow of the scales showed 9 kilograms less than it was. Now I took a break, but in two weeks I will drink Sassi again. The taste is quite pleasant due to the lemon, I think next time I will add an orange.

I noticed that in addition to losing weight, the skin of the face improved significantly. Perhaps this is also thanks to Sassi. I definitely believe in its effectiveness and advise everyone - my friends have already started using this recipe after seeing my changes. Sassi great topic, which does not require global financial costs, but it helps a lot.

Inna Soroka, 27 years old, Sevastopol

I recovered a lot after giving birth. What I just didn’t do and how much money I spent on various herbal teas and diet pills, nothing helped. Only the weight of my wallet decreased, but my own did not go away. I read about Sassi on the Internet and, frankly, without much enthusiasm, I began to drink every day.

I didn’t stand on the scales on purpose so as not to be upset. How surprised I was when, two weeks later, I realized that my jeans were dangling on me! Stepping on the scales, I noticed that in two weeks it took 10 kilograms. It's just magic! But besides Sassi, I didn’t even use diets, I just stopped eating after 18-00, but that was before, and here is such an effect!

Definitely, Sassi works wonders! I feel light again and I like my reflection in the mirror!

Tamara Zabudko, 35 years old, Kaliningrad

I read Sassi's recipe in the newspaper and immediately decided to try it. It was winter and fresh mint was not to be found, therefore, as the recipe allows, I replaced it with an orange.

Firstly, losing weight with Sassi is pleasant, as the taste of this unique lemonade is very pleasant.

Secondly: there is nothing complicated in the reception and preparation of Sassi, and it also does not require large finances, which, in fact, captivates.

For three months, intermittently, I used Sassi. My result, believe it or not, is minus 27 kilograms. And I am happy. I decided to drink this water, according to the correct schedule and breaks all my life, because it was she who made me beautiful.

Igor Petrukhin, 45 years old, Samara

Drank Sassi for two months. Didn't notice any particular effect. Perhaps all because he did not seek to go on diets.

From good points I can say that the general condition of the body has improved, and there is lightness in the stomach, so I think it really cleanses from toxins. But the excess weight, unfortunately, remained the same.

I will try to sit on diets, combining water, we'll see what happens.

Nadezhda Chernova, 29 years old, Ivanovo

I spent three weeks on a diet and combined it with Sassi water. The result is, but not quite the way I would like.

For three weeks, only 5 kilograms. Perhaps this slow weight loss is due to my train schedule, in connection with which I eat in different time days. I decided after the break to continue and move towards the goal, albeit slowly, but stubbornly. I can’t say anything bad about my well-being when using Sassi.

Natalya Soboleva, 38 years old, Tyumen

I want to describe my story of acquaintance with Sassi. I purchased everything the right ingredients, and in the evening I prepared some water. I put the bottle in the fridge overnight. From the very morning I drank two glasses on an empty stomach, and then drank every two hours. After dinner I didn't feel very well. Having measured the temperature, I saw 37.3. Maybe now I think I have kidney problems.

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